electrical and information discipline : distance learning > Electrical & Information Engineering
No. 1
  Discipline: Engineering
  Categories: Electrical Information
  Professional Title: Electronic and Information Engineering
  Business training objectives: the professional training with electronic technology and information systems based on knowledge, to engage in various types of electronic equipment and information systems research, design, manufacture, application and development of advanced engineering and technical personnel.
  Business training requirements: The major is an electronic and information engineering profession. The professional students mainly study the signal acquisition and processing, power plant equipment information system expertise, by the electronics and information engineering practice of basic training, with the design, development, application and integration of electronic equipment and information systems capabilities.
  Graduates should be given the following knowledge and abilities:
  1. Can be more systematic grasp of the broad areas of expertise and technological foundation of theoretical knowledge, to adapt to wide range of electronic and information engineering scope of work;
  2. Master the basic theory of electronic circuits and experimental techniques, analysis and design of electronic equipment with the basic skills;
  3. Access to information acquisition, processing and application of the basic theory of the general method, with the design, integration, application and computer simulation of the basic capabilities of information systems;
  4. Understand the basic principles of information industry, policies and regulations, understand the basics of business management;
  5. Electronic equipment and information systems to understand the theoretical front, with research, development of new systems, the initial capacity of new technologies;
  6. Master the literature search, data query the basic method, has some scientific research and practical work.
  Main Subject: Electronic Science and Technology, Information and Communication Engineering, Computer Science and Technology.
  Main courses: Circuit Theory courses, computer courses, information theory and coding, signal and systems, digital signal processing, electromagnetic theory, control theory, sensor technology.
  Main practice teaching links include: course experiment, computer-on training, curriculum design, manufacturing practice and graduation design. General practice teaching requirements of not less than 30 weeks.
  Duration: four years
  Degrees: Bachelor of Engineering
  1. Systematic theory of knowledge is strong. This course need to have some basic theory and knowledge to pave the way and because the follow-up courses to learn about the foundation.
  2. Basic theory is more mature. Although electronic technology has developed rapidly, the new devices, circuits with each passing day, but the basic theory has formed a relatively stable system. Not limited to school teaching all-inclusive, exhaustive, should focus on learning to learn and master the basic concepts, basic analysis, design methods.
  3. Practical application of more integrated. This course is a very practical technical courses, many electronic circuits are discussed in practical circuit, can be made of the actual device.
  Professional Profile
  Professional development to master the theory of modern electronic technology, knowledge of electronic system design theory and design methods, with a strong computer, engineering applications and corresponding foreign language ability, for electronic technology, automatic control and intelligent control, computer and network technology, electronics, information and communication field wide caliber, high-quality, comprehensive physical and moral development of innovative capacity development of advanced engineering and technical personnel.
  With in-depth information society, most of the industry professionals need to Electronic and Information Engineering, and salaries are high. After graduation students can engage in electronic equipment and information systems design, application development and technology management. For example, to do electronic engineers, design and development of some electronic and communications devices; do software engineers, design and development of various software and hardware-related; do project manager, planning a number of large systems, which experience, knowledge, demanding; can continue to training to become teachers, engaged in scientific research work. Note: The curriculum of different institutions may be different.
  Professional background and market forecast
  Training Objectives
  Focus on the basics of electronic information technology training and ability; have an electronic product assembly, testing and design of the basic skills, general electronic equipment, installation, commissioning, maintenance and applications; with the office automation equipment, installation, commissioning, repair and maintenance management; with the communication equipment, home electronics schematic reading analysis and installation, commissioning, maintenance capacity; with intelligent control of electrical and mechanical equipment design and organizational skills; have read the information in English and computer application skills.
  Training Requirements
  The students mainly study the signal acquisition and processing, electronic equipment and information systems and other basic theory and basic knowledge of practice by the Electronics and Information Engineering (including the production practice and laboratory experiments) of basic training, have a good scientific quality, with design, development, application and integration of electronic equipment and information systems the basic capabilities, and has strong ability to update knowledge and ability to adapt to a wide range of science.
  Main Courses
  Mathematics, English, circuit analysis, electronic technology, C language, VB programming, electronic CAD, high-frequency electronic technology, television technology, electronic measuring technology, communications technology, automatic detection technology, network and office automation technology, multimedia technology, chip technology, electronic system design technology, electronic design automation (EDA), digital signal processing (DSP) technology and other courses.
  Course Category Description:
  ① Mathematics:
  ----( Mathematics Department of Mathematics, Analytic Geometry mathematical analysis + + Ordinary Differential Equations) are mainly talking about calculus, for those who learn the circuit, calculus (one dollar, multi), curve and surface integrals, series , ordinary differential equations in the following theory courses often encountered.
  Probability and Statistics ---- all with the communication, signal processing related courses to be used in probability theory.
  Methods of mathematical physics graduate scholarship ---- some schools, some schools into complex function (+ integral transform) and the equations of mathematical physics (that is, partial differential equations.) Learning field, the mathematical basis of microwave.
  Stochastic process may also be _set_ up (need to be based on probability) as well as functional analysis.
  ② theory:
  ---- Circuit-based courses.
  Signals and Systems ---- continuous and discrete time domain, frequency domain analysis, it is important but also difficult to
  ---- Digital signal processing discrete signals and systems analysis, signal digital conversion, digital filters and the like.
  Basically, this two need a lot of algorithms and programming.
  Communication Theory ---- Mathematical Theory of Communication.
  Information Theory ---- wide range of applications of information theory, but often in electrical engineering into coding theory about this course.
  ---- Double Dutch electromagnetic field and wave-like course, is basically a replica of electrodynamics physics, to study the mathematical field (electric and magnetic fields, time-varying electromagnetic field.)
  ③ Circuit:
  ---- Analog transistors, op amps, power, A / D, D / A.
  ---- Gate digital circuits, flip-flop, combinational circuits, sequential circuits, programmable logic devices, digital electronic system is based (including computers).
  ---- Radio frequency circuit circuit, amplification, modulation, demodulation, mixing, than analog circuits is difficult
  Treatment of microwave technology ---- in front of several circuits with completely different needs to be based on electromagnetic field theory.
  ④ Computer:
  ---- 80x86 Microcomputer hardware works.
  ---- CPU assembly language instructions correspond directly to programming language.
  ---- CPU and MCU control circuit made of an integrated circuit, various appliances have missed, the general explained 51.
  C c + + language ----( c now speak only the language of the schools may not much) the language used to write system programs, and hardware related development are often used.
  Computer Software Foundation ----( data structure + algorithm + operating system + database theory methods + + compiler software engineering) course may also be a few, say the theory and how to write software, software.
  Detailed Course Description:
  ① c language
  c language is widely used computer language at home and abroad, is a computer application should master a programming tool.
  c language feature-rich, strong communication skills, flexible and easy to use, wide range of applications, the target program, high efficiency, can be moved to good, with both high-level language a bit, there are many characteristics of a low-level language. Therefore, c language, especially suited for writing system software.
  c language after the birth, many of the original software written in assembly language, c language can now be written.
  Beginners are premature avoid some of the abuse of c error prone details, such as inappropriate use of + + and - side effects. Learning programming, we must learn and use live, not die can not learn to use, to learn by analogy, in the future when required to master a new language quickly.
  ② Higher Mathematics
  Mathematics is the science, engineering colleges based on an important subject. As eleven science, mathematics has its inherent characteristics, which is highly abstract, rigorous logic and a wide range of applicability. Mathematical abstraction is the most basic, the most notable features - with highly abstract and unified, we can reveal the nature of law in depth in order to make it more widely applied. Strict logic refers to the mathematical theory of induction and consolidation, in both concept and presentation, or the judgments and reasoning, using logic rules should follow the thinking of the law. So, mathematics is a way of thinking, learning mathematics is the thinking process of the training process. Progress of human society, and a wide range of mathematical application of this science are inseparable. Especially to the modern, the emergence and popularization of computer makes the area even more widened the application of mathematics, science and technology development of modern mathematics is becoming a powerful force, but also broad and deep penetration into the social sciences. Therefore, learning mathematics is important to us. However, many students how to learn this course confused. To learn mathematics, at least do the following four points:
  First of all, understand the concept. There are many mathematical concepts. Concept reflects the essence of things, figure out how it defined, what nature can truly understand the concept.
  Secondly, the master theorem. Theorem is a correct proposition, is divided into two parts, the conditions and conclusions. In addition to master it for the theorems and conclusions of other conditions, but also to find out its scope of application of a definite purpose.
  Third, understand the basis of examples for the right amount of exercise. Wish to remind learners that textbook examples are very typical, help to understand concepts and master theorem, pay attention to the characteristics of the different examples and solution methods based on the understanding for example the right amount of exercises. To be good at summing up the time for questions ---- not only summarize methods, but also summarizes the error. Thus, as complete only after it something that can learn by analogy.
  Fourth, clarify the context. To have learned there is a grasp of the whole, sum up the knowledge system, which can not only deepen understanding of the knowledge will be helpful for further study.
  ③ signals and systems
  Signals and communications and electronic information system is the core specialty basic course concepts and analysis methods which are widely used in communication, automatic control, signal and information processing, circuits and systems.
  This course focuses on network characteristics of the course, using the maps, text, sound, image, animation and other multimedia technologies, the content lively and easy to understand. Network technology to support course, student self-study based, with teachers, answering questions, students discuss the form to reflect the interaction of the course, openness, autonomy, collaboration and so on.
  Conceptually, this course can be divided into signal decomposition and system analysis in two parts, but they are closely related and, according to a continuous signal is decomposed into different basic signal, corresponding to the derivation of a linear system analysis methods are: time domain analysis, complex frequency domain analysis and frequency domain analysis; discrete signal and system analysis is also similar to the decomposition process.
  After using the first row of the course layout arrangement of discrete knowledge, can first focus on continuous signals and systems analysis to learn the content, and through the analog discrete signal and system analysis to understand the concept. State analysis method is also presented with two blocks, thereby establishing a complete signal and system concepts.
  Outline of the course requirements in addition to the main content, but also gives the analysis of random signals through linear systems, discrete Fourier transform, FFT, etc. to expand knowledge.
  ④ circuit analysis
  ⑤ Microcomputer
  Principle focus is to introduce computer instruction system and interface, it is the principle for understanding the computer's hardware is very important to control if the need to use the computer, communications, the principle is compulsory computer courses. Therefore, the vast majority of computer professionals are one of the principle as a main course.
  C language is considered to be between between high-level language and the compilation of a programming language, also known as intermediate language, many of the operating system is implemented using C, such as Unix, Linux, minix and so on, many of the underlying communications, drivers, , encryption procedures are also written with C, an important reason for this is very close to assembly language, C language, in other words, C language from the computer's hardware very close, but at the same compilation of C language programming and much more convenient than, So many people like C language.
  In general, the principle does not need to learn computer language based on C, but to really learn, learning through C language, computer must have the basic principle is, as C pointers in the operation, to the need for the structure of computer memory to understand.
  Unfortunately, most colleges and universities are currently the pre-C, and then repair computer theories, I believe that this is indeed fraught, is not conducive to a high level talents.
  In addition, some people believe that the principle as a computer hardware and software, contact one of the important courses in universities is not enough emphasis, is the status of the course does not fit.
  ⑥ Communication Theory
  Communication as a practical system is to meet the needs of society and individuals have, the aim is to deliver messages (data, voice and images). Development of communication technology, especially in the past 30 years to form the main theoretical principles of communication system, that is, coding theory, modulation theory and detection theory.
  Courses in communication theory, information theory, there are many use to conclusions or theorems. Information theory has become a communication system designed to communicate technical studies and guidelines, in particular it can tell the engineers to the limit on the performance of communication systems.
  There channel noise. In the communication process noise and interference is inevitable. With the study of noise and interference generated random process theory. Analysis of the signal is actually on the random process analysis.
  In communication engineering, coding is a technique to hardware or software implementation can be used. There are many in mathematics can code, can be mapped to a different space, but only in the communication system can generate and identify the code to apply. Coding theory and communications combine to form two directions: source coding and channel coding.
  Modulation theory can be divided into linear and nonlinear modulation modulation, linear modulation is the difference between them does not change the modulation signal spectrum structure, nonlinear modulation spectrum modulation signal to change the structure, and often in a wider bandwidth, and thus nonlinear modulation is usually better than the linear modulation noise performance.
  Receiving the modulated signal and carrier signal separate call to restore the process of modulation signal demodulation or detection.
  As a communication theory course, the content also includes systems, there are synchronization and channel multiplexing. In the digital communication system, only the received signal with the transmitted signal or signal synchronization established between the same time, the receiver can demodulate and identification signals. Channel reuse is to increase communication efficiency, is to arrange a lot of signals through the same channel at the same time a contract or specification, allows multiple users of voice, images and other information can simultaneously through the same cable or other transmission channel.
  In a professional course on communication theory, communication systems can be further about a particular aspect of the design or deepening of the theory or technique. To design and manufacture of communications systems, understand the principle is necessary, but not enough to just understand the principle must also be familiar with the hardware (circuits, microwave) and software (system software and embedded software), which is a professional in another branch of lesson plans course architecture.
  Teaching communication theory from the analog content can be divided into two parts, communications and digital communications. Focus on digital communication modulation, coding, synchronization and so on.
  With the completion of the course content, exercises require students to complete the necessary work. During the creation of a number of validation experiments, using both SystemView teaching, so that students can compare the actual depth understanding of the communication system work situation.
  Understanding of the difficulty of communication theory students, teachers, enhanced multimedia CAI teaching the course, the icon visually assisted instruction. Group developed the use of electronic course lesson plans and presentations to difficult simulation-based education software icon to carry out teaching. Greatly improve the teaching effect. Meanwhile, R & D success is experimental online teaching software, the use of teaching equipment, important experimental equipment online simulation experiments to further adapt to teaching information and network requirements. In short, this course is teaching the theory, experimental teaching, curriculum design, CAI courseware, integrated design and online teaching means that students understand the content of this course has greatly improved.
  ⑦ digital circuits
  ⑧ analog electronic circuits
  First, the course of nature, purpose and mission
  Analog electronic circuit is open to the Central Radio and TV Engineering Electronics and Information Technology specialist technical expertise required basic course. The course not only has its own theoretical system and is a very practical course. Ben task of the course entry for electronic technical problems so that students master the basic analog electronic circuits operating principle, analysis methods and basic skills, to learn further for in-depth courses and engage in electronic technology lay the foundation for practical work.
  Second, the relationship with other courses
  Prerequisites for the circuit analysis based on follow-up courses for the study of this course (such as "Modern Electronic Circuits and Technology", "Automatic Control Theory", "Microcomputer Principle and Application", etc.) to lay the necessary foundation.
  Third, the course features
  1. Systematic theory of knowledge is strong. This course need to have some basic theory and knowledge to pave the way and because the follow-up courses to learn about the foundation.
  2. Basic theory is more mature. Although electronic technology has developed rapidly, the new devices, circuits with each passing day, but the basic theory has formed a relatively stable system. Not limited to school teaching all-inclusive, exhaustive, should focus on learning to learn and master the basic concepts, basic analysis, design methods.
  3. Practical application of more integrated. This course is a very practical technical courses, many electronic circuits are discussed in practical circuit, can be made of the actual device.
  Fourth, the general requirements of teaching
  1. Correctly understand the following basic concepts and terminology
  DC path and communication channel, the forward bias and reverse bias, static and dynamic, the operating point, load lines, nonlinear distortion, magnification, input resistance, output resistance, frequency characteristics, positive feedback and negative feedback, DC feedback and exchange of feedback, voltage feedback and current feedback, series feedback and shunt feedback, open loop and closed-loop, self-excited, zero drift, differential mode and common mode, common mode rejection ratio, constant current source, complementary symmetry, output power and efficiency, ideal op amp, virtual short, virtual land, noise and interference.
  Professional Qualification Certificate and technical grades
  Be issued by the provincial education department of English and computer skills higher certificate; access to the Ministry of Labour and Social Security card issued by mid-level electrical, electronic CAD intermediate skill level certificate.
  Knowledge and ability
  1. More systematic grasp of the technical basis of broad fields of theoretical knowledge, to adapt to wide range of electronic and information engineering scope of work;
  2. To master the basic electronic circuit theory and experimental techniques, analysis and design of electronic equipment with the basic skills;
  3. Access to information acquisition, processing and application of the basic theory of the general method, with the design, integration, application and computer simulation of the basic capabilities of information systems;
  4. To understand the basic principle of the information industry, policies and regulations, understand the basics of business management;
  5. Electronic equipment and information systems to understand the theoretical front, with research, development of new systems and new technology the initial capacity.
  6. To master the literature search, data query of the basic method, has some scientific research and practical work.
  Similar professional
  Communication Engineering
  Career Choice
  The graduates have a wide field of engineering and technical adaptability, broad employment opportunities, employment rate, graduate practical ability, work fast chips, electronic information can be relevant in the enterprise, engaged in the production of electronic products, management and technology management and development. Electronic products and equipment mainly for the production enterprises and business units, engaged in a variety of electronic products and equipment, assembly, commissioning, testing, application and maintenance of technical work, but also to some enterprises, a number of mechanical and electrical equipment, communications equipment and computer control the safe operation of equipment and maintenance management.
  Business needs
  As the information age, presumably, for a long period of time, such personnel will remain in short supply.
  According to the survey, at this stage the requirements for electronic and information engineering talent is great, "Electronic and Information Engineering," the professional, to alleviate the current supply and demand of such personnel is essential.
  Electronic information engineering professionals the information society has become a hot demand for talent.
  Electronic information industry is an emerging high-tech industry, known as the sunrise industry. According to the Ministry of Information Industry, "fifteen" is China's electronic information industry during the critical period of development, electronic information industry is expected to remain higher than the economic growth rate of about twice the rapid development of industry prospects.
  Focus on the future development of electronic information product manufacturing industry, software industry and integrated circuit industries; new communication services such as data communications, multimedia, Internet, telephone information services, SMS and other services will also be expanding rapidly; worth noting there are cultural and scientific industries, such as network games. Currently, demand for information technology support personnel to exclude technical failures, equipment and customer service, hardware and software installation and configuration updates and system operation, monitoring and maintenance of four most severe shortage of qualified personnel. In addition, electronic commerce and interactive media, database development and software engineering, the demand for very large.
  With in-depth information society, most of the industry professionals need to Electronic and Information Engineering, and salaries are high. After graduation students can engage in electronic equipment and information systems design, application development and technology management. For example, to do electronic engineers, design and development of some electronic and communications devices; do software engineers, design and development of various software and hardware-related; do project manager, planning a number of large systems, which experience, knowledge, demanding; can continue to training to become teachers, engaged in scientific research work.
  So far, China's IT industry started ten years, very young. New things, always well known to sunrise industries. For this reason, computer professionals quickly become a popular college major, many students sharpened again 削尖了脑袋 to the top of the ivory tower of ivory drill, or interest, or learn a skill to earn a living, or for the future better and faster development.
  Compared to previous years, the popular computer professional, the professional choice in recent years become increasingly rational and objective. Students and parents to consider more of an individual based on long-term self-development more conducive to the starting point.
  Choice of career direction, want is more and more fresh graduates are thinking when things, you often see a lot of the Forum near the issue of graduate computer science students confused and puzzled sigh, do not know whether the computer should continue to walk this road down.
  More importantly, the industry seems to have the potential of the law: a short career. Therefore, the old heart not the body first, thinking the "Hope" in the end what should turn, IT management, IT sales, or cross to start the next one mind to start over, or simply change jobs. ..., In the end do, still hang around, in the confusion , before the code a few years of life seems not and will not count suddenly be erased, leaving only empty, what memories.
  There are girls in the computer, lack of practical ability and physiological reasons, the pressure of family life, etc., seems far less than male employment, has inherent disadvantages, including the emotional, the bigger picture, as well as enthusiasm for technology degree.
  Too much bad about the industry, many, many predecessors of the kind proposed in the minds of computer science students planted the seeds of unrest, should continue to choose this line, or career path should this turn? The choice of this line seems to imply that choose this course of physical and psychological suffering, to accept the industry's life experiences.
  Quit it, but it is unwilling to think about the past few years hard work, a picture filled the program with a pencil manuscript, classroom stare, when operating wrestling, a little something I miss you every time, as is the future can be more of a confidence to submit a professional, heavy professional resume. Who wants to work as one of the last turn into the water eastward.
  Any of the industries have their own bright and dark, just outside the line people do not understand. For just ahead of us on campus, has entered the community for the sister school seniors, for different positions of each of their predecessors, have always been proudly of difficult, brilliant cast is gradual, we can not only see the glamorous industry beautiful appearance, to the neglect of the back and drag it difficult to grow, of course, a huge gap between the two extremes, from this point of view to observe, is clearly contrary to the objective. For his career, the construction of the future is the same, its shape, its building, its cast, its abundance, its thick, depending on step by step, brick by brick puzzle tired stead.
  In the end is to make a "getting started, do not want to get into, like entry and no entry" IT people, the answer itself each heart.
  It can be said of Electronic Information Engineering is a promising subject, is not at liberty to neglect any one course. Dry line, love line, having chosen it, will it have beginnings and ends.
  With in-depth information society, most of the industry professionals need to Electronic and Information Engineering, and salaries are high. After graduation students can engage in electronic equipment and information systems design, application development and technology management. For example, to do electronic engineers, design and development of some electronic and communications devices; do software engineers, design and development of various software and hardware-related; do project manager, planning a number of large systems, which experience, knowledge, demanding; can continue to training to become teachers, engaged in scientific research work.
  The university _set_ up the profession very much, Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University has the expertise and the implementation of six years of the undergraduate program - Master of overall training plan. Beijing University of Posts and training of such personnel is the main school. General science and engineering colleges and universities have _set_ the professional, are very popular, taking scores high relative to other professions.
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  1. n.:  Electrical & Information Engineering
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