Electrical engineering very Automation : electric > electric Automation
No. 1
  Introduction of Electrical Engineering and Automation
  Electrical engineering and automation industries tentacles, small as a switch design, large aircraft, aerospace research, has its presence. The professional electrical engineering students to engage with the system operation, automatic control, power electronics technology, information processing, testing technology, research and development, economic management, and application of electronic and computer technology work in the field is wide caliber "compound" Advanced engineering and technical personnel. High level of talent in the field of high demand. It is estimated that, with the entry of large foreign enterprises in the fields of expertise will be a big gap, then it may be talent shortage.
  A professional overview
  Electrical Engineering and Automation is the electrical field of information a new subject, but because people's daily lives and industrial production is closely related to the development of very fast, now relatively mature. Has become an important part of high-tech industry is widely used in industry, agriculture, national defense and other fields, in the national economy is playing an increasingly important role.
  Control theory and electrical power network theory is the basis of engineering and automation, power electronics technology, computer technology is its main technical means, but also includes system analysis, system design, system development and system management and decision-making research. There are some characteristics of the profession, that is, combining the strength of electric, electric and electronic technology, software and hardware combination, with a cross-disciplinary nature, power, electronics, control, computer multi-disciplinary, so that graduates with a strong ability to adapt is "wide caliber" professional.
  Electrical engineering and automation of the majority of candidates have a strong appeal, are popular professional, college admission scores are often much higher than other majors, the main cause of this situation are: ① easy job, good working environment, income high; ② name sounds good, professional content attractive to students; social advocacy and public opinion in its favor. The direction of the profession has a very good development prospects, research products more easily converted to reality, and considerable benefits. His innovative research ideas to attract many candidates, there is indeed a good place to showcase their talents. But given the current form of domestic, candidates took the test when the profession should pay attention to the following two points:
  (1) give full consideration to their interests. Maybe not his natural interest in this direction, but many people say that good, so myself, "interested" in the. This future development is very negative, after all, interest is the best teacher.
  (2) measure their overall quality. Electrical engineering and automation requires a solid mathematical and physical basis, a strong comprehensive ability in foreign languages, able to master the future, and flexible use of knowledge to prepare. The demand for professional talent direction although the large, but a lot of people to choose, if not the overall quality is very strong, very difficult to stand out among the crowd, achieved outstanding results. Perhaps this lofty ambition of many of the candidates is not acceptable.
  Of course, the feasibility of the two points mentioned here and also the pursuit of individual students, and if only one person to pursue a better job, the profession is indeed a good choice. However, if you want to make a breakthrough in technological innovation, or to establish the contributions and hard work of personal strength, based on the pie will never come knocking on the door for no apparent reason.
  Electrical Engineering and Automation code: 080601.
  Second, professional education development
  Electrical Engineering and Automation is the science, engineering, the combination of financial engineering, art and computer design in one of the new cross-disciplinary expertise. Main disciplines including electrical engineering, computer science and technology, control science and engineering.
  The professional produced in 70 years, first at Oxford University in England, for the first time is the direct current control mode, when the implementation of components of the drive voltage is a DC control voltage is DC, the automated system works is very simple rough accuracy is very low. But the DC control long because of its history was known, people naturally think of communication with the DC to control the actuator. With the transistor, power transistor, FET high-power electronic devices such as the emergence and maturity, and the establishment of the presence of the theory, modern mathematics, matrix algebra for the theoretical basis of the weak strong electrical control systems and automation electronics more so reach a new historical high. Thus, the professional development has been widely, Japan, the United States, Britain and other countries have also established the University of the professional, the results also in this period, and many, such as the completion of CNC machine tools, automatic control of the factory workshop has been is a new topic. Electronic technology and automation, the organic integration of the computer, electronic engineering and automation expertise to give a whole new meaning. Unmanned, the system simplified, reasonable structure, plug and play product to become a new favorite.
  Early (1949-1966) established in many universities in China this specialty, main practice teaching links include the experimental circuit and electronics technology, electronics technology training, curriculum design metalworking, production internships, graduate design, and has trained many of the talents. They have become experts based industries, located in many of our provinces, cities and become the backbone of the force.
  "Cultural Revolution" period, due to political influence, the country's institutions of higher learning have to stop recruitment, the professional has been a great influence, first teacher was denounced, then simply do not go on the school, only to stop enrollment. But even so, many teachers did not stop the research. They know that electrical engineering and automation modernization of China's important role to play, therefore, during this period and did not give up on professional research and exploration.
  After reform and opening up, under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the University resumed recruitment, the professional has developed, many universities _set_ up in this profession, and after another enrollment each year and trained a large number of advanced composite-based personnel, including the bachelor, Dr. intellectuals, especially the present, the professional enrollment, the enrollment capacity of the profession is rising. Although the development of our country in this regard has not stood in the forefront of the world, but with China's overall national strength, the increase in foreign exchanges, we have gradually narrowed the gap with the developed countries. Representative is: 300 000 000 000 times per second computer was developed; nano-technology to master; simulation technology. The problem can not be ignored in front of us: how to meet the challenges of the new technological revolution? Through the professional efforts of teachers and students, electrical engineering and automation expertise to develop open, divided into the "Proceedings" and "Electronic and Information Engineering", covering the original "insulation technology", "Electrical Insulation and cable "" electrical appliances and its control "," Electrical Engineering and Automation "," application of electronic technology "and" light and lighting, "and several other professional direction. With "High Voltage and Insulation Technology", "Electric Machines and Electric", "Power Electronics and Electric Power Transmission" and "electrical theory and new technology", "High Voltage and Insulation Technology" doctorate direction. And industrial product design, based on application of computer modeling, design, implementation, the structure of industrial products, properties, processing, shape and other design and optimization. The professional training needed to adapt to society, both artistically solid foundation of science and technology innovation and technical personnel, senior complex. The professional emphasis on cultivating students foreign languages, computer applications, product modeling, design and other practical work capacity, graphic design, three-dimensional design, product design, comprehensive intelligence. The graduates can be engaged in industrial product design, computer applications, visual communication design, environmental design, advertising, corporate image planning and other sectors of education, scientific research, production, development and management. Include circuit theory, electronic technology, electric machinery, power electronics, electric drive and control, computer technology (language, software infrastructure, hardware based, microcontroller, etc.), signals and systems, control theory and so on. High school is also of the community need to learn flexibility, adaptability, wide coverage of specialized courses and elective courses. But also the motor and the control experiment, experimental electronic engineering systems, power electronics experiments.
  All along, China in the CIMS, automatic control, robotics products, application specific integrated circuit, etc., has made substantial progress. For example: "Computer-based CAPP integrated environment and development platform application framework" was developed to process knowledge base as the core, an interactive design model-based integrated intelligent CAPP development platform and application framework (CAPPFramework), launch of gold leaf CAPP, CAPP and other products with the party. With the support process modeling and dynamic knowledge of knowledge acquisition, various types of process design and information management, product technology information sharing, support feature-based innovation into the process decision-making functions, and provide process knowledge management, process applications defined card format support tools and secondary development tools. Open system, and easy expansion and maintenance. Products in the country's enterprises, especially enterprises CIMS demonstration project to promote the application, also developed automatic control devices and products, infrared photoelectric safety protection device, high power, high-quality switching power supply development. Products include mobile gantry robot automatic spraying machine, electric spraying robot, flexible profiling automatic spraying machine, reciprocating spray machines, automatic coating robot, robot frame, handling robots, welding robot development. Development and application of these products are only electrical engineering and automation in the production of a side, does not adequately reflect the whole picture. The impact of the foreign advanced technology, from the technical aspects of a new round of restructuring. Situation is serious, but also full of opportunities.
  Third, the distribution of professional institutions (part)
  West China University of Yunnan Nationalities University, Xi'an, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Xi'an Mining Institute, Baoji University of Arts University of Shaanxi Institute of Qinghai University, Lanzhou University of Science and Technology University, Beijing Technology and Business University, Tianjin Institute of Urban Construction, Hebei University of Technology Hebei University Hebei Institute of Architectural Engineering, Yanshan University, Taiyuan University of Inner Mongolia University of Technology Shenyang University of Liaoning Technical University Institute of Technology, Dalian Institute of Light Industry, Liaoning, Jilin University, Changchun Institute of Construction Engineering, Harbin Institute of Jiamusi University, Shanghai Normal University Shanghai University Shanghai University Shanghai University of Engineering, Nanjing University, Jiangsu Yangzhou, Yancheng Institute of Technology University Nanchang University Anhui University Shandong University of Science and Technology University, Qingdao, Shandong University, Shandong University of Technology Institute of Light Industry, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou University, Three Gorges University, Hubei Institute for Nationalities Guangxi University, Guangdong University of Northwest University for Nationalities Southwest University for Nationalities, China Agricultural University South China University of Tropical Agriculture Northeast Electric Power University North China Electric Power University, Shanghai Electric Power Institute, Shenyang, Wuhan University Hohai University, Guilin University of Electronic Technology Building University of Electronic Science and Technology University, Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology, Shijiazhuang Railway Institute, Dalian Jiaotong University, Dalian Maritime University, East China Jiaotong University, Civil Aviation University of China, Harbin Engineering University, Huaqiao University, Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Nanjing, Xi'an Petroleum University University of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Northwestern Polytechnical University Wuhan University Harbin Institute of Technology Tsinghua University Dalian University of Technology, Tianjin University, Tongji University, Northeast Normal University, Zhejiang University, Southeast University Southern Yangtze University, Hunan University, Hefei, Chongqing University of South China University of Technology Sichuan University Wuhan Polytechnic University, Lanzhou Jiaotong University of Petroleum University of Beijing Construction Engineering College of Tianjin University of Hebei Normal University, Changchun Institute of Science and Technology Institute of Heilongjiang Heilongjiang Institute of Daqing Petroleum Institute, Shanghai Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University Jinan University Teachers College, Yantai, Shandong Agricultural University of North China Institute of Water Resources, Zhengzhou Zhongyuan Institute of Technology Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management Zhanjiang Ocean University, Guangzhou University of Southwestern Sichuan University Chengdu University of Science and Technology Institute of Sichuan Normal University, Xi'an University of Architecture
  Fourth, professional needs example
  Shanghai Modern Architectural Design Group design firm Jiang Huancheng
  Job Status:
  Electrical (heavy current) Engineer
  Nature of work:
  Salary range:
  Beijing Shanghai Suzhou, Hangzhou
  Job Description and Requirements:
  Male, requires the construction of electrical or related undergraduate degree, work experience (2 years) priorities
  Promotion potential:
  ★ ★ ★ ★
  Beijing Haidian Science Park Development Co., Ltd.
  The company aims to implement the State Council, the city government, the strategic plan of the Zhongguancun Science Park, Zhongguancun Science Park construction and development in accordance with the general planning requirements, in the city and district levels of government under the leadership of the unified organization, the construction of the Zhongguancun Science Park project land a development, infrastructure construction and real estate development. Company in accordance with the requirements of modern enterprise system, established the lean, efficient management model and organizational framework.
  Job Status:
  Electrical Engineer
  Nature of work:
  Salary range:
  Job Description and Requirements:
  University degree in electrical related.
  Promotion potential:
  ★ ★ ★ ★
  Shanghai Shen Mei Beverage & Food Co., Ltd.
  Job Status:
  Electrical Engineer
  Nature of work:
  Salary range:
  Post more
  Job Description and Requirements:
  Electrical automation or related professional college education; solid theoretical knowledge and practical electrical automation capabilities, can guide subordinates and to solve practical problems; in a fast paced work; three-owned firm experience is preferred.
  Promotion potential:
  ★ ★ ★ ★
  Fifth, professional story
  Name: Zhang Qian as: × × Company Technology Electrical Engineer Gender: Male Age: 26
  Personality Bio: more rational, thinking carefully, work actively
  Electrical Engineer - Days
  For 4 years, or to maintain the habit of getting up early. Technical work to do, but a mental life, taking advantage of the morning in the most sober state of mind, the edge
  Wash with today's side to consider how to improve the electrical system of a new model of design proposals.
  9:00 am, the new model of the project team colleagues have appeared in the conference room. Project team is composed of several departments colleagues. New model must successfully to market, not a department or a person can do this. This is our team spirit is a big test. The meeting lasted until 11:00 and more obvious outcome of the meeting, according to market research, market information provided by the Department, I found the details of our system design issues are not enough people oriented, and customer awareness related to the system design, but the key to success. The outcome of the meeting so I have full power to work. After a hasty lunch, I put the draft to improve the design work.
  Has been hard at work, suddenly the phone rang. Phone call from the workshop and asked a mounting technical problems. Thanks to continuously enrich my knowledge of electrical technology and 4 years practical experience in the technical work, of course, ultimately, pretty good communication skills to explain, let me on the phone to explain the installation techniques and problem-solving approach. Such as telephone consultation and on-site consulting services, but we are an important part of the house. Now the companies are to promote awareness of internal services, we can be active for the production department, sales department to provide technical support. For the moment can not solve the technical problems have to spend more resources, access to more information to resolve.
  Looked up at the table, had to attend a technical agreement signed outsourcing of the time. After signing of the agreement is already 5:00 pm by. Taking advantage of half an hour before work, some of the most efficient Internet search with the latest industry products, in order to enrich the report. In fact, the gathering of information industry is engaged in technical work related to the basic ability to do our work every day. Only time to understand and master new technologies within the industry, can use it freely in the design process, so crammed.
  To reward their hard work day, and friends to eat a meal outside, go home at night to prepare for continued fighting. Hard to say really have to admit, but the kind of ecstasy into the design of the state, so I worked for 4 years there is still something more to say in this sense. In addition to the enthusiasm, the work is also often have to attend the training and learning opportunities. This does not, companies large and small technical problems I have full confidence to solve, but also look forward to in the design time and time again to get from customers and the company won.
  Click occupational
  ● post basic information
  Job Title: Electrical Engineer Department: Technology Department superiors Position: Technical manager of the Department
  ● main tasks, responsibilities
  Electrical system design and improvement; of production plants, sales, supply, quality and other aspects of the provision of technical support, organization and maintenance of electrical installation, finishing and preparation of the technical information for product sales, the industry's latest products on the information collected and processing, provide the basis for product decisions.
  ● Qualifications
  Knowledge / Experience: principles and proficiency in electrical system design requirements, proficiency 0ffice, CAD drawings, understanding of the relevant industry knowledge.
  Ability to work: a good design capabilities, drawing ability, communication skills, management skills, interpersonal skills.
  Attitude: customer focus, team spirit, professionalism, innovation.
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Classification details
electrified wire nettingsubstationcapacitanceairfoilelectrodeposition
Upper limitrivetcontaminationplacodeBeat
exploit markresistance dividervoltage gradereactive loadstepup transformer
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