civil work > Feedwater drainage engineering
No. 1
  Water Supply and Drainage is a very broad application of discipline, which is based on urban water delivery, water purification and protection and use of relevant theory and technology as the main research contents, and the city, urban construction, industrial production, environmental protection and people closely related to life an important subject.
  Business training objectives: The professional training with the city water supply works, drainage works, water works, flood control projects, water supply and drainage construction projects, industrial water supply and drainage projects, water pollution control programs and water conservation and other aspects of knowledge, in government departments, planning sector, economic management, environmental protection departments, design units, industrial and mining enterprises, research institutes, large secondary institutions and other involved in the planning, design, construction, management, education and research and development aspects of the work water supply and drainage engineering and technical personnel, senior project .
  Graduation destination: government agencies and scientific research, design, planning, education, manufacturing, construction, management and other enterprises engaged in water supply and drainage engineering and similar professional work, you can go to water plants, sewage treatment plant, the construction company to do engineering technician, you can to institute design drawings.
  Main disciplines: civil engineering, hydraulic engineering
  Main courses: mathematics, English, engineering mechanics, mechanics of materials, surveying, hydraulics, pumps and pumping stations, hydrology and hydrogeology, civil engineering foundation, electrical engineering, electrical construction, water works, drainage works, water works construction, water supply and drainage works, to the sewer system, water microbiology, general chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry
  The main practical aspects of teaching: metalworking, surveying practice, engineering drawing, pipeline installation training, computer applications and on labs, building water drainage course design, construction training, CAD drawing training, physical experiments, experimental mechanics, chemistry experiment , water quality analysis of experiments, curriculum design, knowledge, Graduation, Graduation Project (Thesis), are generally arranged 40 weeks.
  Main Experiment: hydraulic test, microbiological experiments, water treatment experiments (including coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection, aeration, air flotation, sludge and other experimental projects), etc.
  Period of the program: four years
  Degree: Bachelor of Engineering
  Similar professional: Environmental Engineering
  Graduate Orientation: municipal engineering, environmental engineering, environmental science
  _Set_ up institutions
  Tohoku Electric Power University
  Chang'an University, Xinjiang University (through the professional assessment), Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology University, Xi'an, Baoji University of Arts
  Beijing University of Beijing Construction Engineering College, Tianjin Institute of Urban Construction
  Hebei Institute of Architecture and Technology, Hebei University of Technology, Hebei University of Engineering, Hebei Institute of Architectural Engineering
  Taiyuan University of Technology Inner Mongolia University, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology
  Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Liaoning Technical University, Jilin Construction Engineering College
  Yangzhou University, East China Institute of Zhejiang University
  Fuzhou University, Anhui University of Architecture
  Qingdao University, Shandong Architecture University, Zhengzhou University
  Guilin University of Technology, Guangdong University of Technology, Dalian Fisheries College
  Shihezi University, Wuhan University Hohai University
  North China Water Conservancy and Hydropower College, Shenyang Architectural University Harbin Institute of Technology
  Suzhou, Nanjing University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan University of Technology
  Chongqing University, Air University, Nanchang, Nanchang University, Jiangxi University of Technology, East China Jiaotong University
  Lanzhou Jiaotong University (through the professional assessment) Harbin Engineering University, Jiangsu Institute of Petrochemical Technology
  Tsinghua University, Tongji University, Central South University of Technology
  Hefei University of Technology Wuhan University of Technology Hunan University, Changsha University of Science
  Yangtze University, Sichuan University, Jinan University
  Changchun Institute of Shandong Agricultural University
  Qinghai University, Shenyang University, Daqing Petroleum Institute
  Huaqiao University, Hunan City College, Wuhan Institute of Technology
  Gansu University of Technology Anhui University of Science and Technology, Zhejiang University School of West China University of Xiaogan
  Water Supply and Sewerage professional school rankings: 1 2 Tsinghua University, Tongji University, Harbin Institute of Technology 3 4 5 Chongqing University, Hunan University, Southeast University 6 7 8 Hohai University, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Sichuan University 10 9 11 Beijing Huazhong University of Science and Technology of Fuzhou University 13 12 University of Xi'an 14 Zhengzhou University, Nanjing University 16 15 University of Wuhan University of Technology Hefei University 18 17 University 19 University of Jinan, Kunming, Qingdao Institute of Technology built 20 21 22 Jiangsu Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Shenyang Institute of Technology built the Beijing Construction Engineering College 23 24 25 East China Jiaotong University Nanchang Guangdong University 27 26 University of Fushun Petroleum Institute, Yangtze University 29 28 30 Shandong, Anhui University Institute of Technology built
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