linux operating system, is a computer operating system. linux operating system kernel's name is "linux". linux operating system is free software and open source development, the most famous example. Strictly speaking, linux is only the word itself that the linux kernel, but in practice it has been used to describe the use of linux-based linux kernel, and use the gnu tools and database engineering the operating system (also known as the gnu / linux ). Based on these components is called linux software linux distributions. In general, a large number of linux distributions include software, such as software development tools, database, web server (eg apache), x window, the desktop environment (such as gnome and kde), office suite (such as, etc. . linux kernel was originally designed for the Intel 386 microprocessor. Now linux kernel support from the PC to the mainframe and even embedded systems, including various hardware devices. In the beginning, linux is just a personal fad product. But now, linux has become a widespread concern and support of an operating system. Including ibm and Hewlett-Packard, including some of the computer industry giants have begun to support linux. Many people think that, and other commercial unix systems and Microsoft windows compared to linux as free software with a low-cost, high security, more reliable advantage.
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Most linux-based operating system kernel to use a lot of gnu software, including a shell program, tools, libraries, compilers and tools, there are many other programs, such as emacs. Because of this, gnu project pioneer Dr. Richard Matthew Stallman proposed the linux operating system, changed its name to gnu / linux. But some people only the operating system called "linux". Most systems also provide gui interface like xfree86 like the program was running on bsd. In addition to some experts, most people do not choose their own _set_tings for each component or the same, but direct use linux package. In 1983, Li Chama repair Stallman (richard stallman) founded the gnu project (gnu project). This plan has a goal is to develop a completely free free unix-like operating system. Since the 1990s, the program has been initiated, gnu to begin mass production or collection of components necessary for a variety of systems, such as - library (libraries), compiler (compilers), debugger (debuggers), text editing device (text editors), Web server (web server), as well as a unix user interfaces (unix shell) - in addition to implementation of the core (kernel) still pay Que outside. In 1990, gnu program began in the Mach microkernel (mach microkernel) the core of the system architecture development, also known as gnu hurd, but the mach-based design is extremely complex, progress is relatively slow development. linux kernel initially by the Finns 李纳斯托瓦兹 (linus torvalds) at the University of Helsinki school prepared for personal hobbies, and he was not satisfied with the teaching of the minix operating system. Originally conceived in, linux is such a similar minix operating system. The first version of linux in September 1991 by the University ftp server administrator ari lemmke published on the internet, initially torvalds said the core of the name "freax", meaning free ("free") and singular ("freak") The combination of the word, and attach the "x" the commonly used letters, to meet the so-called unix-like systems. But too old ftp server administrator named "freax" The name does not sound right, call into the core of the "linux", was only 10,000 lines of code, still have to perform in minix operating system, and must use the hard disk boot; Then in October, the second version (version 0.02) on the release, while the university students in Helsinki, Finland comp.os.minix posted a message: hello everybody out there using minix- i'm doing a (free) operation system (just a hobby, won't be big and professional like gnu) for 386 (486) at clones.
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history of gnu and linux is closely linked. Since 1983, the gnu project dedicated to the development of a free and complete unix-like operating systems, including software development tools and a variety of applications. Released in 1991, when the linux kernel, gnu has almost completed the system outside the kernel in addition to a variety of essential software development. Linus torvalds and in the efforts of other developers, gnu components can run on linux kernel. The kernel is based on the gnu General Public License, which is gpl (gnu general public license, gnu general public license), but not gnu linux kernel part of the plan. In March 1994, linux1.0 version released, marc ewing _set_ up a red hat software company, to become one of the most famous linux distributors. unix & linux history, the early origins of the linux boot manager (boot loader) is to use lilo (linux loader), there are some intolerable defects, such as the hard drive is not recognized outside 8g, then add grub (grand unified bootloader) to overcome the these shortcomings, with 'dynamic core file search' function allows you to boot, you can edit your own system boot configuration file, through in ext2 or ext3 file system to load linux kernel. linux logo and mascot is a penguin name is tux, marking the origin of time in Australia because linus was a zoo penguin bite, he chose as the linux penguin logo. linux is a registered trademark of linus torvalds all. This is due in 1996, a name is william r. della croce's lawyers began to send letters to all linux publishers, declared that he has a linux trademark ownership, and requiring all publishers to pay royalties, the publishers collective appeal for the re-assigned to the registered trademark of linus torvalds. linus torvalds has repeatedly stated that linux is free, he can sell, but must not sell linux. Some versions of linux distributions do not need to install, simply by bootable cd or usb storage device will be able to use the version that they called the livecd.
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User groups
gnu / linux enthusiasts publicity plans, and use the gpl license gnu / linux community-designed three-dimensional map, and use the gpl 授权 tradition of linux users are generally installed and _set_ up its own operating system, they more often than other operating systems, such as Microsoft windows and mac os more experienced users. These users are sometimes referred to as "hackers" or "geeks" (geek). However, with linux more popular, more and more of the original contract manufacturing (oem) began its sales of computers pre-installed on linux, linux users also have a regular computer user, linux system began to slowly seize desktop operating system market. At the same time linux is one of the most popular server operating systems. linux embedded computer market also has an advantage, low-cost features make linux popular with users. The main cost of using the linux migration, training and learning costs, the early use linux because people will be less expensive in this area, but such costs have been increasing with the popularity of linux and linux software on more more, more convenient and lower. kde and gnome desktop so that linux is more like a mac or windows-like operating system that provides complete graphical user interface, while different from the other command-line interface (command line interface, cli) of the unix-like operating system.
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The future direction of the software industry
linux open source as the earlier operating system, will lead the future of software development. Linux-based open-source nature, more and more large medium-sized enterprises and the government devote more resources to develop linux. Today's world, many countries gradually within the departments of government agencies transferred to the linux computer, this situation will continue. The widespread use of linux for the government to save a lot of funding, but also reduces the potential for closed source software security concerns.
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English pronunciation of linux
According to the statement torvalds, linux pronunciation and "minix" is rhyming. "Li" in "i" sounds like "minix" in the "i" pronunciation, and "nux" in the "u" is pronounced like the English word "profess" in the "o" sounds. Accordance with the IPA should be ['linэks] - similar to the "jelly Na Kos" I have a torvalds talking audio, audio content for the "hello, this is linus torvalds, and i pronounce linux as linux". Download
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Running on the suse kde desktop environment. In the past, linux server mainly used as the operating system, but it's cheap, flexible and unix background makes it very suitable for a wider range of applications. Traditionally, the linux-based "lamp (linux, apache, mysql, perl / php / python combination)" technology, in addition to the developer community has been widespread, it is currently provided by the site most frequently used service providers platform. Based on its low cost and high degree of configurability, linux is often used in embedded systems such as _set_-top boxes, mobile phones and mobile devices. In the mobile phone, linux symbian os has become a major competitor; and on mobile devices, has become the windows ce and palm os outside alternative. Popular tivo digital video camera technology used by the system after passing through the linux. In addition, there are many hardware-based network firewalls and routers, such as some linksys products are using linux to the internal drive, and uses the operating system firewall and routing capabilities. The supercomputer will use linux more and more, according to the November 2005 issue of the top500 supercomputer list, now the world's two fastest supercomputers are using linux as its operating system. In the table of the 500 _set_s of systems, using linux as operating system, accounting for 371 group (ie 74.2%), one of the top ten who have 7 group is using the linux. 2006 for sale sony playstation 3 also use the linux operating system. Before, sony playstation 2 has launched their a _set_ of components called the ps2 linux the diy. As for the game developer Atari and id software, has launched its games linux's desktop version. In addition, linux game publishing has also written specifically for the linux platform game, and is committed to the preparation of other windows platform porting games to linux platform, and porting the game to provide for the license. And a plan for all children living in developing countries to provide laptops for every child Jie called a notebook computer (olpc) project, is to use linux as the default operating system.
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mainly as linux distributions linux (often referred to as "distro") as part of the use. The release of individuals, loosely organized groups, and commercial organizations and volunteer organizations to prepare. They usually include other system software and application software, and a system to simplify the initial installation of the installation tools, install the upgrade and integration of the software manager. Release for the production of many different purposes, including support for different computer architecture, for a specific region or language localization, real-time applications, and embedded systems, and even many versions of deliberately adding only free software. Currently, over three hundred distributions are a positive development, the most commonly used distributions are about a dozen. A typical linux distributions include: linux kernel, some of the gnu libraries, and tools, command-line shell, the x window system graphical interface and the corresponding desktop environment, such as kde or gnome, and contains thousands of office suite from the compiler , a text editor to the application of scientific tools. There are currently most famous release debian, Red Hat (redhat), ubuntu, suse, centos, fedora, etc.
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difference between linux and other operating systems
linux with ms-dos, os / 2, windows and other operating systems coexist on the same machine. They are the operating system, has some similarities, but have their own characteristics between each other, differ. Pc machine is currently running in the operating system of the main microsoft ms-dos, windows, windows nt, ibm's os / 2 and so on. Early pc-users generally use the ms-dos, because this operating system is less demanding on the hardware configuration of the machine, and with the rapid development of computer hardware technology, hardware, equipment prices getting lower and lower, it can be relatively easy to improve computer hardware configuration, and began to use windows, windows nt and other operating systems with graphical interfaces. linux is a concern recently been the operating system, it is gradually accepted by the users pc machine. So, linux and other operating systems the main difference is it? The following two aspects to be addressed. linux and the difference between ms-dos Running linux on the same system and the ms-dos has become quite common, it is to play a processor function, ms-dos not fully realize the function x86 processors, and linux completely protected mode in the processor, and has developed a processor all the features. linux can directly access all available memory within the computer, provide a complete unix interface. The only support part of the ms-dos unix interface. Function on the operating system is, ms-dos is a single-tasking operating system, once the user is running a ms-dos applications, it dominated the system resources, users can no longer run other applications. And linux is a multi-tasking operating system, users can run multiple applications simultaneously. linux and os / 2, windows, windows nt difference between the The background is from the development, linux and other operating systems is the difference, linux is a more mature operating system evolved, and other operating systems, such as windows nt, are self-contained, without relying on the corresponding phase operating system. This distinction makes linux users can greatly benefit from the contribution of unix groups. Because unix is the world's most widely used to develop the most sophisticated operating systems, it is the mid-seventies developed multi-tasking computer systems and supercomputers, although sometimes confusing interface, and the lack of relative concentration of the standard, but or grow to become the most widely used operating systems. Whether it is the author of unix or unix users have is that only a true unix operating system, many computer systems (from PCs to supercomputers), there are versions of unix, unix users can get support and help in many ways. Thus, linux as a unix clone, the same will be the appropriate support and help directly with unix firmly established in the user's position. From the cost point of view to use, linux and other operating systems, the difference is that linux is an open, free operating system, and other operating systems are closed systems, require compensation for the use. This distinction allows us to do a lot of money can get the linux version and its development of application software. When we access the internet, will find that almost all of the available free software can run on linux systems. From many software vendors to achieve a variety of unix, unix development, the developer of an open system approach to promote its standardization, but not a company to control the design. Therefore, any one software vendor (or Portland) can be achieved in a unix implementation of these standards. os / 2 and other operating system is windows nt copyrighted products, its interface and design by a company controlled, and only those companies have the right to achieve their design, they are in a closed environment development.
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A plan for all children living in developing countries to provide laptops for every child Jie called a notebook computer (olpc) project, is to use linux as the default operating system. Simply put, what is linux, linux is a free to use and free dissemination of the unix-like operating system, which is mainly used for cpu on intel x86 family of computers. This system is composed of thousands of programmers around the world design and implementation. The aim is to build commercial software without any copyright constraints, the whole world can freely use the unix-compatible products. linux appearance first began in the computer named linus torvalds amateur, when he was a student at the University of Helsinki, Finland. His aim is to design a place of minix (named andrew tannebaum by a professor of computer operating system written in a teaching program) operating system, the operating system can be used for 386, 486 or Pentium processor-based personal computer , and has the full functionality of unix operating system, and thus began a linux prototype design. linux with its known efficiency and flexibility. It can be implemented on the pc all the unix machine features a multi-tasking, multi-user capability. linux is under the authority of the gnu public license for free, is a line posix standard operating system. linux operating system software package not only includes a complete linux operating system, but also includes a text editor, such as high-level language compiler software. It also includes a window manager with multiple x-windows graphical user interface, as we use the same windows nt, allowing us to use windows, icons and menus to operate the system. The reason by the majority of linux computer enthusiasts, for two main reasons, First, it is free software, users do not pay any fee to get it and its source code, and according to their needs it necessary modify, free to use it without restraint to continue to spread. Another reason is that it has the full functionality of unix, any use or want to learn unix operating system unix operating system, everyone can benefit from linux.
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Related Websites
linux foundation Official release station linux kernel Home gnu project debian gnu / linux ubuntu linux redhat int. (commercial) fedora linux China University of linux
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No. 12
linux operating system, is a computer operating system. linux operating system kernel's name is "linux". linux operating system is free software and open source development, the most famous example. Strictly speaking, linux is only the word itself that the linux kernel, but in practice it has been used to describe the use of linux-based linux kernel, and use the gnu tools and database engineering the operating system (also known as the gnu / linux ). Based on these components is called linux software linux distributions. In general, a large number of linux distributions include software, such as software development tools, database, web server (eg apache), x window, the desktop environment (such as gnome and kde), office suite (such as, etc. . linux kernel was originally designed for the Intel 386 microprocessor. Now linux kernel support from the PC to the mainframe and even embedded systems, including various hardware devices. In the beginning, linux is just a personal fad product. But now, linux has become a widespread concern and support of an operating system. Including ibm and Hewlett-Packard, including some of the computer industry giants have begun to support linux. Many people think that, and other commercial unix systems and Microsoft windows compared to linux as free software with a low-cost, high security, more reliable advantage. Here is the file system code, according to this code we can better understand the workflow linux system 1. Main.cpp # Include "head.h" # Include "blockinodesuperblock.h" # Include "initial.h" # Include "userop.h" # Include "file.h" # Include "dir.h" # Include "command.h" # Include "chsome.h" / / By ctu_85 ////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////// void main () { ("control.txt", ios:: in | ios:: out | ios:: nocreate); int i; control>> i; control.close (); if (i! = 0) / / not initialized to 0 on { initial (); } ("control.txt", ios:: in | ios:: out | ios:: nocreate); control.seekp (0); control <<0; / / default is not to continue based on the last re-initialization control.close (); strcpy (curname, "root ");// current directory file named root road [0] = 0; / / current directory path (from the root directory to store the node number here) num = 1; / / last bit of the road [num-1] for the current catalog file node number i cout <<"Please login "; while (! login ()) / / Sign up cout <<"wrong!!! "; cout <<"login success" <<endl; cout <<"****** welcome "<<auser <<"******"; readsuper (); getcommand ();// command parsing function writesuper (); } 2. Blockinodesuperblock.h ////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////// int ialloc () / / return to apply for a node i node number or -1 { if (superblock.fiptr> 0) { int temp = superblock.fistack [80-superblock.fiptr]; / / currently available superblock.fistack [80-superblock.fiptr] =- 1; superblock.fiptr--; return temp; } return -1; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////// void ifree (int index) / / Specify a node number, node i recover a { ("disk.txt", ios:: in | ios:: out | ios:: nocreate); / / Empty node disk.seekp (514 +64 * index +2 * (index / 8)); disk <<_set_w (64) <<''; disk.close (); for (int i = 80-superblock.fiptr; i <80; i ++)// node number to find a suitable location into a spare node numbers stack { if (superblock.fistack <index) / / less than the forward one of its { superblock.fistack [i-1] = superblock.fistack; } else / / on the first node is greater than the number in front of it { superblock.fistack [i-1] = index; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////// int balloc () / / Return the plate to apply a disk block number or -1 if (superblock.fbptr == 1) / / is the bottom of the stack of ==> is a record of disk blocks if (temp == 0) } / / Read the contents of the stack plate block int id, num = 0; disk.seekg (514 * temp); disk>> id; } { } } disk <<_set_w (512) <<''; return temp; { return temp; ////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////
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Most systems also provide gui interface like xfree86 like the program was running on bsd. The basic idea of linux there are two: First, all documents; second, the use of each software has to determine, as far as possible while they are writing better. The first is that the system in terms of detail all comes down to a file, including commands, hardware and software, operating systems, processes, and so the operating system kernel is concerned, are deemed to have their properties or types of files. As linux is unix-based, largely because the basic idea of both is very similar. i'm doing a (free) operation system (just a hobby,
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Related Websites
Official release station linux kernel ubuntu debian gnu / linux
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The emergence of Linux, the first named Linus Torvalds began in the computer amateur, when he was a student at the University of Helsinki, Finland. His aim is to design a place of Minix (by a professor named Andrew Tannebaum computer operating system written in a teaching program) operating system, the operating system can be used for 386, 486 or Pentium processor-based personal computer , and has the full functionality of the Unix operating system, and thus began the Linux prototype design.
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The history of Linux and GNU closely linked. In 1983, Li Chama repair Stallman (Richard Stallman) founded GLinuxNU plan (GNU Project). This plan has a goal is to develop a complete free Unix-like free operating system. Since the launch of this program since the 1990s, GNU begin mass production or collection of components necessary for a variety of systems, such as - library (libraries), compiler (compilers), debugger (debuggers), text editing device (text editors), Web server (web server), and a user interface for Unix (Unix shell) - in addition to implementation of the core (kernel) still pay Que outside. 1990, GNU Mach microkernel program began in the (Mach microkernel) of the core architecture development system, called the GNU Hurd, but the Mach-based design is extremely complex, progress is relatively slow development. Originally envisaged, Linux is a such a similar Minix operating system. April 1991, Helsinki, Finland University student Linus Benedict Torvalds (the world's most famous computer programmers, hackers) are not satisfied with the teaching of the Minix operating system. For hobbies, he was based in the low-end machine designed for use on a MINIX kernel Linux 0.01, but did not use any or UNIX MINIX source code. Through his USENET (is the news group) that this is a free system, mainly in the x86 computer use, I hope everyone will work together to improve it, and the source code into the FTP site in Finland the previous generation of people for free download. Originally, he wanted the system known as freax, which means free (free) and singular (freak) a combination of words, and attach the "X" the commonly used letters, to meet the so-called Unix-like systems. But FTP staff that this is Linus's MINIX, too original name "Freax" the name did not sound good, they use Linux in this subdirectory to store, so it became "Linux". Only when the Linux kernel, only 10,000 lines of code, still must perform on top of the Minix operating system, and must use the hard disk boot, can not be called a complete system; then a second version in October (version 0.02 ) on the release, while the university students in Helsinki, Finland comp.os.minix posted a message: Hello everybody out there using minix- I'm doing a (free) operation system (just a hobby, won't be big and professional like gnu) for 386 (486) AT clones. Because many professional users (mainly programmers) to develop its voluntary application and with the Internet show it to everyone to modify, so it's more and more around the program, Linux itself has grown up. From 1983 the GNU project and is committed to develop a complete Unix-like free operating system, including software development tools and a variety of applications. By 1991, when the Linux kernel release, GNU has almost completed the addition of various essential system kernel outside of software development. Linus Torvalds and the efforts of other developers, GNU components can run on the Linux kernel. Entire kernel is based on the GNU General Public License, which is the GPL (GNU General Public License, GNU General Public License), but the Linux kernel is not part of GNU project. In March 1994, Linux1.0 version released, Marc Ewing founded the software company Red Hat has become one of the most famous of the Linux distributors. The historical origins of Unix and Linux Early Linux boot manager (boot loader) is to use LILO (Linux Loader), there are some intolerable defects, such as hard drive is not recognized outside of 8G, then add GRUB (GRand Unified Bootloader) to overcome these shortcomings, with ' dynamic search core file 'feature, allows you to boot, you can edit your own system boot configuration file, through in ext2 or ext3 file system to load Linux Kernel. Linux is a logo and mascot Tux the penguin name is to mark the origin of time in Australia because Linus was a zoo penguin bite, he chose as a Linux penguin logo. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds All. This is due in 1996, a name is William R. Della Croce's lawyers began to send letters to all Linux publisher, has declared his ownership of the Linux trademark, and requiring all publishers to pay royalties, the publishers collective appeal for the re-assigned to the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Linus Torvalds has repeatedly stated that Linux is free, he can sell, but must not sell Linux. Some versions of Linux distributions do not need installation, just a CD or a bootable USB storage device can use the version that they called LiveCD.
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Application and Evaluation
Linux supercomputer will use more and more, according to the November 2005 issue of the TOP500 supercomputer list, now the world's two fastest supercomputers are using Linux as its operating system. In the table of the 500 _set_s of systems, using Linux as the operating system, accounting for 371 group (ie 74.2%), one of the top ten who have 7 group is to use Linux. And a plan for all children living in developing countries the provision of mobile computers called "Jie each child a notebook computer (OLPC)" project, is using Linux as the default operating system. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Linux needs to run the configuration is not high, support a wide range of PC peripheral equipment, and such a powerful software is free, and its source code is completely open, anyone can be brought to use. Here, you may suspect that this is not free to hide behind something? Authors will be willing to take it out and no charges it? In fact, it represents another concept of software development: that is, GNU-based copyright system. To change this situation, Richard M. Stallman founded in 1984 to produce free software for the purpose of the organization - Free Software Foundation (Free Software Foundation, referred to FSF). He said: various software companies for their own interests do not hinder open source development of human civilization, a really good software is to help people solve the problem, should be distributed to people in need. He developed a program called GNU, the first _set_ of software is the GNU Emacs (UNIX platform, a powerful editor). Anyone can get this free software and its source code, many people have spontaneously modify the software, as it adds features. In order to clarify the GNU standards, Stallman published the GNU General Public License and GNU Library General Public License authorization statement, according to which all GNU software can be downloaded by anyone, sell, reproduce and modify, but must provide the source code or let users know where to get the source code! However, whether free or fee, any users of the software have been and providers the same rights, they can be donated or sold. Because of this license, GNU software snowball more and more function is getting stronger. Of course, this would also have an adverse effect, if the developer's profit decreased by then no one is willing to actually develop the software, after all, people still want to eat ah. But with the popularity of Internet, more and more easy to get a variety of popular software, but mostly only for a short while, then will not run out after a life of software is greatly reduced, in this case , the traditional electronic publishing industry should make the appropriate adjustments. Linux now after a few Gaiban (including the core of the upgrade and improvement of surrounding Cheng Xu), has developed into one follows the POSIX standard of pure 32-bit multitasking operating system, 64-bit versions are under development. Linux is compatible with most UNIX systems, UNIX, does not need a lot of changes, or little change can run in Linux environment; built-in TCP / IP protocol, can be directly connected to the Internet, as a server or end-use; built-in JAVA interpreter can be directly run JAVA source code; with the development of programming languages, text editing and layout, database processing capabilities; to provide X Window graphical interface; used the x86 family of personal computers, there are other versions of different hardware platforms, support all the hardware devices are now popular. On performance, it is not weaker than Windows or UNIX, but also by the simulation program can also run Windows applications. It has tens of thousands of kinds of application software, is not inferior to the number of Windows applications, which have developed profitable business of software. The most valuable: it is a true UNIX system, can be used for professional users and people who want to learn UNIX in their own personal computers. Linux is a very flexible system, as opposed to Windows and is also more difficult to use a system, just as most users are not used to the MacOS one-button mouse. Hundreds of times like on Linux, you must understand some of the relevant knowledge, software and hardware configuration, the best also understand the point of the program, because no one is obliged to provide you with technical support, in addition to the exchange, and other users, you have to solve their own problem. Of course, if you only as a daily use, you do not need friends so complicated, Linux will still provide you with the perfect operating environment, you have to do is to change the habits and prejudices. 1984 Massachu_set_ts Institute of Technology (MIT) Computer Science Laboratory is developing the work of Bob Scheifler distributed system, DEC's Jim Gettys MIT for A-thena also part of the plan. Both require a _set_ of UNIX systems use graphical interface, so the two began to co-develop X Window. In 1987, MIT released the 11th version of the X Window, and _set_ up a non-profit organization "X Association" to develop and control the X Window standard. So now the X Window is not entirely a software, but a protocol, defines a system must have features. Any system can meet the Association Agreement and other norms in line with X may be called X Window, its source code public. Because the X Window device-independent with a strong and structured, it provides a _set_ of network communication protocols, as long as any hardware to provide the X protocol, we can execute the application group contains graphic display window, without recompiling, and equipment that independent features as long as the standards developed under the X Window applications can function in different environments, which greatly reduces the cross-compilation between different platforms, applications more portable.
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User groups
GNU / Linux community design three-dimensional map, and use the GPL license the traditional Linux users typically install and _set_ up their own operating system, they more often than other operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows and Mac OS users have more experience. These users are sometimes referred to as "hackers" or "geeks" (geek). But as Linux becomes more popular, more and more manufacturers of Original Equipment (OEM) began its sales of computers pre-installed on Linux, Linux users also have a regular computer users, Linux systems have begun to slowly seize the desktop operating system market. While Linux is one of the most popular server operating systems. Linux also has an advantage of embedded computer market, low-cost features make Linux popular with users. The main cost of using Linux migration, training and learning costs, early as fewer people will use Linux, this higher cost, but such costs have been increasing with the popularity of Linux and Linux software on more more, more convenient and lower.
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A typical Linux distribution includes: Linux kernel, some libraries and GNU tools, command-line shell, X Window System graphical interface and the corresponding desktop environments such as KDE or GNOME, and includes thousands of species from the office suite, the compiler , a text editor to the application of scientific tools. Linux distribution in China Acer Linux Red Flag Software Co., Ltd. (Red Flag Software) by the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Shanghai Alliance Investment Management Co., Ltd. jointly established record. The company focused on Linux-based operating system, development and marketing, as well as for the growing Chinese technology users in the multi-platform applications. Their goal is to "energize the network of life." The company will continue to develop is called "red flag means" of a modern management mode, which for free software development business model, based on a customer-driven customization.
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Pronunciation of Linux
There I also explain how Torvalds made the sound of a video, view it Address:
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Linux on mobile phones
However, the Linux operating system has its inherent shortcomings: entry difficult and engineers familiar with its development environment less, integrated development environment is poor; due to Microsoft's PC operating system source code is not open, Linux-based products and PC connectivity is poor ; Although the Linux operating system development in a larger number of companies, but the real strength of the company has a strong little development, and these companies are independent of each other's development, it is difficult to achieve even greater breakthroughs.
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2 Which anti-virus software support linux? 3 can be achieved in Linux is not a multimedia player functions (such as listening to music watching movies) ah? ppstream also released a Linux version, you can now watch network TV under Linux it!
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Linux supports X86, PowerPC, ARM, XSCALE, MIPS, SH, 68K, Alpha, SPARC and other architecture, and has been ported to multiple hardware platforms. This funding, time restricted research and development projects are very attractive. Linux uses a unified framework to manage the hardware, while a hardware platform to another hardware platform changes and the upper application-independent.
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The relationship between Linux and Unix systems and differences
Linux is a free Unix-type operating system originally created by Linus Torvalds with the assistance of developers around the world. Developed under the GNU General Public License, the source code for Linux is freely available to everyone. Click on the link below to find out more about the operating system that is causing a revolution in the world of computers.
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Basic concept
Simply put, Linux is a free to use and free dissemination of Unix-like operating system, which is mainly used for x86 series CPU based computer. This system is composed of thousands of programmers around the world design and implementation. The aim is to build commercial software without any copyright constraints, the whole world can freely use the Unix-compatible products.
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In 1983, Li Chama repair Stallman (Richard Stallman) founded GLinuxNU plan (GNU Project). This plan has a goal is to develop a complete free Unix-like free operating system. Since the launch of this program since the 1990s, GNU begin mass production or collection of components necessary for a variety of systems, such as - library (libraries), compiler (compilers), debugger (debuggers), text editing device (text editors), Web server (web server), and a user interface for Unix (Unix shell) - in addition to implementation of the core (kernel) still pay Que outside. 1990, GNU Mach microkernel program began in the (Mach microkernel) of the core architecture development system, called the GNU Hurd, but the Mach-based design is extremely complex, progress is relatively slow development. Hello everybody out there using minix- Because many professional users (mainly programmers) to develop its voluntary application and with the Internet show it to everyone to modify, so it's around the program more and more, Linux itself has grown up. Early Linux boot manager (boot loader) is to use LILO (Linux Loader), there are some intolerable defects, such as hard drive is not recognized outside of 8G, then add GRUB (GRand Unified Bootloader) to overcome these shortcomings, with ' dynamic search core file 'feature, allows you to boot, you can edit your own system boot configuration file, through in ext2 or ext3 file system to load Linux Kernel.
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System kernel
Most Linux-based operating system kernel to use a lot of GNU software, including a shell program, tools, libraries, compilers and tools, there are many other programs, such as Emacs. Because of this, GNU project's founders, Dr. Richard Matthew Stallman proposed to be renamed the Linux operating system GNU / Linux. But some people only the operating system called "Linux".
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1, the major Linux distributions Red Flag Linux (Redflag Linux), surfing Linux (Xteam Linux), Blue Point Linux, Xinhua Linux, to create Linux, one hundred-owned Linux, lxde, veket, lucky8k-veket.Open Desktop, Hiweed GNU / Linux, Magic Linux, Engineering Computing GNU / Linux, NeoShine Linux, the software Linux, Xinhua China radium Linux (RaysLX), CD Linux, MC Linux, real-time Linux (Thizlinux), b2d linux, IBOX, MCLOS, FANX, Everest, cool Bo linux, new oxygen Linux, Hiweed, rain forest wind Linux, Deepin Linux, be noted that the new oxygen, Hiweed, the rain forest the wind, Deepin are based on ubuntu, and Deepin Linux is Hiweed and depth of the combined version, has stopped updating the original Hiweed . 4, the current release of the most famous Red flag linux Red Flag Linux Server 4 series as the core products, Red Flag Advanced Server 4.1 (Red Flag Advanced Server 4.1) position is an enterprise-class network and application servers. The product can be run with 2 to 32 in the CPU SMP architecture and up to 64GB of memory on IA-based servers. It provides a standard Linux network services, and stable operation of the industry to mainstream commercial applications. In addition, the product can also serve as a complete Linux software development platform. Red Flag Server 4.1 also supports the HP global certification. Red Flag Software is becoming the Red Hat, SUSE, after the third Linux vendor certification from HP. To achieve this goal, the red flag has developed a host management tools Rfmin1.1, which consists of 17 tools that covers all aspects of the host management. Red Flag Advanced Server 4.1 also supports Simplified Chinese, English and Japanese, also provides a beautiful user interface, user's habits. Currently, Red Flag Linux Server Edition (Server), Workstation (Workstation), desktop (Desktop) has entered the 5.0 era. Red Flag Home to the desktop version, for example. Red Flag Linux Desktop 5.0 (code-named Apatite), provides for the creation of more value no doubt excellent condition. Apatite world's first certified by the LSB3.0 test, with the Linux Standard Base all the qualities. Apatite from the beginning to the upper layer of the system in all the core modules are optimized for a large number of improvements to enhance the quality system performance. Whether it is work, play or rest, the system response faster and more efficient, the savings will be more than just your time, and you will have an unprecedented efficiency. Of course, time savings, in addition to system response and performance, installation, deployment, equally significant, both the CD-ROM, hard disk, or network mode, using a variety of easy ways that you will provide you with, you will network for the deployment of the system no longer spend time and effort and headache. Stable system performance and reliability, the advantages of Linux system has always been, and Apatite continue to play the advantage, not only to meet your requirements for efficiency, but also in all the aspects related to vote your likes, even more than you want is even more: To achieve the X86 platform support for Intel EFI; Achieved under Linux plug-ins support embedded multimedia pages, and RealPlayer, Windows Mediaplayer to achieve the standard JavaScript interfaces, refer to Windows ASF format specifications prepared ASF / WMV Marker support to ensure that the Windows-based web pages written in support of online multimedia player; To achieve optimal scheduling front window, through the kernel-level resource scheduling and front windows automatic tracking tools to ensure the foreground window in a reasonable range of system resources to run the largest; Achieve support MMS / RTSP / HTTP / FTP protocol multi-threaded downloading tool; To achieve a user-friendly real-time detection of kernel-level firewall; To achieve the login window, log out the window, the main panel, a complete KDE environment theme support; To achieve a new MyComputer, scalable user-friendly tray so easy to use design. Whether you send or receive e-mail, web upload or download information, or share documents with colleagues, and partners for video conferencing, network communication with friends in touch with friends ...... all the problems you face, will is seamless solution, and you will need to find tools to solve each problem everywhere, because you found in the Apatite system, everything is ready. You only need to sit back and enjoy the work, entertainment brought wonderful feeling. Apatite products in the network concept is completely implemented, the digital information conveyed Red Flag Software is the most important quality: Kontact powerful software, with e-mail, calendar, address book and other personal information management features, your daily office work and life needs of all records and information management have been properly handled; Video conference will be our mode of being of future trends, GnomeMeeting is your perfect choice for video conferencing, digital information age it is the most efficient communication tool.
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Linux on mobile phones
However, the Linux operating system has its inherent shortcomings: entry difficult and engineers familiar with its development environment less, integrated development environment is poor; due to Microsoft's PC operating system source code is not open, Linux-based products and PC connectivity is poor ; Although the Linux operating system development in a larger number of companies, but the real strength of the company has a strong little development, and these companies are independent of each other's development, it is difficult to achieve even greater breakthroughs. Nokia N900 announced the first Linux smartphone starts shipping