discipline > sciences
lǐ kē
  Teaching physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology and other disciplines in general
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No. 2
  School physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology and other disciplines collectively, do not run in the liberal arts.
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No. 3
  Material science is the founder of the liberal arts who is the spiritual enrichment. In other words, science, learning theory and methods of learning, is a prerequisite, but is to supplement the liberal arts. Some people think that a distinction Arts and poor, but it is not, science only pay attention to the interest and talent for it.
  The main science disciplines: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, including geology, geography, computer software parts.
  Engineering is to develop technologies and processes, is the engineering and technology, such as machinery, construction, water conservancy, and automobile. Such as Beijing University, Fudan University and other institutions is to science known comprehensive school, Tsinghua University, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Harbin Institute of Technology and other engineering Zeyi known. State stresses scientific innovation for science, technological innovation is for engineering. In particular, some students can not distinguish science, engineering differences, but understanding the science and engineering into one thing, it will affect the accuracy of voluntary reporting. Recommended that hands-on ability, interest in a particular technology may apply for engineering specialties, and rational thinking, logical thinking ability, what the nature of love brains of people apply science majors may be considered.
  ps: Geography is a liberal arts at the university before.
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Introduction The introduction of Science
  Science (science departments) is the natural and applied sciences, and liberal arts as opposed to.
  The main science disciplines: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, computer software also includes part of.
  University of Science Major:
  First, the math class
  Math 0104 Mathematical Statistics 0101
  Computational Mathematics and Its Applications 0102 0105 Operations Research
  Control Science Applied Mathematics 0106 0103
  Second, the physics class
  0201 Physics (special directions: theoretical physics, semiconductor physics, solid state physics, crystal physics, low temperature physics, optics, magnetism, plasma physics, electron physics)
  0202 0203 Applied Physics Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Technology
  Third, the chemical class
  0301 Chemistry (special direction: inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, biochemistry, polymer chemistry)
  0302 Radiation Chemistry Applied Chemistry 0305
  0303 Food Chemistry Materials Chemistry 0306
  0304 Environmental Chemistry
  Fifth, astronomy classes
  Astronomy 0501
  VI, geology class
  0601 0605 Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Geology
  0602 Structural Geology 0606 Rock Geochemistry
  Earthquake Geology 0607 0603 Geology of radioactive minerals
  0604 Paleontology and Stratigraphy
  VII, geophysics class
  Space physics, geophysics 0802 0801
  VIII, Atmospheric Science
  0901 0903 Weather Dynamics Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment
  0902 climatology 0904 Atmospheric Sounding Science
  IX, marine science
  1001 Physical Oceanography Marine Biology 1004
  1002 1005 Marine Geology Marine Physics
  Marine Chemistry 1003
  Ten, mechanics
  Applied Mechanics 1101 Mechanics 1102
  XI, information and e-science
  1201 Electronics and Information Systems 1204 Acoustic
  1202 1205 Radio Physics Optics
  1206 1203 Physical Electronics Microelectronics
  Second, computer science and technology classes
  1301 1302 Computer and Computer Software Applications
  Thirteen, Psychology
  1401 Psychology, Industrial Psychology, 1402
  06 test 01 test microbes Engineering Information Science
  Economic Mathematics test 02 test 07 biomedical electronics
  Test test 03 08 Natural Resources Information Management
  09 test 04 test materials science materials science rocks minerals
  10 test 05 test environment molecular biology to study
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How to learn science Ways to learn it
如何学好理科 Ways to learn it
如何学好理科 Ways to learn it
  First, the lessons learned:
  I. Interest is the best teacher.
  Through careful study, reflection, summary, and continuously improve their interest in science, with the interest you are likely to enter the halls of science.
  II. Class center of.
  III. 温故而知新.
  Should pay attention to the teacher to stay too homework, homework must be diligent in thinking, seriously, dig their own problem-solving methods and capabilities.
  IV. Layman.
  A certain amount of attention to work outside the practice exercises, subject to _select_ion, _select_ some typical questions, the process of doing, pay attention to a given problem, not just the pursuit of the number of problem solving that problem more than the ability to see the will to improve a; but should explore ways to answer, and the divergent thinking, that "special general" (Note: This also is one of common mathematical problem solving.)
  V. System.
  Emphasis on science chapter summarized, will link up the knowledge dispersed, phase dissolved in a thorough knowledge and understanding of confusion, mastered.
  VI. Who endure.
  Scholarship is bound to be hardships, bided jade greatness. So you want to learn science must be ready to eat increased interest in big pain, because it is focused on understanding of science subjects, is not impossible to improve efforts to learn science.
  But I also hope you have a fear of science not emotion, fear the wolf before, scared the tiger finally nothing. Therefore, to dare to explore, dare to explore, develop their own _set_ of methods to learn science and law. Finally wish you to learn as soon as possible to science, to lay the foundation to learn other subjects.
  Second, the reference to learning:
  I. curricular emphasis on listening, after-school time review.
  II. Appropriate practice, to develop good problem solving habits.
  III. Attitude adjustment, the correct treatment examination.
  First of all, should be to focus on basic knowledge and basic skills, the basic approach of these three areas, because each test is also accounted for most of the basic issue, and for those problems and more integrated as the subject of the swap , seriously consider, as far as possible make sense of their own, done after question summarized. Adjust their mentality to make themselves at all times calm, methodical thinking, to overcome impulsive feeling. In particular, have confidence in himself, always encourage yourself, besides, who can not bring me down, have they do not collapse, no one can defeat my pride.
  To be ready before the exam and thought routine questions, to start his own ideas, remember to go in ensuring the accuracy of exam under the premise of improving problem-solving speed. For an easy grasp of basic questions have to take all twelve points; For some problems, we should try to get points, try to learn the exam score, so that their level of normal or even extraordinary play.
  Thus, it is necessary to learn mathematics must find their own learning, to understand the characteristics of mathematics, put yourself in to the vast world of mathematics.
  High school students to learn math, must solve two problems: the first is to recognize the problem; second methodological issues.
  Some students feel that teaching is to learn to cope with the entrance examination, because a significant proportion of mathematics branch; some students feel that learning mathematics is related to the future to lay the foundation for further study, these understandings are reasonable, but not comprehensive enough. In fact the purpose of learning is more important teaching is to accept mathematical thinking and mathematics nurtured the spirit, improve their quality of thinking and scientific literacy, the fruit could be so, will be a lifetime. One leader told me once that his liberal arts background of the Secretary of the draft report on the work for him because of the lack of fancy logic, not to his satisfaction, so had to write their own draft. Visible, even if engaged in clerical work in the future, they have to have a strong scientific thinking skills, thinking, learning mathematics is the best gymnastics. Some high school students feel that they had just finished junior high school, graduating from there the next 3 years, can be relieved, until the second year, third year again when the work too late, and even primary school, junior high school is such a "loose after the first tight "to mix around as a" successful "experience. As everyone knows, the first, and now high school mathematics teaching arrangement is two years, three years of completion of the course, the third year out of total annual review, the teaching schedule is very tight schedule; second, high school math the most important and most difficult content (such as functions, established a few) on the first year of high school, once the Mo Xuehao these elements, the entire high school mathematics may be hard to learn, so the beginning have to grasp, even a little lax in the subconscious thought, would weaken the learning perseverance, of learning.
  Third, the material requirements:
  I. rigorous system is the key.
  More share points, whether mathematical, abstract profound physical, or memorizing more, enjoy the "science in the liberal arts," the reputation of the chemical and biological, in high school or even higher levels of learning should be noted that most knowledge systematic. Regardless of the ancient hermits like the three tracks of land, or a skyscraper (Skyscraper), their construction processes are common. At first is the foundations, we are learning the terminology used is "ram-based", should the foundation is not solid, this is a "on schedule", waiting for the "removal of administrative enforcement," it! And after the construction of the overall framework into the. Carefully observed the process of people building very clear that this process is not re-filled up layer by layer, but to construct a holistic framework. This is a house, forming the most critical period is very critical step in our study - entanglement in the details aside, the point, I think this step is expected to preview and teaching or associated with the least as before. Not a strict and accurate system in that round after round as a "Gouxindoujiao" Where the title to put it?
  II. To attach importance to the understanding of mathematical concepts.
  III. To create an abstract logic.
  Have a better learning space for three-dimensional geometric imagination, and develop spatial imagination there are two ways: First, drawing ground; the second is self-made model to assist the imagination, such as the use of four models of rectangular pyramid were three exercises to look at, think. But the end result does not rely on the state model can imagine.
  IV. Shuoxingjiehe is experience.
  Analytic Geometry avoid learning algebraic studies it, only calculations do not draw, drawing the right side edge approach is calculated to be able to seek in the paint calculated way.
  V. View of the goodness of that phase friction.
  On the basis of personal study, invited several students to discuss a considerable extent, this is a good learning method, this can often solve the problem a more thorough, for we all benefit.
  Four other subjects briefly:
  In the chemical study, it is not difficult, learning chemistry is pay attention to the law. Chemistry is microscopic, must master the properties of matter, that do notes, frequently thinking, memory.
  For the physical, material nature is the macro side, we must focus on understanding the physical scenes material, is more important is diligent in thinking, more questions, the nature of the material must be concluded with the law.
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Wish benediction
  Xuehai deeply, to learn a subject can not be achieved overnight, a towering fly, but the accumulation of long-term practice of having peace of mind of the efforts and explorations. Finally, I wish all the roads in the scientific "investigation of things that to know" friends achieve the desired results, also won the valuable life experience.
  This is a long story.And we cannot gain any achievement upon our working into an area, while we should dig into it, and struggle against all the obstacles to success.Finally, may all the friends along the road to science earn a good many achievements as well as treasurable experience of life.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  sciences,  science department,  subjects of sciences,  natural sciences
French Expression
  1. n.  faculté de science, sciences naturelles
Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming dynasties, natural science
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