firearms > guns
English Expression
  1. n.:  guns,  firearm
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Wikipedia DaquanSnipe musketcirculationmacroeconomic
doodleautomatic rifleenginerynational defense
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Classification details
wattget stuckvisibly
militaryautomatic rifleaction accuracy
Russiandoodle Machine gunland none opponent
Big mouth path bullethand bulletstep bullet
Full automaticWa'erte CompanyMachine Pistol
Mihayi'erJingzhun musketgunpoint kinetic energy
Big mouth path Machine gunshotgun cartridgePercussion gun
bodymusketYue Fei (1103-1141), hero of the Song Dynasty
revolver or rifle that can be fired many times without being reloadedgaitjames
credibilityCondor HeroesHeavy Machine Gun
the "Annals of the Song dynasty" (one of the "Twenty-Four Books of History")Jixiao the list of new publicationsQi Ji-guang, general of the Ming Dynasty credited with repelling the invasion of
Wei Senblunderbussclose combat
military scienceFulminatebulldog
bulletactive serviceMuzzle Velocity
jacketrebellionYang Gun
Gun bundle raymaximum rangeFice Broken door gun
combat firing rateoptical sighting devicenight vision device
VSOPCourvoisier VSOP, FranceAAT (Arme Automatique Transformable)abstract firing rate
Optical ScopeGaoshe Machine gunNon- lethal weapons
sardinia kingdomassault rifleMachinery aimer
body armorHammermidst Route
BeltPolishbeautiful country detach
barrelDrum magazineeugene
atresia InstitutionYoungster science pictorialstack
automation ironSpecial type battlesmall-bore rifle
use...simultaneouslyNon- automatic riflereplacement
descriptorWeapon Bureaupear a short spear used in ancient times
Seed islandceremonial paradesbolt
light machine gunsingularise environmentTwist Rate
"History of the (Later) Five Dynasties"--with two versions, newand old, bothhackbutSimon Lo Fu Semi-Automatic Carbine
a semiautomatic riflenuts and boltsCentral type brisance bullet
Automatic pistolcharge irona batch production
Telescope ceremony sighting telescopemagnificationMirror ceremony sighting telescope
British troopsspecial type armair Machine gun
brief musketdiscount on the cheapChina tomorrow
serving two purposes (said of an instrument, a gadget, etc.) Machine gunsuddenly RunningLeimingdun Company
ceremony Snipe musketcompartmentalization planFirearm architect
ShotgunKaraoke Shenni Cobhsporting rifle
y planbounceCompletely annihilated
to gain an advantage over something through his in attentionvagaryniter
Yang Kangemerge as the times require; arise at the historic momentcap
accordionin onespecial
gunstockRuzaiskill in wielding the 18 kinds of weapons
firing ratehigh laddereffective range
chlorate of potashpelletholster
still effectUniverse Gunshoot [hit] straight
harp on the same stringBeijingers are very good at talking and have been the nicknamed big talkers.Single Shot
lethal radiusfiring pinpercussion
endless sameHu Shi Shiroof
Gun YingBoltbackfill
chief officerbuckleautomation Firearm
Fire point of force (on a lever)blowbackbow and arrow
short armto crown allCheung Bing
Ignite accomplish transmitThen Percussion gunto show a sample
prick predominatinglyZaqiangyouyouType species mark musket
at Chao BuGook atat Jiajing
Britain and France perishat basicallyat transmit speed
Derivation ZuiguYuanjingyongbuzhiYushang rough
The remainder of one's life Village Villagedextrorotation Rifle Lines
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