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chuán bó
  General term for a variety of vessels
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No. 2
  Ship is to sail or parked at the waters of transport or working tools, according to different requirements and different technical performance, equipment and structure type. Ships in national defense, national economy and other aspects of ocean development occupies an important position.
  Ships from prehistoric rip wood boat has undergone a canoe and wooden boat era, the world's first one in 1879 after the advent of steel ships, steel ships began to dominated era. Advance of the ship from the 19th century also rely on human, animal and wind (ie, punt pole, paddle, grinder, tow the boat and sails) to use the machine-driven development.
  In 1807, the United States, Fulton built the first one to promote the use of paddle wheel steam ship "Clermont off" sign, speed is about 8 km / h; 1839, the first one equipped with a propeller of the steam ship " Archimedes' number come out, the host power of 58.8 kilowatts. This propeller fully demonstrated its superiority, which was quickly promoted.
  In 1868, China's first truck 600 tons of steam engine power of 288 kW troop "Hui Ji" was built successfully. In 1894, the United Kingdom with his invention of reactionary Parsons steam turbine as a host, installed in the boat "turbine Virginia" was on the successful trials on the Thames, speed over 60 km.
  Early turbine and steam turbine boat propeller is the same speed. After about 1910, there has been gear, power transmission gear and hydraulic transmission gear unit. After that, the ship began to use a steam turbine slow down transmission mode.
  1902 ~ 1903 in France, built a boat engine Strait; 1903, ship diesel engines built in Russia, "Wan Darfur" was launched. Mid-20th century, diesel power plant became a major power plant transport ship.
  Britain in 1947, first gas turbine aero modifications, and then installed in the coastal boats, "Stuttgart Lick" was on to replace the original gasoline engine, power of 1837 kilowatts of its host, speed is 3600 rev / min, the gear box and shaft-driven propeller. The device weighs only 2.08 kg unit / kW, lightweight than other devices. Has 60 years, appeared jointly with gas turbine and steam turbine power plant of the large and medium-sized surface warships.
  Contemporary naval forces stronger country, in large and medium-sized ships, in addition to the use of a large power steam turbine power plant, the gas turbine power plant using almost all. In the civilian ship, the gas turbine efficiency due to lower than diesel, with very little.
  The discovery and use of atomic energy and power for the ship opened up a new way. In 1954, the U.S. built nuclear submarine "Nautilus" was launched, the power of 11,025 kilowatts, the speed of 33 km; 1959, the former Soviet Union built nuclear-powered icebreaker "Lenin" was the power of 32,340 kilowatts; the same year, the U.S. nuclear-powered merchant ship " Savannah "was launched, the power of 14,700 kilowatts.
  Existing nuclear power plants are pressurized water nuclear reactor steam turbine, mainly used in submarines and aircraft carriers, and in the civilian ship, due to economic reasons, have not been developed. 70 to 80 years, in order to save energy, the advantages of some countries to absorb Sail Ships, to develop a machine-based, navigational aids for ships to sail. Joint control with an electronic computer, built in Japan, "New Ed Maru" is representative of this energy-saving boats.
  Ancient China was a pioneer in shipbuilding and navigation. Spring and Autumn Period there is a shipbuilding factory, capable of producing warships; Han has been able to create with the rudder of the ship building; Tang and Song period, the ship has a prominent riverboat and the development of the invention watertight next door; Ming Zheng He's seven times the treasure ship voyages, in the scale, performance and scope of voyage are the world leader.
  Slow the development of modern China's shipbuilding industry. 1865 ~ 1866, the Qing government have established Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau and Foochow, the construction of the "security people" "Jianwei", "sea level" and other warships and "New River", "Jiang Hua" and the Yangtze River Kehuo Chuan.
  After the founding of new China, the shipbuilding industry has made significant progress, 50 years established a number of coastal Kehuo Chuan, cargo ships and tankers. 60 years later, China's shipbuilding capacity very quickly, one after another into many types of marine transport vessels, the Yangtze River transport ships, offshore oil development ships, oceanographic research ships and military vessels, large marine tonnage of the ship has reached more than 300,000 dwt. Apart from a few special ships, China has been able to design and manufacture of military ships and civilian ships.
  Ship is composed of many parts, according to the role and purpose of each part can be summarized as an integrated hull, marine power plant, ship outfitting other three parts.
  Is an essential part of the ship hull, the superstructure can be divided into the main part and part. Generally refers to the main part of the following part of the upper deck, which is a hull (bottom and side of the ship) and on the deck and surrounded with a specific shape of the hollow body, is to ensure that the ship has the necessary buoyancy, navigation performance, and a key part of the hull strength . Hull for the layout of the general power plant, loading of goods, storage of fuel and fresh water, and arranged a variety of other compartments.
  To protect the hull strength, increase resistance to sinking ships and layout of compartments, usually _set_ up a number of robust watertight bulkheads and inner bottom, in the main to form a certain number of watertight compartments, and required additional intermediate deck or platform, will separated into several layers of the main level.
  Located on the deck and the superstructure above, from left, right wall, front, rear deck surrounded by walls and floors, the layout is mainly used for various purposes within the compartments, such as work spaces, living spaces, storage compartments, equipment compartment and so on. The size of the superstructure, floor and use the ship type and scale to another.
  Marine power plant include: propulsion - the host by the deceleration device, system to drive the propeller shaft (propeller is the primary type); services for the operation of propulsion machinery and auxiliary systems, such as fuel pumps, oil pumps, cooling water pumps, heaters, filters, coolers, etc.; ship power plant, it is the ship's deck machinery, auxiliary machinery and cabin lighting on board to provide electricity; other auxiliary machinery and equipment such as boilers, compressors, ship the system pumps, lifting equipment, maintenance tools and so on. Usually the host (and boiler) collectively referred to as auxiliary machinery outside.
  Ship outfitting, including cabin interior structure (walls, ceilings, floors, etc.), furniture and living facilities (cooking, health, etc.), coating and paint, windows, doors, ladders and railings, masts, hatch cover.
  Ship of other devices and equipment, in addition to propulsion, there are anchors and mooring equipment; rudder equipment and steering gear; life-saving equipment; fire fighting equipment; ships external communication equipment; lighting; signal equipment; navigation equipment; Crane equipment; ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration equipment; seawater and freshwater systems used in daily life; ballast water system; liquid tank sounding systems and ventilation systems; bilge dewatering system; marine electrical equipment; other special equipment (depending on the particular ship needs).
  Classification of many vessels, according to use, navigation status, hull number, propulsion, thrusters and other categories.
  By use of the ship are generally divided into two major categories of military and civilian vessels. Ships or military vessels often referred to as ships, which have a direct combat or defensive capabilities are called sea combat vessels, such as aircraft carriers, destroyers, frigates, missile boats and submarines, as well as mine, mine clearance vessels, etc., who called the military responsible for logistical support auxiliary ships. Ship is generally divided into civilian transport ship, engineering vessels, fishing boats, port vessels.
  By the ship's navigation state can generally be divided into drainage vessels, planing craft, hydrofoils and hovercraft;
  According to the number of ship's hull can be divided into single vessels and multi-hull boats, in a multi-hulls of a catamaran is more prevalent;
  Propulsion can be classified according to motor boats and non-motorized boats, motor boats according to the type of propulsion is divided into steam ship (now eliminated), steam turbine ship, ship diesel engines, gas turbine ship, joint power plant vessels, ship electric propulsion, nuclear power boats;
  By ship propellers can be divided into boat propellers, jet propulsion boat, jet propulsion boat, paddle steamers, ships and other flat spin, the air propellers for only a few hovercraft; according to the location of the cabin, a tail model boat (cabin on the ship tail), the model boat and ship models in the tail; by hull structural materials, the steel boats, aluminum boats, wooden, ferro-cement boats, fiberglass boats, rubber boats, ships and other hybrid structure.
  Divided according to nationality round the country (referring to the country, including the registration within the country and flying the flag of the ship) and outer (refers to foreign-registered and flying a foreign flag vessels).
  Distance range is divided into coastal waters by ocean-going round and round. Both the navigation capabilities are different.
  The main technical characteristics of the ship has a displacement of the ship, ship main dimensions, hull coefficients, tank capacity, and registered tonnage, hull-type charts, ship general arrangement, hull structure plans, specifications and other major technology and equipment.
  According to Archimedes' principle, the hull below the waterline of the row of the weight of water, is the ship's buoyancy, and should be equal to the total weight of the ship. Weight equal to the ship's lightship displacement. The ship's weight onto the boat with the weight of the sum of the various loads (load) is changing, that is equal to the total weight of the ship.
  Ships, including cargo load, fuel and lubricants, fresh water, food, people and luggage, spare parts and supplies such as weight. Regularly scheduled cargo capacity with a predetermined design maximum range of the calculation of oil, water, food, etc. and the weight of, as the design load. Design load when the displacement is called the design displacement or load displacement.
  Ship main dimensions including length, design waterline length, LBP, maximum breadth, width, depth, full load (design) draft and so on. Steel refers to the amount of owner-scale measurements to the size of the inner surface of the shell plating, called Breadth and Depth, cement ship, the vessel volume to the other refers to the size of the outer surface of the hull.
  Tank capacity refers to the cargo, fuel tanks, water tanks and other volume, it is characterized from the ability to accommodate the ship's load capacity, battery life, it affects the ship's operational ability. Registered tonnage is left on the history of the ship loading capability to measure the metrics, as a trading ship, taxes, service charges based on one. Registered tonnage and load carrying capacity, respectively, reflecting the cabin and the ship's load-bearing capacity. Although they are linked to each other, but belong to different concepts.
  Boat ship shape graph is a characterization of the main (including the side walls and first floor, poop) of the type of surface shape and size, the design and construction drawings of the main ship. It consists of three line graph form: cross-sectional charts, diagrams and half-width waterline vertical profile graph. By the three cross sections, longitudinal profile with the waterline the hull surface and surface-cut from.
  Total ship design is a major ship design and construction drawings, one of which reflects the characteristics of the ship's construction, shape and size, the location of various compartments and internal layout, the layout of the internal ladder, deck equipment layout. General arrangement from the side view, each deck plan and division of double bottom chart form.
  Hull structure plans reflect the structure of the various parts of the hull, the hull structure of the relevant parts of both independent and interrelated. The main structure is to ensure that the ship ship's longitudinal and transverse strength of the key, it is usually seen as a hollow beam design, and by boat in the cross-section diagram to reflect the size and specifications of its parts.
  The main performance of the ship floating, stability, resistance to sinking, speed, seakeeping, maneuverability and economy.
  Float refers to the ship in a variety of loading conditions, can float in the water and maintain a certain first and last draft and freeboard capacity. According to the ship's gravity and buoyancy equilibrium conditions, the ship's floating bearing load capacity and safety of navigation.
  Stability refers to the ship to leave the equilibrium position by external force and tilt, when the external force disappears, the ship can return to the original position of equilibrium capacity. General surface ship stability mainly refers to the stability when heeling. Beam, waterline surface coefficient, freeboard, center of gravity, the water above the side of the size and height, and hull openings seal is good or bad, are affecting the ship's stability a major factor.
  Anti-sinking means such as the underwater section of hull damage occurred, even after flooding the cabin and float rather than sink capacity of not overturning. China's Song dynasty when the first ship invented to ensure the watertight bulkhead anti-sinking ship. The main part of the ship's watertight subdivision is reasonable, the subdivision of the freeboard deck and the full value of the ship's stability, good or bad, etc., that affect the anti-sinking of the main factors.
  Fast is the characterization of ship sailing in still water in a straight line speed, the power relationship between the host and its required performance. It is an important technical indicator ship, the ship with a greater impact on the effectiveness and operating expenses. Ships involved in ship resistance and speed of the two aspects of marine propulsion. Reasonable choice of ship main dimensions, hull coefficients (especially the square prismatic coefficient coefficient g and g) and linear, the key is to reduce ship resistance.
  Seakeeping refers to the ship in the sway of the waves, splashing dip stall and deck (on the waves, splashing water) and so on. Seakeeping not only affects the comfort and safety of the crew on board, but the ship safety and operational efficiency, and thus more attention.
  The movement of ships in waves are rolling, pitching, head and tail roll, heave (heave), and vertical and horizontal swing swing six. The presence of several sports at the same time they form a coupled motion, which influenced the roll, pitch and heave. Splash dip is mainly due to pitch and heave of the hull caused by the relative movement of the waves, in particular, to increase freeboard freeboard first, to increase the first part of the outside water floating is to improve the ship spilled dip of effective measures.
  The ship's maneuverability means the ship can Anzhao driver's manipulation to maintain or change the speed, heading, or the location of performance, including stability and rotation of Hangxiang two is to ensure that the ship sailing in a small steering to maintain the shortest range, from the terminal by flexible and avoid an important part of time, related to the safe navigation of ships and operating economy.
  Economy refers to the size of ship investment returns. It is to promote research and development of new types of ships, shipping management and improve the development of shipbuilding industry the most active factor for increasing people's attention. Ship marine engineering economics is the study of economics content, which involves the use of performance, economy of construction, operation and investment effects of economic indicators.
  Depends primarily on the social development of the ship on the ship's needs. After World War II, the rapid growth of bulk cargo (crude oil, mineral grains) transport ship is technically quite mature, and demand is generally not a big change. Finished packaging goods carriers, product tankers, chemical tankers LNG ships, large pieces of industrial equipment, carriers demand on the rise, ocean needed to develop high-speed ships and special purpose ships will increase. Accordingly, the hydrofoils, hovercraft, catamarans and SWATH research will be strengthened.
  Ship development, the second factor is the improvement of economic and social benefits. Fuel prices and the high handling costs, will enable people from saving, downsizing and improved methods of transportation (from the perspective of the whole transport system) to study other aspects of new ship technology, new energy, new models, new automatic control method and the ship.
  China's maritime law on the ship, is the ship and other maritime mobile devices, but for military, government service vessels and twenty tons, except for small boats.
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No. 3
  Ship [chuánbó]
  [Boats and ships] the general term for a variety of vessels. Refers to rely on manpower, sailing, motor and other power, can move in the water means of transport. In addition, civilian vessels commonly referred to as boats, military vessels as ship, boat or small boat called a boat, ship or boat is called the total.
  Ship is to sail or parked at the waters of transport or working tools, according to different requirements and different technical performance, equipment and structure type. Ships in national defense, national economy and other aspects of ocean development occupies an important position.
  Ships from prehistoric rip wood boat has undergone a canoe and wooden boat era, the world's first one in 1879 after the advent of steel ships, steel ships began to dominated era. Advance of the ship from the 19th century also rely on human, animal and wind (ie, punt pole, paddle, grinder, tow the boat and sails) to use the machine-driven development.
  In 1807, the United States, Fulton built the first one to promote the use of paddle wheel steam ship "Clermont off" sign, speed is about 8 km / h; 1839, the first one equipped with a propeller of the steam ship " Archimedes' number come out, the host power of 58.8 kilowatts. This propeller fully demonstrated its superiority, which was quickly promoted.
  In 1868, China's first truck 600 tons of power of 288 kW steam warship, "Hui Ji" was built successfully. In 1894, the United Kingdom with his invention of reactionary Parsons steam turbine as a host, installed in the boat "turbine Virginia" was on the successful trials on the Thames, speed over 60 km.
  Early turbine and steam turbine boat propeller is the same speed. After about 1910, appeared in gear, power transmission and hydraulic transmission gear reduction unit. After that, the ship began to use a steam turbine slow down transmission mode.
  1902 ~ 1903 in France, built a boat engine Strait; 1903, ship diesel engines built in Russia, "Wan Darfur" was launched. Mid-20th century, diesel power plant became a major power plant transport ship.
  Britain in 1947, first gas turbine aero modifications, and then installed in the coastal boats, "Stuttgart Lick" was on to replace the original gasoline engine, power of 1837 kilowatts of its host, speed is 3600 rev / min, the gear box and shaft-driven propeller. The device weighs only 2.08 kg unit / kW, lightweight than other devices. Has 60 years, appeared jointly with gas turbine and steam turbine power plant of the large and medium-sized surface warships.
  Contemporary naval forces stronger country, in large and medium-sized ships, in addition to the use of a large power steam turbine power plant, the gas turbine power plant using almost all. In the civilian ship, the gas turbine efficiency due to lower than diesel, with very little.
  The discovery and use of atomic energy and power for the ship opened up a new way. In 1954, the U.S. built nuclear submarine "Nautilus" was launched, the power of 11,025 kilowatts, the speed of 33 km; 1959, the former Soviet Union built nuclear-powered icebreaker "Lenin" was the power of 32,340 kilowatts; the same year, the U.S. nuclear-powered merchant ship " Savannah "was launched, the power of 14,700 kilowatts.
  Existing nuclear power plants are pressurized water nuclear reactor steam turbine, mainly used in submarines and aircraft carriers, and in the civilian ship, due to economic reasons, have not been developed. 70 to 80 years, in order to save energy, the advantages of some countries to absorb Sail Ships, to develop a machine-based, navigational aids for ships to sail. Joint control with an electronic computer, built in Japan, "New Ed Maru" is representative of this energy-saving boats.
  Ancient China was a pioneer in shipbuilding and navigation. Spring and Autumn Period there is a shipbuilding factory, capable of producing warships; Han has been able to create with the rudder of the ship building; Tang and Song period, the ship has a prominent riverboat and the development of the invention watertight next door; Ming Zheng He's seven times the treasure ship voyages, in the scale, performance and scope of voyage are the world leader.
  Slow the development of modern China's shipbuilding industry. 1865 ~ 1866, the Qing government have established Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau and Foochow, the construction of the "security people" "Jianwei", "sea level" and other warships and "New River", "Jiang Hua" and the Yangtze River Kehuo Chuan.
  After the founding of new China, the shipbuilding industry has made significant progress, 50 years established a number of coastal Kehuo Chuan, cargo ships and tankers. 60 years later, China's shipbuilding capacity very quickly, one after another into many types of marine transport vessels, the Yangtze River transport ships, offshore oil development ships, oceanographic research ships and military vessels, large marine tonnage of the ship has reached more than 300,000 dwt. Apart from a few special ships, China has been able to design and manufacture of military ships and civilian ships.
  Ship is composed of many parts, according to the role and purpose of each part can be summarized as an integrated hull, marine power plant, ship outfitting other three parts.
  Is an essential part of the ship hull, the superstructure can be divided into the main part and part. Generally refers to the main part of the following part of the upper deck, which is a hull (bottom and side of the ship) and on the deck and surrounded with a specific shape of the hollow body, is to ensure that the ship has the necessary buoyancy, navigation performance, and a key part of the hull strength . Hull for the layout of the general power plant, loading of goods, storage of fuel and fresh water, and arranged a variety of other compartments.
  To protect the hull strength, increase resistance to sinking ships and layout of compartments, usually _set_ up a number of robust watertight bulkheads and inner bottom, in the main to form a certain number of watertight compartments, and required additional intermediate deck or platform, will separated into several layers of the main level.
  Located on the deck and the superstructure above, from left, right wall, front, rear deck surrounded by walls and floors, the layout is mainly used for various purposes within the compartments, such as work spaces, living spaces, storage compartments, equipment compartment and so on. The size of the superstructure, floor and use the ship type and scale to another.
  Marine power plant include: propulsion - the host by the deceleration device, system to drive the propeller shaft (propeller is the primary type); services for the operation of propulsion machinery and auxiliary systems, such as fuel pumps, oil pumps, cooling water pumps, heaters, filters, coolers, etc.; ship power plant, it is the ship's deck machinery, auxiliary machinery and cabin lighting on board to provide electricity; other auxiliary machinery and equipment such as boilers, compressors, ship the system pumps, lifting equipment, maintenance tools and so on. Usually the host (and boiler) collectively referred to as auxiliary machinery outside.
  Ship outfitting, including cabin interior structure (walls, ceilings, floors, etc.), furniture and living facilities (cooking, health, etc.), coating and paint, windows, doors, ladders and railings, masts, hatch cover.
  Ship of other devices and equipment, in addition to propulsion, there are anchors and mooring equipment; rudder equipment and steering gear; life-saving equipment; fire fighting equipment; ships external communication equipment; lighting; signal equipment; navigation equipment; Crane equipment; ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration equipment; seawater and freshwater systems used in daily life; ballast water system; liquid tank sounding systems and ventilation systems; bilge dewatering system; marine electrical equipment; other special equipment (depending on the particular ship needs).
  Classification of many vessels, according to use, navigation status, hull number, propulsion, thrusters and other categories.
  By use of the ship are generally divided into two major categories of military and civilian vessels. Ships or military vessels often referred to as ships, which have a direct combat or defensive capabilities are called sea combat vessels, such as aircraft carriers, destroyers, frigates, missile boats and submarines, as well as mine, mine clearance vessels, etc., who called the military responsible for logistical support auxiliary ships. Ship is generally divided into civilian transport ship, engineering vessels, fishing boats, port vessels.
  By the ship's navigation state can generally be divided into drainage vessels, planing craft, hydrofoils and hovercraft;
  According to the number of ship's hull can be divided into single vessels and multi-hull boats, in a multi-hulls of a catamaran is more prevalent;
  Propulsion can be classified according to motor boats and non-motorized boats, motor boats according to the type of propulsion is divided into steam ship (now eliminated), steam turbine ship, ship diesel engines, gas turbine ship, joint power plant vessels, ship electric propulsion, nuclear power boats;
  By ship propellers can be divided into boat propellers, jet propulsion boat, jet propulsion boat, paddle steamers, ships and other flat spin, the air propellers for only a few hovercraft; according to the location of the cabin, a tail model boat (cabin on the ship tail), the model boat and ship models in the tail; by hull structural materials, the steel boats, aluminum boats, wooden, ferro-cement boats, fiberglass boats, rubber boats, ships and other hybrid structure.
  Divided according to nationality round the country (referring to the country, including the registration within the country and flying the flag of the ship) and outer (refers to foreign-registered and flying a foreign flag vessels).
  Distance range is divided into coastal waters by ocean-going round and round. Both the navigation capabilities are different.
  The main technical characteristics of the ship has a displacement of the ship, ship main dimensions, hull coefficients, tank capacity, and registered tonnage, hull-type charts, ship general arrangement, hull structure plans, specifications and other major technology and equipment.
  According to Archimedes' principle, the hull below the waterline of the row of the weight of water, is the ship's buoyancy, and should be equal to the total weight of the ship. Weight equal to the ship's lightship displacement. The ship's weight onto the boat with the weight of the sum of the various loads (load) is changing, that is equal to the total weight of the ship.
  Ships, including cargo load, fuel and lubricants, fresh water, food, people and luggage, spare parts and supplies such as weight. Regularly scheduled cargo capacity with a predetermined design maximum range of the calculation of oil, water, food, etc. and the weight of, as the design load. Design load when the displacement is called the design displacement or load displacement.
  Ship main dimensions including length, design waterline length, LBP, maximum breadth, width, depth, full load (design) draft and so on. Steel refers to the amount of owner-scale measurements to the size of the inner surface of the shell plating, called Breadth and Depth, cement ship, the vessel volume to the other refers to the size of the outer surface of the hull.
  Tank capacity refers to the cargo, fuel tanks, water tanks and other volume, it is characterized from the ability to accommodate the ship's load capacity, battery life, it affects the ship's operational ability. Registered tonnage is left on the history of the ship loading capability to measure the metrics, as a trading ship, taxes, service charges based on one. Registered tonnage and load carrying capacity, respectively, reflecting the cabin and the ship's load-bearing capacity. Although they are linked to each other, but belong to different concepts.
  Boat ship shape graph is a characterization of the main (including the side walls and first floor, poop) of the type of surface shape and size, the design and construction drawings of the main ship. It consists of three line graph form: cross-sectional charts, diagrams and half-width waterline vertical profile graph. By the three cross sections, longitudinal profile with the waterline the hull surface and surface-cut from.
  Total ship design is a major ship design and construction drawings, one of which reflects the characteristics of the ship's construction, shape and size, the location of various compartments and internal layout, the layout of the internal ladder, deck equipment layout. General arrangement from the side view, each deck plan and division of double bottom chart form.
  Hull structure plans reflect the structure of the various parts of the hull, the hull structure of the relevant parts of both independent and interrelated. The main structure is to ensure that the ship ship's longitudinal and transverse strength of the key, it is usually seen as a hollow beam design, and by boat in the cross-section diagram to reflect the size and specifications of its parts.
  The main performance of the ship floating, stability, resistance to sinking, speed, seakeeping, maneuverability and economy.
  Float refers to the ship in a variety of loading conditions, can float in the water and maintain a certain first and last draft and freeboard capacity. According to the ship's gravity and buoyancy equilibrium conditions, the ship's floating bearing load capacity and safety of navigation.
  Stability refers to the ship to leave the equilibrium position by external force and tilt, when the external force disappears, the ship can return to the original position of equilibrium capacity. General surface ship stability mainly refers to the stability when heeling. Beam, waterline surface coefficient, freeboard, center of gravity, the water above the side of the size and height, and hull openings seal is good or bad, are affecting the ship's stability a major factor.
  Anti-sinking means such as the underwater section of hull damage occurred, even after flooding the cabin and float rather than sink capacity of not overturning. China's Song dynasty when the first ship invented to ensure the watertight bulkhead anti-sinking ship. The main part of the ship's watertight subdivision is reasonable, the subdivision of the freeboard deck and the full value of the ship's stability, good or bad, etc., that affect the anti-sinking of the main factors.
  Fast is the characterization of ship sailing in still water in a straight line speed, the power relationship between the host and its required performance. It is an important technical indicator ship, the ship with a greater impact on the effectiveness and operating expenses. Ships involved in ship resistance and speed of the two aspects of marine propulsion. Reasonable choice of ship main dimensions, hull coefficients (especially the square prismatic coefficient factor G and G) and linear, the key is to reduce ship resistance.
  Seakeeping refers to the ship in the sway of the waves, splashing dip stall and deck (on the waves, splashing water) and so on. Seakeeping not only affects the comfort and safety of the crew on board, but the ship safety and operational efficiency, and thus more attention.
  The movement of ships in waves are rolling, pitching, head and tail roll, heave (heave), and vertical and horizontal swing swing six. The presence of several sports at the same time they form a coupled motion, which influenced the roll, pitch and heave. Splash dip is mainly due to pitch and heave of the hull caused by the relative movement of the waves, in particular, to increase freeboard freeboard first, to increase the first part of the outside water floating is to improve the ship spilled dip of effective measures.
  Refers to the ship's maneuverability of the ship in accordance with manipulation of the driver to maintain or change the speed, course or location of performance, including stability and rotation of course the two aspects is to ensure that the ship sailing in a small steering to maintain the shortest journey, away from the dock by flexible and avoid an important part of time, related to the safe navigation of ships and operating economy.
  Economy refers to the size of ship investment returns. It is to promote research and development of new types of ships, shipping management and improve the development of shipbuilding industry the most active factor for increasing people's attention. Ship marine engineering economics is the study of economics content, which involves the use of performance, economy of construction, operation and investment effects of economic indicators.
  Depends primarily on the social development of the ship on the ship's needs. After World War II, the rapid growth of bulk cargo (crude oil, mineral grains) transport ship is technically quite mature, and demand is generally not a big change. Finished packaging goods carriers, product tankers, chemical tankers LNG ships, large pieces of industrial equipment, carriers demand on the rise, ocean needed to develop high-speed ships and special purpose ships will increase. Accordingly, the hydrofoils, hovercraft, catamarans and SWATH research will be strengthened.
  Ship development, the second factor is the improvement of economic and social benefits. Fuel prices and the high handling costs, will enable people from saving, downsizing and improved methods of transportation (from the perspective of the whole transport system) to study other aspects of new ship technology, new energy, new models, new automatic control method and the ship.
  China's maritime law on the ship, is the ship and other maritime mobile devices, but for military, government service vessels and twenty tons, except for small boats.
  Ship, referring to rely on manpower, sailing, motor and other power, can move in the water means of transport. In addition, civilian vessels commonly referred to as boats, military vessels as ship, boat or small boat called a boat, ship or boat is called the total.
  Classification by purpose
  - Merchant: The acts for the purpose of commercial vessels.
  - Ferry: Passenger transport by ship.
  - Cargo: Cargo transportation by ship. Such as transport crude oil vessels.
  - Ferry: The main cargo, passengers, cars.
  - CITIZEN Road car two ferries: Tie-Road vehicles can transport two large ferry.
  - Cargo passenger ship: and cargo transport and passenger transport by ship.
  - Vessel salvage operations: for the sea rescue work.
  - Work boats: handling salvage ship salvage, etc., engaged in scientific and technological research work of the research vessels, a matter of sailing vessels in the maintenance of ship repair work projects. Fall into this category.
  - Refers to the ship: the ship channel specified.
  - Fishing boats: boats used for fishing industry.
  - Non-merchant: the use of vessels for non-commercial purpose of the act.
  - Speedboat: mainly used for recreation, or rowing boats. There are many types of motor boats, hovercraft are of this type.
  - Vessels: vessels for military purposes, such as cruisers, destroyers and other vessels in itself is not used for military purposes and their family members are also classified as such vessels.
  - Submarine is a special kind of ship. Attributable to military purposes submarine warship class. There are also scientific and technological research and other work for submarine work boat class submarines. Can also be used for sea and sightseeing.
  Classified by material
  - Steel Tie-boat
  - Wooden shipbuilding
  - Alloy boat
  Classification by structure
  - Single ship, multi-hull boats (catamarans, trimaran, etc.). Generally common to monohull boats, catamarans have two long, thin hull, using turbojet engine, to get water back through the reaction forward, the propeller drive faster than ordinary, while at high speed, catamaran elongated hull to reduce drag. And hull stability, not capsize. Often used on military transport ferry and.
  - Hydrofoil this would be a high-speed voyages. Boat bottom bracket, and put on hydrofoils. When the boat speed, the hydrofoils to produce buoyancy to lift the hull above the water, thereby reducing water resistance and increase the speed of navigation.
  - Is able to high-speed hovercraft hovercraft vessels, supporting the use of air in the bottom of the liner to reduce water resistance. Many hovercraft's speed can be over fifty.
  Classification according to power
  - Human vessels: through human, using paddle scull poles that produce power.
  - Sailing: generate power using wind blowing the sails.
  - Round of sailing: wind power, hybrid engine boat.
  - Ship: engine power boat.
  China Shipbuilding History
  Liu Xiang 'world' in mind: to ancient concept leaves because of that boat. This means that the Chinese people because they saw floating in the water off the leaves and not sink the ship and realized the principle. Luban realize this with the principle of the saw somewhat similar, unsolicited pro-Chinese people around the wood, the body can always be obtained from its endless inspiration.
  Before the formation of the boat, things usually pan of water trees, bamboo reed, floating like a gourd, raft. From the floating raft with, and there are improvements. River in a raft and economy, and thus float on the sea, which is a little "first time" mean. Confucius said: "If not, take a raft floating on the sea." About his old self to enjoy a bit of adventure in nature.
  "Arts class together," contains: the Western Zhou Dynasty into a king, "offered in more boat." The more people in the ancient Chinese, is a wading synonymous with "water line and Mountain Department, to ship the car to oar for the horse, such as Piaofeng to go is hard from." I can see to the boat as a tribute, an offering made into a king, when more than one boat had made good, and there, offering boat all the way, via the East China Sea, crossing the Yellow Sea, the Pan-Bohai Sea into the Yellow River, upstream into the Wei, end of week is Gao Jing, ship and marine technology and practical performance are not bad.
  The vessel began to rely on artificial rowing, sailing and have subsequently scull, scull is evolved from the long paddle, is another tool to use human propelled vessel, but also control of the ship heading tools. A multi-purpose device, which is China's shipbuilding and marine technology on the world's outstanding contributions.
  The late Eastern Jin Dynasty, a monk Fa Xian west India, for discipline, which lasted 14 years, dying several times, finally at the age of 70, returned alone voyage, his ship _set_ out, later, China had a tremendous impact on a large number of Buddhist scriptures . Subsequently, the old man will come to China from Nepal with the Buddhist monk with the pack Ba Tuoluo translate these scriptures.
  Emperor ambitious, many migrant workers levy made numerous big timber harvesting in the south, creating a big boat and a variety of sight-seeing tens of thousands of ships. There are four biggest one boat, 45 feet high, 200 feet long, the upper main hall, sanctuary, something Chodo, middle floor has 120 rooms, are "decorated with Dan powder, loaded with Jinbi Zhu Cui, Carve strange and beautiful. " Subsequently, the boat with his boat as several emperors spent Xunxing Jiangdu, Jiuchiroulin night pleasure to finally put the country lost.
  Song and Yuan dynasties, because of growing overseas trade, the scale of sea and river transport is far ahead of generation. Shipbuilding industry is well developed, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong to become the center of ship building, Song of shipbuilding, ship repair have begun to use the dock, and created a method of using the water slide. Many ports are _set_ Maritime Affairs to manage overseas trade, of which Minnesota, Guangzhou, Quanzhou, Hangzhou is particularly prominent, before the Qing Dynasty is the most famous of several major ports.
  Yuan, China has accumulated a few hundred years of famous frequent tribute to attract Western countries, missionaries, businessmen, travelers to arrive in China, Marco Polo • stay for 17 years, and won the trust and Kublai Khan reuse. 1291, Kublai Khan, "Preparation of boat thirteen life, every ship with four masts, 12 sails may Zhang," to send Marco Polo • _set_ sail from Quanzhou, escort Kukachin Persian Princess married to.
  This is probably the ancient Orient - a loaded with porcelain and silk fairy tale began drifting into the world.
  The development prospects of China's shipbuilding industry
  2008 difficult to predict the risk of one after another, in September, the U.S. financial crisis has spread rapidly worldwide as a plague, an outbreak of the global financial crisis has, by the U.S. financial crisis facing SMEs in China have closed down, imports and exports, the automotive industry, by the United States textile industry etc serious financial crisis hit. China's shipbuilding industry, the "Made in China," the pillar is also facing severe financial crisis in the winter.
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  Sailing or moored at the waters of the transport or operating tools, according to different requirements and different technical performance, equipment and structure type. Ships in national defense, national economy and other aspects of ocean development occupies an important position.
  A Brief History of the ship from the prehistoric rip wood boat has undergone a canoe and wooden boat era, the 1879 advent of the world's first a steel boat, the boat began to steel-based era. Advance of the ship from the 19th century also rely on human, animal and wind (ie, punt pole, paddle, grinder, tow the boat and sails) to use the machine-driven development (see marine power plant).
  In 1807, the United States, R. Fulton built the first one to promote the use of paddle wheel steam ship "Clermont off (Clerment)" number, speed is about 8 km / hour. 1839, the first one equipped with a propeller of the steam ship "Archimedes (Archimedes)" number of introduction, the host power of 58.8 kilowatts. This propeller fully demonstrated its superiority, which was quickly promoted. In 1868, China's first truck 600 tons of power of 288 kW steam warship, "Hui Ji" was built successfully. In 1894, the United Kingdom with his invention of the CA Parsons steam turbine as a host of reactionary installed in boats "turbine Virginia (Turbinia)" number on the successful trials on the Thames, speed 60 km / hr. Early turbine and steam turbine boat propeller is the same speed. Appeared in 1910 about gear, power transmission gear and hydraulic transmission gear unit. After that, the ship steam turbine slow down transmission mode are used. 1902 ~ 1903 in France, built a boat engine Strait. In 1903, Russia built diesel boats in the "million Total (Вандал)" number of the water. Mid-20th century, diesel power plant became a major power plant transport ship. British Airways in 1947, first with the modified gas turbine installed in the coastal boats, "Stuttgart Lick (Cartaric)" on board to replace the original gasoline engine, power of 1837 kilowatts of its host, speed is 3600 rev / min, the gear box and shaft-driven propeller. The device weighs only 2.08 kg unit / kW, lightweight than other devices. 60 years has appeared with the gas turbine steam turbine combined power plant (see Gas - steam combined cycle plant) and large and medium-sized surface warships. Contemporary naval forces stronger country, in large and medium-sized ships, in addition to the use of a large power steam turbine power plant, the gas turbine power plant using almost all. In the civilian ship, the gas turbine efficiency due to lower than diesel, with very little. The discovery and use of atomic energy and power for the ship opened up a new way. In 1954, the U.S. built nuclear submarine "Nautilus (Nautitlus)" number of water, power of 11,025 kilowatts, the speed of 33 km / hour. In 1959 the Soviet nuclear-powered icebreaker built "Lenin (Ленин)" number, power of 32,340 kilowatts. In the same year, the U.S. nuclear-powered merchant ship "Savannah (Savannah)" number of water, power of 14,700 kilowatts. Existing nuclear power plants are pressurized water reactor steam turbine power plant, mainly used in submarines and aircraft carriers, and in the civilian ship due to economic reasons, have not been developed. 70 to 80 years, in order to save energy, the advantages of some countries to absorb Sail Ships, to develop a to machine mainly to sail navigation of the ship, joint control with an electronic computer, the Japanese-built "new charity pill" is No. This energy-saving ship representatives.
  Ancient China was a pioneer in shipbuilding and navigation. Spring and Autumn Period there is a shipbuilding factory, capable of producing warships. Han has been able to create with the rudder of the boat floor. Tang and Song period, the ship has a prominent riverboat and the development of the invention watertight next door. Zheng He in Ming Dynasty 1405 - 1433 treasure ship voyages between seven in the scale, performance and scope of voyage are the world leader. In modern times, slow development of China shipbuilding industry. 1865 ~ 1866, the Qing government have established Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau and Foochow, the construction of the "security people", "Jian-Wei", "sea level" and other warships and "New River", "Jiang Hua" and the Yangtze River Kehuo Chuan. After the founding of the PRC, the shipbuilding industry has made significant progress, 50 years established a number of coastal Kehuo Chuan, cargo ships and tankers. 60 years later, China's shipbuilding capacity very quickly, one after another into many types of marine transport vessels, the Yangtze River transport ships, offshore oil development ship (platform), oceanographic research ships and military vessels, large marine vessels up to 120,000 deadweight tonnage . Apart from a few special ships, China has been able to design, manufacturing
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English Expression
  1. :  vessel,  Ves. vessel,  marine vessel,  water craft
  2. n.:  craft,  fairing,  log,  navigation,  seaworthiness,  shipping,  ship,  sinking,  advice of arrival,  boats and ships,  boat
  3. vi.:  yaw
French Expression
  1. n.  navires, vasseaux
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