Prefecture level : Division III words > alliance
Traditional Chinese:  (???? ???? ???? ???? ????)Pinyin: méng, mèngHeader: 
Total Strokes: 13Extra Strokes: 8UTF-8: E7 9B 9F
UTF-16: 76DFUTF-32: 000076DFGB 2312: 3543
GB 12345: 3543Big 5: B7F9Cangjie: ABBT
Four Corner Code: 6710.7One word full code: meng2mingminOne word double code: memimi
One word single code: mmmCharacter structure: Top-(middle)-bottomLevel of decomposition: 5
Strokes: 丨????一一丿????一一丨????丨丨一Stroke sequence: 2511351125221Stroke Description: vertical, turning, horizontal, horizontal, downwards-left, turning, horizontal, horizontal, vertical, turning, vertical, vertical, horizontal
Others' sequence: 2511351125221
Structure of components: 明(日(冂(丨????)二(一一))月(⺆(丿????)二(一一)))皿(????(冂(丨????)丨丨)一)
Simple Explanation
  Union méng old parties that oath is that the joint classes, countries of the Union: Allies. Ally. Allies. Covenant. Vows. Refers to sworn brothers: sworn brother. Union brother. China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region administrative units. Hair (swear): vows. Stroke: 13; radicals: III; stroke order code: 2511351125221
Detailed Explanation
  (Knowing. Oracle shape, like a plate below Yu, acknowledged leaders in the middle stood. Ancient Union will have to cut cattle drink (shà) blood, the main powerbroker League staff, burrowing underground offerings. Meaning: In the alliance vowed before God)
  With the original meaning 〖ally; alliance〗
  Cut ui Sheng Zhu plate, whichever is the blood drink in Yu Dun. - "Said the text"
  Union, drink blood oath also. - "Three Cang"
  Union set the palm method. Any doubt in conjunction with state-owned, the palm of their Covenants of the set, and the rituals, the north that the next God. - "Zhou Division League"
  Palm League curse. - "Zhou curse wish." Note: The "League curse, to swear in the main, major league say, little things say curse."
  About the letter said, oath, hand-sacrifice, saying Union. - "Book of Rites Music Man"
  Then will the Union. - "Zuo Zhao Gong 10 years"
  Gentleman repeatedly Union. - "Shi Xiao Ya themselves on the grounds"
  For the altar and the Union. - "Historical Chenshe family"
  Qin Bowei that people with Zheng League. - "Zuo Xi public three years"
  Qu Wan and princes Union. - "Zuo Xi public four-year"
  Another example: chief and (ancient nobility League leader or moderator in; refers to alliance leaders or advocates. Yu main things; master); Union Forum (the ancient Covenant, set when the conclusion of the mandala); League (Utah Alliance.'s assembly alliance between the ancient nobility)
  Individuals to swear, vow never to change of heart 〖〗
  Final vows to be said that this debt of gratitude to this is not easy. - Zhao Changqing, "Congratulation to the Bridegroom"
  Another example: Union Man (vows of diction); Union Lease (the Covenant. Also called the League will, Union letter); Union Centre (vows in mind); eachother (to the mountain and sea vows. Very words of men and women fall in love, steadfast)
  Covenant; oath〗 〖alliance
  And the alliance good. - "Comprehensive Mirror Battle of Red Cliff"
  To Union also, God did not listen. - "Historical Confucius home"
  Another example: allies; Union good (alliance friendly)
  Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region administrative units, under the jurisdiction of the flag, county, city〗 〖Mengleague. Such as: Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region League, and Jilin Province Hulunbeier such Zhelimu League
  〗 〖Alliedcountry allies
  Perfidious allies
  〖Ally; alliedcountry〗 alliance by concluding a treaty country
  〗 〖Alliedforces have a common goal of fighting the military alliance; allied forces
  〗 〖Oathofalliance alliance contract; that Covenant
  Mengxiong Di
  〗 〖Swornbrother sworn brothers; sworn brothers
  〗 〖Ally comrades; still made Mengxiong Di
  〗 〖Leaguer alliance members to participate
  〖Oath (treaty) ofalliance; convention〗 alliance set by the oath or terms, the agreement
More Simple Explanation
  Union (knowing. Oracle shape, the following as a plate spoon the middle stood a Finnish company. Ancient alliance will have to cut livestock drink the blood of the main AU staff maintain their leading, burrowing underground offerings. The original meaning before God swore an alliance) with the original meaning of cut ui Sheng Zhu plate, whichever blood drink in Yu Dun. - "Wen said," Union, drink blood oath also. - "Three Cang" set out in charge of Union law. Any doubt in conjunction with state-owned, the palm of their Covenants of the set, and the rituals, the north that the next God. - "Zhou Division League" palm League curse. - "Zhou curse wish." Note League swear, to swear in the main, major league say, little things say swear. "About the letter said, oath, hand-sacrifice, saying Union. -" Book of Rites Music Man "will be the league again. -" Zuo Zhao Gong 10 years, "a gentleman repeatedly Union. -" Poetry xiaoya fair speech " for the altar and the Union. - "Family Records Chenshe League méng ⒈ countries or class and class co ~ country. workers and peasants together ~. ⒉ Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region administrative units, the equivalent of provincial areas subordinates. ⒊    Contracting oath before God. also refers to the general pledge ~ about. ⒋ swear an oath sworn in ~. ~ brother ~ brother. alliance mèng 1. See "Union Tianjin."
More Detailed Explanation
  Union meng
  Radical III radical total strokes 13 strokes 05
  alliance; league;
  (Knowing. Oracle shape, like a plate below Yu, acknowledged leaders in the middle stood. Ancient Union will have to cut cattle drink (shà) blood, the main powerbroker League staff, burrowing underground offerings. The original meaning of the alliance vowed before God)
  With the original meaning of [ally; alliance]
  Cut ui Sheng Zhu plate, whichever is the blood drink in Yu Dun. - "Said the text"
  Union, drink blood oath also. - "Three Cang"
  Union set the palm method. Any doubt in conjunction with state-owned, the palm of their Covenants of the set, and the rituals, the north that the next God. - "Zhou Division League"
  Palm League curse. - "Zhou curse wish." Note League curse, to swear in the main, major league say, little things say curse. "
  About the letter said, oath, hand-sacrifice, saying Union. - "Book of Rites Music Man"
  Then will the Union. - "Zuo Zhao Gong 10 years"
  Gentleman repeatedly Union. - "Poetry xiaoya fair speech"
  For the altar and the Union. - "Historical Chenshe family"
  Qin Bowei that people with Zheng League. - "Zuo Xi public three years"
  Qu Wan and princes Union. - "Zuo Xi public four-year"
  Another example is chief and (ancient nobility League leader or moderator in; refers to alliance leaders or advocates. Yu main things; master); Union Forum (the ancient Covenant, set when the conclusion of the mandala); Union Council (Jewish Council Union.'s assembly alliance between the ancient nobility)
  Individuals to swear, never change of heart [vow]
  Final vows to be said that this debt of gratitude to this is not easy. - Zhao Changqing, "Congratulation to the Bridegroom"
  Another example is Union in (vows of diction); Union Lease (the Covenant. Also known as Union should, Union letter); Union Centre (vows in mind); eachother (to the mountain and sea vows. Very words of men and women fall in love, steadfast)
  Covenant; oath [alliance]
  And the alliance good. - "Battle of Red Cliff Mirror"
  To Union also, God did not listen. - "Historical Confucius home"
  Again allies; Union good (alliance friendly)
  Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region administrative units, under the jurisdiction of the flag, counties, cities [meng league]. Such as the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of the League, and Jilin Province Hulunbeier such Zhelimu League
  [Allied country] Allies
  Perfidious allies
  [Ally; allied country] through the conclusion of the treaty country alliance
  [Allied forces] have a common goal of fighting the military alliance; allied forces
  [Oath of alliance] alliance contract; that Covenant
  Mengxiong Di
  [Sworn brother] sworn brothers; sworn brothers
  [Ally] comrades; still made Mengxiong Di
  [Leaguer] alliance members to participate
  [Oath (treaty) of alliance; convention] when an alliance or terms set by the pledge, the agreement
  méng mo ㄥ
  Old means the oath of parties, now that class, countries of the United ~ Army. ~ Friends. With ~ State. ~ About. Shan ~ sea oath.
  Refers to sworn brothers ~ brother. ~ Di.
  China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region administrative units.
  Hair (swear) ~ oath.
  Zheng code kqlk, u76df, gbkc3cb
  Number of 13 strokes, radical pan, stroke order number 2511351125221
Kangxi Dictionary
Afternoon focus  〔〕 ???? Ancient】 【Tang Yun Yun Wu Bing cut 【set】 【】 【rhyme will rhyme】 eyebrow soldiers are cut, ???? sound out. 【Name】 ming release. Reported such incident in the gods. 【Class】 vow articles also. It is trustworthy. LU ????】 【book in disregard of the letter to cover curse alliance. 【】 Zhou Chun Zhu Official League Notes: League curse the Lord to be sworn. Event said, Union, small say curse. 【】 Union are sparse, leagues in the future. Curse who curse go over. Where justice】 【Spring League ceremony, slaughter of animals drink the blood of the gods told oath, if the back violated, hastened to ask additional calamity blame God, so that cattle also. 【】 Hand sacrificial ritual ceremony Qu Yue Union. Shu】 【cut offerings left ear, with beads containing plate. Also blood, to Yu Sheng London, the book of blood for the Union. Book into, is drink blood reading. It Union House, the official Secretary Union also. Zuo Xi five】 【hidden in Union House. Also 【set】 Wu Yun Yong-cut, clearly rising tone. Meaning the same. Also set rhyme】 【cut eyebrow disease, Ming falling tone. 【】 Qiwu league of their stay, such as curse. Guo Xiang read. Also 【up】 mo farming vocabulary cut, sound Meng. Meaning with 䀅. Xu Miao time. Also 【】 【Ji Yun Guang Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 ???? Yun Mo is even more cutting. And Meng Tong. Names. 【Note】 Zuo hidden eleven leagues, this league Tianjin. Hanoi eup name. Zhou Ji】 【Historical View of soldiers in the Union Wuwang Dong Jin. Yu Gong】 【book for Mengjin. Ze another name. 【Before】 Road, Heze Chinese Geography was Union pig. 【Note】 today, Yucheng County, Nanjing, Meng Zhu Ze is also the Northwest. Col Meng Yu Gong】 for pigs. Another Ye Mo Lang cut, sound Mang. Xiaoya】 【poetry gentleman repeatedly Union, chaos is long. 【Fax】 kill sequence Records put fresh degree, Duke for the league. Big Ten Ren, Zhou Jiang cases. Another Ye Mo wave cut, bewildered and falling tone. 】 10 【Hunyuanqi worship towards the Four too, the first Ye too Empress north. Classic Yu-shu Huang Ting Cheong, The Definition of Teacher award recipients Union. Wen】 【said this for ????, from the blood. Fragrance for ????. Popular links】 【words from the pan, so attached to the Ministry pan. Research: 〔【Zhou Chun AU curse NB Union officials swear to the Lord in the oath. 〕 Like spring according to the original official Union League officials swear wish to change the spring.
Explained in detail
  Knowing. Oracle shape, like a plate spoon below the middle stood a Finnish company. Union will have to cut the ancient sacrificial drink (shà) blood, the main powerbroker League staff, burrowing underground offerings. Meaning: The alliance vowed before God)
  With the original meaning
  Cut ui Sheng Zhu plate, whichever is the blood drink in Yu Dun. - "Said the text"
  Union, drink blood oath also. - "Three Cang"
  Union set the palm method. Where the suspect together with state-owned, then the palm of their Covenants of the set, and its rituals, north of that out of God. - "Zhou Division League"
  Palm League curse. - "Zhou curse wish." Note: The "League curse, swear to the Lord in, say major league, minor, saying curse."
  About the letter said, oath, hand-sacrifice, saying Union. - "Book of Rites Music Man"
  Then will the Union. - "Zuo Zhao Gong 10 years"
  Gentleman repeatedly Union. - "Shi Xiao Ya themselves on the grounds"
  For the altar and the Union. - "Historical Chenshe family"
  Qin Bowei that people with Zheng League. - "Zuo Xi public three years"
  Qu Wan and princes Union. - "Zuo Xi public four-year"
  Another example: chief and (ancient nobility League leader or moderator in; refers to alliance leaders or advocates. Yu main things; master); Union Forum (the ancient Covenant, set when the conclusion of the mandala); League (Utah Alliance.'s assembly alliance between the ancient nobility)
  Individuals to swear, never change of heart
  Final vows to be said that this debt of gratitude to this is not easy. - Zhao Changqing, "Congratulation to the Bridegroom"
  Covenant; oath
  And the alliance good. - "Comprehensive Mirror Battle of Red Cliff"
  To Union also, God did not listen. - "Historical Confucius home"
  Union Hill oath sea
  背盟 lost about
  Car enterprises of the Union
  Signed an agreement below
  Cutting arm Union Company
  Cutting arm of the Union
  Conspiracy of silence
  Cut lapel of the Union
  Drink blood for the Union
  Union Hill Curse of the sea
  About Mountain League Sea
  Abandoned well 背盟
  Union Hill oath sea
  Sea Mountain Union oath
  Evergreen Cold Union
  Bite blood for the Union
  Administrative terms
  Union for the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region-specific administrative divisions, administrative status equivalent to prefectures and prefecture-level administrative order. As of 2009, the remaining three league that Xilingol, Alex and Hing'an.
  Meng Qi in Inner Mongolia to implement the system for the specified period of the Qing government, which abolished the tribal system inherent in Mongolia to limit migration to the control.
  Mengqi administrative system as follows:
  Union - the equivalent "province", the head of the "Union chief" - equivalent to "governor";
  Flag - the equivalent of "county", the head of the "Jasagh Explorer" - the equivalent of "county";
  Since the "Jasagh Explorer" below, and "Participation collar" - the equivalent of "mayor", "Zuo Ling" - the equivalent of "head" (150), "even long" - the equivalent of " Street, Long "(15) and other rank
  In recent years, the "Union" and has changed to the current three-level cities, namely: "Xilin Gol League," "Alashan" "Hing'an"
  Baotou City
  Chifeng City
  Ordos City (formerly Yimeng)
  Tongliao City (formerly jirem AU)
  Hulunbeir (formerly Hulunbeier)
  Bayannur City (formerly Bayannur League)
  Bu City (formerly Ulanqab League)
Translated by Google
English Expression
  1. n.:  alliance,  league,  méng,  swear,  oath, covenant, alliance
  2. v.:  oath,  pledge,  union,   ally
Containing Phrases
European Unionalliancealliancealigncovenantallied forces
allyallyplight one's trothleaguemeetings of sovereigns of their deputies in ancient China to form alliancesleaguer
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)become sworn brothersallied countryto sue for peacediscto break an arrow as a vow or pledg to keep one's promise
Meng VillageSincere, warm, cordial League(surname) LeagueWear LeagueExtreme LeagueCommerce League
Level League(surname) LeagueGreat LeagueDumb LeagueCruel LeagueTo agree League
Crow LeagueLook after LeagueStreet LeagueCoronal LeagueCalorie LeagueKing League
Five LeagueCycle LeagueRed LeagueStar LeaguemengweiEmperor League
League DistrictYellow LeagueSky LeagueCompany Leaguemenghuimengshu
mengzuAbout LeagueMandarin duck LeagueConcealed LeagueDeficient LeagueBenefit League
Close LeaguePoem LeagueViolate LeagueSummer LeagueBlood Leaguemengzhu
Immortal LeagueTin LeagueFly LeagueNon- LeagueCivilian LeagueEstablish, create League
Farming LeagueBlack LeagueBlueness LeagueSet LeagueSimilar LeagueBright League
Dragon LeagueSea LeagueWest LeagueLeague MountainLoei LeagueHero League
Next LeagueSouth LeagueOn LeagueThree LeagueConclude LeagueUnion cloud
Defeat LeagueBack LeagueArms LeagueBreak LeagueVocable LeagueBig League
Flowing flood LeagueBear LeagueChange LeagueDrink LeagueLose LeagueGull League
Bank League(surname) LeagueComfort LeagueMain LeagueHostage LeagueCard League
Ancestor LeagueHeavy LeagueContend LeagueExecute (a plan) LeagueImperial order LeagueCurse League
Engage LeagueOath LeagueDefend LeagueDivision LeagueIllicit LeagueWriting League
Ask LeagueArrow LeagueCadaver LeagueMonk LeagueDrink LeagueMountain League
Explain LeagueSpirit LeagueDomestic animal LeagueAlter LeagueAttend, be present LeagueRepeatedly League
mengchangmengfumengcimenghaomengdiFlooding river League
Cold LeagueAnd LeagueJoyous LeagueInspect LeagueTrample, tread upon, walk on LeagueNarrate League
Electric current that reverses its direction at regular intervals LeagueDispel Leaguemengjinmengxinmengyanmengyao
mengshoumengtanmengziMeshwork LeagueFort LeagueHeart League
Lucky LeagueGreen LeagueSeek, search, look for LeagueDemand LeagueChant Leaguemengxiong
allianceMy LeagueOld LeagueFine LeaguemengzhongNorth League
Cat LeaguemengbimengsaimengbangTo be unbearable LeagueProfound League
mengshengmenglongCancel LeagueFriends LeaguePair LeagueJustice League
Part LeaguemengtaomengzhuangSeven LeagueSign LeagueEmperor League
Gold LeagueArtemisia vulgaris LeagueWhole LeagueAlways LeagueSecure LeagueBar League
She LeagueTo exceed League
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