Equidae > Equus
No. 1
  Perissodactyla head perissodactyla owen, 1848
  Marco equidae gray, 1821
  Equus equus linnaeus, 1758
  Marco is the only one genus. Ancient grassland by the Miocene through the Pliocene horse a new horse (pliohippus) evolved, characterized by highly specialized limbs, short humerus and femur, radius and tibia very long, ulna and fibula are back. Development of the third toe, metacarpal is very long, and toe (finger) bone is relatively short, single hoof. GAO Guan cheek teeth, p1 is very small, or rarely exist; fold fine layer of enamel on the molars. Quaternary. South, North America and Europe, Asia and Africa (currently only in Eurasia and Africa..) Equine variety are as follows:
  Domestic horse (e.caballus) is the largest number of Perissodactyla existing project members, and is closely related to humans. Domestic horse in Europe, said Thai dish Mustang Mustang or the descendants of the same scientific name the two European wild horse was extinct in 1876, this name refers to single-family horse.
  1881 people also found another horse, called Equus przewalskii (e.przewalskii) or Mongolian wild horses, also referred to as wild horses. Przewalskii may also house one of the ancestors of horses, some that belong to the same horse and home. Existing przewalskii are several groups of the early Mustang captured the descendants of the wild a long time since there is no exact record of Mustang, I am afraid wild extinct.
  African wild ass (e.asinus) is the ancestor of Donkey, both as the same, the African wild ass found in arid areas of northeastern Africa, the current number of already very scarce, but he was immediately taken to Donkey in the world, as adaptable, and some wild again.
  Asian wild ass (e.hemionus) is Asia's only wild horse class size ranged between donkeys and horses, located in Asia, open area, several sub-species, most are endangered, including the Tibetan Plateau is often ass single for the Tibetan wild ass (e.kiang), relatively large number of India and Persia as a subspecies of the Persian wild ass sometimes sheets (e.onager).
  Common Zebra (e.burchellii) is the only existing wild Perissodactyla number of heads relatively large number of species, distributed in eastern Africa to the vast open areas between the south, is symbolic of African wilderness species, subspecies, more, the pattern have a certain distinction.
  South Africa has said there is a zebra or quagga to be (e.quagga), and the general appearance is quite similar to the zebra, but the patterns vary widely, some parts of the body only have stripes. Zebra was to be extinct in 1883, a new study shows that the proposed zebra zebra may be just a common color type.
  Mountain Zebra (e.zebra) was the first zebra to be named, is the smallest extant wild horse class, located in southern and southwestern Africa, the mountains are scarce.
  Fine lines and zebra (e.grevyi) is the largest wild horse of existing class size, stripe size and intensive, located in northeast Africa, is endangered.
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Ma is a 1977 film
  Foreign Name Equus
  Director: Sidney Lumet U.S. special Xidenilv
  Peter Shaffer ....( play)
  Peter Shaffer ....( screenplay)
  Richard Burton Richard Burton .... Martin Dysart
  Peter Firth Peter Firth .... Alan Strang
  Colin Blakely .... Frank Strang
  Producer Produced by:
  Denis Holt .... associate producer
  Elliott Kastner .... producer
  Lester Persky .... producer
  Genre: Drama / Mystery
  Length: 137 min
  Country / Region: United States / United Kingdom
  Dialogue: English
  Color: Color
  Mix: Mono
  Level: Finland: K-16 / Norway: 15 / Sweden: 15 / UK: 15 / USA: R / France: -12 / Spain: 18 / Australia: R / Canada: 18A / UK: AA
  Copyright: 1977 United Artists Corporation
  Camera: Panavision Cameras and Lenses
  Release Date: October 1977 UK
  Production Company:
  Persky-Bright Productions [United States]
  Winkast Film Productions Ltd. [United Kingdom]
  20th Century Fox Home Entertainment España SA [Spain] (2003) (Spain) (DVD)
  MGM Home Entertainment (Europe) Ltd. [United Kingdom] (2003) (UK) (DVD)
  MGM Home Entertainment [Germany] (2003) (Germany) (DVD)
  United Artists Corporation Ltd. [United Kingdom] (1977) (UK)
  United Artists Pictures [U.S.] (1977) (UK)
  Warner Home Video (UK) Limited [United Kingdom] (1987) (UK) (VHS)
  Warner Home Vídeo [Brazilian] (Brazil) (VHS)
  Other companies: John Springer Associates Inc. Public relations
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English Expression
  1. n.:  equus linnaeus
  2. lat.:  Equus
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