landform : marine environment : oceanographic engineering : Farming and forestry Animal Husbandry and Fishery : protect the environment : agriculture : China > Beijing > the west point on the horizon where the sun sets the confines of a town > Zhanlanlu Subdistrict > briny
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  And Ocean collectively.
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hǎi yáng
海洋 hǎi yáng
  Almost three-quarters of the entire Earth's surface covered by salt water body
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Sea and Ocean collectively
  Sea and Ocean collectively. "Yuan History SHIHUOZHI 5": "in Salt River and adjacent to the Ocean is connected with the Liaodong." Ming Tang Shun the "Article Chen Shu Haiphong by a little thing": "﹝ ﹞ ordered Robinson has undergone sea, Postscript performance matrix, old school Death retreat, also over the Counselor. "kui Qing Liu," Xu Jun Songjiang government through contracting Biography ":" Coastal unemployed people, many through the oceans in pursuit of profit, of more than ban. "" People's Literature, "1987 s 10: "I miss ... ... only through all the mountains, land and sea."
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The definition of marine
  Endless salt water, located in the surface of the huge basin. Area of ​​about 362,000,000 square kilometers (140,000,000 square miles), about 70.9% of the earth's surface. The ocean contains 1.3 billion more than fifty million cubic kilometers of water on Earth about 97.5% of the total amount of water. Global ocean is generally divided into a number of oceans and smaller seas. Four major Pacific Ocean, Atlantic and Indian Ocean, the Arctic Ocean (ocean scientists and with the fifth - the Southern Ocean, the waters near Antarctica), most of the land and submarine topography lines drawn. Four oceans around the Antarctic continent in the Southern Ocean waters (also known as the Southern Ocean south of the sea 〔〕) large connected. Traditionally, the Southern Ocean was divided into three parts, under the three oceans. The corresponding part of the Southern Ocean are included, the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Ocean sea area of ​​the Earth, respectively 14.2%, 24% and 20%. More important marginal sea located in the northern hemisphere, with some for the mainland or an island surrounded. The largest is the Arctic Ocean and its coastal waters, the Mediterranean in Asia (between between Australia and Southeast Asia), the Caribbean and adjacent waters, the Mediterranean (Europe), the Bering Sea, Okhotsk Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea and the Sea of ​​Japan.
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The distinction between sea and ocean
海洋 海和洋的区分
海洋 海和洋的区分
  Vast ocean, from blue to green, beautiful and spacious. Ocean, sea. People always say this, but many people do not know, the sea and the ocean is not quite the same, they are not identical to each other. So, What is different, what is the relationship?
  Yang, a central part of the ocean, the main body of the ocean. The total area of ​​the world's oceans, accounting for 89% of ocean area. Ocean depth, normally in the 3,000 meters, the most up to more than 10,000 meters deep. Ocean far from land, from land-based impact. It's little change in water temperature and salinity. Each has its own ocean currents and tidal systems. Ocean blue color, transparency, great, small impurities in the water. There are four foreign world, namely, the Pacific, Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, the Arctic Ocean.
  Sea, the edge of the ocean, is a subsidiary of the ocean part. The sea area of ​​about 11% of the ocean, the sea relatively shallow water depth, average depth from a few meters to two to three kilometers. The sea near the mainland, by continent, rivers, climate and seasonal factors, water temperature, salinity, color and transparency, are affected by the land, there are significant changes. Summer, warmer ocean waters, reducing the water temperature in winter; some waters, sea ice also. Place in the river into the sea, or the rainy season, water will be pale. Affected due to land, the river carries mud Sharu Hai, turbid coastal waters, poor water transparency. Not have their own sea tides and currents independent. The edge of the sea can be divided into the sea, inland sea and the Mediterranean. The edge of the edge of the sea as the sea, is near the forefront of the mainland; these seas and oceans to contact a wide range, generally by a group of islands separated from it with the ocean. China's East Sea, South China Sea is the Pacific edge of the sea. Inland sea, the sea is located in the mainland, such as Europe, the Baltic. The Mediterranean is the sea between several continents, water depth than the inland sea deep. The world's major sea nearly 50. Up the Pacific, Atlantic, followed by the Indian Ocean and the Arctic Ocean almost.
  The formation of the ocean is the ocean formed? Water come from?
  Current science on this issue can not make the final answer, because they and the other universal, the same origin of the solar system is not completely solve the problems associated with.
  In the surface layer of the crust, condensed in the cooling process, constantly subject to the impact of vigorous exercise inside the earth and squeeze, which has become uneven fold, and sometimes pushed broken, the formation of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, spewing lava and hot gas . Beginning, this happens frequently, then gradually become less, and slowly stabilized. The severity of substance differentiation, resulting in great upheaval, big restructuring process, about 45 million years ago is complete.
  After _set_ting the crust cooled, put the earth like a long dry the apples, the surface dense wrinkles, uneven. Mountains, plains, river, basin, ranging a variety of terrain.
  In a very long period of time, the sky and atmospheric water vapor coexist in one; densely overcast. Incredibly hard, as the crust cools the atmosphere slowly to reduce temperature, water and gas to dust and ash as condensation nuclei, into a drop of water, piled up. Since uniform cooling, air convection fierce lightning storm formation, turbidity storm, rain harder and harder, has been under a long, long time. Torrential floods, through the myriad thousands of Sichuan, bringing together into a huge body of water, which is the original of the ocean.
  In short, increasing water and salt, and geological history of the profound changes, the original ocean gradually evolved into today's oceans.
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Generation of ocean currents
海洋 洋流的产生
  Sea water is always clear in accordance with the form of a regular flow of endless, as ocean currents. The more famous is the Gulf Stream, the most narrow and too wide at 50, the flow speed of up to 4 years, along the north coast of North America, crossing the North Atlantic, regulating the climate of northern Europe. North Pacific is a similar warm ocean current, flows northward from the tropics, the temperature increase in North America in the West Bank.
  Prevailing winds is to make the endless ocean current movement a major force. Different water density, but also one of the causes ocean currents. Higher density than warm water, so cold water sinks, heated up. Based on the same principle, the cold water sinks near the poles, the equatorial flow to the sea to the following. Arrived at the equator, this share will increase water flow, instead of with the warm surface currents flow to the poles.
  Island and the mainland coast, also have an impact on ocean currents, ocean currents shift is not so, that is, the currents into tributaries. But in general, the main currents are along the ocean basins around the circulation of each. Rotation of the Earth, Northern Hemisphere, currents flow in a clockwise direction; the southern hemisphere, by contrast, but the counterclockwise flow;
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Sea salt
海洋 海水的盐分
  Different parts of sea water contains salt, with an average of about 3.5 percent. These inorganic salts dissolved in seawater, the most common is sodium chloride, that daily salt.
  Some of the volcanic salt from the sea, but most of the rocks from the crust. Rock weathering and disintegration, release salts, and then by river to the sea. In the water vapor condenses into water after the cycle, the water evaporates, the salt left behind, and gradually build up to the existing concentration.
  Sea salt contains very many, can land in the world paved about 1,500 meters thick (about 600 feet) layer of salt.
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  Keep rolling waves at sea, sometimes wave flat as a mirror, sometimes overwhelming. In addition to those caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions waves, the waves probably caused by the wind blowing the sea, the waves stirred up by the distant storm may move hundreds of miles to reach the shore.
  Between wave and wave height from crest to bottom, most no more than 10 feet. But in the storm, the waves may be alarmingly high; 1933, the largest recorded in the Pacific waves of up to 112 feet.
  Wave peaks and the wave top. There are valleys, that is, the lowest waves.
  Wave caused the largest displacement of the point of being in the wave curve is expressed as a high point. At any time to determine, in a range of wavelengths, waves to reach the points are in different states of vibration, vibration to achieve maximum positive displacement position. Vibration to the position of maximum negative displacement is called "trough." Such as surface waves, the highest point is the crest raised, sunken is the lowest trough. Ocean waves, tides can generate electricity.
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Continental Shelf
  Few, like volcanic island like land mass, the edge will be a steep fall into the sea. However, around the mainland, mostly covered with shallow water of the frame-shaped land mass, is an extension of the mainland, known as the continental shelf. Usually slowly down to the continental shelf under the sea about 650 Xieshen feet, and then steeply down to the bottom. Steep edge of the continental shelf known as the continental slope. Most of the continental shelf extends to the shore about 50 miles; some much more narrow; However, northern Siberia, where the continental shelf is 800 wide, stretching from the North Pole at home and away. Most of the world catches are from the fertile waters of the continental shelf; all countries claim sovereignty over the continental shelf beyond its shores, to which the oil, minerals, and other sources for themselves.
  One old navigator said: "sea islands, like the stars, nobody could ever count." Words to describe the island as much of the world, so far, the world's oceans in the islands, how many, a precise number is difficult to say. Some people say that about 20 million, some say 10 million. Which is closer to it? It depends on what method and criteria to calculate.
  In the ocean, in some places the water a few square meters of exposed rocks; some places, like a string of pearls coral reefs, spreading in the sea, the tide withdrew, they reveal rows of rocks, the sea rose up, there submerged under water. If these as long as the exposed surface of the reef, are counted as islands, then, that the world has more than 20 thousand islands, there may be some truth.
  If based on the world map published in the number of books published by island statistics, the world's 10 million or so islands of the argument, there is a certain basis. However, the world standard statistical calculations, the method is not exactly the same: Some of them have 10 square meters, or 100 square meters of reef island even if to do; some of the 500 square meters, more than 1 square kilometer and even a small ocean block of land be considered islands. Clearly, the standard methods, the number of statistics is different. Such as Indonesia, it is the largest country in the world Shanghai Island, Indonesia, the relevant government departments and Statistics for the more than 13,000, while Indonesia's navy statistics as 17,000. Different sectors of a country island statistics on the difference between the number of about 4,000.
  The world islands total area of ​​about 9.77 million square kilometers, accounting for the total land area of ​​1 / 15.
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Exploration of the ocean
  Study of marine science is oceanography.
  As early as prehistoric man had been traveling on the ocean, from ocean fishing, marine living marine exploration. Before the development of the aviation, maritime transport and human inter-continental travel the main mode. Exploration of deep seabed until the 10th century began. Although today the ocean with a diving human ball, deep-sea submarines still know very little.
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The relationship between oceans and climate
  Ocean climate on the planet decided to develop one of the main factors. Surface of the earth itself is the largest ocean heat storage body. Is the surface of the Earth's largest ocean current energy belt. Sea gas exchange between the air (among which are water vapor, carbon dioxide and methane) on climate change and development have a great impact. Such as typhoons, hurricanes, that is, over the ocean, from ocean steam formation. However, the ocean will be angry, but also very powerful.
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Marine ecology
  The ocean is a lot of plants and animals to live. Green algae in the ocean is one of the major producers of oxygen in the atmosphere, tropical coral reefs are the most abundant species on Earth ecosystems (even more than the tropical rain forest is also rich.) Is a colorful undersea world, the human understanding of the deep-sea organisms is still poorly understood.
  No Marine has many animal and plant species on land, and the number of species or variety than the land, but there are still quite a lot of undiscovered marine biodiversity and many rare or no land, minerals, metals.
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S novel
  Title: Ocean
  Of: Hei Jieming the
  Publishing Date :2006-6
  Publisher: Inner Mongolia People's Publishing House
  Price: ¥ 4.50 元
  God Mingjian, she really did not mean to peeping,
  Just want to figure out why the fate of the big boss with a difference?
  She was busy like a top,
  He was relaxed around Akira.
  The thought that mysteriously been caught,
  She simply climbed friendship with him openly, built up a network.
  Look at his burly build sturdy,
  Called Takeo a,
  Nothing even go buy a bunch of fine lingerie?
  Those things are bought for her to wear?!
  This time she was thrown into the Pacific Ocean a shame!
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  ocean and sea
  The majority of Earth's salt water on a continuous in general. The main part of the ocean for the Ocean Center, the edge portion of the sea, sea and ocean communicate with each other form a unified world ocean. World Ocean into the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean and the Arctic Ocean. Recently people again the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Ocean around the Antarctic continent south of the waters known as the Southern Ocean. The sea is generally divided into two types of marginal sea and the Mediterranean, the former refers to the continental margin adjacent to the sea, while the latter is located between the mainland, there are similarities in the sea and ocean strait.
  The Earth about 360 million square kilometers of marine area, accounting for 71% of the total area of ​​the earth. Sea water of about 1,338,000,000 cubic kilometers total, of which the most amount of water the Pacific, the Arctic Ocean at least.
  The ocean is the source of water vapor cycle, it is also the main energy supply of district heat the atmosphere, the atmosphere and hydrosphere in the water vapor and heat exchange plays a decisive role.
  The nature of sea water from sea water dissolved salts, organic compounds, gases, and colloidal and solid particles. Various chemical substances were the total volume of water accounted for 3 ~ 4 ‰. Water, 80 are known to a variety of chemical elements, of which the main elements as chlorine, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, potassium, bromine, carbon, strontium, boron, fluoride, etc. 11. Sea water contained in the amount of each element remained almost constant. The average salinity of the world's oceans close to 35 ‰. Due to precipitation, evaporation of the size and nature of the differences in ocean currents and coastal runoff, ocean salinity distribution is not the same everywhere, and low salinity waters of the equator, south, top waters near 20 ° north latitude, to the high decreasing latitude waters.
  Physical properties of water, including water temperature, density, color and transparency. Global average temperature of ocean surface 17.4 ℃, the highest in the Pacific, Indian Ocean, the second, then followed by the Atlantic Ocean, the Arctic Ocean. The average water temperature of the ocean 3.5 ℃.
  Density of sea water salinity, water temperature and pressure of the three, with □ said, it is customary that the proportion of water. Atmospheric conditions at a temperature of 0 ℃, salinity of 35, the density of seawater 1.02768. Global density of sea water from the equator to high latitudes increase.
  Color and transparency of the optical properties from water color and suspended particles in the decision, usually more shallow area the sediment, plankton volume, the water layer mixing strong, temperature changes and other factors, low color, transparency, small. Oceans, by contrast, the subtropical ocean waters the highest color, transparency, maximum; tropical second; cold even the second. Cold area and the warm zone is not the same color and transparency, warm color and transparency is much greater than the cold. Transparency of the world's largest for the Sargasso Sea waters.
  Water sports ocean current, tidal, wave is the main form of water sports. By cause different currents into the wind currents, density currents categories. Wind currents generated by wind shear stress, density, flow from the different pressure gradient (due to water temperature, salinity caused by the uneven distribution) form. World Ocean surface currents are mainly wind currents, the circulation system and the basic mapping planetary wind system, and by the distribution of land and sea. Great low-latitude current system is an important heat exchange power, energy balance on the planet is a power, influence and regulate the climate of coastal areas.
  Tidal force for the sun and the moon under tidal water movement, including the vertical movement and horizontal movement of the tidal flow. Types are divided into diurnal tidal, and mixed semidiurnal tide. Trend is the rotating flow in the ocean, near the mouth changed to reciprocating flow, the trend of the corresponding type and tide type.
  To the ocean waves caused by the wind into the wave-based wind and wave is closely related to the prevailing wind direction, wave height and wind are related. Smaller storms in the Pacific Ocean, in the three oceans near 40 ° south latitude areas, due to the strong and stable throughout the year Chuigua westerly wind large 15-meter-high waves generated Guchang, the "roaring forty degrees" of said.
  Marine has a huge energy potential. Global tidal energy of about 10 million kilowatts, such as full utilization of available power 12400000000000000 degrees / year. Global ocean wave energy of about 10 to 100 million kilowatts. Water temperature difference energy is only 20 ° latitude north and south between the 500-meter thick layer of water can be generating 60 billion kilowatts. Salinity gradient to the world of up to 300 million kilowatts. Current reserves of 1700 billion kWh of energy.
  In addition, the desalination equipment is increasingly sophisticated. Can outlook in the near future water can also become a valuable freshwater resources.
  (Shen Chan □)
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Ocean (fishing) Fishing
  Ocean (fishing) Fishing
  marine fishing
  ho a yang (yuye) bulao
  Ocean (fishing) Fishing (Inarine fishing) directly, using fishing gear
  Marine aquatic animals to take the economic mode of production, aquaculture sector is the first industry.
  Its emergence and development, and fishing boats, fishing gear, fishing gear materials, fishery equipment, fishing port construction
  And aquatic products processing complementary to the development and progress.
  After World War II, emerging as the new fishing boats and ship large ship
  Of, and gradually spread to help fishermen with modern navigation equipment, synthetic gear materials, should be
  Used the computer, and the supporting hydraulic fishing machinery and equipment, improve the performance of fishing gear
  And fisheries surveillance technology, and promote the marine fishing mechanization, automation, and capture efficiency, expand
  The scope of fishing operations and catches.
  Ocean fishing waters by operating near and far points from their shore, there is fishing along the coast, near
  Sea fishing, offshore fishing and deep sea fisheries; divided by international waters, territorial waters are caught
  Fishing, fishing and high seas fishing exclusive fishing zone; divided by fishing gear, a trawl catch
  Fishing, seine fishing, gill net fishing, net fishing and wrap net fishing, fishing tackle fishing, cage pot
  Fishing, etc. (see page 79 _insert_ color pictures).
  "United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea" after the implementation of the coastal countries or regions have made
  Ordered to protect their marine resources laws and regulations, fishing areas and the provisions of
  Limit, the implementation deadline for fishing and fishing tax to eliminate the traditional freedom of fishing,
  While enhancing the high seas of international agreements and restrictions will help protect marine life
  Resources. (Chao Chuan marriage)
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English Expression
  1. n.:  briny,  neptune,  ocean,  oc,  waste,  in the blue,  the briny,  the cradle of the deep,  herring pond
  2. adj.:  the sea,  deep
French Expression
  1. n.  océan
Blue sky, briny, foreign, sea
Haiyang Village
briny Community, Briny Juweihui
haiyang Township
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