contaminate : geography : protect the environment : aquatic feed : concrete : Vessel Ports : waterpower > pollution sources
No. 1
  The sources of pollutants. Often point to environmental emissions of pollutants or harmful effects on the environment of the premises, equipment and devices. By pollution sources, points of natural and man-made pollution sources; the spatial distribution of pollutants discharged by way of sub-point sources, line sources and surface sources. Control of pollution sources is an effective way to improve the quality of the environment.
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No. 2
  What environmental pollution; the source of pollutants generated: speed control ~, to pay off the lake.
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No. 3
  Refers to the production of physical [sound, light and heat, radiation, etc.], chemistry [inorganic, organic], biological [ADM, bacteria, etc.] harmful substances equipment, devices, and other places. It is mainly there are two types: natural sources, including meteor burning, rotting plants and animals, volcanoes, forest fires, sand, dust, etc. [2] artificial sources, including industrial pollution, transportation, pollution, agricultural pollution and living sources of four.
  Pollution caused by environmental pollution is the source of contamination occurs, usually pointing to environmental emissions of harmful substances or harmful effects on the environment of space, equipment, apparatus, or the human body. Properties can be divided according to the natural and man-made sources of pollution.
  Natural sources of pollution to the environment refers to the natural self-discharge of harmful substances or harmful effects of places, such as being active volcano.
  Anthropogenic sources of pollution refers to the formation of human social activities. The latter is the main target of environmental research and control.
  Emissions by type of pollution can be divided into organic sources, inorganic pollution, thermal pollution, noise pollution, radioactive pollution and emissions of several pollutants simultaneously mixed sources and so on.
  Press the main target of pollution, air pollution can be divided, water pollution and soil pollution and so on.
  Press the function of human society can be divided into industrial pollution, agricultural pollution, transportation, pollution and other sources of pollution and life.
  Pollution prevention control is the fundamental environmental pollution and improve environmental quality.
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No. 4
  Refers to the production of physical [sound, light and heat, radiation, etc.], chemistry [inorganic, organic], biological [ADM, bacteria, etc.] harmful substances equipment, devices, and other places. It is mainly there are two types: natural sources, including meteor burning, rotting plants and animals, volcanoes, forest fires, sand, dust, etc. [2] artificial sources, including industrial pollution, transportation, pollution, agricultural pollution and living sources of four.
  Pollution caused by environmental pollution is the source of contamination occurs, usually pointing to environmental emissions of harmful substances or harmful effects on the environment of space, equipment, apparatus, or the human body. Properties can be divided according to the natural and man-made sources of pollution.
  Natural sources of pollution to the environment refers to the natural self-discharge of harmful substances or harmful effects of places, such as being active volcano. Common atmospheric pollution are: the source of harmful substances into the atmosphere, said the sources, harmful substances into the atmosphere, said pollutants. Atmospheric pollution of artificial and natural sources,
  Natural sources include volcanic eruptions, forest fire, wind and dust, etc., they are about 550 million tons of pollutants into the atmosphere each year, including artificial sources of industrial pollution, agricultural pollution, urban transportation and living sources, etc., they average total discharge to the atmosphere pollutants into the 1990s, approximately more than 650 million tons annually, of which most major industrial pollution emissions. Of 1990 total emissions of air pollutants from industrial sources of about 040 million tons, according to population is much lower than the average level of developed countries ranked hair.
  Atmospheric pollutants and contaminants into a secondary pollutant, their species more than 100 kinds. From the pollution discharged into the atmosphere, air pollution, said a direct pollutants, most notably sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter (fly ash, dust, smoke, etc.), CO and ammonia, and oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine, sulfur compounds and radioactive substances. The so-called secondary pollutants is due to sunlight contaminants, chemical reactions occur between each other contaminants, pollutants and harmful substances occurring atmospheric composition of a chemical reaction, photochemical smog is a secondary pollutant.
  Anthropogenic sources of pollution refers to the formation of human social activities. The latter is the main target of environmental research and control.
  Emissions by type of pollution can be divided into organic sources, inorganic pollution, thermal pollution, noise pollution, radioactive pollution and emissions of several pollutants simultaneously mixed sources and so on.
  Press the main target of pollution, air pollution can be divided, water pollution and soil pollution and so on.
  Press the function of human society can be divided into industrial pollution, agricultural pollution, transportation, pollution and other sources of pollution and life.
  Pollution prevention control is the fundamental environmental pollution and improve environmental quality.
  Air Pollution
  Open Category: Biology, terminology, weather
  Atmospheric pollution (atmospheric pollution)
  Air pollution is the concentration of harmful pollutants in the atmosphere, while more than a phenomenon of environmental quality standards. Those who make the air quality deterioration substances are atmospheric pollutants. Atmospheric pollutants currently known about 100 kinds. Their presence status can be divided into two categories. One is the state of aerosol contaminants, the other is a gaseous pollutants. There are dust aerosols state pollutants, smoke droplets, fog, dust, particulates, suspended solids. There gaseous pollutants sulfur oxides mainly as sulfur dioxide compound, based oxynitride dioxide, carbon dioxide, and carbon-based oxides of carbon, hydrogen bonded hydrocarbons. Not only contain inorganic pollutants in the atmosphere, and containing contaminants. As human beings continue to develop new materials, types and quantities of atmospheric pollutants are constantly changing.
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  pollution sources
  Environmental pollution caused by pollutants generating source, usually pointing to environmental emissions of harmful substances or premises, equipment and devices have a detrimental effect on the environment. By source of pollutants can be divided into natural and man-made pollution sources. Natural sources of pollution to the environment is the natural self-discharge of harmful substances or harmful effects of places, such as being active volcano. Anthropogenic sources of pollution refers to the formation of human social activities. The latter is the main target of environmental protection research and control.
  There are many man-made pollution classification methods. Emissions by type of pollution can be divided into organic sources, inorganic pollution, thermal pollution, noise pollution, radioactive pollution, while emissions from a variety of sources of pollution and pathogens mixed pollution and other pollutants. In fact, most of the sources of pollution are all mixed. Such as coal-fired power plant emissions to the atmosphere is an either inorganic pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, also the environmental emissions and other wastes mixed waste heat sources. However, in the study of a particular environmental problem, as is often the only source of pollution emissions from certain sources mixing a class of contaminants. The main objects contaminated by pollution, air pollution can be divided, water pollution and soil pollution, etc.; by way of the spatial distribution of the emission of pollutants, can be divided into point sources (focus point or a little small as emissions of pollutants ), surface sources (in a large range of pollutant emissions). More common is the function of human social activities divided by industrial pollution, agricultural pollution, transportation, pollution and living sources.
  Industrial pollution in industrial production of some aspects, such as the production of raw materials, processing, combustion processes, heating and cooling processes, product finishing process such as the use of production equipment or production sites are likely to become industrial pollution. In addition to pollution and industrial waste dumps precipitation runoff constituted the majority of industrial pollution are point sources of pollution. It does this by emissions, waste water, waste and waste heat pollution of air, water and soil; also produce noise, vibration damage to the surrounding environment. Various industrial processes discharged wastes containing different pollutants. For example, coal combustion flue gas exhaust contains carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, benzo (a) pyrene and dust and other pollutants; some chemical production process exhaust air containing mainly hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen chloride, formaldehyde, ammonia and other harmful gases. Another example refinery wastewater containing mainly crude oil and petroleum products, as well as sulfides and alkali; electroplating wastewater containing mainly heavy metals (chromium, cadmium, nickel, copper, etc.) ions, acids and bases, cyanide and various plating aid agent; thermal power plant flue gas and waste heat mainly excreted. In addition, due to the rapid development of chemical industry, more and more synthetic substances into the environment; bulk mining underground deposits, the original material buried in the ground to the ground, thereby undermining the balance of the material cycle on Earth. Heavy metals, various refractory organic matter and other pollutants in the environment, human life cycle, enrichment, long-term threat to human health. Visible, the largest industrial sources of environmental hazards.
  Agricultural pollution in the agricultural production process cause harmful effects on the environment and a variety of agricultural facilities farmland called agricultural pollution. Unreasonable application of chemical fertilizers and pesticides destroy soil structure and natural ecosystems, in particular the destruction of soil ecosystem (see pesticide contamination). Formed by precipitation runoff and seepage in the soil nitrogen and phosphorus, pesticides and pastures, farms, agricultural processing organic waste into the water, so the water quality to deteriorate, sometimes resulting in eutrophic rivers, reservoirs, lakes and other water bodies technology. A lot of nitrogen compounds into the water then leads to increased levels of nitrate in drinking water and endanger human health. Decomposition of nitrogen oxides of nitrogen directly affect the material balance of the atmosphere. Highly modernized countries in agriculture, nitrates, nitrogen and inorganic phosphorus emissions from agricultural sources has posed a great danger to the water body. Some studies have shown that the concentration of nitrogen in wastewater is generally 18 to 20 mg / l, while agricultural runoff, the concentration of nitrogen from 1 to 70 mg / l, the upper limit is far more than domestic sewage. Farm runoff phosphorus content of 0.05 to 1.1 mg / liter. Agricultural runoff in nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations are much higher than the growth of algae needs. Generally believed that the water has 0.3 mg / liter of inorganic nitrogen and 0.01 mg / l inorganic phosphorus is enough to make the degree of virulence of algal blooms to.
  Transport pollution on the surrounding environment polluting transport facilities and equipment. Such sources emit noise, vibration caused
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English Expression
  1. :  polluter,  pollution soruce,  pollutant source
  2. n.:  pollution sources
Related Phrases
environmentcontaminateenvironmental protectionplastic
energy-saving Reductionradioactive sourceenvironment informationizebeef
Greenhouse Effectglobal warmingChangchun Municipalmeasures for administration
Automation monitor
Containing Phrases
thread pollution sourcesSurface pollution sources
point sourcewater pollution sources
new pollution sourcesOld pollution sources
man made pollution sourcesair pollution source
exist pollution sourcesnatural pollution source
pollution sources superviseaerosphere pollution sources
control of pollution sourcespollution sources Fair Price
pollution sources discriminateShuire pollution sources
industry pollution sourcessurvey of pollution sources
agriculture pollution sourcessolid pollution sources
pollution sources monitoringarch pollution sources
three wastes(waste gas, waste water and waste residues) pollution sourcesrelease pollution sources
carriage by sea pollution sourcesNon- point source
pollution sources analyzepollution sources branching
pollution sources Contribution ratewater industry pollution sources
water natural pollution sourcewater exist pollution sources
water man made pollution sourceswater agriculture pollution sources
digging water pollution sourcesIndustry pollution sources number
digging aerosphere pollution sourcespollution sources electronic carte
digging environment pollution sourcesdiscontinuity release pollution sources
factitiousness air pollution sourcecontinuous release pollution sources
air pollution source controlTraffic and Transportation pollution sources
water Activity pollution sourcesInstantaneousness release pollution sources
savageness air pollution sourceambulate air pollution source
Portable type water pollution sourcesPollution sources origination flux
Quality of water Three pollution sourcesarch three wastes(waste gas, waste water and waste residues) pollution sources
water Traffic and transportation pollution sourcesNew pollution sources execute standard
Pollution sources general investigation Bookkeeper planFirst throughout the country Pollution sources general investigation bulletin
pollution sources monitoring measures for administrationpollution sources Automation monitor measures for administration
throughout the country Pollution sources general investigation Actwater Heavy metal ion pollution sources
Xishui County people's government Regarding expansion First whole county Pollution sources general investigation be informed of
Changchun municipal Pollution sources Automation monitor measures for administration
Zhiyuanxing Food contamination fountain Affiliation Technology research
Pollution sources Automation Monitor Facility circulate measures for administrationwaste Water pollution sources on-line Supervisory system Abstract And Experiment
Pollution sources administer Zhuanxiang fund Onerous usage interim measurePollution sources Smoke continuous automation Monitoring systems
Electromagnetic radiation contaminate fountain Of category and baggage
Classification details
ExpandbombchimneyMotorcyclesScrap metals
Ocean dumpingBiological weaponsChemical weaponsmachine
Cement industryOil spillsExcavation heaps