enginery : Machinery electromechanical > Machinery
Author: Liu Ya
No. 2
  ① The mechanics consisting of a variety of devices. Levers, pulleys, machines, and guns are all mechanical. ② analogy method stickle rigid, no change; not the dialectical methods of work too ~.
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jī xiè
  Use of mechanical devices principles of composition
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No. 4
  Analogy stick to conventions, rigid and not flexible
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No. 5
  Use of mechanical devices such as the various principles of composition. All kinds of machines, lever, machine guns fliers. "Zhuangzi World": "I have heard of the Wu Shi, mechanical choosing the organic matter." Jin Lu "death of debate" under: "Xi Shu beginning of the fall, courtier different plan, or for the stone to its current risk , or for machinery to Royal the change. "Song Su" Su Chi Lin tube well water Bei Law ":" Where the tube wells are mechanical, profits, people no I do not know. "Yang Shuo" forward, steel army ":" They are workers and peasants, soldiers came once won the machinery from the enemy, can be mastered skillfully. "
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No. 6
  Qiao fraud; adroit. "Book of the original Road Training": "Therefore, mechanical heart, hidden in the chest, the white is not pure, divine moral failure." GAO Note: "Machinery, clever fraud also." Shao Yong Song "Tornado Yin," one of the: "On a peaceful human injustice, popular level Department is without dispute. Qi in the machinery do not want to see the piano in language hi listen." "History of the Ming Yang Xun Biography": "and the mechanical independence of deep, friends evil on the people, for future disaster , more unspeakable person. "Qing Ji Yun" Notes of Summer recorded a Luan Yang ":" However, whoever harms others self-interest, all kinds of machinery, because it is born, all the injustice fault, because it is built to. "
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No. 7
  Shackles of bondage. Jin Cai Song in "teaming Gengshen leap month is also self-Ying Drinking Alone by Moonlight on the Moon" poem: "Since to dust, the Dimei by machinery." Qing Li Yu "Jade Saotou be wrong": "before fleeing from the horror, but also unreasonably neglected tolerance case of evil. will Huan door innocent skirts hairpin, as escape Qin Fan Shi machinery. "
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No. 8
  Rigid, not flexible. Zhang Tianyi, "Spring," 2: "She Guoxing machinery that stood up." Hong Shen "movie theater writers approach" Chapter 1: "However, 'all the drama is education,' This sentence can not be understood too mechanical a . "Yang Shuo" Kapok ":" they are still mechanical in the post shelf hang a red flag. "
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Machinery - Introduction
  Machinery [jīxiè]
  1. [Machine; machinery]: use of the device mechanics constitute
  2. [Mechanical; rigidly; inflexibly]: analogy stick conventions, stereotypes and do not know to
  1. Machinery is a combination of objects, assuming the force added to the deformation of its parts is difficult.
  2. These objects have with each other, the single, the provisions of the movement.
  3. To put the energy into the most useful form, or into effective mechanical work.
  The concept of mechanical
  Chinese Concept
  "Mechanical" words from "machine" and "mechanical" components of two characters. "Machine" - originally referred to the local key parts; "armed" - the original in ancient China refers to a whole device or apparatus. The two words together to form the "mechanical" word, they constitute a general mechanical concept.
  "Mechanical" in ancient China refers to the equipment, utensils and other in-kind. "Zhuangzi World" contains "a mechanical here, hundred Baptist day patch, and see the work force more than a very few", the "armed" in this for the general equipment or apparatus; "Mozi Public input": "public input as to Chu made the mechanical ladder "in this refers to the weapon;" Han Qian Biography "contains:" Huaiyin (Han), the king, by the armed Chen "in the" mechanical "means the instruments of torture.
  Western concept
  In general, the mechanical difficulty of the work is help people to reduce the labor-saving tools or devices, such as chopsticks, broom and tweezers, a class of objects can be called the machinery, they are simple machines. And complicated machinery is composed of two or more kinds of simple machines pose. We usually call these relatively complex mechanical machines (the next volume of the fifth grade science textbook.)
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Mechanical characteristics
  Mechanical component is a combination of man-made kind.
  Between the various parts of machinery to determine the relative motion.
  Machine has the characteristics of institutions, but also must have the third characteristic that can replace human labor to complete the conversion of useful mechanical power or mechanical energy, so the machine can complete the conversion of useful mechanical energy or mechanical work of institutions. Structure and motion from the point of view, there is no difference between body and machine pan as machinery.
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Machinery - the definition of mechanical
  Institutions and the definition of the machine from mechanical engineering, is the most basic principles of modern mechanical concept of the modern Chinese concept of multi-machine from the Japanese of the "mechanical" in the Japanese concept of mechanical engineering to make the following mechanical definition ( that meet the following three features as mechanical machine):
  Is a combination of mechanical objects, assumes power added to the deformation of its parts is difficult.
  These objects have with each other, the single, the provisions of the movement. To exert the most energy into useful form, or into effective mechanical work.
  Has determined the movement of all machine systems and institutions in general. Such as tractors and other machines; rigid; not flexible.
  Mechanical Engineering is to science and technology-related natural science theory, combined with the production of technical experience gained in practice, research and resolve design, manufacture, installation, use and repair of various mechanical problems in a theoretical and practical an applied discipline.
  The development of various engineering fields require mechanical engineering corresponding development of mechanical engineering are required to provide the necessary machinery. Some mechanical invention and improvement projects will lead to new technologies and the emergence of new industry and development. For example, successful large-scale manufacture of power machinery, led to the establishment of the power system; locomotive railway engineering and invention led to the rise of the railway undertakings; internal combustion engines, gas turbines, rocket engines and other inventions and progress, and aircraft and spacecraft led to the successful development of aviation, the rise of the aerospace industry; the development of high-voltage equipment, new synthetic chemistry led to a number of successful projects and so on.
  Mechanical Engineering is to continuously improve all aspects of the demand for access to development under the pressure of power, and from all disciplines and at the same time technological advances in improved and innovation.
  1 The usual explanation:
  Machine is a simple device, capable of energy, power passed from one place to another. It can change an object's shape and structure to create a new object. In life around us there are countless different types of machinery in the work for us.
  Machinery, mechanical devices everyday understanding, that is, all kinds of machinery and equipment.
  2. Explained the importance of:
  From a professional point of view, machinery: mechanical basis of a very important position.
  Machinery of modern society the five elements of production and services (that is, people, capital, energy, materials and mechanical) one.
  When Marx said that the industrial society, that industrial society, especially the large industrial society, that is, the era of the machine by machine production.
  In terms of life in contact with various physical devices such as lights, etc., telephone TV fridge elevator component contains the machine, or being included in the general machinery, and from the production point of view, a variety of machine tools, automation equipment , aircraft, ships, Shenzhou, Shenzhou VI, etc., are not lack machinery.
  Not to mention chemical plants, power plants and so on.
  So, no exaggeration to say that machinery is one of the foundations of modern society. If someone would say that agriculture is based, is understandable, but in modern society, mechanical and engineering as the basis for the entire industry, it is no exaggeration to think it is a big social pillar.
  Any modern industry and the need of mechanical engineering, is the people's daily lives, more and more the application of machinery, such as cars, bicycles, watches, cameras, washing machines, refrigerators, air conditioners, vacuum cleaners, and so on.
  3, the English interpretation: machine machine tool mechanical cad / cam / cae / capp / cims
  4, the related terms:
  Mechanical industrial machinery sector machinery manufacturing machine tools and automation mechanical design optimization design methods of modern
  Mechanical design mechanical design reverse engineering finite element analysis
  5, Mechanical Design Manual: Chinese Mechanical Design ceremony of China Society of Mechanical Engineers Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
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Mechanical - the contents of Mechanical Engineering
  Mechanical engineering services for a large multi-faceted, any use of machinery, tools, as well as the production of energy and materials sectors, need mechanical engineering services. In summary, the modern mechanical engineering has five service areas: the development and delivery of energy conversion machinery, to provide for the development and production of various products, machinery, engaged in the development and provision of mechanical services, development and delivery of the application of family and personal life machinery, research and provide a variety of mechanical arms.
  Regardless of what service in the field of mechanical engineering is basically the same content of the work, are:
  Establishment and development of the engineering mechanical engineering theory. For example, the study of force and motion engineering mechanics and fluid mechanics; study the performance of metal and nonmetal materials, and application of engineering materials science; of energy generation, transmission and conversion of thermodynamics; of various mechanical components have independent functions The working principle, structure, design and calculation of the mechanical principles and the mechanical parts science; of metal and nonmetal metal forming and machining technology and non-metallic technology and so on.
  Research, design and develop new mechanical products, and continuously improve existing products and new generation of mechanical machinery products, to meet current and future needs.
  The production of mechanical products, including: the planning and implementation of production facilities; production plan development and production scheduling; the preparation and implementation of manufacturing processes; design and manufacture tools, dies; to determine the fixed quotas of work and materials; tissue processing, assembling, testing and packaging shipping; for effective control of product quality.
  Machinery manufacturing enterprise operations and management. Machinery is generally formed by a number of their own unique, precision components processing complex assembled products. Production quantities are single and small batch, but also in the batch, a large number, until the mass production. Sales targets across all industries and individuals, families. Sales in the socio-economic conditions and under the influence of large fluctuations may occur. Therefore, the mechanical manufacturing enterprise management and operation of particularly complex, enterprise production management, planning and management and other studies have mostly originated from mechanical industry.
  The application of mechanical products in this area including the _select_ion, ordering, inspection, installation, adjustment, operation, maintenance, repair and transform the industry, used machinery and complete _set_s of machinery equipment, mechanical products to ensure long-term use of the reliability and economy.
  Of mechanical products in the manufacturing process, especially in the use of the environmental pollution, and excessive consumption of natural resources issues, and treatment measures. Modern mechanical engineering is a particularly important task, and its increasing importance.
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Mechanical - Mechanical engineering classification
  A wide range of machinery, can be divided into several different aspects of the various categories, such as: according to the functions can be divided into power machinery, material handling machinery, grinding machinery; by the service industry can be divided into agricultural machinery, mining machinery, textile machinery, etc. ; press works can be divided into thermal mechanical, fluid machinery, bionic machinery, hydraulic Yingcai online now face a lot of mechanical hydraulic engineer all came good.
  In addition, the machinery in its research, development, design, manufacture, use and other processes to go through several different stages in the nature of work. According to the different stages of mechanical engineering can be classified as interface between each other and with several branches of the system, such as mechanical research, mechanical design, machinery manufacturing, machinery use and maintenance.
  Analysis of this complex relationship, of a branch of mechanical engineering systems most reasonable, have some knowledge of meaning, but not much practical value.
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The meaning of mechanical and electrical integration
  1, the Japanese business community in the first proposed around 1970, "mechatronics," the concept, when they were named "Mechatronics", namely, the combined application of mechanical technology and electronic technology in one. With the rapid development of computer technology and extensive application of mechatronics to obtain an unprecedented development, the overall down into a number of interrelated into an integrated computer and information technology, automatic control technology, sensor detection, servo drive technology and machinery cross-system technology, technology, electromechanical integration technologies are currently being (Opto-mechatronics) (Opto-mechatronics) (Opto-mechatronics) direction, more extensive range of applications.
  Mechatronics specifically include the following:
  (1) Mechanical Technology Mechanical Technology is the basis of mechatronics, mechanical technology focus is on how to adapt to mechanical and electrical integration technologies, the use of other high and new technology to update the concept, implementation, structure, materials, performance changes to meet the reduced weight, smaller size, higher precision, improved rigidity and improved performance requirements. Mechatronic systems in the manufacturing process, the classical theory and technology should be by means of mechanical computer-aided technology, while one of information exchange, access, operation, judging and decision making, artificial intelligence, expert system, neural networks belong to the computer information processing technology.
  (3) System Technology
  System technology that is the whole concept of application of relevant technology organizations, from the start, the whole broken down into a number of interrelated functional unit, the interface technology is an important aspect of system technology, it is the realization of the system to ensure that all parts of the organic connection.
  (4) Automatic control technology
  Its scope is broad, under the guidance of the control theory, system design, system simulation after design, site commissioning, control technology, including such high-precision positioning control, speed control, adaptive control, self-diagnostic calibration, compensation, representation and retrieval .
  (5) sensing technique
  Sensing technique is a system of receptors is to achieve automatic control, automatic adjustment of the key links. Its function is stronger, the higher the system's automated process. Engineering requirements of modern sensors can quickly and accurately access information and able to withstand the harsh environment of the test, it is the mechanical and electrical integration systems to achieve a high level of assurance.
  (6) servo drive technology, including electric, pneumatic, hydraulic and other types of transmission, servo system is the conversion of electrical signals into mechanical motion devices and components, the dynamic performance of the system, control the quality and functionality have a decisive impact.
  2 Mechatronics
  (1) training objectives:
  The professional training moral, intellectual, physical, United States, workers have the comprehensive development of mechanical, electronic, liquid (gas) pressure of the basic theory of integration technology, electromechanical integration equipment to master the operation, maintenance, commissioning and maintenance, mechanical and electrical integration of control applications processing equipment and processing technology design control requirements of the system to provide the basic method of mechanical systems-level engineering and technical personnel, mechanical and electrical integration of the students to do the industry or with a lot of hydraulic, mechanical and electrical hydraulic network of excellence to remind you a lot of friends to the development of industry exchanges spirit.
  (2) Main Courses:
  Electrical technology, electronics technology, mechanical design basis, machining machine tools, machining, etc.) are all included in one of the.
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Composed of mechatronic systems
  1. Mechanical body mechanical body, including racks, mechanical connection, such as mechanical drive, which is the basis of mechanical and electrical integration, play a support system of other functional units, the role of motion and power transmission. Compared with the purely mechanical products, electrical and mechanical integration of the technical performance of the system is improved, functionality is enhanced, which requires mechanical body in the mechanical structure, materials, processing technology and other aspects of geometry can be corresponding with high efficiency, versatile, reliable and energy-saving, small, lightweight and beautiful features.
  2. Jiance sensing part Jiance sensing part includes a variety of sensors and signal detection circuit, and its role is to detect the process of mechatronic systems work in itself and the external environment changes in the amount of the relevant parameters and information to the electronic control unit, Dianzi According to the control unit checks the information given to the corresponding control actuators.
  3. Electronic control unit and rhythm, also known as electronic control unit to issue appropriate instructions, control the entire system destination.
  4. The role of actuators actuators are based on order-driven electronic control unit movement of mechanical parts. Actuators are moving parts, usually electric, pneumatic and hydraulic drives and other drives in several ways.
  5. Power source power source is the energy supply part of the mechatronic product, its role is in accordance with the requirements of the system control to provide energy to the mechanical system and power to make the system work properly. Way to provide energy, including electricity, gas, energy and hydraulic energy to electrical energy based.
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Mechanical - Mechanical Engineering Development
  Humans as "modern" logo is to create tools. Variety of the Stone Age axes, stone hammers and wood, leather tool is a simple rough pioneer subsequently the machinery. Evolution of simple tools from manufacturing to manufacturing by a number of parts, components of modern machinery, experienced a long process.
  Thousands of years ago, mankind has created for grain shelling and grinding and crushing of the mortar used to provide water, Jie Gao and pulley, the car wheels, navigation in the river and paddle boats, oars, rudder and so on. Power used, from people's own strength, to the use of animal power development, hydro and wind. The materials from natural stone, wood, earth, leather, the development of synthetic materials. The earliest man-made materials are ceramics, pottery ceramics manufacturing cars is a power, transmission and work of three parts of the complete machinery.
  Mankind from the Stone Age into the Bronze Age to the Iron Age and then again to blow the fire blower Wang played an important role in the development. The blower is strong enough, to make metallurgical furnace to obtain a high enough temperature to get the metal from ore smelting. In China, 900 years before 1000 BC have been smelting with the blower, and gradually developed from human to animal power and water blast blast.
  15 to 16 centuries ago, the slow development of mechanical engineering. However, in the millennia of practice, in the mechanical development or accumulated considerable experience and technical knowledge, became the major potential for the development of mechanical engineering. After the 17th century, capitalism in Britain, France and Western Europe appear, commodity production became the central issue of society.
  The late 18th century, the application of steam from the mining industry to promote the textile, flour, and metallurgical industries. The main material production machinery to switch gradually from the timber is more tough, but it is difficult with the manual processing of metals. Machinery manufacturing industry began to take shape, and in the decades become an important industry.
  Mechanical engineering by the growing practice, from dispersion, rely mainly on their individual talents and skills craftsmen of a technique, has gradually developed into a theoretical guidance, systematic and independent engineering. Mechanical Engineering is to achieve 18 to the 19th century industrial revolution, and the machinery of capitalism the main technical factors mass production.
  Power is an important factor in the development of production. The late 17th century, with the improvement and development of machinery, coal and metal ores with the requirements of the annual increase, people are not relying on the production of human and animal power to a new stage.
  In the UK, textiles, milling and other industries will be more and more factories in the river, using water wheels to drive the working machinery. But the then coal, tin, copper and other mines in the ground, still a large number of animal can only be used to enhance and excluded. In this production needs, the 18th century there Newcomen's atmospheric steam engine to drive the mine drainage pump. But the steam engine's fuel consumption rate is high, basically only used in coal mines.
  1765, Watt invented the separate condenser steam engine, reducing fuel consumption. 1781 Watt has created a steam engine to provide rotary power to expand the scope of application of the steam engine. The invention and development of the steam engine, the mining and industrial production, rail and shipping are to be of mechanical power. 19th century steam engine is almost the only source of power, but the steam engine and boiler, condenser, cooling water systems, bulky, heavy, application is very convenient.
  19th century, the power supply system and the motor of development and promotion. Early 20th century, the motor has been replaced by the steam engine of industrial production as the fundamental driving force of various working machines. Production mechanization has been inseparable from the electrification, and electric production through the mechanization of fishes play a role.
  Early application of steam power station as the driving force. The early 20th century, there has been high efficiency, high speed, high-power turbine, also appeared to adapt to the turbine water resources, promoting the rapid development of power supply system.
  The late 19th century after the invention of the internal combustion engine to improve year by year, becoming light and small, high efficiency, easy manipulation, and are free to start the prime mover. It was first used to drive the work on land without power, machinery, and later for the automotive, mobile machinery and ships, since the mid-20th century for railway locomotives. Steam turbines and internal combustion engine in the exclusion, has no longer a significant power machinery. After the invention of combustion engines and gas turbine, jet engine development, the aircraft, spacecraft and other technical factors based on the successful development of one.
  Before the industrial revolution, machinery, mostly wooden structure, made from the wood by hand. Metals (mainly copper, iron) to produce only instruments, locks, clocks, pumps and a small wooden structure on the mechanical parts. Mainly by the metal processing machine maker Seiko secret agents, to achieve the required accuracy. The promotion of steam power plant, and the concomitant emergence of mining, metallurgy, ship, locomotive and other large machinery development requires forming and machining metal parts, and more and large, the required accuracy has become increasingly high. Application of metal materials from copper, iron, developed into a steel-based.
  Mechanical processing, including forging, forging, sheet metal, welding, heat treatment technology and equipment, and cutting technology and machine tools, cutting tools, measuring tools, rapid development, the development of various industries to ensure production of machinery and equipment supply.
  Social and economic development, the surge in demand for mechanical products. The increase of production volume and precision processing technology advances, production methods promote the formation of a large number, such as the production of parts interchangeability, specialization and cooperation, water processing line and the moving assembly line and so on.
  Simple interchangeability of parts and specialized division of labor production, had already appeared in ancient times. In mechanical engineering, first embodied in the Motz help interchangeability 1797 lathe thread created by the bolts and nuts produced. The same period, the United States Whitney engineers produce guns with interchangeable production methods, showing the feasibility and advantages of interchangeability. This method of production in the United States gradually extended to form a so-called "American production methods."
  Early 20th century, Ford created the automobile manufacturing and assembly lines. Mass production technology with Taylor in the 19th century founder of scientific management methods, so that mass production of cars and other mechanical efficiency of the production will soon reach the previously unimaginable heights.
  Of the 20th century, the late, mechanical processing of the main features are: increasing the processing speed and accuracy of machine tools to reduce reliance on manual skills; improve the forming process, machining and assembly of the mechanization and automation; use of CNC machine tools, machining centers, of group technology, the development of flexible manufacturing system that allows small and medium-volume, multi-variety production of production efficiency to nearly the level of mass production; research and improvement is difficult to process the new metal and nonmetal materials, forming and machining technology.
  18th century, mechanical craftsmen matter of experience, intuition and craft of mechanical production, almost no contact with science. To 18 to the 19th century, in the emerging capitalist economy under the facilitation of people began to grasp the attention of scientific knowledge production, and direct the production of craftsmen are starting to learn science and culture, communication between them and made great inspiration to each other results. In the process, gradually formed a _set_ of basic theory surrounding the mechanical engineering.
  Power machinery first and then the combination of advanced science. Savery steam engine inventor, Watts, the application of theoretical physicists Papin and Blake; the basis of practice in the steam engine, physicists Kano, blue gold and Kelvin establish a new science - thermodynamics. Theoretical basis of the internal combustion engine Rosa France founded in 1862; Application 1876 Otto Rosa's theory, a radical improvement of the crudeness of his original creation of heavy, noisy, low thermal efficiency of internal combustion engine and laid the position. Others such as steam turbines, turbine and so in theory be developed under the guidance of, and practice theory has been improved and enhanced.
  Back in BC, China has the car in the guide application of complex gear system being applied in the censer can remain in the horizontal position of the aircraft and other mechanical turnstiles. Ancient Greece has cylindrical gears, bevel gear and worm records. However, the instantaneous gear ratio on the relationship with the tooth profile curve, and the choice of parties have until the 17th century theoretical explanation.
  Hand and pedal the crank body is a pioneer in the ancient civilization has a long history, but in the form of crank, the exact movement and dynamic analysis and synthesis, it is the achievements of modern science institutions. Of mechanism as a special subject, as late as the early 19th century was the first time included in the Higher Institute (Paris Institute of Technology) course. Through theoretical study, one can only accurately analyze various agencies, including the complex spatial linkage movement, and thus can be integrated according to need new institutions.
  Mechanical engineering mechanical work object is dynamic, and its work will change a lot. This change is sometimes random and unpredictable; the practical application of the material is not entirely uniform, there may be various defects; processing accuracy is the deviation, and so on.
  And the static structure of civil engineering for the object compared to the problems in mechanical engineering theory more difficult to accurately resolve. Therefore, the early use of simple mechanical engineering is only theoretical concepts, practical experience to work with. Design calculations and more to rely on empirical formula; To ensure safety, all conservative, which results in a large heavy machinery, high cost, low productivity, energy consumption greatly.
  From the 18th century, continue to the birth of new theory and the development of mathematical methods to make design calculations to continuously improve the accuracy. The 20th century, the emergence of various experimental stress analysis, experimental methods that people have been able to measure the various parts on the model and the kind of stress.
  Half of the 20th century, the finite element method and the extensive use of computer makes the complex machinery and parts, components for power, torque, stress analysis and calculation of such a possibility. Sufficient for the control or experimental information on the practice of mechanical or its components, has been the use of statistical techniques can, in accordance with the requirements of reliability and scientifically mechanical design.
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Mechanical - Mechanical Engineering Development Outlook
  Mechanical engineering to increase production and improve labor productivity, improve the economics of production as the goal to research and develop new mechanical products. In the next era, new product development will reduce resource consumption, the development of clean renewable energy, governance, and reduce and eventually eliminate the environmental pollution as a super-economic objectives and tasks.
  Machinery can be done with both hands and eyes of people, as well as feet, ears, and can not be directly done directly to complete the work, and completed faster and better. Modern mechanical engineering to create a more sophisticated and increasingly complex machinery and mechanical devices, so that in the past many of the fantasy become a reality.
  Upstream of the human is now able to sky and the universe, dive the deep ocean, far glimpse of billions of light years, close to the police cells and molecules. New computer hardware and software that humans began to strengthen scientific and technological parts of the brain instead of means, this is artificial intelligence. This new development has shown an enormous impact, in future years it will continue to create a miracle that people can not imagine.
  Does not reduce the growth of human wisdom the role of hands, the contrary is asking for more hands, more sophisticated, more complex work, and thus more to promote hand function. Hand turn, promote the practice of the wisdom of the human brain. The whole of human evolution, and in each person's growth process, the brain and the hands are parallel to each other for the promotion and evolution.
  Artificial Intelligence and the relationship between mechanical engineering is similar to the relationship between brain and hand, the difference only lies in the hardware also need to use artificial intelligence machinery out. In the past, people can not do without the operation of machinery and control the reaction speed and accurate operation by the slow evolution of the human brain and nervous system restrictions, artificial intelligence will remove this restriction. Between computer science and mechanical engineering to promote each other, parallel to the forward, will mechanical engineering at a higher level to start a new round of great development.
  The 19th century, mechanical engineering is still very limited amount of knowledge, universities in Europe and civil engineering in general also integrated it into a discipline, known as civil engineering, half of the 19th century gradually became an independent discipline. The 20th century, with the mechanical engineering technology development and knowledge of the total growth in mechanical engineering began to break down, has been found in specialized branches. The decomposition of the trend in the mid 20th century, that is, the period before and after the Second World War reached a peak.
  Integrated - Professional division - and then integrated recycling of knowledge development is reasonable and necessary process. Experts of different professions all have excellent professional knowledge, but also has enough knowledge to a comprehensive understanding of the problems in other disciplines to understand the overall appearance and engineering, work with each other to form a powerful collective.
  Is more comprehensive and professional level. In mechanical engineering within a comprehensive and professional conflicts; in comprehensive engineering technology also has a comprehensive and professional issues. In all human knowledge, including social sciences, natural sciences and engineering, there is a higher level, integrated with a broader professional issues.
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Mechanical Maintenance
  To this end, in order to make the technical maintenance of construction machinery to actually carry out, must do the following several aspects:
  (1) leadership and staff reached a consensus to overcome the "repair on behalf of the support" the idea, the technical maintenance of the column were an important part of maintenance management, technical maintenance will be institutionalized, and the establishment of appropriate monitoring mechanisms.
  (2) to strengthen maintenance and operations staff training to ensure the maintenance operation can press the "order" to
  In general, mechanical engineering certificates should be the driver, but the poor quality of many of the basic drivers, low level of education, there is no rigorous formal training, the construction of machinery and equipment, principles, performance and work coordination and little is known about how to improve efficiency, and technical maintenance by the main contents of the driver to complete, and therefore must formulate a series of training programs for maintenance managers, maintenance personnel, especially pilots conducted a systematic training to ensure that the operational and technical maintenance can be carried out according to procedures.
  (3) standardization of technical maintenance of the project content, the form of, good maintenance records and archives
  Maintenance of machinery and equipment specification is the technical requirements for maintenance of mechanical technology requirements. Any construction equipment in the factory when the device has been proposed routine maintenance and regular maintenance of the specific content and requirements. But people in the maintenance work, often only be qualitative and maintenance, but not exactly the content and requirements of maintenance projects to quantify maintenance. Even with no corresponding maintenance of records. Therefore, we must maintain machinery and equipment according to different project content and requirements, preparation of the corresponding technical maintenance in order to carry out maintenance forms and make a record, should establish the appropriate device file, for future maintenance and to determine mechanical condition and maintenance to provide reliable basis.
  (4) installed for maintenance, testing and maintenance of the equipment needed tools, try to improve the various facilities on site
  Many construction machinery (especially into the Japanese machinery) has detected in different parts of the point, need to use the appropriate monitoring equipment to be monitored, and in the maintenance of mechanical equipment, process technology, also need the appropriate tools and special tools used must be the complete package of tools and make a record. At the same time should be based on different environmental conditions of each site, _set_ting the table the necessary maintenance and repairs, car groove, workshops and other facilities to ensure a variety of mechanical testing and maintenance of technology can be smoothly conducted, and depending on the process of testing and maintenance of the understanding of the situation, prevention measures and make the necessary repairs, ensure that the technical state of equipment in good condition.
  (5) full use of funds to implement "zero inventory" management, the use of inexpensive high-quality spare parts, spare parts to be installed to prevent the use of unqualified
  Maintenance work in the required amount of many parts, capital consumption is also a lot of shortage of funds and therefore, they should make full use of limited funds, according to the project progress and status of machinery and equipment technology, flexible use of spare parts the "zero inventory" management method. On the vulnerable and easy to consume a small amount of funds used parts and spare parts inventory appropriate and reasonable, on time warehouse inventory, spare parts for maintenance at all levels in statistical work, to ensure that some of the necessary maintenance and use of funds more spare parts, do not delay maintenance work carried out smoothly. Meanwhile, in the purchase of spare parts, you must understand its origin, manufacturer, model, specifications and performance and other important indicators, especially some parts difficult to detect, it should to the appropriate franchised dealer or the dealer at purchase, to prevent use of unqualified parts are installed. Of course, in the purchase should shop around, inexpensive _select_ion of quality spare parts, parts for domestic and imported parts for serious comparisons between, get the best price performance ratio, to ensure that the machinery and equipment and reliable power and prolong its life, to prevent accidents.
  (6) taking the time and coordination between various departments, a reasonable allocation of staff to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff, so that penalties and rewards
  According to the characteristics of various types of construction and climate change, to take full advantage of the rainy season or the time down Daigong circumstances, combined with the machine maintenance period, reasonable arrangements for machinery maintenance. At the same time, coordinate the supply of spare parts sector, construction sector and other related sector, and organizational maintenance staff and drivers to participate in maintenance, a clear mandate to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of individuals. Love machine to carry out a wide range of activities, ground maintenance, safeguard, and technical precision, high efficiency of the employees to provide financial, moral encouragement or material reward; and the result of laziness, negligence, damage caused by machinery and equipment, then be given severe punishment so learn from it.
  As long as we can to the technical maintenance of construction machinery and equipment to do maintenance work, you can make the machine always in good technical condition, give full play to the performance and characteristics of mechanical equipment to improve operational efficiency and economic benefits, to ensure the smooth completion of the construction tasks; You can also reduce the consumption of various types of fuel and spare parts to reduce costs, extend the life of the machine, to create more economic and social benefits.
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  machinery and mechanical appliance
  Machinery for the machinery and institutions Pan said. The common features of all kinds of machinery: ① combination are human-made entities; ② between its constituent parts to determine the relative motion and power transmission; ③ the conversion of mechanical energy or mechanical energy utilization. There are some devices or equipment, its composition is no relative motion between parts, no mechanical energy conversion and utilization, such as steam generator, condenser, heat exchanger, reaction tower, distillation column, pressure vessel, but since they is made by mechanical processing and products, are also considered to be mechanical areas.
  Composed of only a few simple pieces of machinery (called components), such as pulleys, clamps, hand drilling. Complex mechanical parts and components by many as a machine, such as lathes, cranes, cars and so on. Complete _set_s of machinery components from many different machines to complete a production tasks, such as paper making machinery, rolling machinery.
  (Fengzi □)
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English Expression
  1. n.:  engine,  Machine,  Machinery,  mechanism,  mechanical; rigidly; inflexibly,  mechanical
  2. adj.:  mechanic
French Expression
  1. n.  machine
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