psychics : social psychology : science of public relations : appliance Sociology > consensus
No. 1
  Opinion yúlùn
  [Public opinion] everybody's point of view
  The definition of public opinion is very diverse, people are aware of the importance of public opinion, but what is public opinion has never failed to reach consensus on, and other social science, public opinion study on the definition of public opinion determines the development of public school.
  A definition is:
  Public opinion is in a certain social context, to eliminate differences in personal opinion, reflect the social consciousness and awareness of the collection, most of the common opinion. The definition of public opinion, to discuss the most critical is that the body of public opinion is the "opinion" or "attitude."
  In order to avoid debating the definition, scholars have begun to shift public opinion should contain a number of elements: The "topic", "public" and "consensus" is a number of scholars have put forward elements of the intersection. As scholars starting from their respective disciplines, each a different focus, common characteristics of public opinion has not revealed, its definition has a narrow-mindedness.
  The difference between attitudes and opinions
  In any case the definition of public opinion, "opinion" is always the core of public opinion research, that is, the body of public opinion, mass media is the focus of the views of the flow problem. Opinion (opinion) usually with attitude (attitude), faith (belief) and value (value) and attitudes, especially compared to define themselves, their views of social psychologists is defined as: a certain attitude, beliefs or value of the speech performance, open up, opinions Ye Yong behavior such as anger can be punched or demonstrations, etc. performance. Typically, the difference between the two scholars from the difference between attitudes and opinions:
  Opinion in general is considered for a specific stimulus (a problem) by linguistic or other obvious reaction, but the overall attitude is more basic tendency to make it beneficial for the stimulation or general adverse reactions. Views mainly depend on the situation, and attitude for a more durable in a variety of circumstances to play a role. Second, opinions are considered more emotional, and in its composition ... ... how much the lack of emotional attitude is a direct, intuitive orientation, and parent views in a society where the various programs of the result of careful _select_ive consideration resulting from the rational choice.
  Briefly, the attitude is a tendency to react, but opinions are some kind of reaction.
Translated by Google
English Expression
  1. :  opinions or views of the public in general
  2. n.:  consensus,  cry,  opinion,  popular cry,  general sentiment,  swing of the pendulum,  the public voice,  public opinion
French Expression
  1. n.  opinion publique
beliefs or views of a group
will of the people
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