environments and securities : environmental engineering and science : Biology curriculum > environment engineering
Training objectives
  Develop the socialist modernization drive, moral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetic development, with water, air, sound, solid waste pollution prevention, environmental assessment and environmental resource planning and protection of knowledge, in government departments, planning departments, environmental departments, design institutes, industrial and mining enterprises, research institutes, schools in the planning and design, construction, management, education and research and development and other aspects of environmental engineering senior technical personnel.
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Basic requirements
  1, love the motherland, support the Chinese Communist Party leadership, the courage to socialist modernization dedication; practical ability, the ability of social work, organization and management ability; a rigorous work.
  2, master chemistry, fluid mechanics, engineering drawing, environmental microbiology, environmental ecology, environmental monitoring, environmental engineering and other disciplines of basic theory and basic knowledge by foreign languages, computer technology and graphics, pollution monitoring and analysis, engineering design management and planning of basic training, with environmental science and technology and scientific research in the field of municipal engineering, engineering design and management planning of basic capabilities.
  3, with a certain social and natural sciences basic theoretical knowledge, have a certain social skills and management capabilities.
  4, has some basic knowledge of sports and military, construction of the motherland and to fulfill the sacred duty to defend the motherland.
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Academic and degree
  Duration: four years
  Degree: Bachelor of Engineering
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Professional Features
  Environmental Engineering in the 21st century focus on the development of high-tech one. The professional development of environmental engineering students with a solid theoretical knowledge, technical expertise and engineering capability, especially in the (high concentration) of biochemical treatment of organic waste, sustainable development, environmental pollution, landfill disposal and ecological restoration projects unique aspects of the theory and technology.
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Main subject and main courses
  Main subjects: Environmental Science and Engineering
  Main courses: physics, chemistry, engineering fluid mechanics, environmental engineering microbiology, environmental ecology, environmental engineering principles, environmental impact assessment, water pollution control, solid waste treatment and disposal, air pollution control
  The main practical aspects of teaching: surveying practice, engineering drawing, computer applications and training on machines, hydraulics test, microbiological experiments, environmental monitoring experiment, water test, air pollution control experiments, the general arrangements for 40 weeks.
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Graduates should be given the following knowledge and abilities:
  1. Master general chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, mechanical engineering, surveying, engineering drawing, microbiology, hydraulics, electrical engineering, environmental monitoring and assessment, environmental engineering of the basic theory, basic knowledge;
  2. Control of water pollution control engineering, air pollution control engineering, noise pollution control, solid waste disposal and resource the basic principles of engineering and design methods;
  3. With pollution monitoring and analysis, environmental monitoring, environmental quality assessment, preliminary environmental planning and management capacity;
  4. Understanding of environmental science and technology, cutting-edge theories and developments;
  5. Master the literature search, data query of the basic method, with an initial capacity of scientific research and practical work.
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Similar professional:
  Environmental Engineering Water Engineering Safety Engineering Disaster Prevention Science and Technology, Water Supply and Drainage Groundwater Science and Engineering, Wind Energy and Power Engineering, Environmental Science and Engineering, Urban Planning and Environmental Engineering, Radiation Protection
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_Set_ up institutions
  Changchun Institute of Shaanxi Institute of Technology, Changchun, Zhengzhou University, South China Agricultural University, Nankai University, China West Normal University, Guangxi Normal University, Southwest College of Guizhou University, Xi'an, Kunming University of Science and Technology University, Beijing University of Architecture (five years) Beijing Technology and Business University, Tianjin Institute of Urban Construction, Hebei Architectural Institute of Technology Harbin Institute of Technology Jilin Construction Engineering College Beijing Construction Engineering College, Heilongjiang Qiqihar University, Hebei University of Technology, Shanxi University Taiyuan University of Technology Taiyuan University Anshan University of Science, Liaoning Technical University, Liaoning Institute of Technology, Shenyang Institute of Chemical Technology, Shenyang University, Shenyang Agricultural University, Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology Shanghai Jiangsu Polytechnic University Polytechnic University Shanghai University Zhejiang University Anhui Normal University, Anhui University, Anhui Agricultural University Fuzhou University Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fujian, Jiangxi Agricultural University Nanchang University School of Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute, University of Jinan, Shandong Mining Institute, Qingdao, Shandong University, Jiaozuo Institute of Technology School of Construction Zhengzhou, Henan Normal University, Henan Agricultural University, Wuhan Institute of Chemical Technology, Hubei University, Wuhan University of Technology, Xiangtan University, Hunan Agricultural University, Guangdong, Guangxi University, Guilin University of Technology University China Agricultural University, Huazhong Agricultural University, Nanjing Agricultural University Hohai University North China Electric Power University, Suzhou Science and Technology Harbin Institute of Technology Chongqing University College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Jilin University, Shijiazhuang University of Economics Institute of China University of Geosciences, Chengdu, Xi'an China University of Mining Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Dalian Railway Institute, Dalian Maritime University, Chang'an University, Wuhan University of Technology, Liaoning University of Petroleum, Petroleum University of Chemical Technology University of East China Institute of the Yangtze River Beijing Institute of Technology, Nanjing University, Nanjing University of Information Engineering Beijing University of Aeronautics Nanchang Institute of Aeronautical Technology Harbin Institute of Technology Tsinghua University, Beijing University of Technology Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Tianjin University Dalian University of Technology, Northeastern University, Tongji University, Jilin University, Donghua University East China University of Technology Southeast University, Nanjing University Hefei University of Technology, Zhejiang University, Ocean University of Qingdao, Shandong University, China Agricultural University, Wuhan University, Hunan University, Hunan, South China University of Science and Technology University, Sichuan University, Northwestern University, Guilin University of Electronic Technology Southern Institute of Metallurgy, Taiyuan Heavy Machinery Institute, Gansu University of Technology Yanshan University, North China Institute of Shanghai Jiaotong University Qinghai University, Dalian Institute of Light Industry, Shandong Institute of Light Industry, Shandong Institute of Architectural Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Dalian Nationalities University Northwest University for Nationalities, Baoji College of Arts and Capital University of Economics, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Beijing Normal University, Tianjin, Hebei Polytechnic University, Shenyang Aviation Industry Shenyang Architecture and Civil Engineering Institute, Dalian Fisheries University, Jilin Normal University, Daqing Petroleum Institute, Heilongjiang Science and Technology College of Shanghai Normal University, Jiangsu Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Yangzhou University, Nanjing Forestry University, Hangzhou Institute of Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang Forestry College, Shandong, Anhui University of Architecture University of North China Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydropower, Wuhan Polytechnic University Hubei Huangshi Institute of Technology Institute of Technology, Changsha University of Electric Power Hunan, South China University of Science and Technology University of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, Zhong Kai Southwest Petroleum Institute of Agriculture and Technology, Sichuan Agricultural University, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an Shiyou University Shaanxi University of Science and Technology University, Changchun, Lanzhou University, Changchun, Jilin Agricultural University, Harbin Institute of Technology University Shanghai Institute of Technology, Jiangsu Teachers University of Technology Anhui University of Texas School of East China Jiaotong University Qingdao University, Zhengzhou, Henan University of Technology Institute of Light Industry, Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management, Wuyi University, Jinan University,  Institute of Guangxi, Henan University of Technology, Henan University Panzhihua University Huaiyin work University of Southwestern College in North West China University of Technology Institute of the University of Qiongzhou Three Gorges University, Nanchang University, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
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Relevant qualifying examination
  * Scope
  For professional engineering in environmental protection (including pollution control, air pollution control, solid waste disposal and resource recovery, physical pollution prevention, pollution, site restoration and other projects) the design and related business professional and technical personnel.
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  huanjing gongcheng
  Environmental Engineering
  environmental engineering
  Research and in the fight against environmental pollution and improve environmental quality science and technology. Environmental engineering with biology, ecology, medicine, environmental hygiene and environmental medicine, physics and environmental chemistry and environmental related. As the environmental engineering at the initial stage, the subject field is still developing, but its core is the environmental pollution sources.
  Development and tasks of people's relationship to the environment and health is gradually understanding. 1854, on Broad Street in London carry out a detailed investigation of the cholera epidemic, the epidemic because the inference into a well by patients with fecal contamination (when bacteriology and infectious diseases has not been established, Vibrio cholerae 1884 found). Since then, the implementation of the drinking water filtration and disinfection, to reduce cholera, typhoid and other water-borne disease incidence has achieved remarkable results. So sanitary engineering and public health engineering in civil engineering from the gradual development of a new discipline, which includes water supply and drainage works, waste disposal, sanitation, water analysis and so on.
  The beginning of human activities pollute the environment. Contamination of the natural environment after a certain degree of self-purification capacity, as long as the amount of pollutants does not exceed a certain amount, the environment can be maintained normal, natural ecosystems are able to maintain balance, the amount of pollution that environmental capacity. Capacity of the environment depends on the requirements of environmental quality and environmental conditions of their own. Industrial revolution, and especially since the 1950s, along with science and technology and the rapid development of production, the rapid increase in urban population, the natural environment intensified by the impact and damage, environmental pollution on human health and lives have been beyond the health an the meaning of the word, is renamed as environmental health engineering projects.
  The best way to protect the environment is to minimize the emission of pollutants. Industrial pollution is currently the most important pollution, and its waste water, waste gas and waste residue of pollutants are generally unable to use raw materials or by-product, product. Industrial production management and innovation to strengthen the production process, the government used legislative and economic measures to promote industrial innovation in technology is essential to prevent environmental pollution, the most effective way. However, the living and the negative impact of production on the environment is difficult to be a fundamental control, and thus control the pollution of the environment is the basic task of environmental engineering.
  Subjects mainly water pollution control, domestic water supply, air pollution control, solid waste disposal, noise pollution control, and control of radioactive pollution, thermal pollution control, electromagnetic radiation control.
  Water pollution control water pollution and there is no strict definition and fixed standards. May require water quality: ① to maintain the state of nature; ② meet drinking water requirements of the original; ③ suitable for fish survival and reproduction; ④ suitable for agricultural irrigation; ⑤ suitable for swimming and other water sports activities; ⑥ meet a variety of industrial water raw water requirements; ⑦ not render unclean status. For these bodies of water quality, many countries have provided specific requirements. China promulgated the "surface water quality standard," as the basis for water pollution control.
  Water pollution mainly from domestic sewage, industrial wastewater, agricultural wastewater and runoff caused by precipitation; coastal areas of groundwater, as well as seawater intrusion.
  Water pollutants are: ① pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses and parasite eggs; ② organic matter from plants and animals, such as plant and animal excrement, animal and plant debris, body composition, and these bacteria in the water effect of consumption of dissolved oxygen; ③ plant nutrients, mainly nitrogen, phosphorus compounds, the water will trickle □ eutrophication; ④ toxic and hazardous chemicals such as chlorinated pesticides (DDT, BHC, etc.), surfactants agents, heavy metals, salts, radioactive substances; ⑤ Others, such as oils, acids, alkalis, warm water, suspended solids, etc. (see water quality). Pollutants into the water, some in the action of microorganisms can degrade organic matter such as sewage, mostly in the role of bacteria into bicarbonate, nitrate, sulfate and other minerals; some can not be degraded, such as most inorganic pollutants. Degradation of water, dilution and the quality of the surrounding environment for the role (such as air from the water to absorb oxygen), making the contaminated water quality tends to resilience, called self-purification capacity. When the pollutant does not exceed the amount of self-purification capacity of water to maintain normal body basically; self-purification capacity is exceeded, the water will show dirty state.
  Water pollution control measures, in addition to strengthening the management of pollution sources, to reduce the amount of waste water and pollution, the Government should develop
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English Expression
  1. :  environmental engineer
  2. n.:  environment engineering,  Environmental Engineering
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