Literary Writing : tongue technics : literary and artistic creation : discipline of physics : geology : Biology : law : economics > environment
◎ Environmental huánjìng
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No. 2
  Surroundings, influence or power
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No. 3
  A change of environment
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Surrounding areas
  Surrounding areas. "New Tang Ning-Chuan": "Pirates of the environment when the southern zone, condensate, according to Crossbow quarrying, Zhang suspect flag, laid off do to Ma Ying, Xie and state of the Circuit." Song Mai, "A Chi Yi Jian were the case of different people ":" February, stolen from the environment, it demonstrated eup, Liu burning down. "Qing Fang Bao" Bingbushangshu Fan Cemetery Table ":" Lu Kuei brigands two years for environmental damage, to be on the ask. "
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No. 5
  The area around the jurisdiction. "Que Yu Chuan Yuan Dynasty": "Officers arrived on the 10th and bandits to, but the refusal, are set Yuji war with the Zhu Jiang Shou-meter Farming Conference, environment, building Fort, outside the defending A fine selection, but Gengjia it." Qing Liu Da-kui "Yanshi magistrate Lu Jun Biography": "king of the untreated Yanshi, for the first out of the Longxi County, Shaanxi, bandit thief environment."
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No. 6
  Surrounding natural conditions and social conditions. Cai "<The Complete Works of Lu Xun> order": "'OK Sanin trail, Chibaya King show, myriad disputes flow, is too busy to deal'; have this kind of environment, so there is a famous ancient writers, artists, of which, such as Wang Yi little book, Lu You of the poem, particularly the permanent popular work. "Mao," Analysis of Youth Depression ":" Only through struggle and the environment before it can make you grow into. "
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No. 7
  ① surrounding areas: ~ beautiful ~ Your Health.
   ② surrounding circumstances and conditions: Your job objective ~ ~.
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  Environment (environment) is located around the conditions of different objects and scientific disciplines, the environment, the content is different.
  Of biology, the environment is the climate around the biological life, ecosystems, surrounded by groups and other populations.
  On literature, history and social science, the environment that people live around the specific circumstances and conditions.
  To architecture, is that the indoor conditions and the landscape around the building conditions.
  Of business and management, the environment refers to the social and psychological conditions, such as the work environment.
  Of thermodynamics, it is pointing to the research system provides heat or absorb heat all the objects around.
  Of chemical or biochemical, it is the chemical reaction of the solution.
  From the macro point of view of environmental protection, this is the home planet of mankind. The natural environment of human life, including:
  Soil circle (ie: soil circle)
  And human life is most closely related biosphere, from a human has access to the original source of food for human beings to rely on the biosphere, in hunting and gathering stage of things, basically the same as humans and other animals in the whole eco-system occupy a seat location. However, humans use tools, will save the food, the privileged position of human possession, will remain with limited food growing population.
  In human development to the stage of animal husbandry and agriculture, humans have transformed the biosphere and create their own around the human ecosystem, thus destroying the natural ecosystem, with the continuous development of human beings, the number increases, continue to expand the scope of artificial ecosystems, the scope of the earth is fixed, so the natural ecosystems continue to shrink, and many continue to wildlife extinction.
  Began mining ore from the human use of fossil fuels since the range of human activities began to invade the lithosphere. Human land reclamation, flat terraces, especially since the industrial revolution, large-scale exploitation of minerals, the elements destroyed the balance of nature.
  Since the latter half of the 20th century, the flourishing of human industry and agriculture, a lot of exploitation of water resources, excessive use of fossil fuels, water and atmosphere to the large amount of waste gas emissions, resulting in the atmosphere and hydrosphere of the quality deterioration, which led to the world concerns, making the cause of environmental protection began to appear.
  Now, with the development of scientific and technological capacity, human activities have extended to outer space beyond Earth, and even have the capability to launch private rockets. There are thousands of pieces of rubbish caused by the waste in outer space, orbiting around the Earth, ranging from rocket debris, small to waste space station astronauts, seriously affecting the observation of outer space and satellite launches. The human environment is beyond the scope of the Earth.
  Environment (environment) is always relative to a center in terms of things. Center of things because the environment varies, with the center of things change.
  External space around the center of things, conditions and status, constitute an environment center of things.
  We usually call the environment refers to the human environment.
  "Environmental Protection Law" from the perspective of law elaborates on the concept of environment: "The term environment is affecting human survival and development of a variety of natural and artificially transformed natural elements of the total, including the atmosphere, water, oceans, land, minerals, forests, grasslands, wildlife, natural monuments, cultural relics, scenic spots, nature reserves, urban and rural areas. "
  In order to regulate the first environmental protection laws, administrative regulations and departmental rules and regulations of the interpretation (hereinafter referred to as "statutory interpretation"), under the "National People's Congress Standing Committee on strengthening the legal interpretation of the resolution" and the "State Council on the interpretation of administrative rules and regulations Notice of rights and procedural issues "relevant provisions of the development of this approach.
  Environmental protection laws and the provisions of Article II itself needs to further clarify the boundaries of the problem or make supplementary provisions, in accordance with the "National People's Congress on Strengthening the legal interpretation of the resolution" process.
  Provisions of the Environmental Protection administrative regulations or limits itself to be further defined the issue supplementary regulations, in accordance with the "interpretation of the State Council on the competence and administrative regulations and procedures of the notice" process.
  Article environmental protection laws, administrative rules and regulations specifically applicable to the problem of understanding and implementation of departmental rules and regulations of the issues, and environmental protection laws and administrative regulations authorize the State Council administrative department of environmental protection issues of interpretation, by the State Environmental Protection Administration explained.
  Article published by the State Environmental Protection Administration of statutory interpretation, the effect of general implementation can be used as environmental protection administration departments at all levels and other environmental protection by law to exercise supervision and management according to law enforcement departments, the environmental legal instruments in the direct reference.
  The state Environmental Protection Administration of the local environmental protection administrative departments at all levels of implementation of national environmental laws and regulations to explain the situation to supervise implementation of national environmental laws and regulations that explain and interpret the specific administrative act contrary to instruct the correct or revoked according to law.
  Article one of the following circumstances, the State Environmental Protection Administration regulations should be made to explain:
  (A) The local environmental protection administrative department of the State Environmental Protection Administration to consult the proposed regulations explained;
  (B) or other state organs, request proposals to the State Environmental Protection Administration's regulatory interpretation;
  (C) of the State Environmental Protection Administration of Environmental Law Enforcement in accordance with the actual situation, the need to interpret laws and regulations;
  (D) laws and regulations need to be made to explain the other cases.
  Article VII of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the administrative department of environmental protection (hereinafter referred to as the provincial environmental protection administration departments) in the report to the State Environmental Protection Administration to statutory interpretation, in addition to referrals made to explain the issue, the department shall also put forward the views of , and comes with the main background material on the case. Submitted to the State Environmental Protection Administration of referrals to statutory interpretation, it should be a matter for instructions.
  Article VIII of the provincial environmental protection administrative department shall report to the State Environmental Protection Administration to statutory interpretation, it should be made to consult official documents, made referrals to other forms, not as a basis for statutory interpretation.
  Article IX below the provincial environmental protection administrative department where the need to report to the State Environmental Protection Administration to statutory interpretation, it should be according to the procedure reported to the provincial environmental protection administrative department and the decision by the provincial environmental protection administrative department of the State make referrals to the Environmental Protection Administration; due to special circumstances must leapfrog to consult, and shall be sent to be superior over the environmental protection administrative department.
  The state Environmental Protection Administration regulations for the management and organization department of regulatory interpretation.
  Administration of the State Environmental Protection Division (Office) with the regulatory department for regulations concerning interpretation of its mandate.
  Interpretation of Article XI the following procedures and regulations:
  (A) Under the circumstances listed in Article VI of this approach, regulation department of the statutes of the project;
  (B) of the proposed rules and regulations sector organizations of the draft interpretation, explanation involves the question of nuclear safety regulations, the Administration draft an explanation of nuclear security;
  (C) of the Regulations sector organizations demonstrate, if necessary, seek the views of the relevant state authorities, proposed regulations explain the manuscript;
  (D) interpretation of the manuscript will be reported in accordance with procedures issued by the Secretary General.
  Article XII of the regulations have been identified to explain the project should be completed in two months.
  For the interpretation of major and complex issues, time limits may be extended.
  Article XIII regulatory documents were used to explain the following form:
  (A) of the environmental protection laws and administrative regulations to explain to the State Environmental Protection Administration of the form of documents;
  (B) the interpretation of departmental rules and regulations on environmental protection to the State Environmental Protection Administration of the form letter.
  Article XIV of the State Environmental Protection Administration to explain the laws and regulations, in addition to consult the departments sent forth, depending on the circumstances in the country's major environmental public offering press release, copied to the relevant state authorities when necessary.
  Article XV State Environmental Protection Administration and the former State Environmental Protection Agency to explain the laws and regulations, such as environmental protection with the newly promulgated laws, administrative regulations or departmental rules and regulations inconsistent interpretation of the original regulations have been made to automatically expire.
  State Environmental Protection Administration of Article XVI of the regulations should be explained in due course to clean up the file. On the need to modify, supplement or repeal the regulations explained, with reference to the measures on the development of interpretation procedures.
  Seventeenth national standards of environmental protection, industry standards shall be interpreted by the State Environmental Protection Administration, General Administration of standards by reference to these Regulations sector organizations to handle the procedure.
  Article XVIII to consult the local environmental protection administrative department or other state organs, State Environmental Protection Administration proposed to explain issues such as the interpretation does not belong to the scope of environmental regulations, by the Secretary (office) handled by the division of responsibilities.
  Nineteenth local laws and regulations of environmental protection, local government regulations and the interpretation of local standards, by the local environmental protection administrative department under authority by reference to these Measures.
  Diershitiao These Measures shall enter into force.
  Other Definition: refers to the external world around the human, human survival and development of the material conditions of the complex. Environment for human life and social production provides a wide range of space, abundant resources and the necessary conditions.
  Another definition: the external organization operates, including air, water, land, natural resources, plants, animals, humans, and their mutual relations.
  Environment Definition
  The term for most of the environmental movement on the environment is defined in the field of nature protection is difficult to participate in the phenomenon of leaving the public in recent years, made a new international environment and scientific education "environment define" There are two main points:
  1) a person other than all that is environment;
  2) Each person is part of another environment.
  This definition is conducive to public understanding of environmental issues and their relationships to motivate people to protect the environment within its capacity to do some things down to earth.
  Global environment requires the resources of human value are the following four categories:
  1) The three elements of life: air, water and soil;
  2) six kinds of natural resources: minerals, forests, freshwater, land, biological species, fossil fuels (oil, coal and natural gas);
  3) two types of ecosystems: terrestrial ecosystems (such as forests, grasslands, desert, shrub, etc.) and aquatic ecosystems (including wetlands, lakes, rivers, oceans, etc.);
  4) Multiple landscape resources: such as mountains, water, native plant and animal species, natural and cultural historical sites and so on.
  Protecting the environment and resources, the development of the nation and the world an important linkage in the following:
  No pollution, only physical health;
  Have the resources, have living and employment base;
  Have employment, only education;
  Educational, only law-abiding society;
  With the law, have social security;
  A safe, friendly and mutual assistance between people only;
  Have mutual aid, only social fraternity, the elderly and orphans are not alone;
  With love, only national harmony;
  A harmony, have long-term peace;
  Have peace, to put an end to war;
  No war can best protect the earth, so that all mankind to achieve sustainable development.
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  Human activities on the environment are integrated, and the environment from all aspects of the system is counterproductive to humans, its effect is integrated. Different from humans and other creatures, not only for the purpose of their own to influence the survival of the environment, so their bodies adapt to the environment, but to improve the quality of life through their own labor to change the environment, the natural environment into a new living environment . The new living environment may be more suitable for human survival, but there are likely to worsen the human living environment. Repeated twists and turns in this process, the human living environment has become a huge, complex, multi-level, multi-component system of the dynamic environment interacting with each other (Hierarchical System).
  Environmental classification generally in accordance with the spatial extent of the size difference between elements of the environment, based on the nature of the environment.
  Habits of the human environment is divided into the natural environment and social environment.
  Also known as natural geographical environment. Is surrounded by the surrounding human nature. It includes air, water, soil, biological and various mineral resources. The natural environment is human survival and development of physical infrastructure. In physical geography, usually constitute the natural environment, these general factors were divided into the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, lithosphere soil five circles and the natural cycle.
  Refers to the human social environment on the basis of the natural environment, to continue to improve the level of material and spiritual life, through long-term planned and purposeful development, and gradually built up to create and artificial environments such as urban, rural, industrial and mining areas, etc.. Development and succession of the social environment, by natural law, economic laws and social rules and constraints of domination, the quality of human material civilization and spiritual civilization one of the signs.
  If considered from the nature of the case, can be divided into physical environment, chemical environment and biological environment.
  If classified according to environmental factors, can be divided into the atmospheric environment, water environment, geological environment, soil environment and biological environment.
  Typically, in accordance with the spatial extent of the human environment may be near and far, from small to large _set_tlement to be divided into environmental, geographical, geological environment and the interstellar environment hierarchy, and each level contains different elements of nature and the environment by the natural environment and together constitute the social environment.
  1. Inhabited Environment
  2. Geography
  Geography within the meaning of the geographical environment on the surface of the planet, in the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, soil and biosphere mutual restraint, mutual infiltration and blending into the belt. It began to surface of the lithosphere, the lower atmosphere up to the tropopause, a thickness of 10 ~ 20 km, including all of the soil ring, ranging broadly in line with the hydrosphere and biosphere quite. In summary, the geographical environment and human survival is closely related with the development of a direct impact on human clothing, food, shelter, non-biological and biological factors constitute the body of the complex unity of opposites, is a certain multi-level structure natural systems, water, earth, air, biosphere are its subsystems. Each subsystem in the whole system have their own particular status and role of non-living environment are organisms (plants, animals and microorganisms) for the survival of the main environmental factors, which together constitute the biological and biological species living environment. Here is the internal energy from the Earth's interior and external radiation from the sun to blend zone, with the physical conditions for human survival, chemical conditions and biological conditions, which constitute the basis for human activities.
  3. Geological Environment
  Mainly refers to the geological environment below the surface of the hard crust, which is part of the lithosphere. It is made of rock and its weathering products - two parts topsoil. Solid rock is part of the Earth's surface, the average thickness of about 30Km; surface dust, including soil and rock is composed of loose debris cover, thickness range is generally tens of meters to several kilometers. In essence, the geographical environment is the basis of the geological environment in the interstellar environment, and developed under the influence, in geographical, geological environment and interstellar environments, often continue to carry out the exchange of matter and energy and recycling. For example, the rock under the effect of solar radiation in the weathering process, to consolidation in the rock material released to attend to the geographical environment, and then through a complicated conversion process back to the geological environment or the interstellar environment. If the geographical environment for human life, providing a great deal of information on renewable resources, the geological environment was to provide a large number of human production, especially the rich mineral resources, which is difficult to renewable resources, human and social development of its The impact will increase.
  4. Cosmic environment
  Attachment: a variety of environmental
  Regional environment:
  Refers to a certain geographical area of ​​natural and social factors combined. Is a complex, feature-rich environment. Natural sub-regional environmental (such as forests, grasslands, glaciers, oceans), the regional environmental community (such as all levels of administrative, urban, industrial areas), agricultural regional environment (such as crop areas, pastoral, pastoral areas), tourism regional environment ( such as the West Lake, Guilin, Lushan, Huangshan) and so on.
  Around the organism's overall ecological conditions. Comprehensive made by many ecological factors. Ecological factors, including biological factors (such as plants, microorganisms, animals, etc.) and non-biological factors (such as water, air, soil, etc.), under the conditions shown in the consolidated their role. Environmental degradation and pollution are often closely related.
  The marine environment:
  The majority of Earth and Ocean Continuous total sea waters. Including sea water, dissolved and suspended substances in seawater, marine sediments and marine life. The cradle of life and treasure house of human resources. As human exploitation of marine resources, the growing scale, has been the impact of human activities and pollution.
  Investment Environment:
  That affect the investment returns of the various conditions. Contents include: (1) investment location of political and economic system and economic status of legislation; (2) market size and capacity; (3) infrastructure and collaboration conditions; (4) labor conditions and wage levels, such as the quality of personnel; (5) policies and so on favorable terms.
  Special environment:
  People rarely encountered environment. Such as ultra-low temperature polar, alpine hypoxia, desert drought, wind, equatorial jungles, high temperature and high humidity, high incidence of endemic diseases, the underwater environment, outer environment, and the impact, explosion, radiation, magnetic field, high-frequency noise environment.
  Geographical environment:
  Earth's lithosphere surface and the top of the atmosphere between the troposphere and the surface environment. Is the rock, soil, water, air, biological and other natural factors and human activities have shaped the overall social factors. It includes the natural environment, economic environment and socio-cultural environment. With human life and production activities are closely related.
  Create an environment:
  Will inspire people to create a social environment to carry out. Organizational structure including the social, ideological atmosphere, incentives, such as the use of creative talents, and encourage the flow of talent for the mechanism of life and respect the creative talents and mental and personality characteristics such as material incentives.
  Urban Environment:
  Refers to human activities affect the city of various external conditions. Including the natural environment, artificial environment, social environment and economic environment. Is a highly artificial creation of human living environment. For the material and cultural life of residents has created excellent conditions, but often suffered serious pollution and damage, so we must take effective measures to prevent adverse effects.
  Native environment:
  Natural environment, human activities in the area unaffected. Deserted to the mountains, such as rare desert, jungle, tundra and other regions and the central area of ​​the ocean. The native environment, the process according to the original material of nature into species evolution, energy and information transmission. With the expanding range of human activities, native environment is getting smaller.
  Secondary environment:
  The natural environment affected by human activities more area. Such as arable land, plantations, fish ponds, artificial lakes, pastures, industrial areas, cities, towns and so on. Is the primary environment evolved into an artificial environment. The development and evolution of the constraints of the laws of nature still.
  Typical environment:
  Typical means the literary and artistic works of life, the formation of his character and drive their actions in a particular social environment, that is the hero and the surrounding characters and radiation from the formation of the specific relationship.
  Market environment:
  Under a market economy on the production and operation activities directly or indirectly affect a variety of objective conditions and factors. Including: national laws and regulations and improve the level of sound economic policies; macroeconomic situation; factors of production required for enterprise production and management of enterprise supply and demand for products in the market; peer competitiveness of enterprises; the mass media, public opinion; natural conditions and scientific and technological progress status.
  Hardware: the hardware, is required by the communication activities of those material conditions, physical conditions and build from the environment. Such as highways, power grids, telecommunications networks, etc.
  Software environment: the human environment, is required by the communication activities of those non-material conditions and the construction of intangible conditions from the environment. Such as citizenship, political system, social media and so on.
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Relevant environmental protection law
  Constitution Article IX, Article X, the twenty-two, twenty-six provisions of the Environmental and Resources Protection. Specific laws and regulations:
  First, the environmental protection: including the Environmental Protection Law, Water Pollution Control Act, Air Pollution Control Act, Solid Waste Pollution Prevention Law, Environmental Noise Pollution Prevention Law, Marine Environmental Protection Law.
  Second, resource protection: including the Forest Law, Grassland Law, Fisheries Law, Agriculture Law, Mineral Resources Law, Land Administration Law, Water Law, Water and Soil Conservation, Wildlife Protection Act, Coal Management Act.
  Third, the environment and resources protection: a major Water Pollution Control Act Implementation Rules, Rules for the Implementation of Air Pollution Control Act, pollution prevention and control pollution of the marine environment, land-management regulations, combating coastal pollution damage to the marine construction project environmental regulations, Reserve Ordinance , Radioisotopes and Radiation Devices radiation protection regulations, safety management of hazardous chemicals regulations, Provisional Regulations on the Huaihe River water pollution control, offshore oil exploration and development of environmental regulations, the implementation of terrestrial wild animal protection regulations, Provisional Regulations on scenic area administration, the basic farmland protection Ordinance.
  Fourth, the new Penal Code in the sixth chapter, "Against Social Management of the crime," added the destruction of environmental resources in the protection of crime.
  What is a crime against the environment?
  Acts of crime against the environment is in violation of environmental regulations, pollution and damage to the environment or human health, a serious threat to life and property should be subject to criminal penalties.
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World Environment Day
  About World Environment Day
  June 5, 1972 in Stockholm, Sweden held a "United Nations Conference on Human Environment", the meeting adopted the "Declaration on the Human Environment," and proposed that the June 5 every year as "World Environment Day." In the same year in October, the 27th United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to accept the proposal. The establishment of the World Environment Day, reflecting the peoples of the world's awareness of environmental issues and attitudes expressed our human desire and the pursuit of a better environment.
  World Environment Day, the United Nations to promote global environmental awareness and improve the government's attention to environmental issues and take action to one of the major media.
  The United Nations system and Governments every year on June 5 this day various activities to promote and emphasize the protection and the importance of improving the human environment.
  United Nations Environment Programme on June 5 each year to _select_ a member at the "World Environment Day" celebrations, published "Annual Report on state of the environment" and in recognition of "Global 500", and according to the then world's major environmental problems and environmental hot spots , targeted to develop the annual "World Environment Day" theme.
  The significance of World Environment Day is to remind the world's attention to conditions on Earth and human activities on the environment. The United Nations system and Governments to carry out various activities on this day to emphasize the protection and the importance of improving the human environment.
  United Nations Environment Programme announced in the beginning of each year's World Environment Day theme, and released on World Environment Day each year's annual report State of the Environment. China's State Environmental Protection Administration issued during the period in which the Environment in China.
  Green theme of the calendar year
  ● 1974 Only One Earth
  Only one Earth
  ● 1975 years of human living
  Human _Set_tlements
  ● 1976 Water: Vital Resource for Life
  Water: Vital Resource for Life
  ● 1977 年 concerned about ozone depletion, soil erosion
  Ozone Layer Environmental Concern; Lands Loss and Soil Degradation; Firewood
  ● 1978 Development Without Destruction
  Development Without Destruction
  ● 1979 Future for Our Children - Development Without Destruction
  Only One Future for Our Children - Development Without Destruction
  ● 1980 the new decade, new challenges - Development Without Destruction
  A New Challenge for the New Decade: Development Without Destruction
  ● 1981 Protection of groundwater and human food chain, pollution prevention and control of toxic chemicals
  Ground Water; Toxic Chemicals in Human Food Chains and Environmental Economics
  ● 1982 Conference on Human Environment in Stockholm ten years - to raise environmental awareness
  Ten Years After Stockholm (Renewal of Environmental Concerns)
  ● 1983 years of management and disposal of hazardous waste, Acid Rain and Energy
  Managing and Disposing Hazardous Waste: Acid Rain and Energy
  ● 1984 年 desertification
  ● 1985 the Youth Population and the Environment
  Youth: Population and the Environment
  ● 1986 on Environment and Peace
  A Tree for Peace
  ● 1987 living on Environment and
  Environment and Shelter: More Than A Roof
  ● 1988 Protection of the environment, sustainable development, public participation
  When People Put the Environment First, Development Will Last
  ● 1989 年 Global Warning
  Global Warming; Global Warning
  ● 1990 Children and the Environment
  Children and the Environment
  ● 1991 Climate Change - Need for Global Partnership
  Climate Change. Need for Global Partnership
  ● 1992 Only One Earth - Care and share
  Only One Earth, Care and Share
  ● 1993 Poverty and the Environment - Breaking the Vicious Circle
  Poverty and the Environment - Breaking the Vicious Circle
  ● 1994 One Earth One Family
  One Earth One Family
  ● 1995 We the People United for a better future
  We the Peoples: United for the Global Environment
  ● 1996 Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home
  Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home
  ● 1997 Life on Earth
  For Life on Earth
  ● 1998 Life on Earth - Save Our Seas
  For Life on Earth - Save Our Seas
  ● 1999 Save Our Earth is the future
  Our Earth - Our Future - Just Save It!
  ● 2000 2000 The Environment Millennium - Time to Act!
  2000 The Environment Millennium - Time to Act
  ● 2001 World Wide Web of life
  Connect with the World Wide Web of life
  ● 2002 Give Earth a life
  Give Earth a Chance
  ● 2003 Water - Two Billion People are Dying
  Water - Two Billion People are Dying for It!
  ● 2004 years of marine survival, Alive
  Wanted! Seas and Oceans - Dead or Alive
  ● 2005 Green Cities, Plan for the Planet
  Green Cities-Plan for the Planet!
  ● 2006 年 Desert Drylands
  Deserts and Desertification-Don't Desert Drylands!
  ● 2007 years Melting Ice a Hot Topic?
  Melting Ice - a Hot Topic?
  ● 2008 the Habit! For low-carbon economy
  Kick the Habit! Towards a Low Carbon Economy.
  ● 2009 The Earth needs you: to unite to address climate change
  Earth needs you: to unite to address climate change.
  Host city for World Environment Day, the state:
  2009 - Mexico City, Mexico
  2008 - Wellington, New Zealand
  2007 - Tromsø, Norway
  2006 - Algiers, Algeria
  2005 - San Francisco, United States
  2004 - Barcelona, ​​Spain
  2003 - Beirut, Lebanon
  2002 - Shenzhen, China
  2001 - Turin, Italy and Havana, Cuba
  2000 - Adelaide, Australia
  1999 - Tokyo, Japan
  1998 - Moscow, Russia
  1997 - Seoul (Seoul), Korea
  1996 - Istanbul, Turkey
  1995 - Pretoria, South Africa
  1994 - London, United Kingdom
  1993 - Beijing, China
  1992 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  1991 - Stockholm, Sweden
  1990 - Mexico City, Mexico
  1989 - Brussels, Belgium
  1988 - Bangkok, Thailand
  1987 - Nairobi, Kenya
  Environmental Certification
  ISO14000 series of standards is the International Organization for Standardization ISO/TC207 responsible for drafting an international standard. ISO14000 is a series of environmental management standards, which include environmental management systems, environmental auditing, environmental labeling, life cycle analysis in the field of international environmental governance in many focus, designed to guide all types of organizations (enterprises, companies) to obtain the correct expression environmental behavior. ISO 14000 series of standards to _set_ aside a total of 100 standard number. The series of standards is divided into seven series, the number is ISO14001-14100. ISO14000 series standards standard number allocation table
  Name of the standard number
  SC1 environmental management system (EMC) 14004-14009
  SC2 environmental audit (EA) 14010-14019
  SC3 Environmental Labeling (EL) 14020-14029
  SC4 environmental behavior evaluation (EPE) 14030-14039
  SC5 life cycle assessment (LCA) 14040-14049
  SC6 terms and definitions (T & D) 14050-14059
  WG1 product standards in the environmental indicators 14060
  Alternate 14061-14100
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  In environmental science in general that the environment is the space around the crowd, and can be directly or indirectly affect human life and development of the whole variety of natural factors, but some people think that the environment In addition to natural factors, should also include social factors.
  Some of the world environmental protection laws and regulations, tend to the environment should be protected environmental elements or objects, such as air, water, land, minerals, forests, grassland, wild animals and plants, monuments, scenic spots, nature reserves, residential areas such as environment, but the environment is not limited to the content.
  Environment classification environment is a very complex system, there is no unified classification. Are generally categorized according to the following principles, namely, the main body in accordance with the environment, the scope of the environment, environmental factors and human use on the environment or environmental features for classification.
  According to the environment of the main points, there are two systems: one is the person or the human being as subject, object and other life substances are considered non-life environmental factors, that environment is a human living environment. In environmental science, most people using this classification. The other is a modified organisms (circles) as the main body of the environment, not to persons other than the biological as environmental factors. In ecology, often using this classification.
  According to the size range of environmental classification is relatively simple. If the environment is divided into a specific space environment (such as aviation, space flight capsule environment, etc.), workshop environment (working environment), living environment (such as home environment, the compound environment, etc.), urban environment, regional environment (such as watershed environment Chief regional environment, etc.), the global environment and space environment.
  In addition, in medicine and ecology, as well as internal and external environment such a classification system. Means the internal environment or biological function of the body's systems and overall; external environment refers to the contents of our previous environment.
  Humans and the environment close to people and the environment, such as human metabolism and the surrounding environment through the exchange of material, inhalation of oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, water and various nutrient intake to maintain the body's development, growth and inheritance. This allows the body's chemical composition and the environment has a high composition uniformity. That humans and other organisms are not only environment to a certain stage of the product development, and their composition and the environment is to maintain a balance between material composition, and if this balance is destroyed, it will cause harm to human health. Environmental pollution or pollution problems, the main composition is the environment are incompatible with the problem of human survival.
  Environment with the environment of the main resources ─ ─ between humans, are in dynamic equilibrium among the. Consequent production levels in the various different times, the environment carrying capacity of the population has a value or the best point of balance, if beyond the equilibrium value, the decline in the quality is bound to make the environment or to human living standards. Therefore, in the transformation of the human environment, must make their own relationship with the environment to maintain homeostasis.
  (Off s still on)
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English Expression
  1. :  environment
  2. n.:  medium,  conditions [pl] circumstances,  condition or fact connected with an event or action,  atmosphere of a place,  surroundings,  surroundings,  setting,  purlieu,  precinct,  milieu,  locality,  field,  context,  condition,  circumstances,  circumstances,  frame,  ambience,  ambiance
  3. vt.:  surround
French Expression
  1. n.  environnement
environtology, about, loopout, the social _set_ting, surrounding, about
atmosphere, air, aerosphere, accent, identify, baggage, earmark, Attribute, trait, trait
capitulation, case, fact, way, way, actuality, allot, agree, clause, issue, event, bedrock, gospel
Related Phrases
contaminate environmentcontaminateelectronic
mankindenvironmental protectionEnvironment And Exploit protection method
environmental disruptionbiologyafforestation
balmycityair temperature
human culturelandformhungriness
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environmental lawsoft environmentmicroenvironmentacclimatize oneself to
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Expandenvironmental resources