Servant of the line side, please rate, the hotel complex with strokes. Small city three together, the former village five miles away. Mao Cai invasion cooked drink, Health and cool burning pine needles. Even worse in the sun, Chant suddenly broken bridge.
For tourists or other temporary accommodation commercial guest house
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No. 3
Also as "hotel." Ancient refers to housing accommodation for travelers. Modern and contemporary refers specifically to sales of residential places for tourists. Southern Song Xie Lingyun, "Tour the South Pavilion" poem: "a long disease caused by anxiety faint mat hard, hotel Tiao rural differences." Tang Tang Yanqian "Red Leaf" Poem: "Evening students hostels, cold Anaphalis nearly Sengfang." Qing Sun Zhiwei, "New Year's Eve Su Han River off" poem: "closed gates beating in the darkness, light out hotel opened." Cao Yu "Sunrise" Scene: "Come in the hotel waiter - Wang Fu-Sheng." Ba Jin "Random Thoughts of a talk recorded <Hope Township>": "We, on the shore let hotel guests with the coach then took us to a hotel for four roads. "
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English Expression
: tavern
n.: pub, work done by domestic servants, hotel staff, etc, serving of customers in hotels, restaurants, etc, guest-house, the lobby of a hotel [theater], rug joint, a house of entertainment, roadhouse, auberge, lodge, inn, house, hotel, hostelry, fonda, commissionaire, bellboy