pterygota : Holometabola : Hymenopterida > hymenoptera
No. 1
  Hymenoptera hymenoptera
  Hymenoptera including bees, ants insects. Subclass are winged, full metamorphosis category. Known around the world about 12 million species, known in China more than 2,300 species, is Insecta first three big projects, the highest such groups. Widely distributed around the world to tropical and subtropical regions with most species. Herbivorous or parasitic, including ants and bees. There are also carnivorous, such as wasps, etc. Some species Camp gregarious life, it is the most evolved insect taxa. The abdominal constriction thinner base is divided into Symphyta and waist suborder. Symphyta is low herbivorous taxa, including sawfly, tree bees, wasps and other groups stems; waist suborder includes most of Hymenoptera species, including ants, wasps, and various parasitic wasps. Such as bees, bumble bees, wasps and ants and other species are known. There is also damage crops of wheat sawfly, pear real bees.
  I. Morphological characteristics
  (A) Head
  Head clear, front view cross-shaped, sometimes almost spherical, neck small, freely rotatable. Tentacles varied shapes, filamentous, rod, geniculate, comb and fan, etc., usually the male is developed, mostly for 13, short female, mostly 12 to reduce the number to a few types of sections 6-8 . One pair of compound eyes more developed, located on both sides of the head. Monocular 3 located above amount, a triangular arrangement. Few types of monocular degradation or absent. Mostly chewing mouthparts, morphology and structure of the components of several sections of the lower lip and jaw to be required, the shape, the length can often be used as classification features. Mouthparts Apoidea for chewing suction, jaw, lip extend into the beak to feed nectar.
  (B) chest
  Chest including before, during and after thoracic and abdominal section. Chest is generally small, cross-shaped or obvious. Between the head and the chest, neck, chest and some obvious Fengrui leading edge, separated from the chest and neck, and some leading edge disappears. Mesonotum and scutellum of thoracic scutellum. Scutellum some smooth and no groove joints, while others have one pair of complete or partial disappearance of the shield longitudinal groove, and some Central subsidence or uplift into the slot. Scutellum a generally circular, triangular, oval-shaped or tongue, some very short, some with a forked end of the projection or extension. Abdominal and thoracic sections Section 1 is formed into the chest, a large shape, size, length, inclination and other changes. Many species (slender suborder) Section 2 of the abdominal constriction shrunk shank shape, called a petiole or "waist."
  Most species have two pairs of membranous wings normal, and the wing was significantly greater than the wing after only a few species of winged degradation or shorter. Wing leading edge is usually winged mole, more than a change in its shape. Most types of veins is more complex, and more healing or deformed longitudinal veins and cross veins surrounded with several wings room. Venation and wing rooms for naming, various scholars have different views, more commonly used as Conradson system (comstock and ross systems). Some types of veins is extremely degraded veins in Hymenoptera classification, occupies a very important position.
  Pereiopods three pairs similar. However, some parasitic species swivel to two; some front foot swollen leg sections, such as Bethylidae; some special swollen hind leg sections, such as certain types of wasps Division; hind foot of the Apoidea special powder into portable enough. Tarsus 2-5 Festival ends with a claw 1 pair.
  (C) the abdomen
  Section l0 abdomen is usually less visible only 3-4. The purpose of the first abdominal waist sub section has been incorporated into the formation of the chest and abdominal section, Section 2 is usually very small, or showed handle shape. Section 7-8 females deformed web form ovipositor. Hymenoptera ovipositor extremely specialized, suitable for sawing, drilling and puncture, while spawning, honey stabbed and killed, paralysis and host live animal food stored functions. Ovipositor great shape variation, some elongated needles, and some were short cone, and some self-belly protruding end, some from the front end of the ventral abdomen protrudes, some only to lose it as a defensive organ spawning action .
  Section 7-8 of the male genitalia and reproductive abdominal section of the web section, and reproductive section including reproductive sudden base section, penis, penis belly clip and reproductive spike, etc., partially hidden between the body, the general kinds of great variation , species identification is an important feature.
  (Four) larvae
  Depending on the feeding and living habits, Hymenoptera larvae can be divided into two categories. One for Arma type larvae: Body approximate Lepidoptera larvae. That surface is usually hairy spots, head strong degree of ossification, powerful palate, with antennae and jaw are required, often side monocular, except chest full stop often developed outside (minority degradation), but also with gastropods. The main difference with the Lepidoptera larvae is 6 foot belly number above (eg sawfly class for 6-8 pairs), no toe hook. Arma-type free-living larval and more, herbivorous. The second category is no foot-type larvae: If the waist suborder larvae. Body no stain, no foot, head ossification weak, mouthparts and antennae degradation, soft unsegmented antennae, jaws must papillary, palate weak, no monocular. Multi-camp parasitic or intends parasitic life, or living in a good preparation by the mother bee by the worker bees feed or feeding, a few causes galls on the host plant.
  Second, the biological characteristics
  Complete metamorphosis. Usually sexual reproduction, and some single-line and multi-sexual parthenogenetic embryo germ. Parthenogenesis is more common, such as bees have bee mating unfertilized eggs to produce males; some species of wasps and sawflies unmated females had produced unfertilized eggs, female or male gender can produce individual. And more prevalent in the embryo reproductive cocoon bee, wasp and bee Branch thin edge belly of some species, such as multiple embryos Encyrtidae an egg offspring can produce more than 2000 individuals.
  The vast majority of Hymenoptera species are beneficial to humans and pollinators or predators in parasitic insects, only a small number of herbivorous agroforestry crop pests. By herbivores such as Tenthredinidae larvae eat the leaves, stems Chalcididae immature insects stem borer larvae tree Chalcididae trees, gall wasp larvae form galls and other subjects. Parasitic included waist suborder most species, which is divided into inner and outer parasitic parasitic categories. Predatory wasps were mainly adults, mud wasp, wasps and other subjects. Pollen and nectar as the main food of bees help pollinate crops, improve crop seed rate and provide humanity with bee.
  Wasps, ants, bees and other Hymenoptera higher with varying degrees of social habits, and some have formed habits graded phenomenon, physiological and morphological. If the queen bee (ants) specially breed, drone (ants) usually die shortly after mating, the worker bees (ants) specially gathering food, nesting, Nurture and other staff, Formicidae have specially defending soldier . Social species still exist "trophallaxis" phenomenon among adults and larvae, such as when a bee feeding wasp larvae, the larvae secrete - kind of milky white liquid, for a bee feeding. Bees nest different group-stage type, clear division of labor, different levels of larvae nest chamber size, breeding in different ways, such as the queen bee larvae are fed royal jelly has until pupation. In order to foraging bees and other groups, breeding and maintaining its stability, among members of the group receive and impart information through a variety of well-developed senses, such as the orientation of nectar plants pass through different "dance", the distance between the nest and so on. Bees nest with a particular odor is to maintain the group's instructions to prevent odors into different groups, guard bees that guard the entrance of the group in the nest by smell. Stability of the colony is led by the queen bee pheromone gland "queen substance" to maintain, the substance bees inhibit gonadal development and the generation of new queens, thus avoiding sub-bee phenomenon. Ventral abdomen left by ants in the process of crawling trail pheromones indicate members of the same nest to find food and homing routes.
  Classification system and important subjects introduced into Hymenoptera suborder 2-3, 49-89 Section.
  i, Symphyta symphyta
  Phase at the abdomen and chest does not shrink as slender shape, after at least three base wing room (the room, the room Asia, Asian hip room). Swivel 2. Herbivorous larvae, with a chest full three pairs, the majority of gastropods, but did not toe hook, can be distinguished from lepidopteran larvae.
  (1) Tenthredinidae tenthredinidae
  After the back edge of the concave chest, stubby body. Wing winged mole, multi-room wing. Front tibia has two ends away. Saw-like ovipositor flat. Herbivorous, shuttling among the flowers of many species, some predatory flies or small beetles, parthenogenesis common. Undergraduate known more than 4000 kinds, representing Symphyta known species of 2/3. Our common wheat sawfly dolerus tritici chu, pears and other real bee hoplocampa pyricola rohwer.
  ii, waist suborder apocrita
  Tight into the base of the abdomen slender shape, or extended into a handle-like abdominal Section 1 incorporated chest forward, saying propodeum. Swivel 1-2 festival. Hind wing groups have 1-2 rooms. Larvae no foot.
  (I), tapered tail group terebrantia
  Distal abdominal longitudinal web, spawning Multi exposed, extending from the end of the abdomen. After the fins and hip leaves. Foot swivel mostly 2.
  (1) Ichneumonidae ichneumonidae
  Body length of 3-40 mm, more antennae 16, was not geniculate. Wing winged mole, veins developed, three plate chamber. Larvae parasitic on Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera, Neuroptera so the whole metamorphosis of insects larvae and pupae. World nearly 15,000 known species, widely distributed, known in China about 1,000 species, are important predators of insects.
  (2) Braconidae braconidae
  Body length of 2-12 mm. And Ichneumonidae similar, except that: forewings have two disc chamber, abdominal section 2,3 backplane healing. Larvae parasitic on Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, also parasitic on Hemiptera, Hymenoptera insects long. Usually parasitic on the larvae and pupae, and some are parasitic on Coleoptera and Hemiptera adults. The world's nearly 4,500 known species, widely distributed, about 300 species known in China, is an important natural enemies of insects.
  (3) Chalcidoidea chalcidoidea
  0.17-16 mm in length, generally 1-5 mm. Geniculate antennae above 13. Veins very degraded, leading edge only 1-2 veins, moles and no obvious wing wing room. Pronotum not stretch big wings substrate. Swivel 2. Except for a few remain or return to herbivores, the vast majority of parasitic insect eggs, larvae, pupae, adult and spider eggs into baby spiders and spider, is an important natural enemies of insect taxa.
  (4) Section cynipidae gall wasp
  Body length of 1-6 mm, smooth or fine hair, blue, brown or yellow, shiny. Filamentous antennae section ,11-16. Pronotum stretch of fin substrates foot section of a turn. Forewings wingless mole. Most parasitic larvae in Fagaceae, causing galls. Important pests of chestnut gall wasp dryocosmus kuriphilus yasumatsu so on.
  (Ii) pintail group aculeata
  Distal abdominal web is not longitudinal, special ovipositor into sting, by the end of the abdomen, usually retracted into the body rather than exposed. Swivel 1. After more than a hip-winged leaf.
  (1) Sphecidae sphecidae
  Generally black, yellow, orange or red markings, body smooth or hairy. Abdomen fusiform, with a clear belly handle. Slender foot, front foot for digging, the tibia has two pitch. After hip wings with leaves, most have closed room. Often prey on the larvae of Lepidoptera and Orthoptera as the offspring of stored grain. Common foot black mud wasp sphex subtruncatus dahlbom so on.
  (2) Total Section vespoidea Vespa
  Generally speaking it is a kind of wasp insect, large size, bright color, more yellow, black, brown, colored spots. Antennae generally male 13, female 12, with occasional exceptions. Pronotum extends back up wing substrate. Rest vertical fin fold covering the body. Carnivorous, most social behavior, natural enemies of pests is also sericulture, beekeeping pests. Adults, larvae and honeycomb can be used as medicine, bee venom is expensive medicine. But human and animal mistakenly hit the hive, bees chase chelation, often caused by injury, severe cases can cause death. People often live in nesting areas and activities. Including 19 families, a common wasp and hornet Branch Division.
  (3) Formicidae formicidae
  Commonly known as ants. Are small, black, brown, yellow or red. Body smooth or hairy. Geniculate antennae ,4-13, scape very long, the end of the section 2-3 enlargement. Abdominal Section 1 or Section 2 showed a knot. Winged or wingless. Front foot from the large, comb, net Angle (used to clean antennae). Polymorphic type of social insects, known in more than 14,000. Common home ant monomorium pharaonis l. Etc..
  (4) Apoidea apoidea
  Small to large, the majority of the body is composed of fluff or lint from the hair band, a small body smooth or with a metallic luster. Mesonotum branched or feathery hair is the main feature of this superfamily. Tentacles male 13, female 12. Pronotum not stretched wings of the substrate. Swivel 1, after most of the species enough to bring the foot powder.
  Lifestyle, there are three types: ① social, ② solitary nature, ③ parasitic. Details of social life, see "hierarchical social life - bees."
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  (A) Head
  Head clear, front view cross-shaped, sometimes almost spherical, neck small, freely rotatable. Tentacles varied shapes, filamentous, rod, geniculate, comb and fan, etc., usually the male is developed, mostly for 13, short female, mostly 12 to reduce the number to a few types of sections 6-8 . One pair of compound eyes more developed, located on both sides of the head. Monocular 3 located above amount, a triangular arrangement. Few types of monocular degradation or absent. Mostly chewing mouthparts, morphology and structure of the components of several sections of the lower lip and jaw to be required, the shape, the length can often be used as classification features. Mouthparts Apoidea for chewing suction, jaw, lip extend into the beak to feed nectar.
  (B) chest
  Chest including before, during and after thoracic and abdominal section. Chest is generally small, cross-shaped or obvious. Between the head and the chest, neck, chest and some obvious Fengrui leading edge, separated from the chest and neck, and some leading edge disappears. Mesonotum and scutellum of thoracic scutellum. Scutellum some smooth and no groove joints, while others have one pair of complete or partial disappearance of the shield longitudinal groove, and some Central subsidence or uplift into the slot. Scutellum a generally circular, triangular, oval-shaped or tongue, some very short, some with a forked end of the projection or extension. Abdominal and thoracic sections Section 1 is formed into the chest, a large shape, size, length, inclination and other changes. Many species (slender suborder) Section 2 of the abdominal constriction shrunk shank shape, called a petiole or "waist."
  Most species have two pairs of membranous wings normal, and the wing was significantly greater than the wing after only a few species of winged degradation or shorter. Wing leading edge is usually winged mole, more than a change in its shape. Most types of veins is more complex, and more healing or deformed longitudinal veins and cross veins surrounded with several wings room. Venation and wing rooms for naming, various scholars have different views, more commonly used as Conradson system (Comstock and Ross Systems). Some types of veins is extremely degraded veins in Hymenoptera classification, occupies a very important position.
  Pereiopods three pairs similar. However, some parasitic species swivel to two; some front foot swollen leg sections, such as Bethylidae; some special swollen hind leg sections, such as certain types of wasps Division; hind foot of the Apoidea special powder into portable enough. Tarsus 2-5 Festival ends with a claw 1 pair.
  (C) the abdomen
  Section l0 abdomen is usually less visible only 3-4. The purpose of the first abdominal waist sub section has been incorporated into the formation of the chest and abdominal section, Section 2 is usually very small, or showed handle shape. Section 7-8 females deformed web form ovipositor. Hymenoptera ovipositor extremely specialized, suitable for sawing, drilling and puncture, while spawning, honey stabbed and killed, paralysis and host live animal food stored functions. Ovipositor great shape variation, some elongated needles, and some were short cone, and some self-belly protruding end, some from the front end of the ventral abdomen protrudes, some only to lose it as a defensive organ spawning action .
  Section 7-8 of the male genitalia and reproductive abdominal section of the web section, and reproductive section including reproductive sudden base section, penis, penis belly clip and reproductive spike, etc., partially hidden between the body, the general kinds of great variation , species identification is an important feature.
  (Four) larvae
  Depending on the feeding and living habits, Hymenoptera larvae can be divided into two categories. One for Arma type larvae: Body approximate Lepidoptera larvae. That surface is usually hairy spots, head strong degree of ossification, powerful palate, with antennae and jaw are required, often side monocular, except chest full stop often developed outside (minority degradation), but also with gastropods. The main difference with the Lepidoptera larvae is 6 foot belly number above (eg sawfly class for 6-8 pairs), no toe hook. Arma-type free-living larval and more, herbivorous. The second category is no foot-type larvae: If the waist suborder larvae. Body no stain, no foot, head ossification weak, mouthparts and antennae degradation, soft unsegmented antennae, jaws must papillary, palate weak, no monocular. Multi-camp parasitic or intends parasitic life, or living in a good preparation by the mother bee by the worker bees feed or feeding, a few causes galls on the host plant.
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Biological characteristics
  Complete metamorphosis. Usually sexual reproduction, and some single-line and multi-sexual parthenogenetic embryo germ. Parthenogenesis is more common, such as bees have bee mating unfertilized eggs to produce males; some species of wasps and sawflies unmated females had produced unfertilized eggs, female or male gender can produce individual. And more prevalent in the embryo reproductive cocoon bee, wasp and bee Branch thin edge belly of some species, such as multiple embryos Encyrtidae an egg offspring can produce more than 2000 individuals.
  The vast majority of Hymenoptera species are beneficial to humans and pollinators or predators in parasitic insects, only a small number of herbivorous agroforestry crop pests. By herbivores such as Tenthredinidae larvae eat the leaves, stems Chalcididae immature insects stem borer larvae tree Chalcididae trees, gall wasp larvae form galls and other subjects. Parasitic included waist suborder most species, which is divided into inner and outer parasitic parasitic categories. Predatory wasps were mainly adults, mud wasp, wasps and other subjects. Pollen and nectar as the main food of bees help pollinate crops, improve crop seed rate and provide humanity with bee.
  Wasps, ants, bees and other Hymenoptera higher with varying degrees of social habits, and some have formed habits graded phenomenon, physiological and morphological. If the queen bee (ants) specially breed, drone (ants) usually die shortly after mating, the worker bees (ants) specially gathering food, nesting, Nurture and other staff, Formicidae have specially defending soldier . Social species still exist "trophallaxis" phenomenon among adults and larvae, such as when a bee feeding wasp larvae, the larvae secrete - kind of milky white liquid, for a bee feeding. Bees nest different group-stage type, clear division of labor, different levels of larvae nest chamber size, breeding in different ways, such as the queen bee larvae are fed royal jelly has until pupation. In order to foraging bees and other groups, breeding and maintaining its stability, among members of the group receive and impart information through a variety of well-developed senses, such as the orientation of nectar plants pass through different "dance", the distance between the nest and so on. Bees nest with a particular odor is to maintain the group's instructions to prevent odors into different groups, guard bees that guard the entrance of the group in the nest by smell. Stability of the colony is led by the queen bee pheromone gland "queen substance" to maintain, the substance bees inhibit gonadal development and the generation of new queens, thus avoiding sub-bee phenomenon. Ventral abdomen left by ants in the process of crawling trail pheromones indicate members of the same nest to find food and homing routes.
  Classification system and important subjects introduced into Hymenoptera suborder 2-3, 49-89 Section.
  I, Symphyta Symphyta
  Phase at the abdomen and chest does not shrink as slender shape, after at least three base wing room (the room, the room Asia, Asian hip room). Swivel 2. Herbivorous larvae, with a chest full three pairs, the majority of gastropods, but did not toe hook, can be distinguished from lepidopteran larvae.
  (1) Tenthredinidae Tenthredinidae
  After the back edge of the concave chest, stubby body. Wing winged mole, multi-room wing. Front tibia has two ends away. Saw-like ovipositor flat. Herbivorous, shuttling among the flowers of many species, some predatory flies or small beetles, parthenogenesis common. Undergraduate known more than 4000 kinds, representing Symphyta known species of 2/3. Our common wheat sawfly Dolerus tritici Chu, pears and other real bee Hoplocampa pyricola Rohwer.
  II, waist suborder Apocrita
  Tight into the base of the abdomen slender shape, or extended into a handle-like abdominal Section 1 incorporated chest forward, saying propodeum. Swivel 1-2 festival. Hind wing groups have 1-2 rooms. Larvae no foot.
  (I), tapered tail group Terebrantia
  Distal abdominal longitudinal web, spawning Multi exposed, extending from the end of the abdomen. After the fins and hip leaves. Foot swivel mostly 2.
  (1) Ichneumonidae Ichneumonidae
  Body length of 3-40 mm, more antennae 16, was not geniculate. Wing winged mole, veins developed, three plate chamber. Larvae parasitic on Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera, Neuroptera so the whole metamorphosis of insects larvae and pupae. World nearly 15,000 known species, widely distributed, known in China about 1,000 species, are important predators of insects.
  (2) Braconidae Braconidae
  Body length of 2-12 mm. And Ichneumonidae similar, except that: forewings have two disc chamber, abdominal section 2,3 backplane healing. Larvae parasitic on Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, also parasitic on Hemiptera, Hymenoptera insects long. Usually parasitic on the larvae and pupae, and some are parasitic on Coleoptera and Hemiptera adults. The world's nearly 4,500 known species, widely distributed, about 300 species known in China, is an important natural enemies of insects.
  (3) Chalcidoidea Chalcidoidea
  0.17-16 mm in length, generally 1-5 mm. Geniculate antennae above 13. Veins very degraded, leading edge only 1-2 veins, moles and no obvious wing wing room. Pronotum not stretch big wings substrate. Swivel 2. Except for a few remain or return to herbivores, the vast majority of parasitic insect eggs, larvae, pupae, adult and spider eggs into baby spiders and spider, is an important natural enemies of insect taxa.
  (4) Section Cynipidae gall wasp
  Body length of 1-6 mm, smooth or fine hair, blue, brown or yellow, shiny. Filamentous antennae section ,11-16. Pronotum stretch of fin substrates foot section of a turn. Forewings wingless mole. Most parasitic larvae in Fagaceae, causing galls. Important pests of chestnut gall wasp Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu so on.
  (II) pintail group Aculeata
  Distal abdominal web is not longitudinal, special ovipositor into sting, by the end of the abdomen, usually retracted into the body rather than exposed. Swivel 1. After more than a hip-winged leaf.
  (1) Sphecidae Sphecidae
  Generally black, yellow, orange or red markings, body smooth or hairy. Abdomen fusiform, with a clear belly handle. Slender foot, front foot for digging, the tibia has two pitch. After hip wings with leaves, most have closed room. Often prey on the larvae of Lepidoptera and Orthoptera as the offspring of stored grain. Common foot black mud wasp Sphex subtruncatus Dahlbom and so on.
  (2) Total Section Vespoidea Vespa
  Generally speaking it is a kind of wasp insect, large size, bright color, more yellow, black, brown, colored spots. Antennae generally male 13, female 12, with occasional exceptions. Pronotum extends back up wing substrate. Rest vertical fin fold covering the body. Carnivorous, most social behavior, natural enemies of pests is also sericulture, beekeeping pests. Adults, larvae and honeycomb can be used as medicine, bee venom is expensive medicine. But human and animal mistakenly hit the hive, bees chase chelation, often caused by injury, severe cases can cause death. People often live in nesting areas and activities. Including 19 families, a common wasp and hornet Branch Division.
  (3) Formicidae Formicidae
  Commonly known as ants. Are small, black, brown, yellow or red. Body smooth or hairy. Geniculate antennae ,4-13, scape very long, the end of the section 2-3 enlargement. Abdominal Section 1 or Section 2 showed a knot. Winged or wingless. Front foot from the large, comb, net Angle (used to clean antennae). Polymorphic type of social insects, known in more than 14,000. Common home ant Monomorium pharaonis L. et.
  (4) Apoidea Apoidea
  Small to large, the majority of the body is composed of fluff or lint from the hair band, a small body smooth or with a metallic luster. Mesonotum branched or feathery hair is the main feature of this superfamily. Tentacles male 13, female 12. Pronotum not stretched wings of the substrate. Swivel 1, after most of the species enough to bring the foot powder.
  Lifestyle, there are three types: ① social, ② solitary nature, ③ parasitic. Details of social life, see "hierarchical social life - bees."
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Wikipedia Encyclopedia
  mochi mu
  In Hymenoptera
  Subclass of a winged eye. General adult winged two pair, chewing mouthparts or lick suction, membranous wings, ovipositor abdominal thoracic incorporated in Section 1, female genital appendages with the full composition of insect metamorphosis. Membranous (some wings fall off or degraded). Veins more complex changes, some groups were significantly degraded, less than hind wings wing to wing hook chain. Mouthparts chewing or licking suction. Most (waist suborder) ventral base closed places, and the first abdominal segment lost webs and forward, and the chest healed, become propodeum. Ovipositor often become suitable for sawing, organ functions such Chuanzao or acupuncture. Complete metamorphosis. Larvae often without sufficient level of development and with different head. Minority (Symphyta) larvae was □-like, with a chest full and gastropods. Respiratory system often full valve type or side valve type. From pupa to chrysalis, a cocoon in general, or none. Hymenoptera have herbivorous, carnivorous and omnivorous 3 types. Insects known to the whole world about 12 million.
  The main morphological features Hymenoptera adults into Symphyta (Figure 1 Symphyta: Tenthredinidae (female)) and waist suborder (Fig. 2 waist suborder: Ichneumonidae (female)). About 1 mm from the compact body to about 5 to 40 mm medium. Body wall by a thin (Trichogramma, wasps, etc.) to the intensity sclerosis (wasps, etc.) are. Color from light brown to black, and some were blue, green, purple, red variety of colors, even with a metallic luster. Waist suborder second abdominal segment into the abdominal contraction pattern or degradation scaly or knot. Head with monocular 3. Monocular and compound eyes degraded or disappear in certain groups (such as ants, wasps and figs Branch male adults) in. Located within the facial tentacles tentacles tentacles depression or nest, often with thoracic scutellum shield longitudinal groove, into the mid-thoracic shield Area and side lobes. Scutellum both sides of the wings can be distinguished triangle (eg Chalcidoidea). Thoracic region into the front plate and rear sheet film. Differentiate into the front chest piece front side panels, between pronotum between the substrate and the wing, so that the two are separated, do not contact (wasps, Ji bee, bee, wasp, etc.). Propodeum by a smooth surface to a thick sculptured or ridges and certain small room (Ichneumonidae). Veins with a special, generally more complicated. Specialized taxa, there are twisted veins and wing leading edge to focus on the trend, or even along the wing leading edge was only trending veins a (small wasp, bee black eggs). Some groups of winged degradation (ants bees, wasps Kyi, small bees and a few wasps), or only female adults (ants), worker ants only male adult (fig wasps) wingless. Enough generally walkable, a few taxa foot diameter section and tarsus developed, good jump (jump wasps, spin wasps). After some taxa coxae (flat shares wasps), hind femur (Chalcididae, Torymidae and engraved belly Chalcididae) or front foot swollen leg section especially as Bethylidae superfamily, swollen legs Chalcididae. Bee Branch before chelation tarsus and foot adult female is usually formed pincer claws to cling or capture host to parasitic spawning. Abdominal section 10, but the waist suborder first abdominal segment and merged into the thoracic and abdominal section, the second abdominal segment and often has petiole-like or not significant (some were flake or nodular), therefore, usually see the first abdominal segment is actually the third abdominal segment. Some ovipositor extended (Vespa superfamily, Apoidea, mud Chalcidoidea fine Chalcidoidea ants superfamily) from the end of the abdomen, some stretched out (JI Chalcidoidea from the front end of the ventral abdomen, gall wasp superfamily, Chalcidoidea). Ovipositor base venomous venom may have to self-defense or host from anesthesia and antiseptic effect. Male genitalia is relatively simple.
  Bees and ants in the larval period is generally round or egg-shaped sausage. Symphyta purpose of larvae hair, chest three each endowed one pair, abdominal 9 or 10, starting from the second abdominal segment with 6 to 8 pairs of gastropods, no toe hook. Valve 9 to 10 pairs. The newly hatched larvae within the parasite often without the valve. Penetration through the skin to complete respiratory function. Late instar larvae with holes 9 right. Borer larvae live upon peeling gastropods disappeared, chest foot is also much degradation. Early instar larvae of the insect suborder slender shape and diverse. But subsequently were more consistent body of spherical to fusiform, with 12 to 13 links, body wall smooth or bristly and prickly feeling, no foot. Head underdeveloped, even retracted into the body. Larvae little activity by the worker bees (ant) feeding, or on behalf of the pro game reserves for food, or in camps inside and outside the body to send a parasitic life. No monocular. Antennae degradation, or disappear suddenly was feeling. At the end of the previous age, stomach backend occlusion, and hindgut is not the same, therefore, in the stomach before going to pupate before feces excreted, they called pupae. Some mature larvae spin silk cocoons, and some direct mail in and out of the body and its vicinity will be discharged pupae, then pupate early yellowish white, later becomes dark (dark brown), pupa is from pupae.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  hymenoptera,  alar frenum
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