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·No. 1·guǎn lǐ·No. 3
·No. 4·No. 5·No. 6
·No. 7·No. 8·No. 9
·No. 10·No. 11·No. 12
·Chinese words to explain·Basic definition·Management development
·Management of advanced stage·What management·Four basic elements
·Management functions (management process):·The basic principles of management·Management, management, leadership
·Management philosophy·Content Management·Management purposes
·Management approach·Management process·The work of managers
·Management changes in the general definition and method of connotation and denotation·Perception management·Professional Master of Business Administration (MBA)
·Economic Wikipedia·Encyclopedia·No. 33
·English Expression·French Expression·Thesaurus
·Antonym·Related Phrases·Containing Phrases
·Classification details·More results...
No. 1
  ① for a job so smoothly: ~ financial 丨 ~ national issues.
   ② storage and cooking: ~ Book 丨 Park ~ Department.
   ③ care and restraint (or something): ~ offenders 丨 ~ animals.
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guǎn lǐ
  Chair or take a job
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No. 3
  Grandmother was the family organizer, all production matters assigned by her management. - "Memories of My Mother"
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No. 4
  Administered, keeping
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No. 5
  The business manage
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No. 6
  Management Warehouse
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No. 7
  Constraints; care
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No. 8
  Management Team
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No. 9
  Management of animals
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No. 10
  Food; governance. Ming Liu against "Jiao Hong Ji": "Apart from last year to listen back, see Help children apply for the pure home management services, is ready." "First moment of surprises" Volume 3: "days Kelian Jian, he's the son, this be put try to pay with his furniture, his young age ZHengNai, and you are a woman, can not support the portal, Xu had to manage with the women. "Qing Wei," Sheng-wu Ji "Juan Liu:" Recently the Western English Channel, claiming to manage five of India. " Wei Wei, "East" part IV of the second of four chapters: "Ma'am praise and said: 'management of our huge country, a day too many things'."
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No. 11
  Intervene, regardless. "Zai" the fourth one back: "If you wearies, closed management, I will layout the same wife."
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No. 12
  Bundles. Hong Shen, "after the robbery Peach" 13: "﹝ ﹞ management of a very strict school, away on Saturday, usually are not allowed to go home."
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Chinese words to explain
  ◎ Management guǎnlǐ
  (1) [have charge of; supervise; manage; administer; ad ministrate]: chair or responsible for a job
  Grandmother was the family organizer, all production matters assigned by her management. - "Memories of My Mother"
  (2) [run]: administered, keeping
  Manage the enterprise
  Warehouse Management
  (3) [control; take care of]: Constraints; care
  Management Team
  Management of animals
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Basic definition
  Management is the development, implementation, inspection and improvement. The enactment of a plan (or rules, norms, standards, regulations, etc.); the implementation is done according to plan, that is implemented; check is to perform the procedure or the results were compared with the program, summed up the experience, identify gaps; improved first to promote the lessons learned by examining will experience into long-term mechanism or new provisions; again is for the check to correct the problems identified, corrective, preventive measures to continuous improvement.
  Management is a management, rational, can be called with the management, organizational unit, _select_ed by a market economy, scientific, rational, optimal allocation of resources, economic factors, to organization and management of low input, high output of the purpose of business activities.
  Philosophical sense of the management (which is an abstract expression of a variety of management, is the essential meaning of a variety of management):
  Management is focused on people's mental and physical activities to achieve the desired purpose. Management not only in the adjustment of human relations, but also decide how to use on their own physical and mental, such as the morning exercise, then go to work, but before doing such work, then do take the means. No matter what, all need to focus on their mental and physical strength, or the purpose can not be completed
  Classification Management
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Management development
  Management activities associated with human evolution, the initial goal is to human reproduction. Matrilineal and patrilineal society was born. Modern industrialization, the birth of a very sophisticated version of management and management science.
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Management of advanced stage
  Is information management.
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What management
  The concept of logic that reflects the objective reality of the general, essential character, is defined as the connotation of the concept or the meaning of words made a brief and accurate description.
  Management is defined as composition of the basic content of the theory of management, clear definition of management is to understand management issues and research management minimum requirements.
  From the meaning, management is usually interpreted as a chair or responsible for a job. People in daily life is so understanding of management, usually it is in this sense the word go application management. However, since the concept of management into the human form, nearly every common labor from the human thinking management who will make some description of the phenomenon of management and general, and stubbornly maintain the correctness of this description, and even general uniqueness of human've never made the same definition for the management to understand.
  As the management concept itself has more meaning, it is not only the distinction between broad and narrow, but also because of the times, different social systems and professional, resulting in different interpretations and understanding. With the production of a higher level of society and expansion of the field of human knowledge, people management awareness and understanding of the phenomenon of the difference will be more apparent.
  Over the years, many Chinese and foreign scholars from different research perspective, the management made a different interpretation, however, when different scholars, the starting point for the study of management, so that, they are under the management of the definition of the term is different. So far, management has no single definition. Especially in this century, a variety of management school, due to the different theoretical perspectives, the interpretation of the concept of management is controversial. Management scholars is defined as "management", such as:
  ◎ 1 Taylor: "people know exactly what to do, and note that they use the best and most economical way to shop and go";
  ◎ 2 [U.S.] F. Taylor, "Principles of Scientific Management," and unite Press, January 1999 version 1 release translation Korean p. 104 Fayol: Management of all human tissue (whether family, business or government ) has an activity, such activity by the five elements: planning, organizing, directing. Coordination and control. Management is the implementation of planning, organizing, directing, coordination and control;
  ◎ 3 Fayol original, CAO first translation, "Industrial management and general management", unity Press, January 1999 release translated Korean version 1, p. 7 Koontz: Management is to design and maintain a good environment , people in groups in the efficient completion of established goals;
  ◎ 4 (U.S.), Harold Koontz / 海因茨韦里克, "Management" Economic Science Press, first edition in August 1998, p. 2 Little James Donnelly: Management is by a or more persons to coordinate other activities in order to receive the individual alone and not have the effect of the various activities carried out;
  ◎ 5 [United States] Little James Dobson, John Downer 利詹姆斯吉 Ivan, "the basis of management functions / behavior / model", January 1982 1st edition, p. 18, Peter Drucker: the final analysis, management is a practice, its essence is not "knowledge" and that "line", the validation is not logical, but in the results; its only authority is the achievement.
  ◎ 6 [U.S.] Peter Drucker, "Management of foreign economic management Masterpieces Series - Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices (on)," China Social Sciences Press, 1987, p. 7
  Management cited a lot of definition, the above are representative of several comprehensive analysis of the following different points of view, in general, they have insight, but also have shortcomings, but these definitions focus on the phenomenon from the management to describe the management itself, without revealing the nature of management. So, how to manage this complex concept of a more comprehensive and generally summarize it?
  Let the activities of management - like situation do first - under analysis. We know that management is an act, as the act, first act should be issued and bear, that is who is who do, and secondly, there should be purpose of the act, why. Therefore, the formation of a management activity, first of all have management body, it is clear who the management problems; second object must be managed, it is clear what managed objects or management problems; once again have a management purposes, that is why and the management.
  With these three elements to have the basic conditions for the formation of management activities. At the same time, we should expect that any management activities are not isolated events, it must be in a certain environment and conditions.
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Four basic elements
  The above analysis shows, any kind of management activities must be made by the following four basic elements, namely:
  Management body, to answer the question who should control;
  Management object, to answer the question of what management;
  Organizational purposes, to answer the question why the pipe;
  Organizational environment or conditions, under what circumstances the tube to answer the question.
  According to the management elements in the actual management activities and their role and status of contact between the internal logic, we can come from the general management of the general sense, that is generally:
  Organizational unit, through the choice of market economy, scientific, rational, optimal allocation of resources, economic factors, to organization and management of low input, high output purposes. This behavior is the management of the business.
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Management functions (management process):
  Management functions, refer to the function of management commitment. Now the most widely accepted is the management is divided into four basic functions:
  1. Plan: Plan is to determine the future development of organizational goals and achieve goals.
  2. Organization: obey the plan, and reflects the organization plans to complete the goals.
  3. Leadership: motivate employees to exert influence in order to facilitate the realization of organizational goals. Meanwhile, the leadership also means to create a shared culture and values ​​throughout the organization-wide communication with staff within the organization establish goals and encourage the staff and the desire to seek excellence . In addition, the leadership also includes all departments, functions of the agencies to work directly with managers to motivate employees.
  4. Control: supervise the activities of employees to determine whether the organization is moving in the target _set_ healthy development, and when necessary to take timely corrective measures.
  French management scholars Fayol initially proposed to the basic functions of management into planning, organizing, directing, coordination and control. Subsequently, scholars believe that the staffing, leadership, motivation, innovation is also a management function. Ho Tao Yi, "On the management function," based on business process management into the goal, planning, implementation, review feedback, control, adjust the six basic functions, coupled with manpower, organization, leadership's management of the three functions of systematic management is divided into nine functions.
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The basic principles of management
  Management of the basic principle is "less force, see more reactive" to the less investment of resources, cost, and achieved greater the exploits, the effect. Subdivided into four types: output unchanged, reduced expenditures; spending unchanged, output increased; expenditure reduction, output increased; spending increases, output increases more. This spending, including funds, manpower, time, material and energy consumption.
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Management, management, leadership
  In daily life, people tend to equate management with leadership, management and operation of the mix, in fact, operation, management, leadership and various aspects of these concepts are linked to each other not only interrelated, and mutually distinction between the concept intersection on each other, more significant differences, the following section, we will operate and management, leadership and management analysis of the two concepts in order to manage this more in-depth understanding of the concept.
  1, the operation and management
  Management is unique to the scope of the commodity economy is a function of commodity producers. Business is in the process of business activities, to achieve business goals seek a series of planned business activities. Such enterprises should engage in direct production activities, with the most cost-effective way to get out of commodity production, but also in the process of circulation activities, the most favorable conditions for the goods sold, to gain more profits, increased accumulation expand production scale, in order to obtain the most favorable conditions for commodity sales.
  Want to run a business, in addition to good management, but also internal and external according to the actual situation of the enterprise development direction, goals, and to study the approach to scientific research results into decision-making and practical action, try to obtain greater economic benefits, such is their business.
  To the general sense, both operating and management agreement, there are differences. The production process from their point of view, management is the product of social labor, and business is the product of the commodity economy; from their application point of view, management applies to all organizations, but only for business enterprises; from them to to achieve the purposes, management is to improve organizational efficiency, and improve value for money business Zeyi. From both the contents of the form view, Fayol that business, including the following:
  (1) technical activities (production, manufacturing, processing); (2) Business activities (buy, sell, exchange); (3) financial activities (mobilization and optimal use of capital); (4) security activities (protection of property and staff); (5) accounting activities (property inventory, balance sheet, costs, statistics, etc.); (6) management activities (planning, organizing, directing, coordination and control). Business function is to work hard to ensure the smooth functioning of these six functions, so that the resources of the enterprise into the largest business results.
  Management is not difficult to see from here to achieve this primary objective enterprises of all economic activity. From a business point of view, the management does not include business and management, including management. Business than the broader enterprise management, content is more complex at higher levels.
  2, management and leadership
  In modern society, the leadership of this phenomenon can be seen everywhere: each country can not do without the leadership of the ruling party and government agencies, enterprises can not do without, chairman, president and general manager and department managers at all levels of leadership of the leader, the army can not do without the leadership of officers at all levels, even in the informal organization, there is also a relative authority of the person leading the organization members.
  In real life, many people think that management and leadership is the same concept, no difference between them, it seems that the leadership process is the management process, there is no clear line between the two. In fact, the management and leadership are two different concepts, both connections and differences between the two.
  Management of the academic definition of leadership and there is no uniform understanding of the following is a representative view in recent years, rather:
  Fayol: "leadership" is to seek resources from all of the business interests to get as large as possible, and guide enterprises to achieve its objectives, is to ensure the successful completion of the six basic functions.
  "Management" is just one of these six functions, carried out by the leading guarantee. However, it occupies the top leadership role in that important position, even if the role of some purely managed.
  Management experts on the definition of leadership despite the different, but the substance is the same, all that is led under the leadership of the process of achieving organizational goals. The purpose of both management and leadership are to achieve organizational purposes, but the difference between the two is significant:
  First, the leadership and management do not fully belong to the same category
  Leadership is a management function, commonly referred to as leadership functions, but the management of other functions, do not fall leadership. Such as the organization's staff officers are engaged in the management of work, but not leadership. Management refers to management practices, and leadership of both management practices, including business behavior. For example, as a business meeting with the leader of an important figure in the negotiations, at some public events.
  Leadership and management areas contain some of both, there are some differences between each other, but in general the main leadership is the leadership of people, mainly dealing with relationships between people, especially the superior-subordinate relationship, this is a management activity The core problem; addition to the management of people outside, and managed objects include financial, material, management not only to deal with human relations, but also financial and material handling, things and people, the relationship between human and financial . Management leadership of the scope is much broader than that.
  Second, the difference between leadership and management, but closely related
  Leadership and management are two different level of behavior, but they are closely related and difficult separation. The focus of the leadership activities, make decisions, _set_ goals, planning, and formulate relevant policies, the departments and units in the region of the guidelines the way forward and so on, leading the overall development objective, focusing on well to win external environment; and management leadership to ensure the objectives _set_, focus on maintaining and strengthening the organization of the normal order
  Management is decision making.
  Management is people management, namely, control of human behavior.
  Management is through the work of others to achieve their (organizational) goals.
  Management is through the planning, organization, command and control of various processes to coordinate all resources to achieve the _set_ goals.
  Management is to achieve efficient use of resources and organizational goals to achieve high efficiency of the unified state.
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Management philosophy
  The company's core profit source is the company's knowledge; to establish and strengthen their core profit source of knowledge is the business process management. Core profit enterprise that is the source of knowledge lies in the hands of employees, then knowledge management is to support the enterprise employees to master knowledge.
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Content Management
  Many enterprise knowledge, the most important work to do to support the leadership of the "right" decision-making knowledge, support staff for the work to do "good" skills and knowledge, support staff for the work to do "fast" norms collaborative knowledge, and support staff Working knowledge of a culture of passion.
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Management purposes
  Is to establish and strengthen its core profit source, to seek corporate long-term, stable growth in profits;
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Management approach
  Knowledge discovery, excavation, extraction; knowledge of the precipitation, evaluation, optimization; knowledge of the trial, correction, conversion; knowledge sharing, dissemination, melt.
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Management process
  The most appropriate knowledge in the most appropriate time transfer to the most appropriate person. At each station to arrange for the practical ability of staff to the organization of work, especially in the work
  To meet practical, as the grass-roots leadership to unite the staff, the arrangements to do the work will be reasonable to deal with things, for the subordinate to be fair to each. Equity.
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The work of managers
  In modern society, most people on the management of value has nothing to doubt. However, the concept of the management but because different people from different angles and different. Representative has the following two viewpoints:
  (1) management as the art of dealing with people and things
  This view that management is an effective way to achieve the desired concrete results. This is inevitable in practice to design a workable solution, then, and art is needed to achieve a concrete result of the "know-how." So Barnard (C. I. BARNARD) that management should be an act of knowledge, namely, the art of the use of practical skills. This kind of art in medicine, engineering, music, or management, etc., are all human beings are the most creative pursuit of a factor. Those who simply rely on the book have been in practice in the diagnosis, relying solely on the formula in the project to design, or attempt to rely on principles recited in the actual management of people, almost ignore reality, and inevitably lead to failure. As the management of the object is "people" and "thing" for the center, who is the "crown of creation" (if not excessively so), their thoughts, behaviors, and psychological differences have thousands of people almost elusive. The morphology of various types and kinds of things change, and the complicated relationship between a variety of things, and countless permutations and combinations, it is impossible to observe everything, know everything. So the management is difficult to apply fixed rules to deal with ever-changing environment. Therefore, to stimulate enthusiasm for the work of organization members, brings together all the intelligence, to achieve the common goal of the organization must practice in the management of the superb art.
  (2) will be interpreted as a work management process, a method of work
  Management concept should not be single, but more than one. Management can be summarized as the following four basic concepts:
  (1) management as a method, a process, that their principle is science, and its use of art.
  (2) management is human-centered, the focus is to establish a division of labor, and harmonious interpersonal relationships.
  (3) management of the object is something that is fully utilized, changes in a variety of resources to meet human material and spiritual needs.
  (4) management objective is to strike the highest efficiency.
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Management changes in the general definition and method of connotation and denotation
  Qualifications and capabilities have Diaokong members of society to exercise a dominant identity of the subject's control, making specific objects from the object in the function of the level of value in the state to the other members of society required or expected level of convergence process.
  Specific explanation is as follows:
  Management is involved in at least three different levels of complex systems, namely the management function of the existence and value of the object level, the management of the relationship between the elements and process level, and management of the dialectical law of the whole system level.
  Management is a control process, which is almost all the textbooks no objection to its particularity is that it is subject to the object implementation of the control process is dialectical, a living process, if it is made of machinery, rigid, dogmatic command or operation process can be called operation. Interaction between subject and object management process in line with the three laws of dialectics. Law of Opposites mainly between the main object of division and unity of opposites. In human operation is the subject of human is the object in the training process; machine as a production tool is object, as a management tool (such as the punch card machine) is the main part. Management process controls the main role of the dominant, but the principal object of the reaction can not be ignored, if the principal's actions violated the object exists, the objective laws of motion is bound to lead to management failure. Mutual change of quality law mainly in the amount of any change in the level of other aspects of it, according to a qualitative significance. High-level changes on the lower floors can be very concerned about, you can also turn a deaf ear; lower on the high-level changes can be immediate response, you can also have a policy, there are countermeasures. Double negation law mainly in management is a never-ending process, the cycle track along the spiral can only rise.
  "Members of society", "ability" and "qualification" is the main constraint on the item. Management is the human-specific social behavior, the subject must be a member of society, compared to the automatic control of both the process of the machine, or the orderly conduct animal populations can not be called management. Requirements management process must be owned some of their main qualification and ability, this qualification is granted or acquiescence of other members of society, rather than present themselves, while the regulatory capacity of the main body of study and training must be available; In contrast, extensive, the organization of undocumented posts naive, outsider control experts, beyond the terms of such phenomena can only be described as an act.
  "Specific objects" is a key constraint on the object, any management process is a dialectical whole, but the specific process, the main object is clear, if not explicitly control what management is out of the question was.
  "Leadership" is a key constraint on the control of the process. Object as a system, the impact from all sides, but the main influence on his dominant position must be occupied and adequate response by the object; if the state of the object more by other factors, then can not be called management; such as medical, sports, war and other processes.
  "State" is a constraint on the control of the content item, object presence and movement of form, function and value into the status and characteristics of two aspects, which means the state can be controlled by management, and management tools feature can not make it happen change. For example, in the management of personnel, we can change its position, knowledge, skills and other state, but can not change their gender, age and other features. Similarly, equipment failure, normal state, but the reliability, technical indicators are designed to give the characteristics of the production process, who can not repair the Alto into the Audi.
  "Other members of the community required or desired level" is to manage the effects of the first constraint item. Including general requirements such as high efficiency, high reliability, high security, low cost. Special requirements such as personalized decoration, decoration and so on. Requirements such as public laws and regulations, ethics, etc., such a request from the other members of society and should therefore be referred to as management basis. When the other members of society the results of a similar process does not require or expect, you can not as management, such as artistic creation, basic scientific research, although they are subject to the object of the control process.
  "Convergence" is the management effectiveness of the second constraint term, its meaning refers to the management of the main management objectives must be established to clarify the basis to meet the management level. Laws and regulations, according to objective laws of social or other coercive power of nature, therefore management objectives must fully meet these requirements. In addition to the requirements of only a qualitative basis, the subject should be appropriate to develop quantitative goals. The conflict has not yet agreed to and the external requirements (eg quality and speed, safety and convenience), the body must be under the principle of choice in determining the development of specific goals. In short, the management of all of the results may not meet the external requirements or expectations, but should be in the general direction of their convergence or evolution.
  This definition includes the management of the subject, object, basic elements of control, and implied by the main constraints within the organization, leadership, responsibility, the object environment, management's objectives and other elements. At the same time easy to derive the definition of specific management, such as traffic management: "Traffic authorities to exercise a dominant identity of the subject of control, making use of road traffic participants, the behavior of vehicles and other transportation resources required to other members of society or the expected safety and convenient effect of convergence process. " Teaching Management: "the identity of the main training institutions to exercise a dominant control, making the trainees the knowledge, skills to parents, the employer required or expected level of improvement process."
  As a special case, we analyze the process of crime control within the Group whether as management. Formally, they are organized, leadership, objectives, control processes of various factors such as management, in essence, they never have a regulation against the object of qualification, in the form of management is to improve the efficiency of crime. From this special case can further understand the features to manage their own dialectic.
  Management guru
  Father of General Management Fayol
  The father of scientific management, Frederick Winslow Taylor (Frederick Winslow Taylor ,1856-1915)
  Father of Organization Theory: Max Weber (Max Weber)
  The founder of Behavioral Sciences: George Elton Mayo (George Elton Mayo)
  Chester Barnard (Chester I. Barnard ,1886-1961)
  Douglas McGregor (Douglas M · Mc Gregor, 1906 ~ 1964)
  Management theory of human nature master Abraham Harold Maslow (Abraham Harold Maslow 1908.04.01-1970.06.08)
  Shuttle Ranger in the management of the jungle: Harold Koontz (Harold Koontz)
  The father of modern management: Peter Drucker (Peter F. Drucker)
  Two-factor theory of contingency management thought Frey, founder of Delphi Chandler (Fred E. Fiedler)
  Herbert Simon (Herbent Simon): Economic Organization Decision Management guru
  Frederick Herzberg (Frederick Herzberg, 1923 years -)
  Warren Bennis (Warren G. Bennis): the art of leadership coach, organizational development theory founder
  The father of modern marketing: Philip Kotler (Philip Kotler)
  Practice Management guru Charles Handy (Charles Handy)
  Manager role theory master Henry Mintzberg (Henry Mintzberg)
  Tom. Peters (Tom Peters); the world one of the most famous management guru, business pope, management, leaders of the leaders, after the father of the modern enterprise
  John Kotter (John P. Kotter): Father of Leading Change
  Father of Competitive Strategy: Michael Porter (Michael Porter)
  Peter Senge (Peter M. Senge): the father of a learning organization, the new management of the most outstanding masters of
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Perception management
  The world's most successful people must be the most savvy people!
  Studies rich five vehicles, as one of life's enlightenment!
  Wu Tung world! Realized the world!
  Ji Shiying
  First villagers Zhongguancun, the Chinese vice chairman of private science and technology entrepreneurs, venture Beijing Century Yingcai Training College.
  Suffering from a pool of young farmers to the dean of Chinese science and technology Yan Jici's close disciples, from among the Chinese Academy of Sciences to join the sea temple founded the first private technology enterprises in Beijing, a "Zhongguancun Founder" and "First Zhongguancun Village" and then Institute founder of the first run, the first university and the first private entrepreneur Technology Park ... ...
  His unique and legendary experience, walk in the scientific community, business, education of his careful and pragmatic _set_ of scientists, entrepreneurs, wisdom and tolerance, educator of the mind and vision in one, highly praised the media and the business community support.
  Cross-flow sea for decades, the number of peers veteran pathbreaker have sink like a stone, and he survived, the Zhongguancun high-profile endorsements, ask what the odds of life? He bluntly: Learning rich five vehicles, as one of life's enlightenment!
  Ji Shiying say?
  What is the perception in the end?
  How savvy and business management of the relationship?
  Understanding how to determine a person's success or failure?
  How to enlightenment through the world, realized the world?
  Wu's three-level, seven elements, ten stage
  "Perception management" exciting content
  Mastery is not understanding, can not make a big deal!
  Understanding of human nature, understanding the personality, you will be invincible!
  Lee made the world, "Lee" is the link between the lever and also bomb!
  Desire understanding mechanisms and principles of management of the interests of the original!
  Life is not a moment Wu, Wu incident, but Wu-life, every enlightened.
  For entrepreneurs, money is not the most important, understanding is the most important!
  Every life choice is correct, depends on your understanding!
  Classic Case
  Success and understanding of Mao Zedong
  Merchants of doing business and understanding
  Zhongguancun "Four Wangs" business story and the perception
  For the crowd
  Chairman, President, Enterprise Management
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Professional Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  MBA full-called Master of Business Administration, or MBA, is derived from the United States, a senior professional managers specialized training of professional master's degree.
  As a professional MBA degree, graduate students and the general be different.
  Different points:
  First is to develop different goals:
  MBA is to train competent administrative department of business and economic needs of senior management of the pragmatic type, complex type, and applied high-level management personnel, while the other is to train graduate students with a solid theoretical foundation and strong research and teaching capabilities of high-level Scientific Research and teaching personnel;
  Second is to develop different targets:
  MBA enrollment target is generally college graduates, with more than three years practical experience in the work of state organs and institutions of cadres and business managers and technical personnel, and other graduate students can enroll graduates can also enroll in-service personnel;
  The third is to develop in different ways:
  MBA education in essence is a kind of vocational training, with particular emphasis on master modern management theory and methods, based on the business case through the analysis of actual observation, analysis and decision-making skills training students in practical skills to enable students to acquire knowledge and skills, personality and psychology, goals and aspirations of other challenges, but also the strength to compete with professional, while other students will focus on theoretical studies and academic research.
  The same point:
  Must participate in the national unified entrance examination, admission line designated by the national unity of admission; after obtaining the enrollment standards by formal teaching management students; do thesis and get through post-graduate thesis.
  Time Management:
  GTD is the most advanced time management. GTD philosophy: GTD the core idea is that only will you want to make all things are written down and arranged the next step of the plan, you can not miss the heart, go all out to make the present work, improve efficiency.
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Economic Wikipedia
  Management (or float) Price: Terms specific to certain types of prices. Accordance with relevant regulations, such price within a certain period of time, in several transactions to remain unchanged.
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  To make full use of various resources to achieve certain goals or part of the community to impose a control. Management, with the development of production and social life needs to develop. A place where group activities are to be managed. As early as before the advent of commodity exchange, there is production management. Custody of the individual producers of materials, tools, maintenance, operation order, and product testing, which have their own tricks, which is the prototype of production management. With the production of increasingly fine division of labor, management is increasingly important. The advent of capitalist enterprises, the management as an effective organization of collective labor of the professional work. Social management in the human population lives begin to appear. State produced, appeared in State administration, and later developed into administration. The administration of the modern state is much more complex than the production management. Generally speaking, the social management, subject to national traditions, customs, political systems and economic development and constraints. Management in conjunction with national conditions, it is impossible to have a unified model. But management also had their common regularity, which is management science.
  People's views on the management by the impact of social progress and scientific thought, inspired, fully reflects the times. From the beginning of the 20th century, management thought to experienced 4 major evolution. From the standardized management (10 to 20 years), statistical management (30 ~ 40 years), logistics management (50 to 60 years) developed to the systematic management (70 ~ 80 years). The complexity of modern large-scale production management and integrity, clearly showing the importance of management. Management has become the rational use of various resources and get the key to the best overall efficiency. Management to promote a variety of large-scale production is widely used in modern science and technology management.
  (Zheng Dazhong)
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No. 33
  似大山雀。沙哑的颤鸣;尖叫声si-si-si;tee cher;tsee tsee-chi chi chi;咬舌音witch-a-witch-a-witch-a。鸣声为重复的清脆三音节主调chee-chee-piu
  沼泽山雀(Parus palustris),俗称红子、泥泽山雀。沼泽山雀体长约12厘米。体形比常见的白脸山雀(大山雀)稍小,头顶黑色,头侧白色,上体砂灰褐色,下体灰白色,颏喉黑而肋沾棕灰色。
  1、鸟的选择 北方笼鸟,南方很少饲养.头顶黑,头侧白;上体褐灰,下体灰白;是一种小型山雀。它那细柔婉转、多变的鸣叫,仔细琢磨十分有趣,令人陶醉。叫口有唧唧棍、汲汲水、伊得水、呛呛水,旗格呛等。在鸟市上选购时,除了解产地外,还应注意鸟的健康情况,是否真正认食等。
  2、笼的特点 方笼、圆笼都有,大小也不一。比较讲究的是似黄雀笼的封底圆竹笼,只是条间距要小(l厘米),除食、水罐各两个外,还有一软食缸(食抹)。
  3、饲料和喂法 平时可喂黄雀的粉料搓鸡蛋黄(约占1/5),常给些昆虫幼虫、叶菜和水果。夏季是换羽期,宜捕蝉剪开喂,喂蝉蜕粉有助于换羽和羽毛的生长。
English Expression
  1. :  administer,  regulate,  supervise,  admimistration
  2. n.:  politics,  board,  regiment,  regulation,  rule,  stewardship,  superintendence,  supervisal,  supervision,  in control,  administrative ability,  under the care of,  in the charge of sb.,  under the conduct of,  keep a tight hand on sb.,  have charge of,  ad ministrate,  take care of,  guidance,  regulating or being regulated,  management, maintenance or operation,  superintending,  intendance,  engineering,  penology,  governance,  charge,  hand
French Expression
  1. v.  gérer, administrer
conduct, preserve, preserve, Administration, management of public or business affairs, control, guide, Preside, order, avert cost, conservation, cause, dominate, dominate (, enterprise campaign, participation in projects, ascendancy, dominate, hole, refuge, to lead, for the sake of, authority, conscientious, officiate, regime, preside, refuge, regime, method or system of government, reign, reign, liability, Hidden, sheer
administer, consul, election
restraint, restrict complication, limiting factor, restrict, buildup, build, build, direct, henpeck, avert, supervise, advice, lead, aiming, leadership, limitations, condition, fact or circumstance that limits, preserve, restrain, contain, restrain, provisory clause allot, guidance, leading, suppress
care, custody, administrate, at one's disposal, clutch, have at one's disposal, conquer, overcome, perception, appreciate, apprehension, manage
standard, adjust, criterion, genuine, regulate, compensator, normal, habitus, legitimacy, validity, in this way
absorption, intension, Comfort God will, to concentrate or focus one's attention, thought, or efforts, Bent on a total, recruit, flick out, endeavor, employment, dinkum, charge, operate, behave, gainful, issue, matter to be dealt with, doubt, Obligation, duties, go all out in work, strive, battle, combat, battle, combat, scuffle, support, abet, boost, sponsor, feeding, uphold, withstand, bearing, sustain, sympathize, acceptance, commiserate, suffer T-you for nothing., bear, task, aporia, essay, handful, grasp, hold, bite, entrust, for one's own use, esp without permission or illegally, duration
humanize, influence, effect, circulate, acquaint, campaign, proceeding, theft, thing done, pastime, specific thing or things done, activate, activity, ebullition, activity, animation, recreation, thing that makes time pass pleasantly, face to face, be, Consequences, effect, final, Entertainment, things done or being done, phoenix effect, entertainment, entertainment, entertain guest at a banquet, person, thing, belief, etc with such strength or power, arise, pursue, arise, sway, approach, campaign, ambulate, event, order, competition, compete, control over others, rope, completed in order to achieve sth, mediate, be the same `thing not be different, the `scheme of things the way things are or are planned, be full of life and wit, doctrine employment, professor, edify, teaching, option, feast, tutor, agency, work out
East Look Seibo, inconsistent, Two or three of its sections, Two or three of its operation, Disloyalty 2 views
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