sciences of public security > Order study
No. 1
  The rise in recent years, specialty law and order a new professional
  Professional training objectives: the professional training for the public security organs have a solid legal theory and order theory based on the expertise of master of public security work, real work needs to adapt to the public security organs of the compound applied expertise.
  Major Courses: Criminal Law, Civil Law, Criminal Procedure, Criminal Investigations, Administrative Law, Administrative Procedural Law, the basis of security management, security cases, public security penalties, traffic management, fire management, immigration and foreign affairs management, security science, criminal photography, trace test, document examination, track down tactics, Arrest techniques, shooting, car driving.
  Professional Duration: 4 years.
  Degrees: Bachelor of Law.
  Similar professional: Investigation, administration and management.
  Employment Prospects: The main public security, frontier defense, national security and other departments engaged in public order management, immigration management, road traffic management, security, prevention and control of crime and law and order in teaching, research and other work.
  Distribution of institutions: the Chinese People's Public Security University, Shijiazhuang Railway Institute, Heilongjiang University, Political Science and Law School, Zhongnan University, Guangdong University of Business, Southwest University of Political Science, Northwestern Law School, Law School in Gansu
  Discipline: Law
  Categories: Public School Class
  Professional Title: Public Order Business training objectives: This professional development has a firm and correct political orientation, strict discipline, good work ethic, and promising to safeguard national security, the spirit of dedication to social stability, China's public security work are familiar with the route, principles, policies and security management laws and regulations. Systems security profession to master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills in public security, frontier defense, national security and other departments engaged in public order management, immigration management, road traffic management, security, prevention and control of crime and law and order in teaching, research and other aspects of the work of highly qualified specialists.
  Business training requirements: The students mainly study of Public Order, administrative law, administrative management, security technology, investigation and other aspects of the basic theory and basic knowledge, acceptance of administrative law enforcement and crime prevention and other aspects of basic training, with management of social law and order, law and order to prevent disposal of cases, security incidents and security disasters, guidance and supervision of enterprises, institutions, public security work within the basic skills.
  Graduates should be given the following knowledge and abilities:
  1. Master of Public Order, administrative law, administrative management, security technology science, investigation and other aspects of the basic theory, basic knowledge;
  2. Master security management methods and security technologies;
  3. With the management of large, urban social order and deal with the initial capacity of law and order issues;
  4. Familiar with the work of the party and the state public security and social security work of the principles, policies and regulations;
  5. Master communication, driving, shooting, self-defense skills such as Arrest, the required physical fitness standards;
  6. Master the basic method of public security research, with a certain teaching, scientific research and practical work.
  Main courses: Policing Science, Criminology, Public Management, Criminal Investigation Zonglun, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure Law, Arrest of self-defense, shooting, security technology, traffic management and so on.
  Main practice teaching links include: surveys, placement and internships. Student trainee in the public security organs for 6 weeks, 10 weeks graduation practice.
  Duration: four years
  Degrees: Bachelor of Law
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Related Phrases
lawsociologypoliticsManagement Science
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Charactersacademiciancommonweal UniversityCommonweal study
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