prefecture-level city : China > Guangxi > Hechi
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Pool; pond
  Pool; pond. Qing Pan Her Majesty "at the age of Emperor Jing Lin Ji Sheng Award": "all the way Hechi reward lotus, flute drum is music, call Jingri noise." "Tian Yu Hua," the seventh back: "Mercury chaotic rotating wave run, fruit is the pool human ... ... running around in circles Falling strip Gum, jumped together in Hechi. "
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河池 旅游
  Hechi Tourist Complaint Phone: Hechi City Tourist Complaint Tel :0778 -2,286,661
  Guangxi Provincial Tourism complaints Tel :0771 -5,529,315
  State Tourism Tel :010-65275315 Complaint Hechi Best Travel Time: Hechi located in low latitude, the subtropical monsoon climate zone. Long, hot summer, winter is short and warm, rich in calories, adequate light, rainfall, long frost-free period, annual sunshine hours in most parts of 1447 and 1600 hours. Higher temperature, annual mean temperature is generally in the 16.9 to 21.5 degrees Celsius, in the southern and northern parts of the temperature difference of about 6 degrees, in most places there is no winter. Average annual rainfall across the region in general from 1200 to 1600 mm, and more places more than 2500 mm, at least 1,000 mm above the place is also very beneficial to plant growth.
  Hechi Folk Festivals: Drums Folk Art Festival, Hechi to remind: The function of climbing gym with a refreshing, mountain Linhe quiet, beautiful, warm wind blowing in the spring, how to make it easier to climb easily?
  Mountaineering experts summed up tips: If you make exercise a high mountain climbing, or climbing usually less participate in sports, then, do some warm-up before the climbing exercise is necessary. Namely the use of 10-20 minutes to do some muscle stretching exercises, try to relax muscles, so that when climbing a lot easier. Increase the spring action upward climb, in each step are interested to add some bounce action, not only effort, but also the spirit of people seem full of vitality. Do not always look uphill climbers do not always run uphill to see, especially the mountain at the beginning, because your legs are not used to climb the action, too often, it creates a living point of view of fatigue. Generally speaking, upward climb, the eyes remain in their own front thirty-five meters at best. If the mountain is steep, you can be "z" shape to climb, so more effort. To divert attention when climbing mountains do not always think of how high, how much time is needed to climb up to that sort of thing. Hurry, stop and go can experience the fun of hiking, do not miss the beautiful scenery. In the tired, you can enjoy the surrounding scenery more, but also sing and to divert attention, tiredness will be cut. Down to relax down must control the pace themselves, must not be rushed too fast, it is easy to hurt. Also, pay attention to the knee muscles to relax, stretch the legs too tightly will have a greater pressure on joints, muscle fatigue. Hechi Food: Hechi Cuisines: roasted rats, loose fish, Kitayama dog, rock beach river fish
  Hechi shopping: the famous specialties include: East Portland Mexican rice, fish oil Alabama, Huanjiang mat, Nandan Nandan sugar cake cake claw fold
  Hechi Accommodation: The main hotel are: Hechi Jincheng Hotel, Yizhou Grandview Hotel, Jin Nanhai Hotel Hechi Entertainment: Dahua Electric Power Hotel: You ok in the first-class facilities, dance halls and private rooms to enjoy music and dancing mtv and pop music fun. Gym, swimming pool, soccer fields, skating rink, track and field, volleyball, basketball, tennis badminton court, billiards room, chess room types, can freely choose.
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  Hechi Youjiang revolutionary base is an important component of Deng Xiaoping, Zhang Cheng, Chi Wang, Wei Baqun, Liu Sihua, Yaohua Yu, Yuan Han evening, the pool of people holy, the U.S. pool, Liang Zhizong fought the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries where is the good son of the Zhuang people pool Tyrant, leader of the Peasant Movement in Guangxi, the home of Wei Baqun people of all nationalities to the Chinese revolution made great sacrifices and contributions. Awarded the rank of Major General in 1955, more than 17 generals in Guangxi in the membership, membership Hechi 7 people. The city has 108 towns 9 cities and counties are revolutionary base areas. At present the site has retained the revolutionary Lenin rock, Kuixinglou Building, Red Hechi seven military camp, the twenty-first Red Army division headquarters and other seven.
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  Guizhou-Guangxi Railway passing through; there are red and gold rail, Yizhou to Rochester railway. There Jinchengjiang, Rochester, Yizhou, Nandan four large railway station
  Hechi is the Northwest regional centers, in Guangxi occupied a very important position, it is not only Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan and an important transportation hub, was also the history of the "jets to military strategists." Hechi back southwest face of the Southeast Asia, is the most convenient channel southwest of the sea. Hechi transport facilities, payment should be a highway, Liu Yi Expressway, State Road 210, Guizhou and Guangxi, the water either (Jinchengjiang any water from the village to Nanning North) Highway built for rapid economic development Hechi area to provide a guarantee.
  Water transport
  Hechi rich in water resources, with Red River, Heilongjiang, Jiangsu Diao, Pan Yang River, fresh water river, Chengjiang, the size of Central Jiang, Liuhe cloth, soap under the River. Shipping convenience.
  Hechi Civil Airport is the national "Eleventh Five-Year" period distribution in the western region is one of 28 regional airports, the airport for domestic regional airport runway, 2,200 meters, 45 meters wide.
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Natural Resources
河池 自然资源
  Mineral Resources
  Hechi is located in the circum-Pacific metallogenic belt, which is part of Nanling metallogenic belt. Therefore, mineral resources, especially non-ferrous mineral resources are very rich in minerals with a more complete, symbiosis, associated minerals, widely distributed, good quality and large reserves, high utilization and strong features and value. The city's 11 counties (districts) have mineral deposits, has proven a tin, antimony, zinc, indium, copper, iron, gold, silver, manganese, arsenic and other minerals 205 43.
  Antimony ingot silicon ore tin ore
  Hechi nonferrous metals in the country, has played a large proportion of Guangxi, is the famous "non-ferrous metal village", to maintain reserves ranking first in Guangxi, tin, lead, zinc, antimony, silver, indium, cadmium, sulfur, arsenic other 9 species. Among them, accounting for one third of the tin metal reserves, ranking first in the country; indium metal reserves among the highest in the world; antimony and lead metal reserve ranks second. In addition, vanadium, copper, gallium, gold, iron, limestone, marble, coal reserves are also very rich.
  Water Resources
  Hechi mild climate, abundant rainfall. Within the catchment area of ​​30,010 square kilometers, the average annual total water resources of 250 billion cubic meters, accounting for 13.3% of total water resources in Guangxi, ranking highest in Guangxi. Calculated by land area, 7,100 cubic meters of water per mu, higher than the national 1813 cubic meters per mu, the level of 4750 cubic meters per mu in Guangxi, river network density of 0.153 km / sq km. The city has 635 rivers and streams, of which more than 50 major rivers, the total length of 5130 km river. The main rivers are the two major rivers of Red River and Long River, are the Xijiang River.
  Hechi many rivers, river density, a large gap between the terrain, abundant reserves of hydropower resources. According to statistics, the city's water resource potential of about 10 million kilowatts, accounting for water resources, Guangxi, more than half is the future of South China's energy centers. Countries are planning the construction of Red River 10 cascade hydropower stations, including four in Hechi territory. Dahua Power Station has been put into operation the power plant and rock beaches, installed capacity of 400,000 kilowatts, respectively and 121 million kilowatts; has launched the Tian'e County in the Longtan Hydropower Station, recently installed capacity of 4.2 million kilowatts, forward 5.4 million kilowatts, is second only to the Three Gorges hydropower station under construction in large-scale hydropower project, is planning the largest Red River cascade "leading" power station.
  Biological resources
  Hechi across tropical and subtropical Asia, complex topography, light, heat, water and other climate rich in resources, favorable natural environment, rich in biological resources.
  1, plants
  The city has 203 plant species have been found families, 697 genera, 1850 species. Among them, there are 84 families of forest tree species, 250 genera, 532 kinds of workers, forest tree species are 143 kinds of evergreen trees, deciduous trees 98 species belonging to state protection as a rare species, 60 species; medicinal plants, 162 species of The main medicinal plants 22 species of oil plants and 16 species of forage plants, 20 species of 240 kinds of forage plants, fiber plants and 14. There are 60 kinds of animal resources, is a national first class protected animals, 10 species of second-class protected animals, 23 species, three types of protected animals, 11 species of rare animals and 2 species of economic animals 16 species.
  2, crop
  3, fruit
  More than 200 varieties of fruit, subtropical fruits, more than 80%. The types of advantages with the development of citrus, plum, plum, pear, persimmon and so on. At present, the whole region an area of ​​31,412 ha orchards, fruit production reached 129,100 tons. Pomelo, grapefruit red seven, twelfth lunar month, orange, plum, seedless persimmon, plum, wild grape, ginkgo, longan, large fruit of hawthorn fruit as the main famous high quality thin, has a strong market competitiveness and development prospects .
  4, Forest
  Guangxi is one of the main forest Hechi. According to forest resources survey, the city has an area of ​​1,017,000 hectares of forest, of which 593,000 ha of timber, accounting for 71.5% of total standing stock 26,160,000 cubic meters. Forest trees is rich in resources, a total of 84 families, 250 genera, 532 species, including 241 kinds of trees, 143 kinds of evergreen tree species, 98 kinds of deciduous trees. In the vast forest, the distribution of white beans cedar, Taxus chinensis, clams Amentotaxus wood, Atlas tree, lobular red beans, gold Li, Ma Gua wood, South wood, fragrant fruit trees, timber trees of silver pheasant, green money Liu, hor_set_ail tree, more than 10 species of rare plants.
  Hechi can be used for the development of forestry land area of ​​1.85 million hectares, have been used are 1.792 million hectares, there are 5-8 million hectares available for development and utilization of forestry development Hechi has favorable conditions and great potential.
  5, livestock
  Hechi mountainous and hilly grassland, widespread distribution and forage resources. Forage resources identified 100 kinds of 10 families, of which more than 30 species of grasses; There are 12 kinds of high-quality forage. Abundant forage resources, enabling the development of cattle, sheep and other livestock production mountain.
  Hechi more than 30 animal species, mainly platypus, koalas, chickens, ducks, geese and so on. Beef cattle under the Southern, Central River and Bama miniature pigs, goats, chicken is one of the treasures of Ukraine, with great development potential. Southern beef cattle is under Maonan people in the traditional way from the local cattle for fattening, there are "three separated meat," said, with tender meat and delicious, not greasy mutton characteristics are not being mass known as the "top grade meat "; goat meat a distinctive flavor, nutritious, delicious, high protein content; pig fat rich thin, fine quality meat, tender, too fat, affordable, nutritious, fragrant, are banquet cuisine, the traditional export commodities, and more sales overseas.
  6, native
  Hechi plant and animal species, native resources are very rich, the "native storage," said. According to statistics, the value of the native food of 500. There are 160 species of medicinal plants, the acquisition of nearly 500 tons; Radix, habitat, Poria, Ban Langen, Tianqi, Amomum, gall, etc. is Hechi bulk medicinal plants. In addition, aquaculture of native products Fishing Gecko, civet cats, mountain Swiss, more than 10 species of snakes. There are a variety of wild oil, aromatic, starch, fiber and other chemical raw materials, plants and exotic flowers, comprehensive development and utilization of wild plants and animals is a big advantage Hechi.
  There Hechi primates, amphibians, reptiles and other animals more than 700 species, many of them rare birds and strange beasts. Such as the pangolin, musk deer, langurs, leopard, mandarin ducks, etc., are included in the national protection of more than 20. Pangolin is a rare delicacies Hechi City, with the flow of qi, swelling and pain, sore reminder, blood and other functions.
  In addition, a variety of Hechi for agriculture, forestry, medicine and other departments of the insects 83 families, 707 species.
  7, fish
  Hechi a variety of freshwater fish, 52 species including 20 kinds of fish economy. Mandarin (mandarin), sesame swordfish, Huang Feng, fish, fish oil Alabama, catfish and other freshwater fish is the top grade, the home of fish to grass carp, silver carp, bighead carp, carp, Tong Kok fish, tilapia fish for the bulk. In recent years, eels, catfish and other developed very rapidly, the development prospect is broad.
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Tourism Resources
河池 旅游资源
  Hechi this nature to love, give her the magic and beauty of the party landscape, is a rich tourism resources, urgent need to develop a "kept in purdah did not know," the tourist treasure. Fantastic male beauty karst landscape, a mix of landscape, beautiful mountains Pinghu charming grace, a variety of original forest landscape, antique landscape, unique in the longevity of resources, rich ethnic customs, gave added Hechi travel infinite splendor.
  According to incomplete statistics, Hechi scenic spots have been found, are more than 60 points, distributed in 2 cities and 9 counties region, is a rich tourism resources in minority areas, has great development potential. Is opened, there are four distinctive tourist areas:
  (A) of the four major tourist areas
  (1) Yizhou tourist area. Including Yizhou City, Rochester Mulam County.
  (2) Hechi tourist area. Including Jinchengjiang area, Nandan, Central River counties.
  (3) Red River Reservoir mountain lake tourist area. Including Dahua, Alabama, East Portland, Tian'e counties (county).
  (4) longevity Panyang convalescent tourism. Feng and other counties, including the Dongba (County).
  (B) Characteristics of Tourism Resources
  1, old revolutionary base areas
  2, heritage
  Cliff is a splendid cultural heritage of ancient China, mainly in the territory of Yizhou City, currently the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Yi Wang Yizhou Bailongdong Ground in sing poetry and other stone, the Tang and Song Dynasty poet scholar Bailongdong Cliff more than 60 pieces of the most spectacular. In addition, there is the famous valley of ancient relics Temple, Long Yin Yan, Yishou Bridge, nine, such as Han, Song will lay the ancient city of Cave Camp, Xiangshan Temple, mainly in Yizhou, Rochester, East Portland, and other counties and cities. Both of these valuable cultural heritage tourism resources, is to study history and political, military, economic, ethnic and social conditions of the valuable information.
  3, SHP
  Hechi is the focus of one of the bases of hydropower construction, since the mid-60s, countries in the Red River, Long River has established a number of large and medium hydropower on, thus forming a power plant reservoir ─ ─ charming mountain lake, Tourism is a new area to be developed. Has been developed and to be developed are: Rokko, pull waves, Nakdong, Dahua, beaches and other five reservoir rock lake, especially Dahua, Pinghu Yantan two mountains is most attractive.
  4, longevity
  5, Tonggu town
  Hechi is the famous "hometown of Drums", according to information available, only 2,400 around the world face drums, and there are more than 1,400 surface Hechi, including more than 400 Donglan surface.
  6, Reserve
  National designated nature reserves ─ ─ ninety thousand mountains, cloth Liuhe, piercing River, three tigers, Yuli more than 50 square kilometers in area, is a tropical animal and plant kingdom, more than 1,000 plant species, which is a national second-class protection of rare species, such as short-leaf yellow fir, Fujian cypress, white beans cedar, tulip, etc. here are pulled into the film grows. Beautiful mountains such as the South China tiger, the size of civet, monkey Steppe Cat, hundreds of species of musk deer, etc., is one summer, tourism, exploration, scientific investigation of the good place.
  (C) tourist attractions
  1, Yizhou soap under the river
  Yishanbangshui Yizhou soap under the legendary Village, Third Sister Liu Zhuang locked inside the home, is now open for the resort, the Four Seasons visitors without a break. The tourist area of ​​"Shan Qi, Shueisiou, hole secluded, stone the United States," known to enjoy "is not in Guilin, Guilin worth" reputation, visitors to the ancient and modern elements for the lips. Main attractions: There Shuiguang glittering, graceful, picturesque soap under the river; the holes have water, water tunnel connected to a fairy You Yuan Jing mysterious rock; strange magnificent, Victoria Miao-dimensional smart, mysterious white Cave; Koho stands, clean reflected, waterfalls Zhixie sword River Fengguang and so on. Yizhou, Rochester area's mountains, plains roots towering, shape great, complete development of various karst caves, magnificent, the hole over the exquisitely carved, colorful, Victoria Miao-dimensional pretty stalactites. These peaks and caves with soap under the Heilongjiang River and its tributaries, clear water and green bamboo Wye River Group phase mirrors, forming a Green hills, odd holes, rock beauty, bamboo, secluded lake, Quan, flying waterfall beautiful scenery, beautiful mountains, beautiful river landscape composed of a mix of landscape. In particular the hometown of Liu San Jie Zhuang locked inside ─ ─ soap under the Village to Yizhou 15 km of soap under the water-way, and Jiang Jian's father, a few kilometers along the river, is tall and straight sides Qifeng, Silk eddy whirl, whirling bamboo, reflecting a clean, mountain light very beautiful color, called "the world wonders," is not absolutely amazing, never forget.
  2, Nandan Spa
  Located 12 km south of the source in Nandan County, 70 years of mine found that flow up to 90 tons / hour, water is clear and transparent, soft, smooth and supple, temperature 53 degrees, containing sulfur, indium, iron, copper, strontium, manganese, zinc, boron , fluorine, lithium and other useful elements on the human body, soothing care with strong effect on rheumatism, skin diseases, nervous bone disease, gastrointestinal and other diseases have a special effect functions.
  3, Rokko Little Three Gorges
  The name of the Three Gorges in childhood, they will know it the magnificent splendor. Wu Li went mostly mountains, cliffs Fu Xiao, stalactite hung upside down, Furuto view the sky is hanging everywhere, the river here, spotless, very deep. Small Three Gorges of the current development process and from the 12 km trip from the day the door Gap, cool Gorge, Lijiang Longmen Gorge, and composed of rural scenery.
  Tianmen breathtaking gorge, we saw two peaks towering straight on the water, just like the two open doors. Hill had said that the two together, because the pull of crustal movement and put them into two eventually form what they are. The most amazing is that when the cruise ships pass through the days of the door move, the behind the two "doors" in the field of vision in people actually getting "close", makes a sudden and devastating, "one man guards the pass, Wan Fu Mo open" the feeling .
  Also memorable on the cliffs to enjoy "gorges" of the magnificent landscape. Built on a cliff several hundred meters of the bridge, a pier and the construction of the Muluo the power in this natural moat between the dam into a "ladder", where visitors walk, reminding us of scenes to go on the water, especially in the fog days, walking in the bridge really was the "clouds"-like illusion.
  Small Three Gorges of the Yangtze River Three Gorges both spectacular, but also both the beautiful Lijiang River, the canyon valleys on both sides of bamboo Yiyi, and distribution of large tracts of wild Jiao Lin, and plant age of dinosaurs "living fossil" Cyathea growth which also constitutes a very Eco Adventure scenic beauty; many peaks above into the natural self into many parts of depression is an excellent choice for rock climbing enthusiasts place here really held several climbing competitions; The Lions hope day, beetles hope day, bat wings , Mo, etc. However, a statue but pretty wonderful attractions, visitors are not provoked bursts of surprise when the voice.
  If you want to experience the daily life of Yao people, then went to Yao to play some new Walled it. Built in a small way at the end of the Three Gorges tour though Yao Village development near the new, but also beginning to take shape, where you can spring Ciba, grind rice, cotton can be spun by hand, or to learn about their Yao wonderful girl method of embroidery; If you are interested, may wish to participate in quiz about "twins" game, there is a gift delivery guessed it; if you feel a little hungry to dig on the 2 yuan to buy a pound of taro or chestnut, in the sense of savory sweet Watch Yao Yao sister singing songs, tastefully.
  To the Small Three Gorges, you can not eat here, odd smell of fresh river fish, river fish produced here, both fresh and tender, fried fish oil, sesame swordfish cooked tofu, braised eel fish bone
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Administrative Division
  Hechi Shixia a municipal districts, four counties, five autonomous, hosted a county-level city. There are 174 towns and 1,627 villages (neighborhood) committees, 32,191 villagers, including 5 national autonomous counties, 13 autonomous townships. Hechi City. Area of ​​33,494 square kilometers, population 390 million (2008).
  Jinchengjiang area. Area of ​​2340 square km, population 32 million. Zip code 547000. District People's Government in Hechi City Jiangbei Road (Jinchengjiang town).
  Yizhou. Area of ​​3869 square km, population 63 million. Zip code 546300. Qingyuan Municipal People's Government in the town.
  Nandan. Area of ​​3902 square kilometers, population 280,000. Zip code 547200. County People's Government in the county towns.
  Tian'e County. Area of ​​3196 square kilometers, population 150,000. Zip code 547300. County People's Government in the sixth row of town.
  Fengshan. Area of ​​1743 square kilometers, population 190,000. Zip code 547600. County People's Government in phoenix town.
  Donglan. Area of ​​2435 square kilometers, population 280,000. Zip code 547400. County People's Government in the town of East Portland.
  Bama Yao Autonomous County. Area of ​​1966 square kilometers, population 240,000. Zip code 547500. County People's Government of Baku Mazhen.
  Duan county. Area of ​​4092 square km, population 61 million. Zip code 530700. Anyang County People's Government in the town.
  Dahua Yao Autonomous County. Area of ​​2754 square kilometers, population 420,000. Zip code 530800. Dahua County People's Government in the town.
  Rochester Mulao County. Area of ​​2639 square kilometers, population 360,000. Zip code 546400. County People's Government in East Gate of the town.
  Huanjiang County. Area of ​​4558 square km, population 37 million. Zip code 547100. Si en County People's Government in the town.
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Hechi Food
  Hechi features very little food, but hybridization of thought, generally eat their own specialty, although the names have been in other places, but those who know the taste of eating different friends.
  1. Grilled foods
  Matter of course on behalf of fish. However, the specific source is unknown (there is talk that car ride, but also to say what is Jinchengjiang), but popular in a short time Hechi. Materials generally used in carp or tilapia. Ingredients are beans, chives, fern, Houttuynia. Night market is booming in a class. Of course, grilled shellfish, grilled pork ribs.
  2. Lo food
  Jinchengjiang people generally will know that the railway is very special taste of duck feet. With other types of lo taste different, it feels bite of this crisp duck feet, duck and smell has infiltrated bones. Lo all other classes and are generally no different.
  3. Cold food
  Yizhou of the cold dishes alike. Especially in the summer, Icy's taste, coupled with hot and sour in taste, great texture. There are many varieties, such as radish, Liang Pi, jellyfish, kelp, Houttuynia, tofu skin, fungus ... ...
  4. Powder food
  Although the source of the powder are Hechi other places, but after the wise man Hechi spontaneous development, but also added their own flavor. Hechi people generally eat the morning meal, noon, afternoon, have to eat.
  Cooked meal, a small boiler, plus a variety of side dishes (green onion, pickled cabbage, radish, seaweed, fern, pepper, bean sprouts, cabbage) cooked. The main problem is the taste, pink kind of flavor.
  Fusilli, this source is Liuzhou, but the screw powder and Liuzhou Hechi different. Liuzhou Fusilli soup usually call the shots with a screw soup, add a small amount of tofu skin. However, the will choose chili soup Hechi shots soup, add tofu skin, tofu B, day lily (this seems to have Liuzhou?), Matched with a variety of ingredients. Then taste, it is relatively hot.
  Guilin rice noodles, Guilin, in the name of powder, but the development of Hechi it changed. Light is simply no longer the main ingredients is more complex and. As many ingredients, so Fenwei also changed. Powder and food ingredients can eat about a minute and a half. Is the same with the same hot pink only.
  5. Fen Zhengrou
  The local characteristics of MSG powder, mix the meat to cook, very tasty!
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Hechi City
Hechi Town
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