labiatae : angiosperms : Forest trees > Salvia
No. 1
  Is a Chinese name: Salvia
  Is Pinyin: shuweicaoshu
  Is a Latin name: salvia
  Flora of China: 66:70
  Description: salvia l. Salvia, Labiatae, about 700 (-1050) species in tropical and temperate land, China has 79 species, produced all over the country, especially in Southwest the most. There is such as for medicinal Salvia s. miltiorrhiza bunge, production of Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Shandong, Henan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi and Hunan, the root medicine, including Tan, have a good effect on the treatment of coronary heart disease, but also pass through agent for the strong, nor cure a variety of inflammation; for ornamental species such as Salvia s.splendens ker-gawl., native of Brazil, China, widely cultivated in the garden, a beautiful potted flowers, flower colors from red to purple and even white. Herbs or subshrubs or shrubs; leaf single leaf or pinnate; round inflorescence up to 2 flowers, composed of racemes or racemose panicles, or spikes, rare flowers all axillary; calyx two lips, upper lip entire or with 3 teeth or with 3 short tip, lower lip 2 teeth; corolla tube possession or extended, Stretch or curved upward or abdomen increases, crown canopies two lips, upper lip Stretch or erected on both sides equivalent, thin flat, straight or curved sickle-shaped, entire or top of the micro-short, lower lip spreading, 3 cracks, usually the most generous in the lobes, entire or fringed or slightly missing or divided into two small lobes, side lobes oblong or round, expand or fold; fertile stamens 2, as before, filaments short, horizontal or erection of birth, anther extended, linear, transverse filaments to the top shelf, is linked to joint, Cheng Ding-shaped, the upper arm to the top with the raw circular or linear a powder chamber, the lower arm or thick or thin, the top of the powder or powder-free birth to the medicine room or no chamber, separated or combined upper and lower arm; staminodes 2, as after, was clavate or small points or does not exist; Style apex 2 lobed, lobes and other lobes large or larger before or after the lobes very obvious; strategy of enlargement or flat front face plate; small nut ovate or oblong three three-prism prism, glabrous, smooth. This is a T-shaped structure of the stamens, their anther plays a lever effect on the bee pollination are clever adaptation, when the honey bee into the flower, the anther head push down tube, while the anthers of the upper arm for leverage down to the bee, the bee pollen and put it back, brought to his pollination. Because it is a male and female plants are not in the same time core of mature, but mature stamen before, so when the pollen stamens and put it back when the bee, but not with the stigma of the flower is exposed to under the upper lip corolla, so was not that of pollination purposes. Wait until the stamens wither and fall, before style elongation, bend the bottom of the stigma, its location and the first appropriate time when the honey bees to the location with the stamens, it is easy to accept his flower pollen and fertilization.
  All species:
  Ali Sage
  Ali Sage (original variety)
  Dark sage
  Dark purple sage
  F. alba
  Baoxing sage
  Strawberry sage
  Long tail crown
  Long crown sage
  Long flower sage
  Orange sage
  Orange fragrant sage
  Lips and teeth of wild Salvia
  Sage stem wings
  Sung sage
  Dabie Mountain Sage
  Big Flower sage
  Big-leaf sage
  Salvia (original variety)
  Single sequence variant
  Lin Hua-sage single sequence
  Single-leaf varieties
  Single leaf Salvia
  To ridge sage
  To ridge sage (original variety)
  Dongchuan sage
  Short lip sage
  Short interval sage
  Short crown sage
  Spend more variants
  Spend western Hubei sage
  Multi-leaf varieties
  Multi-leaf sage
  Emei Sage
  Emei Sage (original variety)
  Last sage Mindanao
  Western Hubei sage
  Hubei Province sage (original variety)
  Eryuan sage
  Buddha Grass
  Monkshood sage
  Salvia przewalskii Maxim
  Salvia przewalskii Maxim (original variety)
  Kuan Kung should
  Light chestnut sage leaves
  Guizhou sage
  Guizhou sage (original variety)
  Henan sage
  Brown hair variants
  Brown hair Salvia przewalskii Maxim
  Sage brown hair
  Red blades of grass
  Reddish brown variety
  Reddish brown Salvia przewalskii Maxim
  Hung Kiu sage
  Hubei sage
  Chinese sage
  Yellow sage
  Yellow sage (the original variant)
  Huangshan sage
  Huangshan sage (original variety)
  Weasel Flowers
  Halberd leaf sage
  Glial sage
  Calyx cut variant
  Jieezhonge sage
  Fissile species of birds the last two back
  Yu split the last two back bowleyana
  Sage near the palm vein
  Intermediate Nanchuan sage
  Lettuce leaf sage
  Fern leaf varieties
  Sage fern Yenan Chuan
  Fern leaf sage
  Open calyx sage
  Kangding sage
  Emei Sage wide bud
  Chestnut sage
  Chestnut sage (the original variant)
  Lobes sage
  Cleft calyx variants
  Cleft calyx sage
  Lieezhonge sage
  Lin Hua-sage
  Lin Hua-sage (original variety)
  Man sage stems
  Hair lip sage
  Foxglove sage
  Digitalis sage (original variety)
  Mekong sage
  Woolly sage
  Muli sage
  Nanchuan sage
  Nanchuan sage (original variety)
  Bowleyana (original variety)
  To be Salvia
  Buckwheat ground sage
  Buckwheat ground sage (the original variant)
  Qinling sage
  Chin-chu grass
  Chin-chu grass (original variety)
  Dog-shaped sage
  Sage chestnut hair
  Down to sage buckwheat
  Pubescence chestnut sage
  Pubescent to sage buckwheat
  Clover, sage
  Spend less sage
  Less hair Salvia przewalskii Maxim
  Flap sage
  Sage (original variety)
  Sage wing handle variations
  Sage, woolly variant
  Chin-chu Taiwan Grass
  Wire sage
  Ting flower varieties
  Snow Flower sage Ting
  W Mountain Sage
  Anhui and Hubei Salvia
  Weihai sage
  Variants of micro-bristles
  Bell Micro calyx bristles sage
  Sage hairless digitalis
  Adoxa sage
  Wuyuan variants
  Wuyuan Huangshan sage
  Tibetan Sage
  Sikkim sage
  Sikkim sage (original variety)
  Xinjiang sage
  Mountain Sage
  Mountain Sage (original variety)
  血盆 grass
  Wild Salvia
  Salvia splendens
  String of blue
  Leis sage
  Sage shade
  Sage ridge bristles to
  Ali Sage bipinnata
  Bipinnata variants
  Sage round bud
  Round bud sage (original variety)
  Yunnan sage
  Sticky hair sage
  Zhang calyx variants
  Zhang calyx Sikkim sage
  Calyx bell variant
  Calyx bell to mound sage
  Calyx bell sage
  Calyx bell sage (original variety)
  Spirodela variants
  Purple Sage back in Guizhou
  Spirodela sage
  Alfalfa varieties
  Purple Salvia proposed
  Anhui and Hubei purple Salvia
  Wild purple Salvia
  Purple sage round bud
Translated by Google
No. 2
  Southern Europe Salvia (Salvia sclarea) Salvia
  Is a Chinese name: Salvia
  Is Pinyin: shuweicaoshu
  Is a Latin name: Salvia
  Flora of China: 66:70
  Description: Salvia L. Salvia, Labiatae, about 700 (-1050) species in tropical and temperate land, China has 79 species, produced all over the country, especially in Southwest the most. There is such as for medicinal Salvia S. miltiorrhiza Bunge, production of Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Shandong, Henan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi and Hunan, the root medicine, including Tan, have a good effect on the treatment of coronary heart disease, but also pass through agent for the strong, nor cure a variety of inflammation; for ornamental species such as Salvia S.splendens Ker-Gawl., native of Brazil, China, widely cultivated in the garden, a beautiful potted flowers, flower colors from red to purple and even white. Herbs or subshrubs or shrubs; leaf single leaf or pinnate; round inflorescence up to 2 flowers, composed of racemes or racemose panicles, or spikes, rare flowers all axillary; calyx two lips, upper lip entire or with 3 teeth or with 3 short tip, lower lip 2 teeth; corolla tube possession or extended, Stretch or curved upward or abdomen increases, crown canopies two lips, upper lip Stretch or erected on both sides equivalent, thin flat, straight or curved sickle-shaped, entire or top of the micro-short, lower lip spreading, 3 cracks, usually the most generous in the lobes, entire or fringed or slightly missing or divided into two small lobes, side lobes oblong or round, expand or fold; fertile stamens 2, as before, filaments short, horizontal or erection of birth, anther extended, linear, transverse filaments to the top shelf, is linked to joint, Cheng Ding-shaped, the upper arm to the top with the raw circular or linear a powder chamber, the lower arm or thick or thin, the top of the powder or powder-free birth to the medicine room or no chamber, separated or combined upper and lower arm; staminodes 2, as after, was clavate or small points or does not exist; Style apex 2 lobed, lobes and other lobes large or larger before or after the lobes very obvious; strategy of enlargement or flat front face plate; small nut ovate or oblong three three-prism prism, glabrous, smooth. This is a T-shaped structure of the stamens, their anther plays a lever effect on the bee pollination are clever adaptation, when the honey bee into the flower, the anther head push down tube, while the anthers of the upper arm for leverage down to the bee, the bee pollen and put it back, brought to his pollination. Because it is a male and female plants are not in the same time core of mature, but mature stamen before, so when the pollen stamens and put it back when the bee, but not with the stigma of the flower is exposed to under the upper lip corolla, so was not that of pollination purposes. Wait until the stamens wither and fall, before style elongation, bend the bottom of the stigma, its location and the first appropriate time when the honey bees to the location with the stamens, it is easy to accept his flower pollen and fertilization.
  All species:
  Ali Sage
  Ali Sage (original variety)
  Dark sage
  Dark purple sage
  F. alba
  Baoxing sage
  Strawberry sage
  Long tail crown
  Long crown sage
  Long flower sage
  Orange sage
  Orange fragrant sage
  Lips and teeth of wild Salvia
  Sage stem wings
  Sung sage
  Dabie Mountain Sage
  Big Flower sage
  Big-leaf sage
  Salvia (original variety)
  Single sequence variant
  Lin Hua-sage single sequence
  Single-leaf varieties
  Single leaf Salvia
  To ridge sage
  To ridge sage (original variety)
  Dongchuan sage
  Short lip sage
  Short interval sage
  Short crown sage
  Spend more variants
  Spend western Hubei sage
  Multi-leaf varieties
  Multi-leaf sage
  Emei Sage
  Emei Sage (original variety)
  Last sage Mindanao
  Western Hubei sage
  Hubei Province sage (original variety)
  Eryuan sage
  Buddha Grass
  Monkshood sage
  Salvia przewalskii Maxim
  Salvia przewalskii Maxim (original variety)
  Kuan Kung should
  Light chestnut sage leaves
  Guizhou sage
  Guizhou sage (original variety)
  Henan sage
  Brown hair variants
  Brown hair Salvia przewalskii Maxim
  Sage brown hair
  Red blades of grass
  Reddish brown variety
  Reddish brown Salvia przewalskii Maxim
  Hung Kiu sage
  Hubei sage
  Chinese sage
  Yellow sage
  Yellow sage (the original variant)
  Huangshan sage
  Huangshan sage (original variety)
  Weasel Flowers
  Halberd leaf sage
  Glial sage
  Calyx cut variant
  Jieezhonge sage
  Fissile species of birds the last two back
  Yu split the last two back bowleyana
  Sage near the palm vein
  Intermediate Nanchuan sage
  Lettuce leaf sage
  Fern leaf varieties
  Sage fern Yenan Chuan
  Fern leaf sage
  Open calyx sage
  Kangding sage
  Emei Sage wide bud
  Chestnut sage
  Chestnut sage (the original variant)
  Lobes sage
  Cleft calyx variants
  Cleft calyx sage
  Lieezhonge sage
  Lin Hua-sage
  Lin Hua-sage (original variety)
  Man sage stems
  Hair lip sage
  Foxglove sage
  Digitalis sage (original variety)
  Mekong sage
  Woolly sage
  Muli sage
  Nanchuan sage
  Nanchuan sage (original variety)
  Bowleyana (original variety)
  To be Salvia
  Buckwheat ground sage
  Buckwheat ground sage (the original variant)
  Qinling sage
  Chin-chu grass
  Chin-chu grass (original variety)
  Dog-shaped sage
  Sage chestnut hair
  Down to sage buckwheat
  Pubescence chestnut sage
  Pubescent to sage buckwheat
  Clover, sage
  Spend less sage
  Less hair Salvia przewalskii Maxim
  Flap sage
  Sage (original variety)
  Sage wing handle variations
  Sage, woolly variant
  Chin-chu Taiwan Grass
  Wire sage
  Ting flower varieties
  Snow Flower sage Ting
  W Mountain Sage
  Anhui and Hubei Salvia
  Weihai sage
  Variants of micro-bristles
  Bell Micro calyx bristles sage
  Sage hairless digitalis
  Adoxa sage
  Wuyuan variants
  Wuyuan Huangshan sage
  Tibetan Sage
  Sikkim sage
  Sikkim sage (original variety)
  Xinjiang sage
  Mountain Sage
  Mountain Sage (original variety)
  血盆 grass
  Wild Salvia
  Salvia splendens
  String of blue
  Leis sage
  Sage shade
  Sage ridge bristles to
  Ali Sage bipinnata
  Bipinnata variants
  Sage round bud
  Round bud sage (original variety)
  Yunnan sage
  Sticky hair sage
  Zhang calyx variants
  Zhang calyx Sikkim sage
  Calyx bell variant
  Calyx bell to mound sage
  Calyx bell sage
  Calyx bell sage (original variety)
  Spirodela variants
  Purple Sage back in Guizhou
  Spirodela sage
  Alfalfa varieties
  Purple Salvia proposed
  Anhui and Hubei purple Salvia
  Wild purple Salvia
  Purple sage round bud
Translated by Google
English Expression
  1. lat.:  Salvia
Related Phrases
labiataeessential oilreek distillationvegetation
Containing Phrases
Classification details
redstringWing handle sagesnow root of red-rooted salvia
Baoxing sageLong crown sageChanghua sage
The fragrance of oranges sageBig leaf sagesimple leaf root of red-rooted salvia
To ridge sageDongchuan sageShort crown sage
floweriness Exi sageHow small? leaf sageMt. Emei (a Buddhist resort in Sichuan) sage
Monkshood sageGuizhou sageHemao Gan West sage
Flood Bridge sageLettuce leaves sageJueyenanchuan sage
Kangting sageKuanbao Mt. emei (a buddhist resort in sichuan) sageforest China sage
Muli sageNanchuan sagedraft root of red-rooted salvia
Buckwheat land sageQinling Ridge sageDog-shaped sage
lanugo chestnut sagelanugo Buckwheat land sagetrilobate sage
Shaomao Gan West sageWatt Mountain sageWeihai sage
hairless digitalis sageYise sageRound bud sage
Yunnan sageZibei Guizhou sageZihuayuanbao sage
strawberry mark sageMediacy Nanchuan sageroot of red-rooted salvia
sagecolloid sagesage
Crown tail lengthEryuan sageGan West sage
Weasel flowerchestnut sagedigitalis sage
Xuepen grassSticky hair sageShade sage
Red lipsCommon Sage Herbsouth root of red-rooted salvia
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