Oceanographic Sciences > marine science
No. 1
  Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council formulated and promulgated disciplinary Review Group "Granting Ph.D., master's degree and graduate academic training, professional directory", the marine science disciplines of science are among one of the disciplines, consists of four two disciplines They are: physical oceanography, marine chemistry, marine biology, marine geology.
  Marine Sciences (Marine Science)
  ● Marine Science is a national key disciplines, the state of the first 15 "basic scientific research and science teaching training base," one of the key subjects in 2004 was the first assessment. The professional development of scientific literacy has a good system and a solid mathematics, physics, chemistry-based, marine science to master the basic theory of modern oceanographic survey and data analysis techniques and computer applications and information processing technology, scientific understanding of the oceans and sea - atmosphere interaction research frontier, has engaged in marine research and marine scientific research capabilities of basic high-level expertise.
  Main courses include: oceanography, marine survey and observation technology, marine environmental factors calculated, probability theory and mathematical statistics, mathematical methods of physics, fluid dynamics, physical oceanography, biological oceanography, marine geology.
  Physics and chemistry graduates a solid foundation, marine science knowledge systems, computer application ability, language proficiency, marine scientific research has undergone training with a strong self-learning ability and ability to work independently of the business, mainly to universities, research institutions, State Oceanic Administration and its affiliated business units, local Oceanic Administration, the Ministry of the Navy and other departments engaged in research, teaching and management.
  Annual _select_ion of some of the best students into the "basic scientific research and science teaching training base" base classes, base classes students enjoy school, college scholarships, they can also enjoy the "base professional scholarship." The professional studies in recent years the average rate rose to 62% or more.
  ● Applied oceanography professional training with a firm and correct political orientation, loyalty to the spirit of national defense construction, military oceanography system to master basic and professional knowledge, understanding of the Navy and naval weapons and equipment in military theory, with an initial professional capacity, can relevant departments of the Navy and local oceanographic applications in the military, teaching and research expertise.
  Main courses include: fluid mechanics, physical oceanography, oceanography, general meteorology, marine survey, marine elements of the calculation and forecasting, synoptic meteorology and weather forecasting, marine satellite remote sensing, ocean acoustics and sonar technology, military oceanography, naval battle science, naval tactical science, naval weapons and equipment and so on.
  The main destination of graduates: Navy-related departments, the State Oceanic Administration and its subordinate units, the local SOA, colleges and universities and so on.
  ● Marine Management is required to meet national marine management, relying on "Oceanography training base", and the characteristics of the State Oceanic Administration _set_ a new professional partnership, marine science and management science are cross-disciplinary. The professional development of scientific literacy and a good basic knowledge of marine science, ocean management system to master, Law of the Sea and other theories of knowledge, to engage in marine management and related high-level teaching and research expertise.
  Main courses include: oceanography, marine survey, Principles of Management, Introduction to ocean management, biological oceanography, chemical oceanography, marine geology, general meteorology, maritime law, marine zone management, sea use management, marine monitoring management, marine environmental protection.
  The main destination of graduates: State Oceanic Administration and its subordinate units, the local SOA, colleges and universities, the Navy and other relevant departments.
  Atmospheric Sciences (Marine Meteorology)
  ● Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Science professional development to master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills to be able to meteorology, climatology, atmospheric physics, atmospheric environment, atmospheric exploration and application of meteorology, especially with marine-related business services in these areas, research and teaching work of specialized personnel.
  The professional system for students to master the necessary atmospheric sciences mathematics, physics, fluid dynamics and other aspects of the basic theory and basic knowledge, data analysis and computer applications to master basic skills. Major professional courses: the weather, atmospheric physics, dynamic meteorology, atmospheric exploration, statistical weather forecasting, numerical weather prediction, oceanography, marine research internships.
  The main destination of graduates: can the Weather Bureau, Environmental Protection Agency, Civil Aviation Authority, universities, research institutions and the army engaged in business services, scientific research, teaching, technical and management aspects of the work; or exemption may also be recommended for obtaining atmospheric science or related academic graduate students.
  ● Applied Meteorology, atmospheric science professional development to master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills in application meteorology, atmospheric environment, atmospheric exploration, meteorology and climatology, particularly with marine-related business services in these areas, research and work of teaching expertise.
  The professional system for students to master the necessary atmospheric sciences mathematics, physics, fluid dynamics and other aspects of the basic theory and basic knowledge, data analysis and computer applications to master basic skills. Major professional courses: the weather, atmospheric detection, atmospheric physics, dynamic meteorology, atmospheric boundary layer and atmospheric environment, the application of meteorology, air pollution meteorology, marine meteorology, marine research internships.
  The main destination of graduates: can the Weather Bureau, Environmental Protection Agency, Civil Aviation Authority, universities, research institutions and the army engaged in business services, scientific research, teaching, technical and management aspects of the work; can obtain or recommended for the application of meteorology or exemption graduate students in relevant disciplines
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Physical 百科
  Marine Science
  Marine science is a rapidly developing science. Nearly half a century, especially since the 1960s, along with the rapid development of modern science and technology development and utilization of marine resources and the constant expansion of marine science in the socio-economic development in the increasingly prominent role in many countries attach great importance to marine basic research and scientific development and utilization of marine resources research, and has made great progress. This study of marine science and characteristics of the disciplinary system and the history and status as a general introduction.
  ─ ─ the world's oceans study
  In the solar system's planets, Earth in the "unique" position. Earth's size and quality, the distance between Earth and the Sun, the Earth's orbit around the Sun and the rotation cycle, and other factors, the role and good with each other, making the average in most regions of the Earth's surface temperature is moderate (about 15C), so that its surface while there are three states (liquid, solid and gaseous) water, and most of Earth's water is in the form of liquid water in the ocean together, form a global-scale brackish water body ─ ─ the world's oceans. Earth is the only solar system planet has oceans. Therefore, our planet is also known as "water planet."
  The total area of ​​the world's oceans about 360 million square kilometers, accounting for 71% of the total area Dibiao, equivalent to 2.5 times the land area. Global ocean average depth of about 3,800 meters, the maximum depth of 11,034 meters, the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Ocean the main part, the average depth of more than 4,000 meters. Volume of the world's oceans is approximately 1.37 billion cubic kilometers, equivalent to the Earth for more than 97% of the total amount of water. Assuming a flat Earth's crust is smooth and spherical, then the Earth will become a surface of more than 2600 meters of water covered by the "water polo." The world's oceans each year about 505,000 cubic kilometers of water in the evaporation under the action of solar radiation, air supply to 87.5% moisture. Annual evaporation from the land was only 72,000 cubic kilometers of fresh water, atmospheric water vapor accounts for about 12.5%. Evaporation from the ocean or land rose after condensation of water vapor, and as rain or snow fall in the ocean and on land. Land each year about 4.7 million cubic kilometers of water under the action of gravity, or along the ground into rivers, or the formation of ground water into the soil and eventually into the ocean, thus constituting a cycle of hydrological cycle on Earth.
  Water is an aqueous solution containing a variety of dissolved salts. In seawater, water accounts for about 96.5%, the rest are mainly a variety of dissolved salts and minerals, as well as from atmospheric oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen and other dissolved gases. The average salinity of the world's oceans is about 3.5%. The total salt content is about the world's oceans 48 × 10 (tons if the salt waters of the global total extracted, even on the ground floor in the Earth's surface, will form a 40 m thick layer of salt present in seawater have been found chemical elements beyond the 80. seawater composition of chemical elements, in addition to hydrogen and oxygen form water outside, the vast majority was the ionic state, mainly chlorine, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, potassium, bromine, carbon, strontium, boron , fluoride and other 11 kinds, which account for all the dissolved elements in seawater of 99%; the rest of the little content elements, known as sea water trace element dissolved in seawater oxygen, carbon dioxide and other gases, as well as phosphorus, nitrogen, silicon and other nutrients salt and elements of marine life is extremely important. seawater dissolved substances not only affect the physical and chemical characteristics of water, but also for marine biota and the ecological environment of nutrients Marine For Life has a special significance. seawater mainly element content and composition, and body fluids of many lower animals almost the same, and some terrestrial higher animals and even human serum contains elemental composition and water are also similar studies have shown that life on Earth originated in the ocean, and the vast majority categories of animals living in the ocean in the land, bio-concentrate in the surface habitat within tens of meters up and down; but in the ocean, habitat range up to 10,000 meters deep, so the origin of life research scholar, said the ocean as "the cradle of life."
  Earth's oceans as an important part of the water cycle, with the atmosphere, lithosphere and biosphere interdependence, interaction, a control environment and the Earth's surface features of a basic part of life, and has some of the features below:
  First, the ocean is the atmosphere - an important component of marine systems. Since water has a high heat capacity, so water vapor in the atmosphere is the world's oceans and an important source of calories, and contribute to the process of surface material and energy balance, solar radiation on Earth, a huge storage. At the same latitude, land and sea because of the inherent differences in reflectivity, surface per unit area of ​​solar radiation absorbed by the land more than about 25 to 50%. Thus, the global ocean surface waters of the global annual average temperature on land than the average high temperature of about 10C. As the solar radiation in the Earth's surface on the distribution of the inherent differences in water temperature near the equator significantly higher than the high-latitude waters, therefore, in the ocean leading to the flow of warm high-latitude from the equator, the cold flow from the equator and high latitudes the large-scale circulation. Which led to the redistribution of energy, making the equatorial region and polar climate not too poor. Sea in the absorption of solar radiation at the same time, there is evaporation process. Water heat of vaporization is high, evaporation when they consume a lot of heat. Conversely, when the condensation of water vapor in the cold will release the same heat. Therefore, the evaporation of sea water into both the physical state, but also the transformation of energy state. Surface evaporation of large quantities of water vapor and other atmospheric circulation can be local air movement to carry thousands of kilometers away, re-condensed into rain and fall to the surface of all continents, to become Earth's surface fresh water source, and thus participate in the surface hydrological cycle, in the entire surface of the material and energy balance processes. Thus, the ocean of global weather and climate formation, as well as shaping the Earth's surface morphology has a profound impact.
  Global-scale ocean - atmosphere interaction, not only in a few months, years on the impact of climate on Earth, but also in the long geological period lead to significant climate variability. Earth's surface water, in addition to seawater, about 2% were trapped in solid water (ice), which is today Antarctica and Greenland glaciers. Ocean - atmosphere interaction and climate evolution, through the height of sea level change and ice volume is displayed. Geological studies indicate that the Earth has recently experienced a billion years, Earth's surface water is nearly constant. It can be deduced, if the modern glaciers were to melt then sea levels will rise about 60 meters. This man will no doubt be a huge disaster. In fact, the geological period, there had been development and melting of continental glaciers repeatedly alternately, each turn of all affect the Earth's climate, atmospheric circulation and hydrological cycle, caused by biological readjustment. According to the study of geology and ancient geography, the largest in the Quaternary Ice Age, the ice three times the size of modern glaciers, the average sea level about 130 meters below modern sea level, exposing most of the continental shelf. Based on these observed facts, the current long-term variability of the Earth's climate has been established during several "ice - ocean - atmosphere" system interaction model, and numerically simulated results close to observable facts. According to this simulation results in general with the Pleistocene geological and paleogeographic evolution of the climate data recovery line.
  Second, the ocean is the Earth's surface organic and inorganic world into an important part of each other. On Earth there is a thin "biosphere", which focused on the three forms of the earth's surface water near the interface. This life on earth was able to produce the material spheres, and the evolution continues, is to rely on large-scale material and energy conversion and organic and inorganic substances into each other. These material and energy recycling and transformation of the way and the strength of the planet known to date is also unique. Otherwise, the survival of our planet will not find life phenomenon known as the planet, can only be a dead world.
  Ocean animals about 16 to 20 million species, about 10,000 kinds of plants. Ocean creatures, like the entire biosphere of living creatures, the vast majority of directly or indirectly dependent on photosynthesis for their survival. On Earth, photosynthesis can directly into organic minerals, which the solar radiation into chemical energy. Animals are not photosynthetic, largely depends on the consumption of plants (directly or indirectly) and to survive and multiply. If the plant's photosynthesis process, once suspended, the vast majority of animals there is the possibility of extinction. Thus, by the photosynthetic marine plants, food plants animals and predatory animals rely on one level and constraints, the composition of the marine food chain. In this chain, every link, all matter and energy transformation, including fungal and bacterial decomposition of plant and animal body, the organic matter into inorganic substances. Thus, the plants, animals, bacteria, fungi, and the associated non-living environment, the organic sector to form a link with the inorganic system, known as the marine ecosystem. The state of the system, usually used to describe two types of indicators: one is static indicators, such as biomass, etc.; the other is dynamic indicators such as productivity. According to some scholars estimate the total biomass of marine about 3 × 10 (t, only the total biomass of land 1 / 200 or so, such as by dry weight, only the total biomass of the terrestrial equivalent of 1 / 350, but on productivity terms, but with land roughly the ocean (ocean is 4.3 × 10 (tons / year, the land of 4.5 × 10 (tons / year); more noteworthy is the relative productivity of marine organic matter (ie, productivity and biological volume ratio) is much higher than the land, the ratio between the difference of 200 times. This is because the ocean is the main producer of organic substances in a single-celled organisms, and terrestrial organic matter on the main producers of multi-cellular organisms.
  Third, the ocean as a physical system, which occurs with a variety of different types and scales of water movement and the process for the ocean's biological, chemical and geological processes have a significant impact. Water sports according to their causes can be divided into: ① water density changes produced by "hot salt" movement, such as surface evaporation, cooling and freezing, and water mixture, so that the water density increases and sink and sink to their density of the same density and other surface or seabed for horizontal movement; ② wind stress drives the formation of wind movement, wind currents and wind-driven circulation, etc.; ③ objects produced by gravitational tidal movement; ④ water velocity shear generated turbulence ; ⑤ the disturbance generated by fluctuations, such as wind and waves, inertial waves and planetary waves. The ocean in a variety of physical processes, usually in addition to their physical nature is divided into mechanical, thermal, acoustic, optical and other electromagnetic processes such as the general characteristics of their spatial scale (or characteristic wave number, the main feature is the level of spatial scale or wave number ) and the characteristic time scale (or characteristic frequency), divided into small-scale processes, mesoscale processes and large-scale process. Among them, the small-scale processes, including: small-scale turbulence, stratification of the fine structure of water, sound waves, capillary wave, surface gravity waves and gravity waves; mesoscale processes include: inertial wave, tidal waves, ocean front , mesoscale eddies or planetary waves; large-scale processes, including: seasonal changes in sea conditions, ocean circulation, water stratification and uneven zonal heat - salt circulation and so on.
  The survival of marine biological environment, water sports and other physical processes can cause biological changes in the environment. Therefore, different flow lines, water masses with different biota and the different biomes. Fluctuations in water sports or the ocean in the dissolved substances, suspended solids and sediments transport of important dynamic factors, therefore, the distribution of chemical elements in the ocean and marine sediments, and the process of shaping coastal landforms are not out of ocean dynamic environment. In turn, the movement of water is also associated with a particular geographical environment, chemical environment. This is the unity of the natural marine environment of specific performance.
  Fourth, the oceanic crust as a structural unit of the world's crust, with a series of characteristics different from the continental crust. Lighter continental crust, thick, relatively old; heavier oceanic crust, thin (lack of granite), is relatively young. Role in the balance of the earth's crust, crust light and float, weight and quality of deep oceanic crust. The reason why there is such a broad and deep Earth's oceans, and oceanic crust is composed of the material.
  As the water coverage, bottom crust is difficult to directly observe. Nearly half a century, the study found that a deep ocean trench depth over ten thousand meters, up to thousands of kilometers of fault and numerous seamounts; the most impressive is the existence of an around the world, cutting through the ocean basins , extension of 80,000 km of underwater mountain range system. This underwater mountain range runs through the Atlantic ocean basin and the central Indian Ocean, so called mid-ocean ridge. In the mid-ocean ridges at the top there is a development to be staggered vertical fault the Great Rift Valley, known as the central Rift Valley.
  In the plate separation, drift and polymerization, the sea change in position from time to time. In the geological calendar
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English Expression
  1. :  ocean(ic) science(s)
  2. n.:  marine science
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Classification details
ExpandpacificExpandthe Atlantic OceanExpandIndian OceanExpandcontaminantsExpandmarine environment
ExpandEast China SeaExpandoceanographyExpandbriny physicsExpandmarine chemistryExpandmarine biology
Expandlagoondeltathe Arctic OceanBeacharm
tideBohai Seahinterlandsbeltgroup
berthdockthe continental shelfbeacondock
tideTerritorial Watersbathproductivityplate
navigation locka cold currentwarm currentdiverbioherm
east longitudefertilitycoastingtopsbackwash
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