country : Eastern Europe > Latvija
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  Latvia (/ˈlætviə/; Latvian: Latvija), officially the Republic of Latvia (Latvian: Latvijas Republika) is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by Estonia (343 km), to the south by Lithuania (588 km), to the east by the Russian Federation (276 km), and to the southeast by Belarus (141 km). Across the Baltic Sea to the west lies Sweden. The territory of Latvia covers 64,589 km2 (24,938 sq mi) and it has a temperate seasonal climate.
  The Latvians are Baltic people culturally related to the Estonians and Lithuanians, with the Latvian language having many similarities with Lithuanian, but not with the Estonian language. Today the Latvian and Lithuanian languages are the only surviving members of the Baltic languages of the Indo-European family. The modern name of Latvia is thought to originate from the ancient Latvian name Latvji, which, like the name of Lithuania, may have originated from the river named Latuva.[citation needed]
  Latvia is a unitary parliamentary republic and is divided into 118 municipalities (109 novadi and 9 cities). The capital and largest city is Riga. Latvia has been a member of the United Nations since September 17, 1991; of the European Union since May 1, 2004 and of the NATO since March 29, 2004.
  Eastern European countries. Pro Baltic Sea. Area 6  37 million square kilometers. Population of 250  4 million (1995). Riga, the capital. Plains and hilly terrain to the main. An oceanic climate. Economy industries, mainly machinery and metal processing. Development of animal husbandry, bee-keeping in general.
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No. 3
  拉脱维亚最佳旅游时间: 拉脱维亚属海洋性气候向大陆性气候过渡的中间类型。夏季凉爽,白天平均气温23℃,夜间平均气温11℃;冬季较长,沿海地区平均气温零下2-3℃,非沿海地区零下6-7℃。年降水量500-600毫米,湿度大,全年约有一半时间为雨雪天气。 拉脱维亚民俗节庆活动: 国庆日 : 11 月 18 日是拉脱维亚宣布独立纪念日。
  主要传统假日 :最古老与最有纪念意义的节日是仲夏节 (6 月 23 日力果之夜和 6 月 24 日的亚力斯日 ) 。节日期间有丰富多采的传统庆祝活动,此活动可溯源至数千年之前。
  风俗 传统的民族服装是:男子着衬衫、长裤、长外衣,扎腰带、戴呢帽。女子着绣花短袖白衬衫、方格或条纹裙子,系绣花围裙,扎头巾。已婚妇女戴亚麻布帽子,姑娘戴穿珠刺绣的花箍。 饰物有银手锅、胸针。现在普遍穿城市服装,民族服装主要用于节日和文艺演出。民族主要食物为面食、豌豆、肉冻、酸奶汤、面包汤。现在农村居民大多住设备良好的多房间的砖瓦房,宅旁有花坛、果树和菜园。歌咏节是传统的民间佳节。此外,还有成年节、海洋节、开 春节、丰收节等。
  禁忌和礼仪 该国不同宗教信仰的国民各自信守教规。在国际场合行握手礼,采用国际通用的称谓,即称男士为“先生”;称女士为“夫人”、“小姐”、“女士”。如对某人特别尊敬,习惯上赠送柞木叶子做成的桂冠。
  拉脱维亚美食: 美食:拉脱维亚的食品与北欧其它国家类似,油腻而且丰盛。但它也有自己的特色菜,例如奶油大麦汤和牛奶鱼汤、夹着腊肉和洋葱的馅饼以及黑面包布丁。当地人很喜欢喝啤酒。  拉脱维亚购物: 特产:畜牧品、木材。
  拉脱维亚交通: 主要以铁路和海运为主。
  【水运】内河航线全长350公里。主要海运港口有文茨皮尔斯、里加和利耶帕亚,其中文茨皮尔斯港是波罗的海沿岸最大的不冻港。 2000年港口吞吐量为5184万吨,比1990年增长5?7%,其中文茨皮尔斯港3480万吨,里加港1330 万吨,利耶帕亚港300万吨,其余港口74万吨。2000年港口客运量为60586人次,比1999年下降19?4%。
English Expression
  1. n.:  Latvia,  latvian,  Lv,  Latvijas Republika,  Latvija
French Expression
  1. n.  Lettonie
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