novel > Fantasy novel
Definition of Fantasy Fiction
  Fantasy novel is a type of fiction, usually adventure, war, theme, background, world view mused unrestrained, can let the free play of imagination. And science fiction, fantasy, martial arts and other types of fantasy novels the nature of a strong close.
  The term is generally believed that fantasy fiction writer, Huang Yi, Hong Kong made the intention that "based on mysticism based on fiction."
  Half of the 1990s the rise of network literature, the published works of fiction on the network increasing, many of which work is based on the Japanese role-playing game derived from, with swords and magic style adventure story, has been classified as short fiction RPG . However, with the theme of expansion and diversification of the story, people started to refer to the term fantasy novel classification of these novels, and quickly spread among the network community.
  In 2000 during the first half, due to the genre defined loosely fuzzy, in principle, those who can not be clearly classified as science fiction, martial arts, horror and other traditional areas of fiction, can be attributed to fantasy novels and the like, so its definition is clearly beyond the yellow Easy at first the idea of ​​this word.
  Mysteries of the type covered by the general and English in the "fantasy" is closer. The word began to spread about as the fantasy of the same period, the term has also been fantastic to translate into Chinese for fantasy, but because of overlap between the two groups is not used, so each has developed different meanings.
  Accustomed to fantasy on the translation for the community in terms of fantasy, fantasy means "mixing fantasy, science fiction, the multiple elements of Chinese martial arts fiction."
  For accustomed to fantasy fiction community to collectively, they sometimes come with fantasy fantasy omnibus category, sometimes to the term to refer to Europe and North America magic fantasy novels, with particular emphasis on its emphasis on the supernatural and magic characteristics.
  Mysteries of the definition, there are still a lot of controversy. Yonglie said science fiction writer, science fiction, fantasy fiction, fantasy novel is a fantasy novel of the three species. This classification receive more recognition of the current so-called fantasy novel is a place built on a series of hypothetical case stories. The difference is that: science fiction, focus on establishing a scientific basis to the British author Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" as the first masterpiece; fantasy novel is built based on the myth, the West's "Lord of the Rings," " Dragonlance "as the representatives; fantasy novel recently the rise boom in China, it is built on top of mysticism, fantasy novels went fairly within the further and more freedom from the shackles of scientific evidence, there is more space to play Fantasy, Huang Yi can be regarded as a Chinese representative of the modern fantasy novel. China's fantasy novels of their number, complexity of the types already have this Shoulong which the various elements. Network, one of the most fiery fantasy novel "Gone with the Wind Miao Tour" at the out_set_ said: "Maybe the Chinese will see the continuation of the ancient / advanced civilization may see / may be tempting to see the magic / may see immortal remains of / may see Medieval castle / may see all kinds of strange beasts / This is the floating Miao Tour. "only from here, we can see that fantasy of the mysterious, and metaphysics is not anything to do , but only arbitrary aspect of the mysticism of a brighter future was.
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Mysteries of the difference between
  Fantasy and magic, science fiction, fantasy distinction
  Magic: Word-Ocean in search of the phrase can be as "magical realism." Note: The popular 60s of the 20th century as an important literary genre in Latin America. The school accepted the former sovereign of Spain, the tradition of Portuguese culture, while absorbing the ancient Indian culture and black culture, and modern literature from the West has been enlightened. Works of ancient myth and folklore to borrow, the Latin American political and social reality described as a modern myth, both bizarre fantasy mood, there is no lack of realism of the plot and scenes ... ...
  SF: You can be seen in the Ci Hai, "science fiction" is "science fiction" the shorthand, so the original word is not science fiction. Its meaning is the form of fantasy to explore in the future cultural life of the material world, science and technology vision, its content is intertwined with a variety of scientific facts and predictability imagination. So see the science fiction of the "Magic" is not a simple YY, but the "explore", "scientific facts", "foresee" such basis.
  Fantasy: Ci Hai, try looking in the Chinese concept of no precise definition. Checked the information, the majority view is that fantasy can be interpreted as a "legend." What is the legend of it? Ci Hai said from the perspective of China's legendary cultural history of the plot or the characters act beyond the bizarre and unusual story. From the perspective of Western cultural history was "a kind of medieval European knights in literature long story poems, mainly love knights and rangers describe the adventures." Now, it comes to fantasy are often people think of elves, dwarves, vampires and so on. In fact, this is only a narrow concept of the expansion of the Norse mythology.
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Overview of Mysteries
  Mysteries can be said that in recent years before the rise of the "fiction with Chinese characteristics." It is the creative principle unprincipled, its foundation is not based on fantasy.
  Why? Fantasy fiction is essentially due to a combination of Western-style fantasy, the Chinese martial arts, Japanese animation, a hodgepodge of science and technology.
  Chinese culture, great openness can dissolve any foreign matter to its arms, and derived some new things or deformation.
  Fantasy novel it is. Most fantasy novels, take the Western magic, martial arts and strategy of Chinese and Japanese character has, together with science fiction, along with the myth (and often is in China, India, the coexistence of Greek mythology ... ...), build a magical world, wonderful story.
  On to the fiction, fantasy, fantasy novel is a fantasy novel in the four most liberal. Write it on the future of technology, scientific theory does not need validation; write it magic, not voodoo science research system of the West; it to write martial arts, magic is more powerful than traditional martial arts, often beyond the limits of human physiology ... ... whether it is a virtual world architecture, or people experience, are somewhat esoteric, wildly imaginative and very free.
  Fantasy novels often being scolded. Kehuan Mi criticize it "cranky", fantasy fans have criticized it "cranky." As everyone knows, is characterized by Fantasy Novel cranky, unprincipled, without foundation. However, this cranky have their own theoretical system and _set_tings, whether that system can withstand the rigorous research.
  Mysteries can be said with magic realism novels are diametrically opposed. Magic is the "magic" as the rendering, the main writing real events; fantasy is based on real events as a plot idea, the main writing "Magic."
  In the four categories of fiction, the fantasy novel is the most "magic" of a class. Because fewer constraints, so that it freely, arbitrary, often stirring read, very exciting. Thus, while "orthodox science fiction" and "orthodox fantasy" are all big plus denounce Fantasy, fantasy fiction still has quite a wide audience.
  Fantasy fiction is so popular, probably because, fantasy characters in the novel are often extremely capable, with a very large freedom, what there is. For ordinary people, this is a great pleasure and relaxation - life's most painful is can not be arbitrary, and fantasy novels for readers to relax the mind and experience the freedom of opportunity. Or, fantasy novel "very enjoyable read."
  Fantasy novels, because of its own characteristics, it is difficult to precisely define the next. Particularly in Taiwan, the seldom heard "fantasy" of the word, but said on behalf of the fantasy.
  We have seen many "fantasy", "science fiction" or even "martial arts" novel, in fact, should be classified as fantasy category. The market sold the fantasy novel, which is actually a very small part of the fantasy, science fiction.
  Mysteries of the number of works a lot of work is very complex level. Good work is demanding, requires a lot of information, knowledge and superb writing skills, poor work there and students writing, similar to the number of poor is always too many good people so often have a "fantasy novels bad "impression. In fact, fantasy fiction, there are many good quality, and because of them rich with esoteric knowledge, truth, widely loved by the various groups.
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Top fantasy novels
  --- Name of the novel
  "Carnal" --- Rain in South
  "Piaomiaozhilv" --- Xiao Qian
  The "magic Yi Qiankun," - Zhuo Feihong
  "Discrimination Day Road" --- Xiao Qian
  "Blasphemy" --- Rain in South
  "Arctic fox world" --- the Lo
  "Knowing the North Tour" --- Luoshui
  "Fugue" --- Xugong Zi Sheng Xian Xia governance
  "Desire" --- Xugong Zi Sheng urban governance
  "Nether fairy way" --- weight-loss experts
  "Buddha This is a Road" --- Dream Machine ecstatic
  "A handful of the world" --- Snow Regent
  "Immortals" --- tree Ye Hu
  "Wild mind" --- tree Ye Hu
  "Chi Master outsider Tour" --- WordPad
  "Lotus Treasures" --- fried buns
  "Outsider veterinary" --- fried buns
  "Back to the Ming Dynasty, when the prince" --- month off (aka: Li Guan Yu)
  "Wolf Spirit" --- month off
  "Xian Yuan" (Tao Yuan Ru cents) "Purple River", "easy to heaven and earth magic," "Warrior King", "Mofaxuetu" "Tan-day devil," "Wu Song," "Legend of Cthulhu," "seven circles legend" "Qingyu year" " Devil law "" card only "," dragon "," Emperor Qin "" Need Jia Ding "" Desire, "" Total Annihilation calls "" against the Long Road "," close combat Master, "" Medical crown beast "" Zhu Xian, "" Mad God " "Addict Magic Kitchen", "Fei outsider," "snakes Kingdoms", "Thang Long Road," "Ji Xiao-line" "evil wind song," "Big Dipper break the sky" "Yasha Ming Wang Biography", "Douro mainland China," "hard work" "World of Warcraft Lord" "inch Mountain," "Variable Star" "Jiuding mind," "the seventh color"
  History, military, wolves
  Recommended popular fantasy novel site:
  Starting point for Chinese Web
  Novel network by wave
  Net write together
  17K novel network
  Novel Reading Online
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Fantasy Fiction Categories
  Magic School 【】 【】 【Western fantasy turned vampire family Love】 【】 【】 【Dynasty Oriental Fantasy hegemony】
  【】 【Different world different patients over the mainland can】 【】 【reincarnation of ancient myths through time and space】 【】
  Magic school which 【】 【】 【Western fantasy the most widely known oriental fantasy】
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Why so popular fantasy novels
  If the fantasy novel, then, in fact, looks like Huang Yi also wrote fantasy, and that should really count is relatively old and was.
  Huang Yi did not know whether you know, he is a famous Hong Kong martial arts writer, I read some of his articles, fine. I can not comment on whether he and Jin on a level, but certainly much better than a fast food fantasy reading.
  Everything because the market will appear, as these fantasy novels. We can not all criticism, can only say, do not like, you can not see, because there are a large number of people who need such entertainment, and not because of personal feelings to dissipate. And all things will have one from the bad to the Hindu and then the process of prosperity and decline, as a thing to a peak, there must be tired and a lot of people to put forward various views. Consideration is now being proposed as the landlord, like, in fact, so many people are thinking.
  Jin Yong's novels, I would not say whether it reached the limit, because there are many things one of his shadow with some cultures, the more the Chinese culture. Maybe he was in this area, in this narrow space, he might have considered very good, but if in fact his novel as a derivative body of literature, I can not say he came in the first of several. Because each person's article has its own characteristics, he wrote of what was originally there can not be copied, how to climax, and no one than it?
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network Fantasy novel
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