energy : electricity Chemical engineering : electronic electrician > Battery
Battery Introduction
  Limited battery energy storage, the battery can output the total charge is called its capacity, usually in units of ampere-hours, it is also a battery of performance parameters. Battery capacity and the number of the electrode material, ie the volume of the electrode.
  Practical chemical battery can be divided into two basic types: primary batteries and batteries. Made after the original battery can generate current, but he incurs in the discharged waste. Battery, also known as secondary batteries, must first be charged before use, charge and discharge after use, also can be charged after discharge and then. Battery charging, electrical energy is converted into chemical energy; discharge, chemical energy into electrical energy.
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Battery History
  In ancient times, humans may have been in research and testing, "power" of this stuff. Is considered a clay bottle several thousand years of history in Iraq in 1932, was found near Baghdad. It has an _insert_ in the copper cylinder in the iron - used to store static electricity may be used, but the secret of the bottle may never be revealed.
  Regardless of manufacturing the clay bottles ancestors know something about static electricity, but it is certain that the ancient Greeks never know. They know that if the friction piece of amber can attract light objects. Aristotle (Aristotle) ​​also know there are magnet such things, it is a powerful magnet to attract iron and metal ores.
  In 1780, Italian anatomist Galvani on frog anatomy to do when his hands were holding a different metal instrument, while inadvertently hitting the thigh in the frog, the frog leg muscles twitch a bit at once, as if stimulated by the current , but only with a metal instrument to touch the frog, but no such counter-on. Galvani that this phenomenon is that an animal body internally generated electricity, which he called "bio-power." Galvani in 1791 papers written in this experiment, published in the academic community.
  Galvani's discovery aroused great interest physicists, they are competing ideological Galvani repeated the experiment, an attempt to find a way to generate current, the Italian physicist volts in many experiments that: Galvani " bio-electric "is not correct, the frog's muscle is able to generate current, the muscle is probably a liquid at work. To demonstrate their point of view, volts to two different metal immersed in various solutions tested. It was found that these two metals the film, and as long as there is a solution of a chemical reaction between the metal can generate electricity.
  1799 volts to a zinc plate and a silver plate immersed in salt water, found two metal wire connected there is a current. So he took a number of zinc and silver pieces of cloth between the pad or paper soaked in salt water, flat folded. Touch both ends, you will feel a strong current stimulus. Volts in this way made the success of the world's first battery ─ ─ "V stack." The "V stack" is actually a series of batteries. It became an early electrical experiments, telegraph source of electricity.
  1836, UK Daniel on the "V stack" was improved. He uses sulfuric acid as the electrolyte, the battery polarization solve the problem, creating the first non-polarized, to maintain balance current ─ copper zinc batteries, also known as "Daniel the battery." Since then, one after the depolarization effect better "Bunsen battery" and "Grove cell" and come out. However, these cells are present with the use of prolonged voltage problem of the decline.
  In 1860, France's Pulang Tai invented to do with the lead electrodes of the battery. This battery is unique in that, when the battery voltage drops to some, it can pass to the reverse current, the battery voltage recovery. Because the battery can be charged and can be used repeatedly, so called "battery."
  However, no matter what kind of batteries are required to fill in the liquid between two metal plates, so the transportation is very convenient, especially batteries used in liquid sulfuric acid, when the move is very dangerous.
  In 1887, the British invented the first battery He Lesen. Battery electrolyte is a paste, will not spill, easy to carry, it has been applied widely.
  1890 Thomas Edison invented the rechargeable nickel-iron battery
  Dry mass production in the U.S. in 1896
  D-1896 invented the battery.
  1899 Waldmar Jungner invented the nickel-cadmium batteries.
  1910 rechargeable battery commercial production of iron-nickel
  Production plant in China in 1911 and lead-acid batteries batteries (battery factory in Shanghai Ministry)
  1914 Thomas Edison invented the alkaline battery.
  1934 Schlecht and Akermann invention sintered plate nickel-cadmium batteries.
  1947 Neumann developed a sealed nickel-cadmium batteries.
  1949 Lew Urry (Energizer) developed a small alkaline battery.
  1954, Gerald Pearson, Calvin Fuller and Daryl Chapin developed a solar cell.
  1956 Energizer. Manufacture of a 9-volt battery
  In 1956 China's construction of the first nickel-cadmium battery factory (FY Equipment Factory (755 Factory))
  Before and after the 1960 Union Carbide. Commercial production of alkaline batteries, alkaline batteries began to study in China (Xi'an Qinghua plant and three co-developed)
  1970 before and after the maintenance-free lead-acid batteries.
  Before and after 1970 a practical lithium battery.
  Scientists at Philips Research in 1976 invented the nickel-metal hydride batteries.
  Before and after 1980 developed a stable alloy for nickel-metal hydride batteries.
  In 1983 China began to study Ni-MH battery (Nankai University)
  In 1987 China's improved nickel-cadmium battery technology, the use of foam nickel battery capacity by 40%
  1987 before the first commercial production of our Li-ion battery
  1989 China's nickel-metal hydride battery research in the national plan
  Angle occurred before 1990 (chewing gum) batteries,
  1990 Ni-MH batteries before and after commercial production.
  1991 Sony. Rechargeable lithium-ion battery commercial production
  1992 Karl Kordesch, Josef Gsellmann and Klaus Tomantschger made alkaline rechargeable battery patent
  1992 Battery Technologies, Inc. Production of alkaline rechargeable batteries
  China's nickel-metal hydride batteries in 1995, commercial production beginning to take shape
  1999 rechargeable lithium polymer battery commercial production
  In 2000, commercial production of lithium-ion battery
  After the 2000 fuel cells, solar energy become the world's attention the new focus of development
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Battery theory
  In the chemical battery, chemical energy directly into electrical energy is carried by the internal battery of spontaneous oxidation, reduction and other chemical reactions result of this reaction were carried out on the two electrodes. Negative electrode active material from the more negative potential and electrolyte composition in a stable reducing agent, such as zinc, cadmium, lead active metals and hydrogen or hydrocarbons. More by the potential of the positive active material and electrolyte is stable oxidant composition, such as manganese dioxide, lead dioxide, nickel oxide and other metal oxides, oxygen or air, halogens and their salts, oxygen-containing acid and its salts, etc. . Electrolyte is a good ionic conductivity of the material, such as acids, alkali, salt solution, organic or inorganic non-aqueous solutions, molten salts or solid electrolytes. When the external circuit is disconnected, although the potential difference between the two poles (open circuit voltage), but there is no current, stored chemical energy in batteries is not converted to electricity. When the external circuit is closed, the potential difference in the two electrodes under the action of the current flowing through the external circuit. Meanwhile, inside the battery, the electrolyte does not exist in free electrons, charge transfer must be accompanied by active material with electrolyte interface polarization of the oxidation or reduction reactions, and reactants and reaction products of mass transfer. Charge transfer in the electrolyte but also by the ion migration to complete. Therefore, the normal battery charge transfer and internal mass transfer process is to ensure that the necessary conditions for the normal output power. Charging, the battery inside the transmission power and the direction of mass transfer and discharge exactly the opposite; electrode reaction must be reversible, in order to ensure the opposite direction of mass transfer process with the normal transmission power. Therefore, the electrode reaction is reversible battery constitutes a necessary condition. Gibbs free energy increment for the reaction (coke); F is the Faraday constant = 96500 An hour library = 26.8; n the equivalent number for the cell reaction. This is the electromotive force and the cell reaction between the basic thermodynamic relation, is calculated cell energy conversion efficiency of the basic thermodynamic equation. In fact, when current flows through the electrode, the electrode potential must deviate from the thermodynamic equilibrium electrode potential, a phenomenon known as polarization. Current density (units of current through the electrode area) the greater the polarization of the more serious. Polarization is caused by the loss of battery power is one important reason. Polarization for three reasons: ① the various parts of the cell called the polarization resistance caused by ohmic polarization; ② from the electrode - electrolyte interface layer in the block charge transfer process is called activation polarization caused by polarization; ③ from the electrode - electrolyte interface layer in the slow process of mass transfer caused the polarization is called concentration polarization. Reduce the polarization of the electrode reaction area is increased, reducing the current density, the reaction temperature and to improve the catalytic activity of the electrode surface.
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The main performance parameters of the battery
  The main features include battery electromotive force, rated capacity, rated voltage, open circuit voltage, internal resistance, charge and discharge rate, resistance, longevity and self-discharge rate.
  Force balance of the two electrodes of the electrode potential difference, to lead-acid batteries, for example, E = Ф +0- Ф-0 + RT / F * In (αH2SO4/αH2O).
  Of which: E-force
  Ф +0- positive standard electrode potential, its value is 1.690
  Ф-0-negative standard electrode potential, its value is -0.356
  R-universal gas constant, its value is 8.314
  T-temperature, and battery in which the temperature
  F-Faraday constant, its value is 96500
  αH2SO4-sulfuric acid activity, and the concentration of sulfuric acid
  αH2O-water activity, and the concentration of sulfuric acid
  As can be seen from the above equation, the standard lead-acid battery emf is 1.690-(-0.0.356) = 2.046V, so the battery's nominal voltage of 2V. Lead-acid battery emf and temperature and sulfuric acid concentration.
  Rated Capacity
  The conditions specified in the design (such as temperature, discharge rate, the termination voltage, etc.), the battery should be able to release the minimum capacity, in ampere hours, the symbol C is. Capacity is greatly influenced by the discharge rate, so often in the lower right corner of the letter C with Arabic numerals indicate the discharge rate, such as C20 = 50, shows that the rate at 20 under with a capacity of 50-hour security. The theoretical capacity of the battery according to battery reaction in the electrode active material and the amount calculated according to Faraday's law of electrochemical active substances derived exact equivalent. As the battery side effects may occur in the design and the special needs of the battery's actual capacity is often lower than the theoretical capacity.
  Rated voltage
  Battery at room temperature under typical operating voltage, also known as the nominal voltage. It is the choice of different types of battery reference. The actual battery voltage varies with different conditions. Battery open circuit voltage is equal to the positive and negative electrodes of the equilibrium electrode potential difference. Only with the kinds of electrode active material, and has nothing to do with the number of active substances. Battery voltage is essentially a DC voltage, but in some special conditions, the metal electrode reaction caused by some into a crystal phase or phase-change film will cause small fluctuations in voltage, a phenomenon known as noise. Volatility is small but very wide frequency range, it can be self-excited circuit noise with the phase difference.
  Open circuit voltage
  In the open state of the battery terminal voltage is called the open circuit voltage. Battery open circuit voltage equal to the battery in the circuit (ie no current flows through the poles) the battery's positive and negative electrode potential of the electrode potential difference. Battery open circuit voltage with V, ie V open = Ф +-Ф-, which Ф +, Ф-positive cells were negative electrode potential. Battery open circuit voltage, generally less than its emf. This is because the two poles of the battery electrolyte solution in the electrode potential established, usually not the equilibrium electrode potential, but the stability of electrode potential. Generally similar to that battery's open circuit voltage is the battery emf.
  Battery internal resistance is the current through the battery internal resistance when the subject. It includes the ohmic resistance and polarization resistance, polarization resistance and electrochemical polarization resistance and includes concentration polarization resistance. Because the presence of resistance, the battery voltage is always smaller than the battery emf <IMG src=",3451946212&fm=0&gp=10.jpg" name=pn19> or open circuit voltage. Battery internal resistance is not constant, the charge-discharge process change over time (getting larger), because the composition of active material, electrolyte concentration and temperature are constantly changing. Ohmic resistance to comply with Ohm's law, the polarization resistance with the current density increases, but not a linear relationship. Often with the current density increases.
  Resistance is to determine the battery performance is an important indicator, which directly affects the battery voltage, current, energy and power output for the battery, its internal resistance as small as possible.
  Charge and discharge rate
  Rate and ratio are sometimes two representations. Charge and discharge rate is the time when that charge and discharge rate is numerically equal to the battery's rated capacity (An hour) divided by the prescribed charge and discharge current (A) from the number of hours. Rate charge and discharge rate is another notation, the reciprocal of the rate of its value too. Battery discharge rate is based on the original by a fixed resistor to the termination voltage discharge time to that. Discharge rate greater impact on battery performance.
  The battery has a great electrode - electrolyte interface area, it can be equivalent to a large battery capacity and the small resistor, inductor series circuit. But the reality is much more complex, especially the battery impedance and the DC level over time change, the measured impedance is only valid for the specific measurement of the state.
  Zhicheng from the battery storage life refer to the store to start using the maximum time allowed between, on an annual basis. Including the storage period and total duration of use, including the period of validity of said battery. Save battery life with dry storage and wet storage life of life points. Is the battery cycle life under specified conditions are met can achieve the maximum charge and discharge cycles. When the specified cycle life requirements must charge and discharge cycle test of the system, including the charge and discharge rate, depth of discharge and ambient temperature range.
  Self-discharge rate
  Battery power during storage capacity of self-loss rate. Save time with a unit capacity of self-discharge loss account expressed as a percentage of capacity before it is stored.
  Battery for calculations
  Where E is the electromotive force, r is the source resistance, within the voltage U in = Ir, E = U + U within the outer
  Scope: pure resistance circuit
  Closed circuit of energy conversion:
  E = U + Ir
  EI = UI + I ^ 2R
  P release = EI
  P output = UI
  Pure resistance circuit
  P out = I ^ 2R
  = E ^ 2R / (R + r) ^ 2
  = E ^ 2 / (R ^ 2 +2 r + r ^ 2 / R)
  When r = R at the maximum output P, ​​P out = E ^ 2/4r (mean inequality)
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Chemical batteries
  Dry and liquid battery
  The distinction between dry and liquid batteries battery is limited to the early development of that period. The first battery from the glass container filled with electrolyte and two electrodes. Was introduced to a paste electrolyte-based batteries, also called dry.
  There are still "liquid" batteries. Generally very large size species. Such as those used as an uninterruptible power supply in large stationary lead-acid batteries or solar cells, supporting the use of lead-acid batteries. For mobile devices, some using a sealed, maintenance-free lead-acid batteries, these batteries have been used successfully for many years, sulfuric acid electrolyte which is fixed by the silica gel or glass fiber separator suction pay.
  Disposable batteries and rechargeable batteries
  Disposable batteries commonly known as "disposable" batteries, because their power is exhausted, you can not recharge using only discarded. Common disposable batteries, including alkaline manganese batteries, zinc-manganese batteries, lithium batteries, zinc batteries, zinc air batteries, zinc-mercury batteries, mercury batteries, battery, and magnesium hydroxide, manganese batteries.
  Rechargeable batteries made by different materials and workmanship, the common lead-acid batteries, nickel cadmium batteries, nickel-iron batteries, nickel metal hydride batteries, lithium-ion battery. The advantage is long life cycle, they can all charge and discharge more than 200, some rechargeable battery power than most of the disposable battery load high. Ordinary nickel-cadmium, nickel metal hydride battery, the unique memory effect, causing inconvenience of use, often causing premature failure.
  Theory of battery charging time
  Theory of battery charging time: the battery charger output power divided by the current.
  For example: a battery 800MAH battery as an example, the charger output current 500MA then charging time is equivalent to 800MAH/500MA = 1.6 hours, when the charger shows charging is completed, even the best battery about half an hour or so complement of power-up time.
  Fuel cell
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Battery Categories
  Many different types of batteries, battery mainly used batteries, battery, and the small size of micro-batteries. In addition, the metal - air batteries, fuel cells and other cells, such as solar energy conversion, thermal batteries, nuclear batteries.
  Dry cell
  Common one is carbon - zinc battery (Figure 3). The cathode is a cylinder made of zinc, containing ammonium chloride as the electrolyte, a small amount of zinc chloride, an inert filler and water into a paste electrolyte, cathode is four weeks wrapped in a paste of manganese dioxide mixed electrolyte of a carbon rods. Electrode reaction is: negative ions at the zinc atom as zinc (Zn + +), release electrons at the positive ammonium ion (NH 嬃) the electron and become ammonia and hydrogen. Get rid of manganese dioxide with hydrogen to eliminate polarization. Electromotive force of about 1.5 volts.
  Many different types of common features can be seen many charge discharge cycles, repeated use.
  Lead-acid batteries
  The most commonly used, the plate is made of lead alloy grid, the electrolyte is dilute sulfuric acid. Two plates are covered with lead sulfate. However, charge, positive at the plates of lead dioxide into lead sulfate, lead sulfate at the anode into the metal lead. Discharge, the chemical reaction occurs in the opposite direction.
  Lead-acid battery electromotive force of about 2 volts, often in series composed of 6-volt or 12 volt battery. Sulfuric acid concentration decreases during battery discharge, the proportion of available test methods to determine the electrolyte batteries need charging or charging process can end.
  The advantage of lead-acid batteries discharge more stable force, the disadvantage is the specific energy (energy per unit weight of the charge storage) is small, corrosive environment.
  Group by the positive plate, negative plate group, composed of electrolyte and containers. Charge of the positive plate is brown lead dioxide (PbO2), the negative plate is a gray velvet-like lead (Pb), when the two plates placed in a concentration of 27% to 37% sulfuric acid (H2SO4) solution, it is highly plates of lead and sulfuric acid chemical reaction, divalent lead cations (Pb2 +) transfer to the electrolyte, leaving two electrons in the negative plate (2e-). As the negative charge of gravity, lead ions are gathered around the negative plate, while the positive plate in the electrolyte under the action of water molecules in a small amount of lead dioxide (PbO2) into the electrolyte, in which divalent ions and oxygen hydrate that lead dioxide molecules into the dissociation of an unstable substance - lead hydroxide [Pb (OH4]). Price of lead hydroxide, lead by four cations (Pb4 +) and four hydroxyl [4 (OH) -] formed. 4 price of lead cations (Pb4 +) remain in the cathode plate, the positively charged anode plate. As the negatively charged cathode plate, and thus between the two plates have a certain potential difference, which is the cell emf. When connected to the external circuit, the current that flows from the positive and negative. In the discharge process, the negative plate by the external electronic circuit constantly flow positive plate, this time due to sulfuric acid in the electrolyte within the ionized molecules into hydrogen positive ions (H +) and sulfate anion (SO42-), under the action of the electric field in the ion , both positive and negative ions are moved to the sulfate anion to reach the negative plate and lead after the positive ions together to form lead sulfate (PbSO4). In the cathode plate, the electronic self-external circuit flows, with 4 price of lead cations (Pb4 +) Synthesis of 2 price of lead cations (Pb2 +), and immediately with the positive plate in the vicinity of the sulfate ions combine to form lead sulfate attachment the cathode.
  As the battery discharges, both positive and negative plates are cured, while the sulfuric acid electrolyte gradually reduced, and water increased, leading to electrolyte has dropped in actual use, can be measured to determine the proportion of electrolyte battery discharge level. In normal use, over-discharge lead-acid batteries should not be, or will, and the active substance mixed with a small lead sulfate crystals to form larger bodies, which not only increases the resistance of the plate, but it is difficult to re-charging restore, build a direct impact on the capacity and lifetime of the pool. Rechargeable lead-acid battery is discharging the reverse process.
  Stable lead-acid battery voltage, temperature and the use of current range, can be hundreds of charge and discharge cycles, storage performance (especially for dry-charged storage), low cost, which are widely used. Using the new lead alloy, lead-acid battery performance can be improved. Such as for lead-calcium alloy grid, to ensure minimum lead-acid battery float current, add water to reduce and extend the life; use of lead-lithium alloy casting is grid, can be sealed to reduce self-discharge and meet the needs. In addition, the open-type lead-acid battery to be gradually replaced by enclosed, and the development of anti-acid, hydrogen explosion-proof type and consumer-type lead-acid batteries.
  Lead crystal battery
  Application of lead-crystal battery is proprietary technology, using high-conductivity electrolytes silicates traditional lead-acid battery electrolyte is the complexity of modification, no mist is _set_ting process within the chemical process of innovation. First of these techniques and are at home and abroad, the product in the production, use and waste pollution problem does not exist, more environmentally friendly, with a silicate of lead crystal to replace the battery for electrolyte sulfuric acid solution to overcome the lead-acid batteries Life is short, not high current charging and discharging of a series of shortcomings, more in line with the prerequisites battery, lead crystal battery on the battery in the field will also have a huge boost.
  Than lead-acid battery storage battery lead crystal with unparalleled advantages:
  1, long battery life of lead crystal
  General lead-acid battery charge and discharge cycles are 350, while lead crystal battery discharge 60% of the rated capacity under the premise of life cycle 700, the equivalent lead-acid battery life doubled.
  2, high-rate discharge performance
  Special technology to make lead crystal cell with high rate discharge characteristics, generally lead-acid batteries discharge only 3C, lead crystal battery discharge can be up to 10C.
  3, the depth of discharge performance
  Lead crystal battery depth of discharge to 0V, to restore full rated charge capacity of lead-acid batteries in terms of this feature is relatively difficult to live up to.
  4, low temperature performance
  Lead crystal battery temperature range more widely, from -20-50 ℃ can adapt to, especially in the case of -20 ℃, the discharge can reach 87%. Low-temperature region is rare for the majority of the preferred share.
  5, environmental protection and good
  Lead crystal cell used in new materials, new processes and new formulations, there is no mist and other volatile hazardous substances, land, rivers, etc. will not cause pollution, more environmentally friendly.
  Iron-nickel batteries
  Also known as Edison battery. Lead-acid battery is a battery, with different iron-nickel battery electrolyte is alkaline potassium hydroxide solution is an alkaline battery. The nickel oxide is very, very negative iron. Charging and discharging of the chemical reaction is
  Electromotive force of about 1.3 to 1.4 volts. The advantage is lightweight, long life, easy maintenance, drawback is that efficiency is not high.
  Nickel-cadmium batteries
  Nickel hydroxide is a very, very negative cadmium, potassium hydroxide electrolyte solution, charge, discharge of chemical reaction is
  The advantage is light, seismic, long life, commonly used in small electronic devices.
  Silver-zinc battery
  Silver oxide is a very, very negative zinc electrolyte is potassium hydroxide solution.
  Silver-zinc battery than the energy, to a large current discharge, shock, as astronauts, satellites, rockets and other power. Charge and discharge times of up to about 100 to 150 cycles. The disadvantage is that expensive, shorter life.
  Fuel cell
  One kind of fuel in the combustion process releases chemical energy directly into electrical energy. The difference with batteries is that it can be two electrodes from outside the region were to continuously add the fuel and oxidizer without charge. Fuel cell from the fuel (eg hydrogen, methane, etc.), antioxidants (such as oxygen and air, etc.), electrode and electrolyte four parts. The electrodes have catalytic properties and porous structure, in order to ensure a larger active area. Work will pass into the anode fuel and oxidant into the cathode through their respective electrode catalyst for electrochemical reaction for power.
  Fuel cell to the energy released by combustion reaction directly into electrical energy, so it's energy efficiency is high, approximately equal to the heat efficiency of more than 2 times. In addition, it also has the following advantages: ① equipment light; ② not made noise, little pollution; ③ continuous operation; ④ high power output per unit weight. Therefore, it has been applied in astronautics, in all areas of military and civilian has been widely used to show prospects.
  The energy of sunlight into electrical energy. Day of irradiation, the resulting voltage to get current, for satellites, spacecraft in the solar cell is made of semiconductors (silicon photovoltaic cells used). Sunlight solar surface, on both sides of the formation of semiconductor PN junction potential difference. 10% of its efficiency, the typical output power is 5 to 10 milliwatts per square centimeter (junction area).
  Battery temperature
  Access into the closed circuit of two metals, and the two joints to maintain different temperatures, the resulting electromotive force, that is, thermal electromotive force, which is called the Seebeck effect (see thermoelectric phenomena), such a device called a thermocouple or thermocouple. Metal thermocouple temperature produced a smaller force, used to measure the temperature difference. However, the thermocouple in series into a thermopile, also can be used as a small power supply, which is called the thermal battery. Semiconductor material temperature batteries, thermoelectric effect is strong.
  Nuclear battery
  Primary cell
  After the first discharge (continuous or intermittent) to the battery capacity is used up, can not be effectively used to charge way to restore the state of the battery before discharge. Feature is easy to carry, no maintenance, long-term (months or even years) storage or use. Primary batteries are zinc-manganese batteries, zinc-mercury batteries, zinc air batteries, lithium batteries and solid electrolytes, etc. Zinc-manganese batteries and alkaline dry battery is divided into two.
  Zinc-manganese batteries
  While still making the first mass production of the original battery. There are two kinds of cylindrical and laminated structure. It features easy to use, inexpensive, abundant sources of raw materials for a large number of automated production. But not stable discharge voltage, capacity, influenced by the discharge rate. Discharge rate for small and intermittent discharge. New zinc-manganese batteries with high concentrations of zinc chloride electrolyte, manganese dioxide fine powder and cardboard pulp layer structure, so doubled the capacity and life are, and improved sealing performance.
  Alkaline Battery
  Alkaline electrolyte instead of a neutral electrolyte manganese dioxide batteries. There are two kinds of cylindrical and button. This battery has the advantage of large capacity, voltage stability, continuous discharge current can be large, at low temperature (-40 ℃) to work. This battery can charge and discharge under specified conditions dozens of times.
  Zinc-mercury batteries
  S. Robin invented by the United States, it is also Mingluo Bin battery. Is the first invention of a small battery. There are two kinds of button-type and cylindrical. Stable discharge voltage, the voltage can be used as standards with less stringent requirements. The disadvantage is poor low temperature performance (above 0 ℃ use only), and toxic mercury. Zinc-mercury battery has been gradually replaced by another series of battery.
  Zinc-air battery
  With oxygen in the air as the cathode active material, so more than capacity. There are two series of alkaline and neutral, the structure of another wet and dry two. Wet alkaline battery is only one, with NaOH as electrolyte, low prices, many made of high-capacity (100 An hour or more) stationary batteries used for railway signals. Dry batteries, there are two kinds of alkaline and neutral. Neutral air-dry raw material-rich, low price, but only in a small current work. Alkaline batteries can be air-current discharge than the energy of a large, continuous discharge performance than the intermittent discharge. All air batteries are affected by environmental humidity, the use of short duration, poor reliability, can not be used in a sealed state.
  Solid electrolyte battery
  The solid electrolyte ionic conductor, sub-high temperature, room temperature categories. Sodium sulfur battery with high temperature can be high current work. Temperature of silver iodine battery voltage of 0.6 volts, is expensive, has not yet been applied. Already uses a lithium iodine battery voltage 2.7 volts. This battery is highly reliable, can be used for cardiac pacemakers. However, the battery discharge current can achieve microampere level.
  Lithium Battery
  With lithium as the anode of the battery. It is 60 years after the development of a new type of high-energy batteries. Divided by the different electrolytes used: ① temperature molten salt lithium battery; ② organic electrolyte lithium batteries; ③ inorganic non-aqueous electrolyte lithium battery; ④ solid electrolyte lithium battery; ⑤ lithium-water battery. The advantage of single lithium battery voltage higher than that of energy, long shelf life (up to 10 years), high temperature performance, and can be used in -40 ~ 150 ℃. The disadvantage is expensive, security is not high. Voltage hysteresis and other safety issues to be improved. In recent years, to develop battery and the emergence of a new cathode material, lithium iron phosphate material in particular, the development, the development of lithium helps a lot.
  Reserve battery
  There are two active, one that is kept separate from the electrolyte and the electrode, the electrolyte into the battery before use and activation group, such as magnesium seawater batteries, reserve batteries and zinc chromate silver batteries. Another is to use molten salt electrolyte, the electrolyte does not conduct electricity at room temperature when, before using light heating agent will quickly melt and activate the electrolyte, known as thermal batteries. This battery can be calcium, magnesium or lithium alloy anode, KCl and LiCl eutectic melt as the electrolyte, CaCrO4, PbSO4 or V2O5 as the cathode, the zirconium powder or iron powder for the heating agent. Fully sealed structure can be long-term storage (10 years). Reserve battery for special purposes.
  Standard Battery
  The most famous is the standard battery Whiston, sub-saturated and non saturated two kinds. The standard emf of 1.01864 volts (20 ℃). Unsaturated type of saturation-type voltage temperature coefficient is about 1 / 4.
  Paste-type zinc - manganese dry battery
  By the zinc cylinder, electric paste layer, manganese dioxide cathode, carbon rods, copper cap and so on. The outermost layer is a zinc cylinder, it is both negative and doubles as a battery container, in the discharge process it to be gradually dissolved; central role is a _set_ of flow from the carbon rod; tightly around the root of the carbon rod is a by dark brown or black manganese dioxide powder with a conductive material (graphite or acetylene black) composed of a mixture, which together constitute the cell with carbon rod cathode body, also called carbon package. To avoid water evaporation, the upper dry seal with paraffin or asphalt. Zinc - manganese dry batteries work for the zinc pole of the electrode reaction: Zn → Zn2 + +2 e
  Cardboard-type zinc - manganese dry battery
  In the paste-type zinc - manganese dry batteries based on the improvements made. It is 70 to 100 microns thickness of non-metallic impurities in high-quality kraft paper as the base, with a good tune paste coating the surface, made of cardboard and then after drying, to replace the paste-type zinc - manganese dry batteries in the paste like electrolyte layer. Cardboard-type zinc - manganese dry battery of the actual discharge capacity than ordinary paste-type zinc - manganese dry batteries 2 to 3 times higher. Labeled "high" on the battery most of the cardboard type.
  Alkaline zinc - manganese dry battery
  The electrolyte from the amalgamation of zinc powder, 35% potassium hydroxide solution together with some of the sodium carboxymethyl cellulose is made by pasting. As the potassium hydroxide solution of low freezing point, the resistance is small, so alkaline zinc - manganese dry battery in -20 ℃ temperatures, and to a large current discharge. Alkaline zinc - manganese battery charge and discharge cycles 40 times, but depth can not be discharged before charging (for 60% to 70% of capacity), and the need to strictly control the charging current and final charging voltage.
  Stacked zinc - manganese dry battery
  By a few flat-shaped compact form single cells stacked together. Every single cell by the plastic shell, skin zinc, conductive film and the separator paper, charcoal cake (positive) components. Separator paper there is a suction surface of the electrolyte layer of starch coated paper, stick it on top of the skin of zinc; separator paper above the carbon pie. Separator paper as the electric battery paste paste-type layer, isolated from the skin of zinc anode and the positive role of carbon cake. Stacked zinc - manganese dry battery minus the cylindrical paste-type battery series combination of trouble, its compact structure, small size, volume capacity, but storage life is short and the large internal resistance, discharge current and therefore should not be too large.
  Alkaline battery
  Lead-acid batteries with the same capacity compared to its small size, long life, to a large current discharge, but the cost is higher. Alkaline battery electrode active material into iron by nickel, nickel-cadmium, silver zinc batteries and other series. Nickel-cadmium batteries, for example, alkaline battery works: battery plate active material in the charge, the positive plate of nickel hydroxide [Ni (OH) 3], the negative plate of cadmium (Cd); and discharge termination, the positive plate into nickel hydroxide [Ni (OH2)], the negative plate into a cadmium hydroxide [Cd (OH) 2], multi-use electrolyte of potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution.
  Metal - air battery
  With oxygen in the air as the cathode active material, the metal as a cathode active material of a high-energy batteries. The metal is generally used magnesium, aluminum, zinc, cadmium, iron, etc.; electrolyte solution.  zinc-air battery which has become a mature product.
  Nano Battery
  Nano is 10-9 meters, nano-battery that is used nanomaterials (such as nano-MnO2, LiMn2O4, Ni (OH) 2, etc.) produced cell, nano-materials with special microstructure and physical and chemical properties (such as quantum size effect, surface effect and the quantum tunneling effect, etc. At present, the nano-battery technology is mature and nano-carbon fiber battery mainly used for electric vehicles, electric motorcycles, electric bicycle on which kinds of batteries can be recharged 1000 cycles, continuous use up to 10 years only a single charge take about 20 minutes, flat road trip of 400km, weight 128kg, has surpassed the United States and Japan's cell vehicle level they produce nickel-metal hydride battery takes about 6-8 hours of flat road travel 300km.
  Battery Type
  Generally divided into: 1,2,3,5,7 No. 5 and 7, which is particularly common, so-called AA batteries is 5 batteries, and battery AAA battery is 7! AA, AAA is the battery model.
  For example:
  AA is what we usually refer to the battery 5, the general dimensions: diameter 14mm, height 49mm;
  AAA is what we usually refer to the 7 cells, the general dimensions: diameter 11mm, height 44mm.
  Other models
  Talk about the common "AAAA, AAA, AA, A, SC, C, D, N, F" these models
  AAAA type rare, one-time AAAA Energizer Alkaline batteries can also see the occasional, usually used inside the computer pen. Standard AAAA (flat) battery height 41.5 ± 0.5mm, diameter 8.1 ± 0.2mm.
  AAA type battery is more common, general use of the MP3 are AAA batteries, the standard AAA (flat) battery height 43.6 ± 0.5mm, diameter 10.1 ± 0.2mm.
  It is well known even AA batteries, digital cameras, electric toys and ultimately AA batteries, standard AA (flat) battery height 48.0 ± 0.5mm, diameter 14.1 ± 0.2mm.
  Only one type of battery A is not common, usually for the series inside the battery cell battery pack, I often give others the old camera for nickel-cadmium, nickel metal hydride battery, almost all of 4/5A, or 4/5SC battery core. Standard A (flat) battery height 49.0 ± 0.5mm, diameter 16.8 ± 0.2mm.
  SC models are not common, generally is the battery pack inside the battery cell, mostly in power tools and cameras and can be seen on imported equipment, the standard SC (flat) battery height 42.0 ± 0.5mm, diameter 22.1 ± 0.2mm.
  C Type II is the battery, use a lot of standard C (flat) battery height 49.5 ± 0.5mm, diameter 25.3 ± 0.2mm.
  D Model One is the battery, wide range of uses, civilian, military, specific DC power supply can be found in D-type batteries, standard D (flat) battery height 59.0 ± 0.5mm, diameter 32.3 ± 0.2mm.
  N models are not common, I do not know what things there with the standard N (flat) battery height 28.5 ± 0.5mm, diameter 11.7 ± 0.2mm.
  F type battery, it is electric bikes, battery of a new generation of products, a great trend to replace lead-acid maintenance-free batteries are generally for the battery cell (personal opinion: In fact, a big, bad alone, huh). Standard N (flat) battery height 89.0 ± 0.5mm, diameter 32.3 ± 0.2mm.
  We note that (flat head) word, referring to the cathode is flat, not protruding, used to make the battery pack using the battery cell spot, the general pointed to the same model (which can be used as a single battery-powered), in height to more 0.5mm. So, I do not elaborate. Also, the battery is not a lot of the time behaved "AAA, AA, A, SC, C, D, N, F" the main models, the front also have a lot of points, "1 / 3, 2 / 3, 1 / 2,2 / 3,4 / 5,5 / 4,7 / 5 ", the fraction of the cell body is correspondingly high, for example," 2/3AA "is that high is usually AA batteries 2 / 3 of the rechargeable battery ; Again "4/5A" is that high is usually A battery of 4 / 5 rechargeable batteries.
  There is also a model representation, is five digits, for example, 14500,17490,26500, first two digits refer to the pool diameter, is the pool after the three-digit height, for example, 14500 refers to AA batteries, or about 14mm in diameter , 50mm high
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Battery and environmental
  Potential contamination of used batteries has aroused extensive attention. China is the world's top production and consumption of battery power, our data show that China currently has more than 1,400 battery manufacturers, production of dry batteries in 1980, has surpassed the United States ranked first in the world. China's battery production in 1998 reached 14 billion, the same year the world production of dry batteries of about 300 million.
  Such a large quantity of batteries, so exposed a big problem, and that is how much damage the batteries do not pollute our living environment. According to our survey, used batteries containing heavy metals and waste acid, waste alkali electrolyte solution. If thrown away, the battery will destroy the corruption of our water resources, erosion of the survival of our crops and land, our environment is facing a huge threat. If a rot in the ground at the battery, it's toxic substances can make one square meter of land lost value; throw a coin cell battery into the water, it contains toxic substances which cause pollution of 60 million liters of body , the equivalent of a person's life, water; used batteries contain cadmium, lead, mercury, nickel, zinc, manganese, etc., in which cadmium, lead, mercury is harmful to human body substances. And nickel, zinc and other metals in a certain range of concentration although useful material, but in the environment over the limit, but will also harm the human body. Used batteries leaking heavy metals can cause rivers, lakes, sea and other bodies of water pollution, endangering aquatic life and water use, indirect threat to human health. Waste acid, waste alkali, such as the electrolyte solution may be contaminated land, acidification and salinization of land, which all child in our midst, such as a ticking time bomb. Therefore, the collection and disposal of used batteries is very important, if disposed of improperly, may be on the ecological environment and human health, cause serious harm. Free to discard used batteries not only pollute the environment, but also a waste of resources. It was calculated that the national annual production of 10 billion batteries, annual consumption of 156,000 tons of zinc, 22.6 tons of manganese dioxide, 2080 tons of copper, 27,000 tons of zinc chloride, 79,000 tons of ammonium chloride, 4.3 ten thousand tons carbon rod. Although advanced technology has given us the right direction, but the contamination of China's battery is still not optimistic. Currently most of our garbage is mixed with used batteries together into the ground, over time, after the battery into decay, leaching of heavy metals, both could contaminate groundwater, and may contaminate soil and eventually through a variety of ways to enter the human food chain. Biological uptake of heavy metals from the environment through food chain biomagnification, step by step in the higher organisms, thousands of times more enriched, and then enter the human body through the food chain, resulting in savings of some organs in chronic poisoning, Japan Minamata disease is a typical case of mercury poisoning.
  Batteries are generally divided into disposable batteries and rechargeable batteries. The main disposable batteries, including zinc-manganese batteries (zinc and manganese dioxide), zinc mercury batteries (zinc and mercury oxide) and lithium batteries and other types. The main rechargeable batteries include cadmium - nickel, iron - nickel, zinc - silver, zinc - air and lithium - iron sulfide and lead-acid batteries. Used in our daily lives most of the zinc-manganese batteries and zinc-mercury batteries, leaving the battery pollution is mainly mercury (Hg) and cadmium (Cd).
  Mercury toxicity
  Mercury which are commonly called "mercury" is a liquid substance at room temperature, can prevent the battery cathode zinc oxide, this approach to improve the storage life of the battery. Therefore, early use of zinc in the previous negative extreme of the battery is almost doing a certain amount of mercury do have preservatives. However, mercury and mercury compounds are neurotoxic, endocrine system, immune system, also have an adverse effect, it raises people's slurred speech, unsteady gait, limb paralysis, leading to convulsions, mental disorders and died.
  For a long time, China's production of dry batteries, to join a toxic substance - mercury or mercury compounds. China's mercury in alkaline batteries up to 1% to 5%, 0.025% neutral dry-cell batteries, dry batteries every year for the production of hundreds of tons of mercury amounted to much. As technology advances, the battery began to implement a low-mercury and mercury-free, mercury substitutes Forafac fluorinated polymer surfactants in the prevention of corrosion of zinc has achieved good results.
  Disposal of mercury batteries in nature will slowly overflow from the battery into the soil or water, and then in the action of microorganisms, inorganic mercury can be transformed into methylmercury, gathered in the fish's body, human consumption of this fish , the methylmercury enters the brain cells, people's nervous systems were severely damaged, in serious cases would be crazy to death. Famous Japanese Minamata disease is caused by methylmercury.
  Cadmium toxicity
  Manganese toxicity
  Excessive manganese accumulation in the body can cause neurological dysfunction, an early manifestation of comprehensive sexual dysfunction, heavy words appear dull, dull expression, emotional indifference, accompanied by psychiatric symptoms.
  Lead toxicity
  Lead major role in the nervous system, hematopoietic system, digestive system, and liver, kidney and other organs, can inhibit the synthesis of hemoglobin metabolism, but also directly on the mature red blood cells, for infants, very young children, it will lead to children's physical development retardation, chronic lead in the prime of childhood mental retardation.
  Nickel toxicity
  Nickel powder dissolved in the blood, to participate in the body circulation, with strong toxicity, can damage the central nervous system, causing abnormal blood vessels, severe cases lead to cancer.
  Zinc toxicity
  Zinc is an essential element, low toxicity, oral zinc sulfate 1000mg will make acute poisoning, but inhalation of zinc oxide dust can cause poisoning. The symptoms of general fatigue, muscle pain, difficulty breathing, vomiting, diarrhea, severe heart weakness, prostration, convulsions death. Zinc sulfate, zinc chloride penetrated the skin mucous membrane, can produce dermatitis and ulcers. Zinc to fish and aquatic toxicity than human toxicity, so the water quality requirements for fisheries zinc per liter of water should not exceed 0.1mg.
  Recycling of waste batteries
  Batteries, though small, risk exceedingly large. However, unlike batteries contaminated waste, air and water pollution, as can be felt with the senses, with great hidden, so did not receive due attention. At present, in order to become a production and consumption of battery power, batteries pollution is an urgent need to address a major environmental problem.
  Note: Do not connect both ends of the battery, otherwise battery will damage the battery
  Lithium-ion battery protection circuit design
  1 circuit
  1.1 Circuit Overview
  Lithium-ion battery protection circuit includes over-charge protection, over current / short circuit protection and over-discharge protection, the circuit is to ensure that such over-charging and discharging state security, and to prevent property deterioration. It mainly consists of an integrated protection circuit IC, chip resistors, chip capacitors, field effect transistor (MOSFET), and some have thermistor (NTC), identification resistor (ID), fuse (FUSE) and other accessories. The circuit shown in Figure 1.
  Lithium-ion battery protection circuit
  Integrated protection circuit IC which is used to detect the current protection circuit voltage, current, time and other parameters in order to control the FET switch state; field-effect transistor (MOSFET) is based on the control circuit protection IC to whether it might be on or off ; chip resistors for current limiting; SMD capacitor acts as a filter, adjust the delay time; thermistor to detect the ambient temperature inside the cell block; fuse to prevent current flowing through the battery is too large, cut off the current loop.
  1.2 circuit and parameter determination
  1.2.1 The over-charge protection
  When the charger on the battery over-charging, lithium batteries due to temperature rise caused by increased internal pressure required to terminate the current state of charge. At this point, the integrated circuit IC protection required to detect the battery voltage and when it reaches 4.25V (assuming the battery charging voltage threshold of 4.25 V) that activate the over-charge protection, the power MOS from the open to cut off, thus closing charge. In addition, to prevent excessive noise generated as a miscarriage of justice charge and overcharge protection, so need to _set_ the delay time and delay time can not be shorter than the duration of the noise in order to avoid false positives. Overcharge protection delay time tvdet1 calculated as follows:
  t vdet1 = {C3 × (Vdd - 0. 7)} / (0. 48 × 10 - 6) (1)
  Where: Vdd for the protection of the N1 overcharge detection voltage value.
  Simple calculation of delay time: t = C3 / 0. 01 × 77 (ms) (2)
  Should the C3 content is 0.22 F, then the delay value: 0. 22 / 0. 01 × 77 = 1694 (ms)
  1.2.2 The over-discharge protection
  1.2.3 Over current and short circuit current protection
  For unknown reasons (positive and negative discharge or by metal objects inadvertently) caused by over-current or short circuit, to ensure safety, must immediately cease its discharge. Principles of over current protection IC, when the discharge current or short-circuit condition occurs, protect the IC will be activated off (short circuit) current protection, over current detection time is the power MOSFET's Rds (on) as a sensor for monitoring the impedance The voltage drop in the case, if the ratio _set_ by the overcurrent detection voltage is higher then stop the discharge, computing formula is:
  V_ = I × Rds (on) × 2 (V_ for the over-current detection voltage, I is discharge current) (3) assuming V_ = 0. 2V, Rds (on) = 25 mΩ, the protection current size of I = 4 A.
  Similarly, over-current detection delay time must also be equipped to prevent current flow when a sudden malfunction. Usually after the over-current generation, if we remove the over-current factors (such as immediately and load out) will resume its normal state, can be normal charge-discharge action.
  2 Conclusion
  During the protection circuit design to charge the battery to full state of the user's concern, taking into account the security problems and therefore need to allow the voltage at the end state of charge. To simultaneously satisfy these two conditions, there must be a high precision detector, current detector precision of 25 mV. Also must take into account the integrated protection circuit IC power consumption, resistance to high voltage problems. Moreover, in order to power MOSFET's Rds (on) the charge current and discharge current in the effective use of time is required so that the impedance as low as possible, present the impedance is about 20 ~ 30 mΩ, the overcurrent detection voltage can be so low.
  Inventor of the battery
  Leyden jar
  In the eighteenth century, 40 or 50 years, power generation equipment to improve the research and atmospheric electrical phenomena, physicists have attracted widespread interest, in 1745, Prussia Kleist friction using cable from the electrical lead to the bottle with nails. When his hand touched nails when under heavy blow.
  In the letter, he described the results:
  "I want to tell you a terrible novel, but the experimental facts, but I warn you again not to repeat this experiment in any case. ... ... Put the container on the right hand, I tried with the other hand the iron posts on the leads from the charging spark and suddenly, my hands are a bit big blow to the power to make my whole body shook, ... ... arm and the body a feeling of unspeakable horror. In short, I thought my life have died. "
  While Mason Brock do not want to do this experiment, but this conclusion: the charged body placed in glass bottles can be saved to power. Just to save electricity was not clear from what is the role of water in the bottle or the bottle, then people put the power storage bottle called the "Leyden jar", the experiment known as the "Leyden jar experiment." This "shock" discovery of the phenomenon, sensation, greatly increased the concern of people Leyden jar.
  Mason Brock's warning from the opposite effect, people in the larger scale of this experiment was repeated, and sometimes this experiment simply become a form of entertainment games. Leyden jar for people to use to kill mice show spark, some use it to point alcohol and gunpowder. One size most spectacular demonstration in the French Nolette before Notre Dame's. Nolette invited King Louis XV's royal family watch the show spot. He transferred to the seven hundred monks, let them hand in hand row of the public line, a total length of 900 feet, about 275 meters, which is extremely spectacular. First row of monks to Hold the Leyden jar, a monk Pai Mei Leyden jar holding the lead, then make electricity from the Leyden jar, the results of seven hundred monks jumped almost the same time due to electric shock, the presence of people whom all stunned. Nolette a convincing tone of voice to explain to people the power of great power. It soon became again later electricity used in medicine, the electricity generated from the motor through the patient's body, for the treatment of hemiplegia, neuralgia and other diseases. This treatment method has been used, until people understand the role of power only after the stop.
  Battery history battery findings largely attributable to 1800 or so, Volta alessandrovolta found the zinc and silver pieces by soaking the tissue water or salt water separated form the current escape. Known as the photovoltaic stack. If we clean zinc and silver pieces were included in the top and bottom lips, because saliva is also acidic (like electrolyte) will produce the output voltage, so the lips will feel weak current is passed. In fact as long as between two different metals connected to the electrolyte will produce different potential difference. johannritter then in 1802 found that can be recharged battery production. However, the original batteries are still not ideal, through continuous improvement until 1860 or so, began to develop the originator of the modern battery. First georgeleclanchefrance in 1860 to develop carbon-zinc batteries. This battery is easier to manufacture, and the initial wet water-based electrolyte gradually turbid with sticky paste-like manner similar to replace, then packed in containers, the "dry" sexual battery occurred, or "dry," the ancestor. Carbon-zinc battery is still in production up to the modern dry cell battery. Lead Battery: 1860 raymond developed lead-acid batteries, use two thin pieces of lead rubber sheet to separate, and then immersed in diluted sulfuric acid. The initial capacitance is small, then switch to lead oxide made more responsive and more efficient. Car use is still the main battery. Also accounted for in the world 60% of battery sales. In recent years, more sealed lead batteries more convenient to use. Not only economic (cheap) and can adapt to different environments. Lead battery positive lead oxide into lead sulfate pbso4 pbo2 reaction malpractices in the negative lead is the formation of lead sulfate pbso4 reaction is diluted sulfuric acid electrolyte.
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Computer 百科
  Use rechargeable batteries is a Tablet PC relative advantages of the desktop, it can greatly facilitate a variety of environments the use of tablet PCs. Introduced the first battery is a nickel-cadmium batteries (NiCd), but this battery has "memory effect", each charge must be discharged before, very easy to use, and soon it was nickel-metal hydride battery (NiMH) are replaced, NiMH is not only not "memory effect", and make more per unit weight of 10% of the electricity. The most commonly used battery is a lithium-ion battery (Li-Ion), it is also no "memory effect", compared with NiMH, get more weight per unit of electricity, the price twice as high than the NiMH. In the same weight, the three battery time than is 1:1.2:1.9.
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  Principle in chemical batteries, chemical energy directly into electrical energy is carried by the internal battery of spontaneous oxidation, reduction and other chemical reactions result of this reaction were carried out in two electrodes (see diagram electrochemical reaction cell). Negative electrode active material from the more negative potential and electrolyte composition in a stable reducing agent, such as zinc, cadmium, lead active metals and hydrogen or hydrocarbons. More by the potential of the positive active material and electrolyte is stable oxidant composition, such as manganese dioxide, lead dioxide, nickel oxide and other metal oxides, oxygen or air, halogens and their salts, oxygen-containing acid and its salts, etc. . Electrolyte is a good ionic conductivity of the material, such as acids, alkali, salt solution, organic or inorganic non-aqueous solutions, molten salts or solid electrolytes. When the external circuit is disconnected, although the potential difference between the two poles (open circuit voltage), but there is no current, stored chemical energy in batteries is not converted to electricity. When the external circuit is closed, the potential difference in the two electrodes under the action of the current flowing through the external circuit. Meanwhile, inside the battery, the electrolyte does not exist in free electrons, charge transfer must be accompanied by active material with electrolyte interface polarization of the oxidation or reduction reactions, and reactants and reaction products of mass transfer. Charge transfer in the electrolyte but also by the ion migration to complete. Therefore, the normal battery charge transfer and internal mass transfer process is to ensure that the necessary conditions for the normal output power. Charging, the battery inside the transmission power and the direction of mass transfer and discharge exactly the opposite; electrode reaction must be reversible, in order to ensure the opposite direction of mass transfer process with the normal transmission power. Therefore, the electrode reaction is reversible battery constitutes a necessary condition. According to thermodynamic principles, the isothermal pressure, battery system can output the maximum power that the system free energy increment
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English Expression
  1. :  Battery,  Bat battery,  gamma electric cell,  galvanic element cell
  2. n.:  batteries,  cuvette,  element,  cell,  dry [storage] battery,  photoelectric cell,  cell; battery,  voltaic cell,  battery cell,  portable container of a cell or cells for supplying electricity,  device for producing an electric current by chemical action, eg the metal plates in acid inside a battery
  3. adj.:  flat
French Expression
  1. n.  pile
battery, storage battery
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