natural science > the phenomenon of nature
Refers to a situation in nature
  Refers to a situation in nature. Such as the physical phenomena and chemical phenomena. Often symmetrical and social phenomena. Qu, "Journey to the Land of Hunger" 2: "wind Thunderbolt, clear warm overcast day, the section is unremarkable 1:01 mood, but also a reflection of how many natural phenomena."
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No. 2
  zì rán xiàn xiànɡ
  Refers to the operation of natural laws of nature because of the spontaneous formation of a situation, the initiative is fully free from anthropogenic factors. Kisaragi also wanes, changing seasons, the climate cold, windy rain, day and night and so on. There are physical phenomena ﹑ ﹑ geographical phenomena, such as several categories of chemical phenomena. Relative to the social phenomena in terms of human-induced.
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English Expression
  1. :  natural phenomenon
  2. n.:  the phenomenon of nature,  the phenomena of nature
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physiographyultra- the phenomenon of natureThe phenomenon of nature dark
Shida the phenomenon of naturelake the phenomenon of naturethe phenomenon of nature vary
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the phenomenon of nature
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cataclysmultra- the phenomenon of nature