culture > tongue
No. 1
  Specific expression of human meaning, the exchange of ideas in the tool, the pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, a certain system. Language in spoken and written form.
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yǔ yán
  Used to express the voice of affection. Is the most important communication tool of mankind. It is closely related with the ideas is the essence of human characteristics different from other animals
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No. 3
  Language; words. "Five Emperors the Rites de": "Wu Yu to take the color of people, in the destruction of the Ming (Dantaimieming) evil corrections; Wu Yu to take the language of people, in to (kill me) to change the evil." " Han Yan Liu Dan Wang Chuan-assassination ":" on the abandoned ministers, no language. "Han Yu" Send three-degree "Poetry:" or consider the language the leaks, falling mass of injustice Chou. "
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No. 4
  Means the written language; poetry of the sentence. Tang Yuan Zhen, "Syria poem Lotte Book": "peak of the gas, injection of the language, Mixture of Crude, then as much." Qing Wang Fu-chih, "Xi Tong Yong-day introduction of foreign code" 47: "Zhou Lai Feng, Wang Jing Shi of Su's, stop borrowing from the language of the momentum, to the reasoning Department, from the moment through the CP. "Sun Li" show Lucy Collection Reading "Puliu people>": "His language Gongli deep, very rich vocabulary." also refers specifically to words. Feng Jicai "carved pipe" one: "He's so small, probably less because of the language."
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No. 5
  Yu purr. Song Lu "disease Zi Qian," Poetry 2: "Public birds sequence, the whole pretentious language well."
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No. 6
  Words; conversation; conversation. "The Western Regions under the Han Wu-sun Country": "Hoon Mok old age, language barrier, Princess sad." Jin Huangfu Mi, "Goldsmith Biography Yan Light": "Stuart hegemony and of plain old, For refractive to Pa the language. "" Three Storytelling "volume:" ﹝ ﹞ Language joy, anger, Liu Bei is not shaped in color. "Qing Cheng Lin," The human language everywhere with Taboo ":" Sheng Zhao of Unity, justice systems everywhere ceremony alike. The language titles, and fear of all. "
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No. 7
  The most important tool of human communication. Of the human mind and the means of expression is the most basic information carrier of human society. Is a person different from the one of the essential characteristics of other animals. It is a voice for the physical shell to words as building materials, grammar rules for the structure and composition of the symbol system. Is a special social phenomenon, with the resulting emergence of society, the development of the development.
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No. 8
  Told, asked. "Selected Works of Jiang Yan" Miscellaneous Poems efficiency Li Ling "comfort"> "" book, short sleeve, would like to send Shuangfei Yan "Annotation quoted Han Lin Chen," just want to fu ":" For languages in the black bird, black bird died in other end. "
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World language
  Every day our daily lives, language, exchange and communication. Language is mankind's most important communication tool. Distribution of the world's languages that people with language preservation and transmission of human civilization. Language is an important feature of the nation. In general, each nation has its own language. Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, is the world's major languages, but also the working languages of the United Nations. Chinese is the world's most populous language, English is the world's most widely used language.
  According to statistics, 5,651 kinds of languages were used around the world, of which more than the number of users to 50 million in 13 languages: Chinese, English, India, Russia, Spain, Germany, Japan, France, Indonesia, Portugal, Bangladesh, Italy and Arabic. Was provided by the official language or the number of countries a common language, English comes first (about 44 countries), French II (about 31 countries), Spanish III (about 22 countries)
  Was designated as the official language of the United Nations, there are five: Chinese, English, Russian, French, Spanish. Nation around the world about 2000-3000, exceeding more than one million people had 305, the most populous ethnic Han Chinese, Hindustan family, Bengali, United States of race, ethnic Russian, Japanese and family, Brazil, family and so on.
  There are 3,000 kinds of world national languages, the language used in more than 10 million about 100 species. With the largest population is Chinese, English, followed by Hindi, Spanish, Russian, French, German, Bengali, Arabic, Portuguese, Japanese, Indonesian and so on.
  Require the use of the United Nations official languages and working languages of the total of 6 kinds: Chinese, English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian.
  According to reports, as China's comprehensive national strength and international status increased, more and more people to use Mandarin. Recently published in the United Nations "in 2005 the world's major languages, distribution and application of force report", the Chinese were in second place, behind English, came in German, French, Russian, Spanish, Japanese before.
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The use of language
  Language is a tool for thinking and communication tools. It has close ties with the thinking, is the carrier of thinking and material shell and forms. Language is a symbol system, voice-based shell material to the semantic content of the meaning, pronunciation and meaning of words combined with building materials and organization of the grammar system. Language is a social phenomenon, is mankind's most important communication tool, is for thinking and transmission of information tools, the results of human understanding of the carrier saved. Language with a solid and nationality.
  Languages are human creations, only humans have true language. Many animals have a voice to express their feelings, or transmission of information within the group but only to some fixed formula, can not randomly change. Only the human voice will be meaningless according to together in various ways, to become meaningful morpheme, then the large number of morphemes in accordance with the various ways to form words, with an infinite variety of forms to represent the infinite variety of meaning.
  Human beings created the language and later created the text. Text is the language of visual form. Broke through the spoken word suffered in space and time constraints, can play a greater role.
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The invention of writing
  For the text of the invention, the ancients more that is a big deal event. "Huainanzi" says: "Formerly, CJ Su for book and rainy weather, the night crying ghost." Can best divine power that is the symbol text, which is spoken in the spell with the very thing. Also stained with normal text color of superstition, there are words on paper can not throw to put the "King Xi Zi Paper" tab container, build up in fire. Of course, there are taboo words inside his mouth can not say the name of the paper can not write; must have borrowed homophone to write, or lack of fortune.
  It is estimated that there are about 5,600 languages in the world, of which over 100 million using the language of about 100 species, more than 50 million of the 20 or so.
  Although the language can be used as the basis of the text, but the language does not mean the text, after all, despite the national scientific community and religious make great efforts, however, there are two quarters in the world's languages do not have the appropriate text.
  Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish, Arabic and so is the world's major languages, but also the working languages of the United Nations.
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Machine language
  Program is a sequence of machine instructions, do as the Romans, the use of machine instructions to program is that people are the first and most natural choice. Machine is the machine language instruction _set_. Machine language is binary not easily be understood, difficult to master; and vary by machine, the program difficult to transplant.
  Each machine instruction in assembly language will be accompanied by a mnemonic, such as Add, Jump, etc. to form a simple assembly language. Simple statement in assembly language instructions correspond with the machine. A simple compilation of the relevant parts of the machine in the separate, completed by the system to form a macro assembler. We are talking about assembly language, usually refers to the macro assembler. Assembly language is easier than in machine language, but still difficult to grasp; it varies by machine, the program difficult to transplant.
  The first high-level Fortran programming language, IBM invented by the 50's, mainly used for scientific computing, there are still people.
  COBOL main data processing, large database applications are still widely used.
  BASIC computer mainly for primary education, after the invention of the computer, get a big development. He started by Microsoft.
  ALGOL built on a solid theoretical foundation of the programming language, 60 years is considered the most promising, is now rarely used.
  PASCAL education for computer programming language invented for the promotion of structured programming methods have a significant role in the popularity there are still people in the school.
  C / C + + C together with the Unix operating system was born, BELL Laboratories, object code efficiency is high, can be used to compile the system software. C is also the BELL Laboratories, an increase in C, object-oriented features, is now the most widely used programming language.
  The latest object-oriented Java programming language, for the internet, Sun invented, you can Write Once, Run Anywhere.
  Language is divided into first and second language.
  By a person from childhood and other members of the same language group (such as parents, relatives, people around) the contact, the natural learning and skilled communication and thought processes used in the language. Generally speaking their own language or mother tongue are individuals whose first language is also the main language.
  Were born, first master and use the language, called the first language. Second language specifically refers to the domestic non-native speakers. In the multi-ethnic country, the second language and first language are often used simultaneously.
  Computer language for very many, he is used to write with a variety of program development. Software Development. Page. And so combined. Http:/// number who have love for language learning
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Language Features
  Language features are: creative, structural, and meaning of, and refer to social and individual nature.
  Structure of language: phonemes, morphemes, words, sentences.
  Types of language: dialogue language, monologue language, written language, the internal language.
  To the brain, the language into "brain language" and "mouth words," brain language is that we always have in the brain called the "thinking" or "thinking" or "thinking" thing, expressed in the brain called the language was the mouth "mouth words." Language brain and mouth is not a language thing, first, the brain expression of language and language in the mouth when the distortion; second, mouth language is not the only computer language expression, because the brain language can also be expressed through the muscle groups: what we behavior. Language is an important expression of a part of human ability.
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Characterization and processing language
  】 【Language is language materials characterization of the information in the minds of the load the way there. Characterization of a hierarchy of languages.
  】 【Language processing is the language of the input information encoding, conversion, storage, extraction process. Language processing can be divided into automatic processing and controlled processing, the series of processing and parallel processing, modular, interaction processing and machining.
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Physiological mechanisms of language
  1, the pronunciation of the language mechanisms: respiratory, throat and vocal cords, mouth, nose and pharynx.
  2, the central mechanisms of language activities: Broca area, Will Nick areas, angular gyrus.
  (1), Broca's aphasia caused by lesions in motor aphasia, or commonly referred to as expressive aphasia.
  (2) Will Nick cause lesions in receptive aphasia, a language agnosia. Will Nick cut or damage area and Broca area of nerve fibers linking - arched beam, will also produce the same effect.
  (3) angular gyrus spoken and written language to achieve the conversion. Angular gyrus damage would be caused by semantic aphasia.
  3, the language dominant side of the two cerebral hemispheres and language activities. (Split brain studies), studies confirmed left hemisphere language activity is mainly the function of the brain, but the right hemisphere in language comprehension also has an important role.
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Speech Perception
  1, the physical nature of voice: pitch, sound intensity, duration and timbre.
  2, the phoneme is in a language different meaning to smallest phonetic unit. Phonological sub-vowels and consonants. The distinctive features of phonemes helps to explain people's perception of speech. Speech perception of various factors: voice similar, voice intensity, noise masking, context, syntax and semantics of the role.
  3, to understand the factors that affect the vocabulary: the word of the site information, Orthographic, stroke length or the number of letters, orthographic structure, frequency of use of words, voice, role, the role of context, semantic role.
  4, the factors that influence sentence comprehension: sentence type, word order, context, syntax analysis and semantic analysis.
  5, to understand the factors that affect the discourse: inference, context, the role of the icon.
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Generated language
  1, the production of language is the language people through the activities of organs or hands to express ideas to speak or write it, he included two forms of speech and writing. Language production unit are: the phoneme, syllable, morpheme, word, phrase, sentence.
  2, the language can be divided into different stages of production. Such as: construction phase: According to the purpose of determining the expression of ideas; into stages: the use of syntactic rules in the form of thought into language; the implementation phase: the linguistic form of information to speak or write.
  3 Why is using sound as a means of language?
  Restrictions on day and night without the sound, better than the visual; language communication effective range of more than gestures; language by voice as a means, you can while speaking, while labor; sign language, gestures, as fast as the sound; Therefore, the sound means of communication as a language necessity of human evolution.
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Language from the simple to the complex
  The evolution of social life are generally from the simple to the complex, the language also as more complex, it is of cultural development has brought changes. Girls grow up to sixteen years old, is on side "Pareto." Long to three-year-old man, said to the "standing" of the year, to six-year-old to the "sixties" of the. This is because an educated man, the book is written this way. Describe the beauty is written: "beauties of the volume, flowers and the moon the appearance." Is easy: "proximity" (come on). Test failure is: "fallen off." Fake, said: "cheating." Accustomed to seeing, said: "common." Conceit that "arrogance", "arrogant." Women, children, birth to the boy said, "Congratulations on", give birth to the girl said, "Nong Wa" (the original ancient spindle called watts), so that argument seems only educated, gentle. Generally speaking people are also more complex. Because the old soldiers often oppressive society people, the people of the "soldiers" and the words no more than a good impression. So, people put the word apart soldiers, called "Qiu Ba." Sometimes called "hill bye," with contempt, ridicule intended. Arrogance said: "cocky." These are often heard.
  There are a lot of people are living in the general idiom, but also from life is summed up by saying simple, progressive approach, from simple to complex. Work will catch up, said: "dusk", "rush." Little things, said: "trivial." Organization of work, said: Some people, "choosers." Scolding people say then: "Gouzhangrenshi." Some would say so inconvenient, such as the risk may be unpredictable, said there is "something happens." Read the play, listening to storytellers, read novels, and also borrowed one of the words such as "meet again", "crash course", go home and say: "go home", "to walk car." To put it more deeply, to put it cute, that is: "Money talks," "warning to others", "you go your perfectly normal paths, and I go or." "Is a mule is a horse out of a walk," "One day when the clock hit one monk," "Which one has the cupboard." Further on with the humor that: "hat and no cattle", "Emperor of urine urine also depends on experience." Land said: "repair the earth" niche flour on the stage, said: "Naiyouxiaosheng." Others do not want to put forward their own thing to mention, said: "Which pot do not open the tender spot." Says that people confused is: "being sold, but also followed to count the money." Two children of a person's name is "three thousand Koizumi" and "thousand five hundred Hui", much like listening to Japanese names. In fact, it is because their parents violated the family planning regulations, have more of this man and the woman was fine. A fine of three thousand dollars, a fine of one thousand five hundred, only to take these two names - and, of course, must have said when a joke.
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The world's most used languages
  Chinese with a population of 1.2 billion, accounting for more than 20% of the global population.
  English using the population of over 500 million, but those who learn English at least 10 million people or more.
  More than 500 million people using Hindi, mainly India.
  More than 400 million people using Spanish.
  Russian use of more than 300 million people.
  More than 300 million people using Arabic.
  More than 200 million people using Bengali.
  Portuguese with a population of nearly 200 million.
  With a population of about 200 million French
  German population of more than 110 million use.
  With a population of nearly 110 million Japanese.
  Italian population of more than 70 million use
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Language Technology (SPEAKING)
  Speak scale, work to be measured to pay attention to the Chinese people since ancient times, talking scales and things measured. The ancients said: "The people in case of heavy silence, defeats lose heart; see bitterly from the good of the people, should beware of mouth." "Dreams of all knowledge, human sophistication that article." Visible, whether it is talking with people, with people, and people to do things, involved the propriety of the mystery.
  Speak and act is to pay attention to scale and measured. This "scale, measured," mainly in what areas?
  One, is not in place not to speak, work is not hard not. Speak not in place, that not the point, others may not understand enlightenment, understanding, not through, wondering not recognize your true intentions, you have ideas or requests will not be valued and accepted, not only do not accomplish, and are often do not think much of being. How can this appreciation and goodwill of others in exchange for it? How to win people's friendship and esteem it? By the same token, do not try to not do things for others. "There is also of no to the irrational." People ask you things, you do not try, you are in times of difficulties. How can we expect other people's enthusiastic help it?
  Second, is too far too say that no, things Taimian Jiang not. Great talkers, words are too harsh. After listening to unhappy people, that you ignore the general interest, not know the rules, ungrateful, such people have often been at arm's length, are also not normal contacts with people. Taimian Jiang work, the ability of the job dare not afford to take, do it wants to embrace things impossible, the results make no difference, can only add unnecessary trouble for himself, the lower your ability to self-inflicted or dishonesty impression.
  Speak with scale, contact stresses measured, work stresses, behavior and restraint, people can easily accept you, like you, help you lose body behavior and did not know the depth, I do not know the thickness, it will all hate, and always sad thing things can not do anything, being blocked.
  Speak and act in the sense of proportion scale similar to a BMW, driving thousands of miles a day in a good that can help you charge forward; control is not good, can make you stumble, and even kicked others.
  "Linguistics" for "language" to explain
  What is language?
  Webster's New World Dictionary offers several most frequently used senses of the word'language ', namely, (a) human speech; (b) the ability to communicate by this means; (c) a system of vocal sounds and combinations of such sounds to which meaning is attributed, used for the expression or communication of thought and feelings; (d) the written representation of such a system; (a) any means of expressing or communicating, as gestures, signs, or animal sounds;
  (B) a special _set_ of of symbols, letters, numerals, rules etc.used for the transmission of information, as in a computer ;...( p.759) Suffice it to say here that though we use the word in its various senses, we focus here on its primary sense: namely (a), (b), (c), (d).
  To give the barest of definition, language is a means of verbal communication.It is instrumental in that communicating by speaking or writing is a purposeful act.It is social and conventional in that language is a social semiotic and communication can only take place effectively if all the users share a broad understanding of human interaction including such associated factors as nonverbal cues, motivation, and socio-cultural roles.Language learning and use, are determined by the intervention of biological, cognitive, psychosocial, and environmental factors.In short, language distinguishes us from animals because it is far more sophisticated than any animal communication system. (reproduction of material without witten permission is strictly prohibited, contact me via email if you want to copy this eassay: This essay is taken from "Linguistics.A Course Book" Editor in chief: HU Zhuang-lin Subeditor: Jiang Wang Qi Source: "Linguistics" Editor: HU Zhuang-lin, deputy editor: Jiang Wang Qi, Beijing University Publishing House)
  Webster's New World Dictionary (Webster's New World Dictionary) provides a "language" of several of the most common definition, ie, (a) human speech; (b)
  The ability to communicate through speech; (c) is used to express or communicate thoughts and feelings with each other a combination of sound and the sound system; (d) the system of written expression; (a) express or communicate in any way, such as gestures , mark, or animal sounds; (b) symbols, letters, numbers, special collection of rules used to convey information, such as using the computer medium; simply, even though the word has various meanings, but here we are concerned The focus is on the basic meaning of the language, namely, (a) (b) (c) (d).
  One of the most simple definition is that language is a way of verbal communication. Speaking and writing as means of communication is a purposeful act, so the language is practical; because language is a social symbol, language, communication can only be widely understood in all human participants in those non-verbal cues, motivation, the role of social and cultural factors related to each other after so can be effective, so the language is social, evolved. Language learning and use depends on biological, cognitive, psychological and environmental factors, language than any other animal communication system to be much more complex, the language is different from animals to humans. (The above is about the language-related interpretation Unauthorized reprint this article as malicious tampering with copyright infringement, if any problem with my contact reference to the "Linguistics", professional website in English Linguistics If you need other linguistic content, you can refer to other linguistic sites or books, linguistics, "Linguistics" Editor: HU Zhuang-lin, deputy editor: Jiang Qi Wang Peking University Press)
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Language Division
  Pedigree of language classification is also called "Genetic Classification", is one of language classification. It is based on the relationship between languages is divided into a number of languages, language under the distance but also by the kinship group is divided into a number of languages, language family is divided into a number of languages under the branch, under the language is the language support.
  Relationship is as follows:
  Language family
  Language Support
  Pedigree classification by the maximum separation of the language system is. By a common historical origin of language composition. Such as the Sino-Tibetan, Indo-European. Within the same language, the language according to the distance between the relationship can be divided into a number of language family, the same language family distance relationship can be then divided into several language branch. Indo-European points such as India, Germanic, Roman, Slavic and other language family. Slavic language family is divided into East Slavic, West Bluff, Yugoslavia supported the three languages. As the world is very complex language, linguists in the language of the division are not the same in the name not the same.
  The world's seven major language
  The 19th century, comparing schools in Europe nearly a hundred of the world's languages, and found that some language some of the pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar rules corresponding relation between, and some similarities, they put the language into one category, called the language of the same family; because some ethnic and racial but also some correspondence, but also grouped together, as with the Department of Language, which is the so-called pedigree relationship between language. Now, the world's major languages are seven categories:
  Indo-European language family is the largest, is divided India, Iran, Germanic, Latin, Slavic, Baltic language family. Indian language family, including Sanskrit, Hindi, Pali and so on. Iranian language family, including Persian, Afghan and so on. Germanic languages, including English, German, Dutch, Scandinavian Peninsula, the main language. Latin family, including French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian. Slavic language family are Russian, Bulgarian, Polish. Baltic language family includes Latvian and Lithuanian.
  Under the Sino-Tibetan Chinese and Tibeto-Burman points, and Dong, Miao and Yao language family, including Chinese, Tibetan, Burmese, Karen language, Zhuang, Miao, Yao language and so on.
  Altaic language family is divided West Altay, Eastern Altai language family. The former includes various languages Que conflict within the former Soviet Union and the Chuvash language, the latter including the Mongolian and the former Soviet Union Evan-based language.
  Semitic languages, also known as Asian and African languages. The following sub-Semitic family and with a family. The former includes Hebrew and Arabic, the latter including the ancient Egyptian language, Hao Sayu and so on.
  De la Vida, also known as Dravidian language family. The language of southern India belong to this language, including Bihari, Telugu, Tamil, Mara Aramaic and so on.
  Caucasian language of the language and the language distribution in the Caucasus area, the main language Georgian, Chechen language and so on.
  Uralic family under the sub-Finnish and Ugric language family. The former includes Finnish, Estonian, etc., which includes Hungarian, Mansi and so on.
  There are also some languages, such as Africa, the Niger - Congo family, the sand - Nile language, scientific language by casual, American Eskimo - Aleut language and some Indian languages, Oceania Malayo - Polynesian and Micronesian languages language. It should be noted that some of the world's languages, from the spectrum point of view, does not belong to any language, such as Japanese, Korean and so on, is independent of the language.
  In the past two centuries, scholars from various countries to various languages around the world into various languages such as Indo-European, Uralic, A non-Roy Asiatic languages, Altaic, Sino-Tibetan language family, the South Asian languages, Austronesian languages, etc. , but there are still some language system is unknown, such as found in northern Spain and southwestern France, bordering Spain's Basque region, used in Ancient Sumerian language and so on. So, these different origins of language and how language is it? Residents speak the same language language what is the community formed? Between residents of different languages and whether there is contact with each other in ancient times it? Said billions of people around the world thousands of languages have a common origin of it? These issues can not be accurately answered in the past, and has also been regarded as scientific "restricted." But in the last 20 years, with molecular biology, human population genetics and archeology, linguistics progress, we finally see the understanding of open these "mystery of the century," the ray of hope. This is the mutual penetration of the science, new research methods and means of continuous improvement of the results.
  Language family of India (Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, Romany, etc.).
  Iranian language family (Persian, Kurdish, Afghan, etc.).
  Slavic language family (Russian, Serbian, Polish, Czech, Bulgarian, etc.)
  Armenian family (mainly in Armenian)
  Baltic group (Lithuanian, Latvian, etc.)
  Germanic languages (German, Danish, Swedish, Dutch, English, etc.)
  Latin (Roman) language family (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Romanian, etc.)
  Greek Family (in Greek based)
  Celtic language family (the Irish-based)
  Albanian family (mainly Albanian)
  Speech has the largest population of Tibetan language. The language of China as the center, slightly southwest of radiation, remarks a quarter of the world's population, but more concentrated geographically. The following four language groups, namely Chinese family, Tibeto-Burman, Dong Zhuang ethnic language, Miao-Yao language family.
  Altaic. As of now, Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia Altai border the center, is widely distributed in Asia, desert and grassland areas abdomen. Under the three language groups, namely, Turkic, Mongolian family, Tungus Manchu family. Some linguists believe, Korean, Japanese, the main component, belong to this family.
  Semitic languages. Distributed in the West Asia North Africa region, divided into two linguistic groups, namely, the Semitic family of western Asia, North Africa, with a family.
  Bantu languages. Distributed throughout sub-Saharan black Africa, with thousands of languages, mostly tribal language. Representation language is the language Healy Svalbard.
  Austronesian (Malayo - Polynesian) languages. Widely distributed in Southeast Asia, the Malay Peninsula and the Indonesian archipelago, and Oceania countries. Gaoshan language China Taiwan island, which belongs to the Austronesian language family.
  Other languages also Darrow adjacent diagram language (the southern peninsula of India), South European (Indo-South), Finland - Ugric languages (mainly in Finland and Hungary), the Iberian - Caucasian language (Caucasus area), relatively small distribution areas, the influence on the world exchanges is limited.
  Nine languages in addition to say:
  Nine world languages
  There is now general language of the world is divided into nine languages:
  1) Sino-Tibetan,
  2) Indo-European,
  3), Altaic,
  4) Flash - with language,
  5), Uralic,
  6) Iberian - Caucasian languages,
  7) Malay - Polynesian languages,
  8) South Asian languages,
  9) The Dravidian languages.
  In addition, there are a number of languages in Africa and the Americas, and some lines are unknown language.
  By different parts of the world
  A: Massachu_set_ts Institute of classification, by region
  African languages: language family in North Africa, South Africa, language family, the East African language family, the West African language family
  Asian languages: North Asia language family, the South Asian language family, the East Asian language family, West language group, language group in Central Asia, Southeast Asia language family
  Australian Pacific language: Australia and the Pacific islands countries.
  North American language: North America in various languages, including indigenous Indian languages.
  South American languages: the language of South America, including indigenous Indian languages.
  European languages: Germanic languages, including English, German, Dutch, Scandinavian Peninsula, the main language. Latin family, including French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian and so on. Slavic language family are Russian, Bulgarian, Polish and so on. Baltic language family includes Latvian and Lithuanian.
  B: Australian Standard Classification of Languages:
  Nordic languages: five language groups, 16 languages supported
  Southern European languages: 5 language groups, 16 languages supported
  Eastern European: 7 language groups, 25 languages supported
  South-West Asia and North Africa Languages: three language groups, 21 languages supported
  Austro-Asiatic: 5 language groups, 16 languages supported
  Southeast Asian languages: 3 language family, the 23 kinds of languages
  East Asian Languages: 4 language family, the 15 kinds of language branch
  Australian vernacular languages: 8 language groups, 56 languages supported
  Other languages, 7 language family, the 41 languages supported
  C: Tongqiang Peking University and Professor Hu Jicheng two classified as world languages 13 languages, 45 language family.
  This classification from the national origin, language development and other factors start to sum up the formation of the Soviet experience in language classification,
  Common language with the world system consistent sign of the Zodiac. Language as follows:
  Sino-Tibetan languages
  Caucasian languages
  Dravidian languages
  Semitic languages
  Niger - Kordofanian languages
  Nilo - Saharan languages
  Mulberry Language Section by
  North American Indian languages
  D: University of British Shimon (Simon) to take genetic classification, classified as
  European and Asian languages, including the Sino-Tibetan, Indo-European
  Pacific and African languages, including. In addition to European and Asian languages, North and South America countries other than the language
  North American languages: North American indigenous Indian languages
  South American language: South America, indigenous Indian languages
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  A symbol of human-specific system. As for human relations, it is to express the interactions of the intermediary; as for the relationship between people and the objective world, it is a cognitive tool of things; as for the culture, it is the cultural information carrier.
  Language features animals such as bees, canaries, chimps and so have their signal system, but the ratio of different human languages are as follows:
  Chirping or animal body potential, is an inseparable continuum. No matter what kind of human language and which the nation, can be isolated phonemes and words.
  Limited to a few animal calls or dozens of sound, and its signaling system is closed in nature. Person's language system is open, and rules can be combined into phonemes and words to generate unlimited sentences.
  Animals, mainly in the direct stimulation of signal condition, the human language is different. People can respond to upcoming stimuli, such as "Look out!" Can also be made before much reaction occurs in the stimulus, such as "dangerous consequences!", You can also encounter negative reactions to stimuli, such as "ignore These!. " The signal system is based on animal instinct, human language is based on reason.
  Animals, the experience can not be passed to future generations. Because humans have language, you can spread the information far away, it can be passed to the next generation. The accumulation of knowledge, cultural formation, is only possible with language.
  Thus, human language has four characteristics: ① separability, ② can be organized, ③ rationality, ④ inheritable. One of the most important thing is separable and rationality. No detachable body, composed by the rules not be the language of large and small units. There is no human reason, can not apply the rules established, but also the freedom to _select_ the symbol, so that language becomes an open, can represent a variety of thoughts and feelings of symbol system.
  This symbol system of language, symbols and the symbols by the rules of the relationship between the constraints, which can be used to illustrate two axes: horizontal line between the representative portfolio, vertical line on behalf of aggregation.
  Combination of horizontal relations, "this little girl has her way," this sentence using the three combination rule: ① "little girl" and "her" number of areas in the care of each other (can not change that "their"). ② "there" is a transitive verb, the latter should be the object ("her way" can not be omitted.) ③ "a way" can only be one, can not be material, "this little girl" as the subject, to meet this requirement in the semantics (can not say, "This abstract has her way").
  Horizontal line reflects the combination of the rules of the language.
  Vertical line of the aggregation such as the following three sentences:
  This little girl has her way.
  Zhang Yonghua put forward their own programs.
  My boy came up with an idea. "This little girl" can be "Zhang Yonghua," "my child"; to "have" can be "proposed", "come up"; to "her way" can be "own" the "one idea "instead. Here A, B, C three groups that several units, each between aggregation. Choose, mainly by the semantics of the decision, not help syntax decision, and the combination of different relationships.
  Vertical aggregation reflects the language of substitutability and optional components.
  The function of language study three aspects of language function.
  The relationship between human language is the glue of society. Talking and laughing when they meet to talk about the weather, Lala, everyday matters, the social requirements of its members. Language is a tool for transmitting information. Democracy, the rule of law, education, implementation depends on the language as an intermediary, the dissemination of science depends on access to information through the language and process.
  The relationship between man and the world language is a tool for understanding the world. Content words in the language (that position, time, number, gender, age, quality, etc.) is one of the things the classification, function words (have, then, is, and, but, if, etc.) is a human process and things to things, relations between Canada on the mark. Description of the language and the world of art to the intermediary. Su's poem "I hold the stone go, sleeve with the East China Sea", with a performance of extraordinary artistic imagination, be strong and objective description is different from the perception of the world.
  The relationship between human language and culture is the carrier of culture. Man is a cultural creation and the holder; his sense of the world, describing the world, and use language (including verbal and written) to experience saved.
  The occurrence of language discussed here
Translated by Google
English Expression
  1. :  common business oriented language COBOL,  ADA Ada,  BASIC Language BASIC,  COBOL COBOL,  speech
  2. n.:  language,  a malicious remark,  source language,  system of sounds, words, patterns, etc used by humans to communicate thoughts and feelings,  system of coded instructions used in programming,  pascal,  parole,  (spoken) language,  lingua,  lingo,  Langue,  lang,  hellenist,  hellenism,  cobol,  basic,  tongue
  3. adj.:  barbarous,  vernacular,  provincial,  profane,  middle,  gross,  elevated,  costive,  arabic
  4. vt.:  murder
French Expression
  1. nf.  langue
  2. n.  langage
cartography, literal
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