vegetation : tracheophyte > spermatophyte
  Formerly known as "flowering plants" or "flowering plants." Plant kingdom's most senior groups. Propagation to produce seeds. Gymnosperms and angiosperms divided into two categories.
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  Seed plant spermatophyte (s) is the highest plant kingdom such groups. Therefore, the seed plants have two basic characteristics: (1) vascular tissue in vivo with - the phloem and xylem; (2) to produce seeds and reproduce by seed. Seed plants can be divided into gymnosperms and angiosperms. Gymnosperms naked seeds, the outer bag is not fruit. Angiosperm seed is the outer layer of a fruit bag.
  Seeds and pollen tube emergence is closely related to the production of sperm to the egg next to it, so that this very important aspect of fertilization, and no longer the environment - water restrictions. Their sporophytes developed, highly differentiated, and dominant; contrary gametophyte is extremely simplified sporophyte can not leave to live separately. Seed originated in the seed fern present in gymnosperms, the most primitive fossil seed fern plants found in the Devonian strata. Seed plants and ferns with a generational change.
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No. 3
  Seed plant spermatophyte (s) is the highest plant kingdom such groups. All seed plants have two basic characteristics: (1) there are vascular tissue in vivo - phloem and xylem; (2) to produce seeds and reproduce by seed. Seed plants can be divided into gymnosperms and angiosperms. Gymnosperms naked seeds, the outer bag is not fruit. Angiosperm seed is the outer layer of a fruit bag.
  Seeds and pollen tube emergence is closely related to the production of sperm to the egg next to it, so that this very important aspect of fertilization, and no longer the environment - water restrictions. Their sporophytes developed, highly differentiated, and dominant; contrary gametophyte is extremely simplified sporophyte can not leave to live separately. Seed originated in the seed fern present in gymnosperms, the most primitive fossil seed fern plants found in the Devonian strata. Seed plants and ferns with a generational change.
  Seed (seed)
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English Expression
  1. :  seed plant
  2. n.:  spermatophyte
spermatophyta, phanerogames, phanerogam
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ExpandTaxaceaeExpandAsclepiadaceaeExpandPrinsepia Royle
ExpandgymnospermsExpandRhododendronExpandrehderodendron hu
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Expandvictoria lindl.ExpandPolytrias Hack.Expandpegaeophyton hayek et hand.-mazz.
ExpandEnneapogon Desv. ex Beauv.ExpandGigantochloa Kurz ex MunroExpandSpartina Schreb. ex J. F. Gmel.
ExpandChimonobambusaExpandPleioblastusExpandaglaia lour.
ExpandPseudosasa Makino ex NakaiExpandhuodendron rehd.ExpandSober and calm Flowers are
Expandholarrhena r. br.Expandmikania willd.Expandoligochaeta c. koch
Expandsmelowskia c. a. mey.ExpandMorinaExpandsebaea soland ex r. br.
ExpandPsammochloa Hitchc.ExpandQiongzhuea Hsueh et YiExpandShibataea
ExpandStipa Linn.ExpandHyptisExpandLavandula
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