electrical and information discipline : communication > communication engineering
  The professional learning communication technology, communication systems and communication networks such as knowledge, engaged in communications research, design, manufacturing, operations and all departments in the national economy and national defense industry in the development and application of communications technology and equipment. After graduation in wireless communications, television, large-scale integrated circuits, intelligent instruments and application of electronic technology research, design and communications engineering research, design, technology transfer and technology development. Graduates in recent years focused on communications systems, high-tech development companies, research institutes, design institutes, financial systems, civil aviation, railways and government and educational institutes.
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Professional Comprehensive Introduction
  Careful if you notice that movie ten years ago, Hong Kong and Taiwan can be used to hit the hands of gangsters Gangster's "Big Brother", has already become so slim lightweight, colorful, and flying into the hands of ordinary people; past, only the Snapshots of a few months passed before the book can be used to contact friends and relatives abroad simple and convenient Yemeir (E-mail) and exchanged greetings, chat, and even installed cameras to open a web conference! All this can be attributed to Communications Engineering (Communication Engineering) technology for rapid development. If you let the scientists _select_ed the fastest-growing technology over the past decade probably is none other than the non-communication technology. So let us know more about this young and a bit "magic" of the professional bar.
  Across electronic communication engineering, computer science, the courses of both the characteristics of the two, the need for better mathematics, physics, and strong practical application of basic skills. Some courses, such as data structures, operating systems, databases, etc. to your computer classes, and some, such as signal processing, high-frequency circuits, electronic circuit theory, etc. are there based on the professional courses such as communication theory, the relatively wide range of learning . Requires students to have strong logical thinking ability, especially for those who understand the strong and good at analysis of the students. Relatively small by the time professional, the professional may be "soft" to "hard", respectively, in both directions tend to the computer and electronics.
  Of course, this really is the absolute top professional, basically one of the highest professional admission. Among the many colleges and universities, Tsinghua University, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Communications Engineering pretty hot, if the full strength of the candidates of their own self-confidence, then _select_ not only the professional let you down, will feel at the time points graduation field proud.
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Development of Vocational Education
  Communications engineering majors to study the signal generation, information transmission, exchange and processing, and computer communications, digital communications, satellite communications, optical fiber communications, cellular communications, personal communications, stratospheric communications, multimedia, information highway, figures program-controlled exchange and other aspects of the theory and application problems. 19th century American invention of the telegraph as the date, modern communications technology has been generated. In order to meet the growing technical needs, communication engineering education in American universities has become a discipline, and with the continuous improvement of modern technology and rapid development.
  The work of communications professionals, formerly known as Department of Electrical Engineering and Electrical Engineering. Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1917 in electrical engineering profession as a "radio door", then, in 1921 _set_ up a "wire communication and wireless communication door." Faculty in 1952 after adjustment, _set_ up a "telecommunications system." Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University _set_ up in 1934 in the telecommunications group. In 1952, Tsinghua University, Peking University, Department of Electrical Engineering of the telecommunications mix the two schools and later founded the Department of Radio Engineering, Tsinghua University. This can be the type of communication engineering. During this period influential figures such as any of the Mu Tsinghua University, Zhu Lancheng, chapter names Tao, Ye Kai, Fan Xu Yun, Zhang Zhongjun and other professors.
  The early days, the relevant schools were in the original telecommunications engineering, electrical engineering, radio electronics, professional, based on the works of modern communications technology, personnel training with a strong power savings. This period were En-Qiu, Wang Shouwu, Huhan Quan, WU Shi, Wang moved to other scholars active in the profession of teaching.
  The sixties and seventies, by the "Cultural Revolution" of the impact of large changes in communication engineering. Such as Tsinghua University, Department of Electronic Engineering in 1969, most moved to Mianyang, Sichuan Province, Mianyang Branch of Tsinghua University was established. Just moved back to Beijing in 1978, back to the Department of Radio Electronics establishment, and to broaden the professional-oriented to meet the development needs of professional _set_tings be adjusted, the addition of radio technology and information systems, physical electronics and optoelectronics technology, microelectronics a total of three undergraduate professional. During this period emerged a group of distinguished scholars, such as Wu Youshou academicians, who, as electronic and electrical engineering educator, sociologist, is a pioneer in the field of digital communications, one engaged in digital communications and data transmission, digital signal processing and pattern Recognition of work, and as early as 1958, successfully developed China's first eight-way pulse code modulation telephone terminal equipment, in 1952 the number of transfer unit successfully developed China's first artificial satellite to be used for data transmission. Academician Zhu Gaofeng long been engaged in telecommunication system research. From the 50's to 70's, has been involved in, presided over a large number of communications carrier transmission system design and development work and made the manufacturing of the results, was in a leading position, and close to the world advanced level. Particularly responsible for the overall design of the coaxial cable in China China's first _set_ of 1800 channel carrier communication system is the carrier of the main components of communication system, it can also transmit telephone, telegraph, fax, radio, data services, was adopted by foreign advanced means of transmission. His long-distance automatic telephone network in the country's construction, the network mode of operation, network operation mode has done a lot of fruitful work, laid the independent status of telecommunications networks subject.
  To 80 years, from the United States, Japan, Britain and other developed countries, the information revolution blown hurricane that shares for the development of communication engineering to add a strong dynamic, but also from that time, communications engineering with the name of it now .
  The rapid rise of the information highway, communications technology in national economic development more and more important, the state has increased investment in this area, all universities have this _set_ or similar professional courses, a large number of laboratories have entered the university campus. Areas such as Shanghai Jiaotong University, the new fiber optic network and State Key Laboratory of Optical Communication Systems, Communication Lab, Digital Signal Processing Laboratory, Electronic Technology Laboratory. In addition, Nanjing University, Zhejiang University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Beijing Polytechnic University, China University of Science and Technology, Southeast University, Tongji University, Fudan University and other key institutions both for the training of a large number of professional talents to make this important contribution.
  Because of social demand for talent is very extensive, the amount of the professional admissions each year are large. Each school average of 200-300 people every year the number of admissions, and some schools even more. Level of education from the college, undergraduate to graduate, doctoral ranging, and some schools also has a post-doctoral mobile stations, forming a human cascade training approach. However, this profession is still in short supply of graduates every year, hot.
  In the new period, but emerged a large number of outstanding experts and scholars. Such as Tsinghua University's Zhoubing ravioli Academy of Sciences, conducted the first in the country, "Crystal growth and crystal fibers of fiber optic devices." The "narrow linewidth tunable semiconductor lasers and related technologies," the results through the identification of seven, line width, frequency stability and tuning range of the degree of international advanced level, for the development of coherent optical communication has made important contributions. In the "high temperature fiber optic sensors", the fineness of fiber ring and ring laser research reached the international advanced level. In addition, Professor Lu Tai in signal and information processing; Professor Feng Zhongxi in digital communications, speech signal processing and digital multiplexing aspects; Professor Yao Yan in the signal detection estimation and identification in electronic system of high-speed real-time information processing and system field; Professor Cao Zhigang in digital modulation, coding and health communication, speech enhancement and digital signal processing technology; Professor Lin Hanggang in intelligent information processing and graphics recognition, image compression and multimedia data, multimedia communications and terminal technology and other fields have outstanding contributions. These experts and professors as the cause of modern communications into the 21st century, paved the way for the victory.
  In the new century, Communications Engineering will be celebrating its vast development. As communications technology becomes more widespread, from outer space, down to the sea, all active in the professional and technical personnel. Now China has joined WTO, which is bound to the development of China's information industry will bring greater development. The Communications Engineering shortage of talented people to become involved in international competition of a very unfavorable factors. Therefore, in the coming years, China is bound to pay more attention to the training of professionals pay more attention to communication engineering professional education, improve education levels.
  The direction of communications engineering jobs
  Communication technology R & D personnel
  Career pathways: R & D → Members → senior market development engineer or manager
  Talent Quotes: A few years ago in the spring of the communications industry, research and development provides a number of high-paying jobs, even today, such as Huawei, ZTE, UT Starcom and other well-known treatment of corporate R & D positions are still very competitive. But this year our company and increasing the relative positions of the professional graduates, too little.
  The reason, in addition to the development of communication industry and the market scale of the stagnation brought directly to reducing the demand for talent, and the university _set_ up the communication professional attitude: "conditional to, and did not have the condition." - The actual number of schools the creation of the professional does not have the strength lies in the faculty and laboratory equipment. But even so, we also do not lose heart, after all, to our profession, undergraduate students in the professional ability is very difficult to be able to meet the graduation requirements of the enterprise employment. Therefore, many companies the standard _select_ion of new employees is "a solid professional foundation, open-minded, good English, a little creative."
  More importantly, they will not tell your teacher, as in the exam to focus program for you. And as long as you have shown in the paper trace of professional knowledge, but off the signs, you can say that the candidates "over" the.
  Key courses: Circuit Theory and application courses, computer courses, signals and systems, electromagnetic theory, digital systems and logic design, digital signal processing, communication theory and so on. Compilation, composition, or to the principle of these specialized courses, and can be used in the previous practical work. Requirements of each of our doors are not proficient, but at least do all the understanding, mastery part - you can choose which course you are interested to study two or three.
  On the English. Communication between engineering and English, the relationship itself is not particularly close, but most of the good treatment they are all foreign telecommunications companies, even as domestic enterprises like Huawei, will be required in the recruitment of English six - in the face of the particularly the case of choice, companies will naturally raise the barriers to entry.
  On creativity. In fact here can be interpreted as new creative ideas and design, develop awareness. So, relative to the organization's other activities in the school, take part in electronic design contest similar to the activities like the ability for us is a good exercise, remember that when you award-winning design work or write your resume, to careful preparation of the design ideas, including issues arising during the design process, and the solutions and principles. If the microcontroller and the circuit is good to learn the knowledge, you can try yourself to be a board play, for after graduation to find a single chip development work to prepare, and then gain experience in work, learning embedded systems knowledge, technical route to go quite so appropriate.
  Technology transfer market (Management) is the ultimate goal of many researchers. Because as we age, the decline in learning ability, coupled with corporate R & D jobs in the bottleneck of the design, the other has a strong technical foundation is the "lung power", the engineers choose to do some time in the technical support, customer service and technology sector management (Technical background on the advantages of such management is clear: so high tech in this sector, who served a circuit can not read even the leadership?)
  Finally, the eve of the 3G, if you can master the basics of the technology for employment should be a big benefit, here, to recommend a certification - Motorola Engineering Institute technical training in more than 10 years on the basis of communication, the first in the industry the society launched a public wireless communications technology curriculum system-MCNE (Motorola Certified Network Engineer / Motorola Certified Wireless Network Engineer) course series, and related wireless standards and personnel certification exam. (Only recommended, the reader is judged according to their care, choice)
  Communications products sales
  Career path: sales assistant → Sales → Sales Engineer (Marketing) Manager
  Talent Quotes: great demand for professional skills requirements are not particularly deep, suitable for undergraduate students in general. Most importantly, career development is large enough, it is not, then you can switch to other industries continue to do sales.
  Analysis suggests that: include a variety of upstream equipment and communications equipment sales. For the upstream equipment sales, business is very valued in the recruitment of professional background, therefore, some basic communication courses must have a more comprehensive understanding. I suggest those who want to sell to students, internships before graduation to companies for R & D department - students and marketing expertise in the sales competition is not wise up, we should strengthen the professional background of the core strengths.
  In addition, of course, is communication skills, marketing ability, planning ability. Many students even bother to work at the university students, in fact, where else can learn I do not know, on communication skills and organizational ability is a better way, especially when you are through their own efforts to achieve a certain jobs. As for the sales professional looking book, I personally feel better to see professional magazines and newspapers, the former is almost pure, very stiff, while the latter is the theory plus practice.
  You can also start in the school is to learn how to prepare marketing programs - the network can be down to some very good planning and projects, mutatis mutandis, the slow learning, which is to be used in your work, and that some companies In the written test may be the content. Finally, regular program can help you develop a good habit: often organize ideas, analyze things organized.
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Distribution of professional institutions (in part) in alphabetical order
  North China: Tsinghua University, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing University of Posts Beijing University of Technology North China Electric Power University, Beijing Union University, China People's Public Security University of China University of Geosciences Beijing Information Technology Institute Beijing Institute of Electronic Science and Technology Communication University of China University of Petroleum, Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Hebei University, Hebei Yanshan University, Hebei Normal University Taiyuan University of Technology Inner Mongolia University Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology of China Civil Aviation University of Inner Mongolia, Hebei Polytechnic University, Nankai University, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Institute of University of Jinan Century
  Northeast China: Liaoning University, Shenyang University of Technology, Anshan, Liaoning Institute of Technology, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian Jiaotong University, Daqing Petroleum Institute, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Changchun University of Technology, Northeastern University, Northeast Forestry University, Northeast Electric Power Institute of Technology Institute of Heilongjiang, Jilin University, Dalian University of Technology
  South China: South China Agricultural University South China Normal University, Guangxi Normal University Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology Jinan University, Zhongshan University, Guangdong University of Technology, Dongguan, Guangdong Ocean University, Institute of Wuyi University
  Central China: Zhengzhou University, Central South University, Changsha, Central South University for Nationalities, Wuhan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology University, Wuhan University, Hunan University, Hunan, Central South University of Forestry Engineering University, Henan Polytechnic University, Henan, Hubei University of Technology Nanhua University, Hunan University, Hunan Institute of Anyang Institute of Technology Hunan University
  East China: Nanchang Aeronautical University, East China University of Technology, Suzhou University, Jiujiang University, Shanghai University Zhejiang University Anhui University, Fuzhou University, People's Liberation Army Tank Institute, Jimei University, Nanchang, Jiangxi Normal University, Shandong University, Shandong University, Shandong University of Technology Hohai Shanghai University of Electric Power Nanjing Normal University, Hangzhou, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications University of Electronic Science and Technology Fudan University, Tongji University, Donghua University East China University of Technology, Hefei University of Technology, Zhejiang University, Xiamen University, East China Jiaotong University Qingdao University, Qingdao University of Huainan Normal University, Nanjing University of Science
  Southwest China: Yunnan University, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications University of Electronic Science and Technology Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu Institute of Information Engineering, Southwest University for Nationalities, Kunming, Chongqing University, Sichuan University, Sichuan Normal University Chengdu University of Engineering and Technology Chengdu, Southwest China Normal University, Sichuan University of Science and Technology
  Northwest Region: Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology Xi'an University of Architecture, Xi'an University of Science and Technology University, Xi'an Mining Institute, Xinjiang, Ningxia University, Lanzhou University of Technology, Xidian University, Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications University, Lanzhou Jiaotong University Northwestern Polytechnical University, Institute of Ethnic Studies University, Northwestern University Northwest
  V. Communication Engineering, National University Ranking 2007 assessment
  Graduate degree ranking code name 110 010 003 29410701 Xidian University, Tsinghua University, Beijing University of Posts and 39,290,002 39,210,013 University of Defense Technology Beijing Institute of Technology 58,810,007 58,810,248 58,810,614 Electronic Science and Technology, Shanghai Jiaotong University Peking University 88,710,001 88,710,286 88,710,006 Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing Jiaotong University Southeast University 118 410 004 128 110 487 138 010 213 Huazhong University of Science and Technology Harbin Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University 157 710 698 138 010 335 167 610 486 Xi'an Jiaotong University Northwestern Polytechnical University Wuhan University 167 610 699 187 510 141 197 410 056 Dalian University of Science and Technology of China, South China University 197 410 613 197 410 561 Southwest Jiaotong University, Nanjing University 197 410 288 237 390 005 237 390 006 People's Liberation Army PLA Information Engineering University University of Shanghai University 267 210 497 237 310 280 267 210 027 Wuhan University of Technology, Beijing Normal University, Shandong University 287 010 217 287 010 422 306 910 617 Harbin Engineering University Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications 306 910 110 326 810 287 North University, Zhengzhou, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 326 810 459 356 610 294 326 810 033 Hohai University, Communication University of China, Nanjing University of Information Engineering 356 610 079 356 610 300 Jiangxi Science and Technology North China Electric Power University, Teachers College 386 411 318 396 311 664 406 310 356 Xi'an Institute of Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Metrology
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A + + communication engineering undergraduate-level professional schools List
  University of Electronic Science and Technology, Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology
  Main courses:
  Main Subject: Information and Communication Engineering, Computer Science and Technology.
  Main courses: Circuit Theory and application courses, computer courses, signals and systems, electromagnetic theory, digital systems and logic design, digital signal processing, communication theory and so on.
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English Expression
  1. :  communication engineering
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