address > cyclopedia
  Books in China is equivalent to today's encyclopedia, is a tool. Wei Wendi originated when books compiled "Huang Lan" 40 films, Song Wang Ying-lin "Yuhai": "Classified book begins with Huang Lan." Successive delivery phase was followed, the oldest and more complete reference book that is compiled by Tang Yu Shinan "North Hall book notes," the original 173 volumes.
  Tang books well-developed, the existing four world: "North Down book notes," "art class together," "beginner mind" and "Pak 6 posts"; Song Li Fang et al are the "Taiping" 500 volumes and the "Tai Ping Yu Lan" vol 1000, Wang Qinruo other series, "in Ming Dynasty," 1,000 volumes; to the Yongle Emperor Yongle, Xie Jin, Yao Guangxiao series "Yongle Dadian" 22,877 volumes, the largest volumes, Xi destroyed in the war, lack of Yi many, this was only about one-thirtieth of the original book. Qing Meng-Lei, Jiang Tingxi series "Ancient Book integration" 1 rolls, divided into 6 series, 32 Code, 6109, has now become China's largest books.
  "Books" genre is quite special, "Si Ku Quan Shu" <philosophical books for a Small Preface "states:" Classified book, integrated four, rather than a history of non-subclass of non-non-_set_, four within is No class can be attributed to, "" Si Ku Quan Shu "follow the" Book • Sui Jing Ji Zhi "in practice, will be classified as philosophical books.
  Class 46 text books and Syria recorded a neglected part of the previous discussion, in fact, the text for more than 46 Patent applications table of Kai style, often a lot of income for the books, or even just close to the English sentence, or post-closing 46 text excerpt and the whole article, this is a compilation of the Song, Yuan Ming descendants in particular is more common. Recorded in detail the classification of Song, compiled by combing the books of several versions of 46 class origins, and they received an overview of Articles 46. Catalogue of involving the "Holy Song of Famous People 1000 Table Kai calligraphy Daquan", etc. 4.
  Books category is taken from a number of books in the series of materials, according to a certain system and categorized compilation of the book, such as "art class together," "beginner mind", "Yongle Dadian", "integration of ancient and modern books," and so on into this category.
No. 2
  Comprehensively explain the various categories of knowledge or a knowledge tool for human inspection. Contains a variety of specialized terminology, important terms, and points out entries detail. Can be divided into two kinds of comprehensive and professional. The former host of various categories of knowledge, such as "Encyclopedia of China", etc.; which brings together the knowledge of a category such as "Encyclopedia of Chinese Medicine" and so on.
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bǎi kē quán shū
  A comprehensive exposition of all the works of academic knowledge, usually arranged in alphabetical order by the single article of joke; also refers to a particular subject only to discuss this book
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Definition encyclopedia
  encyclopaedia (also for encyclopedia)
  Summary account of all human knowledge, knowledge of categories or a category of tool. Encyclopedia of both in size and content than any other type of tool. Encyclopedia's main role is for people to search the necessary knowledge and factual information, its completeness is that it almost embodies the ingredients of various books, to include all aspects of knowledge. Often referred to as "university without walls." Compilation of high-quality encyclopedia as a measure of a country's level of scientific and cultural development of one of the signs. Ancient Greek scholar Aristotle had written a full time learning about the notes, the West regarded as an "encyclopedia of the Father", the Chinese Han's "Ya," Encyclopedia of the nature of the writings of the Chinese origin. Chinese "Encyclopedia" is the term did not emerge until the early 20th century. The founder of modern encyclopedia is a French scholar D. Diderot, in his faction, led by the French encyclopedia compiled in 1751 ~ 1772 published the "Encyclopedia, or the sciences, arts and crafts category dictionary." 18th century ~ 20th century, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, the Soviet Union, Japan and the West and other countries have compiled and published a number of authoritative encyclopedia, such as "Encyclopedia Britannica", "American Encyclopedia", "Great Soviet Encyclopedia book "," Code of the World Encyclopedia things "and so on. Most of the West by alphabetical arrangement of modern encyclopedia, highlighting books search function, and the use of small entry Compilation doctrine. Encyclopedia of educational function of the focus on using a large entry doctrine. Revised second edition the way the system, make rolling, published in the Yearbook and continuous revision system 4. Ancient Chinese books is an encyclopedic compilation of information, emphasizing the ancient History. Since 1978, started editing and publishing of the "Encyclopedia of China", a total of 74 volumes, which lasted 15 years, in August 1993 all published.
  Encyclopedia is accumulated in the past all human knowledge or written summary of a certain type of knowledge.
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Encyclopedia of East and West
  First, the Western Commons
  Originated in ancient Greece. Plato and his student Aristotle is considered the ancestor of the West Commons. They have been through the lectures were full account of knowledge. Roman Varro (Marcus Terentius Varro) prepared by the "discipline meaning of nine to the book "(Disciplinarum libri IX) and" vulgar things holy sites "(Rerum divinarum et humanarum antiquitates) and other works are the Encyclopedia of nature. the most important Roman encyclopedia was Pliny the Elder (Pliny the Elder) of the" Natural History "(Historia naturalis). book anthology for the classification of knowledge, the impact on future generations encyclopedia compiled over 1,500 years.
  Encyclopedia of the more famous early Middle Ages - Britain Klass (Honorius Inclusus) compiled the "World Treasures" (Imago mundi), widely cited Zheng Bo, layout perfect for less than our predecessors. The Middle Ages the most important work is Bo Wikipedia Way of Vincent (Vincent of Beauvais) compiled the "big lens" (Speculum majus). book chapters nearly 10,000, a total of 80, is the length of the largest early 18th century encyclopedia .1559, the German compilation of home Trask Saleh (Paul Scalich) in Basel (Basel) published an "Encyclopedia", first used this term as a title.
  The 17th century, 18th century Francis Bacon (Francis Bacon) "great revival" (Instauratio magna, not completed) a great impact on the compilation of the encyclopedia. Encyclopedia of the contribution is to provide a new and rational system of knowledge classification . British Harris (John Harris) series of "technical dictionary" (Lexicon Technicum, 1704) has a modern encyclopedia of factors. Chambers (Ephraim Chambers) created to see the system is considered editing techniques of modern encyclopedia pioneer. Diderot (Denis Diderot) and d'alembert's (d'Alembert) editor of the "Encyclopedia" (Encyclopedie; 1751 1765) grand scale, historic, other than the same period more influential books. The After the publication of the book first volume of the Church who have been accused of and official condemnation, he had won popular support. Diderot's contribution is growing to adapt to the revolutionary spirit of France, sparks ignite people's thinking. "Encyclopaedia Britannica" in 1768, 1771 Edinburgh in Scotland, first edition, the gradual improvement of subsequent version has been out to the 15th. Brockhaus (Arnold Brockhaus) meet the needs of the Germans, the first compiled by the "social Dictionary" (Konversations-Lexikon, 1796 1811 ), the Western world at least half of the encyclopedia was published in the model. Its characteristics are _select_ed receive a wide range of short entries, facts fully, and to fine new material known.
  French Larousse (Pierre Larousse) quite in the spirit of innovation encyclopedia codification. "Larousse Encyclopedia of" high reputation, is characterized by smooth flowing text. Webster (Noah Webster) with the "American English Dictionary "(American Dictionary of the English Language) is essentially an encyclopedia, and the" Brockhaus Encyclopedia "and" Larousse Encyclopedia ", is painted works of the era." Soviet Encyclopedia "(Bolshaya sovetskaya entsiklopedya ) in 1926, early 1947 edition, 65 volumes; 2 51, now a 3rd edition, 30 volumes. "Encyclopedia Americana" in the "Brockhaus Encyclopedia" compiled based on version 7, to take continuous revision system, was a success. Spain, "Encyclopedia of European and American illustration" (Espasa, 1905 1970) is the world's largest encyclopedia, the main part of the 80 volumes. "Italian Encyclopedia" (Enciclopedia italiana, 1929 1936) Su the beautiful illustrations and academic known for centuries .20, published encyclopedia of countries are: Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Turkey and Yugoslavia, Lithuania.
  Second, the Encyclopedia of the Orient
  Encyclopedia of the nature of the Chinese books compiled nearly 2,000 years of history. Is different from the modern Western Commons, the class is basically the book _select_ions of important documents, classified arrangement, mainly for mining career Candidates compiled reference suffix, and some with some dictionaries ingredients. China's first well-known books are hosted in AD 220, compiled by Wei Wendi "imperial view" has been lost, then there are books compiled by the famous Du Zhan series of public "Code Pearl", Ouyang consultation compiled the "arts class together," 100 volumes, edited by Yu Shinan, "North Hall book notes," Xu Jian, who compiled the "beginners mind." Sung Li Fang Feng Song Taizong ordered organizational restructuring of the "Tai Ping Yu Lan" and later The renovation has been printed instead Huozi Ban. "Ce Fu Yuan Gui" (1013) focused on the content of history and biography, a few large space and the "Tai Ping Yu Lan" fairly. Southern Song Dynasty scholar Wang Ying-lin (1223 1292), compiled in 1267, "Yuhai "Wikipedia is an important book, was reprinted in 1738, a total of 240 volumes. the early Ming Dynasty compiled the" Yongle Dadian ", may be the world's largest encyclopedia in history. 22,937 book volumes, but unfortunately most have been lost .1963 remaining on published copies of 730 volumes. Ming Wang Qi and his son by the series of "three powers plan would" 106 volumes, well illustrated. Xiuzhuan Feng Chi Qing Emperor Kangxi's "Pei Wen Yun House" and its Supplement, "Yun House Supplements "Encyclopedia of Chinese literature. Other Edict essays books as well as" parallel word class code "and" History of the essence of children, ".1726 in the ocean, edited by Lei Meng-Ju article" Ancient and Modern Book integration, "10,000 volumes, covers the whole of China cultural heritage. Qing other books are: Wang Ji's "something of the original will" (1796), Lu Feng algae "Little Zhi Lu" (1804), Chen Wei, "by Chuan Yi Yi" (1804), Wang Chenglie's "famous count "(1806), Dai Zhaochun the" classics Class Code Integration "(1887), Wei Siong's" One thing in mind before "(1888), Liu Yi, the" all nine "(1902). China's first modern Encyclopedia Dictionary is the early Republic of China Lu Erkui editor of the "Ci Yuan" (1915).
  Japan has emerged from the Tokugawa era of Chinese-influenced books. Modern type of encyclopedia appeared in 1926 and beyond. Mainly: "Encyclopedia of things Code" (28 volumes, 1931 1935), "Dictionary of National Encyclopedia" (15 volumes , 1934 1937) and "Code of the World Encyclopedia things" (24 volumes, 1955 1968) .1972 began publishing "of the British Code of the International Encyclopedia of things" (28 volumes).
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Encyclopedia of Origin
  A more comprehensive system is also pointed out that cultural and scientific knowledge to introduce a large reference book, a collection of specialized terms and phrases, arranged by sub-section of criminal Dictionary, explain in detail.
  "Encyclopedia" usually refers to a large _set_ of books. The first comes from the Greek word in the West (εγκύκλιος) (Latin: enkyklios) and παιδεία (paideia). "Enkyklios" means "cyclic, periodic, ordinary," and "paideia" refers to "education." The meaning of "general education, is literally a who want to accept the general education should learn the art and scientific knowledge." Canard in the transcription process for the new Latin word "encyclopaedia", and later into English, first recorded in 1531. In the new Latin word was chosen as a reference work covering subjects the title of knowledge. First seen in 1644 in the UK.
  According to "Encyclopedia Britannica" introduced the world's largest encyclopedia is "Yongle Dadian."
  "Encyclopedia of China Press" Volume is defined as: "an overview of all categories of human knowledge or knowledge of a particular category of books. Search for the required knowledge and factual information purposes. But also to expand the reader with knowledge of vision, the help system The role of knowledge. It is a national scientific and cultural development and a sign of the times. "
  "Concise Dictionary of Social Sciences," defined as "dictionaries in the form according to schedule, the system overview of all aspects of human knowledge or a large tool. Sub comprehensive and professional categories. Comprehensive encyclopedia of all knowledge of the term collection, Sayings , places, events, figures, books, etc., all-encompassing, is the treasure house of knowledge. but does not include the words, so different from the language dictionary. "
  Encyclopedia can be comprehensive, containing all the relevant content areas (for example, "Encyclopedia Britannica" is a famous comprehensive encyclopedia.) Can also be a specialist in the Commons (for example, medical or philosophical encyclopedia.) There are also some from the perspective of a particular culture or country to discuss the broad issues of Commons, for example, Encyclopedia of the Soviet Union.
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History Encyclopedia
  Ancient Greek scholar Aristotle had written a full time learning about the notes, the West regarded as an "encyclopedia of the Father", the Chinese Han Dynasty's "Ya," Encyclopedia of the nature of the writings of the Chinese origin.
  Ancient Chinese books is an encyclopedic compilation of information. Some scholars think that the Chinese Ming Dynasty, "Yongle Dadian" is the first close to the modern sense of the encyclopedia.
  Encyclopedia of China, the early 20th century the introduction of the book from the West. When the Republic is the earliest well-known scholar Li Yuying Encyclopedia of the West, will be introduced to the body of this book and have a wider impact in China. The name on the encyclopedia, in his "Code of the World Science Question and Answer Book cases," said: "Forty years ago, Yu's first translation of 'encyclopedia' to 'Wikipedia Class Code', after China due to the" Si Ku Quan Shu "Naming , to be translated 'encyclopedia'. the past two centuries many specialties encyclopedia published in Chinese is 'Encyclopedia of Chinese Literature', and so on. Literature is one of the subjects in the Wikipedia, of course, which can be analyzed as a multi-disciplinary, then in Division of the name, complex system in order to 'Wikipedia' word, Zhongjue not quite appropriate. and 'book' the word in Chinese is easy with the 'Si Ku Quan Shu' book-style mix of the series, said that it is less than the other Books, so he switched Yu translated 'School Code'. 'School Code', Latin 'encyclopedia' (English and French come first), have 'the talk around the academic, including' means. After including all who including an explicit knowledge of the academic world and was mostly the order of the book by dictionary, the term used to form each of its title, so this term as the body of a book. "
  Encyclopedia of early works
  Diderot et "encyclopedia" type encyclopedia in human history, the works are not uncommon, but the West until the 16th century, began to appear "encyclopedia" of this term. The first will be "encyclopedia" for the title is German Scalise (Paul Scalich).
  Many ancient writers (such as Aristotle, etc.) have tried to fully record all human knowledge. However, John Harris was considered the first modern sense of the creation of encyclopedia. "Encyclopedia Britannica," the first Shique very simple: from 1768 to 1771 was published only three volumes. Probably the most famous early encyclopedia of France to the number of "encyclopedia, science, arts and crafts Detailed Dictionary", written by the Dhahran Bell and Denis Diderot and completed in 1772, a total of 28, 71, 818 entries , 2,885 illustrations.
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Style Encyclopedia
  In ancient times, similar to the encyclopedia can work all the editing done by one person. But in the modern, the knowledge explosion, one person or several people have been impossible to complete a vast scale compilation of the encyclopedia. This will need to develop style, compiled to determine the criteria to address the many contradictions between the codification
  Encyclopedia of style, including many aspects. Including design entry name, entry written outline, the authors write format, with plans requirements, foreign language and translation rules, a book format. The "Soviet Encyclopedia" is the current most detailed encyclopedia of a style, the style of the third edition of the preparation of comprehensive and detailed, very comprehensive, a total equivalent of 20 million words in Chinese characters from top to bottom. Under the sub-categories such as medical disease entry, entry pathology, treatment entry, drug class entry, class of pharmaceutical items, medical equipment items, resort entry, medical equipment items, medical and other professional items.
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Encyclopedia of the difference between the book and other tools
  Unlike other dictionaries, encyclopedia books. Such is the dictionary definition of word entries, and encyclopedia entries for knowledge is introduced. Therefore encyclopedia use more than any other tool to assist the knowledge of image description. Encyclopedia entries, and the interpretation of the books more than other, often divided into many sub-headings.
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Type Encyclopedia
  Received a comprehensive encyclopedia of the era has been elected in all categories of knowledge. Pre-classification to take a more organized method, the classification system will vary according to the compilers of the 17th century by .16 of lexicography law, there alphabetical encyclopedia. German "Brockhaus Encyclopedia," and the "Encyclopaedia Britannica" is a comprehensive encyclopedia on behalf of the two patterns. The former has always been strictly a whole will be broken down into very narrow knowledge entry system; which the new version of "convenience see Index "(compendium) also with some of the Brockhaus-type factors, but the big book entry" Long Code "as the subject.
  Encyclopedia of national and regional in the 19th century, the contents of a country or a region confined to the situation. Such as "Encyclopedia of South Africa" ​​(1961), "Australian Encyclopedia" (1958), "New Zealand Encyclopedia" (1966 ), "Encyclopedia of Mexico" (1966), "Argentina's Encyclopedia" (1956 1964), "Romania Encyclopedia" (1938 1943), "Encyclopedia of Poland" (1916 1920), "Canadian Encyclopedia" (19571958 .)
  Children's Encyclopedia appeared in the 1920 century. Larousse, published in 1853, "Little Children Encyclopedia" (Petite Encyclopedie du jeune age), 1957 年 into the "Larousse Encyclopedia of children." Is more popular British writer (Arthur Mee) editor of the "Children's Encyclopedia," the U.S. version is called "knowledge book" (The Book of Knowledge). "World Book Encyclopedia" is another successful Junior Encyclopedia, aimed at "blending knowledge into the story and the pictures "." British Junior Encyclopedia "published in 1963, readers of children under the age of 12." Oxford Junior Encyclopedia, "Wikipedia with a few different youth to take classified weave, 12 volume collection of 12 sub-categories, the index Volume 13.
  Wikipedia Dictionary in the 1718 century the prevalence is between the traditional encyclopedia and dictionary tool between. Early masterpiece, the United Kingdom Harris "Technology Dictionary" (1704).
  In addition, some encyclopedias, such as "Encyclopedia Britannica", both in print and electronic versions of distribution, electronic versions of the CD-ROM products or online services modalities.
  Numerous encyclopedia entries must want to find information on a specific topic the reader is easy to obtain. In the print encyclopedia in the title of the entries in alphabetical order continuous, it is common practice, although some encyclopedia to a wider range of topics will be entry-based segmentation. through letters between the reference index or other auxiliary entry methods, will also help you find the desired information. electronic encyclopedia in the search and retrieval program can generate the table entries, which contains the co- information on the specific requirements of the reader.
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Presentation of the Encyclopedia
  Most modern Western alphabetical encyclopedia. Pay attention to the words of retrieval functions, the general Compilation of small entries. Encyclopedia of educational function of the focus on using a large entry way. Revised second edition the way the system, make rolling, published in the Yearbook and continuous revision system 4.
  Encyclopedia of some common presentation of:
  Alphabetical arrangement
  Category layout
  Arrangement categories, entries are alphabetical arrangement
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Encyclopedia entry for the definition of
  Encyclopedia entry includes the title, text content, and charts. Codification in the encyclopedia, the entries in the naming is very important. Good name should be easy to search, there are independent scholars believe that the theme entries should be to facilitate the reader's search for the criteria. In addition, the theme of the entry form should be objective, and not man prepared. Such as the Gulf War is an objective fact, and "the myth of the dog" is the human development of the theme.
  Naming entries should be clear, not ambiguous. For example, new weapons, it is difficult to define "new" division.
  Encyclopedia entry options have some commonality of principles:
  Independent of the main principles: the main body should be relatively independent, as we work to a company, we first think of the company's name, address, rather than one of these departments.
  The formation of the principle of objective: This topic should be the people understand the process of transforming the world of objective form, well known, and not man prepared. Such as the creation myth is the myth of an objective type of topic, but the dog is a man-made myth of general theme. Therefore, the lack of accepted norms and certainty.
  The principle of a single theme: such as time and space are the two themes, should be divided.
  Accuracy of the principle: the name of the entry that entry should be the exact topic.
  General principle: should use the name of standard or accepted
  Terms of principles: entry name should be nominal, and static. Such as the "liberation of Hainan Island" should be changed to "Battle of Hainan Island."
  Summary of Principle: such as the use of poetry, instead of the Tang Dynasty poetry.
  Non-research principle: Encyclopedia is not a research paper
  Non-application principle: Encyclopedia of the specific application is not to guide
  (Note: The above mainly Reference 2)
  Encyclopedia of the classification structure and the updated features make it ideal for online and disconnected the computer format. In recent years, most major encyclopedia have been in varying degrees, electronics. Disk-based (especially CD-ROM) publication has easy to carry and inexpensive. Meanwhile, the electronic encyclopedia can also include a variety of traditional media can not carry multimedia formats, such as animation, audio or video. Associated with the concept of dynamic link between the article is also an important advantage. Online encyclopedia is a dynamic advantages: the new information is presented almost immediately, without waiting for the next publication.
  See: Wikipedia, Baidu Encyclopedia
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Appendix 1: "encyclopedia" in the dictionary explanation
  A large reference book, the use of dictionaries in the form of presentation, subjects received technical terms, terminology, sub-column entry, detailed explanations, more complete introduction to cultural and scientific knowledge. By the all-encompassing comprehensive encyclopedia, there are specialist of Commons, such as medical encyclopedias, engineering and technical encyclopedias.
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Annex 2: Common Online Encyclopedia
  Name Address
  Encyclopedia Britannica
  Columbia Encyclopedia
  Encyclopedia of network
  Free Dictionary
  Canadian Encyclopedia
  Microsoft Encyclopedia
  Wikipedia https: / / / wikipedia / en / wiki / Main_Page
  Online Encyclopedia of China
  Chinese encyclopedia
  Encyclopedia Tibetan wisdom
  Knowledge Online
  Chinese Wikipedia https: / / / wikipedia / zh / wiki
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Asteroid names
  Named asteroid No. 21000 "encyclopedia."
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Decoration "Encyclopedia" starting start inviting consumers to participate
  Following the March 2, 2006 "Chongqing Morning News" and the March 3 "Chongqing Evening News" were published by Aite "standard home improvement" has been praised by consumers and the parties to follow suit. For a more comprehensive and closer to people's home improvement needs, Actel after more than six years to collect and collate, from the perspective of a third party to complete the film was finally produced the long-awaited home improvement consumers "Si Ku Quan Shu."
  April 8, 2007, from Chongqing, "Aite decoration" initiated and organized home improvement "Encyclopedia" starting in the Jiangbei launch the second floor of the hotel function rooms of gold at the source.
  The launching ceremony was starting Chongqing Jiangbei Branch Trade and Industry Bureau, Chongqing City Consumers Association, Association of Chongqing equipment, including the focus of the city of Chongqing, home network, including major support of the mainstream, on the day, city leaders will install Association guide the work personally visit the scene, while the city's major print media will be used for tracking reports, Chongqing, home network as the sole focus of the network to support more will be broadcast live. This will be the first time in the decoration sector in Chongqing's most influential home improvement event.
  During the whole event, Actel decoration company will reveal an exclusive for the majority of consumers are most concerned about the process of renovation of the common problems of consumers, for consumers before they occur.
  In the "integrity management" purposes, Actel decorative willing to sacrifice the interests of sight of small, practical action to prove its good reputation within the industry to first-class service to win the hearts of consumers.
  On home improvement, Actel willing to offer you hard jobs, be your faithful friend.
  Invited, the majority of consumers come to participate in our home improvement "encyclopedia" of starting the ceremony, your comments, we harvest, many more activities at the scene Gifts both hands. Would like to be your friend Aite decoration.
  Location: Jiangbei District, the second floor of the hotel function rooms source
  Date: April 8, 2007 (Sunday) 13:00-18:00 pm
  Rundown: All invited to join the activities of consumers and users, which have received a special gift;
  Activities, the organizers will target Actel "encyclopedia" in the "Four Books" for a detailed explanation, and a wonderful example to explain;
  At the same time, Actel decorated in good faith to serve the public, willing defiance, exclusive for you exposed the mysteries of most concern consumers, the renovation process of the hidden topics and more designers face to face with your site.
  Aite decoration, sincerely look forward to your participation! !
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  baike quanshu
  Summary account of all human knowledge or a particular category of all categories of knowledge, a complete tool. English encyclopedia comes from the Greek word, meaning to "all the knowledge in which to do"; Chinese "Encyclopedia" is the term did not emerge until the early 20th century. Encyclopedia's main role is for people to search the necessary knowledge and factual information, its completeness is that it almost embodies the ingredients of various books, to include all aspects of knowledge. In addition, the encyclopedia also has the knowledge to expand horizons and help the reader knowledge of the education system, the role of people, often known as the "university without walls."
  Encyclopedia of the origin and development of human origin in a comprehensive overview of existing knowledge and sorting. Ancient Greek scholar Aristotle had written a full time learning about the notes, the West regarded as an "encyclopedia of the Father." China's Han's "ELEGANCE" covers natural and social sciences, the Encyclopedia of the nature of the Chinese origin of the earliest writings. Wei Wendi, Liu Shao, Wang and others compiled as the "imperial sheet" is considered the beginning of the Chinese books. Ancient Chinese Encyclopedia of books, although the nature of literature, but it is only limited available information on the collection of subjects, has not developed into a modern sense of the encyclopedia.
  Encyclopedia of Western development has undergone three periods: ① ancient encyclopedia. Ancient Greece and Rome Commons originated in the education, knowledge of layout to take the original classification by a single editor to complete. Compiled by the Roman scholar Vallotton "subject to righteousness" (9 volumes) and the 1st century AD, the old Puli Ni series of "natural history" (37 volumes) Encyclopedia of the masterpiece of this period. ② Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages. 5 Encyclopedia of the 16th century, clearly reflects the era of theology and religious rule, most of the monastery for the priests to learn the textbooks; the presentation of the method is still "free Seven Arts" as the basis of the original classification based. Encyclopedia of representative works include: Isidore compiled the "etymology" (20 volumes) edited by Wen Cen "Big Lizzie" (80 volumes). The late Middle Ages (16th to 18th century) the development of the encyclopedia, there were two characteristics: First, the classification by F. Bacon, the impact of scientific classification frame design has become the basis of encyclopedia; Second, with the development of science and culture, surge of human knowledge, textbook encyclopedia search can not meet the knowledge needs quickly, encyclopedia dictionary layout methods began to be affected, and gradually from the classification schedule to the alphabetical order transition. JJ Hoffmann, published in 1677, "Encyclopedia Dictionary" is the masterpiece of the early transition, and the first to open the encyclopedia index precedent. ③ modern encyclopedia. 18th century, the encyclopedia into the modern period of development. Encyclopedia is the founder of modern Western D. Diderot, French philosopher, with his faction, led by the French encyclopedia compiled in the 1751 ~ 1772 published the world-famous "Encyclopedia, or science, art and crafts Dictionary" ( is chapter 17, chapter 11, Figure volume), it marks the birth of the modern encyclopedia, and encyclopedia brings two new features: First, it emphasizes the role of Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment, the scientific knowledge of modern real start ignorance and prejudice of Mongolia; second prominent encyclopedia search function, which is the role of books, a dictionary in alphabetical order accepted scheduling method. 18 to the 20th century, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Soviet Union, Japan and other countries have been compiled and published a number of authoritative encyclopedia. China has since 1980 published in "Encyclopedia of China." (See color pictures, "Encyclopedia of China")
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English Expression
  1. n.:  cyclopedia,  encyclopedia,  thesauri,  thesaurus,  encyclopaedia,  book or set of books giving information about every branch of knowledge, or about one particular subject, with articles in alphabetical order
French Expression
  1. n.  encyclopédie
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