finance and economics : finance and accounting : project : price manipulation budget > budget
Overview of the budget
  Budget (Budget), is an enterprise or individual operating the future period of time, capital, finance and other areas of income, expenditures, cash flow, the overall plan. It will use a variety of economic activities in monetary forms. Each responsibility center has a budget, it is the task of the Centre for the implementation of financial targets and the completion of all required financial resources of the financial plan.
  Pinyin: yùsuàn
  English translation: (1) [budget]: State organs, organizations and institutions such as the period of time for future income and expenditure plans
  (2) [a budgetary]: pre-calculated
  Budget have the budget and construction design construction budget of the points.
  Capital project budget estimates, budget estimates and budget in general.
  Budget (or profit plan) can be said to control the widest range of technology, as it relates to the entire organization, not just one of the few sectors.
  A budget is a quantitative plan, to help coordinate and control access to resources given period of time, configure and use. Budget can be seen as organizations will form the various interests into one plan that all parties agree, and in the process of trying to achieve the target, indicating that the plan is feasible. Organization through a formal budget planning and control of the organization as a responsibility center, and efforts to the performance of a coefficient of determination and determination of the performance effects of other factors to distinguish.
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The scope of the budget
  After planning to provide for the evaluation of the performance after a frame of reference. There is no doubt that the performance of the budget is a better performance than the benchmark. This is due to the often hidden in the past performance of the low efficiency and the impact of changing conditions.
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Two aspects of operating budget
  Operating budget this year is developed under the framework, which consists of two parts, although the two visits the same thing is slightly different, but both come to the same net income and investment earnings rate of the conclusions . These two parts are:
  (1) is used to detail the future of the program budget during the various operations (activity budget). A marketing plan for each to express this budget the most reasonable approach is to expected revenue and associated costs listed here. The result is that the expected non-personal picture of the future, to ensure activities, profitability and sales volume balance between useful. In other words, this is the plan (see below).
  Program (or activity budget) map
  (2) According to the personal responsibility to explain the responsibility of the annual plan budget. This is basically a display target level of performance control tool, but the budget for the cost of individual plans and reports of the level must be controlled (see below).
  Responsibility for the budget figure
  Both programs handling the budget is significant, as the program budget is the result of the planning stage, while the responsibility of the budget is the starting point for the control period. The former method does not need consistent with the organization, which must correspond with the organization. Therefore, before the implementation plan must be translated into control, and notify relevant personnel so that every one of his (or her) respective responsibilities are clear (see below).
  A simplified diagram of output budgeting format
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The basic method of budget
  In view of these two complementary operations aspects of the budget, there are two basic methods of budgeting:
  (1) Regular budget: In this budget, at any time for the next fiscal year to develop a minimum of changes to the passage of the plan. In general, the expected annual total cost on a monthly basis, the activities at factor cost advantage of sharing in the year. This month "salary" as the expected cost of 1 / 12 share in each month of simple, while sales of seasonal fluctuations, to ask for more attention to marketing and production costs as well as fluctuations in the cost of the process of change.
  Regular budget for companies in stable industries often satisfactory, because these companies can be made during the plan relatively accurate forecasts. In contrast, in more common uncertain consumer demand brought about by some of the case of irregular cycle activities, rolling budget with greater value.
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Economic Wikipedia
  Budget on behalf of business executives in a given period of time (usually quarterly and annual), the
  The expected financial activities. It can be used to authorize approval of activities (such as in accordance with the requirements of the budget support
  Out); evaluate the operating results (using the budget as a measure of the standard); and motivate staff (for better pre-completion
  Considered standard, such as personnel incentives like bonuses).
  Of course, depending on the purpose of different types of budgets. Focused on the operational budget
  Running costs; and capital budget (capitalbudgets) is a major investment for it and Strategy
  Plan rather than have a business plan more closely
  Zero-based budgeting zero-based budgeting requires decision makers, assuming that the cost of previously acceptable package does not automatically
  Included in future budgets. Fees must be certified for each of its expenditure is reasonable, regardless of the order
  How the year before. This approach, often linked with the intention of reducing costs, more used to a strict
  Corporate culture, and in a period of recession more widely used. While this method can be made
  Unnecessary expenditure is concerned, but too often lead to heavy budget preparation process, as well as to
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  Proceedings in accordance with the approval of the state must within a certain time (usually the budget year) of income and expenditure plans. Said the draft budget before approval. Budget is usually about the state budget. Under the socialist system, at all levels of government and in all administrative units, institutions such as the budget, it is an integral part of the national budget.
  The state budget is the budget system the product of the bourgeois revolution, and it is the development of constitutional politics linked. In feudal countries, monarchs have dominated solely on revenue and expenditure, funds and state funds royal no strict distinction. With the birth of capitalism, the emerging bourgeoisie asked to participate in politics, the first step is to ask the supervision and control of financial, government taxation, borrowing and expenditure of funds, representatives of the bourgeoisie to obtain the consent of Parliament. Constitutional review and national parliaments through the budget of power. The Government's fiscal policy and financial revenue and expenditure plans _set_ out in the budget, subject to parliamentary scrutiny and approval, complete the legislative process before implementation.
  Socialist state budget shall be composed of representatives of the people of the state power authority. Constitution of the PRC stipulates that the state budget by the National People's Congress to review and approval by the State Council Executive; local budgets shall be approved by the local People's Congress, the implementation by the local people's government. State budget reflects the country's policy that the scope and direction of government activities.
  Budget amendments and supplementary (recovery less) after the adoption of the budget estimate, if the changes can be made to the budget of the national authorities through the proposed budget amendment bill. But because of budget amendment means that the negation of the original budget, replace the new budget amendment, it is generally used supplementary (recovery Decrease) approaches to increase (decrease) in the original approved budget revenue or expenditure, which can not adapt the original approved budget, but to adapt to new circumstances make the necessary changes.
  Accounts reflect the results of the annual budget execution report file. Accounts correspond with the budget, with national accounts and local accounts. Through the preparation and review of national accounts, you can check the national financial and economic work on the line, principles, policies and system implementation, check the results and summary of budget execution budget management experience. In China, the country accounts and national budget, but also through the National People's Congress of the examination and approval.
  Nature and role of the nature and role of the national budget by the State determined the nature and functions. Bourgeois capitalist countries, the government budget is part of the redistribution of national income, budget revenues from taxes paid by all sectors of the population, mainly for military and political costs of budget expenditure. It means the maintenance of bourgeois rule.
  The central budget and local budgets from the world situation, there is a regime with a government budget. For example, the U.S. federal budget and state budget, municipal budgets, Japan has the central budget and are, Road, House, county, county and municipal budgets. Budget management at all levels of government at all levels of government authority and the powers generally compatible.
  China's budget management compatible with the political power structure, with central, provincial (autonomous regions and municipalities), counties (prefectures and autonomous counties) levels, a comprehensive reflection of overall organization and management of the level of income and expenditure budget. However, since the founding of the central and local budget management is after several changes in the division of authority may generally be divided into the following three types: ① highly centralized unified revenue and expenditure measures, and all income and expenses, income and expenditure approach, level of expenditure by central development; all revenue and expenditure should be included in the national budget; budget authority primarily _set_
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English Expression
  1. :  budget,  budgeting,  tender
  2. n.:  costing,  a budgetary,  estimate or plan of how money will be spent over a period of time, in relation to the amount of money available
  3. v.:  Estimate
French Expression
  1. n.  budget
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