discipline of physics : electronic Science And Technology : Electrical & Information Engineering : communication engineering > electronics
Electronics Overview
  Electronics, electromagnetic waves by electronic movement and their interaction as the core of the research and were developed using the. Job as the new information obtained by means of a flourish.
  Electronics is one of the main elementary particle family members. Electron rest mass is 9.10953 × 10-28 grams of hydrogen atomic mass of 1 / 1836. Electronic charge there 1.602189 × 10-19 coulomb of negative charge. The existence of the universe, the opposite of e ─ ─ positron, but its life is very short, under normal circumstances do not exist. Proton charge and electronic charge has equal absolute positive charge, the quality is the main hydrogen components. In general, atoms with the same amount of electrons and protons, foreign no significant electrical properties. But when it is captured or lost electrons, electrical appeared outside, known as ions. Ions in the electronics also occupy a certain position, but far less widely used electronics. Charge associated with the surrounding electric field, electric field on the charge generation force. Charge and produce electricity, but also associated with current around the magnetic field, magnets or currents of force. When the current changes, the electric and magnetic fields surrounding the change will follow. This change in wave energy in the form of carrying out a certain speed transmission, this wave is called electromagnetic waves. The faster the current changes, the shorter the wavelength of electromagnetic waves generated, but the velocity change. Electromagnetic wave propagation velocity in a vacuum 299,792.46 kilometers per second. Electromagnetic fields and charged particles and electromagnetic waves can interact to produce energy transformation. Theory and practice have proved that light waves, X rays, γ-rays are all electromagnetic waves, but different wavelengths. Electronic and electromagnetic waves with a wave-particle duality; in the electronics and high speed very short wavelength of electromagnetic waves, wave-particle duality is very significant.
  Basic elements of information operations can be summarized as information collection, transformation, transmission, exchange, storage, processing and reproduction and so on. Electronics, information operations for the contemporary technology provides a powerful means, such as computers, communications networks, radio networks, radar, remote sensing technology, has greatly enhanced the human senses and brain function, so that the production of modern human society activities, economic activities and social activities, efficiency is improved. Electronics mankind entered a new stage of the information society.
  Energy supply to the human production and life of the power needed. Nuclear energy and solar energy are more and more attention, solar energy is renewable energy. It is calculated that solar radiation to the peak power of the earth a hundred trillion kilowatt. Semiconductor solar cells made of an important means is the use of solar energy. Electronics in the development and use of old and new energy, increasingly shows its important role. A new branch of electronics ─ ─ to emerging.
  Materials in modern human society for the existence and development of physical infrastructure. Electronics in the transformation of existing materials and create new materials, the materials analysis and materials processing operations, also play an important role, and often through state and electronic technology changes can be achieved.
  Experienced non-stop for about a century to develop interest and development of modern electronics has become of the most striking one of the professional and academic.
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The history of electronics
  Electronics birth date only about 100 years of history, it is in the early electromagnetics and electrical engineering basis to develop.
  Marks the birth of electronics, two major historical events, is the Edison effect of the discovery and validation experiments on the existence of electromagnetic waves. 1883, Edison is committed to extending the life of the carbon filament incandescent lamp, accidentally found in the filament and the positive voltage increases there is a current flowing through the electrode, the electrode is negative, no current, this is the Edison effect. This discovery later led to the invention of tubes.
  In 1887, the German HR Hertz conducted an experiment, he used a loop antenna incentives spark gap, the gap in the ring with another band antenna, confirmed the existence of Maxwell on the electromagnetic waves predicted, this important experiment led to the later The invention of wireless telegraphy.
  Electronics in the development process has made many significant achievements.
  The invention of wireless telegraphy, is the first human use of the great achievements of electromagnetic waves, electronics, began a research and use of electromagnetic waves in a very prosperous period.
  Tubes are the first generation of electronic devices, in nearly half a century before the invention of the transistor, the tube is almost the only available in a variety of electronic equipment, electronic devices. Electronics followed many of the achievements, such as television, radar, computer inventions, and the tubes are inseparable. Solid State Electronics is thriving in the modern, high power tubes (especially the microwave power tube) and electron beam vacuum tube electronics, represented and remains an active area.
  The invention of television can be traced back to 1884, PG Nipkow German television on the idea of ​​mechanical scanning. The vision to fruition Nipkow JL Baird in Britain. In 1927, he successfully used telephone lines to the image transmitted to the Atlantic Ocean from London on board. But this is not the modern type of all-electronic television, the first fully electronic television to make an actual contribution to the VK Ziwo Lei Jin. His 1923 and 1924 have invented the camera tube and kinescope. In 1931, he assembled the world's first fully electronic television system. Next several years, again and again improved, about 30 late in the Anglo-American has started experimental television broadcasting. After World War II, television broadcasting will becoming more common in all countries.
  Radio, television invention, not only enrich the cultural life of mankind, but also to provide mankind with a public information media.
  Radar objects, especially metal objects (such as ships), with the ability of reflection of electromagnetic waves, in Hertz, Marconi, Popov time is long known. Before the invention of radar, radio devices measure the pulse height of the ionosphere has been conducted for many years. World War II on the eve of a major offensive weapons in the aircraft case, Britain, the United States, Germany, France and other countries have spent most of the manpower, competition in the development of early warning aircraft to a class of devices. In 1936, the United Kingdom RA Watson - Watt warning radar designed to put the first run. It is mounted on the east coast of England, effectively warning from the German bombers. In 1938, the United States for the development of the first to command the artillery gun fire control radar, greatly improving shooting guns. In 1940, there can produce high-power microwave multi-cavity magnetron, the following year, the first successful development of microwave radar. 1944, to automatically track the aircraft's radar developed. 1945, can eliminate the background interference of moving objects displayed the invention of moving target indication, so that the radar more perfect. Throughout World War II, radar, electronics has become part of one of the most active. Radar proximity fuze is also the nature of its hundredfold increase fire power.
  The invention of computer calculation tools, has come a long way. From the ancient Chinese abacus to count chips and the slide rule and 16th century Western-style computer gear, from the mechanical computer to computer, from manual calculations to automatically calculate, from decimal to binary, is an evolving process. Computer more and more widely, from scientific computing extended to transaction management, process control, information retrieval, artificial intelligence and many other fields of human production and life had a tremendous impact.
  The invention of the transistor electronics to a new stage. Electronics, many of the achievements in the future, such as integrated circuits, microprocessors and micro-computers, are evolved from the transistor.
  IC 1958, Texas Instruments has announced an integrated oscillator available, for the first time the transistors and resistors, capacitors and other integrated on a silicon wafer, forming a complete monolithic basic function of the circuit. In 1961, Fairchild announced that the United States made an integrated trigger. Since then, the integrated circuit to obtain a rapid development. Digital integrated circuits from small scale to the size, scale, and even to the very large scale, more integrated, so that the past and even large computers to small and medium computer miniaturization, into the micro-computer period. At the same time, also has been the development of analog integrated circuits.
  The invention of integrated circuits to create a _set_ of electronic devices and some electronic components in one of the new situation, the traditional concept of electronic devices has changed. This new type of packaged device size and power consumption are small, with a separate circuit functions, and even a function of the system. Monolithic microwave integrated circuits also has entered the production stage. The invention of integrated circuits electronics into microelectronics period is the development of electronics, a major leap forward.
  Synchronous communication satellite with a fixed point as a relay station for the intercontinental transmission of information provides a stable and reliable means, but also solve the vast country's domestic communications. The success of satellite communications is communications technology, electronics is another leap forward.
  Optical frequency of the development and use of e-learning an important aspect of development, reflected in the expansion of the use of the electromagnetic spectrum, including in particular the band of light (including infrared and ultraviolet) of the development and utilization. Maxwell founded his theory of classical electromagnetism, it had already clarified the electromagnetic nature of light. Human understanding and use of light far away in the electronics before the birth. However, before the invention of the laser, people involved, mainly non-coherent light.
  In 1954, the United States by CH Townes cooling of the ammonia as working substances, the development of the world's first maser. Later, the Soviet Union Н.Г. Basov and А.М. general Huoluo Fu also developed into a working substance cesium fluoride maser. In 1958, Townes and AL Show Low to the principle of microwave stimulated emission extended to the infrared and optical frequencies. In 1960, the United States for the development of TH Maiman ─ ─ first laser pulse ruby ​​laser. Less than a year later, the first continuous laser ─ ─ helium-neon laser developed. Since then, for the information technology of the electromagnetic spectrum, from radio frequency extended to optical frequencies, so that has become very crowded radio spectrum has been eased.
  Lasers have enabled the British D. Gabor invented holography in 1946, photography was given a new vitality, and for the subsequent large-capacity high-density information storage technology laid the foundation. The advent of lasers, but also led to the emergence of large-capacity optical fiber communications, the satellite communication technology following the leap happened after that, which in turn is a major progress.
  Application of basic science electronics made in practice a series of major achievements, and its basic sciences in the application of the achievements are inseparable.
  20 to 30 years, because of the carrier, long distance and audio communication needs, people of the circuit network, analog filters, transmission lines, such as hearing and sound, and has made significant progress.
  E-education in the history of the achievements are many, each branch has its own professional or academic achievements of the application of basic science. Theory and practice, the cycle of mutually reinforcing, and continuously improve, the entire electronics to a yet another new phase.
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Progress in China's electronics
  Electronics and electronics industry in China, the creation and development is only after the founding of the PRC began.
  1949 to 1952, is China's economic recovery period. The main achievements of this period as follows: The state established the Telecommunications Industry Authority, the unified leadership of the country's telecommunications industry; transformation of the take over of several factories, and soon produced a number of talk radio and military step machines, in China first time in history to produce complete _set_s of receiver tubes; a number of electronics science and technology workers returning from overseas to participate in nation building.
  1953 to 1957, is China's first Five-Year Plan period. The main achievement of this period: the construction of a group of component devices, communications and radar-focused enterprises, development and production of a number of radio equipment, radio communications, military radar; to _set_ up more than a dozen colleges and universities in the Department of Radio Science, created a professional Institute and the Institute; for the first time developed a plan development of e-science years.
  1958 to 1965, the main achievements are: the completion of the development of atomic bombs and missiles, as well as to test the electronic matching projects required; develop and produce a number of military radar, radio and other communication equipment; built a 1,000 kW medium-wave radio transmitting , 10 channel television center and the black and white television 10 kW; established the Research Institute of Posts and Telecommunications, Electronics Industry Institute and its affiliated research institutes.
  1966 to 1976, a decade of unrest, China has obtained under extremely difficult conditions of progress are: the first artificial Earth satellite was successfully launched; the first integrated circuit computer was developed; to design and manufacture of the earth station built; the giant 25-meter antenna tracking radar in use; the first giant phased-array radar test run.
  Since 1977, China's electronics has entered a new period of revitalization, access to many significant achievements. One representative of the achievements: the successful launch of a geostationary satellite communications experiments point; build a national satellite control network; developed into a thousand million times vector computer and a computer; for the development of 16-thousand random access memory, and 8-bit microprocessor device; built in Beijing, Shanghai-Hangzhou Road, 1800 coaxial cable communication system; optical fiber communication systems have been in Shanghai, Tianjin and Wuhan into the local call to reach a practical stage; initially built a national television network, television transmitters and differential turntable, has reached more than 5,600 the total number of blocks; in the National Science and Technology Committee under the leadership of the development of Electronic Science and Technology developed the Ten-Year Plan.
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Professional Electronics and System
  Modern electronics is a huge professional and disciplinary system, in this system contains a large number of branches. Organically combine them together to form a unified whole electronics. These branches, according to the nature can be divided into four categories, namely: systems and large-scale systems technology; basic theory and basic technology; components, devices, materials and technology; cross-class professions and disciplines. Modern electronics like a leafy tree, deeply rooted in applied physics, applied chemistry, applied mathematics and other basic subjects of the soil.
  Systems and large-scale systems technology branch of this category are: communications, radio, television, radar, navigation, electronic warfare, computer, to electronic systems, and integrate multiple systems technology of large electronic systems. The common feature is achieved by way of electronics with a one or more of the functions of social and military applications.
  Method of communication is e-learning, from a point to point (people, man and machine or machines and machines) and information transmission principles, techniques and systems. Broadcasting is the language, music and activities and still images, text broadcast to the public by the public reception, recording and the principles, techniques and systems. TV is associated with images and text and voice, etc. intake, transmission, reproduction, broadcast, receiving, recording of the principles, techniques and systems. Radar is the use of objects on the scattering of electromagnetic waves to detect aircraft, missiles, ships and other targets, and target information for such principles, techniques and systems. Remote sensing technology is mainly used in the air surface features, clouds and other electromagnetic radiation to observe the phenomenon of surface and atmosphere, to obtain geography, topography, geology, vegetation, hydrology, meteorology and other useful information can also be used for military. Remote sensing technology can be applied on the ground. Navigation is a method to determine the ship electronics, aircraft, vehicles, etc. to guide them to the destination location and embarked on the principles, techniques and systems. Electronic Warfare is a means of opposing the use of electronic surveillance and interference of the principles, techniques and systems. Measurement and monitoring system is not only widely used in electronic science and technology, and electronic measuring and testing techniques are also widely used in various industries, including electricity and non-power measurements.
  Computer is achieved by numerical methods of electronics, logic operations, data processing, process control, signal and information processing, computer-aided design, expert systems, principles, techniques and systems, including computer hardware and software. Electronics computer is a branch of the largest, and is gradually separate to the self-contained professional and academic development. To electronic systems is the use of electronic means and the motivation to work, such as the use of solar power generation, microwave, high frequency, laser, ultrasonic processing, and processing, scheduling and use of computer and other microprocessor-controlled to save energy.
  Large variety of electronic systems are electronic systems with different functions organically combined and coordinated operation, form a feedback and control functions of the large and complex systems. For example, the integrated services digital network global space surveillance systems, space control system, command - control - communication systems.
  Basic theory and basic technology branch of this category are: electronic circuits and network analysis, microwave, antennas, wave propagation, measurement, power, display technology, signal processing, information theory, control theory, reliability theory. They are required to constitute a functional electronic system based on a variety of techniques or theories.
  Electronic circuit and the network is composed of electronic components and functionality of electronic devices electronic unit. Electronic circuits are linear, nonlinear, analog, and digital pulse several categories, to achieve filtering, frequency balance, oscillation, amplification, modulation, frequency, pulse shape, switch, shift, memory, counting, etc. multiple functions. Microwave technology is about the decimeter and centimeter wave, millimeter-wave transmission, etc., radiation, measurement and applications of the theory and technology. Antenna is within the constraints of the transmission line can be converted into electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic waves to the designated space or the reverse process of the theory, techniques and devices. Is related to electromagnetic wave propagation in the troposphere, the ionosphere, the ground surface, water or other homogeneous and heterogeneous propagation media have absorption, reflection, refraction, diffraction theory, method and experimental research. Measurement is in a very broad electromagnetic spectrum electromagnetic parameters of measurement, including electronic components, devices, materials, circuits and electronic devices the basic parameters of the measurement, a variety of electronic signals characteristic parameters and the electromagnetic energy measurement, network parameters were measured, and measurements related to these theories, technologies and devices.
  Power is the use of electronic methods to chemical energy, thermal energy, nuclear energy, solar energy, AC power, DC power, high frequency energy, microwave energy, ultrasonic energy, laser energy and other changes in each other, for various purposes.
  Components, devices and materials, process belongs to the main branch of this category are: solid state electronic devices and integrated circuits, vacuum electronics, electronic components, electronic materials and related production technology. Branches of this kind can be said that the material basis of electronics.
  Cross-disciplinary professional and electronic learning and other interdisciplinary penetration, but also the formation of many new branches. This category are: quantum electronics, nuclear electronics, space electronics, biology and medicine electronics, radio astronomy and radar astronomy.
  Quantum electronics is the use of material within the quantum system by stimulated emission of radiation between energy levels phenomenon, zoom in or generated by coherent electromagnetic waves and to study the subject of this application process. Press used to say, laser technology is the main content of quantum electronics.
  ELECTRONICS main nuclear science, nuclear technology and high-energy physics experiments related to nuclear radiation and particle detection in the electronics technology, research, and nuclear explosions in outer space radiation effects on electronic systems, as well as radiation hardened technology.
  Space electronics is the electronics and space science technologies.
  Both biological and medical electronics, electronics and biology, medical integration, but also in electronics, biology and medical applications.
  Radio astronomy, interstellar space by celestial or natural radiation of space objects and astronomical phenomena; radar astronomy radar method is used near the sun and the solar system terrestrial planets.
  Electro-mechanical engineering of various electronic equipment, devices and components, the device contains a large number of mechanical technology. This mechanical technology must meet the unique requirements of electronic technology, and different from the general mechanical engineering.
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Development and application of electronics
  Electronics is one of the fast development of the discipline. The invention of electronic devices from the tube to the invention of the transistor 44 years experience, developed from the transistors to integrated circuits only for 10 years. After the advent of integrated circuits, 20 years, has been the development of small scale to medium scale integrated integration and large-scale integration, the development of the ultra-large scale integration and the emergence of the unit, four have been to 32-bit microprocessor.
  Communication technology has experienced a number of epoch-making progress. Electronics was born from the open wire before the birth of the early development of the radio electronics; from the long, medium and short wave extended to ultrashort wave, microwave, and then extended to the infrared and visible bands. At the same time, long waves also has been applied; from microwave relay to the coaxial cable, until the modern synchronous satellite relay, and more recently fiber-optic communications. Multiplex communication by telephone, the channel has to pass a million analog telephone and digital telephone thousands of road. Communication range is continually expanding, expanding from domestic to international, from continental expansion to the world, from the development of near-Earth space to the deep interstellar space.
  The role of military radar has increased from 2 to 3 orders of magnitude, no transponder on the furthest up the non-cooperative target thousands of kilometers, the cooperation of a transponder can reach tens of millions of kilometers or more goals. Orbit around the Earth almost all targets have been placed under surveillance radar. Radar measurement accuracy also increased 2 to 3 orders of magnitude, precision tracking radar range accuracy has been Damien order of magnitude, angle measurement accuracy has reached the order of milli-arc. Applications range from military radar extended to weather, mapping, civil aviation, land and water transportation, urban construction and environmental protection and other civilian departments.
  Electronics used in agriculture, but also brought great benefits to agriculture. Weather is critical for agriculture, with radio and radar methods to collect meteorological data in some areas, a dedicated meteorological satellites can regularly broadcast a wide range of various regions of the world cloud, communications network for the dissemination of meteorological information, the computer used for meteorological information deal and make forecasts. Using remote sensing data can be obtained soil moisture, crop, pest and other information. Electronics can also be used for breeding crops germination and drying of grain processing.
  Electronics for military and improve the performance of various weapons and equipment, and a profound impact on the way to military action. In modern weapons and equipment, increasing the proportion of electronic equipment. Electronic technology or intelligence reconnaissance, communication, analysis and decisions, command and control are indispensable means. Because of this, an invisible war ─ ─ War electronic warfare became a compelling form.
  Electronics for scientific research provides a powerful means. Astronomers using a giant radio telescope, the observations extend to the depths of the universe 20 billion light-years; Geography way home discovered the Sahara desert of remote sensing submersion of the ancient river; biologists using information theory methods to explain the mysteries of bio-genetic ─ ─ the genetic code; physicists using high sensitivity antenna system finds the 2.7K cosmic background radiation; chemists have made use of high pressure electron microscope to observe the ability to distinguish the molecular level. All walks of life scientists, on-line retrieval system and the global communications network to a broad array of databases from the world about the required information quickly.
  Electronics for the education, the modernization of education provided to many new technologies. Radios, tape recorders, television _set_s, video recorders as an educational tool has been quite common electronic language classroom, the program teaching machine, satellite TV education has been one after another. Since the rapid update and increase knowledge, the concept of lifelong education has been formed, the electronic technology as the core of the open schools in the entire education system will become increasingly high proportion of share.
  Electronics for Medicine, there has been various types of electronic monitoring systems, physical therapy systems, diagnosis systems, and medical expert systems. X-ray tomography is an important scientific progress in the 70s, one of the main technology is used in image processing technology and high-speed large-capacity computer. Electronics into the home, reducing people's domestic labor in family life more colorful.
  Human society is entering a new stage of development, it is based on the rapid expansion of information on the stage as the main feature, a mainstream information technology revolution is the rise of new technologies. Driving this change is the latest achievements in electronics, the protagonist is microelectronics. All kinds of information operations, and both means of electronic science and technology to complete. Wide range of people today talk about the three "A" revolution (that is, factory automation, office automation, home automation) and three "C" Revolution (ie, communications, computer, control), and both are built on the basis of electronics. Because of this, the development of electronics in many countries, especially in microelectronics, as one of their important national policy.
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English Expression
  1. :  electronics,  bionics
  2. n.:  electronic,  branch of science and technology that deals with the behaviour of electrons
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