social life > community
The definition of social
  Community of human life. Marxism holds that society is essentially the sum of the relations of production, only the specific social, not abstract society. Specific social is at a specific region and time, share a common culture and is based on material production activities, according to a certain code of conduct linked and form an organic whole. Constitute the basic elements of society is the natural environment, population and culture. Relations of production derived through a variety of social relations, constitute the society, and to a certain code of conduct engaged in activities under the control of, the normal operation of the social order and continuity of development.
  Chinese "society" is derived from ancient texts, such as "Lu village society" (Tang) "Peasant Society" (Song), "She" refers to the land of the gods, or worship of the house; "will" is collection. English "society" and in French "societe" are derived from the Latin "socius", which means "partner." Japanese scholars in the Meiji years, the English "society" translated into Chinese the word "society." Modern Chinese scholars in the translation of Japanese sociology writings, Xi Yong this word.
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Social origin
  From a million years ago, humans have learned to group life, and gradually form a primitive tribe; in the primitive tribes, they affected because of the surrounding environment will be moved to or _set_tled, and gradually develop lifestyle habits, and evolved into a unique culture. When the culture becomes more advanced than the other tribes or the powerful, and influence each other, they formed a circle. When the family or the body becomes a large number of growth, they will _set_tle in one place and point to a _set_tlement built into civilized society and urban civilization.
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Development of the words
  Main relatively modern sociology, especially the contemporary human social behavior, the study of human society from the past, mainly the origin, organization, customs, anthropology to study the tendency of modern society into the development and organization of society or group sex subject, in sociology, people not as individuals but as a social organization, groups or bodies are present.
  In ancient China, the "society" starts with "Old Tang Shuxuan cases on record." "Society" produced in antiquity. At that time, special attention to land and food, land and food that people are raising fundamental, so boat is worship of God. Society, is the land God; Ji, that is, inari. At that time, from the supreme ruler of the civilian population, on the boat have a deep feeling of God, they both spring and autumn seasons in different ways Sajik worship God.
  In civil society, in order to facilitate worship, resulting in the worship as the center of community social organization -----. Kind of club sizes, some of the "Society" hundreds, to be held the day of the festival, all people should participate in the community. Both men and women, have put down the dude put up in the hut under a tree beside the altar, and bring from their home wine and food, held a grand and solemn ceremony. After the festival, we drink together, singing, bustling, people can say it is a grand festival. Later, someone put this assembly method is called "social" and then later evolved into modern "society" means. In the West, English and French socit society are derived from Latin word socius, meaning partners. Modern Chinese "society" the word is an abstract noun, the words from the Japanese, is a Japanese scholar in the Meiji years, the Western "society" in the translation. The "society" translated into Chinese the word "society." But "society" in ancient Chinese, is essentially an abstract noun, especially in spring and autumn each year of privately held rural land of God worship assembly. "Ci Hai" on the move "Tokyo Autumn Beautiful Dream Society" in the passage to illustrate the word: "Autumn in August, Mr. Social Studies ... ... City with money for all pre-social convergence, so that should be employed only Qian, white seats, the person singing. go all the time to bring flowers, fruits, food, cake and scattered community. Conservancy Association, heavy afternoon, Chongjiu, is also true. "But the word was introduced into Japan, gradually do not have meaning. Suzuki repair times, according to Japanese scholars to research, in the late Edo, Japan has been the center will be the Mission church, sect known as the "society", Modern Chinese scholars in the translation of Japanese sociology writings, this word Xi Yong, the Chinese "social "before the word to some extent, the implications of modern general.
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Social change
  American sociologist Lenski (Gerhard Lenski), according to technology, information exchange and economic aspects of social categories are: (1) hunting society (2) low-level agricultural society (3) advanced agricultural society (4) industrial society. Hunting and gathering tribes mainly _set_tled into farming villages, and towns will gradually develop into the city, the city eventually become a city, or country.
  This classification and anthropologists Morton H. Fried and Elman Service's early integrated theorists classification similar. Which in turn changes according to social inequality and the status of national systems, universal human civilization created the social classification system. This classification system is divided into the following categories:
  Combination of hunters-gatherers, usually equal;
  Tribal or ethnic form of the status of a certain level of power, respectively;
  A leader of the classification form;
  Civil society, with different levels of government agencies and institutions, complex organizations and levels;
  Human society is built on top of human society itself, including the faith.
  Over time, some form of civilization toward a more complex form of development. The development of civilization change the pattern of groups having a profound impact.
  Modern anthropologists and social scientists strongly opposed to this stage of the development of civilization strict classification. In fact, anthropological research data proved more complexity (civilization, population growth and density, specialization, etc.) are not always taken or sub-sectors of hierarchical forms of organization.
  In addition, the theory of relativity as a universal means of civilization / ethics has been widely replaced the original concept of civilizations, "good / bad, or the development process" (including material, technology and social organization).
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  Society is not the same group. Human society is organically linked with each other, mutually beneficial cooperation in the formation of groups.
  The difference between human society and the population is:
  1, contact between members of society is inevitable close;
  2, has a more complex social structure;
  3, has a relatively centralized social values, cultural identity and to be member of the basic identity;
  4, in a relatively sound social life and production functions and division of labor, with environmental fitness.
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  Karl Marx's mode of production based on material presented: "Asiatic, ancient, feudal and modern bourgeois modes of production can be seen as form of social and economic evolution of the ages" ("Marx and Engels, _Select_ed Works," Volume 2) , and anticipating the emergence of communist society. Later, people will be the basic form of society into 5 types: the primitive society, slave society, feudal society, capitalist society and communist society (for the primary stage of socialism.)
  Sociology also made for other types of social distinction. Survival from the way society is divided into: ① hunting and gathering society. This is the earliest and most simple society, characterized by: living by hunting and gathering fruits, small social groups, living area changeable, almost no specific division of labor, based on blood and kinship ties basis. ② livestock community. Usually not suitable for farming and for there to grazing livestock areas. Features are: surplus products began to appear, private property, and class, class, inter-group conflict and war, political, economic, religious and cultural systems begins to form. ③ primitive society. Suitable for cultivation in the area, as people initially grasp the emergence of farming methods. Features are: increased cultivation of crops as the main mode of production, hunting and gathering the fruit fell to a secondary way, there has been large-scale _set_tlement of social groups, and livestock societies, inequality and class divisions began to emerge. ④ agricultural society, also known as pre-industrial society. , With the "plow" and developed the invention. The invention of the plow, iron with the use of animal power, wind, water applications, for the more advanced agricultural production and small workshop laid the foundation for handicraft production. Large numbers of social surplus product, social class system and the hierarchical system more consolidated, bureaucracy, bureaucrats have great development. ⑤ industrial society, also known as the modern society. Since the 17th and 18th century industrial revolution produced and developed. Steam engine, electricity and other mechanical power instead of human, natural forces, the large-scale industrial system began to form. Appears to the urban concentration of population urbanization and specialization of labor division system, the formation of a modern bureaucracy, as well as education, health care, insurance, service and other modern social institutions and systems. Meanwhile, impersonal social relations gradually replaced the blood, and family social relations. 80 years, some sociologists proposed the concept of post-industrial society. That in this society, automation, information technology will be spread and development. Its features are: economic transformation from manufacturing products for the service economy; professional and technical personnel dominant; theoretical knowledge at the center, and the formulation of social policy innovation and the source; control rapid development of technology for identification, and the creation of a new "smart technology."
  Sociology is also distinguished from the social organizational form of social types, the most influential German sociologist F. Tonnies's Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft. The former, also known as Community, refers to the traditional society. The latter, also known as social interaction, that modern industrial society. In addition, sociologists, anthropologists, but also from a cultural perspective into the social area said no written text of social or community and have the text before the society, to have the text as a symbol of social progress.
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  Mainly: ① integration features. Community will organize numerous single person, form a joint force, adjusting the contradictions, conflicts and confrontation, and its control in a certain range to maintain the unity of the situation. The so-called integration includes cultural integration, standardized integration, integration and functional integration of views. ② communication functions. Community to create a language, words, symbols, and human interaction tools for human interaction provides the necessary premises, so as to maintain and develop the relationship between people. ③ oriented functions. A _set_ of social norms to maintain normal social order, and to adjust the relationship between people, rules and guiding people's thinking, behavior, direction. Orientation can be tangible, such as through legal coercion or non-compulsory means of public opinion; it can be intangible, such as through habits subtle manner. ④ inheritance and development functions. Human life is short, frequent turnover of human generations, and society is everlasting. Mankind has created material and spiritual culture and development through social and accumulation.
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Common components of the two community:
  Social networking
  Social network as a map of the relationships between people, close to the structure elements such as the degree of contact frequency, relationship types (relatives, friends, colleagues) determines the different social networks.
  Characteristic pattern of organization
  Social network as a map of the relationships between people, close to the structure elements such as the degree of contact frequency, relationship types (relatives, friends, colleagues) determines the different social networks.
  Social organization
  Human society are often the main means of living according to their (production) and organized. As above "the development of social change" is mentioned, social scientists will be divided into community hunting society, nomadic society, agriculture, forestry or simple agricultural society, advanced agricultural society (also known as civil society). Some social scientists believe that industrial society and post-industrial society, it should be from a traditional agricultural society to distinguish between categories.
  Many societies will require the implementation of some individuals or groups to help and help each other. Some will contribute to some social individuals or groups to grant a certain status. This recognition is given to individuals or groups by name, title, dress, or even monetary rewards. In many societies, men in particular tend to this behavior and the resulting reward, even at the expense of their own lives.
  Marx and Engels is to analyze movement of social contradictions of capitalism and its development trend, in summing up the experience of proletarian struggle was, in the critique of utopian socialism, socialist schools and some other political party workers during the program errors, At the same bourgeois and petty bourgeois thinkers to debate the process, it addressed the provisions of the nature of future society and a number of basic features. The paper has the following characteristics:
  In short, only the future outlook of Marxism, it correctly pointed out the general direction of development of human society, reveal the plant world development trend. At present, the socialist cause in the rise in the _set_backs in the reform of the revitalization, full of vigor and vitality of socialism just around the corner, a new upsurge in the communist movement - will come.
  Social progress
  1. Primitive society
  2. Slave
  3. Feudal society
  4. Capitalist society
  5. Socialist society
  6. Target (not achieved): communist society
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  Community of human life. Marxism holds that society is essentially the sum of the relations of production, only the specific social, not abstract society. Specific social is at a specific region and period, and to share a common culture based on material production activities, a community of human life.
  The main features of the society are: ① It is the culture, and organized system. Social composition of the population, but unlike the animals that live in groups, human society is organized according to certain cultural patterns together, and only have a culture of human society. ② engaged in production activity is a major feature of human society. Production activities are the foundation of all social activities, in any society must be for production. ③ in any given historical period, society as the greatest of human social groups living together. Its independent existence, not subordinate to any other groups. ④ specific community has a clear regional boundaries, there is space in a certain range. ⑤ continuity and discontinuity is another feature of society. Any given society is that people have inherited a legacy; the same time, the society around it, and horizontal linkages, has its own characteristics, showed obvious discontinuity. ⑥ community has a self-regulating mechanism, which is an initiative, creativity and transformation capable "living organism", able to take the initiative to adjust its relationship with the environment, and create the conditions for their survival and development.
  K. Marx and the type of social mode of production based on material presented: "Asiatic, ancient, feudal and modern bourgeois modes of production can be seen as form of social and economic evolution of the ages" ("_Select_ed Works of Marx and Engels," the first Volume 2, p. 83), and anticipating the emergence of communist society. Later, people will be the basic form of society into 5 types: the primitive society, slave society, feudal society, capitalist society and communist society (for the primary stage of socialism.)
  Sociology also made for other types of social distinction. Survival from the way society can be divided into: ① hunting and gathering society. This is the earliest and the most simple social, characterized by: living by hunting and gathering fruits, small social groups, living area changeable, almost no specialized division of labor, built on blood and kinship ties basis. ② livestock community. It usually appears in unsuitable for farming and grazing livestock areas. Its features are: surplus products began to appear, private property, and class, class, inter-group conflicts and wars, the political, economic, religious and cultural systems begins to form. ③ primitive society. It is suitable for cultivation in the area, as people initially grasp the emergence of farming methods. Its features are: increased cultivation of crops as the main way of life, hunting and gathering the fruit fell to a secondary way, there has been large-scale _set_tlement of social groups, and livestock societies, social inequality and class divisions began to emerge. ④ agricultural society, also known as "pre-industrial society." It is with the "plow" and developed the invention. The invention of the plow, iron with the use of animal power, wind, water applications, for the more advanced agricultural production and small workshop laid the foundation for handicraft production. With the proliferation of social surplus product, social class system and the hierarchical system more consolidated, bureaucracy, bureaucracy has developed significantly. ⑤ industrial society, also known as the modern society. It is from the 17th and 18th century industrial revolution produced and developed. With the steam engine, electricity and other mechanical power instead of human
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English Expression
  1. :  community
  2. n.:  commonalty,  commonwealth,  monde,  movement,  society,  the social organism,  the general [public] weal,  mass organization,  system whereby people live together in organized communities,  social way of living,  world
French Expression
  1. n.  société
social science, human studies, sociology, user, collective, Community, brigade
Gregarious, hive, community system
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