medicine : agriculture : law : finance and economics : finance and accounting > promote
No. 1
  People to the process of creating material wealth. Production tools that people use to create products to change the object of labor activity. Human survival and development. The process of social reproduction is a decisive part. Production is the production of any society is the production relations of material production and the production of unity. That in the production of material at the same time, produce a certain relations of production. From the general said, but also Lao Dongli production, people's material consumption, production its, and produce their own offspring, as well as spiritual wealth of production, such as scientific research, education and literature, art creation.
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shēng chǎn
  Tool to create a variety of means of subsistence and means of production
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No. 3
  This plant is producing more silk than ever before
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No. 4
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No. 5
  Body was so weakened continuously produced
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No. 6
  Still living. "Records of the Historian": "I rule the production, still Yi Yin, Shang of the plan, Sun Wu military forces, Shang Yang line method is also." "Northern History Sima Chu Biography": "origin of some clear, non-productive . "Qing Pu" Liao Shen's ":" application out, drag the return of laughter, with divisions in real, my wife is a hi. Since then plan the production, said Su Yan Feng. "See" livelihood. "
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No. 7
  Property; industry. Ming Tao Zongyi "cease cultivation recorded for Imperial Seal": "Grand Preceptor of the Sun King who said, Lost, sub-prefect through the Executive Yuan officials to try something, Jinji dead men, and the production loss, his family very embarrassed." Qing xi "Cangshui Zhang public epitaph ":" Public child rather perfunctory relaxation and uninhibited, good and Bo Tu Yu. not to award Bo Jin, the exclusion of private sale of its production. "
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No. 8
  Produced. Tang Huang Fushi "On instructions from the book into the": "and the tribute of any soil, producing a constant, assumed acres income, such as membership established, people know the out clerks can not do anything evil."
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No. 9
  Refers to material or spiritual wealth creation. Guo Xiaochuan "mountains" poetry: "I love the excitement of the meetings of that speech, the crowd is also able to produce poetry."
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No. 10
  Tezhi people use tools to create production and subsistence activities. Zhou Erfu "Shanghai Morning" Part III 28: "Well Production to the hot and sour soup, he was director, can not be responsible for it?" Xu Silver Studio "erhu storm": "I want to go back to sleep, tomorrow also Production. "
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No. 11
  Fertility. "Three Kingdoms President Luo Chuan Wu": "Again the private, non-residence small to self-production son, can not afford to raise more; Farming poor, abandoned children will rise." Song Wushu "Jianghuai different people recorded Gengxian Sheng" : "After Mr pregnant. on the 1st, that the said: 'concubine of this evening when the production, God Sunsheng Zi Cheng in the ear, keep things used in production.'" "Story of Yue Fei," the second time: "do not know This Anren, production was only three days, who is vain. "s" Family "36:" Rui Jue production is near. "
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No. 12
  Refers to the birth. "Ancient and Modern Fiction Linan fortune to stay in the money woman": "What is honored person production, more a strange omen, there was a good fortune, it is no knowing."
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No. 13
  Production is the process of people to create material wealth.
  "Economics" in the production: the inputs into outputs of activities, or to the combination of factors of production activities to manufacture the product.
  Factors of production are:
  (1) labor. The nature of work, including a variety of different people, such as electricians, secretaries, doctors and other services provided.
  (2) of land. Includes all ground and underground natural resources such as minerals, trees and so on.
  (3) capital. Refers to the production process are produced and used for further generation of items, that is, all man-made inputs. Such as machinery, tools, etc. (all made out of people, but to be used for further production).
  Production management in the definition: the social organization of production of all its input into the output process.
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Accounting 百科
  People to create material wealth in the process. Production tools that people use to create products to change the object of labor activity. Human survival and development. The process of social reproduction is a decisive part. Any production is social production, is the production relations of material production and the production of unity. That in the production of material at the same time, produce a certain relations of production. Broadly said, include: the labor of production, people's material consumption and production of its own, and produce their own offspring, and the spirit of the production of wealth, such as scientific research, education and literature, art, etc.
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Economic 百科
  In a certain form of society, workers through purposeful activity, to change the nature of the material form, to produce for the people some kind of material process. Under any conditions, production is social production, it is only a certain form of economic relations in order to fight with nature. The production of material existence and development of human society is based. People engaged in material production, must have three elements: ① labor. That is, between man and nature to adjust and control the material transformation process. In this process, in transformation of nature, but also transform human beings. Human labor is a purposeful, planned activities. ② object of labor. That it will increase its work on everything. Natural objects, including naturally occurring, such as land, forests of trees, the ground ore, as well as through human processing of raw materials. ③ of labor. The workers to act on the subject of labor, and thus transmitted to his own work up the material object of labor or materials synthesis. Of labor is the most important production tools. In material production, the labor of workers labor by acting on the object of labor to produce to meet the needs of the people of new products.
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Production (labor) cost accounting, the accounting treatment (C)
  [Example 6] corn rice cakes village sale 25,000 kg, 12,000 kg of soybean, priced at 1.2 yuan and 3.5 yuan, deposited in the bank. Management from the bank to withdraw cash to pay salaries 11,750 yuan, agricultural stations pay 5,500 yuan. Carry-over corn and soybean costs. Accounting entries are: (1) sold 25,000 kilograms of corn, soybeans 12,000 kilograms by: bank deposit 72000 Credit: operating income 72 000 (2) carry-over of corn and soybean costs by: Operating expenses 39000 Credit: inventory - corn 22750-- - Soybean 16 250 (3) cash withdrawals from banks by: cash 17 250 loans: bank deposits 17 250 (4) payment of management pay 11,750 yuan, 5500 yuan paid by the agricultural station: Intra - Joe Smith, the king five and other payables 11 750 - - Agricultural Station 5500 Credit: Cash 17,250
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Production (labor) cost accounting, the accounting treatment (b)
  [Example 3] m 45,000 kg of wheat harvest, Hong Village, storage, harvest when the harvest to pay fees, transportation costs amounted to 6,000 yuan. Accounting entries are: (1) payment of harvesting costs, transportation costs through: production (labor) costs - wheat, 6000 Credit: Cash 6000 (2) 45,000 kilograms of wheat harvest storage (Example 1, Example 2, Example 3 of the total cost is 42,300 yuan) by: inventory - Wheat 42300 Credit: production (labor) cost - Wheat 42 300 [Example 4] inventory sale of rice cakes village 40000 kg of wheat, price $ 1.50 deposited in the bank. When the cost of wheat storage is 40000x (42300/45000) = 37600 yuan. Accounting entries are: (1) the sale of wheat stocks by: bank deposit 60000 Credit: operating income 60 000 (2) to be carried forward by the cost of wheat during storage: Operating expenses 37600 Credit: inventory - Wheat 37 600 [Example 5 ] fragrant rice harvest 100 acres of wheat, after the village were planted 50 acres of maize, soybean planted 50 acres of summer, put the seeds were 1,250 yuan and 3,000 yuan. Fertilizer, respectively, of 11,000 yuan and 6,500 yuan. Managers were to be paid wages of 7,000 yuan and 4,750 yuan. Agricultural operations were to be paid fees of 3,500 yuan and 2,000 yuan. Then harvested 25,000 kilograms of corn, soybeans 12,000 kg, all the storage. Accounting entries are: (1) into the seed by: production (labor) cost - Corn 1250 - soybean 3000 Credit: inventory - Seeds - Corn 1250 - soybean 3000 (2) application of chemical fertilizers by: Production ( labor) costs - corn 11000-- soybean 6500 Credit: inventory - Fertilizer 17,500 (3) management staff salaries to be paid by: production (labor) costs - corn 10500-- soybean 6750 Credit: Intra - Joe Smith Wang five other payables 11 750 - Agricultural Station 5500 (4) corn harvested 25,000 kg 12,000 kg of soybean storage by: inventory - corn 22750-- soybean 16250 Credit: production (labor) costs - corn 22750-- Soybean 16 250
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Production (labor) cost accounting, the accounting treatment (a)
  Village collective agricultural production process, from cultivation, sowing, management, all aspects of the occurrence of the fees until the harvest of agricultural products during storage, according to the object of cost accounting and production costs occurred in labor costs, into the cost of agricultural products, a simple product costing, the accounting process for example as follows: [Example 1] rice cakes village collective 100 acres of winter wheat planting high-quality, Fertilizers 10,000 pounds of fertilizer, price $ 1.3. Tractor to pay costs 5,000 yuan. 1600 pounds of wheat seeds, priced 1.5 million. Planting costs 3,000 yuan. Pay labor costs to $ 1,000. Accounting entries are: (1) fertilizer by: production (labor) cost - Wheat 13000 Credit: inventory - fertilizer 13000 (2) the payment by tractor time: production (labor) costs - wheat, 5000 Credit: Cash 5000 (3) into the seed by: production (labor) costs - seed - Wheat 2400 Credit: inventory - wheat 2400 (4) payment of fees and labor costs by planting: production (labor) costs - wheat 4000 Credit: Cash 4000 [Example 2] on wheat rice cakes village management in the water 4 times during the growing cost of 8,000 yuan, two times spraying pesticides, 50 pesticide application, valuation $ 900. Payment of management pay 3,000 yuan. Accounting entries are: (1) watering costs by: production (labor) costs - wheat, 8000 Credit: Cash 8000 (2) by spraying pesticides: production (labor) costs - wheat 900 Credit: inventory - 900 pesticides (3) payment of wages by management: production (labor) costs - wheat, 3000 Credit: Cash 3000
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  Engaged in the creation of social wealth of human activities and processes, including material wealth, spiritual wealth and people's own birth. Also known as social production. Narrow sense refers only to the production of material wealth creation activities and processes.
  (High light)
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English Expression
  1. :  be delivered,  give birth to,  delivery,  produce or publish sth
  2. n.:  turn off,  birth,  bearing,  manufacture,  on stream,  turn out,  bring in,  accouchement,  childbirth,  progeniture,  production,  procreation,  fabrication
  3. v.:  yean,  come,   produce,  farrow,  produce,  promote,  put out,  yield
  4. adj.:  productive,  producing or able to produce goods or crops, esp in large quantities
  5. pref.:  toko-,  toco-
French Expression
  1. n.  production, fabrication
Promote Community, Promote Community residential committee
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