economics > finance and economics
cái jīng
  Finance and Economy
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Finance and Economy
  Finance and Economy. Zhou Enlai, "Chiang district on the working principle and strategies of the two files": "especially the people survive the financial crisis, people not only can not stand, and front to defeat, people also can not bluff." "People's Daily "1984.3.30:" He's good at complex financial issues, expressed in plain language. "Zhang Zhou," China gets tough, "Chapter III:" Some of them sneak the plan, without financial checks, including a good mention Cash. "
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  Finance and Economy.
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  Zhou Enlai, "On the work of Chiang district policies and tactics of struggle of the two files": "people live, especially the financial crisis, people not only can not stand, and front to defeat, people also scare them."
  "People's Daily" 1984.3.30: "He was good at the complex financial issues, expressed in plain language."
  Zhang Zhou, "China gets tough," Chapter III: "They sneak some measure, from financial inspection to mention the cash wrap."
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  "Finance" is a close attention to China's economic system reform and the modern market economy, the news of the publication process. Adhering to the "independent position, exclusive reports, unique perspectives," the concept of "financial" comprehensive observation and follow the important measure of China's economic reforms, senior government major trends, the market focus on building events, timely analysis and commentary, for the capital market in changes in China's growth is more special attention; for the occurrence of major overseas economies, current affairs news, "Finance" are often sent a reporter on-site interviews, exclusive of its coverage of news and authority known.
  "Finance" is widely comments only to see the current high-level domestic finance and economic news publications, the main audience for China's senior investors, government management and economic circles. Since founded in April 1998, the "financial" in many reports, reviews the important overseas media such as The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Far Eastern Economic Review, South China Morning Post, Financial Times, widely reproduced or quoted.
  "Finance" magazine's lead column "cover story" because of the depth of coverage called a historical record of value. Other important sections such as "economic situation", "Capital Market", "Finance Watch", "view comments" and "Industry in depth", "the company perspective," and so on, for every insight burst, the industry praise.
  Hu started the "Finance" magazine, served as editor of their own. "Who controls the Fengming Chang? "," Chen Jiulin success "," Joan source "," Junan shock "and an article reported one after another. These articles not only for its thorough investigation, describing the simple but impressive for the world even more compelling is the report exposed the shady world of Chinese stock market, sharply criticized the stock market that ugly phenomenon.
  Hu Following the "shady fund" and later, published a "Guangxia," the report exposed the fraud of a listed company in Ningxia fact: they not only changed the financial statements, the production line is false, and even the customs declaration is false. Hu know how to "hit the snake fight seven inches," the truth, to the story, the reporter Xiamen full track more than a year, to master the full facts, and after a thorough investigation into the study, wrote this before masterpiece. "Finance," the article cut off in the listed company's way of getting money, Hu said: "We want to protect more people are getting money."
  As the "Financial" established "an independent, exclusive, unique," the journal guidelines, published reports and hard-edged, which triggered a major earthquake in China's securities market, and "Finance" magazine has become famous overnight, Hu and therefore is "commercial Weekly "dubbed the securities industry," the most dangerous woman in China. " To this end, around a big debate on China's stock market swept. Hu also in the "Financial" launched the "banker Luliang" and other masterpieces, exposing all the evil deeds of the Chinese stock market, the result of the debate: make a determined effort to promote high-level purge of the stock market irregularities.
  In 2001, the United States, "Business Week" named the "Stars of Asia" has recently revealed, strikingly, the leader in cutting-edge positioning for the reforms actually awarded the title of a financial journalist - "Finance" magazine editor in chief Hu Shuli. This is our first win of the reporter.
  November 9, 2009 Hu formally to the Chinese Stock Market Research Center (SEEC) to submit his resignation, marking Hu handedly founded the magazine in their "financial," the editor of the end of the road.
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Specialty Finance
  Financial Situation and Forecast of Major
  Finance Major is economics and economic management major, common professional including marketing, accounting, human resources management, finance, international trade, business management, statistics, taxation, etc., is a hot job market in recent years, professional.
  With China's sustained economic development and social class on the financial needs of the professional talent has been in a rising trend, even if the surge in the number of college students facing employment difficulties of today, the employment situation of financial major is relative to many professional is still better. Jobs in demand all over the charts, financial major in marketing, accounting, management has been in the lead. According to the survey, the community will demand Finance and Economics graduates strong Jiucheng units have long-term needs.
  In addition, experts predict, the future top ten hot jobs are financial planners, system integrators, engineers, lawyers, logistics specialist, registered accountants, marketers, environmental engineers, actuaries, sales of Chinese and Western medicine doctors, management consultants. Among them, financial planners, logistics specialist, registered accountants, marketing division, actuaries, management consultants belong to the six professional finance and economics sectors.
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The employment of financial major advantages and disadvantages
  Compared with other professionals, financial major has the following two obvious advantages:
  First, the direction of Finance and Economics and broad professional employment. National economy in various sectors, both large state-owned, foreign-funded enterprises and small private companies have a different number of finance and economics demand for graduates, but also by the impact of changes in industry structure adjustment is also small. With the development of market economy, the employment of financial major way to more and more wide. Financial newspapers and magazines such as the emerging class, comprehensive non-professional issues in the financial press make a big fuss, we need a large number of financial journalists, which is finance and economics graduates provides many jobs. Like other schools, training institutions can also be the job of financial major way.
  Second, relatively large and stable market demand. With the rapid economic development, community finance and economics has been high demand for professionals in the continuous market demand for the top three. According to expert analysis, industry, finance and economics in the future there is still more popular professions. Therefore, compared with other professional classes, the employment situation of financial major is still very optimistic. But we also recognize that better is not absolutely good, does not mean that finance and economics graduates in the job market can be invincible, invincible.
  Personnel from the current situation on the market point of view, finance and economics graduates in the following negative factors:
  I. Most of them are graduates of the current imperfect structure of the problem of knowledge, overall quality is not high, less competitive and so on, need some time to practice running. This is mainly due to the current state of education in our tertiary institutions.
  Second, the large number of finance and economics graduate. Hot because of the continuing financial professional, the creation of a number of financial institutions specialty, the number of graduates is also increasing, which directly resulted in finance and economics graduates employment pressure.
  Third, the financial industry, light weight professional experience of the phenomenon. Because of financial major aspects of the practical requirements of a high, coupled with traditional ideas, many employers out of the experience requirement for professional requirements. It became difficult for fresh graduates the direct cause.
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Professional requirements of financial major
  Solid professional knowledge and good communication skills are Finance majors must have the basic requirements, in addition, with the economic development of emerging financial major has a number of other high demand.
  First, the professional skills required to improve, especially for foreign language requirements in general are relatively high.
  This is the current economic environment by the Chinese decision. With China and the world ever closer economic ties, financial aspects of the industry norms and standards have gradually with foreign standards, financial in foreign languages ​​if not excellent, hard work and daily contact.
  Second, the vocational qualification certificate requirements more stringent.
  Third, the increasingly high demand for academic qualifications. Is typical of most prominent financial professional.
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  "Finance" is a close attention to China's economic system reform and the modern market economy, the news of the publication process. Adhering to the "independent position, exclusive reports, unique perspectives," the concept of "financial" comprehensive observation and follow the important measure of China's economic reforms, senior government major trends, the market focus on building events, timely analysis and commentary, for the capital market in changes in China's growth is more special attention; for the occurrence of major overseas economies, current affairs news, "Finance" are often sent a reporter on-site interviews, exclusive of its coverage of news and authority known.
  "Finance" is widely comments only to see the current high-level domestic finance and economic news publications, the main audience for China's senior investors, government management and economic circles. Since founded in April 1998, the "financial" in many reports, reviews the important overseas media such as The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Far Eastern Economic Review, South China Morning Post, Financial Times, widely reproduced or quoted, the authority of the 2008 World brand value research institutions - the World Brand Lab value of "2008 World Brand Lab value of the Year Award" _select_ed activities, financial with a good brand image and brand influence, was "the most competitive brand" title.
  "Finance" magazine's lead column "cover story" because of the depth of coverage called a historical record of value. Other important sections such as "economic situation", "Capital Market", "Finance Watch", "view comments" and "Industry in depth", "the company perspective," and so on, for every insight burst, the industry praise.
  Hu started the "Finance" magazine, served as editor of their own. "Who controls the Fengming Chang? "," Chen Jiulin success "," Joan source "," Junan shock "and an article reported one after another. These articles not only for its thorough investigation, describing the simple but impressive for the world even more compelling is the report exposed the shady world of Chinese stock market, sharply criticized the stock market that ugly phenomenon.
  Hu Following the "shady fund" and later, published a "Guangxia," the report exposed the fraud of a listed company in Ningxia fact: they not only changed the financial statements, the production line is false, and even the customs declaration is false. Hu know how to "hit the snake fight seven inches," the truth, to the story, the reporter Xiamen full track more than a year, to master the full facts, and after a thorough investigation into the study, wrote this before masterpiece. "Finance," the article cut off in the listed company's way of getting money, Hu said: "We want to protect more people are getting money."
  As the "Financial" established "an independent, exclusive, unique," the journal guidelines, published reports and hard-edged, which triggered a major earthquake in China's securities market, and "Finance" magazine has become famous overnight, Hu and therefore is "commercial Weekly "dubbed the securities industry," the most dangerous woman in China. " To this end, around a big debate on China's stock market swept. Hu also in the "Financial" launched the "banker Luliang" and other masterpieces, exposing all the evil deeds of the Chinese stock market, the result of the debate: make a determined effort to promote high-level purge of the stock market irregularities.
  In 2001, the United States, "Business Week" named the "Stars of Asia" has recently revealed, strikingly, the leader in cutting-edge positioning for the reforms actually awarded the title of a financial journalist - "Finance" magazine editor in chief Hu Shuli. This is our first win of the reporter.
  9 November 2009 formally to the Chinese stock market Hu Research Center (SEEC) to submit his resignation, marking Hu handedly founded the magazine in their "financial" and editor of the end of the road.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  finance and economics
French Expression
  1. n.  économie et finance
City economics, City And economics, city and Economics
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