travel lie fallow : social life : Population > travel
Poet: Jia Dao

  The heart of non-matter, if the transfer of Letters. Old country for several days, the enemy was no teenager.
  Empty nest Leaves fall, sparse lattice window firefly through the water. Lin monks have places to stay, Zhongxiao sat silent.
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Poet: Lu You

  Snow wasted ambitions and his head, a long day will I pay Cangzhou.
  Nothing Lonely old dream, adjacent flute like to know Guke worry.
  For Portland to be near Villa chat, Pianfan that complex to Tsz House?
  Really worthy of a career hastily laugh, a break fur the past three decades.
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Poet: Lu You

  Since the fall of the city toward the mood, may wish to fishing Qiao sex everywhere.
  Lo points out the twilight mountains green, malachite green dye Pu Chao Chun.
  When the county under the Human Language Station downtown, Temple House, Forest Department guest Hunxiao.
  Jun fleeting is not aware of credit? Garden nursery can be swing factor fan.
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Travel Tour
  Travel tours. Southern Liang Shen, "sad indeed OK": "Travel Mei spring visitors to the spring-mei." Tang Wang Bo "Jiandihansong Fu": "Aug-year-old Prince tourism in Sichuan, look for Mao Jian River of China." Anonymous " The total recorded smell different, "Volume:" Linchuan painter Huang, travel, such as Guangchang, to the rank of Palestinian Village, Death of Rock Hall of Lang. "Ming Wu Cheng," Miscellaneous ":" East Parks first seven Zhi Jin, Yan Cayman age, the day of the high feast ... ... there will be travel Huaihai Jinghua Shi waves, smell the joy. "" People's Literature, "1981 No. 3:" The tourist industry after the processes, the Temple was set up in the semi-tea station. "
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That the long-term sojourn afar
  That the long-term sojourn afar. Tanggu Island "on the Valley Tour Night" poem: "the world is difficult nakan hate travel, Long Zhong is the poor fall. Hometown miles a few lines tears, o pestle soon as night in woe." Tang Shang Yan, "the river Meditation in Autumn" poem: "come on the river for a long time, who will study tourism center. motherland without Akinobu, a neighborhood with night anvil. "Ming Wen Zhengming" pillow smell the rain has Huai Hang Road, Yixing Emily "Poetry:" What should people Insomnia, Mo sad to small front. "clear Lu Tian, "Cold House Miscellanies Kong forgive letter to Sima": "Anecdotes from two decades Hanjiang Road, Chant fixed value of the autumn tourist complex ... ... what, wandering asked gull."
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Definition of tourism
  First, the meaning of words:
  Tourism (Tour) from the Latin "tornare" and Greek "tornos", which means "lathe or circle; around a central point or axis of movement." The meaning of evolution in modern English as "order." Suffix-ism is defined as "an action or process; and specific behaviors or characteristics", while the suffix-ist means "people who engage in certain activities." Root tour with the suffix-ism and-ist together, refers to the movement in accordance with the circular track, so tourism refers to a trip back and forth, referring to left and then back to the beginning of the activity; who will complete this journey is called for tourists (Tourist).
  "Travel" from the word meaning well understood. "Journey" travel, go out, that in order to achieve a certain purpose and in space from point A to point B in the process of moving; "tour" is for exploring, sightseeing, entertainment. Shall be made to travel to achieve these objectives. The two together is tourism. Therefore, emphasis on the line of travel, tourism is not only a "lines", and sightseeing, entertainment means.
  Therefore, the definition of tourism can be stated as follows: Tourism is happy that people seeking spiritual experience and the non-_set_tlement of travel and tour occurred in the course of the sum of all the relationships and phenomena.
  Second, existing research
  1, the definition of the concept:
  Intended to provide a theoretical framework to determine the basic characteristics and travel it with other similar, sometimes related, but not the same activities distinguished.
  Internationally accepted definitions of Esther, 1942, the Swiss scholar Hanwokeer and carat Puff
  Tourist travel and non-_set_tlers caused a temporary stay of a phenomenon and relationships. These people do not so permanent residence, and not primarily engaged in profitable activities.
  2, the technical definition:
  Use it to travel for statistical and legislative information. The technical definition of tourism or limit the meaning provided in the domestic and international areas have been widely used. Defined by the use of technology help to achieve comparability of data collection of international tourism standards.
  World Tourism Organization and the United Nations Statistical Commission recommended the statistical definition of the technical
  Tourism refers to leisure, business or other purposes, they leave his usual environment, to certain places and stay there, but for less than a year of activity. Tourism purposes, including six categories: leisure, entertainment, vacation, visiting friends and relatives, business, professional visits, health care, religion / worship, the other.
  3, other definitions
  Communication Definition: In 1927, the German Mongan Rod definition of tourism, tourism from a narrow understanding of those who temporarily leave their residence, in order to meet the needs of life and culture, or a variety of wishes, but as an economic consumers of cultural goods and stay in different places of human interaction. Note: This definition emphasizes that: tourism is a kind of social contacts.
  The purpose of definition: the 1950s, Austria Vienna University of Economics, Institute for Tourism Tourism definition, tourism can be understood as a temporary off-site people in free time activities, mainly for cultivation; followed for education, expand knowledge and communication of the reasons for travel; longer participate in this or that organizational activities, and changes in the relationship and role.
  Time Definition: In 1979, the U.S. General Atlantic Ltd., Dr. Preston Martin lectures in China when tourism is defined as travel for pleasure and to travel, stay in a country at least more than 24 hours. Note: This definition emphasizes that each country when making international tourist statistics statistical criteria: duration of stay.
  The relationship between the definition: In 1980, the University of Michigan's Burt McIntosh and 夏西肯特格 Porter definition of tourism, tourism can be defined as in the tourism and visitor attraction and reception process, As tourists, tourism enterprises, the host government and the host local residents arising from the interaction of all the phenomena and relationships. Note: This definition emphasizes that: travel caused by a variety of phenomena and relationships, that is, a comprehensive tourism.
  Lifestyle defined: China economist Yu Guangyuan in 1985, tourism is defined as tourism is a modern society in a short-term residents of the special way of life, the lifestyle is characterized by: off-site, amateur and enjoy sex.
  Third, the "Open Network China" definition
  1, meaning:
  "Open China Network" that: tourism is a non-_set_tlement of people in cities, villages, resorts and vacation areas around the ecological, cultural, sports, recreation and other functions of recreational activities.
  2, extension:
  "Open China Network" that the extension of tourism should include: destination, the tourism industry, tourism projects, tourism products such as descending a series of areas.
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Tour origin
  Tourism is a pioneer businessman, who is the first marine national tourism Phoenicians.
  Travel as a social act, namely the existence of ancient China is the world's ancient civilizations, the rise of travel activities also highest in the world, in China as early as 22 century BC there. Was probably the most typical traveler to the number of Dayu, he Jiujiang eighteen to dredge the river, tour the beautiful mountains and rivers. After the Spring and Autumn is the time of Lao Tzu, Confucius, two of the. I preach, riding a blue ox to the West. Confucius travel around the world to give lectures. Han Zhang Qian the Han Dynasty, as far as Persia, now Iran and Syria. Tang Shixuan stout learn to India, Ming Zheng He's seven voyages, as far as the East African coast, and Xu made a big traveler travels.
  First, the definition of modern tourism
  (1) defines the three elements of tourism
  Despite the above mentioned technical definition should apply to international and domestic tourism in these two areas, but in relation to domestic tourism, these definitions are not for all countries. However, most countries have adopted the internationally accepted definition of three elements:
  - The purpose of travel
  - Travel distance
  - The time of stay
  (2) the definition of the purpose of travel
  To the scale-based definition is intended to cover the main elements of modern tourism.
  - General recreational tourism, non-mandatory or discretionary tours. Only the leisure travelers as they tourists, business travelers and intends to separate out.
  - Business and conference tourism is often a certain amount of entertainment and travel together. Tourism also attended the meeting as a tourism official.
  - Religious tourism, religious activities for the purpose of travel activities.
  - Sports tourism, and major sporting events linked to tourism.
  - Solidarity tourism, a new way to travel through mutual help, mutual exchange of one party to another provision of accommodation, mutual tourism not only saves travel expenses, but also because the locals get involved, more in-depth experience of local culture, and natural landscape.
  (3) the definition of the travel distance
  Off-site travel (Non-10calTravel): Many countries, regions and institutions use to live and travel distances between destinations as an important statistical measure.
  Distance: determine the criteria vary widely, from 0 to 160 km) range. Less than the minimum required by the official tourism tourist travel are not included in the estimates, standard with the artificial and arbitrary.
  (4) the definition of length of stay
  Overnight visitors: In order to meet the limit, "tourists," the text standard, the majority of the tourists and visitors in the definition are included with overnight stay at the destination must be at least the requirements.
  "Overnight" requirement put many entertainment-based "tour" excluded, in fact, "day trip" is often tourist attractions, restaurants and other tourist facilities important source of income.
  (5) other
  Tourists live: Before the development of the relevant market and market positioning strategies, to understand tourist's place of residence other than to determine demographic factors, such as ethnic and nationality is more important.
  Transport: mainly to better planning, some of the tourist destinations through the collection of modes of transportation (air, train, ship, bus, car or other tools) to get information about tourist travel patterns.
  Second, the definition of international organizations on tourism
  (1) In 1937, the first definition of international tourists
  Intermittent during the two world wars, the world's international tourism revenues increased rapidly, so the statistics on the urgent need for a more precise definition. 1936 at an international forum, the State Statistics Committee of Experts League the first time, "refers to foreign tourists to leave their habitual residence to travel to other countries at least 24 hours or more." In 1945, the United Nations (instead of the original National Union) accepted this definition, but added, "the longest stay of not more than six months," the limit.
  (2) World Tourism Organization's definition
  In 1963, the United Nations International Tourism Conference held in Rome. The conference was the official international tourism organizations Alliance (English name of the abbreviation for the IUOTO, now the World Tourism Organization, the English acronym for the WTO initiated.
  The General Assembly should adopt the "tourists" (Visitor) this new vocabulary. Visitors is to leave their habitual residence to another country to country, and the main purpose is not within the visited country for income travelers. Tourists, including two different types of travelers:
  - Tourists (Tourist): stay in the countries visited more than 24 hours and to leisure, business, family, mission or meeting for the purpose of temporary visitors;
  - Short-term travelers (Excursionists): visited destination in the residence time within 24 hours, and not overnight temporary visitors (tourists, including cruise ships).
  From 1963, most countries have accepted the United Nations General Assembly's visitors, tourists and short-term tourists as well as later defined by the number of changes.
  The Geneva Conference in 1967, the United Nations Statistical Commission proposal, should establish a separate category of tourists. Tourists stay at least 24 hours, however, some tourists returned on the same day exploring the place of residence, these people are called "short-term travelers (Excursionists)", these travelers do not include employment for the purpose of the tour person, cruise passengers and transit tourists. Short-term travelers and other visitors to easily distinguish, because they are not destinations overnight.
  Third, the definition of domestic tourists
  1963's visitors (Visitor) definition of the term is only for international travel, it also applies to the national (domestic) tourism.
  In 1980, the World Tourism Organization (WTO) "Manila Declaration": the definition extended to all the travel. BarOn (BarOn, 1989) pointed out that the World Tourism Organization (WTO) Working Group of the European Commission agreed to tourism statistics, although domestic tourism than the narrower scope of international tourism, but the use of terms, or compatible.
  Fourth, the German writer Hermann Hesse The definition of tourism
  German writer Hermann Hesse, "said tourism is the Aventure." Since it is a "case" is naturally scarce. Travel Aventure, strange place, strange people, _set_ off the beauty of the show under the more romantic. Yan, fantasy blurred, people get enough; case, a romantic encounter, a most exciting moment.
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Tourism is a way of life
  This need to understand the viewpoint of development of the concept of tourism. Because modern society is different from the ancient tourist sightseeing tour or the author's style of travel and Xu scientific investigation. It is an evolving human society way of life. In this regard, some foreign scholars have the same sort of narrative. Such as the UK Ish Ituri gold (Estoril) had pointed out the nature of tourism is gradually changing, mainly in: ① travel entertainment concept has changed. Before World War II, only the affluent society, there are leisure and well-educated people to travel abroad, meet at the appreciation of foreign landscapes, works of art. Now this concept has changed completely. Because many overseas tourists from all different backgrounds, very different idea of ​​travel, likes and desires more varied, as far as a limited holiday taking it all. ② modern tourism is leisure to enjoy chasing the "democratization." Such as winter tourism, in the past few rich occupy the movement; riding, rowing, shooting, non-popular sports. But the hobby and leisure "commercialization" has made such activities can be enjoyed by ordinary people. Large numbers of people to go abroad to participate in more exciting and more full of foreign flavor of the activities such as hiking, skating, swimming and underwater carriage travel. ③ tourism development as a modern "social tourism." Such as the British holiday camps, providing both a traditional tourist destination with all the facilities, and constantly open up and develop new landscape region, visitors to visit other large organizations, the construction of specially designed low-consumption and reception facilities, and often provide entertainment and other local services . Social tourism can introduce a large number of tourists is relatively remote and underdeveloped areas. Ish figure in gold about the nature of these changes, that is changing the concept of tourism, development, tourism development in this particular way of life is the way of life, regardless of size, scope, content and nature has changed.
  Travel features off-site: that tourism is a temporary way of life in different places, can not leave their homes to the destination for permanent residency. But you can live long, he did not say, nor propose specific criteria for the classification. However, the definition has been included in that sense, so you can put in their usual place of residence of a distinguished life. Amateur sex: amateur sex tourism made this feature. Amateur sex is talked about many scholars of leisure. Such a reference, from the subjective purpose is trying to travel for business purposes, inspection activities excluded from the tour outside, but for scientific purposes of the study, both in ancient and modern is a kind of tourism projects. Because the purpose of tourism is one of "knowledge", both amateur nature of knowledge, but also within the scope of the business activities of tourism knowledge. Therefore, the travel provisions of the amateur is generally correct, but in practice difficult to distinguish. Especially in China, the use of the meeting, many people travel on business. According to statistics, people travel to Beijing, 41% of conference tourists. Use of the international conference of foreign people travel a lot, such as 1985, an international conference in Paris, France has 274, London, England 238, 219 Brussels, Belgium, Geneva, Switzerland, 212. These people who participate in international meetings, both for the purpose of a professional conduct of business away, and also use the meeting to participate in a tour by tourism activities. Britain, France, compared with other countries is the use of this approach, gained a substantial amount of tourism revenue. Such as the International Conference held in Paris in 1985, revenue 7 billion francs, of which three billion francs for the special meeting income. Enjoy sex: Tourism is an advanced spiritual enjoyment, is access to basic living conditions in the material after a chase to meet the desire to enjoy. A sociologist, said tourists have the psychological "novelty, knowledge, find music," so three. This is a common psychological tourists. Tourists come great distances hoping to enjoy the off-site of the new scenery, new life, usually in places difficult to get access to the knowledge and usually difficult to get happy. Knowledge: Tourism to give us a lot of insight, enhance understanding of local, enrich human knowledge. This is the essence of tourism! Will of: Travel to bring the will of the soul, make their own way of thinking, feeling developed into excitement, happy in the extreme. Leisure: the life and work has high-speed operation frequency, people increasingly feel the pressure of life too, so you need some holiday to relax, to enjoy the seaside city of sun, sand, sea, blue sky, white clouds. China's recent rise to Motel (motel) hotel chains, represented by the general traveler to meet Chinese cities and attractions throughout the high cost of new hotels in the system
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旅游 分类
  Travel tour tourism activities in accordance with different motivations can be divided into:
  Vacation travel
  Red Tourism
  Graduation Tour
  Health tourism
  Conference Tourism
  Business Travel
  Religious tourism
  Travel adventures
  Entertainment Travel
  Student travel
  Shopping Travel
  Scientific study tours
  Mutual tourism (exchange Tourism)
  According to travel time as follows:
  Short-term tourism
  For leisure or business, to work outside their place of residence and a place for excursions. (Stay at least 24 hours) (but not including transit passengers)
  Cross-border tourism
  Country A to country B who excursions.
  Outbound tourism
  Of a country, its citizens travel to other countries, known as outbound tourism
  Inbound tourism
  Of a country, the nationals of other countries to their national tour, as inbound tourism
  Local / local tourism
  Leave their homes to other parts of travel (example: Hong Kong shopping north)
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24 anti-fraud move Offered Travel
  First, _select_ a travel agent
  No. 1 recruit qualified travel agent to see. Travel is divided into different types. The international community or national society, an indication of the scope of business. If outbound tourism, travel agencies must pay attention to whether the right to operate outbound travel. Currently, the state-approved destination for outbound Chinese tourists are: Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand. Approved by the state with exit qualifications of the main tour operators travel agencies are: China International Travel Service, China Travel Service Head Office, CYTS Holding Co., Ltd., China Comfort International Travel Service and their in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shaanxi, Hubei , Yunnan, Fujian, Zhejiang and other places of the branches.
  2 strokes look at travel industry background, which is owned travel management company is based tourism, or the main other projects, tourism is a new expansion areas. In comparison, the latter junior, put little effort, apparently on the strength of the rival.
  3 strokes look at travel agencies. The easiest and most effective trick. Travel ads constitute an important part of credibility, can say with certainty, a non-travel advertising is not very good strength. To carefully observe what level of advertising in the media and the frequency, length, location, or time. These are a reflection of the travel agency's credibility and strength.
  4 strokes looking to sell a person's temperament. Observation tour to promote their products are well-trained staff, competent, you can infer the situation of the travel or two.
  5 strokes to see people's commitment to sell. All marketing people would say how good their travel products. Once can say, from the irregular travel marketing people always say, "We are friends, I can lie to you do" or "I promise not wrong," and the like, it sounds warm to what use are not real individual guarantees. The formal marketing company who will travel with their own past performance to prove, for example, said, "We in × × × class on the organization received a large group" and so on. Let the facts speak, listen reassuring.
  6 strokes to see travel promotional materials. Glossy, informative brochures and product descriptions are an important travel product quality performance, and a few simple print file hard to miss the realization of travel products have good quality assurance.
  7 strokes around the Tourism Bureau to remember phone numbers, qualifications and other issues of travel unclear, you can call the advice.
  8 strokes to go to their website to view information, if a site does not update the long-term, then mostly false
  Second, the _select_ion of travel products
  8 strokes to provide the travel agents to see _select_ion table, whether the contents of a detailed itinerary. Travel schedule is the schedule should include accommodation, meals and attractions aspects, the more detailed the better. A good schedule and even visitors to the hotel and dining restaurant phone, in case guests get separated, you can get in touch with the team by virtue of time. In addition, to provide more detailed schedule, arrange travel half-way less the possibility of random changes.
  9 strokes to see whether a reasonable itinerary. Some travel itinerary looks attractive: many countries, cities and more compact arrangement. In fact on the way to waste a lot of time, or even turn back. For example, a Beijing travel agency organization and then to South Africa to Israel, then returned to Israel to return to Beijing, 14-day trip travel, flight and only time in the airport terminal security nearest 60 hours, so that travel down, not just superficial, but became exhausted, not to mention the fun of travel tourism.
  10 strokes of the details of attractions. Schedule to see when the shows and attractions not only to pay attention to, whether their own interests, but also depends on whether the more marked. If you travel on to write "The Alps ski day" or "Gold Coast half-day tour" kind of thing, be sure to be careful. Because "Al plug Alps" and "Gold Coast" a large range, the local ski resort or beach a number of their facilities, management, and natural conditions vary a lot, enjoy the great service discrimination. In such cases, it has to ski or beach travel agency asked the specific names and circumstances. Although even that the traveler may not know, can not say if the travel agency, there is certainly a problem. If you name it, be sure to write down, in the future to see if it matches. In addition, the travel agent to another home, you can ask the way to the place, competitors will often tell the truth.
  11 strokes clear which rides in the tour have been within the restaurants, which need to take care of themselves. Clear door marked only contain every ticket, or all. For example, travel to a beach, swimming is no charge, while diving, water skiing, yachting and other sea are required to take care of themselves. Can be written only on the travel itinerary, "1 pm to 4 pm, in the X-beach swimming, water skiing, yachting." This is very misleading. Therefore, the line of the former must ask, in order to avoid future disputes.
  12 strokes ask dining standards. Food is, go out, eat good or bad, is at stake. Standard meal in advance ask, first, what to eat reckon good or bad, and second, if for any reason unable to arrange meals en route travel, money back, there is also standard. Also, ask a few dishes a few soups, a few dirty several factors. If traveling abroad, ask the Chinese or the best local food. In other countries, Chinese food is usually more expensive.
  13 strokes clear the name of the hotel location and star. Generally speaking, like "Check Beijing Palace Hotel (five star) or similar hotel, travel abroad also can be written, the hotel is not linked to foreign stars, but will reach the star." Fairly standard way of writing. If write-only location, or star may have problems. Youde travel itinerary to write to live "three pass" to the local found, here is the mountains, and even others are not. Obviously this is a travel agents do not step on the line in advance, but by conjecture out of a hotel map.
  14 strokes clear of transport. Not only to clear the car, the train also aircraft, but also to understand the car is imported cars or domestic cars, what car, because it is directly related to the journey level of comfort. If you are traveling by car, even to the car's own power as well as the obligation to understand clearly.
  15 strokes if you travel abroad, according to the provisions of the visa can be a passport to do with the local Chinese bank to cash $ 2000 (only year for the first time to travel abroad.) If the travel agency did not mention the U.S., neither the passport before leaving the country to travelers, not to mention for dollars on behalf of travelers, it must take care, be sure to clarify the matter before the line. If the travel agency that required only for $ 1,000, it is certainly one of fraud.
  16 trick to see if there Quanpei. Usually more than 15 tours, group travel agents should be send accompanied. To ensure that the ground from one place to another tourist can be a smooth road problems can be solved in time.
  Third, to respond flexibly to travel
  17 strokes in a travel guide travel outside of the original provisions of the temporary increase in program, travelers must first determine whether they are interested, then ask that this arrangement is to pay extra costs and, finally, to understand clearly the new arrangements will not affect the next attractions to visit. As long as any of the above, travelers feel wrong, you can bravely say "no", reject the new arrangement.
  18th move to reduce the attraction of experienced tour guides. Every traveler to remember you are paid for sites, even without tickets, you pay the travel expenses, paid for and did not receive the necessary services should be requested refund, compensation or complaints. Of course, because of their resistance to external factors do not and can not be canceled attractions not among them.
  19 strokes of the shopping is not interested in, tour guides have continued to tour into the store, the line of those effective response is determined not to buy. If all members are not interested, you can make to Quanpei and guides.
  If you sure you want to recruit the first 20 shopping, but tour guides lead the store price of your odd, then, might not buy for a store here to buy. In Hong Kong and Singapore Tourism Board have chosen some of the genuine. Fair price shops presented signs, in two places, sailing and Merlion identified two red flags correct.
  21 move to buy more expensive items should be returned in advance to ask that whether to prepare to shop around and found large differences in price when the price return.
  22 move on to explain the introduction of local tourist attractions tourism tour operator is usually the tour guide (also known to accompany) as if the guide does not explain, can be directly told him that he would be complaints. Because the tour guide fees were included.
  Third, the return of complaints after
  23 strokes to retain good agreement signed prior to departure, the travel itinerary and travel guides irresponsible breach of contract or evidence of the quality management department to travel complaints.
  24 strokes if the travel agency's quality control department can not solve the problem, to the provinces, the quality of management at the City Tourism Bureau complaints.
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Travel bogey eight to seven
  1. Avoid cursory, purpose of travel is out of physical and mental pleasure, increase their knowledge, if not every one to carefully observe the appreciation of local customs, and have lost the meaning of travel. (2) avoid too much luggage, traveling with too many items is not significant, it is a drag on our trip. Close at hand, action and inconvenient; on the hotel, not safety. So I advocate a packet of policies: all luggage only a large backpack.
  3. Avoid troublemaker, not always their own travel sites, "court", very strong, domineering, or a good convergence point.
  4 avoid scattered activities, if it is a group of people to travel, it is best not each have their own programs, at least two or three before the number of dispersed activities. Avoid going out alone!
  5. Avoid separation of the money people, a number of eye-care as the good.
  6. Bogey with children, adults and children always need the care, so that adults can not wholeheartedly enjoy the fun brought by travel.
  7. Avoid unknown geography, every one to please buy copies of local maps, one can be used for emergency purposes when lost; two can be as a souvenir.
  Eight to
  1. To bring a small medical kits, travel to bring some common drugs, as travel will inevitably run into some unexpected circumstances, if to carry a small charge, so be prepared. (2) to pay attention to road safety, travel times will go through some dangerous area attractions, such as dense forest on steep slopes, cliff paths, rapids and other deep holes in these dangerous areas, to try to go hand in hand, do not go alone adventure.
  3. Civilized manners, any time, any occasion, be polite to the people, everything humble patient, consciously abide by the order.
  4. Love heritage, tourists every one should be conscious cultural relics and scenic spots of love flowers and trees, not arbitrary in the area, monuments carved graffiti on the chaos.
  5. To respect local customs, China is a multi-ethnic country, many ethnic minorities have different religious beliefs and customs of taboo. As the saying goes: "do as the Romans." Travel into the minority areas, to respect their traditional customs and taboos of life, must not ignore the actions of customs or because of careless and hurt their national pride.
  6. Pay attention to hygiene and health, travel abroad, enjoy the local specialty, name point is undoubtedly a "food culture" to enjoy, but be sure to pay attention to hygiene of drinking water, avoid overeating.
  7 guard taken in today's society do not exist in a small part of the theft, fraud, grab the bad guys, so the "meet by chance," do not easily close friends, do not vent the "secrets" to avoid being taken resulting in their economic and property on losses.
  8. Careful travel plans, ie, prior to development time, route, accommodation of the specific plans and take a good tour map (book), the maps and vehicles, ships schedules and necessary belongings (clothes, hygiene supplies, etc.). A standard travel insurance is a necessary factor in travel, just try not to buy insurance with the tour, Tours available for purchase short-term travel accident insurance, find insurance companies or to buy online.
  Travel with drugs?
  Anti-cold drugs
  Such as phenol caplets tablets, compound pseudoephedrine hydrochloride capsules, Vc silver fins, heat particle Yan Ning, Ling Jiedu pills, Yinqiaojiedu particles, cold soft capsules, granules and other heat and cold. Such as travel to the south, you can prepare Huoxiangzhengqi drugs.
  Whether it is to travel south, or travel to the north, antidiarrheal drugs are essential. Are: berberine, furazolidone tablets, capsules of norfloxacin. It will also prepare some efficiency sulfamethoxazole tablets, used for respiratory, urinary, intestinal infection. Such as malaria-endemic areas to tropical and travel along some quinine tablets, artemisinin tablets and other possible solutions to contingencies.
  Sustained-release tablets of acetaminophen, ibuprofen sustained-release capsules for the clear cause temporary pain.
  People with allergies to the new environment may be exposed to new allergens, can lead to skin rashes, asthma, allergic rhinitis and other diseases. Carry some of the allergy, to help weather the storm. Such as chlorpheniramine maleate tablets: sedative, antiemetic, can eliminate all kinds of allergy symptoms such as urticaria, allergic rhinitis, dermatitis and other insect bites. Loratadine tablets: for the relief of the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, such as sneezing, runny nose, nasal itching, nasal congestion and so on.
  Eye drops
  Trachoma patients, contact lens wearer and other people prone to eye disease, with a small bottle of eye wash solution can be on the road to reduce unnecessary trouble. Flutter-dimensional eye drops such as naphthalene, etc.
  For external use
  Outside the inevitable bumps, sprains, legs and feet are also common, bring Band-Aid, diclofenac acid diethylamide emulsion, Yunnanbaiyao and the like, can scratch, sprains, joint pain, swelling and other small minor injuries and so play an active prevention of infection, pain relief effect.
  Drugs to ease stomach discomfort
  On the road, there is a very common gastrointestinal discomfort. Especially for those who usually have gastrointestinal diseases, with certain stomach wise.
  Belladonna tablets can relieve pain, gastrointestinal spasm; lactobacillus tablets can be used for indigestion, intestinal abnormal fermentation, enteritis, diarrhea, etc.; famotidine tablets inhibit gastric acid, used for ulcers, stomach pain.
  Anti-motion sickness drugs
  Motion sickness, seasickness, motion sickness history, visitors must dimenhydrinate tablets can be left for half an hour before first taking 50 mg of the way, if necessary, add 1 tablet, but hypertension, hyperthyroidism, palpitations, glaucoma patients and newborns, premature children, lactating women, hanged. It also can bring back some of the wind spirits.
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The development of tourism in recent years
  With the development of the Internet, computer technology continues to mature, and travel sites have _set_tled. Tourism industry to develop the network in recent years, travel through these years of development has been overwhelming, tourism site development matures.
  Such sites provide timely tours offer, discount ticket information, practical travel advice, and detailed travel information. Integration of the tourism industry, information classification, human pre-opening tours, discount tickets, visa services, hotel booking air tickets, travel insurance, travel bookstores, charter services, travel travel, travel blog, and many other services!
  From January to November 2007, China's major cities for the number of tourists received 39,970,340 passengers, compared with the previous year increased by 13.37%. 23,330,404 people including foreign tourists, received the Hong Kong compatriots 11,176,899 passengers, 722,831 people received Macao, Taiwan compatriots received 4,740,206 visitors.
  In October 2008, the total number of Chinese inbound tourism has dropped consecutive month, suggesting that the financial crisis on the impact of China's tourism industry has begun to appear.
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Seven money-saving travel tips
  [1] tourist attractions to avoid the "hot" on the "cold"
  Tourist season, people travel more, and people like to go to the hot spot area, thus making them tourist attractions and tourism resources for various services in short supply and prices, especially during the holiday season, the situation is even worse. If the time to travel to these places, no doubt a lot of costs to increase. And consciously avoid the tourist hot spots of tourist peak, to the relatively cold, especially those new to the tourism development of the area, you can save a lot of money.
  [2] transport to avoid the "days" on "to"
  Extended holidays in the country, many people travel time is quite adequate, if not to travel to distant places, have to take expensive aircraft can not rush time, you can take the train, by car. Thus, not only can enjoy the scenery outside the window along the way, but also cost much less.
  [3] Check Hotel to avoid "foreign" on the "soil"
  Travel is more tired, so there is a quiet, comfortable accommodation rest of the environment is very important. This does not mean we should live-star hotel. Therefore, the choice to stay hostels do not have to corrupt "foreign" chasing "Star", but from practical, affordable starting price, although cheaper options but those conditions can also be a good guest house and service is good.
  [4] three meals a day to avoid the "big" on the "small"
  Tourist attractions are generally more expensive diet, especially a la carte dinner in the hotel, the price is cheap, and the various tourist points of the local delicacies, hand cheap. This not only can save a lot of money, but also through enjoy snacks and enjoy different styles of food culture around.
  [5] attraction tickets to avoid the "pass" on the "points"
  In recent years, many tourist areas are selling "Pass", pass a vote this ticket, although time saving benefits of travel tickets, and tourist attractions than were to buy a single ticket, the money spent together but also cheaper, However, most tourists tend to not be a tourist area attractions are all playing over and over. In view of this, visitors can not buy votes, and to play a spot to buy a single ticket. In this way, then this could save some money.
  [6] a sightseeing tour to avoid the "lazy" to "ground"
  Some tourists visiting the tourist attractions, often afraid to run, often take tour buses into the park, ride the cable car up the mountain, the mountain sedan chair ... This lazy style of tour, although some less tired, but spend a lot of money, and not conducive to travel fitness.
  [7] tourism shopping to avoid the "King" on the "City"
  Tourist attractions, prices are generally higher, so, whether it is purchased, or purchase souvenirs in the tourist food, drink, or buy local products and local brand, do not have to buy in the tourist area, take a little while to special Running time the market, even the night market to buy. So, can buy cheap goods, but also to see different parts of the "city view."
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China's top ten tourist destinations
  A Great Wall
  Great Wall was built in the fifth century BC, Spring and Autumn Period, the third century BC, Qin Shi Huang unified China, led by three hundred thousand troops sent Penpower North by the Huns, after the original section of the Great Wall built to link up and continue to build. Subsequent expansion of continuous maintenance history, to the mid-17th century Ming Dynasty not years, before and after the construction of two thousand years.
  Two Beijing Forbidden City
  Beijing Forbidden City Palace Museum, also known as the Forbidden City, located in the center of Beijing, Forbidden City today, people called her, meaning past the Royal Palace.
  Three Chengde Mountain Resort
  Chengde Mountain Resort Mountain Resort, was built forty-two years since the reign of Emperor Kangxi, Qianlong fifty-five years to final completion, which lasted 87 years, construction of buildings, units,
  Hall, House, Villa, fasting, pavilion, pavilion, temple, towers, galleries, more than 120 at the bridge, especially in health, dry King Royal title seventy-two impeccable
  Relative to shine with the natural landscape, the garden has garden, King of the King, constitutes a mix of three-dimensional picture.
  Four Huangshan
  Huangshan in Anhui Province, Anhui Huangshan Huangshan City of Anhui scenic northwest mountains to the "three strange", "four" were the highest in the world, its
  Ferris split in the peaks, exquisitely carved rock formations, the vagaries of the sea of ​​clouds, pine trees strange form the endless
  Amazing views. Huangshan in 1990 under the "World Heritage (cultural and natural)" list.
  Five West Lake in Hangzhou
  Hangzhou West Lake is a famous tourist destination, known as "paradise on earth."
  Six Guilin
  Scenic Lijiang River in Guilin Guilin is the world's largest and most scenic tourist area of ​​karst landscape, thousands of years, I do not know a number of intoxicated
  Few men of letters. Guilin Lijiang River Scenic Area as the center of Guilin, Larix Lingqu north, south to Yangshuo, Li River of water connected by the
  . Guilin to the "green mountains, hills, odd holes," Ruin famous. One River (Lijiang), two holes (Reed Flute Cave, Seven Star Crags), Three Mountains (Solitary Beauty Peak, Fubo Hill, Folded Brocade Hill) the most representative, which is basically the essence of Guilin.
  Seven Xi'an Terracotta Warriors
  Terracotta Warriors in Xi'an Lishan Mountain, shaded by dense forest a group of large-scale, appearance and unique building, which is famous Qin Shi
  Huang Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum.
  Eight gardens in Suzhou
  Suzhou Garden Suzhou renowned reputation for beautiful gardens, has been said that "under heaven Southern Gardens, a garden in Suzhou Jiangnan," said.
  Nine of the Three Gorges
  Yangtze River Three Gorges Yangtze River Three Gorges is the Qutang, Wu Gorge, Xiling Gorge in general.
  Ten Taiwan Sun Moon Lake
  Taiwan Sun Moon Lake Sun Moon Lake, one of China's top ten spots, is located in central Taiwan's Nantou County township water community village.
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  Tourism generated in certain economic conditions, in order to satisfy people's material and fine
  God on a need to visit, the primary purpose of entertainment, to leave their _set_tlement
  Foreign country, stay at least 24 hours of travel activities.
  Tourists are the main tourism activities. It is divided into international tourists and domestic tourists.
  1937 League of Statistics Committee of Experts on international tourists is defined: left
  Country of residence to another country to access more than 24 hours and above. The purpose of their visit
  Are: ① for entertainment or for family, health reasons. ② meeting. ③ contact
  Business operations. ④ Cruise (even if less than 24 hours). United Nations Statistical Commission in 1976
  Committee meetings will remain above definition, but to stay in his country less than 24 hours a classified
  Day tour by category, from a statistical point for travelers, visitors, tourists, travel by day
  Make a distinction. Their relationship is:
  (Including statistics)
  (Not included in the statistics)
  Permanent immigration
  Temporary migration
  Diplomatic personnel
  Consular staff
  Border workers
  Day Tour by
  Refers to domestic tourists to leave their residence to another place to visit (and not to seek compensation) over
  Than 24 hours of domestic residents. Conditions for the formation of tourists are: ① discretionary income.
  ② leisure time. ③ tourism motivation. Free to decide how much disposable income people live tour
  Moving the ability to pay; leisure time people decide to travel the length of the distance and duration; tourism
  Motivation to determine the wishes and needs of people traveling between the three closely related, are tourists
  Tourists respectively, from age, gender, nationality, education, tourism destination, the
  Use of transport and other aspects of classification. Classification of tourists from different periods of relatively
  Tourists can understand changes in the structure, so as to develop marketing strategies and tourism market
  Strategy to carry out targeted marketing and sales provide the basis.
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English Expression
  1. :  Traveling,  Sightseeing
  2. n.:  travel,  tour,  tourism,  trip,  journey
  3. v.:  travels[pl] journeys, esp abroad
French Expression
  1. v.  faire du tourisme
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Tianjinsight spotabbey
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