art : musicology : musical : melody music > music
  Basic elements of music: music that constitute the basic elements of music in a variety of elements, including sound level, sound length, the strength of sound and tone. By the combination of these basic elements to form a common music "form factor", such as: rhythm, melody, harmony, and the intensity, speed, tone, form, texture and so on. Elements constitute the form of musicians, music is the means of expression. The basic elements of music rhythm and melody.
  1, rhythm: the rhythm of music is the music the length and intensity of exercise Alto. Rhythm of the music is often compared to music of skeleton. Beat music in the remake and the weak beat periodically, regularly repeated. Chinese traditional music called rhythm as "methodical," "board" is equivalent to strong beat; "eye" is equivalent to second strong beat (the eye) or weak beat.
  2 tunes: tunes, also known as the melody. Ups and downs of musical rhythm by a certain lateral organized in an orderly manner, to form a melody. Tune is a complete music forms one of the most important means of expression. Tune to the direction is constantly changing, fundamental to the direction of three: "levels", "upstream" and "down." The same direction that the conduct of sound level; from the bass to treble, said upstream direction; from the direction of said treble down to bass. Conduct of a common tune: "Never mind repeatedly," "progressive" and "jump." According to that scale of the adjacent sound
  For the progressive three degrees jumped into that little dance four times and jumped more than four times said fauna.
  3, harmony: harmony, including "chord" and "Harmony for." Chords usually by three or more of the musical by certain rules of vertical (simultaneous) overlap to form the sound mix. Chord is the sound for the horizontal organization. Sound obvious thick, thin, thick, thin color effect; also constitute a clause, sub-paragraph and termination music music role.
  4, strength: the strength of music degree Alto.
  5, speed: Music for the speed.
  6, Mode: music sound using the relationship between a certain link, the sound of a voice-centric (vocals) constitute a system, called Mode. Such as the flat type, minor type, such as China's five-tone style. Mode of the sound from the vocalist began to line up from the low to constitute a high scale.
  7, form: music, horizontal organizational structure.
  8 Texture: Polyphonic music of various combinations of voices form (including the relationship between vertical integration and horizontal integration).
  9, melody: the idea of sound through the arts formed an organized, harmonious rhythmic movement. Melody is the foundation for music, music of the thoughts and feelings are shown through it.
  】 【Music Theory
  Music of his law
  Self-discipline of music
  Music Theory
  Music Aesthetics
  Music History
  Musical form and the work of
  The effect of music
  【Function】 music
  Music is a symbol, sound, symbol, expression of people are thinking. Is a carrier of people's thinking. Music is a purpose, there is a connotation, which implied the author's life experience, feeling. Music from the sound of it between the constant noise and frequency between the pure tone, from the effects of speaking, it can bring people of beauty and expression of human emotion.
  Music is a form of social behavior, people can exchange through music, emotions and life experience. This song was the most prominent manifestations of this role.
  【Origin】 music
  Since when human society with music, can not be traced. Has not produced in human language, have known the level of use of sound, strong or weak, etc. to express their own meaning and feelings. With the development of human labor, has the effect of a unified labor rhythmic chant and pass information between each other cry, this is the most original musical shape; when people celebrate the harvest and share the fruits of labor, they often beat stone, wood to express joy joy feelings, this is the prototype of the original instrument.
  First, the origin of legend strings
  Mercury (Mercury) is the Greek mythology the gods to God. He was reportedly walking along the Nile, the feet touch a thing given wonderful voice, he picked up, he discovered an empty shell was originally inside of a dry bar with the sounds. Mercury inspiration from this, the invention of the stringed instrument. Although research in the Mercury later generations ago already had strings, but it may be this was inspired.
  Second, wind instruments legend
  Account of the ancient history of China five thousand years ago the Yellow Emperor, a name known musician Ling Lun, he entered the mountains in western Queensland-based mining and bamboo flute. Phoenix was exactly five in the air Hita, he combined his voice and the law. Although this story can not be completely sure, but it could be seen as the origin of the instrument with a mysterious legend.
  Third, the ancient Chinese music
  --- China's first emperor Huangdi, is five thousand years ago created a calendar and writing the name of the ruler. At that time, Ling Lun in addition to the foregoing, there is one called "Fu Xi," the musician. Fu Xi was the first snake who is said to have given birth in the mother-to-twelve years. He played a 50 string, Zhang Qin, as tone is too sad, the Yellow Emperor Qin down to half its changed to 20 Wu Xian.
  In addition, the legendary Yellow Emperor, also called Shen Nong, a musician, he taught to farm, and found a medicine, is said to be the first person cattle. He created the banjo, then if the idea is to use the pentatonic music, then this is taken for granted.
  【Music】 China
  The official written record of the history of Chinese music began in the Zhou Dynasty.
  Prehistoric Ancient Music】 【
  Chinese music of ignorance during the early ancestor of the Huaxia Huangdi two thousand years of God. According to this 6700 years to 7000 years of the Neolithic Age, the ancestors may have been able to burn Pottery Xun, digging system bone whistle. The original instrument undoubtedly tell people, when the human already has the capability of the musical aesthetic. According to the ancient musical culture of ancient literature with song, dance, music combined with the characteristics of each other. Getian Shi clan in the so-called "three operating Shelter, eight songs enough to tie down vote," the dance is the best description. At that time, people are singing the contents, such as "Respect always," "Fen grain," "the extreme of total animal" reflects the ancestors of agriculture, animal husbandry and the world know the laws of nature. These songs, dance, music and dance music each other with one of the original totem worship like the original clan ties. Such as Huangdi Shi Yun Zeng Yi family totem, his music and dance called "Cloud Gate." Songs on the original form, can be seen in "Lu" Tu Shi Zhinv Recorded in the "Song of Waiting." This song only been "on Xi Yi-man," one and only "on" and the words have real meaning. This is the music of the bud, of a pregnancy without the language. Henan Wuyang Jiahu origin of the bone flute around 6000 BC, is the world's oldest wind instrument. One of a seven-hole bone flute preserved very complete, the experts carried out experiments and found that the use of the bone flute still playing music, can be issued seven sound stage. But basically only use the ancient Chinese pentatonic scale.
  【Music】 ancient
  Ancient Chinese "poetry" is, regardless, that is, literature and music are closely linked to the department. The oldest Chinese poetry collection "The Book of Songs" in the Psalms at all with a tune, as sung by the masses orally. This tradition continues, and such integration of the Han Dynasty official poetry known as "Han Dynasty", Tang, Song was also able to sing. Even today, there are pop musicians as poetry _set_ to music concerts, such as the Mid-Autumn Festival Sushi description of "Prelude to Water" also Li Bai's "Poem."
  Ancient China contempt musician, not to treat artists as Chinese painting and calligraphy are closely connected, the painter is literati class, even when in the Song Dynasty "to draw the examiner" (actually because of the extreme Huizong personal hobby of painting). Musicians of a lower status, but for the noble entertainment "actor." During the Tang dynasty in the famous singer Li turtles have no political status, now people know he is because he often appears in the Tang poetry, praised by others.
  Ancient Chinese "scholar" class that a cultivated person should master "poetry and painting", the so-called "piano" is popular since the qin. Guqin scholar alone, but only appreciate, not on public show. Guqin smaller volume, higher status is the only musical instrument.
  Summary: the development of music theory in ancient China slow in the "official history" of high status, not to leave more information in writing. But the music and literature as a compulsory subject in ancient intelligentsia, in the daily life of ancient China no doubt has an important position; it is even more full of colorful folk melody.
  Xia, Shang Dynasty Music
  Xia and Shang dynasties during slavery society. Literature from the classical view, when the dance music and dance have been gradually away from the original clan for the clan shared characteristics, they share more for the slave owners there. From the content point of view, they gradually left the primitive totem worship, instead of the conquest of nature for the people who carol. For example, Yu's water management for the benefit of the people, there will be a praise of the emperor Yu Dance "big summer." Xia Jie is no way, cutting the Shang Dynasty, and as a result of the praise music and dance Shang Tang Expending "big oblique." Shang Wu Fengsheng OK, so there solely on the worship of the Witch (Witch) and wizard (wizard). Nurtured by their slave owners, the line festival, dance, singing, was the first person to music as a career. Slave to music and dance to worship the Emperor of Heaven, ancestors, the same time have to indulge their own to enjoy music and dance. They died but also to musicians and sacrificial victims, the martyrdom of this brutal killing system on the one hand exposed the cruel rule of slave owners, and objectively reflects the progress of productivity compared to primitive times, making music culture with a rapidly growing conditions. According to historical records, the Xia has been a useful system Tuo crocodile Piemonte drum. Shang Dynasty have been found in wooden drums and double-cavity birds taotie Skin to drums, and the production of well-bred Shi Hua Shi Pan plow. Bronze Age As a result, the Shang Dynasty also appeared bells, cymbals musical instrument series, most of them three to one group. The emergence of various types of percussion instruments in the history of hit musical instrument embodies the characteristics of the development of the former. Years beginning in 5000 the body of instruments Pottery Xun Ming tone from the hole at the time, the development of two to five sound hole sound hole, it can issue 12 semitones of the sound out. According to Tao Xun pronunciation inference, Chinese folk music, the pentatonic basis of thinking in the late Neolithic period, while the sound of at least seven companies, Yin had already occurred.
  Xizhou Music
  Western Zhou is a slave society from prosperity to decline, the feudal system of social factors, the growing period of history. Western Zhou Dynasty court first established a complete music system. Enjoy entertainment at the banquet the status of officials of different provisions have different status, dance team preparation. Summary judgments before the ancient epic nature of the music and dance, you can see the so-called "sixth generation of music and dance", that is, when the Yellow Emperor, "Cloud Gate", when Yao's "salt pond" when Shun, "Shao", Yu when the "big summer" , when the business "big geometrid" weeks "big arms." Zhou also mingling system, to collect folk songs, in order to observe customs, police sentiments. Depends on it, preserving a large number of folk songs, _delete_d by the Spring and Autumn Period Confucius _set_ to form China's first poetry collection - "The Book of Songs." It collects from the early Western Zhou Dynasty Spring and Autumn Period 500 years into the middle of a total of 305 music poetry. "Book of Songs" the best part is "style." They are spread in Henan Province as the center, including the number of provinces around the country folk song 15. There are also literary creations, "Taiga", "Xiao Ya," and the Sacrifice epic song "Song" these types of genre. Handed down its text analysis, "Book of Songs" songs to form structure can be summarized as ten. As the song's climactic end, has a special name "chaos." In the "Book of Songs," a book before and after, the famous patriotic poet Qu Yuan's sacrifice according to Chu songs compiled into "Nine Songs", with strong characteristics of Chu culture. Thus, two different works of different musical styles into a north and south pavilions interest.
  Live folk music during the Zhou Dynasty social life involved a dozen side, very active. Shi-Chuan Boya piano, Zhong Ziqi Salon story that begins at this time. This reflects the performance technology, technology, and people appreciate the composition level. Guqin playing, the piano were also concludes that "purest heart of the device can only be" playing psychological feelings. QIN famous musicians singing the song, according to records to "Shaking the tree, ring containing Feiyun." More civil Genv Han E, after the song "Yin Yu Rao Liang, three days is not absolute." These are highly technical achievements in vocal music.
  Zhou's cultural achievements can also be highly developed in 1978 with the County of Hubei's Warring States period unearthed tombs of ancient musical instruments Marquis Yi of Zeng as an important symbol. This can be comparable to the pyramids of Egypt provide a treasure trove of underground music at the court music system model, where unearthed eight 124 instrument, according to Zhou's "octave" instrument classification (gold, stone, silk, bamboo, gourd, earth, leather, wood) everything almost all kinds of musical instruments. The most important of 64 bells musical instrument, at the upper and the lower-ranking provision, the total weight of up to five thousand kilograms, the total up to five octave range. However, as the Shang and Zhou bells chime a bell with two tone hair features, including the Department of the pitch is 12 semitones in place, you can transfer spin palace, which confirmed the pre-Qin literature on spin palace reliable records. Tomb clock, there are inscriptions on the pan instrument, says the feudal theory of temperament between countries, reflecting the height of the Zhou Dynasty Musical Temperament achievements. In the Zhou Dynasty, Temperament theory has been established. 5 sound stage name (gong, shang, jiao, zhi [zhi three times], birds) also have been established. At this time, people already know five or seven voices sound in order to voice the main palace, Palace, Palace Music from place to place is called spin, so that you can achieve the transfer effect. Law school to highlight the achievements found in "tube - to members of Chapter" recorded in the "one-third of the profit and loss method." Is to house the chord sound basis, increased by one third (Yi I), by Palace Music sign four degrees below the pure tone; sign minus one third of the chord tone (loss of one), be levied Music five degrees above the pure sound business; inferior race continues to be projected on the tone pentatonic chord. Operator in accordance with this method all 12 semitones within the octave (Temperament) the chord length, constitutes a "one-third of the profit and loss law system." Because of this legal system is based on the five-degree intervals of natural made with students, and each time with students than those made of sound micro-tempered high-five degrees, so not sending twelve law students with high-octave tone, resulting in the so-called "brass bells can not be restored" to the spin transfer Palace inconvenience. However, this fully reflects the melodic beauty of tone tuning system continues today.
  Qin and Han Dynasties Music
  Qin, start with "verse." It inherited the system of the Zhou Dynasty to the collecting folk songs, collecting, sorting changed folk music, the end results of a large number of musicians in the feast, Jiao Si, Asaga so on play. Such as singing the lyrics, known as the verse poems. Verse, and later be extended to all income refers to music or write it into music lyrics, even some of the more drama and gas are also called Yue.
  Three Kingdoms, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties Music
  Songs from the development phase and to clear up commercial music in the North get the attention Cao Wei, _set_ clear business department. Jin at the turn of the war, so clearly into the commercial music of the South, and South, Wu Ge, Western music fusion. In the Northern Wei Dynasty, the integration of this north-south commercial music back to clear the north, thus becoming the country's major popular genres. Han, along with the smooth flow of the Silk Road, Western countries have introduced the song to start the mainland. When Northern Liang Tang Yan Yue Lu Guang will occupy an important position in the Kucha (Kuqa, Xinjiang today) music brought to the mainland. This shows that people of all time music is already very popular on the exchange.
  At this time, the representation of traditional music culture instrument Guqin mature, mainly as follows: there have been problems in the Han Dynasty the title of the qin melodies solution monograph, "Qin Cao." Three Kingdoms, the famous qin Kang in his book "Musical Instrument" in his book the "emblem of Zhongshan of Yu" records. This shows that people already know that Qin was the emblem bit harmonics generation. At that time, there have appeared a large number of scholars qin, such as Ji Kang and Ruan Ji and so on, "Guanglingsan" ("Niezhengciqin King"), "Yi-Lan Cao", "Tune", a famous track came.
  Southern and Northern Dynasty is also a kind of popular story, their role and make-up performances, singing and dancing, while both accompaniment and orchestral accompaniment of song and dance drama. This is already a small prototype of opera.
  Temperament in this period's important achievements, including the Jin Mao Xun find wind instruments, "the number of nozzle correction." Southern Song Hecheng days in one-third of the profit and loss method, the arithmetic superposition approach to the creation of a new law is very close to the tempered. His efforts to solve the one-third of the initial profit and loss can not restore law Huangzhong problem.
  Sui and Tang Dynasty Music
  Sui and Tang dynasties, political unity, especially in the Tang Dynasty, political stability, economic prosperity, the rulers policy of openness, the courage to absorb the culture of the outer city, together with Wei has been bred since the laying the foundation of all music and cultural integration, and finally germination taking music and dance music as the main indicator of the overall development of the peak.
  Tang Dynasty palace feast of music, called "Yan Music." Sui and Tang Dynasty's seven-step music, nine belong to Yin Lok Lok. They are of all ethnic groups, and foreign folk music, mainly QingShang Music (Han), Western Liang (now Gansu) music, Gao (now Turpan) music, Kucha (Kuqa this) music, Kang country (now Russia Han Samar) music, Yasukuni (now Russian Bukhara) music, Tianzhu (now India), music, Korea (now North Korea) Theatre. One Kucha music, music Xiliang more important. Yan Yue was also divided into sitting and Li in the Department of Kabuki Kabuki play, according to Bai's "Legislative Department of Kabuki," poetry, the Department of trick the performer to sit higher than Li in Kabuki.
  Tang song and dance rage music is unique in the wonderful work of Yan. It inherits the traditional phase and koji, a unique blend of nine music in the essence of all music, forming a bulk order - in order or making order - broken or dance all over the structure. Found in "Jiaofang recorded" Recording Tang Daqu Commissioned total of 46, which "霓裳羽衣舞" the emperor of its renowned musicians as the Emperor's, but also combines elegant style of the French song for the World praiseworthy. The famous poet, wrote a description of the performance process Daqu vivid poem "霓裳羽衣舞 song."
  The prosperity of the Tang Dynasty's culture also finds expression in a series of music education institutions, such as teaching workshops, pear orchards, large music department, advocating the Department and specialized instructors do not teach young children Liyuan Park. Strict performance of these institutions, creating the groups of talented musicians. Literary History of Tang to none at the time is the concert singing. Geishas Zeng Yi was singing and faster famous poem; poet has his own poems into music after the wide spread measure their writing skills. Bands in the Tang Dynasty, the pipa is one of the main instruments. It has almost the same shape today's pipa. Fujian now, and the Japanese lute Nanqu in shape and playing on the method still preserved some features of the Tang pipa.
  By Kucha theory of music, appeared in 84 notes Tang, Yan music 28 tone music theory. Cao Tang Dynasty also created by the word soft spectrum Guqin notation, has been in use to modern times.
  Song, Jin and Yuan Dynasties Music
  To the Yuan Dynasty, the emergence of national musical instruments sanxian noteworthy. Studies in music theory, music Yan Song appeared in the record scale. Meanwhile, the early spectral type notation is also Zhang Yan, "etymology" and Shen Kuo's "Meng Xi Bi Tan" appears. Recent passage of a musical score from the direct time. Chinese Opera Song or mature age. It is marked by the emergence of the Southern Song Shinan play. Southern Opera, also known as Wenzhou Dynasty, Yongjia Opera, the music rich and natural. Initially some non-minor, concerts can be transferred from house restrictions. Tune body was later developed into opera music, also emerged a number of organizations, different melody phrases constitute a new melody of "Song Collection" form. South opera in concert form, has been solo, duets, chorus and so on. Handed down three Southern Drama this, "Zhang Xie" and found "Paradise Daqu." Opera in the Yuan Dynasty Yuan Dynasty appeared to peak represented. The initial rise of Yuan Dynasty in the north, gradually developing to the south, and the Southern drama blending occurs. Representative writers Yuan Guan Hanqing, Ma Zhiyuan, Revival after, White Park, in addition to Wang Shih-fu, Qiao Jifu, the Bank said six people. Classic works such as Guan Hanqing's "Snow in Midsummer," "will single-handedly," Wang Shih-fu's "The West Chamber." Yuan strict structure, that each work by the Si Zhe (screen) of a wedge (off site or over) form. Within the limits of a discount house with the same tune, a rhyme in the end, often by a role (at the end or Jordan) lead singer, the rules, and sometimes there are breakthroughs, such as Wang Shih-fu's "The West Chamber" up to five 20 fold. Yuan drama of the South, resulting in the Southern theater (called the Yuan and Ming legend) for further maturation. Witnessed a series of classic plays, such as "Praying Court", "Lute" and so on. Experience on behalf of the spread of these scripts is still performed. North-South style of music at that time had been initially established, the voice of seven-order-based North Qu Chen Xiong; to Southern Drama pentatonic-based soften. With the development of the arts Yuan Dynasty, there has been a summary of the first monograph on the theory opera singing, which flourished on the Temple's "Singing", and Zhou Deqing's "Rhyme" is a song first Rhyming Dictionary of the North, he north Language is divided into 19 rhymes, and the tones of Chinese characters is divided into IA, IB and IIIA, rising tone, falling tone of four. This later phonology research and development of opera rap music have a great impact.
  Ming and Qing Dynasty Music
  Since the Ming and Qing society has a budding capitalist economic factors, the public sectors growing, the development of music culture is more secular characteristics of the Ming dynasty rich folk ditty, though mixed, but the breadth of its influence has reached "do not ask men and women "and" everybody learning the "level. As a result, the private collection of editing, publishing ditty has become a trend, but also from folk ditty to the libretto, opera text, melodies have come out of private Editions. If Menglong editor of "Folk Songs," Zhu Quan, the first editor of the Music of "Marvelous Mysteries" and so on.
  Rap colorful Ming and Qing Dynasties. One South Tanci, north lyrics to dagu, and brand music, piano books, affections Cantata kind of like that is more important. The beautiful south of Suzhou storytelling storytelling greatest impact. In the Qing Dynasty, Suzhou, Chen appeared to encounter dry desolation represented in bold relief, Chen notes; to Maru Fei represented frank Hearty duma; to the beauty represented by Yu Xiushan soften the tone of these three important school of Yu. And later proliferation of many new schools. The lyrics to dagu northern Shandong drums, wooden drums Jizhong, River drums, Jingyuntaigu more important. The brand of music like rap are chorded, Henan Major song, etc.; piano books piano books class rap with Shandong, Sichuan dulcimer, etc.; affections affections class rap in Zhejiang, Shaanxi affections, such as Hubei, Yu Gu, minorities have also been some rap Songs such as the Mongolian story-telling, Bai Big song. Ming and Qing period music and dance all the people in the greater development, such as the various Yangge Han, Uygur Muqam lamp, Tibetan capsule M, Zhuang copper encouraged Dai Peacock Dance, jump on the Yi, Miao Lusheng dance. To tune the flow of cloth as the characteristics of the Ming and Qing Chinese music emerged a new development heights. Fourth day with sea salt out loud cavity, Yuyao, Yiyang, Kunshan various cavity, which cavity in Kunshan, Jiangsu Taicang Weiliang Fu and others through reform, to fine tune and smooth sound stress prefix words abdomen, won the people's favorite suffix . Kunshan cavity has been the confluence of North and South music, forming a moment to the highest of the Kun Opera. The first Ming Liang Chen Kun plays the fish is "Washing Gauze", the remaining major repertoire, such as Ming Tang's "Peony Pavilion", Qing Hong Sheng's "Palace of Eternal Youth" and so on. Yiyangqiang its flexible features of the dialect of the opera took place around the major impact, making the growing parts of opera, such as a variety of pitched drama. Ming and Qing Dynasties, the North West Shaanxi Opera in Shaanxi Bangzi opera represented the development of very fast, it affects puzhou Clapper Shanxi, Shaanxi, with the state Clapper, Clapper Hebei, Henan clapper. This sonorous, easy-Bangzi opera enduring in the northern provinces. Qing Dynasty, by the Xi Pi and the two yellow skin composed of two basic tunes yellow cavity, formed in Beijing, thus, had an impact all over the country's opera.
  【Music】 music theory
  The development of music is no limit and scope, but music is time-sensitive, so if word of mouth alone, it is inevitable there will be some mistakes, over time, can not maintain the original flavor of music. Therefore, our predecessors have invented all kinds of music notation, use of these symbols of the music, and their descendants can use the spectrum, playing out with the same meaning of the music, while recorded music on a variety of symbols and rules, it said to music theory.
  Ancient Chinese music is pentatonic system, on the pentatonic scale of five levels is called the "five sound", that palace (do), business (re), angle (mi), sign (sol), birds (la) . Comparison of the famous ancient Chinese music "Guanglingsan," "Mountain and Flowing Water", "Plum Blossom", etc..
  National Instruments】 【
  "Zhou Li Chun officials" in the musical instruments are divided into gold, stone, earth, leather, silk, wood, gourd, bamboo eight categories, called "octave" is also one of the oldest musical instrument classification.
  Gold tone including the bells, special bell, cymbals
  Rock Music including chimes, special chime
  Accent, including Xun
  Leather drum sounds, including
  Sibilant including the qin, the ancient Joseph
  Wood tone including zhu, Yu-
  Sound, including Sheng Pao, yu
  Including bamboo flute sound, flute, pipe, bamboo flute
  Bells, chime issued by the two instruments sound crisp and bright, to be known as the "voice of stone", is officially recognized "the highest elegant sound." Now what is the silk string and wind sounds and short sounds of bamboo.
  Ancient musical instruments mainly Xun, Fou, building, pan, Harp, zither, qin, Joseph, etc., generally slow melodious music, mainly to fit the needs of court life or religion.
  【Music】 Modern
  The late 19th century, China was forced to open the south coast, came into contact with Western music and musical instruments, musical bear the brunt of Guangdong, the first sound absorbing Western ways, creating new musical instruments dulcimer and marimba, the development of the orchestra music, music still has its unique Guangdong charm, is more successful example of combining Chinese and Western.
  From 1838 to 1903 years (that is narrow "school music" movement before the rise of sixty years) church music music education in modern China had a tremendous impact. After the Opium War, missionaries went to China to increase the number of Western missionaries in China, missionary work, they often do with singing hymns as auxiliary method, the chromatic concepts have been spread.
  Folk musicians playing Chinese musical instruments creating a new stage, erhu composer Liu Tianhua created a large number of Erhu solo, such as "Good Night", "bright line", "river water", etc., performer Hua Yanjun (blind Bing) created a "Traditional" and so on erhu and pipa. Although at the time when the world turmoil, the Chinese folk music both in solo and ensemble band have great development.
  1910s to the 1920s, the New Culture Movement, many overseas Chinese to return home after the musicians began to play European classical music, also began to read music record new works. Formed a new orchestra in big cities, mixed European classical music and jazz, concert halls and radio are very popular. Shanghai in the 1930s reached its peak.
  Although the use of Western instruments and musical instruments, but still is a popular music form in China, that the main melody, pentatonic-based, can be most people's favorite. Zhou Xuan was one of the most popular performers, was the representative of popular music, its for the movie "Street Angel" sang the theme song, "The Wandering Songstress" and "Butterfly," a time of great popularity, the people at that time anti-Japanese sentiment , known as the "golden voice."
  The People's Republic of China established, pop songs than after the revolution, also added a translation into Chinese of Soviet pop. Began to build around the Symphony Group, played Western classical music, and Chinese composers of new works. Eastern European orchestra performing several times to China, Chinese Orchestra also participated in many international performances will be. Chinese musicians have tried to use the Western method of writing instruments with Chinese style of music, the more successful a violin concerto "Butterfly Lovers", adopted some of Shaoxing opera melodies.
  And third world countries are increasing contacts, this Oriental Song and Dance Ensemble was established, specialized learning, concerts in Asia, Africa and Latin America the nation's folk music, popular in China, from the music to begin developing countries China's impact. Chinese National Orchestra of orchestration, ensemble approach is also in shape, produced many successful instrumental music symphony.
  In recent years, China's folk music began to receive wide attention around the world, every Lunar New Year, will be invited to the Golden Hall in Vienna New Year Concert held in China, and packed.
  School in Taiwan and Hong Kong Teng create songs the concert, the Chinese popular music to a peak, with a unique style of Chinese music and charm, Teresa Teng, a concert in the United States, it attracted too many Americans in the background the whole stage, stage management appreciation , although they do not understand the Chinese lyrics.
  【Music】 revolution
  In the Northern Expedition, with Chinese musicians revolution, made a lot of revolutionary songs, the National Revolutionary Army, is widely sung, some with foreign direct popular melody accompanied by revolutionary lyrics.
  Anti-Japanese War, the musicians is united in writing a large number of anti-Japanese songs. Xian Xinghai's "Yellow River Cantata" magnificent, reflected the spirit of popular resistance. Composing music for the film with the "National Anthem" is majestic, a Japanese army of liberation to be sung everywhere, The People's Republic of China established, in order to be prepared and not forget how the Chinese people against foreign aggression, the National Anthem, as the national anthem .
  Conference 1942 Yan'an, the Communist-controlled areas began to rewrite the local folk songs into the revolution, such as Shaanxi folk song "The East is Red." The purpose is to rewrite most of the population is illiterate farmers to spread communist ideology.
  During the Cultural Revolution, Western music, especially the Soviet Union's not illegal. Retro revolutionary songs and the so-called "quotation songs", with dictatorial "model operas", and foreign exchanges almost stopped, even in the welcome banquet in honor of U.S. President Richard Nixon, the band playing American music, "haystack on turkey" , the then Minister of Culture should protest to the Prime Minister, the mainland Chinese music into a low period. To the development of music is not completely stagnant.
  During the Cultural Revolution, the "model opera" Although too overbearing, but the opera will be accompanied by the introduction of the Western orchestra to produce a special effect, in the context of vigorous orchestral and skin tones of the drums, but also highlighted the characteristics of opera music, but also a Integrated Chinese and Western development. Especially the "Dahushangshan" interlude in the horn solo, and singing back tones of natural, very commendable.
  Pop music】 【
  Since China's reform and opening up, the first pop music from Hong Kong and Taiwan into China, particularly Taiwan, Teresa Teng singing school songs and songs popular in mainland China. In the CCTV Spring Festival Gala Performance of China's Ming-Min Zhang's "My Chinese Heart" became a hit in China, which is China's Hong Kong and Taiwan's first public music performance. Since then, China's pop music and the rest of the world's various styles, various genres of music combined, resulting in a number of popular songs. Now, the rapid development of China's pop music, pop music world in a new force should not be underestimated.
  Taiwan and Hong Kong's popular music developed rapidly, the basic synchronization and international trends, particularly Hong Kong, because the government does not interfere with the creation of music, there have been many famous singers and songs, not only across China by the Chinese, but also by Japan, South Korea, fans of the cult.
  In recent years, mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other parts of the world continue to share the Chinese pop music, began to convergence, convergence trend. Therefore, start with "Global Chinese pop music," the overall title. An outstanding performance: China as one of the world's largest consumer market, Hong Kong and Taiwan, overseas major pop music release list and start the preparation of more and more attention to the mainland market.
  It is noteworthy that, in the popular music which, with a kind of folk music in nature, they are represented by the campus folk, urban folk, barracks ballads, folk music they also have a place among pop music, have all had their brilliant years, simple folk tunes, popular lyrics also touched many people.
  【Music】 rap
  The music is based on a fixed melody, rhythm, accompanied by synthesizer, scratch records, and so fast that the composition did not understand rap, many people feel too weird, too monotonous, so predicting its short-lived, but proved from its development to the present all the formal music awards ceremony and have a rap song charts the breakdown of the project, such as the annual Billboard Rap Album award is about the best American rap trend guide. Many people believe that all rap music sounds are the same, does not. You have to listen to rap shown by the feeling of rhythm and rhyme, go about it to say. For example, gang rap to help them against the community, with the obvious racist tendencies, politicized, and specifically choose non-government. And most of these singers have a background of local gangs, coupled with the talents of the rap album. So they are always around the topic of firearms, drugs, violence and survival of the subject, but in any case, the formation of these rap style, fully demonstrated the aspirations of African Americans and discontent. Any have anything to say, and talented young people, can rap in a different form, to find their own sky.
  【Music】 National
  Narrow sense of Chinese folk music refers to the Han Chinese music, referred to as "folk music." China's ethnic music has had more style and content, such as Tibetan music, Mongolian music, Zhuang music.
  Tibetan Music
  Tibetan nation is sing and dance, their song melody vast, mildly sweet. Tibetan Buddhist music can be divided into music and folk music. Buddhist music in the most famous monks sing praise tunes without words.
  Tibetan folk songs resounding loud and clear, it sounds like there is a vast plateau blue sky weather, melodious tunes, but also to the five main sound. Song and dance form of "fruit harmony", "Guozhuo" (pot Zhuang), etc.. Tibetan music, some of the elements are absorbed by the Han Chinese and Western music. Some songs of the Han mimic the characteristics of Tibetan music created such as "visiting the Park," "Plateau," a kind of song. Recent years, Tibetans in Tibet are also songs of other musical elements into. In addition to the famous Tibetan singer Cedain Zhoima and singing Chinese songs mainly Han Hong, there Rongzhongerjia, East Asia, Jean Snow Dolma large number of high profile singer in Tibet.
  Regular theater now finishing excavation performed traditional Tibetan opera "King Gesar."
  Music Man
  Northeast China and Beijing is the Manchu _set_tlements. Man's most famous folk music is from the Qing Dynasty Bajiao Gu. Man's Lullaby, "a lengthy bar," and other works are well-known, often used in Chinese modern cover.
  Mongolian Music
  Mongolian folk song points "folk Long Song" and "short-tune folk songs." "Long Tune" There are many homophonic words meaningless stretch singing, there are grasslands Kongkuo style. The most distinctive musical instrument is matouqin is a pull strings, piano column as a Tau general decorative carving, so this name.
  Guangxi Zhuang neighborhood is the home of folk songs, often young men and women singing in antiphonal style, some people even say that the time singing Zhuang's life longer than the talking. Basic and Han Zhuang folk music style similar to the main pentatonic scale. Lyrics obvious antithesis format, content at nominal, metaphor and other techniques statements to the exchange-based life, and sometimes the lyrics are referring to the Chinese classical stories and allusions. Zhuang music can be in the movie musical "The Nutcracker" in a glimpse of its magic.
  Dai music
  Dai's and South Asia, Myanmar, Thailand's musical style is similar to mildly mellow tunes, typical musical instruments, and as the feet drum a Hulusi, Hulusi unique timbre of a musical style of playing is Dai.
  Naxi Ancient Music
  Lijiang Naxi Naxi ancient music is in the middle of playing old music, is said to be imported from the Central Plains during the Ming Dynasty, and since the original local traffic inconvenience, and little outside contact, and always genuine, handed down, there are only a group of old band can play, is training his successor, is the living fossil of the 14th century music by the music industry attention.
  Dong music
  Dong "Great Song" is the only use of acoustic folk songs, basic for the female a cappella, vocal harmonies by the voices are very harmonious with, caused a sensation in international and won numerous awards.
  Uighur Music
  Uyghur music is basically the Arab style of music, great emphasis on rhythm, hand drum can play dozens of different rhythms, musical instruments are mainly suitable for immediate playing of both Seoul and thermal tile just it, the biggest is Tamboura. The traditional Uygur music "12 Maqam" all-inclusive, is the source of many folk music.
  Tajik music
  Tajik music, and a greater difference between Han Chinese music, good use of chromatic, melody tactfully changing, as Eagle Gao Ming, the most typical of the composer Lei Zhenbang for the movie "tip of the visitors," with songs full use of Tajik folk songs.
  Korean Music
  Korean music and North Korea, South Korea's music is basically the same, the main instrument with a long drum and gayageum. Gayageum similar to the ancient Chinese zither, smaller than the modern zither, playing the law are not the same, sit cross-legged knee is placed on the bomb. Music melody has its unique style.
  【Music】 Opera
  19th Century Opera Opera Peking opera of China is very popular in China, also one of the more popular art, large areas have their own local opera. At present, the most representative of the development of Beijing Opera in Beijing. Music Music is usually the main high-profile singing and to flute, percussion section, clapper, gongs, and tones of other stringed accompaniment. Other representatives of opera music: A Night with Hebei, Henan, Pingju opera, Shaoxing opera, Cantonese opera, Kun Opera, Shaanxi Opera, Opera, high such a play and Nuo opera. The whole of China a total of more than 600 varieties of local theater. Kun orally by the United Nations as a World Cultural Heritage List.
  】 【Rock music
  China's reform and opening up, and Western music was introduced to China through various channels. Music youth more or less exposed to rock music, and began to build a band, imitation and creation.
  China's rock music for the first time on stage should be said that in May 9, 1986. At that time in the Beijing Workers Stadium Memorial "'86 International Year of Peace" concert in China 100 singers, Cui Jian dressed in little-known long gown and carrying a guitar, one high and one low trousers jumped on the stage, the audience stunned occasion Hou Chu, "I once asked a drag / when you come with me ... ...", that is, the first Chinese rock pioneer work as "nothing." Subsequently, the Chinese rock, Cui Jian will be the first person called.
  The late 80s and early 90s, rock altar has been found in China, such as the Tang Dynasty, Panther, reincarnation, overloading, compass, Beijing 1989 and other bands. By 1994, the Hong Kong Coliseum, Hung Hom, "China's rock influence" concert in the history of China's most passionate rock scene, when the three heroes of rock known as the Magic Dou Wei, Zhang Chu and He Yong, the Chinese rock band Tang Dynasty and push to a peak. China followed a very big rock show differentiation trends, followed by appearance of various musical styles. As to the popular Zheng Jun, Xu Wei, and 0:00, etc.; lower fidelity of the punk band Pangu; pattern times out of flies, left a small ancestral curse and Wang Lei; electronic music and rap music is gaining popularity and a variety of musical styles of interaction between each other fusion. The old band dissolved, the main members of the solo, such as Dou Wei left the band after the Black Panther, had formed a dream band, but also cooperate with many bands impromptu recording; and new bands appear, such as flowers, new pants and take the British line of Catcher in the Rye and sober, etc.; this among a number of schools is of concern to Beijing's Confucius said (now renamed "The Master said Yao release") and second-hand roses to represent the Northeast folk rock more and more attention is being . Many record companies, such as the Modern Sky, Jingwenchangpian and entertainment companies in introducing new musicians and bands to hold concert also made a lot of try and contributions.
  【Music】 Western
  Western music history is the development of western music history, a detailed time can be divided into: Ancient Greece and Rome during the musical, the music during the Middle Ages, Renaissance music, Baroque music, Classical music, romantic music, contemporary music and New Age music and so on.
  Western musical instruments】 【
  Electronic keyboard
  Electric piano
  Electronic Piano
  Stringed instrument
  Electric Guitar
  Bass guitar
  Reed organ
  Jazz Organ
  Tango Accordion
  Reed Straight
  Chong Fenghao
  French Horn
  Bowed stringed instrument
  Double Bass
  Chung Chin
  Snare drum
  Japanese drums
  Crisp bell
  】 【Jazz
  In the jazz tunes, in addition to traditional music from Europe, the white folk and popular songs in the lessons aside, the best character is the "blues scale" (the structure on this scale, we will be part of the specialist Bruce description), but it can be said of jazz harmony is completely built on the basis of traditional harmony, but more freedom to use a variety of chord changes, the main difference between them is caused by the blues chords.
  Jazz in the use of musical instruments and playing on a very distinctive way, completely different from the traditional band. Since the "Jazz Age" since the saxophone became one of the best selling musical instruments; trombone can play the other brass instruments can not be done, funny or bizarre glide, so the team steal the show in the jazz; Trumpet is also a favorite jazz instrument, the instrument with a different mute the sound produced by the novel and the highest pitch is almost a jazz a few sound characteristics unique sound; piano, banjo, guitar, and subsequently The electric guitar is its sound and effective combat style ability to play chords occupy an important position. On the contrary, the most important band in the traditional string instruments (violin, viola, cello) in a number of relatively minor status; horn's rich sound in the orchestra is very fascinating, but for jazz, it's temperament was so docile almost no use. In the orchestra, each instrument in tone and volume control integrated into the overall sound as much as possible among the opposite team in jazz, musicians are striving to make each instrument are "stand up."
  The establishment of the band is flexible, the most basic of two parts - the rhythm group and melody group. In the early jazz, the rhythm group number by the bass, banjo and drums as an afterthought, tuba and banjo bass and guitar gradually being replaced by a piano join. In the 30's, the emergence of a dance band, then called "big band", which consists of three components: the rhythm group, brass and woodwind group group. Rhythm group used instruments is still double bass, guitar, piano and drums; brass group is the establishment of common three trumpet and two trombone, but the number is not fixed; woodwind group is usually composed of 45 saxophone Everyone and clarinet or other woodwind instrument, if the establishment of five saxophone is generally two alto, two tenor, one on bass. There is also a commercial (and sometimes also referred to as "sweet-type", "hotel-type", etc.) of the band, compiled with the "big band" almost, but often all used saxophone tenor, and woodwind group will be more use of other instruments (such as the flute, oboe), sometimes with three or four violin, often in the commodity tape you can hear the sound of these bands.
  Jazz in the tremolo is a change of direction of change is generally ranging from narrow to wide, the speed from slow to fast, often in a tone near the end of the range and speed increased jitter, but also enhanced the expression of such techniques . Meanwhile, in a sound beginning, jazz musicians are scheduled from the next slide up the pitch, in the end, and from the original pitch slide down. All these changes are not recorded in detail with the music, experienced jazz musicians have mastered this type of approach, especially in this concept, they can depending on the melody or accompaniment Yinxing these effects, "Manufacturing "out. So you can say this: As the improvisation skills of the individual traditions and play, jazz composers and musicians from the co-creation. Received traditional education is difficult to show the reason why jazz musicians, because they do not nurture this special musical ideas. If we carefully compare the true folk singer and formal training, the first folk singers sang the same difference in the meaning of this will have a more intuitive concept.
  Jazz was born from the beginning, it attracted a lot of jobs composers. 1920, conductor Paul Luohuaiteman organized a well-known band to jazz works adapted into a concert hall. This new trend has been much "serious" jazz lovers of fierce opposition, however, this is after the well-known jazz in the United States and Europe, was widely welcomed. Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue" was born at this time for this work who is the Whiteman band orchestration the composer Ge Luofei. In accordance with the manuscript on the record, write this work took only three weeks, almost immediately after the performance caused a sensation. There are also many European composers to jazz-based or affected by the works of jazz, such as: Debussy's piano piece "ugly black strange gait Dance" (1908), "il trovatore" (1910), "Frankenstein Ravi Namibia General "(1910); Ravel's Violin Sonata in the slow movement (Bruce); Stravinsky's" 11 solo instruments Leigetaimu "(1919)," The Soldier's Tale "(1918 ), "black wood Concerto"; Hindemith's "Chamber Music No." (Op. 24, atonal) and the Piano Suite (1922).
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No. 2
  A kind of art. Posed by an organized sound art images to express the human thoughts and feelings, reflecting the social life. Must show the actual sound of singing, playing for the listener to perceive and produce artistic effects. Rhythm, melody, harmony, orchestration and performance measures for its basic elements. Sub-vocal, instrumental two categories, it can be genres, form into symphonies, concertos, chamber music, choral, songs, and string and wind, wind and percussion, rap music. In the opera, ballet, opera, film and other integrated art, music is one of important components.
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yīn yuè
  Rhythm, melody or harmony vocal or instrumental sound with the composition of such an art
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No. 4
  Ancient Music, music is different. "Book of Rites": "Where the tone of the play, also by the heart health. The mind and action, so that natural things are, a sense of things moving in, so in music. Sound accordingly, it has changed, become a party, that Voice. than the sound of the music, and dry Qi, Yu Mao, that of music. "Hun said after the" music "refers to the organized expression of people's musical thoughts and feelings, reflecting the social life an art. "Zhou Yu Chuan Wu of the Three Kingdoms": "Yu oligozoospermia meaning of music, though, after three Jazz, he has a palace in error, Yu will be aware of, care must be aware of." "Han Ping before the words" under volume: "God to spine door step to the left to Xu's welcome of, sent to the Baling Bridge Emperor. "Wen Cheng Xun," beautiful music "poem:" Really, music is the language of the feelings of the people. "
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What is the music
  Reasoning approach to music not to spread, but more influence and infection by means of subtly to influence the human mind, so that more moisture to get the United States.
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Music defined
  Broadly speaking, music is the art of any kind, pleasant, sacred, or any other way to line up the sound. The definition of the so-called music, there are still fierce controversy, but usually can be interpreted as a series For sound, silent with the timing of the organization and with different scales of rhythm, melody and harmony.
  "Dictionary" is defined on, with music organized to express thoughts and feelings of the people, reflecting the real life of an art. Vocal and instrumental music is divided into two departments.
  In all types of art, in contrast, music is the most abstract art.
  Music can be several ways to experience the most traditional one is to listen to musicians performing live. Live music can also be by radio and television to play, in this way is close to listen to tapes or watching music videos. Sometimes a number of live performances will be mixed well in advance of the recording, such as the DJ to make the friction with the sound of music. Of course, you can create your own music, through singing, playing musical instruments or less rigorous composition.
  Even deaf people to be able to feel the shock body to experience music, the most famous example is Beethoven deaf musicians, the most famous works are completely lost his hearing after the creation.
  People want to learn music, you go to music lessons. Music is a scientific study of the history of the vast field of music, including music theory and music history.
  Music as an ancient art, the culture has its own unique music system, ethnomusicology is a target for the discussion of that subject area.
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Music Elements
  Basic elements of music: music is the form the basic elements of the various elements of music, including sound level, sound duration, sound intensity and sound. Combination of these basic elements to form a common musical "form factor", such as: rhythm, melody, harmony, and the strength, speed, mode, form, texture and so on. Elements constitute the form of musicians, music is the means of expression. The most basic elements of music rhythm and melody.
  1, rhythm: the rhythm of music is the music the length and intensity of exercise Alto. Rhythm of the music is often compared to music skeleton. Beat is a remake of the music and the weak beat periodically, regularly repeated. The beat of traditional music known as "beats", "board" is equivalent to strong beat; "eye" is equivalent to second strong beat (the eye) or weak beat.
  2 tunes: tunes, also known melody. The undulating rhythm of music by a certain lateral organized in an orderly manner to form a melody. Tune is a complete music forms one of the most important means of expression. Tune the direction is constantly changing, and the direction of the basic three: "levels", "upstream" and "down." Said the same sound level for direction; from the bass to treble, said upstream direction; from the direction of said treble down to bass. The way of common tunes are: "homonym repeatedly," "progressive" and "jump." Conducted in accordance with said tone scale of the adjacent
  As progressive, said three of the jump into a small jump, four degrees and four degrees above the jump into the known fauna.
  3, Harmony: Harmony includes "polyphonic" and "harmonic progression." Chords usually by three or more of the music according to certain rules of longitudinal (and) the formation of overlapping sound combinations. Chord for lateral organization is sound. Sound obvious thick, pale, thick and thin color effect; also constitute a clause, sub-paragraph music music effects and termination.
  4, intensity: the strength of music degree Alto.
  5, speed: Music for the speed.
  6, mode: music sound using the link at a certain relationship, which sounds a tone as the center (main) form a system, called debugging. Such as the major type, minor type, style, etc. of the five tones. Mode of the sound from the vocalist began to line up from the low to constitute a high scale.
  7, the musical form: horizontal organizational structure of the music.
  8 Texture: Polyphonic music in the form of various combinations of voices (including the relationship between vertical integration and horizontal integration).
  9, melody: the formation of ideas through the art of sound organized, harmonious rhythmic movement. Melody is the basis for music, music of the thoughts and feelings are shown through it.
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Like reason
  Why do people like "songs"? And why, most people watching a movie, do not want to see after watching a second time, but for "music", they will "over and over again," listening "long, long time"? It contains what secret?
  ● This is because the objective world of "objects" can make all kinds of "voice", and these objects and with our "vital interests" and "security" are closely related; so those "objects" of the various "voices" also "harm and interests "linked to together, and our" emotions "is and things on our" harm and benefit "associated with, then when we hear words like" voice ", it will have" emotional " the change (the equivalent of conditioned reflex / chain reaction); Similarly, various "voices" can also lead to a variety of "thinking."
  ● So: Since the "music" can help us to "strengthen emotional" and "think" all kinds of things, then we would naturally like it.
  ● The "movie" is concerned, it is more of a look at the "plot", and learn inside the "experience", but once read, will generally not interested in seeing a second time; and for "music" to speaking, it is to "make music" to experience all kinds of "emotional" or "think" all "problems", so naturally, "repeatedly" and "listen" to the.
  Another reason is that not doing anything, listening to music play boring time.
  ◆ so it can be so inferred that:
  1. People in grief, trouble like some of the most sentimental music to expand their corresponding emotions, and these feelings will have some power】 【solve the problem (like fear, fled with great power; mother extraordinary save power, like son), and then solve the corresponding problem.
  2. People in the messy thoughts, irritability, would like to hear some calm when the light music, giving rise to a variety of "calm" and "conditioning smooth" feeling and emotions, then there is in favor of rational problem solving and maintaining mental health.
  3. People in the pleasant, passion, would love to listen to some cheerful, dynamic music.
  4. Like to think some strange / special things people would listen to compare alternative music.
  5. A variety of film clips accompanied by corresponding music, creating a variety of corresponding emotional atmosphere, let us look more feeling.
  ◆ Use 【Collection】 logical course of civilization: the natural world there is something there to guide them, we referred to as the "lead memory"; human "ideology" are "secondary lead deposit" (Second lead to the existence of things) ; and human "emotion" but also "secondary lead deposit" in the "super instructions" to guide us towards a "better presence" in the direction; and "music" can give people a variety of "super instructions "and" reproduce ", and to help people think, so there is a" special show positive "(positive direction of the super instruction is like the good feelings and fun, etc.).
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Music features
  Music is a symbol, sound, symbol, expression of people are thinking. Is a carrier of people's thinking. Music is a purpose, there is a meaning, which implies the author's life experiences, thoughts feelings. Music from the sound of it on the same frequency between the noise and pure tone, between, in effect, it can bring people to enjoy the beauty and expression of human emotion.
  Music is a form of social behavior, people can exchange through music, emotions and life experiences. This song in this role was most prominent.
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  Since when human societies have music, has been unable to trace. In humans has not yet generated language, to know the level of use of sound, strong or weak, etc. to express their meaning and feelings. With the development of human labor, has the effect of a unified labor rhythmic chant, and transmit information between each other cry, this is the most original musical shape; when people celebrate the harvest and share the fruits of labor, often beating stone, wood to express joy, joy of love, this is the original prototype of the instrument.
  First, the strings of legend
  The world's first stringed instrument was the Chinese Guqin, also known as Yao Qin, Yu-Qin, a lyre, Qin Zhou had been prevalent in the instrument, and now at least 3,000 years of history. Beginning of this century became known as "qin." Qin's creators have "for piano Fu Xi Xi", "Shen Nong for piano", "as Wu Xian Shun southerly of the piano singing" and so the legend as a WORM can be seen that piano has a long history in China. "Book of Songs Guanju" yes "My Fair Lady of band friends," "The Book of Songs Xiaoya" also: "Harmonious Drumming to Mita ancestors," and other records.
  Second, the instrument of the legend
  Account of China's ancient history dating back five thousand years ago the Yellow Emperor, there is a name known musician Ling Lun, he entered the western Queensland mining of mountain bamboo flute. Phoenix was exactly five in the air Feiming, he would meet their tone and law. Although this story can not be completely sure, but it can be seen as the origin of the relevant instrument with a mysterious legend.
  Third, the ancient Chinese music
  China's first emperor - the Yellow Emperor, is five thousand years ago created a calendar and text were king. At that time, Ling Lun in addition to the foregoing, there is one called "Fu Xi," the musician. It is said that Fu Xi was the first snake of people, who gave birth to twelve years in the womb. He played a string of fifty-Zhang Qin, the tone is too sad, the Yellow Emperor Qin broken off their half to twenty-Wu Xian.
  In addition, in the era of the legendary Yellow Emperor, Shen Nong, also a musician, he taught to farm, tasted a hundred herbs found in herbal medicine, he also created a banjo
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Chinese music
  The official written record of the history of Chinese music began in the Zhou Dynasty.
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Prehistoric Ancient Music
  The darkness of the Chinese music during the early ancestor of the Huaxia Huangdi God two thousand years. According to this six thousand seven hundred years to seven thousand years of the Neolithic Age, the ancestors may have to burn Pottery Xun, digging system bone whistle. No doubt these original instruments to tell people, when human beings have with the aesthetic of musical ability. According to the ancient musical culture of ancient literature with song, dance, music combines the features of each other. Ge Tianshi clan so-called "Trio oxtail, eight songs enough to tie down vote," the dance is the best description. At that time, the contents of people singing, such as "Respect always," "Fen grain," "total animal to the extreme" reflects the ancestors of agriculture, animal husbandry and the natural world understanding of the law. These songs, dance, original dance music each other but also one of the original clan totem worship want to contact. For example, Zeng Yi Yun Huangdi Shi family totem, his music and dance called "Cloud Gate." The songs on the original form, see "Lu" Tu Shi Zhinv is written by the "Song of Waiting." This song only been "waiting Xi Yi people," one and only "candidate who" word has real meaning. This is the music of the seeds of a pregnancy but not of the language. Henan Wuyang Jiahu site tracing the bone flute dating back 8,000 years BC, is the world's oldest wind instrument. One of a seven hole bone flute preserved very complete, the experts carried out experiments and found that the use of the bone flute still playing music, can be issued seven tone scales. But basically only use the ancient Chinese pentatonic scale.
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Ancient Music
  Ancient Chinese "poetry" is, regardless, that is, literature and music are closely related lines. The earliest extant Chinese poetry collection "The Book of Songs" in the poem with a melody at all, for the people verbally sung. This tradition continues, the official poems such as integration of the Han Dynasty, called the "Han Dynasty", Tang, Song was also able to sing. Even today, there are pop musicians to compose poetry concert, such as Su Shi described the Festival's "Prelude to Water" There In "Nostalgia."
  Contempt of the musician in ancient China, unlike the treatment of artists, as Chinese painting and calligraphy are closely connected, the artist belongs to the literati class, or even in the Song Dynasty "to draw the examiner" (in fact, also because of the extreme Huizong personal hobby of painting.) Low status of musicians, but for the noble entertainment "actor." When singer Lee Ku Tang has no political position on, and now people know he is because he often appears in the Tang Dynasty, the subject of praise.
  Ancient Chinese "elite" class that a civilized person should be proficient in "poetry and painting", so-called "piano" is spread so far Guqin. Guqin scholar alone, but only admire, not to the public performances. Guqin smaller volume, higher status is the only musical instrument.
  Summary: the development of ancient Chinese music theory slowly, in the "official history" in the status is not high, not to leave more information in writing. But the music and literature, is a required course in ancient intelligentsia, in the ancient Chinese people's daily lives will undoubtedly have an important role; people is even more full of colors.
  Xia, Shang Music
  Xia and Shang dynasties during slavery society. Literature from the classical point of view, when the dance music and dance have been gradually away from the original clan for the clan shared characteristics, they share more for the slave owners there. From the contents, they gradually left the original totem worship, instead of conquering nature for the people who carol. For example, Yu flood control benefit of the people, thereby giving rise to a song of Yu's Dance "big summer." Xia Jie is no way, Shang Tang cutting it, so there will be some cutting Jie Shang Dynasty Music and Dance in praise of the "big looper." Shang Wu Fengsheng line, so there solely on the worship of the Witch (Witch) and wizard (wizard). They are fed by his master, when the festival line dancing, singing, was the first person to music as a career. Slave to music and dance to worship the Emperor of Heaven, ancestors, and Youyi to indulge their own enjoyment of music and dance. Death but also to musicians and their sacrificial victims, killed this cruel martyrdom on one hand exposed the cruel rule of slave owners, and objectively reflects the progress of productivity compared to primitive times, so that the music culture with a rapid development conditions. According to historical records, the Xia Dynasty has been useful to the system of large water lizard crocodile Pimeng drum. Shang Dynasty have been found in wooden drums and double-cavity Wyrmhide birds taotie drums, and grew out of well-made stone stone birch plow pan. Bronze Age As a result, Bell also appeared in the Shang Dynasty, compiled Nao musical instruments, they are mostly a group of three. The emergence of various types of percussion instruments reflects the history of the development of the first hit musical features. Beginning in the body of five thousand years of musical instruments Pottery Xun Ming was the tone from the hole, the development of two to five sound hole sound hole, it has to send out sound twelve semitones. According to Tao Xun pronunciation inference, the basis of Chinese folk music pentatonic thinking in the late Neolithic period, and seven sound, at least in business, Yin had already appear.
  Western Zhou Dynasty, Eastern Zhou period music
  Western Zhou and Eastern Zhou is a slave society from prosperity to decline, the feudal system of social factors, the growing period of history. Western Zhou Dynasty court first established a complete ritual system. Enjoy the entertainment at the banquet the status of officials of different provisions have different status, dance team preparation. Summary judgments before the nature of ancient music and dance epic, you can see the so-called "six generations of music and dance", that is, when the Yellow Emperor, "Cloud Gate", when Yao's "salt pond" when Shun, "Shao", Yu when the "big summer" , business when the "big looper," weeks "big arms." Zhou also folk songs system, collecting folk songs, in order to observe customs, observing the people. Depends on it, preserving a large number of folk songs, _delete_d by the Spring and Autumn Period Confucius _set_ to form China's first collection of poems - "The Book of Songs." It collects early Western Zhou Dynasty Spring and Autumn since the mid-five hundred years of poetry to music a total of three hundred and five. "Book of Songs" the best part is the "style." They are spread in Henan Province as the center, including several provinces near the fifth country folk. There are also literary creations, "Daya", "Xiao Ya," and the Sacrifice epic song "Song" These types of genre. Handed down to the text of its analysis, "Book of Songs" songs to musical structure can be summarized as ten kinds. As the climax of the end of songs, has a special name "chaos." In the "Book of Songs," a book before and after the famous patriotic poet Chu Yuan's worship song based on compiled "Nine Songs", with a strong cultural identity of Chu. So far, two different works of different styles of music into the North and South each other interesting.
  Live folk music during the Zhou Dynasty social life involved a dozen side, very active. Shichuan Ya piano, Zhong Ziqi Salon story that begins at this time. This reflects the performance technology, technology, and people appreciate the composition levels. Guqin Playing the piano were also concludes that "we got the heart, can only be of the device" playing psychological feelings. Qinqing famous musicians singing the song, according to records that "Shaking trees, ring containing Fei." More folk singer Han E, song after "Rao residual sound beams, three days without a break." These are highly technical achievements in vocal music.
  Zhou highly developed musical culture can also be achieved with the County of Hubei Province in 1978 Marquis Yi tomb unearthed in the Warring States is an important symbol of ancient musical instruments. This can be comparable to the pyramids of Egypt's underground music treasure ritual of the court system to provide the model, where the eight excavated one hundred twenty-four instruments, according to Zhou's "octave" instrument classification (gold, stone, silk, bamboo, gourd, earth, leather, wood) everything almost all kinds of musical instruments. The most important sixty-four bells musical instrument, at the upper, middle and lower tier provision, the total weight of five thousand kilograms, the total range of up to five octaves. This chimes with the Shang and Zhou bells sound a bell made of two properties, which the Ministry of the twelve chromatic pitch is available, can be transferred spin palace, which confirmed the pre-Qin literature written about the reliability of spin palace. Tomb minutes, there are inscriptions on the rock musical content for the nobility of temperament between the theory of law reflects the Zhou Dynasty the high school achievement. In the Zhou Dynasty, Shi Erlv theory has been established. Pentatonic order names (house, business, jiao, zhi [zhi three times], Yu) have also been established. At this time, people already know five or seven sound sound sound stage in the main house, change the location of Palace Music Palace, called spin, so that you can achieve the effect of transferred. Outstanding achievements in law school is seen on the "tube - to members of Chapter" recorded in "one-third of the profit and loss method." Is to house the chord sound basis increased by one third (Yi I), by Palace Music bottom of the fourth sign of pure tones; sign minus one third of the chord tone (a loss), are intrinsic tone perfect fifth above the commercial sound; seq projected to continue to get the tone pentatonic chord. Calculated in accordance with this method all twelve semitones within the octave (Shier Lv) of the chord length to constitute the "law of one-third of the profit and loss system." The legal system is based on nature as the interval with students from five degrees, each time with students from the sound of five degrees compared with slightly higher tone equal temperament, so that twelve students are not relative to the higher octave of legal origin tone, resulting in the so-called "Brass bells can not be restored," transferred to the spin palace inconvenience. However, this fully reflects the melodic beauty of tone tuning system that continues today.
  Qin and Han Dynasties Music
  Han began to appear when the "Conservatory." It inherited the system of the Zhou Dynasty of folk songs, collecting, sorting change folk music, the end results of a large number of musicians to enjoy the feast, Jiao Si, Chao He and other occasions play. Such as singing the lyrics, known as the Dynasty Poem. Conservatory, and later was extended to music or Nothing refers to a variety of music lyrics, even some opera and gas are also known as Conservatory more.
  Three Kingdoms, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties Music
  Developed by the phase and Song Qing Cao Weizheng commercial music in the North have the right to attention, to _set_ clear business department. Jin at the turn of the war, making clear commercial music into the south, and south, Wu Ge, Western music fusion. In the Northern Wei Dynasty, this North-South fusion music business back to clear the north, thus becoming an important country music popular species. Han, along with the smooth flow of the Silk Road, Central Asia introduced the song to start the mainland. When the Northern Liang Tang Yan Lu Guang music in an important position in the Kucha (Kuqa, Xinjiang today) music to the Mainland. This shows that people of all time music is already very popular on the exchange.
  At this time, the representation of traditional music instrument Guqin mature, mainly as follows: there have been problems in the Han Dynasty title qin qin solution monograph, "Musical Instrument." Three Kingdoms, the famous pianist Ji Kang in his book "Musical Instrument", a book "Emblem of Zhongshan of Yu" records. This shows that people already know that Qin was the emblem bit harmonic generation. At that time, there have appeared a large number of scholars qin, such as Ji Kang and Ruan Ji and so on, "Guanglingsan" ("Nie Zheng Ci Qin Wang"), "Yi Lan Cao", "Liquormania" come out of famous tracks.
  Southern and Northern Dynasty is also a kind of popular story, a role and make-up performances, singing and dancing, with both accompaniment and orchestral accompaniment of song and dance show. This is the prototype of a small drama.
  During this period significant achievements on the law school, including the Jin Mao Xun find the instrument of the "number of orifice correction." Profit or loss in the third day of the Southern Song Hecheng law to arithmetic means of superposition, the creation of the new law is very close to equal temperament. His efforts to solve the one-third of the initial loss can not be restored Conservatory law problems.
  Sui and Tang Dynasty Music
  Sui and Tang dynasties, unified regime, especially the Tang Dynasty, political stability, economic prosperity, pursues an open policy of the rulers, the courage to absorb the culture outside the city, together with Wei has been bred to lay the foundation of all music and cultural integration, and finally germination taking dance music as the main indicator of the overall development of musical art of the peak.
  Enjoy the Tang Dynasty palace feast of music, called "Yan Music." Sui and Tang Dynasty's seven-step music, nine belong to Yin Lok Lok. They are of all ethnic groups and some foreign folk music, there are clear commercial music (Han), Xiliang (now Gansu) music, Gao (now Turpan) music, Kucha (Kuqa this) music, Kang (in modern Russia Han Samar) music, Yasukuni (now Russian Bukhara) music, Tianzhu (now India), music, Korea (now North Korea) music and so on. One Kucha music, Xiliang music is more important. Yan Department of Music also take into Kabuki play Kabuki and the Legislative Department, according to Bai's "Legislative Department of Kabuki," poetry, the performer sitting higher than the Ministry of Kabuki Kabuki Legislative Department.
  Rage of the Tang Dynasty dance music Daqu is unique in the wonderful work of Yan. Daqu phase and it inherits the tradition of the nine music mix music in the essence of all ethnic groups to form a bulk order - order in the order or the beat - break or dance all over the structure. Found in "Jiaofang recorded" the record of the Tang Daqu song title a total of 46, where "霓裳羽衣舞" the emperor of its renowned musicians as the Emperor made, and both elegant style and Song for the World alleged Road. Depicting a famous poet, wrote a vivid process of the performance poetry Daqu "霓裳羽衣舞 song."
  The prosperity of the Tang Dynasty's culture is also reflected in a series of music education institutions, such as teaching workshops, opera, great music department, advocating the Department and specialized instructors do not teach young children the pear garden. Strict performance of these institutions, creating a group of talented musicians approved. Literature can be a must at the time of Tang is singing to music. Geishas Zengyi was famous poems to song faster; poets to post their own poems to music to the wide spread measure their writing skills. Band in the Tang Dynasty, the pipa is one of the main instruments. It has with almost the same shape today's lute. Fujian Nan Qu and Japan now Pipa, in the shape and playing on the method retains some characteristics of the Tang pipa.
  By Kucha theory of music, appeared in the Tang Dynasty Eighty-four tune of twenty eight keys of music theory. Cao Tang Dynasty also created by the word soft spectrum Guqin notation has been in use to modern times.
  Song, Jin and Yuan Dynasties Music
  To the Yuan Dynasty, the emergence of national musical instrument is worth noting that three-stringed lute. In the music school music theory, Yan Song appeared in the record scale. At the same time, the early spectrum of spectral type is also Gongche Zhang Yan, "etymology" and Shen Kuo's "Meng Xi Bi Tan" appears. A work of modern foot traffic directly derived from the spectrum at this time. Chinese Opera Song or mature age. It is marked by the emergence of the Southern Song Shinan play. Wenzhou Dynasty, also known as the Southern drama, Yongjia drama, the music rich and natural. Some people initially minor, can not sing Gong restrictions. Tune body was later developed into opera music, also appeared in a number of organizations in different Tune Tune phrases constitute a new "_set_ song" form. Opera in concert form the South has been solo, duet, choral and other. South plays the three handed down, "Zhang Xie" and found "Paradise Daqu." Traditional Opera in the Yuan Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty appeared as the representative of the peak. The initial rise of the Yuan Dynasty in the north, gradually developing to the south, and the blend of southern drama occurred. Representative writers Yuan Guan Hanqing, Ma Zhiyuan, Zheng Guangzu, White Park, in addition to Wang Shih-fu, Qiao Jifu, the Bank said six people. Classic works such as Guan Hanqing's "Snow in Midsummer," "will single-handedly," Wang Shih-fu's "The West Chamber." Yuan Dynasty, there are strict structures, that each work from the already discounted list (screen) of a wedge (a prelude or transitions) form. Within the limits of a discount house with the same tune, a rhyme in the end, often by a role (at the end or Dan) lead singer, these rules, and sometimes there are breakthroughs, such as Wang Shih-fu's "The West Chamber" of five twenty-fold. Yuan Dynasty operas influenced by the south, resulting in Southern Opera (Yuan and Ming called Legend) to further mature. A series of typical plays, such as "worship Court", "Lute" and so on. The play experience on behalf of the spread, which is still performed. North-South style of music at that time have been initially established, with seven sound-based Northern Song Chen Xiong order; to pentatonic-based Nanqu soften. With the development of the arts Yuan drama, there has been a summary of the first monograph on the Theory of opera singing, which Yannan of the Temple's "On Singing", and Zhou Deqing's "Chung Yuan Yin" is the first song phonology north, he north Rhymes is divided into nineteen languages, and the word tune into Yinping, Yang Ping, rising tone, falling tone four. This later phonology research and the development of rap music drama have a great impact.
  Ming and Qing Dynasty Music
  Since the Ming and Qing society already has the seeds of capitalist economic factors, the growing public sectors, the development of music culture is more secular characteristics of the Ming Dynasty rich folk ditty, though mixed, but the breadth of its influence has reached "regardless of gender" , "everyone learning the" level. As a result, the private collection of editing, Transcription ditty has become a trend, but also from folk ditty to the libretto, the play text, melodies have come out of private printed edition. If Menglong editor of "Folk Songs", the right to edit the first Zhu qin "magic secret spectrum" and so on.
  Rap colorful Ming and Qing Dynasties. South of the storytelling in which the North Guci, as well as brand music, piano books, Extase class that duet types are more important. The beautiful south of Suzhou storytelling storytelling greatest impact. In the Qing Dynasty, Suzhou, Chen appeared to dry as the representative of the event, Chen stressed the desolation never powerful; to Maru Fei represented straightforward Hearty duma; to Yu as the representative of the beauty of Hua Yu soften the tone of these three important school. And later spawned many new schools. Guci northern drum, Shandong, Hebei wooden drum, bass drum River, Jingyuntaigu more important. The brand has stringed music like rap, Henan and other major music; piano books piano books class rap of Shandong, Sichuan dulcimer, etc.; affections class rap affections of Zhejiang, Shaanxi affections, such as Hubei, Yu Gu, minorities have also been some rap Storytelling songs such as Mongolian, Bai Big song. Ming and Qing Dynasties in dance music in all ethnic groups have a greater development, such as the various Yangko Han, Uygur Muqam lamps, Tibetan capsule Ma, Zhuang bronze drum, Dai peacock dance, jump on the Yi, Miao Lusheng dance. Circulation is to tune the characteristics of the Ming and Qing opera music there is a new development heights. Cried out the fourth day of sea salt cavity, Yuyao, Yiyang, Kunshan various cavity, which cavity in Kunshan, Jiangsu Taicang Weiliang Fu and others through reforms to fine tune and smooth, stress pronunciation prefix belly, to win the people's favorite suffix . Kunshan cavity and through the north-south convergence of music, forming a moment as the highest of Kun opera. The first Ming Liang Chen Kun repertoire is fish, "Sha Ji", the other important plays, such as the Ming Tang's "Peony Pavilion", the Qing Hong Sheng's "Palace of Eternal Youth," and so on. Yiyangqiang its flexible characteristics of the dialect opera around the major impact occurred, making the country an increasing number of small game, such as a variety of pitched drama. Ming and Qing Dynasties, the North West, Shaanxi, Shanxi Bangzi represented by fast development, it affects the Clapper Puzhou Shanxi, Shaanxi, with the state Clapper, Clapper, Hebei, Henan clapper. This high-pitched, Bangzi forthright enduring in the northern provinces. Qing Dynasty, from the West and two yellow skin composed of two basic melody yellow cavity, formed in Beijing, thus, had an impact on the opera throughout the country.
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For music
  Music is no limit to the development and scope, but music is time-sensitive, so if word of mouth alone, it is inevitable there will be some mistakes, over time, can not maintain the original flavor of music. Therefore, the previous symbols have invented all kinds of music, use of these symbols of the music, and their descendants can use the spectrum, meaning with the author playing the same music, and recorded music on a variety of symbols and rules, and called as music theory.
  Ancient Chinese music is pentatonic system, on the pentatonic scale of five levels are called "pentatonic", that house (do), Business (re), angle (mi), sign (sol), Yu (la) . More well-known ancient Chinese music "Guanglingsan," "Mountain and Flowing Water", "Meihuasannong" and so on.
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National Instruments
  "Rites of Spring officials" in the musical instruments are divided into gold, stone, earth, leather, silk, wood, gourd, bamboo eight categories, the "octave" is also one of the oldest musical instrument classification.
  Gold tone including the bells, special bell, cymbals
  Rock Music including Chimes, especially Qing
  Accent, including Xun
  Leather drum sounds, including
  Sibilant including the Qin, the ancient Joseph
  Wood tones, including zhu, Yu-
  Sound, including Sheng Pao, yu
  Bamboo sounds including flute, whistle, pipes, chi
  Bells, chime issued by the two instruments sound crisp and bright, known as the "voice of stone", is officially recognized "the most elegant voice." String and wind is now talking about the short wire tone and sound of bamboo.
  Ancient musical instruments are Xun, pottery, building,, pan, harp, zither, qin, se and so the slow melodious music, mainly to fit the needs of court life or religion.
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Modern Music
  19th century, China was forced to open the south coast, came into contact with Western music and musical instruments, musical bear the brunt of Guangdong, the first sound absorbing Western ways, creating new musical instruments dulcimer and marimba, the development of the orchestra's music, Cantonese music still has its unique charm, is the more successful Western model of integration.
  1838-1903 years (that is narrow "school music" movement before the rise of sixty years) church music music education in modern China had a tremendous impact. After the Opium War, missionaries went to China to increase the number of Western missionaries in China as a missionary, they often do with the singing of hymns as a helper method, so chromatic concepts have been spread.
  Folk musicians playing Chinese musical instruments for the creation of a new phase of development, erhu composer Liu Tianhua created a lot of solo erhu, such as "Beautiful Night", "bright line", "river water" and so on, performers Hua Yanjun (blind Bing) created the "Reflection of the Moon" and the erhu and pipa. Although at the time when the world unrest, the Chinese folk music, whether in terms of solo and orchestra has great development.
  1910's to the New Culture Movement in the 1920s, many Chinese studying abroad return home after the musicians began playing classical music in Europe, but also began to record new works read music. Formed a new orchestra in the big cities, mixed European classical music and jazz, concert halls and radio are very popular. Shanghai in the 1930s reached their peak.
  Although the use of Western instruments and musical instruments, but music is still a popular way of China, the melody-based, pentatonic-based, can be most people's favorite. Zhou Xuan was one of the most popular performer, was the representative of popular music, which for the film "Street Angel" sang the theme song "End of the World singer" and "Song of Four Seasons" moment is extremely popular, in line with the then popular anti-Japanese sentiment , known as the "golden voice."
  After the establishment of the People's Republic, revolutionary songs than pop songs after he joined the Soviet popular songs translated into Chinese. Symphony Group started to build around, playing Western classical music, and a new work by Chinese composers. Eastern European orchestra performing several times to China, Chinese Orchestra also participated in many international performances will be. Chinese musicians are trying to approach writing with western instruments with Chinese style of music, the more successful a violin concerto "Butterfly Lovers", adopted some of Shaoxing opera melodies.
  And the third world countries continue to increase exchanges, for the establishment of the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe, specialized learning, concerts in Asia, Africa and Latin America all ethnic folk music, popular in China, since the music began developing countries impact on Chinese music. Chinese national band orchestration, ensemble methods have the basic shape, resulting in a number of successful national instrumental symphony.
  In recent years, China's folk music began to receive wide attention around the world, the annual Spring Festival, will be invited to the Golden Hall in Vienna New Year Concert held in China, and packed.
  School in Taiwan to create songs and the concert Teresa Teng Hong Kong, the Chinese popular music developed to a peak, with a unique style of Chinese music and charm, Teng concert in the United States, it attracted too many Americans in the background throughout the stage asst enjoy Although they did not understand the Chinese lyrics.
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Revolution Music
  In the Northern Expedition, with Chinese musicians revolution, made a lot of revolutionary songs, the National Revolutionary Army in the widely sung, some with foreign direct popular melody coupled with revolutionary lyrics.
  Anti-Japanese War period, the musician is against the common enemy, writing a lot of Japanese songs. Xian Xinghai's "Yellow River Cantata" magnificent, reflected the spirit of national resistance to Japan. Nie Er film with music as the "March of the Volunteers" is majestic, as the anti-Japanese army and military songs were sung everywhere, the republic was established, in order to be prepared, did not forget how the Chinese people against foreign aggression, the March of the Volunteers as the national anthem .
  Conference 1942 Yan'an, the Communist Party-controlled areas began to rewrite the local folk revolutionary songs, such as Shaanxi folk song "The East is Red." The purpose is to rewrite most of the population is illiterate farmers to spread communist ideology.
  During the Cultural Revolution, Western music, especially the Soviet Union's not illegal. Retro revolutionary songs and the so-called "Quotations Song", with dictatorial "model operas", and foreign exchanges almost stopped, and even U.S. President Richard Nixon in the welcome banquet, the band played American songs, "the straw turkey" , the then Minister of Culture should protest to the Prime Minister, the mainland Chinese music into a low period. Musical development can not completely stagnant.
  During the Cultural Revolution "model operas" Although too overbearing, but the opera will be accompanied by the introduction of the Western orchestra to produce a special effect, in the context of vigorous orchestral drums Jinghu and skin, more prominent features of the Peking Opera, is also a the development of integrated Chinese and Western. Especially the "Dahushangshan" interlude in the horn solo, and singing back jinghu totally natural, it is worth watching.
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Pop music
  Since China's reform and opening up, the first pop music from Hong Kong and Taiwan into China, particularly Taiwan, Teresa Teng singing school songs and songs popular in mainland China. In China CCTV Spring Festival Gala performances Zhang Mingmin "My Chinese Heart" became a hit in China, which is China's Hong Kong and Taiwan's first public music performance. Since then, China's popular songs and the rest of the world's variety of styles, all genres of music combine to produce a lot of popular songs. Now, the rapid development of China's popular music, popular music in the world a new force should not be underestimated.
  Taiwan and Hong Kong's popular music developed rapidly, the basic synchronization and international trends, especially in Hong Kong, because the government does not interfere with the creation of music, there have been many famous singers and songs, not only popular in mainland China, but also by Japan, South Korea, Fans of worship.
  In recent years, mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other parts of the world constantly exchange of Chinese pop music, began to convergence, the convergence trend. Thus began a "Global Chinese pop music," the overall title. A striking performance: mainland China as one of the world's largest consumer market in Hong Kong and Taiwan, overseas release of the major pop music charts and started more and more attention to the preparation of the mainland market.
  It is noteworthy that, in the popular music which has the nature of a folk music, which is a typical representative of the campus folk, urban folk, barracks ballads, folk music in popular music which is also a place which had both had their brilliant years, simple folk tunes, popular lyrics also touched many people.
  Features: Entertainment, generally do not have deep skills in music theory and music did not have knowledge of cultivation and even the audience can accept; of daily life, it has a direct vent to people's emotions and feelings; popularity, the lyrics are mostly similar to the vernacular, and the content of expressions very close to life.
  Because I love you
  Because I love you
  Code word: Wang Mu Xia Zhang tree
  Composer: Zhang Mu Natsuki
  Arranged by: Zhang Mu Natsuki
  Mix: Zhang Mu Natsuki
  Song: Mu Xia Zhang tree
  Late: Zhang Mu Natsuki
  I love you my baby
  Really love you
  I do not want you to leave
  Yet you leave me
  Open the log back to the thought of you
  Your shadow that come to mind
  As if in a dream and like a drama
  Because I love you, love you really
  Cry again and again
  Think you again and again
  Because I love you really love you
  Hate you again and again
  Tears again and again
  Because I love you really love you
  Cry and miss you not because of
  Not because you want to cry
  Weep not for hate you
  Not because of tears and hate you
  Encounter again and again
  Parting again
  Because I love you hardened
  I want to be with you
  Again and again and then you give up your own
  I'm still my own
  Love you just because
  Love you because
  You never give up
  I suddenly silent
  over ------
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Folk Music
  Narrow sense of Chinese folk music refers to the Han Chinese music, referred to as "folk music." China's ethnic minorities have more music but the style and content, such as Tibetan music and Mongolian music, Zhuang music.
  Tibetan Music
  Tibetan singing and dancing is a nation, a vast and beautiful melodies of their songs, sweet and agreeable. Music can be divided into Tibetan Buddhism and folk music. Music is the most famous Buddhist monks to sing the tune without the words sing.
  Tibetan folk song resounding loud and clear, it sounds like there is blue sky and the vast plateau weather, melodious tunes, but also a five-voice based. Dance form of "fruit harmonic", "fruit Zhuo" (pot Zhuang) and so on. Some elements of Tibetan music has been absorbed by the Han Chinese and Western music. Han mimic some of the Tibetan songs and wrote some of the characteristics of music such as "Fair Park", "Qinghai-Tibet Plateau," a class song. In recent years, Tibet, Tibetan songs into the other musical elements. In addition to the famous Tibetan singer and main concert only once Dolma song Han Chinese, there Rongzhongerjia, Yadong, Joan Snow Dolma in Tibetan areas such as a large number of high profile singer.
  Regular drama, is now performed a traditional Tibetan order mining opera "King Gesar."
  Music Man
  Northeast China and Beijing, the Manchu of the _set_tlements. Man is the most famous folk instrument from the Bajiao Gu Qing Dynasty. Man's Lullaby "long bar" and other works are well-known, often in modern Chinese remake.
  Mongolian Music
  Mongolian folk songs into "long-tune folk songs" and "short-tune folk songs." "Long Tune" There are many meaningless word homonym elongated style of singing, a prairie Kongkuo style. Is the most distinctive dances and musical instruments, is a pull-string instrument, the piano of a horse carved column usually decorated, so this name.
  Zhuang Music
  Guangxi Zhuang folk inhabited the home, often young men and women singing in antiphonal style, some people even said Zhuang singing time than a person's life to speak a long time. Zhuang and Han folk music style similar to the basic order pentatonic based. Antithesis lyrics obvious format, content Zeyi symbol, metaphor and other techniques statements to the exchange-based life, and sometimes the lyrics are referring to the Chinese classical stories and allusions. Zhuang music can be in the movie musical "Sister Liu" in the glimpse into the wonderful.
  Dai music
  Dai's and South Asia to Burma, Thailand's musical style is similar to mildly mellow tunes, typical musical instruments is Hulusi and foot drums, playing Hulusi unique sound is a Dai style of music.
  Naxi ancient music
  Lijiang Naxi Naxi ancient music is in the middle of playing old music, is said to be passed from the Central Plains during the Ming Dynasty, because the original local transport facilities, and few outside contacts, and always original handed down, there are only a group of old band can play, is building the successor, is the living fossil of the 14th century music by the music industry attention.
  Dong Music
  Dong "Great Song" is the only system using acoustic folk songs, the basic for the female a cappella, voice by voice chorus with a very harmonious, in the international sensation, and has won numerous awards.
  Uighur Music
  Arab music is basically Uygur music style, very focused rhythm, hand drums can play dozens of different rhythms, musical instruments, mostly played for both the immediate and thermal tile just that Seoul, the largest being Tamboura. The traditional Uygur music "Twelve Muqam" all-inclusive, the source of many folk music.
  Tajik music
  Tajik music and have a greater difference between Han Chinese music, good use of chromatic, mildly changing the melody, like Eagle high-Ming, Lei Zhenbang most typical is the composer for the movie "the tip of the visitors," with songs full use of Tajik folk melody.
  Korean Music
  Korean music and North Korea, South Korea's music is basically the same, the main instruments are drums and gayageum long. Gayageum similar to the ancient Chinese zither, the zheng smaller than modern, playing the law are not the same, sit cross-legged knee is placed on the shells. Music has its own unique style of melody.
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Opera Music
  19th-century Chinese opera opera Peking opera is very popular in China but also the art of one of the more popular, the vast region has its own local opera. Currently, the most representative is the development of Beijing Opera in Beijing. Chinese opera music is usually the main high-profile singing, and flute, percussion section, Clapper, accompanied by stringed instruments such as gongs and Jinghu. Representatives of other opera music: Hebei Clapper, Opera, Peking Opera, Shaoxing opera, Cantonese opera, opera, Shaanxi, Huang Mei, high drama and Nuo opera, etc. A. The whole of China total more than 600 varieties of local theater. Opera orally by the United Nations as a World Cultural Heritage List.
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Rock music
  China's reform and opening up, and Western music was introduced to China through various channels. More or less exposed to music of young rock music, and began to build the band, the imitation and creation.
  China's rock music for the first time on stage should be said that in May 9, 1986. Workers Stadium in Beijing was to commemorate the "International Year of Peace '86" concert in China hundreds of singers, Cui Jian, wearing a long gown unknown, carrying a guitar, one high and one low trousers jumped on the stage, stunned the audience the occasion to blast out the "I asked, oh / When will you come with me ... ...", that was the first Chinese rock pioneer work as "nothing." Subsequently, the Chinese rock, Cui Jian will be the first person called.
  The late 80s and early 90s, the Chinese rock scene has been found, such as the Tang Dynasty, Panther, reincarnation, overloading, compass, Beijing 1989 and other bands. By 1994, the Hong Kong Coliseum, Hung Hom, "China's rock and roll forces" concert in the history of China's most passionate rock scene, when the three heroes of rock known as the Magic Dou Wei, Zhang Chu and He Yong, the Chinese rock band Tang Dynasty and push to a peak. China then showed a very large rock differentiation trend, a variety of musical styles in order debut. As to the popular Zheng Jun, Xu Wei and zero, etc.; lower fidelity of the punk band Pangu; pattern times out of flies, left Zuzhou and Wang Lei; electronic music and rap music and a variety of musical styles became popular among the mutual influence fusion. Old band dissolved, the main members of the solo, as Dou Wei left the band after the Black Panthers, the formation of the band had a dream, but also cooperate with many bands performing improvised music; and new bands appear, such as flowers, new pants and take the British line of Catcher in the Rye and sober, etc.; this into a number of schools is of concern to Beijing's Confucius said (now renamed "The Master said Yao release") and second-hand rose as the representative of the Northeast folk rock more and more attention is being . Many record companies, such as the Modern Sky, Jingwenchangpian and entertainment companies in introducing new musicians and bands, concerts are also made many attempts and contributions.
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Western music
  Western music history is the development of Western music history, details of the times can be divided into: Ancient Greece and Rome during the music, medieval music, Renaissance music, baroque music, classical music, romantic music, contemporary music and new age music and more.
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Western musical instruments
  Electric piano
  Electronic Piano
  Stringed instrument
  Electric Guitar
  Bass guitar
  Jazz Organ
  Tango Accordion
  , Pan
  Reed Straight
  Chong Fenghao
  French Horn
  Stringed instrument
  Double Bass
  Celesta (also known as aluminum piano)
  Japanese drums
  Ringing bell
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Hong Kong movie "Music"
  Title: Music
  Location: Hong Kong (ATV)
  Type: situation comedy
  Length: 60 _Set_s
  Premiere: 2000
  Producer: Alfred Cheung
  Cast: David Jiang Tian Niu Zhang and ancestors Sun Jiajun
  Cost of twenty million yuan by ATV, Emperor Motion Picture Group, responsible for the production of the sixty-episode situation comedy <music> and will soon broadcast a grand. Producer Alfred Cheung by the collar and behind the scene wrestling team, strong team, gathered in Hong Kong and Taiwan star comedy extravaganza of creativity, guarantees endless surprises the audience.
  Since <Music> plot revolves around a person operating the bar drinkers from different walks of life, the daily encounter joy, anger, sadness and fun things for the title, Lord King site has moved to Happy Valley to a real bar shooting a group of actors on investment, fine white police, funny even field.
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Music therapy
  Use music to reduce or eliminate pain in patients referred to music therapy. The late nineteenth century, some U.S. hospitals and universities began to study the application of music was as a treatment for the disease means. Twentieth century, forty to fifty years later, Germany, France, Britain, Australia, Sweden, Denmark and the rise of Japan and other countries have used music therapy research and practice of disease.
  At present, Europe and the United States and Japan have been some major hospitals and medical universities in the operating room, delivery rooms, wards and rehabilitation centers into Music Therapy, in order to reduce patient anxiety and pain. Sweden, the UK replaced some of dental anesthesia with music, Japanese physicians use music to induce the secretion of mother's milk, about 20% increase. Even some scientists to improve the cow's milk yield, promoting the growth of fruits and vegetables testing, more proof of the role of the singular effect of music can be extended to plant and animal production activities.
  Human labor in the rhythmic call, gender love and song, when the Syrian-life emotions and emotional appeal to vent feelings and the desire of the heart demands prayer read fantasy, etc., are the music reflects the nature of the origin and content. It is the human psychological and physiological changes in sound performance, which in turn can act on the psychological and physiological changes. Resonance theory of music therapy that the basic elements of music rhythm, and human heart pulsating rhythm echoes the melody just as nerve excitation and inhibition of the ups and downs, just like the body's internal organs coordination of movement, sound, and the temperament of character is very similar.
  Therefore, it is natural to become the best coordinator of human physiology. Humans and the environment is always a continuum, the human body to leave the sound, light, color, odor, hot and cold, radiation and other environmental elements of nature, it is impossible to live an isolated existence and. The physical and psychological forever for the sound - the noise and music plays a response, noise, harmful to the body, while the music is conducive to the body. If you _select_ the right music appropriate to adjust the body physically and mentally it may play a role in the pathological state, played the role of promoting the healthy development of the body.
  Application of music therapy diseases, both simple and complex. Simple is beautiful music that often are vulnerable to all the love, even if he (they) do not understand music, but it sounds beautiful music or melody is intoxicated is a natural, beautiful color or image as It is natural for all the love, this is the common understanding of human aesthetic expression. Therefore, the general said, playing beautiful music to be well known to health or the patient's physical and mental health play a good role. But the problem is not so simple, for each of the patients receiving music therapy, but with vastly different in different situations.
  A man to men and women, with varying degrees of ideology and culture, different areas of national life, different career interests, temperament and health are different personalities, different mental state severity, more varied musicianship, how could the music have exactly the same reaction or hobby it? Pain for each patient is different must have a very complex individual choice, it is the particularity of aesthetic understanding and performance.
  Music layout
  Human auditory and visual slow compared to much more, hearing the sound frequency analysis of the accuracy and duration of the sound on. The longer the higher the accuracy of analysis, and vice versa. Irregular fast transformation of complex sound, in most people it sounds just the effect of chaos, and impossible to obtain any of the United States pleasure. Therefore, to learn the music arranger global processing, so structured, there is level.
  Structural layout of music has its regularity. Chinese traditional music on "transforms," ​​saying that the structure of music can be seen as refining the law's broad and deep.
  Although the melody of the actual situation may vary in length and structure may vary, but we have arranged for the songs, you should pay attention to grasp the essentials of the layout of the following structure:
  The beginning of any song (except cited) as the basic statement of Enthone (presentation), as speak, in most cases very quickly get to the point, and let people know what you have to say the same. Most are accompanied by first using triads (I, IV, V or V7) to clear tonality; and most of them on the remake, stressed the section of the stress, to clear beat. In order to appreciate those who listen carefully to the melody, beginning with the most concise, clear and sound vocabulary in contrast to the melody. If the start and variable with a large number of Vice-triad chords, then not only can not achieve the purpose of rich colors, they may cause a faint tone, distracting effect.
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  Some form of acoustic music by a combination of performance and people's thoughts and feelings
  State of the art of living. Music is a performing art, must be playing, singing to
  Generated by the audience appreciate the artistic effect. Music is also a time of art, must be
  Some time variation, such as starting off, bearing, transfer and rhythm, etc., can become a reality
  Art. Hearing music can not only show the image, it can also be a visual image.
  Music also can be expressed in a pure form of abstract sound world, which is the other art forms
  The match. Basic elements of music are rhythm, melody, harmony, polyphony,
  Philharmonic law. Vocal and instrumental music can be divided into two categories, genres and forms can also be
  Into song, chorus, symphony, chamber music and stringed instruments, percussion, rap music.
  Music can exist alone as an art form, but also can participate in comprehensive arts
  Go, such as with poetry, drama, dance, etc., constitute the combination of opera, ballet, opera and other comprehensive
  Hop art.
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Buddhist Encyclopedia
  Music (terminology) and music to support Sambo also. Lotus Sutra (convenience goods) verse reads: "If the people and music, click angle beta advocate, Xiaodi piano harp, pipa cymbals cymbal. Yes all the wonderful sounds, do hold in order to support, all has become a Buddhist." Percentage margin by saying: "Formerly the Buddha was alive, Savatthi have all the people, their solemn music as prostitutes, out of town games, the value of the Buddha into the gates begging, Morohito Xianfo joy, worship, music is for prostitutes to support the Buddha, vow away. Buddha smile, O unspeakable words: Morohito and other music from the prostitutes to support the Buddha, a Bai Jie in the next world, not Duoe Dao, by the happiness of those in heaven. "intellectual level of ninety second is:" Q says: Buddha Xiansheng is dispassion and who do not have music and dance, why support prostitutes music? answer is: the Buddhas of law in all Wusuo Zhu, it is nothing to be, pity Buddhas born beings, it is affected by it. the provider, and so with would like to be blessed. "Wuliangshoujing Next said:" Cape San Hua Hong, playing all music. "
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English Expression
  1. n.:  music,  conservatoire,  quadrivial,  rhythm blues,  pipe in,  or both in a pleasing sequence or combination
  2. adj.:  atonal,  mellifluous
  3. vi.:  render
French Expression
  1. n.  musique
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