Molecular biology > botany
No. 1
  Branch of biology. Of plant morphology, physiology, ecology, distribution, occurrence, genetic, and evolution. Aimed at the development, use, alteration and protection of plant resources to provide more plants for human food, fiber, medicines, construction materials.
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No. 2
  Of plant morphology, physiology, ecology, distribution, occurrence, genetics, evolution, science. Early botany, morphology and classification of emphasis on observation and description. Modern botany from plant to community and individual levels were cellular and molecular level to explore the occurrence and development of plant life, the law, to facilitate the control and transformation of plants.
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No. 3
  Botany is the branch of biology. Of plant morphology, physiology, ecology, distribution, occurrence, genetic, and evolution. Aims to develop, use, transformation and protection of plant resources to provide more plants for human food, fiber, medicines, construction materials.
  All animals must rely on photosynthesis of green plants the ability to turn solar energy into chemical energy, and oxygen to sustain their lives. Plant human clothing, food, use, housing, sources of raw materials, directly or indirectly, is an important part of maintaining the ecological balance of the biosphere.
  They will be able to distinguish early humans come into contact with plants and give a name. With the development of science, people began to systematize the knowledge of plants, and recorded a botanist. After further noted that their structure, chemical composition, each part of the function and reproduction. And since human beings to understand the cultivation of plants, research also includes its vegetative growth and reproduction, and breeding of improved varieties and pest treatment.
  Botany of the 20th century, on the one hand to the micro, try to keep the plants in a variety of activities, materials, energy and information conversion restored to the cellular level, molecular level, even the electronic level, and create a "cell engineering", "genetic engineering" other methods in order to rapidly multiply and create new varieties of plants. On the other hand, especially since the 70s, and tend to macro study the "environmental protection" and "ecological engineering" and so on, and even extended to the composition of Earth's biosphere and its regulation of research. So today has been developed for the botanical including many branches of knowledge. Since the 70s and often referred to plant biology.
  A brief history of botany
  At least in the Paleolithic, humans in the acquisition of plant roots and seeds for the fruit to know when to eat certain plants. Greece, Egypt, Babylon, China, India and other ancient civilizations had knowledge of the plant accounts. Such as the Chinese "Book of Songs" has stressed that "more knowledge on the birds and animals in the name of grass."
  Aristotle of ancient Greece is considered student Theo Fu Lasi Figure founder of botany. He wrote in 300 BC "Plant History" or "Plants", which will be based in the Philosophy of plant classification, depicting its parts, habits and purposes. Rome, Pliny the Elder put all of the botanical knowledge was written in the 37's "Natural History" book, to open after the dark Middle Ages, "Encyclopedia of School," the first of its kind, but the fallacy of many.
  After having many of the plants of the writings. Such as the 1st century AD Greek physician Dior Scott Reed Adams in his book "On Drugs" in the accounts of 600 species of plants and their medicinal use of citations as the basis for future descriptions of medicinal plants. 15 ~ 16th century herbal medicine was the most valuable works of Germanic Bulong Fells, Italy Marty Oliver, Britain's Turner and other writings. About this period after the mid-Ming Li of China finished "Herbal Gang Day" at the same time. In conclusion to the 17th century almost all limited to the description of botany (including woodcuts) and qualitative medicinal plants.
  The early 17th century natural science from the "mechanical philosophy" as the dominant ideology into the "experimental science" stage. Botany mainly from the description to be more objective. A planned, systematic collection of information, observed phenomena, so that test under controlled conditions, and propose and test theories and doctrines. During this period physics, chemistry, development and application of new tools such as microscopes also played an important role.
  Basic principle of modern plant taxonomy in the 17th century British biologist Ray established, he flowering plants are divided into monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous further subdivided to include the date, also adopted many of the plant families. Ray insisted on the need to use all the features of the plant to determine their pro-sash and not only the characteristics of a single part. This is precisely the classification of natural and man-made classification of the difference between.
  Swedish botanist Linnaeus in 1753 published "Notes of plant species", established the binomial system. He reproductive traits (flowers) as an important basis of classification, he established 24 classes primarily based on the number of stamens on the flowers; the number of each style classes and then divided into projects. The simplicity makes the system easy to accept and thus promote the collection and investigation of plants, but because this method is ambiguous and harmful to the natural classification of botany. Such as the Linnaean system according to Lily and Berberis with a head, and sage and mint are points of similar home.
  Linnaeus's contribution also lies about 6,000 species of plants classified in the genus (the same arrangement used today), detailed description and collation of his prior knowledge of the species and the naming and description of botanists, and then double-word naming names . This law was immediately accepted by other botanists. Starting only from 1753, from a scholar to another scholar to follow a plant is rather easy and possible. Since then progress in parallel with the taxonomy of plant anatomy, plant physiology, plant embryology, etc. The study also developed.
  Since the advent of the 16th century, optical microscopy, and the Janssen brothers Swedish Youngs made of compound microscope in 1590, the 17th century there were species type microscope, by the Hook, Grew, Malpighi and created a plant anatomy.
  1670 ~ 1674, the British and Italian Malpighi Grew has been able to distinguish between xylem conduits and fiber pulp cells and the internal resin canals. British Hook that cell, his cell concept is a solid material surrounded by a space (small room). Since then, long before botanists understand these hive like a small room containing at least the baby is a life of substance. The first family of plant morphology plant is envisaged by the various components, including catheters, fiber, "capsule" composed of. Germans Schleiden and his companions zoologist Schwann cells in the theory was first proposed in 1839. Since then cytology as an independent discipline.
  Grew and Ray at the age of physiology began. Ray did sap movement, seed germination experiments, and other features. Then the early years, the Dutch black Charlemont willow planted by the famous barrels of proven skills test to obtain plant material from the water. 1742 Black Hills, wrote in the British plants recorded in static and pressure on the sap flow, transpiration, water loss and air exchange of gases and other aspects of 124 experiments, he is considered the founder of plant physiology.
  1774 Priestley pointed out that the British Artificial Plants release oxygen in the sun. These gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide) and the mutual relations of plants by the British en House (1779) and the French Ferdinand de Saussure (1804) elucidated. The latter will be the introduction of quantitative methods, and indicate as water and carbon dioxide is absorbed. Since then, the light on green plants absorb water and carbon dioxide by weight (in food) and photosynthesis was found.
  17th and 18th century, Boerhaave Cameron and Larry Julius, who observed that the sex of plants, pollen, and fertilization and other phenomena, such as promoting the development of plant embryology.
  To the mid-19th century all branches of botany has been basically formed. Darwin, Mendel's work more plants and genetic mechanisms of evolutionary concept of the foundation established.
  20th century, especially since the 50's, botany, there has been rapid development, mainly of plant physiology, biochemistry and genetics and other achievements, such as to clarify the mechanism of photosynthesis, phytochrome, the discovery of plant hormones, trace elements found Genetics and Breeding Technology, established by isotopic dating, and the separation of antibiotics, so that even more important in economic botany, as horticulture, agriculture and environmental science an important theoretical basis.
  The basic content of Botany
  Modern botanists to study the different levels and focus is divided into five main branches:
  Morphology is the study of plant morphology and structure of plants (from cells to organs at all levels) of the subjects, there are branches of plant cytology, anatomy (focus on the internal structure), histology (concerned with the nature of specific types of cells), plant embryos science.
  Plant Physiology is the study of plant parts or the overall functionality and behavior of discipline, which are closely related and plant biochemistry. The latter study plant life on the chemical composition and changes. Another important branch of plant biochemistry - plant chemicals - research chemicals plant secondary metabolism.
  Genetics is the study of plant germplasm and plant genetic variation and so the subject (and therefore the evolution of plant and linked to).
  Plant ecology is the study of the relationship between plants and their environment disciplines. Also in its broader definition, because to remove its own special methods, both involving Floristic also involves physiology. And its close contact with the plant geography (including in botany) study the relationship between plants and the Earth's surface and plant sociology (plant science) research communities.
  Plant taxonomy is the study of plant classification and naming of the subjects, their systems and evolution (including flora, research a specific area of ​​all plants, the species distribution, origin and development). These distinctions are not absolute, as to understand the function and behavior of plants, you must understand some knowledge of plant structure. Taxonomists to a theoretical spectrum of plant classification, he must also care about evolution. Cytological studies of plants in all plant cells, some of the morphological, physiological part, and some is genetics and so on.
  In addition, some special branch of the object, such as to study groups by different branches of science, such as algae. Algae as a very small and simple, like fungi, but a variety of pigments can be homemade food. They make up the majority of marine plankton in the future may be an important source of human food. Research lichen lichen symbiotic algae strains.
  Research moss plants smaller than most but more complex reproductive process bryophytes. The beginning of a larger study of ferns of vascular plants, in this group have club mosses, hor_set_ails and ferns, and study how they move to the flowering plants. Closely related with the application of the branch will have economic botany, of plants and their uses in all aspects.
  Anthropologists are of all nationalities interested in the use of plants in different ways. Paleobotany of extinct plants (another branch of paleontology), which is written in the rock inside the evolutionary history. Palynological study of ancient pollen, spores, micro-paleontology is also an important aspect. Of course, paleobotany and palynology is to study the evolution of plants and plant geography in particular the history of geography and flora of plants important means of learning.
  Other branches of biology
  Overview biology, botany, palynology, zoology, microbiology, cell biology, molecular biology, taxonomy, behavior, physiology, bacteriology, microbial physiology, microbial genetics, soil microbiology, cytology , cytochemistry, cytogenetics, immunology, embryology, eugenics, gnotobiotic biology, genetics, molecular genetics, ecology, bionics, biophysics, biomechanics, bio-energetics, bio-acoustics, biochemistry, bio-mathematics
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  Botany botany is a branch of biology. Is the study of plant morphology, taxonomy, physiology, ecology, distribution, occurrence, genetics, evolutionary science. Division has its main plant taxonomy, plant morphology, plant Netvibes, plant embryology, plant physiology, plant ecology, plant pathology, plant geography. Aims to develop, use, transformation and protection of plant resources to provide more plants for human food, fiber, medicines, construction materials.
  Branch of biology to plant for the study. Early human food, shelter, clothes, medicine, ornaments, tools and other supplies are all taken from the plants and even witchcraft. Green plants make food through photosynthesis, brought up all living things, and today the necessary human and many species of oxygen 3.5 billion years the whole system of plants produced through photosynthesis. Primitive man first collection of plants, grow plants and then later, after _set_tlers from the agricultural population of human civilization emerged. The accumulation of human knowledge of these activities would constitute the basis for today's plant science. Today, often called a disciple of Theophrastus Santos Aristotle (Theophrastus, 300BC) was the founder of botany. 1st century BC, the Greek Dios Coreys (Pedanius Dioscorides) is divided into aromatic plants, cooking and medicinal in Class 3. 1st century AD, Pliny the Elder's "Natural History," also recorded a lot of plant knowledge, but the fallacy of many. China's herb book appeared very early, but no direct contribution to Western Botany. Printing spread, Western herbs Chi (herbal) only at 15 ~ 16th century began to emerge. 16th century developed a compound microscope and optical lens, creating a new era. No longer the 17th century botanist emphasis on research herbs, Baoxin (Gaspard Bauhin) has put forward many new and effective concept. Hooker (Robert Hooke), Grew (Nehemiah Grew) and Malpighi (Marcello Malpighi), who created the work of plant anatomy. Hook creating "cell" is used. 18th century, experimental physiology preliminary evidence, plants absorb water in the sun and carbon dioxide, increased plant weight, and release oxygen. 1753 Linnaeus (Carolus Linnaeus) issued a "species records," a book to establish a dual-name system, and reproductive traits (flowers) used as a major category basis. The 19th century Darwin and Mendel (Gregor Johann Mendel) view of the work of laying the foundation for plant evolution. To more rapid progress in the 20th century botanists, including: clarification of the mechanism of photosynthesis; the discovery of phytochrome; the discovery of plant hormones; the role of trace elements; genetic breeding technology advances; the establishment of isotopic dating methods; before the cold Wu Ji rock-like algae and bacteria-like fossils; the separation of antibiotics.
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  Botany has the following four main areas: (1) Morphology of explants (from cells to organs at all levels) of the structure and shape. Branches are cytology, anatomy, histology, reproductive morphology, experimental morphology and so on. (2) The functions of plant physiology, and biochemistry and biophysics are closely related. (3) Ecology of biological and environmental interactions, and physiology are similar in some respects. (4) The systematic study of the identification and classification of plants. In addition, some special branches, such as bacteriology, mycology, phycology, moss botany, ferns botany, paleobotany, palynology, plant pathology, economic botany, ethnobotany and so on. In the form of research, the microscope and the corresponding production technology with a decisive role. Phase contrast microscope made it possible to observe the living tissue, and electron microscopy will be people into the field of AMD. Tissue culture method can be used to study plant morphogenesis. In the field of physiology, biochemistry and biophysical techniques a large number of applications, including ultra-centrifugation, electrophoresis, chromatography, radioisotope techniques, a variety of electronic instruments and various spectral MRS. X-ray diffraction is helpful to understand the structure of macromolecules. Ecology to study many physiological methods used in outdoor, which require the accurate measurement of a large number of environmental parameters, and may need help to process the data the computer. Community ecology, the use of statistical methods to measure the distribution and abundance of groups. Modern taxonomists have been able to plant in botanical gardens and greenhouse, environmental chamber using a controlled experimental methods to assist classification. Annals of plant specimens and the classification is still an important reference. Electron microscopy, cytology and genetics, plant taxonomy chemical methods to provide a new weapon. The emergence of computer technology also allows the number of classification can be achieved. Half of the 20th century also used molecular analysis to determine the genetic relationships between plants.
  Closely related with the number of scientific botany. Medicine and chemistry often drawn from the plant, while the agriculture, forestry, medicine and other applied sciences directly based on botany. Garden art has been valued by various civilizations. Agricultural products, compared with people's lives are essential. Historically, at least 300 species of plants have been used as food, about 100 species have been domesticated or was a lot of planting, but only about 200 kinds of production large enough to enter the international commercial market. Rice, wheat, corn, sugar cane, sugar beet, potato, sweet potato, soybean, broad bean, coconut and bananas are the 12 most important world food made by the original ethnic culture. Tea, coffee and wine are also a long history of drink. Plant fiber not only provides clothing materials, can also be used for making rope, paper and so on. Forestry has been a building material, fuel, fiber, an important source of chemical raw materials in the soil and water conservation, wildlife conservation, hunting animals and live fish, the provision of open spaces, it is also a big role. But also wasting a lot of forest resources. Even today, the value of these forests began to be taken seriously. There are important medicinal plant products, aromatic oil. Many countries now have a world of plant societies and botanical journals, botanical gardens are also common.
  All animals must rely on photosynthesis of green plants the ability to turn solar energy into chemical energy, and oxygen to sustain their lives. Plant human clothing, food, use, housing, sources of raw materials, directly or indirectly, is an important part of maintaining the ecological balance of the biosphere.
  They will be able to distinguish early humans come into contact with plants and give a name. With the development of science, people began to systematize the knowledge of plants, and recorded a botanist. After further noted that their structure, chemical composition, each part of the function and reproduction. And since human beings to understand the cultivation of plants, research also includes its vegetative growth and reproduction, and breeding of improved varieties and pest treatment.
  Botany of the 20th century, on the one hand to the micro, try to keep the plants in a variety of activities, materials, energy and information conversion restored to the cellular level, molecular level, even the electronic level, and create a "cell engineering", "genetic engineering" other methods in order to rapidly multiply and create new varieties of plants. On the other hand, especially since the 70s, and tend to macro study the "environmental protection" and "ecological engineering" and so on, and even extended to the composition of Earth's biosphere and its regulation of research. So today has been developed for the botanical including many branches of knowledge. Since the 70s and often referred to plant biology.
  A brief history of botany
  At least in the Paleolithic, humans in the acquisition of plant roots and seeds for the fruit to know when to eat certain plants. Greece, Egypt, Babylon, China, India and other ancient civilizations had knowledge of the plant accounts. Such as the Chinese "Book of Songs" has stressed that "more knowledge on the birds and animals in the name of grass."
  Aristotle of ancient Greece is considered student Theo Fu Lasi Figure founder of botany. He wrote in 300 BC "Plant History" or "Plants", which will be based in the Philosophy of plant classification, depicting its parts, habits and purposes. Rome, Pliny the Elder put all of the botanical knowledge was written in the 37's "Natural History" book, to open after the dark Middle Ages, "Encyclopedia of School," the first of its kind, but the fallacy of many.
  After having many of the plants of the writings. Such as the 1st century AD Greek physician Dior Scott Reed Adams in his book "On Drugs" in the accounts of 600 species of plants and their medicinal use of citations as the basis for future descriptions of medicinal plants. 15 ~ 16th century herbal medicine was the most valuable works of Germanic Bulong Fells, Italy Marty Oliver, Britain's Turner and other writings. About this period after the mid-Ming Li of China finished "Herbal Gang Day" at the same time. In conclusion to the 17th century almost all limited to the description of botany (including woodcuts) and qualitative medicinal plants.
  The early 17th century natural science from the "mechanical philosophy" as the dominant ideology into the "experimental science" stage. Botany mainly from the description to be more objective. A planned, systematic collection of information, observed phenomena, so that test under controlled conditions, and propose and test theories and doctrines. During this period physics, chemistry, development and application of new tools such as microscopes also played an important role.
  Basic principle of modern plant taxonomy in the 17th century British biologist Ray established, he flowering plants are divided into monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous further subdivided to include the date, also adopted many of the plant families. Ray insisted on the need to use all the features of the plant to determine their pro-sash and not only the characteristics of a single part. This is precisely the classification of natural and man-made classification of the difference between.
  Swedish botanist Linnaeus in 1753 published "Notes of plant species", established the binomial system. He reproductive traits (flowers) as an important basis of classification, he established 24 classes primarily based on the number of stamens on the flowers; the number of each style classes and then divided into projects. The simplicity makes the system easy to accept and thus promote the collection and investigation of plants, but because this method is ambiguous and harmful to the natural classification of botany. Such as the Linnaean system according to Lily and Berberis with a head, and sage and mint are points of similar home.
  Linnaeus's contribution also lies about 6,000 species of plants classified in the genus (the same arrangement used today), detailed description and collation of his prior knowledge of the species and the naming and description of botanists, and then double-word naming names . This law was immediately accepted by other botanists. Starting only from 1753, from a scholar to another scholar to follow a plant is rather easy and possible. Since then progress in parallel with the taxonomy of plant anatomy, plant physiology, plant embryology, etc. The study also developed.
  Since the advent of the 16th century, optical microscopy, and the Janssen brothers Swedish Youngs made of compound microscope in 1590, the 17th century there were species type microscope, by the Hook, Grew, Malpighi and created a plant anatomy.
  1670 ~ 1674, the British and Italian Malpighi Grew has been able to distinguish between xylem conduits and fiber pulp cells and the internal resin canals. British Hook that cell, his cell concept is a solid material surrounded by a space (small room). Since then, long before botanists understand these hive like a small room containing at least the baby is a life of substance. The first family of plant morphology plant is envisaged by the various components, including catheters, fiber, "capsule" composed of. Germans Schleiden and his companions zoologist Schwann cells in the theory was first proposed in 1839. Since then cytology as an independent discipline.
  Grew and Ray at the age of physiology began. Ray did sap movement, seed germination experiments, and other features. Then the early years, the Dutch black Charlemont willow planted by the famous barrels of proven skills test to obtain plant material from the water. 1742 Black Hills, wrote in the British plants recorded in static and pressure on the sap flow, transpiration, water loss and air exchange of gases and other aspects of 124 experiments, he is considered the founder of plant physiology.
  1774 Priestley pointed out that the British Artificial Plants release oxygen in the sun. These gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide) and the mutual relations of plants by the British en House (1779) and the French Ferdinand de Saussure (1804) elucidated. The latter will be the introduction of quantitative methods, and indicate as water and carbon dioxide is absorbed. Since then, the light on green plants absorb water and carbon dioxide by weight (in food) and photosynthesis was found.
  17th and 18th century, Boerhaave Cameron and Larry Julius, who observed that the sex of plants, pollen, and fertilization and other phenomena, such as promoting the development of plant embryology.
  To the mid-19th century all branches of botany has been basically formed. Darwin, Mendel's work more plants and genetic mechanisms of evolutionary concept of the foundation established.
  20th century, especially since the 50's, botany, there has been rapid development, mainly of plant physiology, biochemistry and genetics and other achievements, such as to clarify the mechanism of photosynthesis, phytochrome, the discovery of plant hormones, trace elements found Genetics and Breeding Technology, established by isotopic dating, and the separation of antibiotics, so that even more important in economic botany, as horticulture, agriculture and environmental science an important theoretical basis.
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  Modern botanists to study the different levels and focus is divided into five main branches:
  1. Plant Morphology is the study of plant morphology and structure (from cells to organs at all levels) of the subjects, there are branches of plant cytology, anatomy (focus on the internal structure), histology (concerned with the nature of specific types of cells), plant embryology and so on.
  2. Plant Physiology is the study of plant parts or the overall functionality and behavior of discipline, which are closely related and plant biochemistry. The latter study plant life on the chemical composition and changes. Another important branch of plant biochemistry - plant chemicals - research chemicals plant secondary metabolism.
  3. Plant Genetics is the study of plant germplasm and genetic variation and so the subject (and therefore the evolution of plant and linked to).
  4. Plant Ecology is the study of the relationship between plants and their environment disciplines. Also in its broader definition, because to remove its own special methods, both involving Floristic also involves physiology. And its close contact with the plant geography (including in botany) study the relationship between plants and the Earth's surface and plant sociology (plant science) research communities.
  5. Plant taxonomy is the study of plant classification and naming of the subjects, their systems and evolution (including flora, research a specific area of ​​all plants, the species distribution, origin and development). These distinctions are not absolute, as to understand the function and behavior of plants, you must understand some knowledge of plant structure. Taxonomists to a theoretical spectrum of plant classification, he must also care about evolution. Cytological studies of plants in all plant cells, some of the morphological, physiological part, and some is genetics and so on.
  In addition, some special branch of the object, such as to study groups by different branches of science, such as algae. Algae as a very small and simple, like fungi, but a variety of pigments can be homemade food. They make up the majority of marine plankton in the future may be an important source of human food. Research lichen lichen symbiotic algae strains.
  Research moss plants smaller than most but more complex reproductive process bryophytes. The beginning of a larger study of ferns of vascular plants, in this group have club mosses, hor_set_ails and ferns, and study how they move to the flowering plants. Closely related with the application of the branch will have economic botany, of plants and their uses in all aspects.
  Anthropologists are of all nationalities interested in the use of plants in different ways. Paleobotany of extinct plants (another branch of paleontology), they are written on the inside of the evolutionary history of rock. Palynological study of ancient pollen, spores, micro-paleontology is also an important aspect. Of course, paleobotany and palynology is to study the evolution of plants and plant geography in particular the history of geography and flora of plants important means of learning.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  botany
vegetation, the plant kingdom
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