knowledge > science and technology
  Is generally believed that high technology is a talent-intensive, knowledge-intensive, technology-intensive, capital-intensive, risk-intensive, information-intensive, industry-intensive, competitive and strong penetration, development and progress of human society has a major impact on the cutting edge of science and technology. This will be a key factor in promoting the development of industries.
  "Science and Technology" in the academic literature to explain
  1, but learned that, as yet, no one's definition of a science and technology is recognized as the world, to science and technology and strength, combined with the progress and contribution to the problem even more complicated. To discuss the meaning of science and technology had not Theme of this article, but we can not avoid talking about
  2, science and technology are two different concepts there is a clear distinction between them there are close links often collectively referred to as "science and technology". ● differences and relations 1. Different concept
  3, from the broad perspective, where science and technology, natural science and technology and society is the sum of science and technology, where productivity refers to the material productive forces, productive human beings the spirit of productivity and the general productivity of an integrated composition of
  4, while science and technology refers to the natural sciences and engineering, does not include the social sciences. In addition, I also added a few blog issues for discussion with colleagues .1 Continuation of previous blog how to better link
  5,1 The concept of hospital modernization modernization (Modernization) in science and technology is the installation of technologically advanced machinery to replace old machines. Modernization is different from using a new machine to replace a similar set of old machines, because the superiority of modern equipment is technological progress, not simply old and new problems
  6, science and technology is the development of science and its results in the production practice in the field of application. World War II, scientific and technological advances accelerate the development of society into a strong force. With science and technology in the rapid development worldwide, science and technology's role in social development is increasingly clear
  7, science and technology is the means of production technology on the natural and social sciences are generally not included.'s Experience with the classical model of the network model has more than filtering capabilities in dealing with noise or sparse data, stronger than the empirical model
  8, science and technology (mainly natural science) is the primary productive force, is the development of science and technology on productivity in terms of importance. Science and technology are used in production through practice, to promote and facilitate the development of productive forces
  9, however, some people think that in our country today, science and technology is natural science, when science and technology relations and social sciences, science and technology, whether to include social science Wen Ti, Chuang Ren Shi Yi Zhi Shang Huan entirely, or even whether it was also Huaiyi Social Sciences is science, whether it is productive
  10, we believe that science and technology are primary productive forces, an important conclusion, which means the science and technology, science and technology, but overall, that is both natural sciences, engineering technology, including management science and the humanities and social sciences complete system
  11, master of science and technology is human, understanding and application of the actual capacity of the objective laws of nature. Scientific and technological achievements is that the current level of practical ability. As the level of technology is the application of objective laws of human understanding and the extent of taking a step forward so that each level is a scientific and technological achievements
  12, No. 3, science and technology (mainly refers to work with files directly related to information technology) a decisive influence on the archival work. Mainly in two aspects: First, science and technology to create tools, files, tool technology to create vector files, keeping and management tool, messaging tools, and thus affect the file mode of work, social relations and status
  13, and "Science" and "technology" Lian Yong, known as the "scientific technology", refers to the means of the natural sciences and technology in terms of production, Yi Ban Bu Baokuo social sciences. This Qiyebingbu always stock companies or private companies They can be cooperative or state-owned entities
  14, Science, and Technology, today the term normally used, called the Science and Technology, which includes basic sciences (pure science) and the applied science of two parts, it is well known. In the general sense, the former represents the epistemological value of science and technology, cultural values, educational values
  15, in which several categories of basic science and basic technology has been very clear, including the natural sciences and technology and social science and technology, science and technology which includes hard and soft technologies and collectively referred to as science and technology. Of course, referring to the scientific concept of people's traditional technology is primarily hard science and technology (such as mechanical and physical chemical and biological technology, etc.)
  16, is the science and technology development trend of integration, people of science and technology referred to as Science and Technology. But as a unity of science and technology both in science and technology is also one of purpose and unity of contradictions in the laws of nature
  17, science and technology (mainly refers to the technology) is the previous large development, productivity and social pillar is the first and fundamental meaning of the revolutionary forces. "Science and technology are primary productive forces" (P274) Deng Xiaoping's thesis for the first time exactly that science and technology in productivity and social development in a leading role and importance
  18, although both will be used to collectively as the "Science and Technology", but it should be clear that this is a parallel phrase. As the science and technologies, corresponding to different ways of management
  19, while the technology is the use of science in the production, so in modern times after the industrial revolution, science and technology and the integration of truly known as the "science and technology." Science and technology are no national boundaries, has a universal significance beyond the geographical limitations or quasi-universal effect: The Practical Application of science and technology inevitably require constant change of social production and the overall flow of the members of society to guide globalization
  20, I wrote an article advocating the use of the 11 subjects our door known as the "science and technology." Relationships in this group, the Natural Science Department, further summarized into a Science class (Science), Engineering and Technology on the basis of status, Engineering technology is its application
  21, we often referred to as "Science and Technology", or the "Natural Science." Universities to set all these disciplines is called "science and engineering." In fact, most of our current science and only science and engineering university Engineering, not including agricultural or medical
  ● popular understanding is that the industrialization of high technology must be able to develop the industrial scale, and high-tech without Borders, the global high-tech industries need to jointly deal with the fate of mankind.
  ● high-tech "high" is relative to that of conventional and traditional technologies, so it is not a static concept, but with a historical development, dynamic in nature. Today's high-tech, will become tomorrow's conventional technology and conventional technology. It was estimated that today people use the skills and knowledge 60 years after the 50-only 1%, 99% will be out of date.
  ● From the perspective of the development countries in the world of high technology, high-tech is not a single technology, but science, technology, engineering, cutting-edge new technology group. The group's various components interact and complement each other and promote each other. Also, because technology is to link high-tech industry, so it is science, technology, production integrated production system, and the great efforts by the market.
  ● In addition, the high-tech science and technology are different from the general sense, the so-called "accumulation of experience." It is not what the experience accumulated, but on a scientific invention or discovery arising technology.
  ● high-tech is not mysterious, high-tech actually on your side. High-tech people-oriented, high technology is a manifestation of human intelligence. The blowing of high-tech wave, changing people in all areas of social life, but also the impact of this, shook everyone's heart. High concern for everyone, everyone concerned about the high-tech.
  (A) technology, etymology
  1. Science
  "Science" is the English word "Science" translated foreign terms. Qing Dynasty, "Science" was translated as "Gezhi." Meiji Restoration, Japan scholars "Science" translated as "science." Kang first the Japanese words "science" directly into Chinese. Yan Fu translated "Evolution and Ethics" and "Yuan Fu," two books, they put "Science" translated as "science" in China since the early 20th century popular.
  2. Technology
  "Technology" Greek root word is "Tech", intended to refer to individual skills or skill. Earlier, that the individual skills, techniques, production methods and family recipes from generation to generation, the latter with the constant development of science and technology covering power greatly enhanced.
  (B) the meaning of science and technology
  1. The traditional view that science is the accumulation of human nature, society, thinking of knowledge.
  2. We call "science" means the study of natural phenomena and the laws of natural science; technology refers to the production of practical experience under the Principles of Natural Sciences, for a practical purpose cooperative composed of a variety of tools, equipment, technical and technological system , but does not include the appropriate technology and social science content.
  3. Science and Technology is a dialectical unity, technical issues raised, the scientific issues completed, science is found that the technical and theoretical guidance; technology is the invention of the practical application of science.
  (C) the relationship between technology and social production
  The history of human civilization, but also the production and history of the development of science and technology. Science and technology of production decisions from the start. Social production continued to open up new areas of science and technology, put forward a new study. Technology is the product of the development of social production, in turn, it also promoted the development of social production.
  ● concepts of science and technology
  Science is science and technology for short. Science is a long history of understanding and changing the world in the process of accumulated knowledge to understand the world of things. Technology is the production of human experience and applied according to scientific principles and developed into a variety of craft skills, and physical and chemical methods of operation and a variety of means of production materials, and equipment.
  Science and technology are primary productive forces!
  The term science and technology, including the two concepts in science and technology, Although they belong to different areas, yet their mutual penetration, complement each other, are inextricably linked. Science and technology between the different but related. Science is the technical and theoretical guidance, technology is a scientific theory, research and development combined with actual production data obtained in the new methods, new materials, new techniques, new varieties, new products, technology is the practical application of science, science and production of intermediary, not technical, scientific production is no practical significance. Science and technology have a huge reaction, in the technology development process of the emergence of new phenomena and new questions, we can extend the field of scientific research, technology can provide the necessary scientific equipment. Modern science and technology, effectively promoted the capitalist machine industry and the development of socialized mass production, Marx explicitly put forward the "science and technology are productive forces" point of view, science and technology on its production and development is concerned. Is a social activity, is determined by the production; on the contents of properties, the production of science and technology is a practical experience and social awareness of the crystal, its actual function, the knowledge of science and technology is characterized by morphological "General social productive forces" and "direct productivity."
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  Science and technology are primary productive force. Looking at all times, every human society, progress, accompanied by scientific and technological progress. In particular, the rapid progress of modern science and technology for the development of social productive forces and the human civilization to open up a wider space, a powerful impetus to economic and social development. China's computer, communication, biological medicine, new materials, the rapid growth of high-tech enterprises, greatly improve the level of China's industrial technology and promote industrial, agricultural labor productivity increased significantly, a strong impetus to the entire national economy . Practice has proved that high-tech and industry has become the leading industry of contemporary economic development.
  Science and technology are a sign of human civilization. Scientific and technological progress and diffusion, to provide mankind with a radio, television, film, video, Internet and other new means of dissemination of ideas and culture so that the carrier of a new spiritual civilization. At the same time, it will enrich people's spiritual life, update people's thinking, superstition and so important.
  Scientific and technological progress has created a huge human material and spiritual wealth. With the era of knowledge economy, science and technology development and its infinite and endless creativity, will also continue to make more significant human contribution to civilization.
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  ● modern technology
  Human knowledge will be greatly increased, and today we think of the new invention will be seen on. I sometimes almost sorry I was born too soon, can not know something will happen.
  - Benjamin Franklin
  Communication technology like the angel of reality and the future, and guide people continue to open up space for the development direction of the dynamic new world.
  Information technology as the center of contemporary scientific and technological revolution in the rise of the global boom, marked man from the industrial society to information society, a historic leap. Information technology, including microelectronics, optoelectronics, computer technology, communication technology, imaging technology, display technology. Since the 90s since the 20th century, information technology to digital, high-speed, networked, integrated and intelligent rapidly. Its rapid development and wide application of high-tech fields to guide the many changes, forming a magnificent picture of science and technology innovation.
  ● Life Sciences
  Modern life science and technology, in the 20th century was an unprecedented development, especially DNA double helix discovery and the implementation of the Human Genome Project, but also makes the life science and technology into the mainstream of 21st century high-tech. As the life science and technology can reveal the secrets of biological and genetic structure, for the promotion of population and health, agricultural technology, environment, food and chemical industries have a major role in the development of the field, which has broad prospects for development.
  ● Space Science
  Space technology is a developing level National Science and important sign, development and application of space technology has become the world's Ge Guo Xian Daihua An Important Means.
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Leading scientists and their contributions
  Isaac Newton (1642-1727) British scientist and the founder of modern physics, Newton's third law of universal gravitation and so far-reaching discovery.
  Werner von Siemens (1816-1892) German engineer, entrepreneur; motors, generators, trams and the compass-style telegraph inventor, improvements over submarine cables, make open-hearth steel-making method, revolutionized refining Steel Technology, Siemens, founder.
  约瑟夫约翰 Thomson (1856-1940) British physicist. 1897 found the first physical structure of an electronic elementary particles.
  Fulton (1765-1815) American inventor. 1807, Fulton made of steam steamboat.
  卡尔弗里特 Liqi Benz (1844 a 1929) German engineers. In 1868, a three-wheeled internal combustion engine made of the world's first car.
  Volta (1745-1829) Italian physicist. In 1800, he made Voltaic pile, Volta invented the battery soon to make people the first time a stable and continuous current.
  Niekau Ross Augustus Otto (1832 a 1891) German engineers. 1876, made the first four-stroke cycle gas engine. To cars and the subsequent advent of air possible.
  Daimler (1834 1900) German mechanical engineer. In 1883 made the first gasoline engine, in 1886 it made a world's first four-wheeled internal combustion engine vehicle.
  塔尔科特帕 Vincennes (1854-1931) British inventor. 1884 made the first multi-stage reaction turbine.
  Rudolf Diesel (1858-1913) German engineers. 1897 built the first diesel engine.
  Bessemer (1813-1898) British engineer. 1856 invention of converter steelmaking method.
  Thomas Edison (1847-1931) American inventor. 1300 inventions to complete his life, had a tremendous impact on mankind. In 1897, he successfully developed the incandescent lamp.
  Morse (1791-1872) American inventor. In 1837, invention of the telegraph machine, May 24, 1844, making the world's first telegram sent.
  Alexander Bell (1847-1922) American inventor. 1876 invented the telephone.
  伽利尔摩马 Marconi (1874-1937) Italian engineers. 1895 invention of wireless telegraphy. March 28, 1899, he successfully achieved radio.
  Alfred Bernhard Nobel (1833-1896) Swedish chemist, engineer and industrialist. In 1866, Nobel made the security of explosives, and to create a Nobel Prize.
  Max Planck (1858.4.23.-1947.10.3.) German physicist, pioneer and founder of quantum physics, 1918 Nobel Prize winner. Thus ended the domination of classical physics.
  Albert Einstein (Albert Einstein, 1879 年 3 月 14 日 -1,955 on April 18) world-famous German-American scientists, for the Jews, the pioneers and founders of modern physics, relativity, "quality can relations, "the author, the" Decision on the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics "of the defenders (vibration of the particle) - God does not play dice.
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Social role
  Science and technology are some of the social environment in the emergence and development, but also on the social development impact and role. Economic, military, political and social progress, and several other terms, its role is to:
  (1), the driving force behind economic development. At present, China's labor productivity is only developed 1 / 40. Once transformed into productive forces of science and technology will greatly increase productivity, promote the rapid development of the economy, their role much more than capital, labor, the role of economic change.
  (2), military combat. Today's world, peace and development are the themes of the times. But the "Cold War" mentality still exists, hegemony and power politics remain a threat to world peace and stability in the main source. Technological power has become a common choice for a modern state.
  (3), political influence. The level of modern science and technology has become an international political struggle in a chip and a symbol of great power status. Deng Xiaoping once pointed out: "If the 60 years since China has no atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb, did not launch satellites, China would not be called a major influence, the country would not now such an international position."
  (4) the driving force of social progress. Science and technology to develop the productive forces created a highly developed material civilization, but the improper use of science and technology, but also triggered a worldwide environmental problems.
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English Expression
  1. :  Kexue Technology
  2. n.:  science and technology
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