Health : hard : pharmacology : Administration for Industry and Commerce : curative : Medical treatment > medicine
No. 1
  Pharmaceutical Preparations
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General term for drugs and chemical reagents
  The general term for drugs and chemical reagents. Tang Yuan Jie's "Chrysanthemum Pu Ji": "Who do not know Kikuya, Fang Hua and can enjoy, in the medicine is good medicine for vegetables Jia Shu." Weng Song Volume "Bao Shi Jun homebound" Poetry: "A working knowledge of drugs has been due to illness , but the Dutch clothing Yubi name. "Lu Xun" Old Topic and his father ":" I do not know the drugs, the feel, that is, 'fuses' the rare, one for the new party, would have a big busy market . "
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No. 3
  Pharmaceutical drugs is used for prevention, treatment and diagnosis of human diseases, regulating human physiological functions, for which indications or functions, usage and dosage, drugs, including cold medicine, fever medicine, stomach, laxatives, hypnotics, and other health benefits of medicines, including Chinese herbs, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Chinese medicine, chemicals and their preparations, antibiotics, biochemical drugs, radioactive drugs, serums, vaccines, blood products and diagnostic agents.
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  First, the understanding of drugs.
  Drugs in maintaining our health plays an irreplaceable role. Once our body infestation by diseases such as colds, diarrhea, fever, feeling unwell small to large body of major illness, must be adjusted using the drugs or treatment in order to restore health. Therefore, health is inseparable from drugs, we can not live without drugs.
  So what is it drugs?
  According to "Drug Administration Law of the People's Republic," Article two on the definition of drugs: Drugs is used for prevention, treatment and diagnosis of human diseases, regulating human physiological functions, for which indications, usage and dosage substances, including herbs, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Chinese medicine, chemicals and their preparations, antibiotics, biochemical drugs, radioactive drugs, serums, vaccines, blood products and inferences medicines.
  "CPC Central Committee and State Council on the decision of health reform and development," stressed that the drugs are protecting people's health, disease prevention and treatment of special products, the need to strengthen the drug production, distribution, pricing, advertising, applicable to various other aspects of management. Drugs, while having the general properties of goods, but a matter of national development plans and people's lives and health, but also very special.
  Drugs is a special commodity, and why special?
  From the use of objects, said: It is the purpose of using the object, prevention, treatment and diagnosis of human disease, intended for the regulation of human physiological functions, there are provisions for disease, usage and dosage requirements; from the use of the method, said: In addition to the appearance of , the patient can not recognize their intrinsic quality, many drugs need to use under the guidance of a doctor, not by the patient _select_ion decisions. Meanwhile, drug use, quantity, time and other factors largely determine the effect of its use, misuse, not only can not "cure" may "disease", and even endanger lives. Therefore, drugs are a special commodity.
  In addition, medicines as well as its own characteristics:
  1. Types of complexity: the specific varieties, there are about 20,000 species worldwide, China is currently about 5,000 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine preparation, about 4,000 kinds of Western medicine, we can see the types of complex drugs, wide variety.
  2. Exclusive of medical drugs: Drugs not a separate product, it is closely integrated with medicine and complementary. Only patients diagnosed by a doctor, and in the rational use of drugs under the guidance of a doctor in order to achieve the prevention of disease, protecting health.
  3. Stringency of the quality of medicines: drugs directly to people's health and even survival of life, so its quality may not have the slightest bit careless. We must ensure the safety of drugs, effective, uniform and stable.
  In addition, the quality of drugs there are significant characteristics: It is not like other commodities, quality graded on a scale: excellent products, first-class product, second product, qualified, etc., can be sold, but only compliance with drugs non-compliance of the points, only the required products to allow the sale of, or may not be sold.
  Remember: the quality of medicines is not only the quality of products meet the required quality standards meet up, make the whole process should be consistent with "Good Manufacturing Practices" (referred to as GMP).
  "Good Manufacturing Practices" (Good Manufacture Practice, GMP) pharmaceutical production and quality management is the basic criteria applicable to the entire process of production of pharmaceutical preparations and raw material drug production in the key processes of product quality. Vigorously Drug GMP, is to maximize the pharmaceutical production process to avoid contamination and cross-contamination and reduce the occurrence of various errors is an important measure to improve drug quality.
  Pharma's mission: protect the drugs safe, effective, uniform and stable.
  First, the social and public nature. The human biological endowment has been possible to promote the promotion of human health and prolong life in order to ensure human reproduction. Drugs because of their special effects and much attention. In modern society, the right to health and the right to life protected by law has become the fundamental human rights. Therefore, drugs related to the reproduction and development of human society. The public nature of drugs is to establish universal health care and medical insurance system basis.
  Second, the role of duality. Drugs can prevent and cure diseases, rehabilitation and health care, but "three-drug", any drug there are side effects to varying degrees. Therefore, well-managed, used properly, drugs can save lives and protect health. Conversely, it will degenerate into a terrible poison, harmful to human health and life safety.
  Third, the quality of unity. Drug physical, chemical, biological pharmacy, safety, efficacy, stability, uniformity and other quality indicators must meet state standards. Drugs only in accordance with national standards in order to ensure efficacy. Below or above the required quality standards are likely to reduce or even lose the efficacy of drugs or increased drug toxicity, side effects. Therefore, access to distribution channels of the drugs, only a qualified product, and definitely not a defective or substandard goods.
  Fourth, the identification of the professional. Pros and cons of drug quality, authenticity, the average consumer is difficult to identify. Must have professional technical personnel and specialized agencies, based on statutory criteria, the use of scientific methods and equipment meet the requirements to make identification.
  Fifth, the applicable limitations. Treatment and prevention due to lack of necessary professional knowledge of medicine and pharmacy, it is in most cases only in the practice of physicians and certified under the guidance of pharmacists, and even still in the custody of medical staff in order to rational drug use, to prevent and cure diseases to protect health. If drug abuse is likely to cause poisoning or have drug-induced disease. In addition, people sometimes need a little sick with drugs.
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China drug export prospects
  2010 China will surpass India to become the most popular international drug purchase land.
  China's active ingredient drug substance and drug exports expected to grow from 5.63 billion U.S. dollars in 2007 increased to $ 9,900,000,000 in 2010, and India from 2007 to 17 billion dollars in 2010 to 27.6 billion U.S. dollars.
  Chinese exports of these products include antibiotics, vitamins, amino acids and organic acids, the major markets including the EU, the United States, India and Japan. In the finished drug exports, India will continue to lead, exports are expected from 4.8 billion in 2007 to grow to 6.4 billion in 2010; China from 2007 to 7 billion dollars in 2010 to 18.8 billion U.S. dollars.
  Procurement in the international market, the overall costs, market opportunities and risk factors and other indicators, the popularity of the drug outside the mining area ranked first in China, India, the second, South Korea, in third. At present, although the Indian pharmaceutical exports more than China, but China's active ingredient drug substance and drug exports has been achieved leading position.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  curative,  physic,  doctor's stuff,  pharmaceutical,  medical drugs and chemical reagents,  pharmaceutical products, eg drugs, medicines,  medicaments,  medicine,  drug
French Expression
  1. n.  médicament
  2. n.  remède
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