Road transport : agriculture : engineer : Administration for Industry and Commerce : protect the environment : transport > way
Run; trek
  Run; trek. 6. Industry; career. 7. Whereabouts; clues. 8. Methods; way. 9. Like. 10. Still stuff; water.
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dào lù
  Vehicular traffic of the road for troops; channel between the two places. Also used figuratively in the development of things or the way followed by interaction with others
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No. 3
  Life path
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No. 4
  Zhang material from both government troops east of the village road trip by Wei Chang. - "Zi Zhi Tong Jian Tang Ji"
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No. 5
  Awarded in the road wearing a white bear who carry on. - "King Hui of the Mencius"
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Common ground for persons, in part or traveling
  Common ground for persons, in part or traveling. "Zhou Xia lawsuit risks": "Division of Insurance charge of Kyushu map to Zhou Zhi Shan Lin Chuanze of resistance, but over the road." Tangliu Zong Yuan "Bizu deceased mother Ms. Zhao Junli epitaph": "Wang Regardless Dinh support from Yangzhou As for the capital, roads encountered disease, then Hall in Chen. "" Second moment of surprises, "Volume 13:" Directly Road: 'niche Liu Niansi have old friends, family do have food and clothing, in his death little while, and his wife, family room's sweeping the capital, remarried after the husband, resulting in one-year-old son, displaced way. '"Lao She" is the Red Flag "11:" Unfortunately, that time was a very bad way: Yonglu high pavement in some places more than four feet high with three. "
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Way to achieve a goal that
  Means to achieve a goal means. Mao Zedong's "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People" Five: "The establishment of our socialist system has opened up a path to reach the ideal state, while the ideal into reality needs hard work." Ba Jin "explore the set and then On the exploration ":" I took the pen to write fiction, just to explore, only to find a rescue, salvation, and save their own way. "
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Road; distance
  Road; distance. "Mandarin Wu": "Jinwu path is far away, no will and go, attending the first Jin, what benefits?" TANG Kang parallel "play serious disabilities were recorded on": "terms of its road, as good as five or six hundred miles to Beijing . "" Flowers in the Mirror, "the fifth three times:" Now the road is still far away, He can catch up. "
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People on the street
  People on the street. That crowd. "Records of Li Sheng Lu Jia Biography": "Road Jie Yan Jun slander, Yusha of." "History of Yuan Tan North Biography": "proud ruthless fierce rough, due to drinking occasion, in Los pedestrian bridge shame about Cotton for the road are suffering. "Sung Wong 10 friends" again on behalf of the son-oration ":" Pi jump crying, sorrow and send the person, are two orphan and I Liao Xu also. ling step before public opinion, sentimental way. "Qing Gu" 10 Temple "poem:" the road or hear words, want to change worship Three Wise Kings. "Zou Lu," Battle of Guangzhou Yiwei ":" The prime minister said: 'road Jie Yun Sun Yat uprising, Ru unknown or not?' "
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No. 10
  Run; trek. Liu Yi-Song, "the book on Zhao Tao Han Fan 2": "Thief of Yi Qi, a way of labor, the trade is not as Yi Yong also." Qing Shao Min "will of Chengdu" Poetry: "Fish Fu country thousands of miles, and youth Do not hate long. trekking through Bird Road, Cun Cun broken ape intestine. people with aeolian cheap, poetry and Bin hair Cang. to make a living should the road, from asking wild. "
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Industry; Professional
  Industry; career. "Water Margin" Second 9 back: "﹝ ﹞ Jiang Door God so come and take away younger brother of the road. Younger brother would not let him eat meal fist hit that fellow." "Awaken the common saying oil merchant exclusive courtesan": "Zuo Si the right amount, only the oil line between the sale is cooked. The oil mill and more familiar with his knowledge, but also pick out the one who sells the oil burden, is stable enough for the road." "The Scholars" 15th back: "Brother you hundreds of miles away from home to do this provincial road, this is no big money to find. "
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Where; clues
  Where; clues. "Dream of Red Mansions," the third three times: "We have a government to do Sitting in the Qi Guan, has always been good in the palace, today the number has not seen the three on the 5th to go back, look around, nor felt his way, so throughout the mission. "
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Method; approach
  Method; way. "Second moment of surprises," Volume 15: "charged Road: 'Jiang Lao Er is honest, if I refused her things, he cut out to pay Paul, do not thank me find the road, there was not beautiful.' "" He Dian "Sixth Chapter:" At the time confused the living dead come Qu Bude, heart any better hurry. think before checking, not a road. "
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  Look. Song Anonymous "Zhang Xie" second seven operas: "[b] like I Zhuode a cowhide. Half Harness drums, half do Xieer. [End] do Xieer have great bottom? [B] text Pu 1 2 Liang. [end] to do only one paper path. "Qian Nan Yang School Notes:" road, still clouds look like. today Zhejiang language as 'road'. words just like the value of a text. "
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Jewish stuff; water
  (10). Still stuff; water. "Belief and" the ninth three times: "See there are so many pilgrims in the vessel, expected to be in the money can be stolen ... there must be a name ... touch the money, name of Friends of Hong Xing head, waist bulging some roads, pulled out weapons from the sleeve, resorted to means that people do not know, one on her padded jacket, a Bushan, a layer of double clip waistband, a cloth undergarment, a cut on the open, Tannangquwu. "
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No. 16
  English road
  (A) for a variety of vehicles and pedestrians and other traffic engineering facilities. Features into their use of highways, urban roads, factories, mines and roads, forest roads and rural roads.
  (B) the development of things, changing channels. Example: the socialist road.
  Road construction history of mankind has at least dozens of centuries, no one can really say is the world's first road built when or where. Ancient times, people often animal footprints along the path of least resistance or that other people walked the streets to walk, where the results are often trampled on a path, day after day, year after year, the progressive development of small-Jing, a general way.
  ─ ─ road construction in ancient China in the 20th century BC, the late Neolithic, China had recorded causative cattle, horses for human transport channel formed by pack animals. According to legend, the beginning of the Chinese nation Zu Huangdi invented the wheel, so to "crossbar as the Xuan, straight wood House" created a vehicle. Therefore, the Yellow Emperor revered as the "Regulus's," and then produced a street. ─ 16th century BC 11th century, the Chinese people know how rammed earth roads, the soil with lime stabilization. To explore the ruins from the Shang Dynasty and found broken pottery and gravel are also paving the road. ─ 11th century BC, before the 5th century, the road has been a considerable scale and level of development, there has been more systematic road management, it has been divided into urban and rural roads: urban road into "warp, ring, Wild "four north-south road to the classics, things that way as the weft; city was nine by nine board-like latitude, Siege for the ring, out of town for the wild; suburban road into road, Road, Tu, Quotations, diameter of five level. Can be seen, when the road Zhou has more complete. ─ 475 BC, 221 years ago, people have been able to place in the steep mountains, stone quarry into a hole, _insert_ wooden beams, upper board, next to the home railings, for the plank road, which is the Warring States period, a major feature of road construction . ─ 206 BC 221 BC, the Qin Shi Huang unified China, built immediately after the center of the capital, Xianyang, Chi road network across the country, this Chi Road, the road network can be comparable with the Roman. ─ 206 BC-220 AD, the Western Han Dynasty Han Dynasty had sent Zhang Qian twice, much the country arrived in Bactria (today's northern Afghanistan), for communication between China and the Middle East and European countries in the economic and cultural, creating a world-famous Silk the road. AD 581 ─ 681, the construction of a huge (thousands of miles) of road works. 618 ─ ─ 907 AD, the emperor under the edict in the country, to keep the roads open throughout the country, the implementation of road maintenance. The road layout was orderly, bearing the grand, influence far and Japan. AD 960 ─ ─ 1911, at the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing generations, the road improvement works and contributions are different. From the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, modern road development focus to the West.
  ─ ─ ─ foreign road construction in the 20th Century BC, the Arab Republic of Egypt, building human pyramids and the Sphinx, like, the surface of a large number of boulders transported from the quarry site, which built the road. In addition, the market in some major towns and roads, the use of plain stone bricks, some of them from the road is brick coated with plaster, then covered with a stone pavement. 12th century BC, the Assyrian king, CT La Lhasa, I, For chariot driving and ordered construction of long-distance road. 6th century BC, he had recorded 希拉达塔斯 travel through the Royal Mile, the road connecting the ancient capital of Persia, Sousa and Anna Tuo national force in Asia, total length of 1,600 km. Without this road, tourists need to spend 3 months time. Royal messengers who were between the two places just 9 days time. But the road was built not for the purpose of transportation, but to contact the National Communications System. Roman era, the development of the road are amazing to realize the center of Rome, the road network extending in all directions. To shorten the distance between towns and villages, roads straight through the hills or forests, to form the use of roads and the Italian capital Rome, Britain, France, Spain, Germany, parts of Asia Minor, Arabia and northern Africa, is integrated. The area is divided into 13 provinces, 322 contact the roads, with a total length of 78 000 km. Can say that the road was built high standard of engineering structures. Today, in highway construction projects, many of them also on the use of that year the Romans developed engineering techniques. With the decline of the Roman Empire, Western road development stagnation. 18th century, the Napoleonic era of the French engineer invented the stone pavement covered Teresa road approach, and advocated the establishment of road maintenance system. Under his influence, Napoleon came to power during the French built the famous road network, this Terre is known as the French father of modern road construction. Late 18th to early 19th century, England's Quarter and other enthusiasts of Ford and Macadam road experts. Myrtle Ford said: Fish should not be too high ridge road to avoid road construction only slope. Large stones by using a layer of base pavement structure, paved the middle of big rocks on both sides with the smaller stones to form the road humps. Macadam said: do not need the next level and stones, capped with a layer of crushed gravel on the road, can be flat and firm. Practice has proved that: Macadam style is suitable for road carriage driving at the time. Since then, European countries have built this road.
  Early 20th century, cars get a leap in the development, Macadam style not suited to car travel requirements roadbed, people began to build a large number of road asphalt and concrete pavement. Before World War II, Germany built highways, from all countries have the corresponding development, the highway has become a modern highway sign.
  Modern urban development, population density and traffic volume is proportional to the highway was a people long distance, large, rapid transport and provided the conditions to avoid traffic accidents, more urban road planning add a touch of colorful.
  Another way:
  When we sublimate the road when he is not the path we go to work, or the path to school!
  His idea was that we could walk the road of life!
  Said that the road of life there are many,
  Of wealth,
  Life, indifferent to
  Or rough Ke Hum,
  The result is bound to die,
  But the process is really different!
  The key is
  Is to find a suitable way!
  serif g? ren / yilmaz güney
  serif sezer
  tarik akan
  Genre: Drama
  More Chinese Title:
  Freedom Road / Freedom Road
  More Foreign Title:
  la permission
  permission, la
  Length: 114 min
  Country / Region: France / Switzerland / Turkey
  Dialogue Language: Turkish
  Issuer: artificial eye
  Release Date: May 1982 France
  Synopsis: the story of five prisoners eligible for parole around the story started to go home to visit relatives, but everyone suffered tragedy or disappointment. Five inmates leave prison to return their hometown. Syed Ali as one of his wife of adultery, and punished her; 默赫麦德萨 in crime for a living again; only political prisoners Ao Maier, overcome obstacles, and finally back to the resistance movement revolt the ranks.
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  1. Ground movement for persons, in part or traveling. For a variety of vehicles and pedestrians and other traffic engineering facilities. Features into their use of highways, urban roads, factories, mines and roads, forest roads and rural roads.
  2. That the way to achieve a certain goal. Development of things, changing channels. Example: the socialist road.
  3. Road; away.
  4. People on the street. Refers to the people.
  5. Run; trek.
  6. Industry; career.
  7. Whereabouts; clues.
  8. Methods; approach.
  9. Look.
  10. Still stuff; water.
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  Road construction history of mankind there are at least several thousand years can be traced back almost primitive society. No one can really say is the world's first road built when or where. Ancient times, people often animal footprints along the path of least resistance or that other people walked the streets to walk, where the results are often trampled on a path, day after day, year after year, the progressive development of small-Jing, a general way.
  ─ ─ road construction in ancient China in the 20th century BC, the late Neolithic, China had recorded causative cattle, horses for human transport channel formed by pack animals. According to legend, the beginning of the Chinese nation Zu Huangdi invented the wheel, so to "crossbar as the Xuan, straight wood House" created a vehicle. Therefore, the Yellow Emperor revered as the "Regulus's," and then produced a street. ─ 16th century BC 11th century, the Chinese people know how rammed earth roads, the soil with lime stabilization. To explore the ruins from the Shang Dynasty and found broken pottery and gravel are also paving the road. ─ 11th century BC, before the 5th century, the road has been a considerable scale and level of development, there has been more systematic road management, it has been divided into urban and rural roads: urban road into "warp, ring, Wild "four north-south road to the classics, things that way as the weft; city was nine by nine board-like latitude, Siege for the ring, out of town for the wild; suburban road into road, Road, Tu, Quotations, diameter of five level. Can be seen, when the road Zhou has more complete. ─ 475 BC, 221 years ago, people have been able to place in the steep mountains, stone quarry into a hole, _insert_ wooden beams, upper board, next to the home railings, for the plank road, which is the Warring States period, a major feature of road construction . ─ 206 BC 221 BC, the Qin Shi Huang unified China, built immediately after the center of the capital, Xianyang, Chi road network across the country, this Chi Road, the road network can be comparable with the Roman. ─ 206 BC-220 AD, the Western Han Dynasty Han Dynasty had sent Zhang Qian twice, much the country arrived in Bactria (today's northern Afghanistan), for communication between China and the Middle East and European countries in the economic and cultural, creating a world-famous Silk the road. AD 581 ─ 681, the construction of a huge (thousands of miles) of road works. 618 ─ ─ 907 AD, the emperor under the edict in the country, to keep the roads open throughout the country, the implementation of road maintenance. The road layout was orderly, bearing the grand, influence far and Japan. AD 960 ─ ─ 1911, at the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing generations, the road improvement works and contributions are different. From the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, modern road development focus to the West.
  ─ ─ ─ foreign road construction in the 20th Century BC, the Arab Republic of Egypt, building human pyramids and the Sphinx, like, the surface of a large number of boulders transported from the quarry site, which built the road. In addition, the market in some major towns and roads, the use of plain stone bricks, some of them from the road is brick coated with plaster, then covered with a stone pavement. 12th century BC, the Assyrian king, CT La Lhasa, I, For chariot driving and ordered construction of long-distance road. 6th century BC, he had recorded 希拉达塔斯 travel through the Royal Mile, the road connecting the ancient capital of Persia, Sousa and Anna Tuo national force in Asia, total length of 1,600 km. Without this road, tourists need to spend 3 months time. Royal messengers who were between the two places just 9 days time. But the road was built not for the purpose of transportation, but to contact the National Communications System. Roman era, the development of the road are amazing to realize the center of Rome, the road network extending in all directions. To shorten the distance between towns and villages, roads straight through the hills or forests, to form the use of roads and the Italian capital Rome, Britain, France, Spain, Germany, parts of Asia Minor, Arabia and northern Africa, is integrated. The area is divided into 13 provinces, 322 contact the roads, with a total length of 78,000 km. Can say that the road was built high standard of engineering structures. Today, in highway construction projects, many of them also on the use of that year the Romans developed engineering techniques. With the decline of the Roman Empire, Western road development stagnation. 18th century, the Napoleonic era of the French engineer invented the stone pavement covered Teresa road approach, and advocated the establishment of road maintenance system. Under his influence, Napoleon came to power during the French built the famous road network, this Terre is known as the French father of modern road construction. Late 18th to early 19th century, England's Quarter and other enthusiasts of Ford and Macadam road experts. Myrtle Ford said: Fish should not be too high ridge road to avoid road construction only slope. Large stones by using a layer of base pavement structure, paved the middle of big rocks on both sides with the smaller stones to form the road humps. Macadam said: do not need the next level and stones, capped with a layer of crushed gravel on the road, can be flat and firm. Practice has proved that: Macadam style is suitable for road carriage driving at the time. Since then, European countries have built this road.
  Early 20th century, cars get a leap in the development, Macadam style not suited to car travel requirements roadbed, people began to build a large number of road asphalt and concrete pavement. Before World War II, Germany built highways, from all countries have the corresponding development, the highway has become a modern highway sign.
  Modern urban development, population density and traffic volume is proportional to the highway was a people long distance, large, rapid transport and provided the conditions to avoid traffic accidents, more urban road planning add a touch of colorful.
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  The road of life there are thousands,
  Every point in its own style.
  Road rugged good or bad is not how much
  Who is only the first target.
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Road and Road of the original meaning
  Road adding that the basic meaning of the word are from one place to the path leading to another. In use, with few exceptions, words are not interchangeable. For example, I said, "Road to the eternal Tao" rather than "Road to Road, very road"; Lu Xun said, "the world had no roads, there are many people walking the road" rather than "the world had No Road, take the more people will have a road "; Li Bai laments," Boulevard, such as blue sky, I am not alone out "rather than" the road, such as blue sky, I am not alone out "; said," All roads lead to Rome " instead of saying "All roads lead to Rome."
  Shape from the present point of view, "Road" word can be understood as "the step of the feet", consciousness is as long as the move can walk along the path to the destination; "Road" should be understood as the word "under the guidance of the head and walk ", meaning to think with his head, and explore while walking through the path. Further, "Road" is often connected to the destination path, just along the line; "Tao" is the leading destination for individuals and very few people want to go even uninhabited path, must always use the head of , reflection and exploration, will it be possible to go through.
  Bronze in the "Road" and now the word "road" character shape similarity. According to "Chinese Dictionary" explains, the ancients often under the guise of "Road" words as exposure of the "open" character, and "Road" characters and with the flat land of the "Land" pronounced the same word. One explained that the ancients, flat land in the path called "Road", that "road" is visible, it is one to recognize the path.
  In summary, the "Road" and "Road" is the difference between the word, the road is the path of the eye visible; Road is the eyes can not see or not see, must be analyzed by the mind, thinking and exploration to move the line path.
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  Directed by: Serif G? Ren / Yilmaz Güney
  Serif Sezer
  Tarik Akan
  Genre: Drama
  More Chinese Title: Freedom Road / Freedom Road
  More Foreign Title:
  La Permission
  Permission, La
  Length: 114 min
  Country / Region: France / Switzerland / Turkey
  Dialogue Language: Turkish
  Issuer: Artificial Eye
  Release Date: May 1982 France
  Synopsis: the story revolves around five prisoners released on parole to go home to visit relatives in the story started, but everyone suffered tragedy or disappointment. Five inmates leave prison to return their hometown. Syed Ali as one of his wife of adultery, and punished her; 默赫麦德萨 in crime for a living again; only political prisoners Ao Maier, overcome obstacles, and finally back to the resistance movement revolt the ranks.
  The song "Road", Guo Feng lyrics, Dong Wenhua singing songs of 1988 Spring Festival, included in papers published in "Eternal Love" album
  Lyrics are as follows:
  Think about the past, take a look now
  Ups and downs of life on the road is curved so long.
  Take a look now and think about the future,
  Stand tall, and strive to create roads will be full of sunshine.
  Which will not suffer life sweet life which will not waves,
  It will make you it will make you stronger.
  Think about the past, take a look now
  Ups and downs of life on the road is curved so long.
  Take a look now and think about the future,
  Stand tall, and strive to create roads will be full of sunshine.
  Which will not suffer life sweet life which will not waves,
  It will make you it will make you stronger.
  Which will not suffer life sweet life which will not waves,
  It will make you it will make you stronger.
  Take a look now and think about the future,
  Stand tall, and strive to create,
  Roads will be full of sunshine
  Italy Italy extended
  History, principles and policies, insights on life, non-truth, the development direction
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  Monument Road l tl ,::.)' T,,]
  District} to} 0, l〕 to the topological space l'ed (topological sPaee) X's
  Continuous mapping (co claw ", uousm red p", g) plant. Point. F pseudo) and f (l)
  Known as the road. / Starting point (i acres tiil】 point) and end (such as al point).
  Given plant, by the formula t Bu. / (1 a t). T path defined by Zhao 0,11
  Road known as the inverse of plant (path inverse), and denoted f a '. For a given
  If l and plant 2 plants to meet the plant. (L) b f: (0), is defined under the said road
  For road works, and. Factory: composite (. OlnpOSiteo1 'the paths) and note
  The factory factory:,
  r the f, spear, r against 1 / spoon
  To 2 (2t a l). t wife of l / 2.
  * With a reference point in the path connected space (path of a connected
  sP Song e) X, the starting point is, the _set_ of all roads as x,
  Road space (path sPace). M. H. Bo early exoBcK 'essays
  Price Bu NB In general, people are the road space is not how a single
  What interested interested in the homotopy class of the road, the relative lack of O,
  Homotopy equivalence class of Sichuan, according to this equivalence relation, the compound defined above
  Meet with law, and projects. Plant a 'is the inverse of f real. See the basic broad
  Group (fUndalne month tal grouPoid).
  Officials precisely, the road can be defined as any continuous map j: 10,
  Door Bu ¥, which, ·) O is called the road. J length (brother ngth ofthc
  p sweet). If the length of eight, and. fZ (o) = fl (;), then
  Plants, and eight of the composite fl plant 2 by "type of definition of
  [A, a r, husband of a nursing
  〔JZ (t a r),, · Ting Yan t: +,,
  Where /: the length. The compound to meet with law (not just instruments
  Is a homotopy associative).
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English Expression
  1. n.:  way,  avenue,  camber,  course,  cutting,  (eg, pave the) way,  path,  road,  toby,  stem the torrent,  trace,  the primrose path (of dalliance),  stem the current,  branch off,  branch away
  2. adj.:  arterial,  up,  unadopted,  passable
  3. vi.:  toll
French Expression
  1. n.  voie, route, chemin
Route, door, approach, way, road
Underground electricity tramway, highway
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