life : Movement wander Play : technology > Game
Author: Ni Kuang
  A little about the game
  Second inquest
  Mystery of three submarines
  Four consecutive missing
  Five people Gailei Fu
  Six Devil Reef
  Seven top secret
  Eight crazy plan
  Nine catastrophe
  Ten incredible ability
  Major General's interpretation of Eleventh Barman
  Twelve years ago, the adventure
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Poet: Ge Quzuozhe

yóu xì
  Sports category. Games and activities with intellectual distinction of the game. The former, as in chess, blocks, play cards and so on. If the latter pursuit, relay and use the ball, stick, rope and other equipment, activities, and more for the group activities, and a plot and rules of a contest.
   Nursery game time
   Tennis Game
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No. 4
  Game food and drinks. - Su Shi Song "coaching defense"
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No. 5
  Recreation play; play. "Han Fei hard 3": "Guan Zhong of the so-called 'made room themselves in an, made by Hall packed' who Sofitel diet that made the game too, will be that big things are." "Book of Jin Wang Shen Chuan": "Jiang Li children, leisure home, if not to teach the, will be to the game, injuries ruined customs carry on. "Sushi Song" policy do not Anwan Min 5 ":" Kaiyuan, Tianbao the occasion, the world is it not great order? Only the people be content with the joy of peace, intoxicated Huan Yu game between the food and drinks, its just heart courage, consumption blunt having poor eyesight, atrophy kick without revival. "" Ancient and Modern Novel Chen Xi-yi 4 Cichao life ":" One day, the water's edge games, met a woman, wearing a blue The clothing, hair woman claiming to be Tuan hold to the mountains, drinking in the wines. "Wang Tong" night rain after the snow ":" Children are looking forward to dawn, to continue our game. "
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No. 6
  That there are other forces and the unintentionally Chuo whom. Beijing Boring Song "<can change fast diffuse recorded> order": "Ministry of Personnel Public Wu had brave ministers to the chest rolls of the book, the game in his writings, take out this one." Ming Zhang Sanguang "Mr. Jiang Shiyuan Biography": "South squeezed Only Short, several thousand stand on. try the game weapons test, take Quebec, such as mail, discarded. "inventory Shenxing" Gaussian billion to more than bamboo quoted verse ":" High students a good book for a long time for someone, more than technology and the bamboo shoot. Since the word is also used Cursive law, feels that the game can be inspired. "
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No. 7
  Still playful. Qing Wang Shizhen "Hong ancestral notes" volume 12: "Yuan Shu" Peak Royalty text, "Shen" tall bamboo shells Gan Banana Man, "Han Yu" Biography of Mao Ying, "and the like, casual games, later on in many respects. "Qing Pu" Lonely Huangjiu Lang ":" Kuro no how, Cheng-Yen Fu sit. took place in common language, temperature and if daughter, and words related to games, they blush for the wall. "
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No. 8
  That is not serious, not serious. Guo, "<Zhuo Wenjun> postscript": "Zhuo Wenjun's elopement with, such as ... ... although many of the scholars regard it as an affair, often in writing style between the tease, but often with the game out of."
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No. 9
  Cultural activity. Sub-intellectual games (such as spell puzzle, riddles and games, play cube), active games (such as hide and seek, throw a handkerchief, jumping rubber band) and so are several. Such as: lawn in the park, kindergarten children are happily playing.
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No. 10
  Also as a "game." 1. Travel; hanging around. "Nineteen green Bai Ling on": "driving policy nag, games Wan and Luo." San Guowei Cao "Good, good line": "Huainan eight public and arteries are not bothered by reference six long drive, the game clouds. "Jin Ge Hong" Baopuzi of Sin ":" Jialing game or world, hide real hidden differences, outside with the commonplace, then shoulder to shoulder arms, what can feel almost there? "Tang Wei Ying Wu," free tour Luoyang Han Chengdong "Poetry : "Wandering Luoyang, the game Kiyokawa Xun." Jinwei Cheng Ching "invigoration" Poetry: "An Detuo holds, all the table games." Qing Kong Shangren "Peach Blossom Fan Investment House": "There, there! only game rivers and lakes, Figure Bu sip ear. "Zhang Qing Shi Run" neo-shu "Poetry:" horizontal waist big arrow, games, go plain. "
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No. 11
  Extended for the Expo, carefully. Song Su Che, "and then offering Wangxiong side clear": "child learning without a teacher, Xianjun from the game book, Wu Mei them."
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No. 12
  Recreation play; play. "Han Fei hard 3": "Guan Zhong of the so-called 'made room themselves in an, made by Hall packed', non-words are also the so-called diet game, will that great things are." "Fortunately, talent Records Biographies": "from time to time, such as Deng Tong Wen home games. "" Suishu Xiao Yi Chuan Xue Jun ":" Jun Tonger early as when, with the number of children in various games at Bin Jian. "Ming Gao Qi" temple abbot sent to the Master Card "Poem:" The Human Wan Nian Ju Yi forget, a good game on paper alone. "" White Snow tone tune drunken Ma Tau gate ":" Lu in the mountains outside the game, a while a good sad. "
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No. 13
  Means entertainment. Jin Ge Hong "Bao Pu Xu School": "Game of game hunting interest, correction of daytime sleepiness, sleep sitting slack." Sima Guang Song, "a new grid investment pot": "Cardiff cast pot small things like the game, while Saints take for that ceremony, with all Hsiang-tang, with all Bangguo. "" King Wu Ping words "volume are:" still answer was: 'non-exclusive means the virtuous ruler, hunting Seeking the game is not strong heart, but by music and to '. "
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No. 14
  Teasing; joke. "Jen pear" Article back: "White justice: 'I will not name the students Huangfu, Su Bai Taixuan brother said, is the students.' Su Youbai heard, numerous surprises Road: 'So that old man game , Renee Younger really wrong! '"Qing Xuan Huang Zu" within the mystery beam Suo Ji Yi ":" false red rope line, the Mandarin Duck and spectral wrong note, Gu creation game, will die of a one. "
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  Game: yóu xì
  Sports category. Games and activities are intellectual game of the points. The former, as in chess, blocks, play cards and so on. The latter, such as chasing, relay and use the ball, stick, rope and other equipment, activities, mostly for group activities, and the circumstances and rules of a contest.
  Security measures protect the game
  Tied the game tip card solution process and protection measures:
  First, log in and password by Trojan to steal the player, and used to steal the password to access the password-protected Web page unbind card in the player landing through the Trojan three times the number of password-protected card, cards into password-protected solutions needs three to tie the number 1 will be able to fool the password-protected card, the number of unbind required three, and then unbound, the player did not password-protected account just like the same card. phone password protected, too, the player playing the phone, then log in and through the Trojans so that players can not connect to the server and steal the player's password, and then steal the account since the beginning who can go up to 2 players steal property.
  Second, the "better to steal account by counter-measures"
  1. _Set_ character code (can be combined with password protection card)
  2. _Set_ the password backpack, backpack divided into two parts (G can be divided into 2 parts, 1 large, 1 small), some require a password (you can put important as_set_s), part of the Do not password (put frequently used items), can be combined with dense insurance card.
  3, equipped with bar _set_ up password-protected card, on-line need to enter the secret security card after the lifting equipment, bar tip cards to use the skills, if not unbound, can not use the skills and can not deal.
  4, the warehouse opened by the password, the same with the backpack.
  5, _set_ting out the password, enter the password correctly in order to exit off the assembly line, since the beginning of non-5 complement to the normal landing off the assembly line.
  6 _Set_ the next landing sites, players can choose who the next line during the landing IP section (to the city as a unit, not IP section inside the IP, can not login)
  6 Computer binding, for a computer player can bind CPU ID, this is some anti-virus software have this technology, you also have this technology is estimated.
  7, the six can be combined with password protection card, and you can _set_ multiple password-protected card, a password-protected login interface card, a password-protected role of the interface card, a password-protected card, backpacks, storage card, a password-protected, log out a password-protected card. Added: Password protection card can bind with their wishes, but the number is greater than or equal to 2 to recover, backpacks, storage, etc. can be used with a secret security card (preferably not and login with the same one), on the phone security password can be changed, the landing cell phone is not required, after landing all goods are sold can not deal, can not speak, only a cell phone in the lift after landing, the landing to prevent mobile phone secret security interface is used Trojan
  8, anti-spyware capabilities to enhance the game itself. And antivirus software companies can _set_ up a dedicated anti-virus software for World of Warcraft
  9, by adding Section cafes IP protection
  10, this online game companies need to upgrade your existing password
  In the computer field, it is a hacking tool based on remote control with hidden and non-enabling features.
  The so-called hidden designer is to prevent the Trojan horse was found, will use various means to hide Trojans, that server even if found to be infected by Trojan horse, because can not determine its location, can only hope that "horse" sigh.
  Is the so-called non-enabling control of client and server once connected, the server console will have the majority of operating authority, including the modified files, modify the registry, control mouse, keyboard, etc., and these powers are not conferred by the server , but stolen by Trojans. From the horse's development, it can basically be divided into two stages, first the network is still in the UNIX platform-based period, Trojans gave rise to the then relatively simple function of Trojans, often embedded into the system to a program file, use the Jump command to perform the function of Trojan, Trojan in this period are mostly designers and users of some technical staff, must have considerable knowledge of networking and programming. Then with the increasing popularity of Windows platforms, some based Trojans graphics operations there, the user interface improvements, so that users do not know too much knowledge can manipulate Trojan, Trojan invasion of the corresponding events occur frequently, And because the function of this period has been increasingly improved Trojan, so the server failure is also greater.
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The origin and evolution of the game
  Game, with animals and students.
  In the animal world, the game is familiar to all kinds of animals living environment, to understand each other, practicing the skills competition, and thus was "natural _select_ion" of a skill activities.
  Games made with human beings.
  In human society, game activities, not only retains the characteristics of animal instincts, more importantly, higher animals as humans, for their own development needs to create a variety of games.
  Game, not for the entertainment and health, but a serious human spontaneous activity, cherish life-skills training and mental training goals.
  The first prototype of the game can be traced back to primitive society the popular activities: throwing rocks, throwing with a pointed stick. Obviously the first game of these life skills are enhanced as the mind. Social progress, the chess games, sports games began to appear, that is to develop and adapt to competition and intellectual life, "scissors, stone, cloth," is a classic, all kinds of chess is another typical. Britain has a "scissors, stone, cloth," the club, finger-guessing game in the world's common language, psychologists continue to study new launch, with the most simple games to study the character of people of different punches and the winners and losers probability. The simple reason for enduring the game is to punch in the heart of this calculation process, plus keep the mentality of the simulation and their opponents respond to this simple game, there will never be denied interest. Today, in an entertaining game, such as online games, to bring players a pure PK, Daguai and upgrades, these "values" occupy the definition of the game, so that the original serious "game" being lost in the entertainment.
  The origin of online games
  The first online game in 1969 瑞克布罗米 the PLATO (Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching Operations) system, the preparation of a product called "Space Wars" (SpaceWar) the game is only the embryonic form of online games
  The real game is the first network in the UK in 1978, University of Essex, Reuter Rub Shaw prepared with DEC-10 "MUD1 (Multi-User Dungeon 1)"
  After 1992, the "Oriental tale" after Chinese students outside after its finished in 93 years will quickly spread to Hong Kong and Taiwan can be described as the first online game of China
  The second half of the mainland Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1995, began to spread its net of Taiwan's "Oriental tale 2" This is the Simplified Chinese version of the continent's first online game
  Do not forget this time most Chinese people do not know why the materials had the honor OCS computer people (mostly in the telecommunications sector) are still using 9600bps modem to connect
  After the final in April 1999 on the upgrading of a phone game music fighter launched the first domestic online game graphics "Swordsman of the sake of the general"
  Many players mistakenly believe that online games began in 1994 or 1995 the rise of Doom and Warcraft. Most people think that the rise until 1993 and the 1994-1995 Internet boom in the computer game, game developers began to add a network connection.
  After the online games gradually surfaced. But that is not the case, the rise of online games can be traced back to the late 60's of last century. In 1969, Americans as a 名叫瑞克布 Romi PLATO prepared a distance learning system called "space war" game, the game was born in the Massachu_set_ts Institute of Technology to the first computer game "Space War "as the blueprint to support two remote connections. It can be said, SpaceWar are now all kinds, a wide variety of online games and the originator of shape.
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The definition game
  Plato's definition of the game
  The game is all young son (animal and human) life and the ability to jump has generated awareness of the needs of the simulation activities.
  Aristotle defined the game
  After the game is a labor of rest and recreation, not with any purpose in itself an act of sexual activity.
  Musharraf. Coast of the game defined
  (Musharraf. Koster of Sony Online Entertainment's Chief Creative Officer)
  The game is fun to learn some skills activities.
  Hu defined a game
  Game is a voluntary, between the letter and do not believe in self-deception between the conscious and mapped into real life by a short but completely dominated, within the constraints of time, perform a certain activity or area of ​​activity .
  Cihai defined
  Direct access to the primary purpose of pleasure, and must be subject to participate in interactive activities.
  This definition describes the two basic characteristics of the game:
  1, to direct access to pleasure (including physical and psychological pleasure) as the main purpose.
  2, the main body involved in interaction. Interaction is the main subject in action, language, facial expressions change and get pleasure of the degree of stimulation and direct stimulation!
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The history of the game
  Hands of the game - "tanks across the bridge," "Police and Thieves" ... ...
  Single handle video game - "helicopter war" ... ...
  Arcade also has appeared - "Morgan", "Tomahawk" ... ...
  8-bit Nintendo video game consoles - "mushroom", "Contra" ... ...
  16-bit Nintendo video game - "The Three Musketeers" ... ...
  PS games - "Resident Evil" ... ...
  Stand-alone Computer Games - "World of Warcraft," "StarCraft" ... ...
  PC online games - "Legend", "World of Warcraft" ... ...
  Homepage Game - "Three blood" ... ...
  Game - "monkey jump", "Speed ​​Racer" ... ...
  Video games - "Brave 30", "Frontier Land" ... ...
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Card Game - Game Wisdom
  Card game also known as card games, board games are one. Card game on the origin of different ways, than the Chinese and foreign scholars now generally accepted view is that the modern card game originated in the Tang Dynasty of China called a "leaves play" the game of cards. According to legend, during the early fighting in the late Qin and Chu, General Han Xin Tai soldiers to ease the homesickness of the depression, invented a card game, because the Cards are only the size of the leaves, they are called "leaves play." ("Leaf" brand, the size of two fingers. 8 cm long, 2.5 cm wide "leaf card", with silk and paper mounted into the pattern is printed with a woodcut version of the.) Second century, Marco Polo brought to this card game in Europe, immediately aroused great interest of Westerners. At first, it's just a luxury for aristocrats, but because it is low cost, diverse gameplay, and easy to learn, and soon became popular in folk. The sixteenth century, a popular western called "Valvoline" deck of cards, which evolved in the 17th century, a similar card game of bridge whist, was popular in London and the Netherlands, 1894, in London club had bridge, this bridge is now and then by the evolution of cards. Sixties and seventies of the twentieth century the United States, with a name of The Baseball Card Game of the card game appeared _set_ for a history-type card game was born, but what really _set_ for card game shape, the development of such rules of the game in 1993 by the American mathematician, developed by Dr. Richard Garfield million Magic.
  Non-_set_-for-card game (playing cards):
  1, poker games (bridge, and 21 points, Stud, Landlords, look on in despair, etc.)
  2, "Tarot"
  TCG card game (Trading card game): "Three Chi" _set_ for card game
  1, "Wan Chi-card" (USA 1993)
  2, "Game King" _set_ for card game (Japan, 1999)
  3, "three wisdom" TCG card game (China 2009)
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Arcade games - a timeless classic
  Arcade is a place of public entertainment business dedicated game consoles, originated in the American bar. wSM Arcade Wo
  Run of the game in the arcade game called Arcade. wSM Arcade Wo
  General popular arcade, the basic form, ie two components: the frame and the machine version. wSM Arcade Wo
  There are two frame - vertical frame and flat frame, vertical stand upright frame ground, height above the width of the display with the ground at an angle, but not parallel, often standing for the game; flat horizontal frame placed in the ground, the width greater than height, display and parallel to the ground, suitable for sitting for the game. Frame from the machine casing (usually wood) and the internal electronic components, the vertical frame of the shell can be divided into the first box, box face, the control panel, box abdomen, side and box after box board. wSM Arcade Wo
  Box head is the highest visible part of the front console is a rectangular piece of translucent horizontal plate, there may be light or in the internal speakers, the appearance of the first sticker affixed box to indicate the name and content of the game. Surface and the frame header in the box between the concave part of the general installed speakers. wSM Arcade Wo
  wSM Arcade Wo
  Surface to show the display box, located in the middle of the front frame section or outside the upright position, were placed within the oblique or vertical display stand, covered with a transparent plexiglass plate appearance, the board may have with the game on the sticker. wSM Arcade Wo
  Control panel is equipped with joysticks, game buttons, game wheel, light gun games trackball, or a piece of the game flat, located in the box outside the front side, is the box just below the abdomen, the control panel integrates the control of the game is game interactive input. wSM Arcade Wo
  Abdominal box is the lower half of the front console, installed in the middle of its coin, or (and) return the coin to enter or exit the game currency. Coin coin box just below a reservoir, into the game currency to fall into them. All three devices are installed in a niche outside the iron gate with built-in lock, to ensure that the game room complete the main game of business interests and the process of consumption and reproduction. wSM Arcade Wo
  Box side is the shell game on both sides of the two entire board, with the entire front part of the firmly together to form a solid whole, is the main supporting part of the game. wSM Arcade Wo
  Box after the shell game behind the plate is a block can be turned on or off the board, combined with other parts of the shell into a closed space to protect the game's internal components. At the same time frame after the board has dispersed the heat generated by the machine to run the function, the safety of the game is very important. wSM Arcade Wo
  Flat frame a more upright frame structure of simple shape like coffee table, the height of low game, the game's perspective is looking down, there is no so-called box head, the control panel to the edge of the two side of the box, there are coin and Reserve money box, no box but the box after the board floor, because the small size of the reasons, these frame components are compressed to a smaller. The flat frame has a special feature is the game screen can be rotated or two-way singles game in the early game opposite two sides can sit together game. wSM Arcade Wo
  Machine version of the professional game makers from the electronic substrate manufacturing, as personal computer motherboards, above a CPU, ROM, RAM, memory, input and output interfaces (I / O), etc., not just the substrate game a shell, a substrate containing only a game, may be broken if the game will never disappear. wSM Arcade Wo
  Arcade simulator usually refers to the other computer platform, arcade platform by converting the cost of machine program instructions to identify the command to run the arcade games software. wSM Arcade Wo
  Since 1997, rapidly developed into various arcade emulators to rescue and save these precious hope of popular culture, the most important, than the mainframe platform emulator MAME. Today, we are able to review these in the old PC game, while the real problem is that arcade games are already in decline, with the arcade giant announced its withdrawal in 2003 CAPCOM arcade market, the arcade development opportunity for even more bleak.
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History of Online Games
  First, the first generation of online games: 1969-1977
  Background: At that time, computer hardware and software, there is no uniform technical standards, so the first generation of online game platforms, operating systems and speak different languages. Most of them for the test product, running on the mainframe in the institutions of higher learning, such as the United States, Massachu_set_ts Institute of Technology, University of Virginia, and University of Essex, UK.
  Game features: 1, non-continuous, reboot your machine game related information that will be lost and therefore can not simulate a continuous development of the world; 2, the game can only be on the same server / terminal within the system implementation, system operation can not cross.
  Business model: free of charge.
  The first real online game can be traced back to 1969, when the 瑞克布罗米 the PLATO (Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching Operations) system, the preparation of a product called "Space Wars" (SpaceWar) of the game, the game to eight years ago was born in the Massachu_set_ts Institute of Technology's first computer game "Space Wars" as the blueprint, the only difference is that it can support two remote connections.
  PLATO is the oldest and most famous in history for a distance education system, from the United States, Illinois, Urban, University of Illinois Farm Development in the late 60s of last century, its main function is to provide students with different educational levels of high the quality of distance education, it has a huge library of courses, which can create hundreds of course, you can record each student's learning progress. PLATO is the first _set_ of time-sharing system, which runs on a mainframe instead of micro-computer, so it has more processing power and storage capacity, which makes it can support both online greatly increased. In 1972, PLATO at the same time the number has reached more than 1,000 online.
  Those years, PLATO platform appeared in a variety of different types of games, including a small part is for students to entertain the stand-alone game, and the most popular is the multiple remote terminals in an online game between These online games online game is the prototype. Although the game is a subsidiary of PLATO features, but a shared memory area, standardized terminals, high-end image processing and central processing capacity, the ability to respond quickly so that PLATO can be excellent support network game run, so in the next few years, PLATO has become a hotbed of online games early.
  PLATO system, the most popular game is the "Holy One" (Avatar) and "Empire" (Empire), the former is a "Dungeons & Dragons" _set_ of online games, which is an order to "Star Trek" for the Background of the online games. The vast majority of these games programmer in his spare time wrote and published for free, they just want their games to get everyone's approval. Of course, some game developers get through their own income, but usually only a few cents per hour, and had to be allocated among the several authors.
  Interestingly, 1969 also was ARPAnet (Advance Research Projects Agency Network) was born in the year. As we all know, ARPAnet was the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency developed the world's first packet-switched network, which directly contributed to the success of the Internet and Transmission Control Protocol (ie TCP / IP) was born.
  Second, the second generation of online games: 1978-1995
  Background: A number of professional game developers and publishers began to move into the online games such as Activision, Interplay, Sierra Online, Stormfront Studios, Virgin Interactive, SSI, and TSR, etc., have at this stage tentatively entered this emerging industry They and GEnie, Prodigy, AOL and CompuServe and other operators, launched the first online game with universal significance.
  Game features: 1, online games a "sustainability" concept, the role players can spend months and years to the continued development in the same world, rather than on the game as PLATO, which can only play a passer-by. 2, the game is running across the system, as long as the player has a computer and modem, and hardware compatibility, you can even enter the network at any one game.
  Business model: the rapid expansion of the online game market to stimulate the development of network services, network access fees start of the game times, many consumers are willing to pay high fees to play online games. From "Kaisi Mai Island" $ 12 per hour to $ 6 per hour GEnie, the second generation of online games is the main billing by the hour, although there have been a special case of monthly billing, but failed to form climate.
  1978, University of Essex in the UK, Reuter Rub Shaw prepared with DEC-10 game of the world's first MUD - "MUD1", which is more than a plain text world, with 20 interconnected rooms and 10 instructions, the user can log in the database interaction, or through exchanges with other players chat system.
  Trudeau Buxiao after leaving the University of Essex, to work to maintain MUD1 transferred to Richard Bartle, Bartle MUD developed by Trudeau Buxiao specific language - "MUDDL" continue to improve the game, he the number of rooms to 400, and further improve the database and chat system, an increase of more tasks, and every player produced a scoring process.
  MUD1 is the first truly interactive, real-time multiplayer online game, it can guarantee the sustainable development of the virtual world. Although the system will reboot several times a day, but the scenes in the game after the restart, monsters and puzzles remain unchanged, making the role players to achieve sustained development. MUD1 Another important feature is that it can be any one in the world PDP-10 running on the computer is not limited to the internal system of the University of Essex.
  In 1985, Bierluodeng persuade General Electric Company (GE) of the information services sector to invest in a similar CompuServe, and commercial, ASCII text-based Web services platform, this platform is called GEnie (GE Network for Information Exchange). GEnie was officially launched in October, its low fees in a big hit among users, which is also a strong sense of superiority of CompuServe has felt the pressure of competition. GEnie system actually is the use of GE Information Services server idle time in the night to provide users with services, so fees are very low, at the price of 6 dollars per hour, almost half of CompuServe.
  In the same year in November, Quantum Computer Services (AOL's predecessor) without sound platform to launch the QuantumLink, this is a game player for Commandore 64/128 network platform graphics services, the rate of only $ 9.95 per month. This fee online games can be an important milestone in the history, but because of the Commandore 64/128 game has entered a recession, so the charges with revolutionary Jacobs as a "cottage" Like, failed to arouse people's attention, or online games is likely to advance to the revolution.
  In any case, more so that network operators involved in the highly competitive service industry up and down rates has become an inevitable trend. This phase of the U.S. online gaming industry as the domestic online game industry at this stage, operators of online games and game providers who made a fortune. In 1988, Quantum acquired from the hands of TSR "Dungeons & Dragons," the authority, three years after the first AD & D online game _set_ in - "in the Neverwinter Nights" (Neverwinter Nights) was born, the gaming operations several years, although the technology used in archaic images, but only in the last year of its life cycle, namely, in 1996, it brought to AOL 500 million revenue.
  Third, the third generation of online games: 1996 to present
  Background: The increasing number of professional game developers and publishers involved in online games, a large and clear division of labor ultimately form the industrial environment. People began to seriously consider the network design and operation of the game, and I hope summarized the theoretical basis of a system, which is a long time been lacking since.
  Game features: "large-scale online games" (MMOG) concept of the surface, online games are no longer relying on a single platform for service providers and services exist, but direct access to the Internet on a global scale to form a large unified market.
  Business model: monthly system is widely accepted as mainstream billing to the online games into the mass market.
  The third generation of online games began in the fall of 1996, "Meridian 59" release, the game independently developed by the Archetype Company. Archetype for the Ke Musi founder brothers, the upcoming releases of "The Sims Online" designer Mike Sellers and have been canceled, "Ultima Online 2," the designers have in 戴蒙舒伯特The company worked.
  "Meridian 59" This should be an epoch-making work, but unfortunately publisher 3DO Company in the decision-making process there have been significant mistakes on the pricing of the game hesitate, in the face "Ultima Online" such a powerful competitor, the initiative lost, "the first online game" in the title was finally "Ultima Online" away. "Ultima Online" launched in 1997, the number of users that exceed 10 million mark soon.
  "Meridian 59" and "Ultima Online" are used monthly payment method, and most of the previous online games are by the hour or minute billing (before fees are usually free to use for some time period). With monthly system, the game operator is no longer the primary business objective is to put players in the game how to give more time, but on how to maintain and expand the user base on the game. And many domestic online game "and go fishing, one vote" mentality than on cards, quarterly and annual card card payment method is undoubtedly more conducive to long-term development of online games, although the view from the front, may lose some economic interests.
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Classification of games
  A, according to the purpose of classification of electronic games:
  RPG = Role-playing Game: Role Playing Games
  RPG games can cause players to resonate most types of games. ENIX its birth to the "Dragon Quest" on sale marked the beginning of a long RPG era. RPG, game makers can complete to show the world to the players. Structure of one or unreal, or real world, which allows players to enjoy the adventure, play, grow, feel the producers of the concept of trying to convey to the players. RPG, gaming systems, there is no fixed pattern to be found, because the purpose is to build its system makers imagined world. However, all of the RPG games have an iconic feature is the ability to grow on behalf of the player character upgrade system, and the program is to build a world where every character RPG game. With other game types, although the performance of RPG games is three-dimensional, diverse, but the fundamental story is the performance. Different forms of battle, RPG can also be divided in accordance with "Dragon Quest", "Dungeons & Dragons" and other turn-based combat system the game developed from the orthodox RPG, integration of elements such as the ACT, "The Legend of Zelda" "radiation", etc. A · RPG, SLG also integrated elements such as "Fire Emblem", "Heroes" and the S · RPG. Besides European and American-style RPG elements more (innovation come from? Is kept in Riga, into some other games RPG elements, such as ACT, SLG, FGT, FPS or RTS, etc., etc.), the system is more complex, features not Obviously, more controversial, and there are real time games in this category, such as real-time RPG "The Elder Scrolls 4."
  ACT = Action Game: Action Game
  Players control the game characters in various ways to destroy the enemy or saving themselves to pass the game, do not deliberately pursue the story, such as the familiar "Super Mario" cute "Kirby" relaxing "Lehman", gorgeous "Prince of Persia," brisk "Dynasty Warriors" and so on. Most action games on the computer grew out of early arcade games like "Contra", "heaven and earth swallowed," "Metal Gear" and so on, the design objective is for the casual gamer, to purely entertainment purposes, are generally less some simple puzzle elements, simple, easy to use, exciting, a "popular" games.
  AVG = Adventure Game: Adventure Game
  Players control the game characters from the virtual adventure game. The difference is that with the RPG, AVG features a story often is to complete a task or solve some puzzles in the form to expand, and pains in the course of the game stressed the importance of the puzzle. AVG can be subdivided into two categories fans Reconciliation Action, Puzzle puzzle AVG is driven solely rely on the development of the plot, the larger degree of difficulty, represented by the ultra-classic "Myst" series, "Silent Hill" series ; and Action (A · AVG) can contain a number of ACT, FGT, FPS, or RCG elements such as "Resident Evil" series, "Tomb Raider" series, "Dino Crisis" series, "Grand Theft Auto" series.
  AVG only appears, referring to something like "Myst" series of graphic adventure games like that, and more reasoning based on a variety of fiction, suspense and thriller adapted from the novel. At the time, the system basically is to load the picture, play text, music, sound, and then loop. Or there will be interaction between players, but also very limited. The main task of the player to experience the story. Until "Resident Evil" series until after the birth of this new type of re-defined, resulting in a fusion of elements of action games adventure games (A · AVG), the most representative work is the CAPCOM's "Resident Evil" series, "Devil May Cry "series.
  FPS = First Personal Shooting Game: first-person shooter game
  FGT = Fighting Game: Fighting Games
  Manipulated by the various role players and the computer or another player fighting roles under the control of the game, the game fast-paced, playable is very high. Was drawn by technology can be further divided into two kinds of 2D and 3D, 2D fighting game with the famous "Street Fighter" series, "Samurai" series, "The King of Fighters" series; 3D fighting game like "Tekken", "Dead or Alive "and so on. Not to mention what type of game plot, up to a simple scene _set_ting or background display. Scene layout, character modeling, control methods are relatively simple, but the operation is difficult, very demanding of skills, mainly relying on players to determine quickly and micro-operation to win.
  2D FTG game system is a fixed background image in the activities of the block under the collision calculation, the fighting action game is part of the further sublimation. Today's 2D FTG system can be said to be from CAPCOM's "Street Fighter" series defined in a variety of battle to determine, after shaking by pressing the corresponding button joystick powerful resorted to nirvana (the Japanese word, from flowing into China .) "The King of Fighters" series defines the success of "super-nirvana" system. Reached a certain player is relatively harsh conditions can be resorted to after the battle could reverse the results of the "super-nirvana," Battle added the results of variability.
  SPT = Sports Game: Sports Games
  In the computer simulation of various types of competitive sports games, great variety, simulation and high and popular, such as "World Soccer Winning Eleven" series, "NBA Live" series, "FIFA" series, "2K" series, "ESPN Sports" series.
  PZL = Puzzle Game: Puzzle Games
  Puzzle of the intent is to develop children's intelligence prior to the jigsaw puzzle, the idea was all kinds of interesting puzzle game, PZL game needs more players to think and make judgments on the rules of the game. System performance are quite diverse, mainly developed in accordance with rules of the game. Operation does not require as high requirements for the game, is now the audience and one of the most widely used types of games, generally for leisure, the most classic thing ~ that is familiar to everyone, "Tetris" friends. There are also such as "Puzzle Bobble" "Zuma," "Bejeweled," "Lianliankan" and so on and so forth.
  RAC = Racing Game: Racing Games [also known as RCG's]
  In the computer simulation of various types of car racing game, is usually carried out in the race scene, the image is very particular about audio technology, computer games often represent cutting-edge technology. Exciting, strong sense of reality, by the fans loved, representative of the "Need for Speed," "Ridge Racer", "motorcycle hero," and so on. Another way is called "Driving Game". Currently, RAC more and more content, there have been some other modes of racing games, such as rowing, horse racing.
  RTS = Real-Time Strategy Game: real-time strategy game
  The development of RTS games is the ultimate form of strategy games. Players in the game in order to achieve victory, we must stop the operation because the "enemy" are also engaged in similar operations. On the system, because the CPU's instruction can not be the same, but the sequence, according to the player as "real time" feeling, all forces must be the game operating instructions in a very short period of time turn the implementation of . Fast enough because the CPU's operation, alternating intervals is very small. RTS games have WESTWOOD representative works of the "Command & Conquer" series, "Red Alert" series, BLIZZARD's "StarCraft", "Warcraft" series, the target of the "Fate of the Three Kingdoms" series.
  STG = SHOTING GAME: Shooting Games
  Vertical version: the most common, such as the arcade in the "lightning", "shark shark shark," "Space teeth", etc., can be termed a classic.
  Horizontal version: horizontal shooting, such as "salamander" series, "Theater 88"
  POV: simulation, simulation of aircraft on such a case.
  Now generally refers to the scrolling shooting game, there's quite a game type. Pure 2D STG system is in the background of the picture scroll, the player from the machine's active block with the enemy bullets (and fighters) of the active block, active block bullets from the machine and the enemy aircraft collision calculation. The purpose of the player in the game is to get the highest score recorded, or in a hail of bullets in the enemy's successful survival. The representative works are colorful Beijing "194X" series, CAVE's "chief Bee" series, IREM's "Thunder" series. Pseudo-3D works are "R-TYPE" series, "Thunder fighter" series.
  SLG = Simulation Game: Strategy Games
  MSC = Music Game: Music Games
  Music player sensitivity training to enhance music perception of the game. With wonderful music, and some require the player dancing, and some finger gymnastics required players, for example, are all familiar with Dance Dance Revolution, is a classic, the current popular online games, "King Orchestra" also is the column.
  MUG birth of the game KONAMI Japan's "DDR Dance Dance Revolution" as the symbol of the beginning of the birth of the industry and the players will be subject to wide acclaim. The systems that are relatively simple, is the player at the exact time to make the specified input, the player is given after the end of the degree of quantitative grasp the rhythm score. The main selling point of these games is the prevalence of a variety of music. Representative works of such games as "DDR Dance Dance Revolution" series, "drum up" series, "DJ" series.
  SIM = Simulation Game: Life simulation games
  Different from the SLG (strategy game), a high degree of simulation of the reality of such games, games are free to build relationships between people, and as real as the human interaction, and can also be networked with a number of players to games such as "simulation of life. "
  TAB = Table Game: Board Games
  As the name implies, is born out from the previous board games to a variety of game platforms, the game, such as various types of Monopoly (the decision to move the cell number of dice game), a classic like "Monopoly" series; chess game also belong to TAB, such as "tractors", "Hearts", "Mahjong." As the interactive board games very strong, some foreigners like to table games called social games. Recently, there a variety of popular table games, such as kill the game, Uno cards, Gladiator, Bang, Kaka song and so on, because these games are fun and playability is very high, attracting a lot of board games lovers .
  TCG = breeding game
  Before the GB series of generic, we are now generally used EDU (education) to refer to such games in order to facilitate and "Trading Card Game" distinction. As the name suggests, the player of the game simulation training, such as "girl DreamWorks," "Star Volunteer" and "zero Polly incubation program," and so on.
  CAG = Card Game: Card Game
  Player is carried through the card battle game mode. Card types makes the rich rich and varied nature of the game, giving players unlimited fun, representative of the famous "Ambition Nobunaga" series, "Game King" series, including card online "Martial Arts Online", broadly speaking, "the Kingdom of heart "can also be attributed to this category. There are also games TCG, TCG stands for "Trading Card Game", or "_set_-for-card game," is the theme of the particular form their own card card card stack, using a variety of cards and strategies with each other to play against the card game. TCG is currently the world's most popular Visa comes as the company produced intellectual myths and legends of the West as the background of the card game "Magic million."
  LVG = Love Game: Love the game
  Players back to the era of love, memorable and moving bit by bit, analog love of the game. Love is not a game, yet there is love game, love the current game is mainly for male players to the service, but also to the individual woman. Can be trained to pursue the technology, (and learn patience?) Representative works of Japan's "Tokimeki Memorial" series, "Si Jun," people's "Sentimental Baby," "Autumn Memories" and so on.
  GAL = Girl And Love GAME: Game girl
  GALGAME is a kind of extreme games, which almost gave up all games, while only winning story, is known for its characterization, plot tension has a game by its high prices and no, such as "AIR", " Fate / stay night "," School Days "and so on. GALGAME also can be broken down, purely electronic screenplay category such as "Memories", etc., other types of semi-semi-electronic scripts such as "lips thing" (semi-SLG) and so on. GALGAME rich in Japan, great in China, but due to the extreme nature of such games, game players or extreme love or extreme hate that.
  WAG = Wap Game: Mobile Games
  Mobile phone games. The game can be played anywhere, even the cell phone will bring casual games, Internet users like most types of mobile games, puzzle the highest rate, followed by followed by Action, Strategy class, analog type, shooting class. Are a few examples of mobile games: "Metal growl," "Final Fantasy 7 prequel" and so on. But "Final Fantasy 7 prequel" to change policy because of the production company SE, later changed to release the PSP platform.
  MUD = mud games
  Mainly depends on the game play text, graphics assistance. In 1978, the University of Essex Xiao Reuter Rub prepared with DEC-10 game of the world's first MUD - "MUD1", is the first truly interactive, real-time multiplayer online games This is more than a plain text world. (This may be the source of MUD's name right?) Other Publications: "knight-line", "Meridian 59," "King of Kings."
  MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) massively multiplayer online role-playing game
  Few typical examples: "Ultima Online", "EverQuest", "A3", "World of Warcraft", "Regulus Ⅱ" and so on.
  ETC = etc. Game: other games
  Interactive content that fewer players, or unknown type of work the games. Common in the wide variety of console games, such as music novel "Night of terror" series. There are some games around the _set_ _set_ (such as "Tokimeki Memorial" screensaver wallpaper collection), etc., appear less computer games, even if there are more than a transfer from the console game. In fact, you can not judge put it away here.
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  "Game" (USA)
  The Game
  Produced in 1997
  Written by: John • Blanca, Michael • Ferris
  Director: David Fincher •
  Starring: Michael • Douglas, Sean • Pan
  Nicholas • Fanou Washington inherited his father is the manager of an investment bank in San Francisco, through years of struggle has already entered the ranks of successful people. He has a shrewd mind, accustomed to control everything - including his investment in each of his relatives and friends. Although there are prosperous, but he still can not erase a child witnessed his father jumped to his sight, which makes him always feel depressed, eccentric indifference, to reject any person's concerned. Nicholas • Fanou Dayton's wife and his brother left him, his staff were all at arm's length, accompanied careful. Under such circumstances, Nicholas • Fanou behave Dayton accustomed to living, low self-esteem of life.
  48-year-old birthday, his long time no audio, cynical brother Conrad unexpected, and gave him a "consumer Leisure Card" as a gift. Out of curiosity, Fanou Dayton came to this mysterious company, participated in the "center" to provide a tailor-made for each participant in the game. Condra by the younger brother to help him in this application, tailored specifically for his game exception unknown mystery. Around people who are not involved in the last part of Kenti word from this boring life in Fanou Dayton immediately _set_ off in waves, curiosity prompted him to glimpse the truth. Also from this moment on, his life had ordered alone completely changed.
  The first step into the entertainment center from the start, Fanou as being a puppet of Washington to control the. The beginning of the game is also quite interesting, he has experienced being teased, being deceived, being chased and even to Mexico desolate abandoned cemetery experience, these are not in his real life experience. But gradually, he found that the game is his brother and the company, and together, to cause himself to death. So brother of suspected people around all day, involuntarily into a series of panic among the. It seems everyone around him would kill him at any time, gradually the rules of this game did not change his destiny to become a deadly race of life and death.
  So Nicholas • Fanou Dayton rage until the corrupt to a man bloody with his people who remediation fight face to face when they are accidentally killed his brother. He learned to dance the way his father down the stairs. Conrad Design which is the most exciting plot of this game, he is to be brother to heal the psychological trauma experienced, the emotional body from the dead father transferred to him in front of all the friends and family. This period, much more so Fanou insight out of the people who need understanding and help of others, need to communicate with others, need to be realistic and not dwell on the past years the truth. When the game ends, Fanou Dayton received birthday congratulations to everyone, he also found a new girlfriend.
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Cartoon hero
  King of the first generation of heroes the game
  Full Name:
  + Muto game + (Yugi Mutou)
  > Birth date + age = June 4 High School Students +
  > Height + weight = 153cm +42 kg
  > Sign = Gemini + AB + blood type
  > Most like to eat = Hamburg
  > Hate to eat = chives
  > Features = red hair shape, the height of primary school students, with large eyes double
  > CV = Megumi Ogata [TV Version 1], Kazama Shunsuke [TV Version 2]
  > Sun Zehao
  + Dark Game + (Yami Yugi)
  > Real name = A Tumu
  > Real ID = eighteenth dynasty pharaoh of ancient Egypt
  > Height = contest for higher cane games
  > Artifact = Millennium blocks held
  > Age = 3000 years
  > Want = lost memories
  > Features = three Alice looks up blond hair, a pair of charming and cruel eyes, become high
  > CV = Megumi Ogata [TV Version 1], Kazama Shunsuke [TV Version 2]
  "Game King" (YU-GI-OH!)
  King _set_ for the game card game (official full name: Wang Yu ☆ game ☆ Official Card Game: Duel Monsters, often referred to as the "Game King OCG")
  The commencement of comics, animation, to carry out the "Duel Monsters" main line of the story, the game the king was concerned about the extent of rapid increase, Konami view of this decision to "Duel Monsters" in the card was released, and in Asia to "Official Card Game "(referred to as OCG) name, and to develop a series of rules of the game.
  Compared to other comics (such as Pokemon, up, etc.) of the card game, OCG's style is more intellectual bias million card or call the king Moz. Therefore have more stringent rules and more easy to use features. OCG also issued after the animation associated directly with OCG cards have a picture, to reduce the production workload.
  Some parts of the Central Plains in the comic effect of the card will be revised after the transfer of OCG, because of the need to ensure that in reality the game to complete the complex process.
  Usually, OCG form of distribution in small packages. However, in order to reduce the difficulties of the new player, will also boxed in the form of distribution, such as the role of a _set_ of card _set_.
  Japan Konami OCG related competitions held regularly, and rare gift cards. First prize, and even steel produced cards.
  In recent years, since the game the king animation, comics, after the introduction of North America, the original OCG to YU-GI-OH! Trading Card Game named the corresponding English version released (the TCG).
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  Beyond "game"
  Training to almost dark,
  I really do not think too much progress,
  Out of the street to the bright,
  Rearview mirror to see where I sounded tired.
  Put on points, do not worry, lost frames,
  Tonight free point
  Useless to go face
  Who cares right.
  Prefer to continue the game,
  This method redeem myself.
  Prefer to continue the game,
  Do not ruin both their remaining.
  Attendant friend "hair" to the sky,
  Time to find paragraphs along deserted.
  Both the wind blowing a little hot,
  Xiao this is the feeling of love.
  Do not want to know, how many of depressive pressure on the heart,
  Floating random drunk drunk,
  Who cares right
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  The main activities of children in the form, but also a social phenomenon. People have different interpretations game.
  Western scholars, although the congregation on the theory of games varies, but in general, are from the perspective of biology or physiology of the game as a biological instinct, thus ignoring the social and historical constraints of the game.
  Game is a social activity. Children in the game reflects the reality of life around, and through the gaming experience with the people around work, life and moral outlook, but also to understand and experience the relationship between people. Game is the realization of children associated with the surrounding reality special form of special events. Therefore, the theme and content of the game are determined by the conditions of social life.
  The game is to promote physical and mental development of children one of the best form of activity. In the game, children can get good exercise organ development, they learn how to use the muscles, the development of visual and motor coordination. Through play, children of various psychological processes faster and better developed. In group games, due to a variety of different roles as children, so children can promote better understanding of the world, to know themselves, exercise and develop their own personality traits. It is in this sense, the Gorky that "the game is the way children understand the world ... ...."
  Children's games are diverse, mainly in the form of: ① creative play. By the children themselves want out of the game. In the game, around the lives of children reflects a variety of things. For example, play car drivers, the PLA, sales and so on. This allows children to experience the social life of the adult, help to enrich children's understanding of moral development of the child. ② building game. Can also be said to be a form of creative play. Children's use of building materials (such as blocks, sand, gravel, etc.) to build various buildings, such as making high-rise buildings, structures Zoo. In this game, children's things around by imagining the image simulation, the design helps to develop children's creative talents, develop skills in the operation and labor skills. ③ teaching the game. Teaching a child to develop their intellectual game. In teaching the game, you can plan to enrich children's knowledge, the development of children's verbal ability, improve children's observation, memory, attention, ability to think independently, develop good personality traits of children. ④ active games, or sports games, is a child physical development of the game. In the event of the game, children can practice a variety of basic movements, such as walking, running, jumping, climbing, throwing, etc., so that the children's actions more accurate, more flexible, more coordinated and also to develop children's courage, determination, care collective, and other personality traits. In addition to these 4 games, there are other forms of some games, such as for entertainment purposes of entertainment games, in order to show the contents of the story or fairy tale performance games.
  (Money Man Jun)
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Buddhist Encyclopedia
  Games fun playing as the game. Ming dao as "the way pregnant Big Boss Poem": "light volume if Pingxi, day clothes charm game." In the Buddhist scriptures, the game refers to the Buddha, Bodhisattva arbitrarily crossing of living beings, there is no obstacle to the capacity. If "Other than covered by the barrier Bodhisattva asked," Juanjiu said: "magic bullet often wins the game fun, not greedy of all the world like realm, is the game for the Law of Buddha music." Another example is the Song "Zhang things about the old martial arts fast enjoyable" Remember Sage words that: "the situation is not as popular as pollution, can only say is treasure. cover the light hidden in what non-game." It is explained by the theory, "Opera" or "free" means, "" You "and the "Play" means the same. Therefore, the "Play" and "free" can often be used in conjunction, as "the game itself." This "free" capability, also known as "game supernatural powers." (Li rights)
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English Expression
  1. n.:  toy,  activity done for amusement, esp by children,  instance of this,  form of play or sport with rules,  recreation,  amuse one self,  a game of chance,  fox and hounds,  choose up,  Game,  sport,  spore,  score,  play,  pastime,  moo,  hopscotch
French Expression
  1. n.  jeu
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