psychics : sociology > social psychology
Definition of social psychology
  Social psychology is the study of social and psychological phenomena of individual and group psychology branch. Individual social psychological phenomenon that is subject to the constraints of individuals and groups of others thoughts, feelings and behaviors, such as interpersonal perception, interpersonal attraction, social promotion and social inhibition, obedience and so on. Social psychological phenomenon refers to the population groups own unique psychological characteristics, such as group cohesion, social and psychological atmosphere, group decision-making.
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Disciplinary nature
  Social psychology is an interdisciplinary between psychology and sociology, influenced from both disciplines. Within social psychology out_set_ that there are two different theoretical perspectives research directions, namely psychology, social psychology, social psychology and sociology direction of the so-called direction. In the interpretation of social and psychological phenomena different theoretical perspectives, does not prevent social psychology as an independent discipline should have the basic characteristics.
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Difference between ordinary psychology and social psychology
  In general, the general relationship between general psychology research between subject and object, the object including natural objects and social objects. Social psychology research is mainly a special relationship between the subject and the social object, namely the relationship between human beings, and between groups; law can be applied to general psychology social psychology, social psychology and social object of study subjects the relationship between the law received, you can enrich general psychology; General Psychology traditionally focused on the study of the relationship between individuals, between individuals and objects, and social psychology is focused on the research groups of individuals, groups, people with people, relationship between people and groups.
  The relationship between social psychology and personality psychology is more intimate, more complex. American Psychological Association has so far remained in the Personality and Social Psychology, a branch inside. Psychology is the general law of personality formation and development of personality traits, the relationship between nature and involve enlightenment, involving more stable psychological traits, and social psychology research mainly direct impact on the individual and the social context of the situation of the individual the role of interpretation. An important finding in social psychology suggests that the role of direct social context is often underestimated.
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A brief history of social psychology
  Case studies of social psychology, which began in the latter half of the 19th century. 1860 appeared Lecce Andrews and Stan Rosenthal series of papers on national psychology; Since then, the "mass crimes" Tarde "imitation law" Siegel, Lebon "mass psychology" and other works have been published, and laid the foundation for the formation of social psychology; 1908, British psychologist McDougall and American sociologist Ross were published monographs in social psychology, social psychology, which marks have become an independent discipline.
  After World War I, American psychologist Allport and German psychologist Mohammed pioneered the direction of social psychology experiments. Although research in social psychology issues experimentally, can be traced back to 1898 Triplett experimental study on social promotion, but really created to promote this direction is Allport and Mohammed. After they began to mainstream social psychology experiments only in the West, especially in the United States became the study of social psychology.
  After Allport's book "Social Psychology" advent of social psychology into a period of rapid development. 1928, Thurston presented attitude measurement, to begin by Thomas and Znaniecki, and became the attitude of Social Psychology Research Center, improved step; 1934, Moreno proposed social measurement, My wife used to measure interpersonal attraction and repulsion population issues; 1938, Lewin introduced on the field of social psychology, the concept of personal living space or field that behavior is a function of individual characteristics and situational factors interact. 1940s and 1950s, under the influence of World War II and Lewin, social psychology major research groups affect and attitude problems.
  1950s, Joash, who conducted the study obedience. Hovland headed to Yale School published a series of studies on persuasion. Festinger proposed cognitive dissonance theory, this theory become a research center of the 1960s. By the 1970s, by the Head of "interpersonal psychology," a book laid the foundation of attribution theory became a research focus. Since the 1980s, cognitive social psychology and applied social psychology and more attention.
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The study of social psychology
  The main subject of research in social psychology with the changing times vary. Early research focused on the social psychology of large groups and mass psychological phenomena, such as Lecce Ruth, Stan Rosenthal, Wundt studies on ethnic psychology; Tarde, Siegel and Lebon research on mass psychology . Some researchers have proposed these ideas until there influence today, such as the law of imitation Tarde, Lebon extremist groups and personalized disappear ideas.
  Social psychology is the study of the United States up to the country and most influential, and its research has a representative, tend to affect other countries.
  With the increasing development of social psychology, research is increasingly enriched and expanded. Promote social studies from the early development of the social loafing research; from obedience research, development and independence to obey research; violations from the research, the development of the study of altruistic spirit; from research to attract, develop into love research; from the study of interpersonal perception, due to the development of research and so on. Shows a perspective of social psychology research is increasingly broad and deep.
  Since the mid-1960s of the twentieth century, social psychologists point of view has changed. Main features: Recognizing the limitations of the experimental method, attention to field studies, attention to applied research, applied research attention in the field to test the theory Laboratory deserve, be amended, supplemented and development.
  Today's emphasis on social psychologist from field studies to laboratory studies, or from the research laboratory to field studies, cyclical, mutual demonstration. Meanwhile, the widespread use of computers, but also for processing provides convenient access to the site from a number of materials, and promote the advancement of social psychology.
  Early research focused on the social psychology of psychological phenomena groups and the masses; early twentieth century, research attitudes become the center; subsequent emergence of Experimental Social Psychology, Social promotion became the center; later, group processes, persuasion, obedience, recognition cognitive dissonance, a research center, respectively, due to a period of time.
  People Post Press edition << >> Social Psychology:
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Basic Information
  · Author: (U.S.) David Myers
  · Press: People's Posts and Telecommunications Press
  · Pages: 504 yards
  · Publication Date: 2006
  · ISBN: 711513880X
  · Market price: ¥ 68.00
  · Binding: Paperback
  · Folio: 16
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  The book is more than 700 universities in the United States / College Department of Psychology adopted, is the leading textbook in the field, has become the evaluation criteria other materials.
  The book will be basic research and practical application perfectly together to wealthy logical organizational structure to lead students to understand how people are thinking, influence others and build relationships with others. People understand themselves, understand the social, instructional books to understand the best relationship between themselves and the society.
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About the Author
  After obtaining a degree since Bo ± University of Iowa, David Myers of Hope College in Michigan to work as where John Dirk Werkman Professor of Psychology, and has opened many doors of social psychology courses. Hope College students invited him to speak and named him as "the most distinguished professor" at the graduation ceremony.
  Myers has published several papers on more than 30 kinds of scientific books and journals, including the "science", "American Scientist", "Psychological Science" and "American Psychologist" and so on. In addition to academic works and textbooks, and he also committed to introduce psychological science to the general public. He has published popular science articles, such as "Education Today" and "Scientific American" in many magazines.
  He is the author of "psychology" (translated by the famous psychologist book ted by Professor organize and revision, will be published in 2009, so stay tuned) is the most popular introductory psychology textbooks, more than 600 million students in the use it to study psychology. Again, this "social psychology" in the past 10 years, accounting for nearly 30% market share (social psychology books). As he wrote in the "psychology" of the 7th edition preface, "I hope in a passionate, personalized way to tell the story of psychology, rather than using a rigorous scientific
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Recommended media
  Book review
  Since 1994 I have been a professor of social psychology at the University of Michigan and the University of California, has been used is David Myers this material. In the United States, if a psychology textbook can reprint more than 3 times, then this book is a classic textbook, and David Myers, "social psychology" in the past 20 years in a row reprinted eight times . With the updated version, I can appreciate the subtleties of the modified location updating and more insight into the book will be basic research and practical application of the perfect combination of style. David Myers "social psychology" has become a model in the field, is the evaluation of similar materials on a scale American psychology textbook market, so I am pleased to recommend this book to the domestic counterparts. I believe our readers to get this book, will be carefully read over and over again, like me, irresistible volume.
  Professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley
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Editor's Choice
  Subjects discussed in the book is the problem many of us are interested. It put a few of the truly relevant theories and findings are discussed with the social and psychological sciences in various disciplines are combined, even without a background in psychology readers will find this book fascinating description of the content and thought-provoking.
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  Translated version Preamble
  Chapter 1 Introduction to Social Psychology
  The first series of social thinking
  Chapter 2, Self in Society
  Chapter 3 social beliefs and judgments
  Chapter 4 of the behavior and attitudes
  Title II Social Impact
  Chapter 5 genes, culture and gender
  Chapter 6 herd
  Chapter 7 convince
  Chapter 8 groups affected
  The third series of social relations
  Chapter 9 bias: do not like others
  Chapter 10 Aggression: harm others
  Chapter 11 attractive and intimate: love others and love others
  Chapter 12 altruism: helping others
  Chapter 13 Conflict and Reconciliation
  Part IV of Applied Social Psychology
  Chapter 14 Social Psychology in clinical areas
  Chapter 15 application in the field of social psychology of justice
  Chapter 16 Social Psychology future and sustainable development
  Professional Glossary
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  shehui xinlixue
  Social Psychology
  social psychology
  Social and psychological phenomena of individual and group psychology research branch. Individual social psychological phenomenon that is subject to the constraints of individuals and groups of others thoughts, feelings and behaviors, such as interpersonal perception, interpersonal attraction, social promotion and social inhibition, obedience and so on. Social psychological phenomenon refers to the population groups own unique psychological characteristics, such as group cohesion, social and psychological atmosphere, group decision-making.
  Relations with neighboring disciplines of social psychology is an interdisciplinary between psychology and sociology, influenced from both disciplines. Within social psychology out_set_ that there are two different theoretical perspectives research directions, namely psychology, social psychology, social psychology and sociology direction of the so-called direction. In the interpretation of social and psychological phenomena different theoretical perspectives, does not prevent social psychology as an independent discipline should have the basic characteristics. Both the general psychology or sociology are not a substitute for social psychology. Generally, the basic characteristics of social psychology is to study the specific social context for psychological and behavioral effects. It is different from sociology which makes it different from other disciplines of psychology. Sociology major research on the psychological impact of macro-social factors and behavior, general psychology study individual differences are mainly individual backgrounds and characteristics lead to behavior. To study the causes of violent crime, for example, sociological research focuses on the relationship between crime and poverty, urbanization, economic recession and other factors, psychology focuses on why some in the same situation who are not criminal offenses while others individual differences Social psychology research focuses What psychological state under what specific social context, what is causing overt behavior, such as frustration - violated assumptions showed frustration situation caused frustration, resulting in violations (see violations). In the study of specific social issues these three levels of analysis are needed, but different disciplines have their different emphases.
  Social psychology is sometimes listed as branches of psychology, is sometimes listed as branches of sociology. This and Social Psychology on the aforementioned two directions. The social psychology psychology psychology as a subdiscipline, so should first clear the relationship between social psychology and psychology, among other disciplines. Historical experience shows that the Soviet Union does not understand the relationship between social psychology and general psychology will result in cancellation of the serious consequences of social psychology. Generally speaking, general psychology research is the general relationship between subject and object, the object including natural objects and social objects. Social psychology research is mainly a special relationship between the subject and the social object, namely the relationship between human beings, and between groups. Law of general psychology general relationship between subject and object of study obtained can be applied to social psychology, social psychology studies the relationship between subject and object between social law can also be obtained abundant General Psychology. General psychology traditionally focuses on the relationship between the individual studies, between individuals and objects, and social psychology research group focuses on the relationship of individuals, groups, people, people and groups.
  The relationship between social psychology and personality psychology closer, more complex. American Psychological Association has so far remained in the Personality and Social Psychology, a branch inside. Generally can be distinguished as follows: personality psychology is the study of the formation and development of personality traits of law, involving the relationship between nature and enlightenment, involving more stable psychological traits, and social psychology research mainly direct impact on the individual and the social context the role of personal interpretation of the situation. An important finding in social psychology suggests that the role of direct social context is often underestimated.
  A brief history of the development of case studies of social psychology, which began in the latter half of the 19th century. 1860 emerged M. Andrews and H. Stan Rosenthal Lecce on national psychology of a series of papers. Thereafter, G. Tarde "imitation Law" (1890), "mass crime" S. Siegel (1891), G. Lebon "mass psychology" (1895) and other works have been published, as formed the foundation of social psychology. 1908 W. McDougall British psychologist and sociologist EA Ross American social psychology were published monograph. This marks the social psychology has become an independent discipline.
  After World War I, American psychologist FH Allport and created a German psychologist W. Muhammad direction of social psychology experiments. Although research in social psychology issues experimentally, can be traced back to 1898 N. Triplett experimental study on social promotion, but really open up, push
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English Expression
  1. n.:  social psychology
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