社会关系 社会中人与人之间关系的总称。马克思指出:人的本质是一切社会关系的总和。此意即为社会关系源于人,因为有了人类,人与人之间便产生了各种复杂的关系,这些关系就统称为社会关系。
从关系的领域来看,社会关系的涉及面众多,主要的关系有经济关系、政治关系、法律关系。经济关系即生产关系。此外,宗教、军事等也是社会关系体现的重要领域。 |
社会关系:是人们在共同的物质和精神活动过程中所结成的相互关系的总称。 |
- : social relations, social ties
- n.: connection
social behavior | mankind | community | human culture social science | liability | a Renyu community | community Obligation | marriage | marriage | life | celebration | business background | Sappho | morality | ethnics | Economics AND community | Economics AND morality | commerce | sociology | politics | cyclopedia | household | emotion | industrialisation | doctrine | capitalism | wealth of society | medicine | trauma | EENT Nasopharynx laryngology (usually together with otology and rhinology, known as otorhinolaryngology) | |
community skill in seeking relationship for one's own good | sociogram | enterprise connection | connection regulate | all sorts of connection | Connection admeasurement | sociometry | sociogram | Connection of conclusion | Community And connection | dreamy connection | Connection admeasurement advices | Individual community affiliation Mode | form a useful connection | jungle | Minister And Connection of Background Mode | Connection cybereconomy introduction | Connection regulate Hengheng | south Minority Traditional cultures And Harmony connection | material and ideological social relations | |
kin | |