Traffic and Transportation : communication > the interflow of goods and materials
The concept of logistics
  One explanation:
  Logistics is to meet the customer's needs at the lowest cost, through transport, storage, distribution, etc., to achieve raw materials, semi-finished goods and related information from the plan origin of goods to the consumer of goods carried, implementation and management of process.
  Logistics components: goods transportation, warehousing, packaging, handling, distribution processing, and related logistics information and other links.
  The specific content of logistics activities include the following areas: customer service, demand forecasting, order processing, distribution, inventory control, transportation, warehouse layout and location management, factories and warehouses, handling, procurement, packaging, intelligence information.
  Explain two:
  In the "Logistics term" definition of national standards that: Logistics is "receiving goods from suppliers to the process of physical movement, according to the actual needs of the transport, storage, handling, transport, packaging, distribution processing, distribution, information processing and other basic functions to implement combination. "
  Explain the three:
  Logistics in the "objects" is the material world also have the physical characteristics of the material and can be a part of that physical displacement of material. "Flow" is the physical movement, this movement had its limited meaning, as the reference is to the Earth, the Earth relative to the physical movement occurs, called "displacement." Flow range can be large geographic range, it can be in the same region, the same micro-environment movement, small-scale displacement. "Objects" and "flow", is a natural movement built on the basis of advanced forms of exercise. Of each link between economic objectives and kind, between military objectives and kind, even among some social purpose and kind, looking for regular exercise. Therefore, the logistics is not only a combination of "objects" and "flow" under limited conditions, but more importantly because it is limited to combinations of military, economic and social conditions, from the military, economic and social point of view to observe objects transport to reach some sort of military, economic and social demands.
  Explain the four:
  stream: In the chemical production process, the need for chemical or physical change to gaseous or liquid materials are often involved in the production process and pipeline transportation, raw materials involved in this process, intermediate products, products such as logistics. Or continuously added during the continuous operation of the discharge of solid material may also be referred to as stream.
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Source Logistics
  According to the Japanese Logistics Management Association records, Japan after the 1950s, the economy has recovered to the level before World War II. Invest in large-scale enterprise equipment and renovation, technology has improved, productivity increased significantly. Established in 1955, the Productivity Center, the group in order to improve production efficiency circulation to ensure the smooth running of the economy and development, organized by the Izawa Michio a large delegation headed in the fall of 1956, visit the American Logistics . Japan was not the "logistics" of the word, the name of the delegation as "distribution technology professional mission." The delegation during the United States, Mr. famous American professor Ken Basi mentioned, the reason why the United States for 30 years successfully developing the national economy, one of the reasons is that only value productivity but also to the efficiency of distribution. U.S. industry truly recognize the importance of logistics base after 1950, has been valued at just before this sale, only the transport, storage, packaging, handling and other logistics activities as a sales aid activities. Japanese technical mission also found in circulation in the United States, Japan, was originally known as the flow technology transportation, packaging and other activities, the Americans called physical distribution (pd). Japanese government delegation after returning Bianxiang suggestions importance of logistics and industry launched a pd Enlightenment. Established within the Japan Management Association of pd Research Council, invited Mr. plain straight (Institute of successive loading, unloading, president of the Japanese Association, known as the "Father of the logistics of the" Japan) served as president, hold seminars every month pd ; in circulation Economic Research Institute, Japan authoritative scholar Professor Lin Zhouer logistics, also organized pd Research Council, and actively carry out various forms of enlightenment and education. After eight years of efforts, in 1964 the Japanese government finally began to pd attracted attention. MITI invited several times to go straight plain Mr. pd importance of government agencies, government officials lectures. In July, MITI decided to discussing the logistics budget, worried that the Japanese news media reported speaking pd did not understand, then invited Mr. plain straight with ninety Mr. Yamauchi (Nippon Express Co. Senior Managing Director) deliberations. Yamauchi think pd Senior Managing the "p", ie physical here is not "material" means, but "physical" means, distribution of "circulation" means, it should be put pd translated as "physical circulation" , but feel as a noun, "physical circulation" word too much, for too long, had to shrink as the "material flow." Thus, "the flow of things," the new word in the whole Japanese media published.
  Since then, the "material flow" increasingly well-known in Japan, well known. Committee structure within the industry _set_ up a "matter of circulation Branch"; founded in Japan in 1970, one of the largest logistics group called "objects Dealers Association of Japan." In the same year _set_ up a similar organization to another Japanese logistics, Logistics conferences in Japan Logistics Management Agreement will be held every year called "national circulation conference matter."
  After 1970 a lot of people also feel that "things flow" is also a bit long, so they simply referred to as the "logistics" of the. "Logistics" is the word still in use in Japan.
  Logistics is currently more popular translation method logistics
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Logistics division
  Since different stream objects, the stream type object, logistics range of different areas, the formation of different types of stream.
  (A) macro-logistics. Macro Logistics is the logistics activities of social reproduction in general, awareness and research of logistics activities from the perspective of social reproduction in general. Macro Logistics can also be understood from the context of space, a lot of space in the areas of logistics activities, often with a macro, logistics activities in a small space areas are often with microscopic nature. The main features of macroeconomic research is logistics and global overview. The main contents of macro logistics, logistics overall composition, the status of the relationship between logistics and society in society, the relationship between logistics and economic development, establishment and operation of social logistics and international logistics systems and so on.
  (B) micro-logistics. Consumers, practical, concrete producers logistics activities are micro enterprises engaged in logistics. In the entire logistics activities, a local, a part of the specific activities of the logistics are micro logistics. Specific logistics activities in a small geographical space also belong to micro-logistics.
  (C) social logistics. Beyond a social logistics refers to a social area for the community for the purpose of logistics.
  (Four) business logistics. Research relating to logistics activities from the business point of view, is a typical domain specific, micro-logistics activities.
  (E) International Logistics. International logistics is a modern logistics system has developed rapidly, a very large field of logistics, international logistics and support logistics activities associated with international economic relations, trade and other international exchanges occurred.
  (Vi) Regional Logistics. Relative to international logistics, the logistics of a national scope, a city logistics, a logistics area are in the same economic laws, regulations, under the system are subject to the same cultural and social factors that are in basically the same technology level and the level of equipment being.
  (Vii) general logistics. General Logistics is an important feature in common and general logistics activities, logistics activities, involving the whole of society, companies, the establishment of the logistics system, the development of logistics activities must have general applicability.
  (H) special logistics. Specialized range of specialized areas, special industry in general to follow the law, based on the logistics with special constraints, specific application areas, special management, the special object of labor, machinery and equipment of special characteristics of the logistics, all belong to the scope of the special logistics.
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Modern Logistics
  Modern logistics distribution problems to consider not only the pure from producer to consumer goods, but also consider the purchase of raw materials, as well as all aspects of the producers themselves, such as in the manufacturing process, transportation, storage, and information from suppliers to producers, a comprehensive, integrated approach to enhance economic efficiency and efficiency. Thus, modern logistics is to meet consumer demand as the goal, manufacturing, transportation, sales and other market measures in a unified strategic considerations. This traditional logistics as it is only a concept of "logistical support" and "sales activities from the bridge," compared to the depth and breadth have further implications.
  In today's age of electronic commerce, the global logistics industry with new trends. Core objectives of modern logistics services in the logistics of the whole process to minimize overall costs to meet customer needs.
  Modern logistics has the following characteristics: close integration of e-commerce and logistics; modern logistics is a unified logistics, information flow, capital flow and talent flow; ecommerce logistics information technology, automation, networking, intelligent, flexible in combined; logistics facilities, standardization of packaging, logistics socialization, are also new features in common e-commerce logistics model.
  Continuous development of e-commerce logistics industry rise again, the current services provided by the U.S. logistics industry has far exceeded the warehousing, distribution and delivery services. Logistics company providing warehousing, distribution facilities, maintenance services, electronic tracking and other value-added services is increasing. Logistics service providers are becoming a customer service center, processing and maintenance centers, information processing and financial center, according to customer needs while adding new services is an evolving concept.
  With respect to the logistics industry in developed countries, China's logistics industry is still in its initial stage of development, the main features of its development: First, enterprise logistics is still the focus of the whole society logistics activities, specialized logistics service demand has been created, which Description level of development of China's logistics activities is still relatively low, strengthen internal logistics management is still the focus of the whole society logistics activities; Second, specialized logistics companies began to emerge, there is a certain degree of diversification of logistics services development. Out of self-service-based enterprise logistics activities, the development of third-party logistics, has been a top priority of China's logistics industry.
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E-commerce Logistics
  Also known as the online e-commerce logistics Logistics, is based on Internet technology, is designed to promote the creative development of the logistics industry, new business models; via the Internet, the logistics company can be the owner of a wider range of customers within the initiative to find, can be in the country and worldwide business expansion; trading companies and factories to be more cost efficient to find the most suitable logistics company; online logistics committed to the world's largest number of companies have the logistics needs of shippers and logistics companies to provide logistics services are drawn together to provide a neutral, integrity, free online logistics market, both supply and demand efficient logistics to help deal. There are already a growing number of customers through online logistics marketplace to find customers, to find a partner, find a foreign agent. The maximum value of the Internet to provide logistics, that is, more opportunities.
  Popular to say:
  1 What are the logistics?
  Logistics is to meet the customer's needs at the lowest cost, through transport, storage, distribution, etc., to achieve raw materials, semi-finished goods and related information from the plan origin of goods to the consumer of goods carried, implementation and management of process.
  Logistics components: goods transportation, warehousing, packaging, handling, distribution processing, and related logistics information and other links.
  The specific content of logistics activities include the following areas: customer service, demand forecasting, order processing, distribution, inventory control, transportation, warehouse layout and location management, factories and warehouses, handling, procurement, packaging, intelligence information.
  2, what is the modern logistics?
  What is a modern logistics? Modern logistics distribution problems to consider not only the pure from producer to consumer goods, but also consider the purchase of raw materials, as well as all aspects of the producers themselves, such as in the manufacturing process, transportation, storage, and information from suppliers to producers, a comprehensive, integrated approach to enhance economic efficiency and efficiency. Thus, modern logistics is to meet consumer demand as the goal, manufacturing, transportation, sales and other market measures in a unified strategic considerations. This traditional logistics as it is only a concept of "logistical support" and "sales activities from the bridge," compared to the depth and breadth have further implications.
  In today's age of electronic commerce, the global logistics industry with new trends. Core objectives of modern logistics services in the logistics of the whole process to minimize overall costs to meet customer needs.
  Modern logistics has the following characteristics: close integration of e-commerce and logistics; modern logistics is a unified logistics, information flow, capital flow and talent flow; ecommerce logistics information technology, automation, networking, intelligent, flexible in combined; logistics facilities, standardization of packaging, logistics socialization, are also new features in common e-commerce logistics model.
  Continuous development of e-commerce logistics industry rise again, the current services provided by the U.S. logistics industry has far exceeded the warehousing, distribution and delivery services. Logistics company providing warehousing, distribution facilities, maintenance services, electronic tracking and other value-added services is increasing. Logistics service providers are becoming a customer service center, processing and maintenance centers, information processing and financial center, according to customer needs while adding new services is an evolving concept.
  With respect to the logistics industry in developed countries, China's logistics industry is still in its initial stage of development, the main features of its development: First, enterprise logistics is still the focus of the whole society logistics activities, specialized logistics service demand has been created, which Description level of development of China's logistics activities is still relatively low, strengthen internal logistics management is still the focus of the whole society logistics activities; Second, specialized logistics companies began to emerge, there is a certain degree of diversification of logistics services development. Out of self-service-based enterprise logistics activities, the development of third-party logistics, has been a top priority of China's logistics industry.
  3, systems and elements of logistics
  Logistics system concept: logistics system is composed of various elements of logistics, there is an organic link between the elements and has to make the overall rationalization of the logistics function of the complex. Logistics system is part of a socio-economic system, subsystem or components. Logistics systems and general systems, with input, conversion and output three functions, through the input and output of the system and the social environment to be exchanged, the system and the environment dependent and survival, and the conversion feature of this system is a system with features.
  Logistics System Features: The logistics system is an objective reality, but has not been recognized, and thus unable to take advantage of the dynamic system. Logistics system is a large-span system, which is reflected in two aspects, one is the geographical span, the second is the time span. Poor logistics system stability and strong dynamics. Logistics system is a system-wide intermediate level, separability itself, can be broken down into a number of sub-systems. Between the complexity of the structural elements of the system so that there is a very strong logistics system "back against" phenomenon, often referred to as "alternate loss" or "Trad" phenomenon, there will be a slight mistake when dealing with the results of the overall system deterioration.
  Logistics system five goals: logistics system objectives, namely to establish a logistics capability of the system requirements, there are five general areas:
  1, the service targets.
  2, fast and timely goals.
  3, the savings target.
  4, scale optimization objectives.
  5, inventory adjustment targets.
  4, Supply Chain Management Logistics
  Meaning of the supply chain from procurement through to start of production, distribution, sales and finally to the user, this is not an isolated act, but a certain flow of interlocking rings of the "chain" logistics activities are subject to the decision of the supply chain , supply chain management and logistics companies actually put all the activities as a unified process to manage. Supply chain has four main points:
  First, the supply chain is a one-way process, each link in the chain is not split from each other, but through the chain link as a whole.
  Second, the supply chain is the strategic management of the whole process, from the general to consider, if only part of the information depends on the part, due to the limitations or distorted information that may lead to plans distortion.
  Third, the concept of different chain inventory on a different section in the logistics supply chain management, and inventory as not to maintain production and sales initiatives, and treat it as a balancing mechanism of the supply chain.
  Fourth, supply chain management to adopt new management methods, methods instead of using the general interface, such as an integrated approach, with the lifting of the weakest chain seeks total balance, with a simplified supply chain methods to prevent the accumulation of amplified signals to achieve economic cybernetics control methods and so on.
  Logistics and supply chain management, although pointing out the corporate strategy must manage the entire supply chain, but it does not mean that the companies have to operate, some aspects into management under the premise that the use of social forces operation is normal.
  5, production logistics
  Production logistics generally refers to: raw materials, fuel, outer member into production later, after cutting, hair material, transported to the various processing points and storage points to the form of products, from a production unit (warehouse) into the other production units The process according to the provisions for processing, storage, transportation device with a certain, circulation within a point, and from a point within the outflow, always embodies the physical form of the material during the transfer process. This constitutes the whole process of internal logistics activities. Therefore, the production of raw materials originated in the logistics of the border, into the outer member, and ending finished goods warehouse, throughout the whole production process.
  Core production logistics research is how the material flow and information flow of the production process for scientific planning, management and control.
  6, logistics and technology
  Logistics is the flow of technology or materials transport (including stops) technology. It is different and production technology, production technology is a product of social production, and provide the technical material; while logistics technology is to produce the goods be transferred, stored, and provide intangible services technology. In other words, the role of logistics technology is transferred to a variety of goods from the producer to the consumer side. It includes hard and soft technologies in two ways.
  Logistics technology is active and practical logistics of the whole process closely related to the level of logistics technology logistics activities directly related to the function of sound and effective implementation.
  7, macro and micro Logistics Logistics
  From the perspective of social and economic logistics, it belongs to the macro-logistics; From the business point of view of logistics, it belongs to the micro-logistics.
  Macro means a comprehensive whole, constitute the entire body called microscopic. For example, there is a proverb: see the trees but not the forest. See the forest called macro, see the trees called microscopic. Economics, there are macroeconomics and microeconomics. Macroeconomics, the country's economy from the overall look, and microeconomics from the component elements of the national economy enterprises looking economy. Logistics, too, in a wide range of national, regional and other holistically how to operate the logistics problem, called macro-logistics. So, the question to be discussed is the macro logistics of how the flow structure in Japan, where the path is what kind of logistics, logistics and transport operations carried out by the center, such as what kind of transport. On the other hand, the question to be discussed is the micro-circulation of the logistics activities of the main manufacturers and retailers are, each of which is how to operate transport companies and other issues of logistics. Or from the consumer's point of view, how different products are delivered to their different families, which are micro.
  However, this classification is too difficult, circulation problems and issues paths of various commodities both macro issues, but also micro issues, so sometimes "semi-macro" argument. Macro focus is the overall logistics of national or regional micro business look from the logistics, half the macro from the overall look of goods and commercial logistics. Thus, the macro-logistics, transportation issues to consider is the industrial structure and layout as a logistics base, as well as logistics and administration; issues dealing with micro-logistics enterprise logistics system network, distribution centers and other content and logistics cost calculation, logistics management; half Macro Logistics refers to a variety of products from the production and logistics costs of logistics path between the proportion of consumption in its commodity price and other issues.
  Let us take a look at this view from the perspective of logistics costs. Macro-logistics is to investigate the proportion of logistics costs in the economy of the whole country accounted for. In fact, to calculate the logistics component of GNP, is impossible, because the production ratio of the amount of the transportation industry is not all of the cost of production logistics costs, manufacturers and logistics in circulation is not known. Semimacro logistics, consumers buy goods prices, there are many of them are logistics costs? By the late circulation of the job, there will be many simultaneous flow of goods, therefore, to deliberately draw particular commodity logistics costs, it is very difficult. Micro-logistics, each company with its own method of calculating the cost of logistics, we can draw specific figures, but each of them figures add up, does not mean that the overall logistics costs, therefore, to accurately calculate the cost of logistics is very difficult .
  8, logistics position in the economic life
  The flow of the economy, the economy, logistics, economy, transportation, logistics position in the social economy can not be replaced.
  The word "economy" comes from "Benefit the People", the purpose is to safeguard a country's economy, so that people live a prosperous life. The so-called economic, is to use the "value" in terms of the concept of human society to see, is that people need to make a living while engaged in the sale, consumption, production and other activities. But the economy is by no means the only trading, consumption, life composition.
  Companies to sell products, earn income, no circulation is not enough, we live to consume only need to buy the necessary goods, goods to consumers in the process, that the circulation is essential. So, the economy is one of the elements of logistics, it is beyond doubt.
  As mentioned above, the economy is composed of three main areas, namely, the "production", "circulation" and "consumption." Universities "political economy", University of "economics", "economic principles" taught are: economic constitute a "production and consumption" or "supply and demand." Circulation is included in the "supply (production)" in the.
  However, distribution and manufacturing, cultivation is essentially different. Modern increasingly large-scale circulation, which is the size of the economy, the scope of the expansion's sake. In Japan, industrial raw materials, to buy fresh food from all over the world, and the Japanese producer sold around the world. Therefore, it is necessary to "article of manufacture" and "delivery of goods" considered separately.
  Circulation consists of two functions - "business flow (deal flow)" and "logistics (material flow)" - constituted. However, these two functions are not as production - Circulation - the consumer as belonging to different fields, just put the same thing to distinguish between different opinion.
  The so-called flow, is a "wealth (goods)," the transfer of ownership is concerned, namely the transfer of ownership from the factory, farm, fishing into the hands of merchants, and eventually transferred to the hands of consumers, it means that such a flow. On the other hand, the physical logistics activities from material point of view of its flow.
  In addition to these two features, you can say that there are in circulation auxiliary function, that is, information, financial and other services. Logistics and its activities can be divided into surface transportation, distribution, storage, handling, packaging, distribution processing, inventory management, logistics, information processing, etc. These activities can continue subdivided.
  As mentioned above, the economy is an important feature of human society constituted circulation is an important function of the economy, logistics is an important function of the flow ...... has so closely connected between them. Therefore, the logistics changes will affect the entire economy, the economy changes, the logistics had to change. In short, from the perspective of society as a whole to look at the logistics.
  9, logistics
  Use of the term logistics (logistics) in economic circles, is something after World War II. United States from the beginning of the sixties, and gradually replaced with the term logistics do not convey the word of the physical distribution, logistics seventies term introduced in Japan, the Japanese also translated as "logistics", but according to a new interpretation to explain, but also That is certainly endowed with a new meaning of logistics.
  Logistics and physical distribution of the difference is that the former is based on the latter has been extended and expanded, but the essence is the same, of course, can not be overlooked that the extension and expansion, which is based on modern science and technology to be able to achieve this extended the basic controls on energy is based on the management and coordination on such a large system, although it is essentially the same, there are differences in the level of the era.
  Logistics strategic thinking rather than focusing on the vested interests, and is a strategic business development initiatives, rather than seek temporary means of the method of profit. So it is not a simple function of activity, and enterprises to develop a basic principle of business strategy. More can rationally say: Logistics is a way of thinking, this concept can be established by the new management model enterprise.
  The basic physical elements of logistic networks are mainly raw materials, manufacturing plants, distribution centers and customers.
  The specific content of logistical activities include 14 areas: (1) customer service; (2) order processing; (3) distribution contacted; (4) inventory control; (5) demand forecasts; (6) traffic and transport; (7) warehousing and storage; (8) factory and warehouse layout optionally; (9) Material Handling; (10) procurement of materials; (11) Spare parts and repair service support; (12) industrial packaging; (13) returns processing; (14) waste.
  Ten, the third profit source says
  "The third profit source" is mainly from Japan. "The third profit source" is a description of the logistics potential and benefits. The third profit source of theoretical knowledge is based on the first two prerequisites: First, the logistics can be fully differentiated from circulation out of an independent run, have their own goals, their own management, which can be independently The overall judgment; Second, logistics and other independent business activity, it is not a factor in the overall cost structure, but the profit factor alone, the logistics can be a stand-alone system "profit center" type.
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Logistics speed
  Speed ​​of transport and logistics management tools decisions.
  Only focus on improving the traditional concept of speed in the transport logistics. Modern concepts simultaneously focus on management tools, both automatic identification system of logistics important role. Barcode applications, greatly accelerated storage items, sorting, classification speed.
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The world's top 50 logistics companies
  1 dpwn (dhl) Deutsche Post - DHL Dan Suohai empty germany mail, express, logistics, finance
  2 usps U.S. Postal Service usa mail, express
  3 ups United Parcel Service usa express, logistics
  4 maersk Maersk denmark shipping, freight forwarding, logistics
  5 fedex fedex usa express
  6 la poste French postal france mail, express
  7 cosco China COSCO china shipping
  8 japan post Japan Post japan mail
  9 nippon express day pass logistics japan freight forwarding, logistics
  10 royal mail Royal postal uk mail, express
  11 tpg (tnt) Dutch Post - world netherlands mail, express, logistics
  12 deutsche bahn inc schenker German state-owned railway company germany rail freight, logistics
  13 union pacific corp Union Pacific usa rail freight, logistics
  14 nyk line (nippon yusen kk) Nippon Yusen japan shipping, freight forwarding, logistics
  15 burlington northern santa fe railroad company Burlington Northern Three Pagodas usa rail freight, logistics
  16 exel Exel - Eagle uk freight forwarding / logistics
  17 yamato transport Japan and Japan japan logistics transportation company
  18 poste italiane Italian postal italy mail
  19 mitsui osk lines japan shipping line Mitsui OSK
  20 csx corp csx transportation company usa rail freight, logistics
  21 sncf French railway company associates france rail freight, logistics
  22 kuehne & nagel Switzerland and Germany News sea and air switzerland freight forwarding, logistics
  23 china post China Post china mail
  24 norfolk southern corp USA Norfolk Southern Railway usa rail freight, logistics
  25 k line Kawasaki Kisen japan shipping line, logistics
  26 panalpina Switzerland Panalpina switzerland freight forwarding, logistics
  27 nol (apl) Singapore's Neptune Orient Lines (APL) singapore shipping line, logistics
  28 cnf U.S. Transportation cnfusa freight forwarding, road haulage
  29 swiss post Swiss Post switzerland mail
  30 ryder U.S. Ryder usa leasing, logistics
  31 abx logistics Belgian Henry belgium rail freight, logistics
  32 canada post canada mail Canada Post
  33 hapag lloyd Rod Harper German shipping germany shipping line, logistics
  34 canadian national railway Canadian National Railway canada rail freight, logistics
  35 hyundai merchant marine Hyundai Merchant Marine Co. korea shipping
  36 p & o nedlloyd Dutch P & O Nedlloyd uk / netherlands shipping line
  37 geodis France Geodis france freight forwarding, express, logistics
  38 seino transportation freight japan logistics Japan seino
  39 canadian pacific Canadian Pacific Railway canada rail freight, logistics
  40 hanjin shipping Hanjin Shipping Co. korea shipping
  41 penske American Penske Logistics usa road haulage, logistics
  42 cma-cgm France france shipping line CMA CGM
  43 schneider USA Schneider Logistics usa trucking, logistics
  44 posten sweden Sweden Post sweden mail, express, logistics
  45 gefco France GEFCO logistics france road haulage, logistics
  46 oocl Hong Kong, China Orient Overseas Container china shipping, logistics
  47 yellow (inc. roadway) U.S. trucking usa trucking yellow roadwa
  48 australia post Australia Post australia mail
  49 tibbett & britten English Tianmei Pictet logistics uk logistics
  50 dsv Denmark Edfu Rhodes International Freight denmark freight forwarding, logistics
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The concept of logistics
  Logistics refers to the use of modern information technology and equipment, will be receiving goods from suppliers to be accurate, timely, safe, quality and quantity, door to door service model rationalization and advanced service processes.
  Logistics is the emergence of commodity production with the emergence, with the development of commodity production and development, so that logistics is an ancient traditional economic activities, such as, China excavation of the canal to transportation, transportation logistics activities salt, Zheng He and the Silk Road but also to import and export trade logistics activities. Traditional logistics to achieve two objectives, namely the transfer of the transfer of goods and merchandise storage location of the time, these two functions must be achieved through transport and storage in different economic times, transportation and warehousing approach is not the same.
  One explanation:
  Logistics is to meet the customer's needs at the lowest cost, through transport, storage, distribution, etc., to achieve raw materials, semi-finished goods and related information from the plan origin of goods to the consumer of goods carried, implementation and management of process.
  Logistics components: transportation, distribution, warehousing, packaging, transportation and handling of goods, distribution processing, and related logistics information and other links.
  The specific content of logistics activities include the following areas: customer service, demand forecasting, order processing, distribution, inventory control, transportation, warehouse layout and location management, factories and warehouses, handling, procurement, packaging, intelligence information.
  Explain two:
  In the "Logistics term" definition of national standards that: AU Xiang Logistics Network Logistics is "receiving goods from suppliers to the process of physical movement, according to the actual needs of the transport, storage, handling, transport, packaging, distribution processing, The basic function of distribution, information processing, etc. to implement combination. "
  Explain the three:
  Logistics in the "objects" is the material world also have the physical characteristics of the material and can be a part of that physical displacement of material. "Flow" is the physical movement, this movement had its limited meaning, as the reference is to the Earth, the Earth relative to the physical movement occurs, called "displacement." Flow range can be large geographic range, it can be in the same region, the same micro-environment movement, small-scale displacement. "Objects" and "flow", is a natural movement built on the basis of advanced forms of exercise. Of each link between economic objectives and kind, between military objectives and kind, even among some social purpose and kind, looking for regular exercise. Therefore, the logistics is not only a combination of "objects" and "flow" under limited conditions, but more importantly because it is limited to combinations of military, economic and social conditions, from the military, economic and social point of view to observe objects transport to reach some sort of military, economic and social demands.
  Explain the four:
  stream: In the chemical production process, the need for chemical or physical change to gaseous or liquid materials are often involved in the production process and pipeline transportation, raw materials involved in this process, intermediate products, products such as logistics. Or continuously added during the continuous operation of the discharge of solid material may also be referred to as stream.
  Explain the five:
  Logistics 7R: modern logistics management goal can be summarized as "7R": the appropriate number (right quantity) of the appropriate product (right product), at the right time (right time) and the appropriate locations (right place), to appropriate conditions (right condition) appropriate quality (right quality) and the appropriate cost (right cost) delivered to the customer. Specifically, through the strengthening of the logistics system management can be achieved "7S".
  (1) Service (service) target
  (2) fast (speed) target
  (3) savings (space saving) target
  (4) optimizing the size (scale optimization) target
  (5) Inventory (stock control) target
  (6) security (safe) target
  (7) Total costs (sum cost minimum) target
  Explanation Six:
  Logistics refers to the demand of material from the supplier's physical movement, primarily with creating value and the time and place and sometimes create some value processing value activities.
  Explain seven:
  Logistics is a part of the process of the supply chain, through planning, implementation and control of the flow of goods and storage of high-efficiency, providing relevant information from the starting point of the consumer information services to meet customer needs.
  Explained eight:
  Now generally accepted in the United States, "Council of Logistics Management" (2004 has been renamed to "Supply Chain Management Association") is defined under the 2000 years: the logistics is to meet customer needs for goods, services and related information at the source and consumption efficiency (high efficiency, high efficiency) forward and reverse flow and storage program conducted, implementation and process control points.
  [Logistics Management]
  Logistics management is the process of social reproduction, in accordance with the law of flow of material entities, the application of the basic principles of management and scientific methods of logistics activities of planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, controlling and supervision so that all logistics activities to achieve the most good coordination and cooperation in order to reduce logistics costs and improve logistics efficiency and economic benefits. Today, logistics management expertise to be used in the trade, linking the whole world.
  [Source Logistics]
  The term "Distribution" first appeared in the United States. 1921 Archie Shaw, "Some problems in market circulation" in his book "Logistics is the need to create a different problem" and referred to "the transfer of goods through time or space, will produce added value." Here, the transfer time and space refers to the stream of the sales process.
  In 1918, World War I, the British still Nili Lord Buddha Lifeihamu established the "instant delivery Corporation." Its corporate purpose is to put the product in the country in time to wholesalers, retailers and the user's hands, a move hailed by some scholars logistics "logistics activities of the early literature" relevant.
  According to the Japanese Logistics Management Association records, Japan after the 1950s, the economy has recovered to the level before World War II. Invest in large-scale enterprise equipment and renovation, technology has improved, productivity increased significantly. Established in 1955, the Productivity Center, the group in order to improve production efficiency circulation to ensure the smooth running of the economy and development, organized by the Izawa Michio a large delegation headed in the fall of 1956, visit the American Logistics . After returning to Japan, the delegation raised the attention of the logistics Bianxiang government proposal and the industry _set_ off a PD Enlightenment. Established within the Japan Management Association of PD research, inviting Mr. plain straight (Institute of successive loading, unloading, president of the Japanese Association, known as the "Father of the logistics of the" Japan) as president PD seminars held monthly ; in circulation Economic Research Institute, Japan authoritative scholar Professor Lin Zhouer logistics, also organized PD Research Council, and actively carry out various forms of enlightenment and education. After eight years of efforts, the Japanese government finally began in 1964, attracted the attention of the PD. MITI invited several times to go straight plain Mr. PD importance of government agencies, government officials lectures. In July, MITI decided to discussing the logistics budget, worried that the Japanese news media reported speaking PD did not understand, then invited Mr. plain straight with ninety Mr. Yamauchi (Nippon Express Co. Senior Managing Director) deliberations. Yamauchi Senior Managing considered PD in "P", ie Physical here is not "material" means, but "physical" means, Distribution of "circulation" means, so the PD should be translated as "physical circulation" , but feel as a noun, "physical circulation" word too much, for too long, had to shrink as the "material flow." Thus, "the flow of things," the new word in the whole Japanese media published.
  Since then, the "material flow" increasingly well-known in Japan, well known. Committee structure within the industry _set_ up a "matter of circulation Branch"; founded in Japan in 1970, one of the largest logistics group called "objects Dealers Association of Japan." In the same year _set_ up a similar organization to another Japanese logistics, Logistics conferences in Japan Logistics Management Agreement will be held every year called "national circulation conference matter."
  After 1970 a lot of people also feel that "things flow" is also a bit long, so they simply referred to as the "logistics" of the. "Logistics" is the word still in use in Japan.
  Logistics is currently more popular translation method logistics
  [] The basic functions of logistics
  The basic functions of logistics is the logistics activities should have the basic ability and by the best effective combination of logistics activities, the formation of the overall function of logistics, in order to achieve the ultimate economic purposes of logistics.
  1 package
  2 Handling
  3. Transportation
  4 Storage custody
  5. Distribution processing
  6. Distribution
  7. Recycling and disposal of waste materials
  8. Intelligence information
  Called basic functions of logistics, logistics activities refers to the unique, different from other economic activities, duties and functions. Content of the basic functions of logistics is performed physical movement of goods. This is a common logistics. No matter what kind of social form, as long as there is exchange of goods, business flow and logistics bound to happen. Of course, here that the commodity exchange, is a generalized commodity exchange. That includes commercial commodity circulation system, including the system of commodity circulation materials, and also includes circulation of commodities in different economic sectors in the market, the main business carried out. Logistics in different social conditions, also exhibit different characteristics. On logistics itself, not only by the productive forces, but also by the relations of production constraints of the nature of society. In a capitalist society, the purpose of logistics activities, fundamentally speaking, is subordinate to the capitalist class to reap the maximum profit of this objective; development of logistics socialization of production and the private ownership of the means of production constraints of a contradiction, showing a significant disorder and irrationality. But should be seen in the process of capitalist economic development, logistics and guiding the development, advancement, scientific side. From the beginning of the 16th century, the capitalist countries generally value the development of the transport industry, railways, ships, highways, aviation and other transport of goods developed rapidly. After World War II. Attention of Governments to strengthen macro-economic activity intervention, so that the logistics of modern, professional and social level continues to increase. Logistics Management also has many advanced experience is worth our reference.
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Logistics division
  Since different stream objects, the stream type object, logistics range of different areas, the formation of different types of stream.
  (A) macro-logistics. Macro Logistics is the logistics activities of social reproduction in general, awareness and research of logistics activities from the perspective of social reproduction in general. Macro Logistics can also be understood from the context of space, a lot of space in the areas of logistics activities, often with a macro, logistics activities in a small space areas are often with microscopic nature. The main features of macroeconomic research is logistics and global overview. The main contents of macro logistics, logistics overall composition, the status of the relationship between logistics and society in society, the relationship between logistics and economic development, establishment and operation of social logistics and international logistics systems and so on.
  (B) micro-logistics. Consumers, practical, concrete producers logistics activities are micro enterprises engaged in logistics. In the entire logistics activities, a local, a part of the specific activities of the logistics are micro logistics. Specific logistics activities in a small geographical space also belong to micro-logistics.
  (C) social logistics. Beyond a social logistics refers to a social area for the community for the purpose of logistics.
  (Four) business logistics. Research relating to logistics activities from the business point of view, is a typical domain specific, micro-logistics activities.
  (E) International Logistics. International logistics is a modern logistics system has developed rapidly, a very large field of logistics, international logistics and support logistics activities associated with international economic relations, trade and other international exchanges occurred.
  (Vi) Regional Logistics. Relative to international logistics, the logistics of a national scope, a city logistics, a logistics area are in the same economic laws, regulations, under the system are subject to the same cultural and social factors that are in basically the same technology level and the level of equipment being.
  (Vii) general logistics. General Logistics is an important feature in common and general logistics activities, logistics activities, involving the whole of society, companies, the establishment of the logistics system, the development of logistics activities must have general applicability.
  (H) special logistics. Specialized range of specialized areas, special industry in general to follow the law, based on the logistics with special constraints, specific application areas, special management, the special object of labor, machinery and equipment of special characteristics of the logistics, all belong to the scope of the special logistics.
  1, divided by areas of social logistics and logistics business logistics:
  Logistics belongs to the macro social areas, including equipment manufacturing, transportation, warehousing, decorative packaging, distribution, information services, public logistics and third party logistics through them; business logistics within the scope of micro-logistics, including production, logistics, supply logistics, distribution logistics, Recycling and waste streams, such as logistics.
  2, depending on the action in the field of logistics and distribution logistics into the field of logistics and production areas:
  Logistics and production areas throughout the entire process of production. The entire production process starts from raw material procurement, it requires a corresponding supply logistics activities, namely procurement of production materials required; between the process of production, logistics process requires raw materials, semi-finished products, the so-called production logistics; remainder of the material, recycling of reusable materials, so-called recycling logistics; waste disposal waste stream is required.
  Logistics circulation primarily to the sale of logistics. In today's buyer's market conditions, sales logistics activities with a strong service to meet the needs of the buyer, and ultimately sales. Under the premise of this market, sales tend to be served after the service user and considered terminated, and therefore the characteristics of the logistics business sales is sales through packaging, shipping, distribution and other logistics.
  3, Xiang AU logistics network based on the historical process of development will be divided into traditional logistics logistics, integrated logistics and modern logistics:
  The main effort focused on traditional logistics warehousing and inventory management and delivery, and sometimes again focus on the storage and transport, in order to compensate for the differences in time and space. Integrated Logistics not only provides transportation services, also includes many coordination is the management of the entire supply chain, such as land transport, warehousing sector management and some other distributors, but also including order processing, procurement, and other content. Because a lot of focus on supply chain management, greater responsibility, management is more complex, which is the difference between traditional logistics.
  Modern logistics is the raw material from the beginning to the end in order to meet consumer needs and conducted inventory middle of the process, the final product and the associated effective information flow and storage plan, implement and control management process. It stressed from the beginning to the end of the process, improve the standards and requirements of logistics, is the development direction of the countries of logistics. Large international logistics company that modern logistics has two important features: the ability to manage different mass flow of goods; development of information and communication systems, establish business contacts through the network, to get orders directly from customers.
  4, according to the main provision of services is different, the agency logistics and production logistics into internal logistics
  Agents also known as the Third Logistics Logistics (Third Party Logistics, 3PL), refers to the supply-side by the logistics services of a third party other than the parties to complete the required mode of operation of logistics services. Third-party logistics is to provide some or all parties to the transaction logistics functions external service providers.
  Internal logistics refers to a manufacturer from the raw materials into the plant, after many procedures processed into parts and then assembled into component parts, and finally assembled into finished products, such internal flow of materials called internal logistics.
  5, according to the flow of logistics is different, but also can be divided into inbound logistics and outbound logistics
  Inbound logistics enterprises from production triggered by the arrival supplier product flow, namely the enterprise market purchases from the process; export-oriented logistics flow from the enterprise to the product among consumers that the product delivered enterprise and consumer markets and complete to exchange process.
  Logistics components: goods transportation, warehousing, packaging, handling, distribution processing, and related logistics information and other links.
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E-commerce Logistics
  Also known as the online e-commerce logistics Logistics, is based on Internet technology, is designed to promote the creative development of the logistics industry, new business models; via the Internet, the logistics company can be the owner of a wider range of customers within the initiative to find, can be in the country and worldwide business expansion; trading companies and factories to be more cost efficient to find the most suitable logistics company; online logistics committed to the world's largest number of companies have the logistics needs of shippers and logistics companies to provide logistics services are drawn together to provide a neutral, integrity, free online logistics market, both supply and demand efficient logistics to help deal. There are already a growing number of customers through online logistics marketplace to find customers, to find a partner, find a foreign agent. The maximum value of the Internet to provide logistics, that is, more opportunities.
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Logistics speed
  Speed ​​of transport and logistics management tools and weather factors.
  Only focus on improving the traditional concept of speed in the transport logistics. Modern concepts simultaneously focus on management tools, both automatic identification system of logistics important role. Barcode applications, greatly accelerated storage items, sorting, classification speed.
  E-commerce logistics solutions:
  A foreign commerce logistics solutions
  ---- 1. American Logistics centralized ---- logistics center of U.S. logistics model emphasizes "the whole of the logistics management system", is a kind of overall interests, to break through by departments in charge of the system for unified management of the overall planning and management way. In marketing, logistics and distribution management, including planning, transportation, warehousing, market research, customer service five processes; in circulation and services, logistics management process, including demand forecasting, order processing, purchase of raw materials, the process, from raw material buy up all the material flow process served customers.
  ---- 2. Japan's efficient distribution centers ---- logistics process is the production - Circulation - Consumer - reduction (waste recycling and complement production and reproduction). In Japan, a non-independent areas of logistics, governed by a variety of factors. Logistics (less inventory and more wholesale) and sales (less inventory and more wholesale) against each other, we must take advantage of co-ordination to achieve a minimum overall cost effectiveness. Logistics is a prerequisite for the company's sales policy, business management, and trading conditions. When sales orders, delivery conditions, ordering condition, condition inventory results enormous impact on the logistics. Circulation problems have turned to the study of logistics supply, production, logistics and sales direction of the problem.
  ---- 3. Adapt to new e-commerce logistics model - Logistics Agency ---- Logistics Agency (ThirdPartyLogistics, abbreviated as TPL, that third-party logistics services) is defined as: "logistics channels in specialized logistics intermediaries to the way contracts All or some of the aspects of the logistics business services, within a certain period, as provided by other companies. "
  ---- From a broader perspective and look at the angle of the logistics operation, logistics agency, including all logistics activities, as well as a number of other value-added services can be obtained from the consignor professional logistics representative. This service is to provide a formal contract between the shipper and logistics agency for the conditions. The contract clearly defines the matters fees, duration and mutual responsibility.
  ---- Xiang Union narrowly logistics network logistics agency itself does not refer exclusively to fixed as_set_s but still undertake the logistics business, with outside forces, instead of the consignor is responsible for the completion of a logistics management of the entire logistics process.
  ---- Logistics agency to undertake warehousing, freight forwarders, the costs to reduce spending, while also making producers feel profitable, it must be possible to co-ordinate the overall planning, so that the logistics rationalization.
  Second, advanced e-commerce logistics model case
  ---- U.S. logistics industry started early, mature experience, especially high degree of information management, the development of China's logistics have major implications. ---- U.S. logistics and distribution in the form of diagram (see below):
  ---- 1. Type the U.S. distribution center ---- From the 1960s to rationalize the distribution of goods in developed countries generally get attention. In order to be effective circulation, the U.S. companies to take the following measures: First, the old warehouses to distribution centers; Second, the introduction of computer network management, standardize the operation of loading and unloading, handling, storage, improve operating efficiency; Third chains together distribution centers _set_ up to promote the growth of the chain efficiency. U.S. chain store distribution center has a variety of mainly wholesale type, retail and warehouse-type three types.
  ---- (1) ---- California-based wholesale food distribution center is the second largest wholesale distribution center, built in 1982, the building area of ​​100,000 square meters, the staff of about 2,000 people, there are fully enclosed temperature controlled vehicles more than 600 vehicles, 1995 sales of A $ 2 billion. The commodities are food, there are more than 43,000 species, of which 98% of the purchase of goods by the company organization, and another 2% of the goods is the center of development and processing of goods, mainly milk, bread, ice cream and other fresh foods. The center of the membership system. Member supermarkets vary the size of the store, the required amount and distribution of different commodities, while the center pay a different membership fee. Club stores in everyday transactions with other stores, like, do not enjoy any special treatment, but treatment can participate in regular profit distribution center. The distribution center itself is not profitable units that can not pay sales tax. So, when the profit distribution center, take the form of dividends, will be part of the profits distributed to member stores. How many members share dividend shop, how much will depend on the amount and distribution center delivery depending on the volume of transactions, and more were more dividends.
  ---- The distribution centers mainly on Computer Management. Business members get order information through a computer store, promptly issued instructions to goods manufacturers and one to the Transportation Department; manufacturers and Transportation Department then according to the instruction sheet goods distribution arrangements in the order of priorities, assign good goods waiting to be shipped on the dispensing opening. Distribution center 24-hour operation, the general distribution radius of 50 km.
  ---- The distribution center with manufacturers, supermarkets developed in consultation commodity prices, mainly based on: (a) the quantity and quality of goods; (b) the time of payment, such as the payment within 10 days you can enjoy 2% of the price; ( c) the major supermarket distribution center for goods distribution rate increase, depending on the variety, different grades and how much the amount of the purchase of goods, are generally 2.9% to 8.5%.
  ---- (2) Wal-Mart merchandise retail type ---- USA's retail distribution center is a typical type of distribution centers. The Wal-Mart-owned distribution center is established, specifically the Company's stores provide goods on time, to ensure stable operation of the store. The center's construction area of ​​120,000 square meters, total investment 70 million U.S. dollars, has more than 1,200 employees; distribution equipment, including 200 vehicles head, 400 cars, 13 distribution conveyor, distribution venue has 170 pick-mouth. Centers operate 24 hours per day for distribution in New York, Pennsylvania and other six states of Wal-Mart's 100 stores and distribution of goods.
  ---- The center is located at 100 stores, central location, district 320 kilometers, the average size of the service object store is 12,000 square meters. Center operators up to 40,000 kinds of goods, mainly food and daily necessities, usually stocks $ 40 million, $ 70 million for the season, the annual turnover of inventory 24 times. In stock goods, selling goods and unsalable goods accounting for 50% stock merchandise period more than 180 days of slow-moving merchandise, inventory the chain is about 10% of sales. In 1995, sales of the center is $ 2 billion.
  ---- In the Wal-Mart chain store sales for each product, depending on the regional income and consumption levels, the price is also different. Corporation for the price difference provides upper and lower limits, in principle, can be higher than the price in the same industry where similar goods.
  ---- (3) storage type ---- America's blessing to the next food distribution center is a typical warehouse distribution centers. Its main task is entrusted to an independent grocer American Business Alliance California headquarters for the Union in the area of ​​350 stores is responsible for the distribution of goods. The distribution center construction area of ​​70,000 square meters, including cold storage, cold storage 40,000 square meters, 30,000 square meters groceries library operates 89,000 species, of which there are 1200 varieties developed by American independent grocer Union must centralized distribution. In the service object store management of goods, there are about 70% of the centralized distribution of goods by the Centre, the general fear of collisions fresh goods and commodities, such as milk, bread, potato chips, bottled drinks and beer from local manufacturers directly purchase to the store, vegetables and other goods directly purchase from the local wholesale market.
  ---- 2. Operational processes of distribution centers ---- American library layout and management organized American distribution center, so the busy business independently of each other, its main experience is:
  Inter ---- (1) library shelf has 27 channels, 19 purchase mouth;
  ---- (2) in the main tray, 4 container as a shelf;
  ---- Commodities and distribution of goods (3) stacking of goods into storage, generally based on the date of manufacture of the product, purchase date and shelf life, adopt advanced library items, first-out principle library inventory in the upper rack is backward storage of goods, storage of goods in the lower shelf is to be out of the library and distribution of goods;
  ---- (4) is more than the number of varieties of picking FCL, so use a forklift picking; store picking was broken goods, small enough to pack a few pairs of socks, so the use of a conveyor belt picking;
  ---- (5) lightweight, bulky items (such as toilet paper, etc.), with a forklift picking, weight, small size goods conveyor picking
  ---- (6) special merchandise store, such as a small amount of high-value drugs, supplements, etc., in order to prevent the loss, starting with barbed wire ring, indicating unrelated persons not admitted.
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The world's top 50 logistics companies
  1 DPWN (DHL) Deutsche Post - DHL Dan Suohai empty Germany Mail, express, logistics, finance
  2 USPS U.S. Postal Service USA Mail, express
  3 UPS United Parcel Service USA Express, logistics
  4 Maersk Maersk Denmark Shipping, freight forwarding, logistics
  5 FedEx FedEx USA Express
  6 La Poste La Poste France Mail, Express
  7 Cosco China COSCO China Shipping
  8 Japan Post, Japan Post Japan Mail
  Day 9 Nippon Express Logistics Japan Freight forwarding, logistics
  10 Royal Mail Royal British Post UK Mail, Express
  11 TPG (TNT) Dutch Post - heaven Netherlands Mail, Express, logistics
  12 Deutsche Bahn inc Schenker German state-owned railway company Germany Rail freight, logistics
  13 Union Pacific Corp Union Pacific USA Rail freight, logistics
  14 NYK Line (Nippon Yusen KK) NYK Japan Shipping, freight forwarding, logistics
  15 Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad company Burlington Northern Three Pagodas USA Rail freight, logistics
  16 Exel Exel - Golden UK Freight forwarding / logistics
  17 Yamato Transport Japan and Japan Japan Logistics Transportation Company
  18 Poste Italiane Poste Italiane Italy Mail
  19 Mitsui OSK Lines, Ltd. Japan Shipping line Mitsui OSK Lines
  20 CSX Corp CSX Transportation Company USA Rail freight, logistics
  21 SNCF French railway associates France Rail freight, logistics
  22 Kuehne & Nagel Switzerland and Germany News sea and air Switzerland Freight forwarding, logistics
  23 China Post China Post China Mail
  24 Norfolk Southern Corp Norfolk Southern Railway USA USA Rail freight, logistics
  25 K Line Kawasaki Kisen Japan Shipping line, logistics
  26 Panalpina Panalpina Switzerland Freight forwarding, logistics
  27 NOL (APL) Singapore's Neptune Orient Lines (APL) Singapore Shipping line, logistics
  28 CNF U.S. Transportation CNFUSA Freight forwarding, road haulage
  29 Swiss Post Swiss Post Switzerland Mail
  30 Ryder U.S. Ryder USA Leasing, Logistics
  31 ABX Logistics Belgium Henry Belgium Rail freight, logistics
  32 Canada Post Canada Post Canada Mail
  33 Hapag Lloyd shipping Rod Harper Germany Germany Shipping line, logistics
  34 Canadian National Railway Canadian National Railway Canada Rail freight, logistics
  35 Hyundai Merchant Marine Hyundai Merchant Marine Co. Korea Shipping
  36 P & O Nedlloyd Dutch P & O Nedlloyd UK / Netherlands Shipping line
  37 Geodis Geodis France France Freight forwarding, express, logistics
  38 Seino Transportation Japan Seino freight Japan Logistics
  39 Canadian Pacific Canadian Pacific Railway Canada Rail freight, logistics
  40 Hanjin Shipping Hanjin Shipping Co., Ltd. Korea Shipping
  41 Penske Penske Logistics USA USA Road haulage, logistics
  42 CMA-CGM France France Shipping line CMA CGM
  43 Schneider Schneider Logistics USA USA Trucking, logistics
  44 Posten Sweden Sweden Post Sweden Mail, express, logistics
  45 Gefco France GEFCO logistics France Road haulage, logistics
  46 OOCL China, Hong Kong Orient Overseas Container China Shipping, logistics
  47 Yellow (inc. Roadway) American Yellow Roadwa trucking USA Trucking
  48 Australia Post Australia Post Australia Mail
  49 Tibbett & Britten UK Tianmei Pictet Logistics UK Logistics
  50 DSV Denmark Edfu Rhodes International Freight Denmark Freight forwarding, logistics
  Logistics is the reduction of waste and contains material information, coupled with the need to supply the main body, to overcome the distance of space and time, and to create part of the qualitative effects of the physical form of economic activity. Specifically including transportation, storage, handling, distribution and processing activities and information related activities.
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The status quo of China's logistics development
  A rapid expansion of the scale of logistics infrastructure
  Rail transportation plays an important role in building the country in recent years, with eight vertical and eight horizontal rail corridors as the main backbone of the road network to focus on building (eight vertical: as Beijing-Harbin, coastal, Beijing-Shanghai, Beijing-Guangzhou, Beijing-Kowloon, Grand Cham, including 柳兰昆Channel: eight horizontal: Alain for the Beijing Tibetan, North coal, coal south bridge, Nanjing-Xi'an, along the Shanghai-Kunming and west to the sea). By the end of 2002, China's railway mileage of 71,500 km.
  Road Construction remarkable new 1985 to 2001 highway mileage 493,000 km, with an average annual increase of 30,800 kilometers, by the end of 2002 reached 1.761 million km total mileage. Highway mileage of 25,200 km.
  Inland waterway transport line length in 2002 reached 121,500 km. By the end of 2002, China's coastal and inland Total productive berths 33,450, which reached 822 deepwater berths, productive berths major ports grew by 1.1 times compared with 1989. By 2002, the national port cargo throughput of 2.68 billion tons, has seven ports exceeded 100 million TEUs (TEU), of which more than 8,000,000 TEUs Shanghai, Hong Kong and Shenzhen, more than seven million TEUs, have entered the world's top ten container ports.
  2001 was 1,143 lines of aviation, air transport line total length of 1,553,600 km, 10 years ago (1991) 559,100 km of 2.78 times.
  In 2001 the total length of 13,272 km oil pipeline for 10 years in 1992 to 1.55 times; pipeline total length of 14,283 km, 1.85 times in 1992: the total length of 27,555 km oil pipe, to 1.74 times in 1992.
  Many built and the construction of a transportation hub, logistics parks such as Ministry of Transportation 45 highway main hub centric logistics base, as well as the construction of modern logistics park places are in accelerated.
  2, the whole society continues to increase cargo traffic
  Under favorable macroeconomic environment in the transport sector continue to deepen reform, based on structural adjustment and vigorously carry out corporate restructuring to improve efficiency and quality of transport services, transport situation stable development, railways, highways, waterways is the main mode of transport , traffic and transport turnover for 2002 is as follows:
  Due to the economic development of the coastal region and the relatively fast growth of foreign trade, the major coastal port throughput grew rapidly in 2001, reaching 1.426 billion tons in 2002 to 1.663 billion tons, an increase of 14.25%. Since the WTO to promote foreign trade is expected to total foreign trade in 2005 will exceed $ 700 billion. Current annual foreign direct investment of about $ 40 billion by 2005 will exceed $ 100 billion. Port throughput will maintain a rapid growth trend. There are seven ports in Hong Kong ranks among the world's one hundred million tons, Shanghai port cargo throughput of over two hundred million tons, becoming the world's fourth largest port. Currently 7 million tons of Chittagong in 2001 and 2002, respectively, as shown in Table 3 throughput.
  3, the logistics market has great potential
  Based on the following points:
  (1) Automotive Industry
  (2) appliances, electronics, communications industry
  (3) Business Systems
  (4) pharmaceuticals, food industry
  4, third-party logistics services in the ascendant
  China's current total expenditure related to logistics, there were 19,000 billion yuan, logistics costs account for 20-25% of GDP, the third party logistics market potential is very large. According to the Third Logistics Market Analysis China Warehousing Association survey conducted: 57% of producers and 38% of commercial logistics companies are looking for new agents, third-party logistics enterprise satisfaction is gradually improving. Logistics needs of enterprises currently operating mainly in logistics, logistics and distributor of more emphasis on form, requires the integration of logistics services. Compared with the first, second survey findings, city delivery service needs are more urgent. Meanwhile logistics process management, logistics decisions, data and other information services to grab more and more importance in enterprises. There are indications that Chinese third-party logistics market is booming. However, third-party logistics in the true sense in the early stages of development, conducted research on Chinese third-party logistics market, according to the Federation Yoshitomo (Mercer) management consulting firm and the China Logistics and Purchasing, the market size in 2001 more than 40 billion yuan. 70% of the logistics service providers in the past three years, the average annual growth rate is higher than 30% of the business, the annual growth rate from 2000 to 2005 the entire Chinese third-party logistics market will reach 25%. The main factors driving the Chinese third-party logistics development, the first being that the more multinational business to China, and to reduce supply chain costs through outsourcing; followed by Chinese companies face to reduce costs and be more concerned about the pressure of the core competitiveness, and increased demand for logistics outsourcing; Finally, an important factor in government incentives also stimulate third-party logistics market, China's rapid development.
  5, the logistics technology and equipment has improved rapidly
  In recent years China's production scale and increasing levels, strong demand for updating and modernization of production equipment and logistics equipment, automobiles, tobacco, pharmaceuticals, electronics and other industries are good market logistics technology and equipment.
  In order to meet market demand, logistics technology and equipment manufacturers are constantly raise the level of products and develop new products. Japan and Europe are also a series of other well-known foreign manufacturers to _set_ up offices and branches in China, but also foreign companies in order to more deeply involved in the Chinese market, and Chinese enterprises have established close cooperative relations.
  Because of the broader foreign companies to enter the Chinese market, providing a high-performance technology and equipment; Chinese company's products are also emerging new varieties, the quality is also rising. In recent years, Huawei, Haier and built many high-level tobacco company logistics system for the sustainable development of enterprises play a strong guarantee. Construction of postal services, airports, distribution centers and other commercial chains and sorting facilities are also effectively ensure the efficient operation of the system.
  Therefore, improving logistics and technical equipment for the modernization of China's logistics material provides a good foundation and technical support.
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China Logistics Development Problems
  A logistics system efficiency is low, the high cost of logistics
  China and developed countries in terms of logistics costs, as well as the presence of turnover speed industrialization of a large gap between relatively low level of service and efficiency. China's current transportation GDP generated per million tonne-kilometers for 4972, while the index for the United States and Japan, respectively, 870 and 700 tonne-kilometers tonne-kilometers.
  2, supporting logistics infrastructure, poor compatibility, low level of logistics technology and equipment
  Overall, our existing logistics infrastructure Although there has been great progress, but still relatively backward. By land area and population density calculation of the transport network, China is only 1344.48 kilometers / square kilometers, while the U.S. is 6869.3 km / square km, Germany 14,680.4 km / square km, India 5403 .9 km / million square kilometers. In this regard, we not only behind the American and European countries, India and other developing countries compared with a larger gap, if the gap is even greater in terms of population.
  3. Standardization of construction is lagging behind
  Logistics is a cross-regional, cross-industry operation of the system, the level of standardization not only to the various logistics functions, the development of effective convergence and coordination between the elements, also largely affects the whole society logistics efficiency. China's logistics standardization lag mainly in the lack of relevant standards and regulations, but also a lack of standards in the implementation of the necessary efforts. For example, equipment standards are not uniform between the various modes of transport, maritime and rail containers are different standards, to some extent, affect the size of the expansion of rail transport, international shipping for our business expansion, as well as efficiency of port operations into development of export trade has to a certain extent. Another example is the logistics apparatus standard is not complete, especially in the current international standard tray standard included in all four specifications, in principle there is no implementation, so there is no equivalent standard. Standard pallets and various transport equipment, handling equipment has standard interface between the relationship, which affected the effective use of pallets in the entire logistics process. Third, the lack of an effective interface between the product packaging standards and logistics facilities standards, although China has an initial package of goods national and industry standards, but in the _set_ with a tray and a variety of transportation equipment, loading and unloading facilities, storage facilities of convergence aspects of packaging standards mounted unit also lacks a larger load rate it on a variety of means of transport loading rate, handling equipment, storage facilities, space utilization affected areas. Fourth, the lack of standard interfaces between information systems, the lack of effective internal logistics businesses convergence between information systems and third-party information systems do not communicate with each other between the transport information systems, warehousing information systems, logistics and operations management information system, the absence of public logistics information exchange platform, such as EDI to Internet-based logistics information system is difficult to get the actual application.
  4, obstacles to China's logistics industry management system and mechanism
  Under the planned economy, from top to bottom in various industries dominate in the end, the industry and sector management system split between serious, in the process of transition to a market economy, the force of habit still has some influence. Development of the logistics industry involves many aspects of infrastructure, logistics technology and equipment, industrial policy, investment, financing, taxation, customs, service, and transportation standards, and management of these problems belong to different government departments, various functional departments lack of knowledge and lack of modern logistics harmonization of strategic thinking, to become one of the major bottlenecks in the logistics industry.
  Low efficiency of China's transportation enterprise systems, high transport costs
  China and developed countries in terms of transport costs, there is a turnaround speed and industrialization of a large gap between relatively low level of service and efficiency. China's current transportation GDP generated per million tonne-kilometers for 4972, while the index for the United States and Japan, respectively, 870 and 700 tonne-kilometers tonne-kilometers.
  Various aspects of the transport system convergence poor operating efficiency is not high, reflecting the transit time of goods, storage of time, labor productivity and other infrastructure are greatly improved and enhanced room. Only freight car productivity levels, for example, cycling tons annual American automotive operations about 66 million ton-km, while China this indicator was only 30,000 tons km. The second is slower. Currently operating speed of 46 railway wagons only about 4 km, bulk, container and other high proportion of lower transportation, loading and unloading a long time; highway trucks operating speed is less than 50 km; less inland shipping speed; raw materials, semi-finished products and Finished the average turnaround time in the library in about 3-6 months.
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  In economic circles use the term logistics (Logistics), a World War II for the future. United States from the beginning of the sixties, and gradually replaced with the term Logistics do not convey the word of the Physical distribution, logistics seventies term introduced in Japan, the Japanese also translated as "logistics", but according to a new interpretation to explain, but also That is certainly endowed with a new meaning of logistics.
  Logistics and physical distribution of the difference is that the former is based on the latter has been extended and expanded, but the essence is the same, of course, can not be overlooked that the extension and expansion, which is based on modern science and technology to be able to achieve this extended the basic controls on energy is based on the management and coordination on such a large system, although it is essentially the same, there are differences in the level of the era.
  Logistics strategic thinking rather than focusing on the vested interests, and is a strategic business development initiatives, rather than seek temporary means of the method of profit. So it is not a simple function of activity, and enterprises to develop a basic principle of business strategy. More can rationally say: Logistics is a way of thinking, this concept can be established by the new management model enterprise.
  The basic physical elements of logistic networks are mainly raw materials, manufacturing plants, distribution centers and customers.
  The specific content of logistical activities include 14 areas:
  (1) customer service;
  (2) order processing;
  (3) distribution of contact;
  (4) inventory control;
  (5) demand forecasts;
  (6) Traffic and transportation;
  (7) warehouse and storage;
  (8) factory and warehouse layout optionally;
  (9) Material Handling;
  (10) procurement of materials;
  (11) Spare parts and repair service support;
  (12) Industrial Packaging;
  (13) returns processing;
  (14) waste disposal.
  The third profit source says
  "The third profit source" is mainly from Japan. "The third profit source", Xiang Union Logistics Logistics Network is a description of the potential and benefits. The third profit source of theoretical knowledge is based on the first two prerequisites: First, the logistics can be fully differentiated from circulation out of an independent run, have their own goals, their own management, which can be independently The overall judgment; Second, logistics and other independent business activity, it is not a factor in the overall cost structure, but the profit factor alone, the logistics can be a stand-alone system "profit center" type.
  Speed ​​of transport and logistics management tools decisions.
  Only focus on improving the traditional concept of speed in the transport logistics. Modern concepts simultaneously focus on management tools, both automatic identification system of logistics important role. Barcode applications, Xiang Union logistics network greatly accelerated storage items, sorting, classification speed.
  Logistics = 56
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Wikipedia Encyclopedia
  current of materials
  Circulation of commodities entity. That shift in the space of physical commodities, as well as physical goods packaging and appearance changes. Its contents include: packaging, handling, transportation, storage, storage, distribution and circulation processing.
  Logistics and with the development of commodity production and exchange of commodities produced and developed. Because there is a certain distance between the production and consumption of goods, causing separation of physical goods in time and space. Goods entities separated in time, the performance of some of the items are seasonal production, perennial consumption; annual production of some commodities are seasonal consumption. Goods entities separated in space, the performance of a production of some commodities, B consume; some commodities are produced acetate, methyl consume. The role of logistics is to enable the transfer of goods from producers to consumers hands, to achieve the purpose of consumption.
  In order to improve the economic benefits of commodity circulation, the rational organization of the flow of goods to the entity, to achieve logistics rationalization. Its contents include: a reasonable choice of transport routes, by economic regional organizations in circulation, the commodity entity shortest transportation distance from the areas of production into consumption, thereby reducing the transit time of goods, saving distribution costs; choose the most appropriate mode of transport, such as direct transport, transfer stack and transport; choose the most convenient and most economical means of transport, improve transport efficiency and integrated transport capacity; establishment of logistics centers, using modern equipment and advanced warehouse storage management practices and other scientific means logistics promote the modernization of logistics.
  (Zhang Jimin Tao □)
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English Expression
  1. :  physical distribution
  2. n.:  the interflow of goods and materials
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honorariumsurplus Regulate systemGongwei appliance
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Assembly Languagethird party LogisticsSupply Chain Management
Vanelectronic commerce systemconveyer
Homestead land easementCustoms custody cargohaven allowance
climate hypothecbonded goodscore faculty
real right for usufructElectronic Labelcommunity capital
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