Assistant Provincial level (eg, provincial government) City
No. 1
  Deputy provincial government is more than million people, occupies an important position in the national economy, sub-provincial administrative level, to enjoy the benefits of large cities. Sub-provincial cities and the general distinction between the city, mainly for the economic and social development program, the State Department and the State Planning Commission and other competent authorities to sub-provincial cities as provincial planning units. While still a sub-provincial city of provincial cities, but in the national economic and social development planning, the deputy provincial government already has the provincial government's authority.
  At present, China's deputy provincial cities are: Dalian, Harbin, Changchun, Shenyang, Jinan, Qingdao, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Ningbo, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Xi'an, Chengdu 15. (10 sub-provincial capital cities: Shenyang, Changchun, Harbin, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Jinan, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Xi'an. 5 separate planning cities: Dalian, Ningbo, Xiamen, Qingdao and Shenzhen.)
  Promoted to AD 1997 in Chongqing City, the central provincial jurisdiction.
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Basic concept
  Sub-provincial cities there are fifteen: Wuhan, Chengdu, Xi'an, Harbin, Changchun, Shenyang, Dalian, Jinan, Qingdao, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Xiamen, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.
  Chongqing used to be plans to municipalities, in 1997 became the fourth municipality in China.
  Dalian, Qingdao, Ningbo, Xiamen, Shenzhen is a wedding.
  Here important to distinguish between sub-provincial city of about a few errors:
  1. Sub-provincial city is the city's administrative level, not referring to the city's administrative division level.
  The so-called administrative level, is the city's administrative body, that is, the level of the principal leaders of government agencies, mainly refers to the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, the composition of government agencies, departments and other executive-level leadership. In other words, sub-provincial level cities, the mayor is the executive vice provincial (ministry) level.
  Sub-provincial city agency's administrative level:
  Sub-provincial city government - Deputy Provincial
  City Area Government - Deputy to (division) level
  Municipal county government - division level (using the same deputy departmental level)
  Municipal administration - deputy departmental level
  Municipal district government administrative agencies - division level
  County municipal administrative bodies - Zheng Keji (using the same division level)
  Municipal administrative bodies internal organs (Office, Room) - division level
  Municipal district government administrative bodies internal organs (Branch, Room) - Zheng Keji
  County municipal administrative bodies internal organs (Branch, Room) - Underlying level (using the same Zheng Keji)
  Administrative level control sub-provincial cities
  Sequence of sub-provincial series of national standards
  Is deputy municipal provincial (ministry) level
  Deputy municipal main hall (bureau)
  Is deputy bureau level department (bureau) level
  Is now deputy bureau chief level (county) level (sub-provincial city of deputy director-level officials is a special level)
  Is at division level (county) level
  Deputy Commissioner, deputy division level (county) level
  Zheng Keji Zheng Keji
  Fu Keji Fu Keji
  Staff, Staff, Grade Level
  Clerk-level clerical class
  City-level administrative division is the level of administrative division, at present, Chinese cities there are three levels of administrative divisions: municipalities, prefecture-level cities, county-level cities. Sub-provincial city in the administrative divisions are prefecture-level cities.
  2. Sub-provincial cities and large cities are different.
  Up to now, has 4 times the State Council has approved the 19 cities as "big city", that is the first time in October 1984 approved by the Tangshan, Datong, Baotou, Dalian, Anshan, Fushun, Jilin, Qiqihar, Qingdao, Wuxi, Huainan, Luoyang, Chongqing, a total of 13 cities; March 1988 approved the second time in Ningbo; July 1992 approved the third time in Zibo City, Handan City, Benxi City; 1993 Fourth approved Suzhou, Xuzhou, City.
  It is understood, declared "a large city," the general procedure is: to be reported to the provincial government asked the city government; the provincial government agreed to the State Council after the transfer; and then sent by the State Council department in charge of the city to declare site visits.
  Capital cities, special economic zones, the state plans to separate the city (sub-provincial cities) without the State Council for approval, automatically become a larger city.
  3. Provincial Committee and served as party secretary of the non-sub-provincial cities and sub-provincial city of distinction.
  This is a misunderstanding that people often point, that is, the capital of capital cities and some non-ground-level party secretary of the city is even a provincial deputy secretary of the Provincial Standing Committee, will assume that the city is a sub-provincial city. In fact, this is not right.
  Capital city is a province of the political, economic, cultural, scientific and educational center in the status of a very important provinces, so the party secretary general are the deputy secretary of the Provincial Standing Committee or provincial act, which are high with the case of cadres to such as the original part-time Foreign Minister of Government Administration Council, Prime Minister Zhou Enlai, Vice Premier Qian Qichen later serve as Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs you can not say on the administrative level as higher than other ministries. Moreover, the municipal party organizations are not part of the executive. In addition to the high-level party secretary of the party a half-level, other levels of municipal government personnel and the general level cities are the same.
  The status of a Province, the more important non-capital cities at prefectural level, the party secretary is often also by the Provincial Standing Committee of Provincial Party Committee or part-time, such as Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, Wuxi City, Jiangxi Ganzhou City, etc., which also belong to the high cadres with situation.
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City Information
  Sub-provincial level where the list of provinces and cities:
  Heilongjiang Province
  * Harbin
  * Changchun
  Liaoning Province
  * Shenyang
  * Dalian
  Shandong Province
  * Jinan
  * Qingdao
  Jiangsu Province
  * Nanjing
  * Hangzhou
  * Ningbo
  * Xiamen
  Guangdong Province
  * Shenzhen
  * Wuhan
  Sichuan Province
  * Chengdu
  Shaanxi Province
  * Xi'an
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  Now the sub-provincial city is transformed from the city by the state plan. February 1983, the CPC Central Committee and State Council approved the implementation of state planning in Chongqing and later approved after another in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shenyang, Nanjing, Wuhan, Harbin, Xi'an, Dalian, Qingdao, Xiamen, Ningbo, Chengdu and implement plans to separate, a total of 14 wedding. On separate planning cities under provincial jurisdiction, in the 50's, 60 have been implemented twice early, the implementation soon canceled.
  80s of last century and before the implementation of the plans to separate the two are very different. The first two only five major economic plans to separate, this is the economic, social, scientific and technological development have all been separate; the first two powers of the municipal government has not changed, the state plan is to give government the power of economic management at the provincial level , while the relationship between different companies under the principle are delegated to the cities with independent planning management; the first two did not include separate financial plan, the city is still the provincial financial revenue and expenditure decisions, the financial plan to implement separate, municipal revenue to divided into three or two institutions, the city mainly by the central government revenue and expenditure decisions; the previous two with a few exceptions, the municipal government and its agencies are ineligible to enter the country convened meeting of heads of provincial level, the cities with independent planning The Government and its agencies to obtain the power to participate in national conferences, while the central and provincial departments of the Central issued a document on economic work, also sent to the city. Some municipalities also plan to expand the administrative division, and county and municipal leaders to implement the system. However, cities with independent planning remains the administrative status of provincial cities, continue to accept the leadership of the provincial administration.
  In the braided hair [1995] 5
  "Some Issues on the sub-provincial city of views," the Central Office of the Committee has been consultation with relevant departments, report to the CPC Central Committee and State Council leaders agree, is issued to you for implementation.
  February 19, 1995
  Sub-provincial city on the views of a number of issues
  About the CEC, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Harbin, Shenyang, Chengdu, Nanjing, Xi'an, Changchun, Jinan, Hangzhou, Dalian, Qingdao, Shenzhen, Xiamen, Ningbo City, a total of 16 sub-provincial administrative level as a notice (in the code [1994] Document No. 1) to lower levels, around the general view that these sub-provincial city as the city will not only help accelerate the city's economic and social development, but also conducive to better play the role of the central city of radiation . Meanwhile, the country has made a number of questions and comments, the study is to be clear.
  First, on the relationship with the province. 16 as a sub-provincial city, the still provincial cities, where the province by the provincial government leadership. The city of the province still institutional reform program approval, send a copy with the CEC into the record. 16 City of the relevant provisions of economic management authority.
  Second, on the directly under the municipal authorities, municipal districts and county-level problems. Level city directly under the authority of 16, mutatis mutandis, Guo Ban Fa [1993] No. 85 Notice on management of agencies and ministries under the State Council State Council institutional level to determine that the work of departments directly under the deputy departmental level, internal structure for the department level. City area and the level of departments, agencies directly under mutatis mutandis, to determine the corresponding relationship; municipal counties and county-level city hosted the level remains at division level, the department is still at the section level.
  V. On the other requirements for the sub-provincial capital city of the problem. Leaders of the State Council instructed, to sum up the experience based on 16 cities, on the other provincial capitals to strengthen investigation and research, propose standards, and consider, when appropriate, the capital city of the conditions are ripe issue to the attention level of the CPC Central Committee, State Council for approval.
  In addition, sub-provincial city on the administrative level of the effective date, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State Council, compiled from [1994] Document No. 1 was issued February 25, 1994 into effect.
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