| | Lower plants including algae (Chlorophyta Euglenophyta, Chrysophyta, Wong Cho door, the dinoflagellate door, Bacillariophyta, Cyanophyta, Phaeophyta, Rhodophyta), fungi (bacteria door, stick bacterial phyla, fungi door), lichens (lichens door). | | plant kingdom o 1.4 A the algae door (Pyrrophyta) o The 1.5 Xanthophyta (Xanthophyta) (Chromophyta) | | - : vegetative kingdom, vegetal reign, floristic kingdom
- n.: the plant kingdom, the vegetable world, Plantae
| | vegetation, botany | | Liliaceae | asparagales | dicotyledoneae | Ericales | Ericaceae | magnoliophyta | |
| | higher plant | lower vegetation | spermatophyta | Embryophyta | Equi_set_ophyta | Filicophyta | Thallobionta | equi_set_ophyta | Lycopodiophyta | Anthocerotophyta | Bryophyta | Marchantiophyta | Psilotophyta | Andreaeopsida | Bryopsida | Bryidae | Dicranidae | Diphysciidae | Funariidae | Polytrichopsida | Sphagnopsida | Takakiopsida | Jungermanniopsida | Jungermanniidae | Metzgeriidae | Marchantiopsida | Marchantiidae | Sphaerocarpidae | |