education of geography : Biology : business : going green > protect the environment
No. 1
  To prevent deterioration of the natural environment, improve the environment to make it suitable for human labor and life's work. Referred to as green.
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huán jìng bǎo hù
  In order to prevent inclement weather or other waste water, waste gas, waste and other environmental hazards to human or equipment protected by
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  Environmental Protection (the green) is due to industrial development has led to environmental pollution problems are so severe, first of all the attention caused by the industrialized countries arising from the use of national laws and regulations, promoted through the whole society and the media attention and deal with pollution.
  1962 U.S. biologists Leiqie Carson published a book called "Silent Spring" book, the book explains the pesticides DDT on the role of environmental pollution and destruction, as the book's warnings, the U.S. government began conducting a survey of highly toxic pesticides, and in 1970 established the Environmental Protection Agency, states also have passed the ban on the production and use of highly toxic pesticides law. The book is considered the 20th century, the landmark environmental ecology starting point.
  1972 年 5 to 16 June by the United Nations, held in Stockholm, Sweden "The first session of the United Nations Conference on Human Environment," and proposed the famous "Declaration on the Human Environment," is the official cause of environmental protection attention caused the beginning of the world's governments. The Chinese government also attended the meeting.
  Republic of China's environmental protection cause is started in 1972, Beijing established the Office for the Protection of Guanting Reservoir, Hebei Province, _set_ up a joint research office waste treatment processing is located in Hebei Province Guanting River Shacheng Guanting pesticide factory pollution problems, leading to China enacted the provisions of the law officially banning the production and nationwide use of DDT.
  State Construction Committee was established in 1973 under the Environmental Protection Office, later replaced by a ministerial level directly under the State Council, State Environmental Protection Administration. In 2008, the "two sessions", the Environmental Protection Administration was upgraded to "Ministry of Environmental Protection." And the country unified supervision and management of environmental protection.
  Provinces (cities, districts) have also established the Environmental Protection Agency (Office). And the establishment of environmental protection hotline 12369 and 12369 center-line to receive people's complaints of environmental pollution incidents.
  Government's environmental protection departments at all levels of the main responsibilities of the Executive Council (the NPC) to develop emissions control policies to encourage the development of emission control technology to control pollution, protect and improve the environment.
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The result of damage to the environment
  BSE, | SARS |, avian flu, the poultry Why all of a sudden become the enemy of mankind?
  Has been at peace with the human animal, and why the body of the virus in recent years frequently invaded the field of human survival? In addition to the extreme world population growth, is also related to the human desire to share the endless; on the biosphere is extremely fragile; on special food habits of wild animals to humans and animals are up close in; environmental pollution caused by large numbers of animals of the virus variants ... ...
  Internationally renowned mathematician, theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking said: unless we expand into space, and I do not think humans can survive into the next millennium. There are too many accidents are coming to our isolated existence of life on the planet. Influenza A H1N1 influenza is one of an accident? Hawking said he was optimistic, "we will go to other planets."
  But we are optimistic it up. If human beings do not learn to reverence for nature, then, spoil the earth, may not be not spoil another planet.
  First, the soil has been destroyed.
  According to news reports reference, 110 countries (10 million) of fertile arable land in the lower level. In Africa, Asia and Latin America, due to the loss of forest cover, arable land and pasture over-exploitation, overgrazing, soil erosion is very serious. Open land to become fragile and can not long withstand the wind and rain erosion. In some places, the annual soil loss of up to 100 tons per hectare. Excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides, and toxic air pollution, dust landing on mud spraying everywhere, everywhere, abandoned hazardous waste, all of which constitutes a general in the land to be irreversible pollution.
  Second, climate change and energy waste a serious threat to all mankind the greenhouse effect.
  According to a representative 2,500 experts predict sea levels will rise, in many densely populated areas (such as Bangladesh, China coastal areas and most of the Pacific and Indian Ocean islands) will be under water. Temperature rise of agriculture and ecosystems will also have a serious impact. It is estimated that from 1990-2010, Asia and the Pacific region's energy consumption will double, Latin America's energy consumption will increase by 50% -70%. Thus, between Western and developing countries should strengthen energy conservation technology transfer process. In particular, we should use economic incentives, so that the industrialists have developed to improve the efficiency of resource use of industrial technology.
  Third, reduction of biological diversity.
  Because of urbanization, agricultural development, deforestation and environmental pollution, natural areas become smaller, which led to thousands of species extinction. Because the extinction of some species will lead to many new drugs that can be used to make molecular attributed to disappear, but also caused many crops to help overcome the harsh climate of the gene attributable to disappear, or even cause plague.
  Fourth, the reduction of forest area.
  The most recent decades, deforestation in tropical countries the situation is very serious. In 1980-1990, the world has 150 million hectares of forest disappeared. Reduced in accordance with the current rate of forest area, 40 years later, some Southeast Asian countries to never see a tree out.
  V. Freshwater resources are threatened.
  Experts estimate that from the beginning of the next century, the world will be a quarter of the long-term water shortages. Remember, we can not make water, we can only try to protect water.
  VI, chemical pollution.
  Industrial caused millions of compounds present in air, soil, water, plants, animals and humans. Even as Earth's last major natural ecosystems of the ice sheet is also contaminated. Those organic compounds, those heavy metals, toxic products that are concentrated there in the whole food chain, and ultimately threaten the health of plants and animals, cause cancer, leading to reduced soil fertility.
  VII, chaotic urbanization.
  End of this century, the world will reach 21 major cities, big cities will worsen the living conditions: crowding, water pollution, poor sanitation, insecurity - these cities also damage the disorderly expansion of the natural area. Therefore, unrestricted urbanization should be seen as the new disadvantages of civilization.
  Eight, the over-exploitation of marine and coastal areas are polluted.
  Due to overfishing, marine fisheries resources is to reduce the frightening speed. Consequently, many seafood intake of protein by the poor living faces the threat of starvation. Concentration of heavy metals present in fish species and organic phosphorus compounds and other substances may be brought to the health of fish-eating problem. Coastal areas by the huge population pressure. 60% of the population around the world crowded into less than 100 km from the sea areas. This overcrowding is often very fragile state makes these places out of balance.
  September, the air pollution.
  Most of the air in big cities with many heating, transportation and pollution caused by factory production. These pollutants threaten the health of tens of millions of people, causing many people lost their lives. Toxic gases are mainly carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and respirable particles.
  Ten, the polar ozone hole.
  Although people have signed the Montreal Protocol, but every spring the earth over the remains of the two re-formation of polar ozone hole, Arctic ozone loss of 20% to 30%, the Antarctic ozone loss of 50% or more.
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Citizens Environmental Code of Conduct
  1. Water proud - always turn off the tap, do not let water, air flow.
  China is one of the 12 water-poor countries, the world's freshwater resources per capita amount of water less than 1 / 4. More than half of over 600 cities short of water, of which 108 cities serious water shortages. The scarcity of surface water caused by excessive exploitation of groundwater. 50 years, Beijing's Water Well in about 5 meters below the surface water will be able to play, now Beijing 40,000 wells 49 meters deep on average, nearly depleted groundwater resources.
  2. Guardianship water - protection of water sources is to love life
  According to environmental monitoring, the country about 100 million tons of sewage a day directly into water bodies. More than half of the seven major river systems in the river water is contaminated. 35 major lakes, 17 were seriously polluted, the National 1 / 3 of the water unsuitable for irrigation. More than 90% of urban water pollution is serious, more than 50% of urban water supply does not meet drinking water standards, 40% of the water is undrinkable, the southern city of 60% of the total water volume of -70% is due to water pollution.
  3. A water use - to let the water re-use
  4. To prevent leakage - inspection, maintenance and taps
  5. Caution cleaning agents - as far as possible with soap to reduce water pollution
  Most detergents are chemical products, detergent content of a large number of wastewater discharged into large rivers, the cause deterioration of water quality. Long-term use of improper cleaning agents can damage the human central nervous system, disrupted people's mental development, thinking skills, analytical skills decrease, severe mental disorder will appear. Detergent residue in clothes, will stimulate the skin of atopic dermatitis, long-term use of high concentrations of detergents, cleaning agents carcinogens will be from the skin, mouth enters the human body and damage health.
  6. Concerned about air quality - all the time you do not forget to breathe
  Global Atmosphere Watch monitoring results show that in Beijing, Shenyang, Xian, Shanghai, Guangzhou these five cities daily average concentration of total suspended particles in the atmosphere at 200-500 micrograms per cubic meter, more than 3-9 times the World Health Organization standards , was included among the world's ten most polluted cities.
  7. Turning off lights - Province of electricity and less pollution
  China is the main thermal power and coal as its main energy state. The structure of coal in primary energy, 70% or more. By conventional methods such as the development of the developed countries to achieve the level of at least 100 million tons of coal in energy consumption when the two, which would be equivalent to the total global energy consumption, coal burning releases large amounts of harmful gases, serious pollution of the atmosphere, and the formation of acid rain and greenhouse effect.
  8. Section appliances - to slow global warming out of a force
  A lot of coal, natural gas and petroleum fuels are used in industrial, commercial, housing and transport. Combustion of these fuels like glass too much carbon dioxide as the heat the ground to block the distribution of outer space, the heat remaining in the atmosphere to form a "greenhouse effect", the "greenhouse effect" of the global meteorological variation, catastrophic droughts and floods, and to the polar ice melting, causing sea level rise. Scientists estimate that if global warming trends continue, low-lying Bangladesh, the Netherlands, Egypt, China and other places and some low-lying delta island nations would face the danger of being engulfed by the sea.
  9. Reduce the use of air conditioning - to reduce energy consumption
  Combustion of coal and other fuels to gas form in the discharge of carbon and nitrogen oxides, these oxides combine with water vapor in the air to form highly corrosive sulfuric acid and nitric acid, and with the rain, snow, fog, falling to the ground together, which is to be called "air death," the acid rain. Acid rain around the world have three major areas: the United States and Canada, the Nordic region, southern China. Strong corrosive acid rain not only buildings, but also to soil acidification, resulting in dead trees, crop failures, sour lake water quality, fish deaths. China's heavy use of coal for fuel, acid rain pollution every year due to economic losses of 200 billion yuan. Precipitation of acid rain increases the acidity is still an area of still expanding.
  10. Support the green light - everyone uses energy-saving lamps
  "China Green Lights Project" is one of the priorities of energy saving. According to the Project Implementation Plan, "during the" National will promote energy efficient lighting. By 2000 for lighting to save 22 billion kwh electricity and save the corresponding coal-fired power plants to reduce sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, dust, ash and carbon dioxide emissions.
  11. Use of renewable resources - do not wait until the day that energy depletion
  Human 90% of energy currently used in oil, gas and coal. The formation process of these fuels require millions of years, is non-renewable resources. Solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, geothermal energy is renewable, is known as renewable energy. People who do not pollute the environment to energy as "clean energy."
  12. Do "bus family" - to be proud of by public transport vehicles
  China's capital Beijing, nearly 120 million motor vehicles, only Tokyo and New York City motor vehicle ownership is 1 / 6. However, the concentration of vehicle emissions than similar foreign motor vehicle 3-10 times higher. Beijing, 73% of atmospheric hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide 63%, 37% of nitrogen oxides from vehicle emissions.
  13. When the "bike heroes" - protection of the atmosphere, begins with one step
  14. Reduce emissions - the responsibility to drive
  "PRC Air Pollution Prevention Law" states: motor vehicles and vessels to discharge atmospheric pollutants must not exceed the prescribed discharge standards, exceed the prescribed emission standards for motor vehicles and vessels, control measures should be taken to the discharge of pollutants exceeding the national discharge standards cars, not manufactured, sold or imported.
  15. Unleaded gasoline - driving people's choice
  The use of leaded gasoline exhaust emissions by vehicles will lead. These particles of lead enter the body with the breath, it will harm the nervous system, but also accumulated in human bones; such as soil or rivers in the fall, will be absorbed by a variety of plants and animals into the human food chain. Savings in the body lead to a certain extent, people will have anemia, hepatitis, pneumonia, emphysema, angina, neurasthenia and other diseases.
  16. Cherish the paper - is treasured forests and rivers
  Surge in demand for paper is one of the reasons wood consumption growth, the country of 10 million cubic meters of wood paper consumption, imports more than 130 million tons of wood pulp, imported 400 million tons of paper, this number of trees to be felled ah! Mass consumption of paper is not only caused deforestation and the production of pulp due to discharge of sewage to rivers and lakes are seriously polluted (pollution caused by the paper industry accounts for 30% of the water pollution above).
  17. Using recycled paper - to reduce deforestation
  China's forest coverage rate is only the world average of 1 / 4. According to statistics, China's forests in 10 years, dropped by 23%, cutting volume can be reduced by 50% of natural forest in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, since the 50 years since, every year about 1.6 million hectares disappear with the progress. At that time 55% of the original forest cover has been cut in half.
  18. Alternative greeting cards - to reduce the burden of the Earth
  In recent years, many of Japanese etiquette is changing the habits of a large number of gift greeting cards. Some large companies no longer advertise a statement by mail greeting card greeting. China's university students organized a "cut card to save the tree" campaign to promote the saved money to buy a greeting card plant trees and protect nature.
  19. Saving food new fashion - to the glory of thrift becomes
  There are over 130 million hectares of cultivated land, accounting for 7% of world's arable land. Per capita arable land per capita is less than 47% of the world, the eastern 600 counties (districts) less than the per capita arable land of 0.05 hectares and the FAO to determine the cordon.
  20. Control of noise pollution - let mutual supervision
  Noise can interfere with the normal life of residents will cause damage to human hearing. Noise on the nervous system and heart and other vascular system works had a significant effect. Long-term exposure to noise, people will have headaches, brain swelling, palpitation, memory loss and fatigue and other symptoms. Low-frequency noise makes chest tightness, nausea. Noise also affects the digestive system, can lead to coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis.
  21. Safeguard the peace environment - let us start from their own
  Germany provides sound equipment for indoor use, the volume of the room could hear the U.S. law on noise in the school curriculum _set_. British regulations, advertising, entertainment and commercial activities may not use sound equipment at night in public places using audio equipment. Japan provides food and beverage industry to control the noise generated by night operations and the use of audio equipment is limited to noise generated publicity; vehicle shall not affect the others, unnecessary noise, prohibits the unnecessary idling car.
  22. Recognize "environmental label" - buying green
  Has been certified in China Certification Committee for the green flag of environmentally friendly products for household refrigeration appliances are low-fluoride, fluorine-free stereotypes of hair mousse and hair spray, unleaded gasoline, cadmium, mercury and lead-free rechargeable batteries, phosphate-free fabric detergent, washing machines with low noise, energy saving fluorescent lamps and so on. The environmental label products posted "China Environmental Label," the tag. The center of the logo graphic structure of the Castle Peak, green water, sun, said the environment for human survival. Outer ring 10, said the public to participate in environmental protection.
  23. With CFC-free products - to protect the ozone layer
  24. _Select_ion of non-phosphorus washing powder - to protect rivers and lakes
  Most of the production of detergent containing phosphorus. Detergent 200 million tons of annual output, according to an average of 15% of the phosphorus calculation, there are over 70,000 tons per year of phosphorus discharged to surface water, rivers and lakes to great effect. According to the survey, Dianchi Lake, Erhai Lake, Xuanwu Lake's total phosphorus levels are very high, Kunming, sewage phosphorus in detergent into more than 50% of the total phosphorus load. A large number of phosphorus-containing sewage into the water, will cause algae soaring, place the water body eutrophication, oxygen depletion in water, aquatic organisms die from lack of oxygen. Also became stagnant water, Xiu Shui.
  25. To buy environmentally friendly batteries - to prevent pollution of mercury cadmium
  Daily use of the battery is by chemical reaction, More simply is produced by the corrosion of electrical energy. And its corrosion contains large amounts of heavy metal pollutants - cadmium, mercury and manganese. When it was abandoned in nature, these toxic substances from the battery will slowly overflow into the soil or water, and then enter the human food chain through crops into the human food chain. These toxic substances in the human body will be difficult to rule out long-term savings, damage to the nervous system, blood function, kidney and bone, and some can also cause cancer. The battery can be said that the number of waste production number; concentration of production, decentralized pollution; short-term use, long-term pollution.
  26. _Select_ the green packaging - reducing waste disaster
  The weight of garbage per person per day lost more than five times the average weight of the body. Beijing waste 4.3 million tons annual production, 12,000 tons of Nissan refuse, throw garbage per person per day about 1 kg, equivalent to an annual two stacked Jingshan. China is the amount of garbage generated 4 times in 1989, much of it is caused by excessive packaging too. Many products, especially cosmetics, health products packaging costs have been accounted for 30% -50% cost. Excessive packaging not only caused a huge waste, but also increased the financial burden of consumers, but also increased the amount of waste, pollution of the environment.
  27. Recognized green flag - to protect their health
  Currently, there are more than 300 green food production enterprises, in accordance with the standards of green food development and production of green food up to 700 kinds of products related to beverages, wine classes, fruit, dairy products, cereals, and other food categories farmed. Other green food, such as whole wheat bread, fresh whole grains, beans, mushrooms, etc. are also very beneficial to human health.
  28. Buy a pollution-free food - and maintaining the environment
  Food sources: First, agricultural pollution, industrial waste, water and air, resulting in the accumulation of harmful substances in agricultural products; Second, chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other residues in agricultural products; Third, a number of chemical pigments, additives in food processing in the inappropriate use; Fourth, due to improper storage and processing of microbial contamination. Pesticides on fruits and vegetables into the human body a few years later, it will by cancer and the immune system, hormone system and reproductive system disorders manifested.
  29. Less disposable products - saving the earth's resources
  Those "throwaway" plastic bags not only caused tremendous waste of resources, but also the sharp increase in the amount of waste. The amount of plastic waste every year in China was 100 million tons, the Beijing if the average consumption per person per day calculated in a plastic bag, per bag weighs 4 grams, 4.4 grams per day of polyethylene film should throw away, only to throw away materials nearly 4 million. If the spread of these plastic, then disposed of each year an area of 240 square meters of plastic film, the Beijing 1000 million plastic bags are disposed of each year the urban construction area of 2 times.
  30. Bring your own shopping bags - use less plastic bags
  In Germany, the number of supermarket plastic bags are not provided free of charge, which is to reduce plastic bag use. Many German people to buy things, the habit of carrying Budou child, or directly to the cargo is loaded into the car, not plastic bags. Some housewives to using plastic bags and leaving for the huge rattan basket to go shopping. Hostels in Germany is not a one-off toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, slippers. Restaurants are using stainless steel knife and fork, high-temperature sterilization before reuse.
  31. Bring your own lunch box - white pollution reduction
  Wave of the production of disposable products, the environment industry is declining, many countries in the development and production of biodegradable plastics, so that it can be in the nature after use to resolve; some countries have eliminated the use of plastic, but with the specialty paper packaging instead. Many countries to promote the reuse of packaging and recycling processing. Denmark, Germany, provides equipment beverage bottles to be sterilized after the holiday deal can be repeatedly used, one of the largest dairy factory in Sweden to launch a reusable glass bottle 75; some developed countries as the manufacture of wooden pen "sun_set_ industries", began production of automatic pencil.
  32. Less disposable chopsticks - do not change wood forest
  The Japanese invented disposable chopsticks in Japan up to 65% forest coverage, but they do not cut down trees on their land do disposable chopsticks, thanks to imports. China's forest coverage rate of less than 14%, the export of disposable chopsticks is a big country. Industry in Northern China disposable chopsticks in Japan and South Korea annually to export 150 million cubic meters, to reduce accumulation of 2 million cubic meters of forest.
  33. Cleverest use of old things - to extend the life of the limited resources
  Ecological crisis of global and people have to consider giving up the "cowboy economy", and accept the "spaceship economy" concept. Former is free to graze as nature, casual dumping of waste places; the latter value is very limited space and resources, like life on the same spacecraft, Erfu its population, endless loop to use a variety of substances.
  34. AC donate unwanted items - waste of donated glory
  35. Recycling of waste plastics - development of "second oil field"
  Waste plastics can be reduced to a number of recycled plastic, and all the waste plastic - waste lunch boxes, food bags, woven bags, flexible packaging boxes so you can return to refining the fuel. 1 ton of waste plastic at least 600 kg back to refining gasoline and diesel fuel, no wonder there called for the development of recycling old plastic "second oil field."
  36. Recycling of waste batteries - to prevent the tragedy
  37. Waste paper - recycling timber resources
  Recycling one ton of waste paper to produce good paper 800 kg, a smaller cut 17 trees, save 3 cubic meters of landfill space, but also more than half of the paper can save energy, reduce water pollution 35%, each Paper can be recycled at least twice. Office paper, old envelopes, stationery, notebooks, books, newspapers, advertising paper, wrapping paper goods, cardboard boxes, paper tableware, etc. After the first recall, can be printed on recycled paper into books, writing paper, business cards, so that Article paper. After the second recall, can also be made of toilet paper.
  38. Recycling biological waste - recycled green manure
  Mixed waste is rubbish as waste, and garbage-packing is to waste as a resource; mixed waste is sent to landfill, taking up a lot of land, packaging waste recycling is distributed to all departments, not occupation of land; mixed waste landfill or incineration are both land and air pollution, and garbage-packing is to promote safe disposal; mixed waste to increase sanitation and environmental protection departments of labor, packaging waste just our little effort.
  39. Recycling all kinds of waste - all waste can be turned into resources
  Beijing's garbage in, there are about 180 tons of recyclable scrap metal. Aluminum cans and then aluminum, bauxite extraction of aluminum less than 71% of energy consumption, reduce air pollution, 95%; waste glass recycling glass, not only saves quartz sand, soda ash, feldspar powder, coal, but also saving, reduction of about 32% of the energy consumption, reduced air pollution 20% and 50% of the water pollution. Recycling a glass bottle to save energy, make light bulbs light up 4 hours.
  40. To promote waste separation and recovery - little things over garbage pollution
  "Recycle" (Recycling) is a worldwide trend and fashion, classified trash everywhere in many countries, including women and children recover a sense. EU countries since 1990 for the implementation of "zero pollution" economic planning efforts; Germany began implementation of circular economy law and refuse to from the "discard society" into a "no garbage society"; Austria to develop regulations to require by 2000 waste recovery rate of 80%; France to recall 75% of the packaging, which provides that only treated waste can no longer be allowed to landfill; Sweden's new regulations require producers to form the packaging of their products waste peaceful bear responsibility for recycling ; some U.S. state governments since 1987 to develop the local recycling regulations.
  41. Antifeedant wild animals - to change bad eating habits
  In the dinosaur era, an average of every 1,000 years before the extinction of an animal; 20 centuries ago, the Earth approximately every 4 years there is an animal species; now about 4 million known species become extinct every year. Nearly 150 years, the extinction of 80 species of birds; the past 50 years, nearly 40 species of extinct mammals. Nearly 100 years, the rate of extinction of species beyond their natural extinction rate of 1,000 times, and this rate is still increasing.
  42. Refused to use wildlife products - Do not let endangered life die in your hands
  Biodiversity: First, the ecosystem diversity, such as forests, grasslands, wetlands, farmland, etc.; Second, species diversity, that is, there are thousands of kinds of biological nature, is full of variety; Third, genetic diversity, genetic diversity is , refers in the same category, there are different individuals or species, China is the most drought party to the International Convention on Biological Diversity.
  43. Is not hunting and feeding wild animals - to protect a fragile food chain
  China has _set_ up 400 ex situ conservation of many rare plant breeding base, more than 100 botanical gardens and nearly 800 nature reserves. Published in 1988 in China, "national key protected wild animal list" to include 300 kinds of terrestrial wildlife, including the national level to protect wild animals pandas, golden monkeys, gibbons, about 90 species of cranes, etc.; national secondary protection of wild animals red panda, pangolin, black bear, swan, the parrot 230.
  44. Stop the poaching and sale of wild animal behavior - exercise your sacred right
  "Republic of China Wildlife Protection Law" stipulates that: prohibit the sale, acquisition of national key protected wild animals or products. Department of Commerce prohibits the acquisition and sale of any form of national key protected animals and their products (including the dead body, fur, feathers, internal organs, blood, bone, meat, horns, eggs, semen, embryos, specimens, medical parts, etc.). China is also "International Trade in Endangered Species Convention" and member of the.
  45. Do animal friends - kind of life, and all things co-exist
  To save the wild animals and survive, some people donate money to "adopt" a designated nature reserve in the animals, and like to see as to regularly visit their relatives. Some students leave Beijing to Yunnan to mobilize local people in protecting forests and habitats of rare animals there, Yunnan golden monkey. Many people often go to endangered species protection center, to offer condolences extinct wildlife. In the United States, some children are treated like friends, like a zoo animal birthday. A world-famous singer in Shanghai, a special concert held the audience is that the endangered whales sea.
  46. Do not buy the rare wood appliances - do not destroy the rainforest
  Data indicate that about 1 million years ago the Earth 62 million hectares of forest cover nearly 1 / 2 of land, and now has only 2.8 billion hectares. Tropical rainforest is the world's 17 million hectares per year to reduce the speed, equal to the loss of one football field per minute, the size of the forest. If things go to the end of this century, the world's forest area decreased 225 million hectares Qiangzai, does not take many years, the world's total tropical forest resources can be decimated.
  47. Planted forest - and fight desertification
  The disappearance of forests means that large areas of soil erosion, desertification accelerated. Currently more than 100 countries worldwide, 9 million people and 25% of the land threatened by desertification every year due to desertification caused direct economic losses of 400 billion. Of the area affected by desertification over total land area of 1 / 3, living in desert areas and the population affected by desertification nearly 4 million damage each year due to desertification, economic losses up to 540 billion yuan.
  48. Adoption Tree - Green Lin Weishi do
  Calcutta, India, Agricultural University, Professor Desmond ecological value of a tree were calculated: a 50-year-old tree to produce about $ 31,200 worth of oxygen; absorb toxic gases, air pollution prevention worth about $ 62,500; increase soil fertility value about $ 31,200; water conservation value of $ 37,500; for birds and other animals reproduce the location value of $ 31,250; produce the protein value of $ 2,500. Remove the flowers, fruit and timber value, creating a total value of about $ 196,000.
  49. Environmental protection volunteers to do - save the planet, every man's duty
  50. A button cell battery will make 600 tons of water can not drink - the equivalent amount of drinking water of one's life
  Recognized as highly toxic element in the world, the battery accounted for three of these toxic elements into the body when it is difficult to exclude, and seriously affect the nervous system, or even permanently damage the brain.
  See this data and examples, you must have realized a small battery if not handled properly, it will give our environment harm. If you really do not want the good scenes in front of easily disappear, then, up with us to protect our planet now! All you need from ourselves, to mobilize your friends and relatives around, you personally will be used in daily life run to waste battery recycling bins in our release. The move, the earth, for our own, will be the biggest charity!
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Green Day
  International Wetlands Day
  February 2 as the International Wetlands Day. According to 1971 in Ramsar, Iran (RAMSAR), signed "Especially as Waterfowl Habitat, Convention on Wetlands of International Importance", wetlands means "permanent or temporary wetlands, peat land or water areas, with the rest or mobile, or fresh water, brackish, salt water body, including not more than 6 meters at low tide waters. " For the protection of biological diversity of wetlands, particularly migratory birds live and play an important role.
  World Water Day
  January 18, 1993, forty-seventh United Nations General Assembly a resolution, to determine the 22 March each year as "World Water Day." Resolution to the attention of Governments in accordance with their national conditions, on this day to carry out specific activities to raise public awareness. Since 1994, our government "China Water Week" in time to the annual March 22 to 28, to campaign more prominent "World Water Day" theme.
  World Meteorological Day
  In 1960, the World Meteorological Organization to March 23 as "World Meteorological Day" to raise public awareness of weather issues.
  Earth Day
  World No Tobacco Day
  In 1987 the World Health Organization on May 31 as "World No Tobacco Day" to draw attention to the dangers of cigarettes on human health.
  World Environment Day
  Twentieth century, sixties and seventies, with the deepening of national environmental movement, environmental issues have become major social problems, a number of transboundary environmental problems frequently arise, environmental issues and environmental protection and gradually enter the international social life. June 1972 5 to 16, the United Nations Conference on Human Environment held in Stockholm from 113 countries, government representatives and private individuals to the world of contemporary environmental issues and strategies to protect the global environment issues in the discussion, formulated the "United Nations Human Environment Declaration of the Conference "and the 109 recommendations to protect the global environment," Action Plan "and proposed a common point of view of 7 and 26 common principles to inspire and guide people around the world to maintain and improve the human environment, and recommended the opening of the General Assembly Japan as the "World Environment Day." October 1972, the 27th United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution on June 5 as the "World Environment Day." The United Nations under the then world's major environmental problems and environmental hot spots, targeted to develop the annual "World Environment Day" theme. The United Nations system and Governments to carry out every year on this day various activities to promote environmental protection and improvement of the human importance of United Nations Environment Programme also published "Annual Report on state of the environment", held in recognition of "Global 500" International Conference.
  World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
  As the growing global problem of desertification continue to threaten the survival of humanity, since 1995, the annual June 17 was designated as "World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought."
  World Population Day
  July 11, 1987, the birth of a baby as a symbol of Yugoslavia, the world's population to exceed 50 billion. In 1990, the United Nations each year on July 11 as "World Population Day."
  International Ozone Layer Protection Day
  September 16, 1987, 46 countries signed the Montreal, Canada, the "ozone-depleting substances on the Montreal Protocol," began to take concrete action to protect the ozone layer. Anniversary of the establishment of the United Nations to raise awareness of people to protect the ozone layer, and to take concerted action to protect the global environment and human health.
  World Animal Day
  Italian missionary St. Francis had 100 years ago advocated the October 4 "to show love of animals to human beings thanks." To commemorate him, people on Oct. 4 as the "World Animal Day."
  World Food Day
  With the world's food is the rapid growth of population has become increasingly short supply. Since 1981, the annual October 16 was designated as "World Food Day."
  International Biodiversity Day
  "Convention on Biological Diversity" in the December 29, 1993 came into effect, to commemorate this meaningful day, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution each year since 1995 on Dec. 29 as the "International Biodiversity Day." May 17, 2001, according to the 55th United Nations General Assembly Resolution 201, to an annual International Day for Biological Diversity 22 May.
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The law on environmental protection
  1979, China passed its first environmental protection laws - "Environmental Protection Law (Trial)." Since reform and opening, China has gradually formed the environmental legal system. 1973, China's first environmental standards - "industrial" three wastes "discharge trial standards" was born. As of the end of 1998, China issued over the years a total of 412 national environmental standards, the current 361, of which 10 environmental quality standards, pollutant discharge standards 80, 230 environmental monitoring methods standards, environmental standards, standards of 29 samples, the environment basic standards of 12 years, it has issued a total of SEPA standards (ie environmental industry standards) 34. At the same time in 1998, China has enacted environmental protection laws and 6, the law related resources and the environment 9, 34 administrative regulations, environmental protection, environmental protection more than 90 pieces of departmental regulations, environmental regulations, local regulations and local government more than 900 pieces of military environmental protection laws and regulations 6, conclusion and participated in 37 international environmental conventions, initially formed with the environmental protection legal system with Chinese characteristics, China's socialist legal system as an important component. In particular, to meet the objective of economic development and environmental protection needs, 1995 and 1996, respectively, the Standing Committee of National People's Congress adopted amendments to "Air Pollution Prevention Law" and "Water Pollution Control Act," the decision. March 1997, the revised "Criminal Law" added on "crime of destruction of the environment resource protection" provisions. Environmental Protection Law of the basic principles are: coordinated development of economic construction and environmental protection; prevention first, combining prevention with control; polluter pays; the government responsible for the quality of the environment; relying on the masses to protect the environment. October 2002, "Republic of China on Environmental Impact Assessment Law" promulgated in the decision-making for the project, the project's location, product direction, building plans and the scale and after the completion of the environmental monitoring and management to provide a scientific basis.
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Information on environmental protection
  1. Remember to drink pure water from the
  Nowadays, water is becoming a trend. Although the media have not only introduced once the drawbacks of drinking water, but "drinking water" family still growing.
  Not only refers to the pure drinking water, including mineral water, distilled water, etc. and even in space. And we grew up drinking tap water have become relatively "non-potable water." We do not rule out the current popularity of drinking water, since speculation a certain role, but it reflects the seriousness of the current water pollution has to be difficult under the mouth of the degree.
  It is reported that: "It is reported that 979 of 798 cities and towns nationwide survey, the National Day of water emissions for the country people, 2.58 million tons, including 819 occupied by industrial waste water, sewage occupy 199.1989 National Congress years 854 cities and towns investigation, amounted to 36.53 billion tons of emissions every day. which agreed 550 million tons of industrial waste water. The vast majority of untreated wastewater directly discharged, polluting the rivers and lakes.
  In addition, more an indisputable fact placed in front of each of Shanghai. The mother river of Shanghai's Huangpu River, the mid 50's (1958) until a clear water, fish and flocks of river water quality began in 1962 to be contaminated 1963 began a period of 22 days of black-odor period, rising to the scene 29 days in 1988, accounted for about 2 / 3, failed section of the river water quality accounted 64.5km, 56.99% of the total length of 113.5km of.
  The contaminated water is not self-evident. Water pollution, water quality deterioration on human health and human life and production have brought serious harm.
  Water is an important material of human beings, who can bring people clean and lush flowers and trees, flowers, quiet and comfortable environment for the picturesque beauty, to bring peace, joy and peace. But today the contaminated water to bring the pain, terror and disaster. to make life better, to the beautiful human landscape forever, so clean waters flow continuously, it has become increasingly clear understanding of the importance of preventing water pollution.
  2. "Environmental protection storm"
  In 2005, an "environmental protection storm" blowing in China, 30 more than 117.9 billion yuan total investment in construction projects halted by the State Environmental Protection Administration, including the ministries belong to the Three Gorges Project Corporation are the three projects . Reason is that these projects without environmental impact assessment, is not approved before the illegal construction works.
  Environmental degradation, China's environmental problems back to the wall not the first time today. Back in the 90's, had very serious environmental pollution problems. Such as the Huaihe River Basin. Five 90s in the last century to account for 80% of the water quality, the Huaihe River is like a giant perennial Wu Shuigou. In 1995, the economic losses caused by environmental pollution reached 187.5 billion yuan.
  According to Chinese Academy of Sciences estimates, the current environmental pollution and ecological damage from the loss has accounted for 15% of total GDP, which means that one side is a 9% economic growth, while 15% loss rate. Environmental issues, is not only the issue of sustainable development in China has become the demon devoured the fruits.
  Currently, the desertification land in China has reached more than 2.674 million square kilometers; the country's 18 provinces and regions of the 471 counties, nearly 4 billion people, land and homes are under threat of desertification in different degrees, and desertification is still a year more than 10,000 square km the rate of growth.
  Seven major river systems, not a use value of water more than 40%. 668 cities nationwide, more than 400 in a dry state. Many of which are caused by water pollution. Such as Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, located in the Yongjiang, Yao River, Fenghua Sanjiang junction, because of water pollution, the water needed by water tankers around the clock to run the river in the country in various water transport into the city enterprises.
  China's industrial added value of an average of 1 million, to be 330 cubic meters water consumption, and to produce 230 cubic meters of sewage; each will create a 100 million yuan GDP water discharge 288,000 tons. There are a large number of domestic sewage. 80% of untreated, directly discharged into the river, or 10 years, there will be no water available to the Chinese situation.
  National 1 / 3 of the urban population is breathing polluted air, 1 / 3 of the territory of acid rain. Economic development of Zhejiang Province, has reached 100% coverage of acid rain. The frequency of acid rain, 11% of the Haida, Jiangsu approximately 12%. Central China and some southern cities, such as Yibin, Huaihua, Shaoxing, Zunyi, Ningbo, Wenzhou, acid rain frequency of more than 90%.
  In China, the basic elimination of acid rain pollution in the maximum allowable sulfur dioxide emissions 12 million to 1400 million tons. In 2003, the national sulfur dioxide emissions reached 21.587 million tons, up 12% over 2002, including industrial emissions increased by 14.7%. According to the current pace of economic development. And pollution control methods and efforts, by 2020, the national sulfur dioxide emissions from thermal power plants alone will reach 21 million tons to more than all the emissions will exceed the capacity of 1 times the atmospheric environment, which environment and public health will be a serious disaster.
  January 27, World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, some people predicted that, if they are not to be remediation, human history, sudden environmental crisis on the economy, the greatest destruction of social systems, is likely to occur in the near future in China.
  Pollution control in a dilemma there is a saying in economic development to control the environment, investment in environmental protection to be reached more than 1.5% of GDP. But this is already very good in environmental protection cases in China, according to the Shanghai experience, to be truly effective control environment, environmental protection investment to be more than 3% of-GDP. In the past 20 years, China's annual investment in environmental protection, in the first half of the 90's is 0.5%, only 1% in recent years more. Environmental protection is a "luxury consumption", into large, small contribution to the GDP, so some of the special funds used in environmental protection have also been used for other purposes.
  China on environmental issues dilemma: we do not control, can not guarantee the future; really want to control, you need massive investment, the immediate economic and unbearable.
  It was calculated that enterprises around the Dianchi Lake in Yunnan Province in the past 20 years, the total output value is only created billions of dollars, but the initial recovery of Dianchi Lake water quality, at least a few hundred billion, which is the full year revenue of Yunnan Province. Huaihe River Basin of small paper mills, 20 years, but total output value of 500 billion yuan. But to control the pollution caused by even the mainstream irrigation water to reach the minimum standards need to invest 3,000 billion yuan. To revert to the 20th century, the three Grade 70's, not only a terrible cost figures, and time is at least 100 years.
  The Chinese environmental law enforcement in the two high and one low - high compliance costs, enforcement costs are high, illegal, low cost, also contributed to this trend. The usual situation is that environmental protection departments to evidence an illegal 偷排 incident cost the 50 million, and eventually fell to a fine head of illegal enterprises, only a mere 5 million, including fresh scratch is the so-called "environmental protection storm" .
  Some large multi-billion dollar investment in power plant project, started construction without violating environmental assessment, the final penalties are only 20 million. A mere 20 million fine for over a hundred million for an investment project that was an incredible bargain. Such penalties for violations without mentioning the deterrent effect? Therefore, "Environmental Law" has long been known as "tofu Act."
  An environmental crisis will involve hundreds of thousands of enterprises, and the resulting result will be: bankruptcy of a large number of enterprises, large numbers of people unemployed, a substantial increase in business costs, the domestic price index quickly break double digits. Therefore, regardless of the cost of the macro, or micro-cost, in fact, can not afford.
  Four factors that hinder the environmental management of the environmental protection department in law enforcement encountered enormous resistance, the State Environmental Protection Administration Pan Yue, deputy director summed up the four reasons:
  First, some local knowledge on the scientific concept of development is not in place, the simple pursuit of economic growth. Some of the high energy consumption, heavy pollution of small smelting, a small iron alloy, a small chemical projects to be banned in some places even the trend is spreading.
  Second, some local governments to attract foreign investors, the one-sided emphasis on simplified approval procedures for the relevant period. Regardless of whether the project there will be pollution to invest for as long as the approval of individual local approve the construction project environmental impact there is "head of the will," "first on the bus, then buy a ticket," and other illegal phenomenon.
  Again, the quality of environmental assessment needs to be improved. Some of the EIA units do not adhere to the scientific evaluation, not based on objective facts and scientific data words, the evaluation conclusions vague, ambiguous, the feasibility of the project's environmental push to the approval of the conclusions or departments, or even a very few units in the EIA fraud, fabricated , false data, or conceal the fact that seriously affect the implementation of environmental impact assessment system, so that environmental impact assessment, saying the loss of at least third-party advisory body to the science and impartiality.
  Finally, information disclosure and public participation in the work carried out inadequate. China's current environmental impact assessment system is government-led to limited government power to control the huge number of construction projects, is clearly inadequate.
  In fact, the resistance encountered by the EIA method is more driven by underlying economic interests.
  China is a very small room for maneuver in the environment on a large country, but also a global resource, the market basically been carved after the rise of a newcomer to the country. China did not advance any possible as some countries do, wait until then to govern the extreme poor environment.
  But China is a developing country, others for economic development through the first, and then the road pollution control, China will inevitably were born.
  History of the world has shown that economic growth and environmental change in a common law between: a country in the process of industrialization, environmental pollution will have a gross domestic product Synchronous High-Speed with the growth period, particularly in times of heavy chemical industry is : But when the GDP growth to a certain extent, with the Industrial Structure and the local environment, enhance the willingness to pay. After reaching the turning point in the pollution levels will increase with GDP, instead of screeching down until pollution levels returned to below the environmental capacity, namely the so-called environmental Kuznets curve, when Japan's development process is the law.
  There is no doubt that China is not likely to cross such a heavy industry era. Because China's large population, the state is too large, like Finland, as the manufacturing sector is not developed in their case, by means of global division of labor, direct access to high-tech era.
  The late 90s of last century, I have been back home in southern Jiangsu, a child that the clear water, sitting eight boat to get to town, the scene of the four townships have been gone. And so I was surprised that the main factors causing this situation turned out to be the most common garbage. In China, if not the development of industry, the population growth of contaminants, but also enough to make the environment deteriorated to an intolerable point, even control this pollution, but also require large investments, the need for economic base.
  China's pollution control issues, long way to go, according to the law needed to stop the vicious environmental events, delaying the rate of deterioration of the environment.
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Acid Rain Description:
  By the atmosphere in the presence of acid gas pollution, pH value less than 5.65 is called acid rain. What is acid? Pure water is neutral, no taste; lemonade, orange juice, sour taste, sour vinegar larger, they are weak; baking soda, alkaline water has slightly astringent, and caustic soda water Sese , alkali taste great, they are alkaline. Scientists found that the size and sourness of hydrogen ion concentration in aqueous solution; the base flavor and the hydroxyl ion concentration in aqueous solution; then _set_ a target: the number of hydrogen ion concentration on the negative, is called pH. Thus, pure water (distilled water) and pH 7; acid bigger, pH, lower; alkaline larger, pH values higher
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New concept of environmental protection: natural economic and social development
  Deterioration of the Earth's environment has aroused widespread concern, therefore, environmental protection has been growing attention from various countries. However, due to a certain extent, environmental protection may be related to economic development, social issues more difficult to coordinate with the conflict, therefore, in recent years, understanding of the concept of environmental protection are becoming increasingly innovative and reasonable.
  Of course, environmental protection must also consider the economic growth and social development. Only the coordinated development between each other, is the new concept of a new era of environmental protection.
  The quality of environmental protection work directly with the country's stability is related to the protection of social reproduction of labor power has an important significance from destruction.
  With in-depth understanding of the human environment, the environment is the view of resources, more and more accepted. Air, water, soil, mineral resources, are the natural wealth and the material basis for the development of production, constitutes a productivity factor. Since air pollution is serious, there have been air can sell abroad; because of water pollution, climate change, excessive extraction of groundwater, water shortages in many parts of the world; the population explosion, the abuse of land, desertification, making land scarce and so on. From this we can see, does not protect the environment, do not protect environmental resources, it will threaten the survival of human society, but also to the sustainability of the national economy to grow.
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Sentence for the protection of the environment
  1, environmental protection is everyone's responsibility.
  2, the protection of the environment is a long-term adherence to the basic national policy.
  3, the implementation strategy and the sustainable development strategy.
  4,1998 on June 5 World Environment Day theme is: "Life on Earth - Save Our Seas."
  5, the protection of blue sky blue water.
  6, build a beautiful border, love our home.
  7, strengthen environmental education, environmental awareness and raising the people.
  8, the protection of the environment is the responsibility of every citizen.
  9, the Environmental Protection from my side.
  10, protecting the environment for the benefit of the people.
  11, protecting the environment is to protect ourselves.
  12, the destruction of the environment, is to undermine the survival of our home.
  13, can not regenerate the soil, preventing soil pollution and desertification, and reduce soil erosion.
  14, the environment and human coexistence, resource exploitation and environment.
  15, protection of water environment, conservation of water resources.
  16, protection of desert vegetation to prevent dust pollution, protect the atmospheric environment.
  17, environmental protection, regardless of ethnic, ecological boundaries do not look on, join the ranks of actors, a drop of water conservation today, a drop of blood left to future generations.
  18, there is no health of the planet there is no reconstruction of human health and natural harmony with the Earth _set_ to forge a rapprochement mixed waste is rubbish, waste separation is a resource.
  19, with action guard their homes, watering the earth with blood.
  20, to limit consumption of ecosystem within the limits of environmental destruction, hurt through the ages and protect the environment, work cover future generations.
  21, garbage collection, protect the earth, require little effort to participate in environmental protection.
  22, Jianhui garbage and old traditions, promote the new green civilized fashion.
  23, human and other species if it can not coexist with the planet can not coexist.
  24, only one man can live in the village - the Earth. Protecting the environment is the responsibility of each planet villagers.
  25, your planet needs you, to unite to address climate change! (World Environment Day 2009 theme)
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Films on environmental protection
  Director: Feng Xiaoning
  Type: Feature Film
  Region: China
  Color: Color
  Production unit: Children's Film Studio
  <Hoh Xil "(2004)
  Starring: Zhang Lei Qi Liang Duo Bujie
  Director: Lu Chuan
  Region: China
  Language: Mandarin
  Film Description: Movie "Hoh Xil" based on a true story adapted from the story took place Hoh Xil, located in the western territory, the heart of the Tibetan Plateau. Movie Trivia: the eyes of director Lu Chuan's "Kekexili": I do not take environmental protection, but the beat of life and death. "Hoh Xil" is a film in exchange for his life, the Hoh Xil is the third in the world, China's first no man's land, the crew spent the Hoh Xil wasteland that no one has taken more than 120 days of hard living, for this movies, too many people paid the price physically and mentally, which even two crew during the shoot out because of accidental death.
  "Save the Earth" (2009)
  Movie Description:
  Documentary "Rescue the Earth" is a well-known by the French director Luc Besson produced, all images are aerial photography, and spent 3 years in 54 countries in depth, before shooting the film. The documentary takes an objective perspective of the birth of the Earth, evolution, and earth problems faced today. Beautiful picture with scenes of natural beauty of the earth with audiences, and to promote the importance and urgency of environmental protection.
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Well-known environmental organizations
  United Nations Environment Programme
  United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme, referred to as UNEP)), founded in 1973 and headquartered in the Kenyan capital Nairobi, is the world's only two will be based in developing countries, UN agencies. All United Nations Member States, specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency members may join UNEP, 2009, more than 100 countries to participate in its activities. In the international community and governments on the global environment and sustainable development prospects of the world even more deeply concerned about the 21st century, more and more a high priority by UNEP, and is playing a key role irreplaceable.
  China Environment Federation
  China Environment Federation (All-China Environment Federation, the English acronym for the ACEF.) Is approved by the PRC State Council, Ministry of Civil Affairs up, SEPA director of environmental protection by enthusiastic people, enterprises and institutions form of voluntary , non-profit, national social organizations. China Environment Federation's aim is to focus on sustainable development strategy, focusing on the achievement of national environmental and development goals, and social environment surrounding the protection of public interest, to fully reflect China Environment Federation, "Greater China, environment, great alliance," the organizational advantage to play a bridge between government and society and link role in promoting China's environmental development, and promote the progress of the cause of all mankind the environment.
  China Environmental Protection Industry Association
  China Environmental Protection Industry Association, founded in 1993 (formerly known as the 1984 establishment of the China Environmental Protection Industry Association), is registered in China in the environmental industry, research, design, production, distribution and service units as well as in China voluntary environmental protection industry, composed of industry experts, community groups, is a qualified corporation aggregate regional, inter-departmental, cross-ownership of the national, industry-based non-profit social organization. China Environmental Protection Industry Association, a total of 46 group members (provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, sub-provincial city of Environmental Protection Industry Association), members of more than 1100 units, and provincial associations linked by tens of thousands of companies.
  Green Industry Alliance of China
  Green Industry Alliance of China (abbreviation: EPCIU): referred to Environmental Protection in China, is committed to promoting the "prevention of environmental pollution and improve ecological environment, protect natural resources" of the illegal people, activities, academic non-governmental organizations. Union by the relevant government departments, industry associations, the mainstream media, leaders, co-sponsored enterprises, and has been widespread community concern and support. Union Mission: Green to make the world a better place. Accelerate the industrial development of China's environmental protection, environmental protection to create mature industry chain, integration of government departments, research institutions, environmental companies, the mainstream media and other various resources to promote environmental protection industry, the middle and lower effective corporate integration, optimize the industrial structure, promote economic development .
  China Environmental Culture Promotion Association
  China Environmental Culture Promotion Association (English name: China Environmental Culture Promotion Association, the English abbreviation: CECPA) under the Ministry of Environmental Protection, is a qualified corporation aggregate regional, cross-sectoral, non-profit national environmental culture organization. The experts by the community, writers, artists, journalists, publicity and education workers, entrepreneurs and celebrities such as joining a voluntary composition.
  China Environmental Science Society
  China Environmental Science Association (English name: Chinese Society For Environmental Sciences; English abbreviation: CSES) in May 1978 approved the establishment, is the oldest in China, specializing in the cause of the non-profit national environmental non-governmental science and technology community organizations, is CAST belongs to learn the national level, with cross-sectoral, cross-industry, horizontal links a wide range of advantages and characteristics. Business unit in charge of Science and Technology Association and the State Environmental Protection Administration.
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  huanjing baohu
  Environmental Protection
  environmental protection
  To take administrative, legal, economic, science and technology many measures, rational use of natural resources and prevent environmental pollution and destruction, in order to maintain and develop the ecological balance, a useful expansion of the reproduction of natural resources, protection of human social development.
  50 years of the 20th century, some countries appear anti-pollution campaign. At that time people understand the relatively narrow environmental protection, most of that is air and water pollution control, waste disposal of these things, and that is a localized problem. United States published in 1962 written by R. Carson, "Silent Spring," a book. The book pointed out that the ecological crisis caused by pesticide pollution, vibration of the United States and Europe. Scientists were surprised to find that within a short time several decades, industrial development into a confused human being poisoned environment, and damage caused by environmental pollution is a comprehensive, long-term, serious. 1972 United Nations Conference on Human Environment to submit an environmental issue is not only a regional problem, and is a global problem. Thus, "Environmental Protection" The term is widely used. For example, the Soviet Union would be "natural protection" gradually replaced the traditional term "environmental protection." China in 1956 proposed a "comprehensive utilization of" the principle of industrial waste, the late 60's proposed "three wastes" (waste water, waste gas, waste) disposal and recycling concepts, instead of 70 years, "Environmental Protection" is the concept of relatively complete .
  A common phenomenon in modern society, human requirements for material is growing, leading to the development and utilization of natural resources continue to expand, to return to the environment, waste is also increasing. Thus, human development and the natural environment action and reaction between the growing, the environment and population growth, economic development, resource utilization increasing the interaction between. Thus, the task of environmental protection, from the traditional work of protecting the natural environment for the protection of human development and evolution of the ecological balance of the work. Contents of environmental protection around the world vary, generally includes two aspects: first, to protect and improve environmental quality and protect the residents physical and mental health, to prevent the body under the influence of environmental variation and degradation; Second, rational use of natural resources, reduce or the elimination of harmful substances into the environment, and protection of natural resources (including biological resources) recovery and expansion of reproduction, in order to facilitate activities of human life. Published in September 1979 the "PRC Environmental Protection Law (Trial)" the task of environmental protection provided is: "to ensure that in the socialist modernization drive, the rational use of natural environment, prevent environmental pollution and ecological damage, caused for the people clean and suitable for living and working environment, protect people's health and promote economic development. "
  Since the 70s, many countries, particularly in industrial countries, some of the major environmental protection measures taken. Including the establishment of environmental management institutions, restructuring and strengthening environmental protection scientific research, legislation, regulations and so on. Meanwhile, the engineering measures have also had some success. For example, from waste disposal to waste resources; by the end of the waste treatment technology to the production process of reform, the establishment does not emit emissions or less of the production process of waste water recycling systems and closed systems; by the government to prevent, by a single control to integrated control; from local governance to the regional planning control. Over the past decade, national environmental protection work with varying degrees of progress, environmental quality has improved. But on the whole, countries in the degree of improvement of the environment to eliminate pollution from the environment needed to target human beings are very far. For example, groundwater pollution has just been recognized, large quantities of chemical poisons into the environment and biological effects on the human body poorly understood, some global environmental problems, such as marine pollution, the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide, water eutrophication problems, has yet to be further study.
  State Council of China was established in 1974 the Environmental Protection Leading Group, 1982 revocation of its offices into the newly established Department of Urban and Rural Construction and Environmental Protection. Local governments also established the Environmental Protection Agency and environmental research institutes, environmental quality assessment carried out at the same time, regional integrated environmental control, environmental management systems and policy research work.
  The protection of the human environment is a very complex issue. Overall, the practical problems and theoretical facing many problems still. For example, when solving specific environmental problems, they often conflict with the overall environment; uncontrolled environmental protection and resource use conflicts between the lack of scientific understanding; natural environment under the influence of the human reaction to human society is also difficult to make reliable the forecast. Solve these problems, it is necessary to study the laws of nature but also of social law at the same time, the coordinated development of man and nature.
  (Li Constitution)
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English Expression
  1. :  environmental conservation,  environment protection
  2. n.:  protect the environment,  environmental protection
French Expression
  1. n.  protection de l'environnement
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Taiwan Protect the environment alliancethe environment protection law of the people's republic of china
Sichuan Province Protect the environment ActTibet autonomous region protect the environment Act
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Protect the environment reach Briny preserveProtect the environment Exploit cognizance measures for administration
Protect the environment code interpret measures for administrationShanghai Kuanruo Protect the environment Corporation Ltd.
protect the environmentAgricultural environment preserve monitoring station
other Protect the environment engineerProject of Environment safeguard evaluate
the People's Republic of China Environmental Protection Department (EPD)Protect the environment knowledge Quanjiuce
Afforestation reach protect the environment engineeringLanzhou Lantai Protect the environment Institute
Qingyang City Protect the environment InstituteGansu Lantai Protect the environment Corporation Ltd.
Lanzhou sky border, boundary, juncture Protect the environment Corporation
Daozhen gelaozu miaozu autonomous county Epa Function Configuration Neishe institution and Personnel compile allot
Daozhen Autonomy County people's government Regarding impose construction project Protect the environment regulate be informed ofpractical impose Protect the environment employment agree
Guangdong province execute The people's republic of china Briny protect the environment law planHydropower engineering Biology protect the environment Mechanism And Technical (the) most rebirth
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Expandenergy-saving Device
ExpandcontaminantsExpandenvironmental managementExpandgeosphere
Expandpollution sourcesExpandenvironmental lawExpandenvironmental chemistry
Expandnatural landscapeExpandgive drainageExpandmarine environment
ExpandTERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMSExpandAgricultural productionExpandmonitoring
Expandhuman healthExpandHUMAN _SET_TLEMENTSExpandbriny
ExpandCytologyExpandsulfideExpandPollution abatement
Expandchemical industry garbageExpandScrap metals dispose facilityExpandtextile Waste disposal facility
ExpandLeather Garbage reach Dispose facilityExpandChemical industry garbage reach Dispose facilityExpandoff gas treatment facility
Expandwater Sewage treatment/ disposal facilityExpandscrap recovery recycleExpandhappy cacophony Device
ExpandCommon environmental sanitation facilityExpandCommon environmental sanitation Machinerycontrail
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