arts : fairing Artwork Jewelry > sculpture
No. 1
  A plastic art, with bamboo, jade, metal, gypsum, clay and other materials, carving or create a variety of artistic images.
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diāo sù
  With a chisel or other tool to wood and stone, metal or other materials portray a certain image of sculpture
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No. 3
  Carving and shaping. One kind of plastic arts. Lu Xun "且介亭杂文 two sets of Confucius in Modern China": "All painting or sculpture should respect the people, generally based on the principle of greater than ordinary people." Yang Mo "Song of Youth" Part II Chapter: "﹝ ﹞ Ways How fixed a long time staring at the stunning marble sculpture of the face."
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No. 4
  Analogy by some means and methods to make more major characters. Zhao, "Nature Ethics and Confucius": "So to the blast of Confucius, Confucius non-blast itself, is a blast sculpture of Confucius as a successive monarch has the authority of idols." Guo Chengqing "Broadsword" Chapter : "The party of the sun and rain, there was the journey of prostitution, war of the smoke, have children Liang Zhiyong this Kudachoushen crops, sculpture became a fearless revolutionary fighters."
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  Sculpture is an art form. Also known as the sculpture is carved, engraved, plastic created three methods in general. Refers to the use of various plastic materials (such as plaster, resin, clay, etc.) or can be carved, Keke hard material (such as wood, stone, metal, pieces of jade, agate, aluminum, glass, steel, sandstone, copper, etc.) to create space has a certain visual, touch the art image to reflect the social life, expressing the artist's aesthetic experience, aesthetic emotion, aesthetic ideal of art. Carving, carved birds by reducing substances may be material, plastic material through the reactor by plastic materials to achieve the purpose of artistic creation. Carvings, relief and engraved (carved hollow) is the basic form. In the same environment or relief sculpture in the round with a group of co-expression of a group of birds called thematic content. The emergence and development of sculpture production activities closely related to human, while the ages by religion, philosophy and so the direct impact of social ideology. When the human is still in the Stone Age to the emergence of primitive stone carving, bone carving and so on. Sculpture is a relatively permanent art, ancient times, many things have been gone long history of erosion, ancient sculptures heritage in a sense the image of the history of mankind. Conventional wisdom is that sculpture is static, visual, touch three-dimensional objects, sculptures recourse through the visual image to reflect the reality of space, which is considered the most typical of the plastic arts, static art and space art. As science and technology development and people's attitudes change, in the emergence of modern art in the four-dimensional anti-traditional sculpture, five-dimensional sculpture, sound and light sculpture, kinetic sculpture and soft sculpture. This is due to the emergence of Einstein's theory of relativity, to break through the establishment by the Newtonian view of the world, change people's time and space, the sculpture from a higher level of understanding and performance of the world, breaking the three-dimensional, visual, static forms, to explore multi-dimensional space-time mentality.
  History of sculpture
  The emergence and development of sculpture human activities are closely related, while the ages by religion, philosophy and so the direct impact of social ideology. Nude Paleolithic carvings such as France and the mare, wild boar and other relief, and Liaoning, Shaanxi, China Hejiawan Lingyuan, built in 5000 equal to 6000 years ago that the Neolithic stone carving, bone carving, colorful portraits and goddess head, etc., reflecting the human forces of nature worship and the worship of animals and the understanding of man himself, the process of understanding the world. Terracotta Warriors and Horses reproduce the army 2,000 years ago the empire's power. Sculpture is the era of thoughts, feelings, aesthetic crystallization of the social development of figurative records.
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The type of sculpture
  Sculpture by the use of materials can be divided into wood carving, stone carving, ivory carving, bone carving, lacquer carving, shell carving, root carving, ice sculpture, clay sculpture, figurines, ceramic sculpture, plaster, etc.;
  Sculpture of three basic forms: sculpture in the round, relief and openwork
  ① sculpture in the round. Sculpture in the round means the so-called non-compressed, can be multi-faceted, multi-angle three-dimensional appreciation of sculpture. Styles and forms that are diverse, realistic and decorative in nature, there are specific and abstract, and indoor and outdoor, shelves and large sculptures, painted with non-coloring, etc.; sculptures content and subject matter is also a colorful character can also be an animal, or even still life; material is even more colorful, with stone, wood, metal, clay, textiles, paper, plants, rubber and so on.
  Sculpture in the round way as sculptures, one of a very wide range of applications, but also the people of the most common form of a sculpture.
  ② relief. The so-called relief sculpture and painting is the product of the integration approach to dealing with compressed objects, perspective and other factors to the performance by the three-dimensional space, and only watch one or both sides. Relief is usually attached to another plane, so the use of the building more equipment objects can often be seen also. Because of its compression properties, accounting for less space, so for the decoration in a variety of environments. In recent years, it accounted for landscaping in the city more and more important position. Relief in the content, form and texture as rich and varied with the sculpture in the round.
  It is the main shrine, high-relief, bas relief, line carving, hollow style, such as several forms.
  Sculptures of the ancient caves can be attributed to the shrine sculpture, according to the different modeling technique can be divided into realistic, decorative and abstract;
  Compressed high relief is small, the ups and downs, close to the sculpture in the round, and even a form of semi-sculpture in the round, this relief shading contrast, outstanding visual effects;
  Bas-relief compress large, undulating small, both as an architectural style to keep the plane, but also has a certain amount of sense and downs a sense of the body;
  Line Inscription is a combination of painting and sculpture, it generated by the light, and light were written, and even some subtle fluctuations, giving a feeling of subtle and elegant;
  ③ engraved. Remove the bottom of the relief claimed Toudiao (hollow carving). The floor to get rid of the so-called relief to produce a great variety of negative space, negative space and positive space and make the outline there is a conversion of the rhythm. This approach is commonly used in the past railings furniture doors and windows, and some available for viewing on both sides.
  In addition to these two forms, the sculptures according to their function, generally can be divided into monumental sculpture, the theme of the sculpture, decorative sculpture, functional sculpture and sculpture on display five.
  ① The so-called commemorative sculpture is the history or real life people or events as the theme, it can be a common concept of a permanent memorial. Used to commemorate important figures and major historical events. More general kind in the outdoor sculpture, but also indoors, such as Chairman Mao Memorial Hall of Chairman like. General and outdoor sculpture monument of such bulk configuration, or sculpture, the monument itself has a body of consciousness. Built in 1990 as the "Red Army monument", called China's largest sculpture present synthesis.
  ③ decorative sculpture is the relatively large number of sculptures in a type of sculpture of this kind is relaxed, cheerful, bringing beauty to enjoy, also known as sculptures. Here a class devoted to it as proposed, because it is in people's lives more and more important. Its main purpose is to beautify your living space, it can be to a life of small appliances, large street sculptures. The content of the performance of a very wide range of diverse forms of expression. It creates a comfortable and beautiful environment, can purify people's hearts, cultivate people's sentiments, training people to the pursuit of the good things. We usually say most of them are such pieces of garden sculpture.
  ④ functional sculpture sculpture is a practical, is the function of art and use a combination of art, these sculptures are from your private space, such as "lamp seat" to the public space such as the "playground" and everywhere. It is in landscaping, but also enrich our environment, and to enlighten our thinking, let us details of life in a vivid feel of the United States. The primary purpose of functional sculpture is practical, such as the park's trash, a large children's play equipment and so on.
  ⑤ sculpture, also known as shelf display sculpture, shows size is generally small. It also has indoor and outdoor of the points, but it is the full performance of sculpture as the main author's own thoughts and feelings, style and personality, and even some new theory, new ideas, test products. It means even more dazzling form, content, subject matter is more extensive and more modern material application. In any case it gave talented artists a creative space, and ensuring the human one of the most important art forms - sculpture, will have a better future.
  The five above-mentioned categories are not clearly marked off. Mutual penetration of modern sculpture, its connotation and extension are expanding, such as the commemorative sculpture may also be the theme of sculpture and decorative sculpture; decorative sculpture sculpture may also be on display
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Materials and production methods
  Type of material sculpture
  Granite: Granite is magma below the surface of a condensate is formed of igneous rock, the main components of feldspar and quartz. Granite hard, difficult to acid erosion or weathering, often as a sculpture and building materials. Appearance of color can be maintained more than a century, many outdoor sculptures using granite as the preferred object. The color of granite is divided into red, black, green, flower, of which the most widely used flower.
  Marble: Marble is limestone, is the change in the long geological formation. Marble is produced in Dali, Yunnan Province as the name. It includes marble, dolomitic marble, serpentine marble, crystalline limestone and white and so on. Beautiful soft texture of marble grave, elegant style, luxurious building is an ideal material for decoration, but also the traditional art of carving materials. However, due to too many flaws marble, so suitable for small area sculptures. Granite marble is not so hard, so easy to friction and damage, is not suitable for outdoor exhibition place.
  Sandstone: sandstone formed from the debris and interstitial material, debris composition of quartz, followed by a long stone, debris, muscovite, chlorite, heavy minerals. Sandstone sculpture materials as the medium of chemical substances must, therefore, the extent of its solid granite and marble is not good, and the degree of color uniformity over the previous two hearing.
  Wrought Copper: wrought copper relief art is a traditional art, ancient and medieval China as early as the Roman Empire, wrought copper workers already very popular technique. The 21st century, new technologies, the development of new technology updates for the modern wrought copper provides a more extensive development of the arts and the development stage. The trend in modern design under the influence of wrought copper art has the characteristics of modern visual art forms. As the copper to oxidation, therefore, put to more outdoor indoor exhibition. Wrought copper of more light, suitable as raw materials for relief.
  Copper: Copper is a long history and mature technology. Complex process than the wrought copper bronze, artistic creation, the recovery is good, so the material for a fine work, popular artists like, in particular, the most common figure sculpture. But its easy oxidation, so more attention to maintenance.
  Stainless steel: Stainless steel, referred to as acid-resistant stainless steel, it is acid-resistant steel, stainless steel and composed of two parts, in short, atmospheric corrosion resistant stainless steel is called, and resistance to chemical corrosion of steel called the acid medium of steel. Because stainless steel has many advantages, so many cities are using it as sculpture material. Sculpture itself is simple and elegant stainless steel requirements, physical sense of obvious, and the effects of strong light and shadow, color, maximum _select_ivity.
  FRP: glass fiber reinforced materials or products for reinforced plastic, the title for the glass fiber reinforced plastics, glass, steel or description. As the resin used in different varieties, it is polyester fiberglass, epoxy glass, steel, phenolic FRP said.
  Glass, with hard and brittle, has good transparency and high temperature, corrosion and other properties; so widely used, glass and steel as a sculptural material, has a certain practical, generally as a ride in the room to do more for the imitation of copper effect.
  Method of making clay broadly divided into two kinds: one is the introduction of modern sculpture from Western Europe, the production method; other production methods with our traditional clay.
  Introduced from Western Europe is the production of sculpture: you have to have a sculpture of iron shelf, shelf under the statue's posture, the ratio of body size, and decided the shape of the internal skeleton; four weeks in the frame cross bar on the number of small, its role is to associated mud as a whole, and will not collapse, easy to shape. Stand ready, well in advance of the mud composition according to zoom in shape. A three dimensional sculpture in the round, there must be a whole concept. A good first heap of mud in all directions, from the simple to the complex, gradually deepened. First step is to note that the overall effect of each angle. The second step to analyze the physical structure is accurate, whether the relationship between global and local unity and harmony. The third step focused on the detailed image depicts, until completed. Fissile clay shape due to climate impacts, it is difficult permanent preservation, it is generally translated after clay plaster. To become a work. Now we come into contact with sculptures, mostly made of plaster, often sprayed with various colors, it produces bronze, wood, stone, and so the texture. Plaster on the turn, a _set_ of complex technology, where not introduced.
  The clay of traditional production methods are different. Temples in China, many magnificent statue of Buddha, if the break saw that it was a pile of wood, mud pie, cotton, hemp break, sand, straw, wheat straw, reed straw, bran, per nail, and so things . Its production process goes like this: first, according to Buddha's subject matter, size, dynamic, first _set_ting up the wooden skeleton, the skeleton and bound to increase the volume of straw or wheat straw, chaff and straw and then mixed with mud Mud in the skeleton of a good rough hard pressed, firm paste; second, and so thick mud to Qicheng look dry clay plus fine (fine mud with clay, sand and cotton mixture), the look of characters fully describe it; the third step, such as dry clay resulting from the size of the whole number of cracks, coupled with a patch; fourth step, such as mud dry, polish the surface smooth, and then mounted on the layer of tissue paper with glue, and be pressure grinding, the surface layer of more Euparagonimus, meticulous, strong, and then coated with a layer of white powder (white powder and glue); the fifth step is the white form, according to the needs of people of various colors, all colors to be Shang Hao and then coated with a layer of oil to protect the color of the bright, all of this to complete.
  China has a long history of wood carving art in the Yin and Zhou had been popular. To the Warring States Period, the production of wood is quite popular. Since wood rot and burn easily, so much wood handed down. Wood materials used in local conditions, generally boxwood, mahogany, gold wood, ginkgo trees, longan wood, camphor and so on.
  Classification of types of wood carvings complex, summed up in six geographical categories:
  Handmade wood crafts horse
  1, Zhongyuan Wood
  Handmade wood crafts cattle
  2, Yueqing boxwood carvings
  3, Fujian longan wood
  4, Guangdong gold wood carvings
  5, Dongyang wood carving
  6, Yunnan Jianchuan Wood
  Stone carving
  Stone carving stone is carved using a variety of works, it plays an important position in history, whether Chinese or foreign developed very early stone carving art.
  Jade carving
  General jade carving has a long history. Of jade in the Neolithic period has been the emergence of the Shang Dynasty Jade carving skills are more mature. Jade material, there are white jade, jasper, jade, black jade, jade, crystal, agate, topaz, jade, Jade and dozens of species. Because the nature of jade itself, meticulous, hard and moist, or white as creamy, green or green color, bright and clean and lovely, suitable for production of valuable ornaments. Jade artists make good use of the material itself patterns, colors and patterns for material design, through carefully crafted to create a lot of exquisite jade treasures. Such as Beijing Jade Factory agate products produced water tank, "rising sun" is a rarity. What is the water tank agate? Where the water is in the hundreds of millions of years ago, a volcano erupts, magma water vapor was sealed after the condensation from the cooling, because it showed gall-like, so called water tank. The water tank outside of the magma as the years went by, increasing the density, they formed the agate, which is extremely rare in nature. Beijing Jade Factory artists is the use of water, the natural characteristics of bile agate, carved out of a red splendor from the sea, the waves roll fly, crane chirp of the scene, like heaven, it is said never!
  As for the production of jade, most people think that is carved into Daoke, it is not. Jade's texture is very hard, carving Daoke not go in, but the approach taken to wondering, that is in the production, use various forms of drill, emery and water, according to some pondering the extra work out of shape. Therefore, jade works to complete a take a long time.
  Other ceramics, ivory carving, Zhuanke other method of making a similar talk with the above, not one by one presented here.
  Sandstone sculpture
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Sculpture Tools
  Sculptor engaged in the creation tool is the most direct assistant and companion. Basic tools of sculpture are:
  ① sculpture knife. For the clay tools for scraping, cutting, paste, pick, press, finishing, and modeling clay. Divided into three kinds: the first metal tools, made of steel (rust blue), stainless steel, brass, etc. made of sub-heads inclined triangle, willow-shaped, d-shaped leaf, and arrowheads, some of the edge is jagged. The second is non-metallic tool, bamboo, wood, bone, ivory, horn, plastic and other materials. The shape of a large shoe-shaped tool, cuttlefish bone shape, thumb-shaped, oblique triangle, etc.; small chestnut-shaped cutting tool shape, feet, ball, bar and so on. The third type is blade, can cut shapes and make drapery, a variety of circular and square-shaped double-sided blade and so on.
  ② stone carving. Rod-shaped stone tools for the steel, the bottom of the wedge or cone, Duanmo a cutting edge, top to bottom with a hammer percussion blade force, blade shape divided by sharp chisel, flat chisel, chisels and tooth chisels semicircle is Basic stone carving tools.
  ③ stone hammer. The percussion instruments to beat stone carving stone carving, or wood carving knife, wood, divided into large, medium and small third. Hammer is also a stone hammer, flowers, stones directly to hammer percussion surface, resulting in thick rough, seamless sculptural. Ax cut stone surface for direct cut, cut a neat parallel to the thin line that can strengthen the sculpture a decent sense of direction, sense of rhythm.
  ④ wood carving knife. General by the head, knife and cramp composition, divided by flat blade shape, oblique edge, triangle and round mouth knife 4 species, divided by the neck-shaped curved neck, straight neck two, each category has its own large, medium and small on the 3rd.
  ⑤ bow to. The sculpture with calipers. Measurable distance, there are two retractable foot ivory graphics card can also be changed at any time card pin bend.
  ⑥ proportion of the bow. Is a measurement tool used to enlarge sculpture.
  ⑦ point type instrument. To coordinate positioning system, stone and wood carving for replication. Locate the plaster 3 basis points, with point-type needle aligned position on the instrument and fixed, using the point-type instrument on the sliding parts and universal joints and hands, can be trained on a spatial location of any statue, lock the movable parts. Moved to the point of stones or timber-type instrument, the needle aimed at the appropriate reference point, the pointer can point marked on the plaster on the stone or wood, and can accurately reproduced into stone and wood carving.
  With the level of development of industry, carving tools into the modern, cutting machine, grinder, power switch and other machine tools or small power tools, are sculptors good helper.
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Contemporary Sculpture
  Who is the most expensive contemporary sculpture
  In the field of contemporary art, especially sculpture installations in the market has always had a broader collection base. Works in high Koons, Hirst, Takashi Murakami and other artists of the device, mostly young artists born after 1945, prices have risen works of $ 10,000,000. Auction market over the past year the share of installations growing 14 2007, the transaction value of works beyond the millions of dollars, and in the first half of 2008 this figure reached 18.
  • When Jeff Koons and other artists sold millions of euros, they still have a lot of copies in the market. However, even if mass production of these works are also harder to get. For example, Jeff • Queens of the "Ballon Dog" copy of the 2300, 2002, the price of between € 1200-1800 per piece, and now has reached the price of 3000-5000 euros. His 45-cm high white porcelain vase "Puppies", copy of the 3000, its price is also in this price range.
  Price ranked third in the Japanese contemporary artist Takashi Murakami to their sculptures to $ 13,500,000 in New York, the price of being sold, this "My lonesome cowboy" valuation only in the 300-400 million. At the same time, a small plastic or plush sculpture price of 100 euros to the price range of a few hundred euros, based on the prototype and the number of work vary. For example, a "Superfalt museum" 10-piece and small statues in Florence Price 350 euros.
  3 artists in this high-priced under the market there are a few good contemporary sculpture reflects the artist whose works are also millions of dollars over the high turnover. If Murray Jiou • Kaite Lan (Maurizio Cattelan) of works of "La Nona Ora" in 2004, hit a record $ 2,700,000, Robert • Goebel record price of 320 million, India last year, the artist Anne Shih • Kapoor November in the auction for $ 2,500,000 deal. However, each of these artists works only 10 or so in circulation in the market, there is no mass market form of optional
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Western sculpture during the brief history of the ancient
  1. Ancient Sculpture
  Western sculpture in the ancient period of a long period of time mainly for the totems, magic and religious services.
  In the Americas, especially Mexico Pubo Luo Hua Hom Valley State is the birthplace of the great Central American culture. Then appeared in the Gulf of Mexico was the most advanced pre-classical culture, that Olmec culture.
  It has been hailed as the precursor of civilization in Mexico. Around 300 BC the Mayan culture began to emerge and develop, it inherited the cultural traditions of Central America, the development of a large-scale sculpture, such as temples and so on. Half of the 14th century, the Mexican indigenous Aztecs ruled Mexico Valley, the establishment of the Kingdom of absolute monarchy, formed Aztec culture. 16th century Spanish conquest of the Aztec dynasty, and then plundered and ruled to the south and cultural birthplace of the Inca - Peru. In African culture, the sculpture is the most important art forms. Black Africa relief and sculpture in the round, mostly wooden, but there are stone, metal and ceramic. It is divided into two categories: one is the folk art, to religion, magic services, but also the performance of the works of their own lives; the other is the court for the ruling class art. These two types of sculptures are rich, diverse, full of decorative, expressive, visual impact. Still has the black African sculpture has a unique charm. Ancient Egyptian culture is a river of African culture, a brilliant star. Ancient Egyptian carving is the perfect combination of sculpture and the art of building a model of historic monuments like the grand, broad and very high artistic achievements. In order to maintain the building as some relief plane, compression volume and painting lines in the form of a combination to achieve the artistic effect of a novel.
  Oceania and Africa, some cultures are similar. For example, Oceania, art, sculpture, religious and social needs but also for services. Oceania is the most famous sculptures in the huge stone statues on Easter Island.
  America, Africa and Oceania was unique to the art of Western culture, most have been assimilated, left only a small part of the local culture, resulting in an aesthetic degradation.
  European classical art is a kind of abject poverty resulting from the new art form, this art form to the later development of Western art has brought the whole far-reaching impact. Greek sculptor efforts to bring their work shows that activity, he classical period of European art is a kind of abject poverty resulting from the new art form, this Meishu form to the Development of Western Art was brought far-reaching impact. Greek sculptors to make them work hard to show vitality, their efforts and quickly learn to master the human anatomy, and gradually replaced the earlier "geometric" style, to form the most important human law, that is the focus of people put In one leg, the other leg remains relaxed. To take advantage of this dynamic visual illusion, in the absence of perception of the stone to show the tightness of the external and internal body movement. It marked the true advent of classical sculpture. Meanwhile, relief in the classical period also achieved a high artistic achievements. In addition, by the Roman artistic influence of Greece, but still maintain its own characteristics. Especially in portrait sculpture, they pay more attention to the object and objective, the pursuit of individuality, rather than the Greek ideal.
  2. The impact of religion on the development of sculpture
  This period is called the West to the Middle Ages (also called the middle period), it includes the range from the end of the classical period onwards, until before the Renaissance. The long day is Christian dominated, so the formation of Christian Art. Sculpture of this period, the proportion of abandoned all on the classical laws of nature, away to find a more suitable theme of Christianity in various forms, the ratio of the image is elongated. The French to deal with abstract sculpture, so that each part works are full of vitality. This form of sculpture, sculptor and strive to reflect the combination of body and soul, desire, and this art style of innovation have become the great 13th-century pioneer in Gothic sculpture.
  4. And the Rococo period
  The 19th century, many cities in Europe on the square and placed a large number of public buildings show great skill in the monuments and commemorative sculpture. French sculptor for Karp Baptiste Sister created a strong romantic spirit of the "dance." The works are full of angry, smooth and beautiful rhythm. Francois Ruud's "Arc de Triomphe" embossed full of passion and national pride. Village Rosso Medal for the theory of Impressionist painting, sculpture, painting and sculpture to put together. His work shows the illuminated sculpture in the shade of the most exciting part of the flashing, leaving other parts of the weakening performance of a wealth of light and character changes
  Speaking of the 19th century sculpture, without mentioning Rodin. Rodin's artistic genius and unique personality, so his work came out from the legalistic. As a talented sculptor, Rodin's secret lies in good position with a statue of the dynamics and expression of inner feelings and connotation, and people can not forget injected realism and humanism.
  6.20-century sculpture
  20th century was a colorful era, various schools of thought and continue to produce and popular, and spread to the whole world, such as cubism, expressionism, futurism, surrealism, pop doctrine, according to the realistic and abstract form, etc., Regardless of the form and ideas of these schools differ, they are breaking in a new form of traditional art.
  20th century sculpture is one of the two main 康丁斯坦布 Langku Xi (1876 ~ 1957).
  Cubist sculptor created in the same time, the Italian sculptor who also created a different style - the "future school", Grace Daisy Wall topo Nigeria declared: "absolutely and completely give up the limited lines and closed Sculpture. "" Let us open the human body, the environment inside the human body to go off. "
  In these two schools of the better known outside the mainstream also constitute a faction. Constructivism sculptor Naomu, Gabor, 安培布索奈 (1886 ~ 1962) in writing, with a new way to the space occupied by the object a new shape, they make use of space, time replace the amount of sense, and also find a sculpture by building a new form of expression, to make an important contribution to building and use and explore the new materials, thus bringing the elements of sculpture and architectural elements of the perfect combination. Giacometti (Giacometti ,1901-1966) and Cezanne (Cézanne ,1839-1906) although not known as he is a radical avant-garde artist, but had not satisfied the visual experience with the previous observation of images. Extraordinary courage beyond their traditional way of painting developed by the established performance rules, and formed their own unique style. Objective picture of the face in front of their attempt to move away from established ideas and habits of observation, re-examine, quietly seeking a new real-life experience of the artist himself, which inevitably make them the same way deep into the quagmire of confusion among the vision, thus there are many similarities between the aesthetic way. However, they are after all living in two completely different time and space. Due to the different personalities, different circumstances and life experiences, and different visual way of thinking, also led to many different aesthetic features artist.
  Sculpture Sculpture Meanings:
  ① commemorative sculpture. Commemorate historical figures or events, such as martyrs in Nanjing Yuhuatai Images, Shanghai Hongkou such as Lu Xun Park.
  ② theme of sculpture. The content of the performance of a certain theme, such as the emblem of Guangzhou City, "Five Rams", a case study on the Mo women and so on.
  ③ decorative sculpture. Wide range of topics, people, animals, plants, objects can be as subject matter, such as Beijing Ri Tan Park, Chun Sheng Qu pool area in the artful swans and athletes all over the garden, children's and animal image.
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  For carving, engraving, plastic, and the heap, welding, hammering, weaving, and other means to create three-dimensional image of the art. Traditional materials of stone, wood, metal, plaster, resin and clay. Carvings, relief and engraved (carved hollow) is the basic form. In the same environment with a sculpture in the round or relief under the common theme of the content of the expression of a group called Eagle. Conventional wisdom is that sculpture is static, visual, touch three-dimensional objects, in order to form the subject image and space in the form reflect the reality. Consequent solidification of the so-called dance of that, or compared to concise poems. It is not longer than narrative, the performance of the action can only be a moment. The performance of the static modeling exercise, is an important reason for vivid photos of the work. With the concept of scientific and technological development and changes in the emergence of modern art in the four-dimensional anti-traditional sculpture, five-dimensional sculpture, sound and light art, kinetic sculpture and soft sculpture. This is due to Einstein's theory of relativity appeared to break the established by the Newtonian view of the world, changed people's time and space, thus allowing the conditions of modern artists go on a higher level of understanding of the world and the performance of the world, breaking the traditional static three-dimensional in the form of multi-dimensional space-time mentality towards exploration.
  History and development of sculpture and the human activities are closely related, while the ages by religion, philosophy and so the direct impact of social ideology. When the men lived in natural caves, the need to fight life-threatening darkness of the beast period to beat the stone already know, and it made a sharp weapon against grinding or cutting cutting tools, and then use some aesthetic sense and wisdom ground objects can be used from a practical carved decorations, as well as pure sculpture. If found in France, 15,000 years ago, Paleolithic carvings nude and stallions, wild boar and other animals, relief, and China's Shaanxi and Liaoning Hejiawan Lingyuan, Jianping, Donggou found in the Neolithic Age dating back 5000 ~ 6000 stone, bone carving, ceramics, portraits and goddesses and other colorful picture. The original sculpture is the worship of natural forces and human worship of animals, and describe the process of humanity itself, a reflection of the gradual understanding of the world. Sculpture is a permanent art to the era of ancient history by many things have gone under the rush, ancient sculpture, in a sense become the heritage of the image of the history of mankind. 3000 years ago, carved the tomb of Fu Hao, the Chinese Shang dynasty people to back the belief, system, culture and art. Reproduce the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Emperor unified China 2,000 years ago the army of eminence. Majestic Huo Han tomb stone, reflecting the Emperor's determination to open up boundaries and Han Kwok-wai. With the development of human society, sculptures and more to prove that it is the era of thoughts, feelings, aesthetic crystallization of the historical record of social development, visualization, generation to generation is a manifestation of the pursuit of desire.
  Carvings were similar to the performance of the object, takes up space in the physical form of the sculpture individuals or groups. It is the point of view can be felt in all the visual entity of its existence. Sculpture in the round is generally not with the background, it is mainly through its own image and is coordinated with the environment, constitute a unified artistic effect, through focused, concise expression of a general theme of his audience. Sculpture in the round usually placed in the viewing environment for all sides, but also for religious reasons and the environment itself, such as restrictions or require only one or a few ornamental surface, such as the grotto art and temples and statues in niches, such as construction sculpture in the round sculpture.
  Relief for only one (side view) of the sculpture in the form, usually refers to a floor based, and occupies a certain space is compressed sculpture composed of entities or groups of individuals. Relief in the performance of the parallel-type body and floor length and width ratio of two-dimensional scale invariant, only the thickness of compression-type body.
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English Expression
  1. :  sculpture
  2. n.:  maquette,  art of making figures, objects, etc by carving wood or stone, shaping clay, making metal casts, etc
French Expression
  1. n.  sculpture
Carve become, carve, character boss, at
Related Phrases
United KingdomartbrushworkcyclopediaPostmodernism
carveartCulture and Artshistoryculture
World The mostartdecorative design and handicraftcivilisationUSA
World Top Ten sculptureconduitcompanyjiashirome
romeChengdusherdcultural relicDijing art
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Containing Phrases
statuarysculpturemake sculpturessculpturea clay model
Classification details
ExpandeffigiesExpandbossExpandSculpture in the round
ExpandWorld Top Ten sculpturegravestoneimage
waxworkthe top part of a tabletscrimshaw; shell work
Liu Cui fansHorn frozenLeather
Line engravedChengdu Million temples of buddism Shizaoxianglongan churinga
markereaves tilePlum Monument
stone leoShishistele
Bei BanColorfulChang fossil
Great Fuboxwood carvingheliotrope
Jing Zhuanghollow brickjet
Miansuclay culptureagalmatolite
cropland huang TownshipminiatureXi'an the Forest of Steles (in Xi'an)
ivory carvestop sleeping tartarpyrophyllite
Zhaoling tomb Liujunbamboo carvingbrick carving
Fragrance amountBig foot carved stoneDongyang churinga
Dunhuang Caisucarved bamboo wareFeilaifengzaoxiang
Alp stoneConsolidate County grottoDrawing brick
Benefit Mountain clay figurineLiuqing bamboo carvingjet carve
Shoushan carved stoneCamel Mountain grotto(surname) Wo Zaoxiang
Xiandi depthXiaojimu carved stoneXiongjing carve
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