finance and economics : Finance : securities : filming : facial > art
English Expression
  1. n.:  art,  artwork,  virtu,  work of art,  junk art,  art craft,  arts and craft,  artform
  2. adj.:  baroque,  precious
Related Phrases
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Containing Phrases
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Years Art auction chart incidentalYears Art auction chart jade articleYears Art auction chart painting and calligraphy
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China Art auction almanac chinaChina art auction almanac antique incidentalChina Art auction almanac China painting and calligraphy
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Collect Zhidao Art invest cover take note with one's own handYears Art auction chart painting and calligraphyYears Art auction chart jade article
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China Art market Almanac Antique rollChina art auction almanac antique incidentalChina Art auction almanac China painting and calligraphy
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